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Type 2 diabetes
Sudesna Chatterjee, Kamlesh Khunti, Melanie J Davies

415 million people live with diabetes worldwide, and an estimated 193 million people have undiagnosed diabetes. Published Online
Type 2 diabetes accounts for more than 90% of patients with diabetes and leads to microvascular and macrovascular February 9, 2017
complications that cause profound psychological and physical distress to both patients and carers and put a huge
burden on health-care systems. Despite increasing knowledge regarding risk factors for type 2 diabetes and evidence
Leicester Diabetes Centre,
for successful prevention programmes, the incidence and prevalence of the disease continues to rise globally. Early Leicester General Hospital
detection through screening programmes and the availability of safe and eective therapies reduces morbidity and (S Chatterjee MD,
mortality by preventing or delaying complications. Increased understanding of specic diabetes phenotypes and Prof K Khunti PhD;
Prof M J Davies MD); and
genotypes might result in more specic and tailored management of patients with type 2 diabetes, as has been shown
Diabetes Research Centre,
in patients with maturity onset diabetes of the young. In this Seminar, we describe recent developments in the College of Medicine, Biological
diagnosis and management of type 2 diabetes, existing controversies, and future directions of care. Sciences and Psychology
(S Chatterjee, Prof K Khunti,
Prof M J Davies), University of
Introduction Type 2 diabetes is especially challenging in patients
Leicester, Leicester, UK
Type 2 diabetes is characterised by relative insulin younger than 25 years for whom complex phenotypes
Correspondence to:
deciency caused by pancreatic -cell dysfunction and might necessitate many decades of intensive manage- Prof Melanie J Davies, Leicester
insulin resistance in target organs. Between 1980 and ment to minimise development and progression Diabetes Centre, Leicester
2004, the global rise in obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and of microvascular and macrovascular complications. General Hospital, University of
Leicester, Leicester LE5 4PW, UK
an ageing population have quadrupled the incidence and Intensive management of type 2 diabetes in elderly
prevalence of type 2 diabetes.1 As the sixth leading cause patients (65 years of age or older) must be balanced
of disability in 2015,2 diabetes places considerable against management of other comorbidities, cognitive
socioeconomic pressures on the individual and impairment, and hypoglycaemia risk. In this Seminar, we
overwhelming costs to global health economies, review the existing management strategies, discuss new
estimated at US$825 billion.3 Cardiovascular disease is developments in diagnosis, treatment, and cardiovascular
the greatest cause of morbidity and mortality associated benets, highlight controversies and uncertainties, and
with type 2 diabetes4 and needs intensive management of address outstanding research questions.
glucose and lipid concentrations as well as blood pressure
to minimise risk of complications and disease Epidemiology and pathophysiology
progression.5 The benets of intensive glucose The global rising tide of obesity, physical inactivity, and
management on microvascular complications, such as energy-dense diets has resulted in an unprecedented
retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy, have been increase in the number of patients with type 2 diabetes.
shown in several large randomised controlled trials, In 2015, 415 million people were estimated to have
including the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes diabetes, more than 90% of whom had type 2 diabetes,
Study (UKPDS),6 Action in Diabetes and Vascular with a projected increase to 642 million by 2040.15
Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modied Release Incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes vary
Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE),7 and Veterans according to geographical region, with more than 80% of
Association Diabetes Trial (VADT).8 Evidence that patients living in low-to-middle-income countries, but
intensive glucose reduction reduces macrovascular the overall trend is an increase in diabetes prevalence in
outcomes such as cardiovascular disease and stroke is every country since 1980.1 An additional 318 million
less well established.912 Hypoglycaemia is a major barrier people have a preclinical state of impaired glucose
to optimising glucose-lowering therapy, and results of an regulation,15 but intensive lifestyle modication,
observational study13 showed that severe hypoglycaemia
was associated with increased mortality at 12 months
even in people not receiving insulin. Search strategy and selection criteria
Quality outcomes for patients are optimised by early We searched Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, and Embase for
detection of type 2 diabetes through screening manuscripts published between Jan 1, 2000, and Dec 31,
and intensive patient-centred management. Disease 2016, using the terms type 2 diabetes and type 2 diabetes
management should be combined with structured mellitus. We largely selected articles published in the past
education and self-management programmes and 5 years but did not exclude commonly referenced and highly
psychological support based on the most recent guidelines regarded, older articles. We also searched the reference lists
and supported by a multidisciplinary team (gure 1).14 As of articles identied by this search strategy and selected
the pathophysiology and underlying mechanisms of those we judged relevant. Reviews are cited to provide
diabetes become increasingly understood, treatment can readers with more details and more references than this
be individualised and targeted appropriately (precision Seminar could accommodate.
medicine). Published online February 9, 2017 1


as diagnosis can be challenging when based solely on

Disease-modifying treatments that clinical features and autoantibody markers.23
Personalised medicine
improve disease progression
An aggressive phenotype has been identied in people
(1530 years of age) diagnosed with young-onset type 2
Individualised care Targeted drugs New targets Improved combination
diabetes, which appears to increase risk of cardiovascular
death, macrovascular complications, and neuropathy
Convenience in the
Optimal resource use
scores compared with young people with type 1 diabetes
delivery of insulin
diagnosed at a similar age and with equivalent diabetes
duration.24 People of dierent ethnic origin may have
Early diagnosis dierent specic phenotypes that increase predisposition
Simplified treatment regimens
and treatment to clusters of cardiovascular disease risk factors, including
hypertension, insulin resistance, and dyslipidaemia. In a
Ongoing trials
pooled analysis25 of three multiethnic studies of more
Extending use of treatments
greater understanding of
into new patient groups
than 2000 adults with diabetes but not cardiovascular
long-term treatments disease, optimal management of coexisting risk factors
was found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
(unadjusted HR 046; 95% CI 030069).
Figure 1: Optimisation of existing strategies for treating type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes is characterised by increased hyper-
insulinaemia, insulin resistance, and pancreatic -cell
pharmacotherapy, or both can reverse or delay failure, with up to 50% cell loss at diagnosis.9 -cell loss
development of type 2 diabetes.16 occurs more rapidly in young patients (1017 years of age),
Compared with people who do not have diabetes, which might explain earlier treatment failure in patients
patients with type 2 diabetes have a 15% increased risk of who are diagnosed at a young age.26 The organs involved in
all-cause mortality, which is twice as high in young people, type 2 diabetes development include the pancreas ( cells
and in those who are younger than 55 years of age and and cells), liver, skeletal muscle, kidneys, brain, small
have a concentration of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) of intestine, and adipose tissue.27 The incretin eect, changes
69% (55 mmol/mol) or less, it is twice as high compared in the colon and microbiome, immune dysregulation, and
with people without diabetes.17 In a meta-analysis18 of inammation have emerged as important patho-
698 782 people, diabetes was associated with increased physiological factors28 and are either established or have
risk of coronary heart disease (hazard ratio [HR] 200; the potential to be therapeutic targets (table 1).
95% CI 183219), ischaemic stroke (HR 227; Other mechanisms for development of microvascular
195265), and other deaths related to vascular disease and macrovascular complications caused by hyper-
(HR 173; 151198). At diagnosis, which can be delayed glycaemia are endothelial dysfunction, advanced glycation
by up to 12 years, patients with type 2 diabetes can present end-product formation, hypercoagulability, increased
with established complications such as retinopathy.19 platelet reactivity, and sodium-glucose co-transporter-2
Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes is aected by genetic (SGLT-2) hyperexpression, all of which are therapeutic
and environmental factors. Genetic factors exert their targets for modulating disease. For example, brinolysis
eect following exposure to an obesogenic environment and platelet aggregation are improved by metformin
characterised by sedentary behaviour and excessive sugar therapy,30 and results of small experimental studies31,32
and fat consumption. Genome-wide association studies have shown that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor
have led to the identication of common variants of agonists have protective eects on the endothelium,
glycaemic genetic traits for type 2 diabetes, but these only which may reverse so-called endothelial resistance and
account for 10% of total trait variance, suggesting that dysfunction and reduce inammation.
rare variants are important.20 Transcriptomics, involving Possibly the most eective therapeutic strategies for
whole-genome analysis of gene expression products patients with type 2 diabetes will target both aspects of the
(mRNA), has shown large numbers of gene associations complex interaction between the genotype and phenotype,
with type 2 diabetes and obesity by correlating genotype although more research is needed in these areas to
with phenotype.21 Increased genetic burden, calculated by optimise and personalise treatments.
additive genetic risk scores, is associated with high all-
cause mortality risk, especially in non-Hispanic white Prevention of type 2 diabetes
people who are obese and have type 2 diabetes compared Prevention of type 2 diabetes will bring substantial benets
with other ethnic groups, highlighting the importance of to the patient, who otherwise could enter many decades of
environmental and lifestyle modication in the reduction drug therapy and complications. Considerable evidence
of mortality.22 Type 1 diabetes genetic risk scores, suggest that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by managing
consisting of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms, obesity and impaired glucose regulation with diet and
have been developed to distinguish between type 1 exercise interventions and, to a lesser extent, pharma-
diabetes and type 2 diabetes in adults aged 2040 years, cological therapy with metformin and thiazolidinediones.33,34

2 Published online February 9, 2017


Findings by the US Diabetes Prevention Program

Pathophysiological defect Glucose-lowering therapy
(DPP)16 showed that intensive lifestyle modication
(physical activity and low fat diet aimed at weight Existing Future (phase 13
clinical trials)
reduction) reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes in 3234 adults
who were either overweight or obese and had impaired Pancreatic cell Loss of cell mass and function; Sulfonylureas; Imeglimin
impaired insulin secretion meglitinides
glucose tolerance (mean follow-up time 28 years; relative
Pancreatic cell Dysregulated glucagon secretion; GLP-1 receptor agonist Glucagon-receptor
risk reduction [RRR] 58%) and was more eective than increased glucagon concentration antagonists
metformin (RRR 31%) or placebo. This benet was found Incretin Diminished incretin response GLP-1 receptor agonist; Oral GLP-1 receptor
in all patient populations irrespective of gender, ethnic DPP-IV inhibitors agonist; once-weekly
origin, or genetic predisposition. Metformin was most DPP-IV inhibitors
eective in women with a medical history of gestational Inammation Immune dysregulation GLP-1 receptor agonist; Immune modulators;
DPP-IV inhibitors anti-inammatory
diabetes, whereas lifestyle intervention conferred the
greatest benet in patients older than 60 years. At the
Liver Increased hepatic glucose output Metformin; pioglitazone Glucagon-receptor
15-year follow-up of DPP (DPPOS),35 diabetes incidence antagonists
was found to be reduced by 27% in people who received Muscle Reduced peripheral glucose Metformin; pioglitazone Selective PPAR
lifestyle intervention and by 18% in patients treated with uptake; insulin resistance modulators
metformin. The ndings in DPPOS also revealed that Adipose tissue Reduced peripheral glucose Metformin; pioglitazone Selective PPAR
normalisation of glucose tolerance reduced the uptake; insulin resistance modulators; FGF21
analogues; fatty acid
Framingham cardiovascular disease risk score by 27% receptor agonists
(p<001) after 10 years in individuals with pre-diabetes.36 Kidney Increased glucose reabsorption SGLT-2 inhibitors Combined SGLT-1/-2
Despite these positive ndings, subsequent meta- caused by upregulation of SGLT-2 inhibitors
analyses of lifestyle interventions have highlighted receptors
diculties in replicating trial results in the real world,37,38 Brain Increased appetite; lack of satiety GLP-1 receptor agonist GLP-1-glucagon-gastric
mainly because of low participation rates, poor coverage inhibitory peptide dual
or triple agonists
through medical insurance schemes, and concerns with
Stomach or Increased rate of glucose absorption GLP-1 receptor agonist; SGLT-1 inhibitors
cost-eectiveness. However, national policies, such as intestine DPP-IV inhibitors;
the UK Diabetes Prevention Programme, are now being alpha-glucosidase
delivered to tackle this epidemic cost-eectively.39 inhibitors; pramlintide
Colon Abnormal gut microbiota Metformin; GLP-1 Probiotics
(microbiome) receptor agonist; DPP-IV
Screening and early detection of type 2 diabetes inhibitors
Individuals who are at risk of type 2 diabetes must be
screened to minimise development and progression GLP-1=glucagon-like peptide-1; DPP-IV inhibitors=dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors; GIP=gastric inhibitory peptide;
SGLT-1/SGLT-2 inhibitors=sodium glucose co-transporter-1/ sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors;
of microvascular and macrovascular complications.
PPAR=peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor. FGF21=broblast growth factor 21.
Universal screening is not advocated because results
of large randomised controlled trials40,41 show that intensive Table 1: Existing and future glucose-lowering therapeutic options by organ or organ system29
management of screened patients does not improve
cardiovascular disease risk or other outcomes. Oppor- young (MODY) can be challenging because type 2
tunistic screening using validated risk scores, ideally diabetes is increasingly being diagnosed at young ages.
tailored to dierent countries and subpopulations,42 is The phenotype in people younger than 25 years might
recommended because this approach can identify patients not allow a clear distinction between various underlying
at high risk who can have the diagnosis conrmed by pathophysiologies. The concentration of C-peptide, a
measurements of fasting plasma glucose or HbA1c surrogate marker for circulating plasma insulin, is a
concentrations or tests for oral glucose tolerance. HbA1c useful measure because C-peptide is usually undetectable
concentration is a stable diagnostic measure that does not up to 3 years after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Diagnosis
require fasting and is equivalent to fasting plasma glucose of MODY requires a high level of clinical suspicion,
with respect to predicting the development of retinopathy especially in slim-built patients younger than 25 years
in cross-sectional associations and is therefore a robust who have relatively mild disease and a strong family
diagnostic measure for type 2 diabetes.43 However, HbA1c history of diabetes. Accurate MODY diagnosis also
concentration should not be used for diagnosis of type 2 requires genetic tests for mutations of commonly aected
diabetes in children (<18 years old), pregnant women, or genes, such as HNF-1, HNF-4, and GCK.45 Latent
people with disorders in red blood cell turnover autoimmune diabetes in the adult could be mistaken for
(eg, anaemia). HbA1c test standardisation is essential, type 2 diabetes although it is most similar in presentation
especially in developing countries, and discordance of and natural history to type 1 diabetes and characterised by
fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c concentrations is a short duration of onset of clinical symptoms and rapid
recognised between ethnic groups and with increased age.44 progression (about 6 months) to insulin therapy.
Dierentiation between type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, Classication of diabetes is often challenging, and new
and monogenic diabetes or maturity onset diabetes of the -cell-centric treatment frameworks are recommended.28 Published online February 9, 2017 3


Patient characteristics Baseline Intervention Outcomes in intervention arm Post-trial follow-up

United Kingdom Prospective Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes at 50% of patients Metformin, Microvascular: reduced RRR (25%; Legacy eect with signicant
Diabetes Study (UKPDS; study enrolment; mean age showed evidence of sulfonylureas, insulin, p<005); macrovascular: no change in reduction in myocardial
N=4209; reported in 1998)6 533 years; median follow-up pre-existing blood pressure RRR (16%; p=0052) infarction, all-cause mortality
10 years complications managment and any diabetes-related
including endpoint in intensively
retinopathy and managed patients 10 years
neuropathy post-trial
Action in Diabetes and Vascular Pre-existing type 2 diabetes; mean 32% of patients had Metformin, Microvascular: reduced HR (086; No sustained benets in
Disease: Preterax + Diamicron duration 10 years; mean age macrovascular sulfonylureas, insulin 95% CI 077097); macrovascular: microvascular and
Modied Release Controlled 660 years; median follow-up disease at baseline no change in HR (094; 084106) macrovascular outcomes after
Evaluation (ADVANCE; 49 years median post-trial follow-up of
N=11 140; reported in 2008)7 59 years
The Action to Control Pre-existing type 2 diabetes; mean 35% of patients had Metformin, Microvascular: no change in all-cause Reduction in retinopathy
Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes duration 8 years; mean age macrovascular sulfonylureas, mortality; macrovascular: progression 4 years post-trial
Study (ACCORD; N=10 250; 622 years; median follow-up disease at baseline rosiglitazone, insulin increased all-cause mortality (HR 122;
reported in 2008)58 35 years (terminated early due to 95% CI 101146)
excess mortality in intensive arm)
Veterans Aairs Diabetes Trial Pre-existing type 2 diabetes; mean 40% of patients had Metformin, Microvascular: reduction in progression 86 fewer major cardiovascular
(VADT; N=1791; reported in duration 115 years; mean age macrovascular sulfonylureas, to albuminuria only (p=001); events per 1000 person-years
2009)8 604 years; median follow-up disease at baseline rosiglitazone, insulin macrovascular: no reduction (HR 088; in intensive treatment arm at
56 years 95% CI 074105) 10 year follow-up
Steno-2 (N=160; reported in Pre-existing type 2 diabetes; Microalbuminuria Multifactorial Microvascular: reduced HR Median gain of 79 years in
2003)5 median duration 556 years; mean cardiovascular disease (eg, nephropathy HR 039; intensive treatment arm at
age 551 years; median follow-up risk management 95% CI 017087); macrovascular: 212 years of follow-up
78 years with drugs and reduced HR (047; 024073)
lifestyle modication
EMPA-REG OUTCOME (N=7020; Pre-existing type 2 diabetes; 57% of 76% of patients had Empagliozin vs 14% reduction in primary major N/A
cardiovascular outcome trial patients had a mean duration of coronary artery placebo adverse cardiovascular event endpoint
reported in 2015)60 diabetes that was longer than disease at baseline (cardiovascular death, non-fatal
10 years; mean age 63 years; myocardial infarction, non-fatal
median follow-up 31 years stroke), 38% reduction in
cardiovascular mortality
LEADER (N=9340; Pre-existing type 2 diabetes; mean 81% of patients had Liraglutide vs placebo 13% reduction in primary major adverse N/A
cardiovascular outcome trial duration 13 years; mean age cardiovascular cardiovascular event endpoint
reported in 2016)61 64 years; median follow-up disease at baseline (cardiovascular death, non-fatal
38 years myocardial infarction, non-fatal
stroke); 22% reduction in cardiovascular
mortality; lower rate of nephropathy
events in liraglutide group

HR=hazard ratio; RRR=relative risk reduction; N/A=non-applicable. MACE=major adverse cardiovascular event.

Table 2: Key characteristics of landmark studies in type 2 diabetes

Early detection of type 2 diabetes enables initiation found. However, patients receiving intensive lifestyle
of patient-centred management to improve glycaemic interventions showed substantial weight loss and
control and minimise complications. Optimal associated improvements in waist circumference, HDL
management consists of lifestyle interventions such as cholesterol, and HbA1c concentration as well as increased
weight reduction,46 increased physical activity,47 healthy physical activity within 6 months.51 Additional benets
diet, smoking cessation, moderation of alcohol included reduced sexual dysfunction and depression in
consumption, and glucose-lowering therapies to reach women, improved quality of life, and prevention or delay
individualised glycaemic targets. These interventions of chronic kidney disease.5254
should be supported by structured education and
self-management programmes at the time of diagnosis, Randomised controlled trials and eects on
combined, as necessary, with psychological support. macrovascular and microvascular complications
Structured education improves both biomedical and Cardiovascular disease is the major macrovascular
psychosocial outcomes47 but relies on reinforcement for complication of type 2 diabetes and increases the risk of
ongoing benet.49 death three to four times compared with people who do
In Look AHEAD,50 a randomised controlled trial of not have cardiovascular disease.55 Results of large
intensive lifestyle modication in more than 5000 patients multicentre studies show that macrovascular outcomes are
with type 2 diabetes (median follow-up 96 years), no not improved as convincingly as microvascular endpoints
improvement in cardiovascular disease outcomes was with intensive glycaemic control.56 With the results of

4 Published online February 9, 2017


DPP-4 inhibitor Pioglitazone SGLT-2 inhibitor GLP-1 receptor agonist Insulin degludec












MK-3102 trial


ICTA 650 trial




Ertugliflozin trial
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

Figure 2: Completed and ongoing cardiovascular outcome trials

DPP-IV=dipeptidyl peptidase-IV; SGLT-2=sodium-glucose co-transporter 2; GLP-1=glucagon-like peptide-1. Adapted from Holman and colleagues (2014).10

UKPDS,6 which included 5102 patients newly diagnosed example, follow-up of 8494 participants of the original
with type 2 diabetes and randomly allocated to receive ADVANCE cohort65 for an additional 54 years showed
either conventional therapy or intensive therapy with long-term reduction in end-stage kidney disease
metformin, sulfonylureas, and insulin, investigators (HR 054; p<001), with no increase in risk of all-cause
showed that a decade of intensive glycaemic and blood or cardiovascular death or major cardiovascular events.
pressure control improved microvascular outcomes such Since the 2008 meta-analysis of rosiglitazone studies,66
as retinopathy and albuminuria. Macrovascular outcomes after which concerns of adverse cardiovascular outcomes
were not improved, although metformin led to a 39% risk were raised, the US Food and Drug Administration has For the US Food and Drug
Administrations Guidance for
reduction for myocardial infarction.57 Findings of several recommended that all new glucose-lowering therapies
Industry: Diabetes Mellitus
subsequent randomised controlled trials, including are tested in placebo-controlled phase 2 and phase 3 Evaluating Cardiovascular Risk
ACCORD,58 ADVANCE,7 VADT,8 and Steno-2,59 conrmed clinical trials with patients who are at high risk of in New Antidiabetic Therapies
the benets of intensive management on microvascular cardiovascular disease and that the analysis should be to Treat Type 2 Diabetes see
outcomes (table 2). However, the results of meta-analyses62,63 adjudicated for cardiovascular endpoints by an
of these trials showed that intensive glycaemic treatment independent committee (gure 2). A composite endpoint RegulatoryInformation/
increased the risk of severe hypoglycaemia and had no of major adverse cardiovascular events is recommended, Guidances/ucm071627.pdf
eect on all-cause mortality or stroke, with little and is dened as an aggregate of fatal and non-fatal
improvement of macrovascular outcomes such as non- myocardial infarction and stroke and other cardiovascular
fatal myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease. deaths. Results of cardiovascular outcome trials of
Further analysis of ACCORD62 data indicates that increased dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors saxagliptin
mortality was associated with high HbA1c concentration. (SAVOR-TIMI 53)67 and alogliptin (EXAMINE)68 showed
Findings from follow-up studies64 of the original trial non-inferiority for most major adverse cardiovascular
cohorts have shown that a sustained period of intensive endpoints, although increased rates of admission to
glycaemic control early in type 2 diabetes development hospital for heart failure were noted, and both drugs are
reduces complication rates (with main benets to contraindicated in patients with pre-existing heart or
microvascular outcomes such as nephropathy), even kidney failure.69 Cardiovascular safety of sitagliptin was
after glycaemic dierences between intensive and conrmed in the Trial Evaluating Cardiovascular Safety
standard care arms have dissipated. This eect has been with Sitagliptin (TECOS),70 with no increased risk of
described as metabolic memory or glycaemic legacy. For hospital admission from heart failure. Published online February 9, 2017 5


In the rst cardiovascular outcome trial for SGLT-2 for at least 5 years, although ongoing glycaemic control
inhibitors, EMPA-REG Outcome,60 empagliozin was monitoring is recommended because of the increased
found to reduce the primary composite outcome of death risk of hyperglycaemia.81
from cardiovascular causes, non-fatal myocardial
infarction, or stroke (RRR 14%). Empagliozin also Drug therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes
improved outcomes from death from cardiovascular Metformin remains the rst-line therapy of choice for
disease causes (RRR 38%), sudden death (RRR 31%), and patients with type 2 diabetes unless specically
admission to hospital for heart failure (RRR 35%), with contraindicated, for example in patients with renal
benets seen within 3 months of study enrolment. The impairment. Metformin reduces hepatic glucose output,
underlying mechanism remains unclear and has been enhances peripheral tissue sensitivity, and stimulates
attributed to a diuretic eect through blood pressure GLP-1 secretion.82 Furthermore, metformin eectively
reduction (mean 40/15 mm Hg) but could also be lowers HbA1c concentration by about 12%, is weight
related to osmotic diuresis and haemodynamic eects.71 neutral, does not cause hypoglycaemia, and can have
Cardiovascular outcomes are awaited for trials of SGLT-2 modest benecial eects on blood pressure and lipid
inhibitors dapagliozin (DECLARE)72 and canagliozin prole.83 Gastrointestinal side-eects are reduced with
(CANVAS).73 The GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide gradual dose titration, and the risk of lactic acidosis with
(LEADER)61 and semaglutide (SUSTAIN 6)74 are superior metformin is rare (less than 1 per 100 000).84 However,
to placebo for major adverse cardiovascular endpoints. metformin is associated with vitamin B12 deciency and
Although cardiovascular safety has been conrmed for contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe
lixisenatide (ELIXA),75 this drug is not superior to placebo. chronic kidney disease (eGFR <30 mL/min/173 m),
Results of a meta-analysis76 of all glucose-lowering although cautious use of metformin, with dose reduction,
treatments and strategies in more than 95 000 patients is permitted in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic
indicate that weight gain of 1 kg increases risk of heart kidney disease.85 Metformin has been found to decrease
failure by 71% (95% CI 10136; p=0022), with cardiovascular risk compared with sulfonylurea therapy
intensive weight loss and basal insulin regimens or placebo.86
associated with neutral risk of heart failure and treatment In 2015, the American Diabetes Association and
with DPP-IV inhibitors and peroxisome proliferator- European Association for the Study of Diabetes updated
activated receptor (PPAR) agonists associated with their treatment algorithm to include all glucose-
increased risk of heart failure, although the size of the lowering therapies as possible second-line agents for
eect was heterogeneous. addition to metformin if glycaemic targets are not
reached.87 Although this update allows personalised
Management of obesity treatment plans, the wide range of treatment options
60% of patients with type 2 diabetes are obese means that the best combination depends on a
(body-mass index [BMI] 30 kg/m) and show insulin knowledge of the existing evidence base and specic
resistance. Obesity is addressed by lifestyle modication, features of each drug class.
although pharmacotherapy, very low calorie diets, and Sulfonylureas, such as gliclazide and glimepiride, act
bariatric surgery might also be considered. The on cells to stimulate insulin secretion and, as a
pancreatic lipase inhibitor orlistat has modest eects on consequence of established ecacy and low cost, are
weight (mean weight loss 61%), and although often the rst choice for dual therapy. However, these
long-term data have conrmed its safety, use of orlistat drugs are associated with hypoglycaemia (up to six times
is associated with gastrointestinal side-eects.77 High increased risk compared with metformin)88 and weight
doses of the GLP-1 analogue liraglutide (30 mg daily) gain, and concerns remain with respect to an association
are licensed for obesity management in patients with with adverse cardiovascular disease outcomes.89 As
and without diabetes.78,79 monotherapy, these drugs do not oer durable control
In patients with severe obesity (BMI >35 kg/m), very compared with metformin and thiazolidinediones.90
low calorie diets (800 kcal/day) or bariatric surgery can Their preference as second-line therapy is being
result in substantial weight loss and type 2 diabetes challenged by DPP-IV inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor
remission. In one small study80 of 30 patients with type 2 agonists, and SGLT-2 inhibitors. The results of an
diabetes who discontinued glucose-lowering therapy and ongoing comparative eectiveness study91 of the main
followed very low calorie diets for 8 weeks, 40% of patients oral glucose-lowering therapies (excluding SGLT-2
maintained fasting plasma glucose concentrations less inhibitors) when added to metformin should conrm the
than 7 mmol/L at 6 months, indicating remission, with most eective and safe drug combination. Meglitinides
responders having higher plasma insulin concentrations (repaglinide, nateglinide) have a similar mechanism of
and shorter diabetes duration at baseline than non- action to sulfonylureas,92 but are less eective93 and have
responders. Bariatric surgery, especially Roux-en-Y gastric a shorter duration of action, are associated with a lower
bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, is more eective than hypoglycaemic risk and can be used as glucose-lowering
medical treatment for weight reduction and maintenance therapy in patients who need short-acting, meal-related

6 Published online February 9, 2017


insulin secretion, such as shift workers, fasting patients, twice per day, DPP-IV inhibitors improve HbA1c
and people with moderate to severe renal failure.94 concentration by up to 07%, are weight neutral, and do
Thiazolidinediones, also known as PPAR agonists, not cause hypoglycaemia unless combined with
(rosiglitazone, pioglitazone) improve insulin sensitivity sulfonylureas or insulin. DPP-IV inhibitors are well
in target organs. Use of these drugs has been controversial, tolerated and safe with dose reduction (eg, sitagliptin) or
with the rst-in-class troglitazone withdrawn because of without dose reduction (linagliptin) in patients with
liver toxicity.95 Rosiglitazone is now used infrequently moderate to severe renal impairment.
because of adverse cardiovascular outcomes (which have SGLT-2 inhibitors (dapagliozin, canagliozin,
since been disproved).96 These drugs are associated with empagliozin) are the latest glucose-lowering agents to
durable control90 and improve HbA1c concentration by up become available. These drugs increase urinary glucose
to about 1%. They are not associated with hypoglycaemia excretion by inhibiting SGLT-2 in the renal proximal
unless combined with sulfonylureas or insulin and might tubule.32 Findings from a meta-analysis108 of dapagliozin
cause weight gain of up to 6 kg, mainly because of uid and canagliozin trials conrmed ecacy with
retention. Pioglitazone can be used dose-unchanged at all reductions in HbA1c concentrations of about 07%.
stages of chronic kidney disease but is contraindicated in Through a mechanism of glycosuria and urinary calorie
patients with heart failure (New York Heart Association loss of up to 320 kcal per day, substantial weight
class III or IV).97 Treatment with pioglitazone is associated reduction was achieved when, for example, dapagliozin
with bone fractures98 and increased safety signals for was compared with glipizide (32 kg vs 12 kg;
prostate and pancreatic cancer, although the evidence for p00001) at 52 weeks.109 Weight loss was sustained long
the association of pioglitazone with bladder cancer risk is term (78 weeks) with empagliozin when compared
inconclusive.99,100 with placebo (22 kg vs 07 kg; p001).110 These drugs do
Incretin therapies include subcutaneously injectable not cause hypoglycaemia unless combined with
GLP-1 receptor agonists and oral DPP-IV inhibitors. GLP- sulfonylureas or insulin. The main side-eect is urinary
1 agonists trigger GLP-1-like eects, which include or genital tract infection, both of which are more
increased insulin secretion, reduced glucagon secretion, common in women.111 SGLT-2 inhibitors are less eective
reduced hepatic glucose output, delayed gastric emptying, in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment
and increased satiety.101 GLP-1 receptor agonists are either (eGFR 3060 mL/min/173 m), because dose reduction
long-acting (dulaglutide, albiglutide, liraglutide) or short- is necessary (canagliozin and empagliozin)111 and
acting (exenatide, lixisenatide) drugs that are given once should not be used when eGFR is less than
weekly or once or twice daily. This class of drugs is 30 mL/min/173m. SGLT-2 inhibitors are associated
eective, with reductions in HbA1c concentration of about with euglycaemic ketoacidosis, and they should be
1% and weight loss of up to 4 kg. The risk of hypoglycaemia discontinued during periods of acute illness and
is low unless combined with sulfonylureas or insulin,102 treatment in hospital.112 Bone fractures and peripheral
and the main side-eect is nausea and vomiting on vascular disease are associated with use of canagliozin.
initiation, which is reduced by gradual dose titration. The Insulin therapy is the most eective treatment in terms
most eective GLP-1 receptor agonists overall appear to of overall glycaemic control, with a reduction in HbA1c
be exenatide and liraglutide.103 The results of a network concentration of 152%. However, insulin therapy is
meta-analysis104 of long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists associated with increased risk of hypoglycaemia,
specically indicate that although they are all eective at especially in elderly people, and a mean weight gain of
lowering HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose 4 kg.113 Ideally, treatment algorithms should be used to
concentrations, adverse events such as nausea and eects optimise insulin titration and quickly reach glycaemic
on weight dier between the drugs. GLP-1 receptor targets. Poor adherence to insulin therapy is associated
agonists are contraindicated in patients with a history of with factors such as risk and fear of developing
chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer, although the hypoglycaemia or weight gain, practical diculties of
signal for pancreatic cancer is not increased.105 Compared self-injecting and reluctance to do so (pyschological
with insulin alone, xed combinations of GLP-1 receptor insulin resistance), and lifestyle restrictions.114 Findings
agonists with long-acting insulin, such as insulin from the 4-T study115 showed that the greatest ecacy and
degludec and liraglutide or insulin glargine and safety is achieved when basal insulin is added to oral and
lixisenatide, are associated with less hypoglycaemia and other subcutaneous therapies, although prandial insulin
weight gain, as well as reduced insulin doses.106 Findings three times per day is equally eective but leads to more
from head-to-head studies107 of basal insulin and GLP-1 hypoglycaemia. Early insulin is useful for short-term
receptor agonist combinations indicated that the drugs glucose stabilisation because it potentially preserves
are as eective as basal bolus insulin regimens, possibly -cell function and reduces glucotoxicity.116
because GLP-1 receptor agonists reduce postprandial In head-to-head studies117,118 of basal human and
glucose excursions. DPP-IV inhibitors (sitagliptin, analogue insulins, no major dierences in ecacy were
saxagliptin, linagliptin, vildagliptin, alogliptin) potentiate found; however, the risk of nocturnal and symptomatic
the eects of physiological GLP-1.101 Taken orally once or hypoglycaemia, but not total hypoglycaemia, was reduced Published online February 9, 2017 7


with the insulin analogues glargine and detemir. Detemir all medications, including anti-hypertensive and
and glargine do not dier in ecacy or safety, but use of lipid-lowering therapies.
detemir was associated with less weight gain and higher Iatrogenic hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes has
insulin dose requirements.119 been dened by a 2013 American Diabetes Association
Very long-acting insulin analogues (plasma half-life of and Endocrine Society workgroup as all episodes of
42 hours) such as insulin degludec reduce the risk of abnormally low plasma glucose that expose the individual
nocturnal hypoglycaemia because of a relatively peakless to potential harm129 and limits long-term treatment
prole (gure 3).121 High-strength formulations, intensication and optimisation.130 The risk of
including glargine U300122 and insulin U500,123,124 are hypoglycaemia increases with diabetes duration and
eective in patients who need high doses because of occurs especially with use of sulfonylureas, meglitinides,
insulin resistance. and insulin. Other glucose-lowering therapies, including
metformin, thiazolidinediones, DPP-IV inhibitors, GLP-
Challenges in optimisation and maintenance of 1 receptor agonists, and SGLT-2 inhibitors, only increase
glycaemic control the risk of hypoglycaemia if combined with these agents.
Major diculties in optimising glucose-lowering Compared with patients receiving placebo or other
therapies are clinical inertia and treatment glucose-lowering drugs, patients receiving sulfonylureas
non-adherence. Clinical inertia is the reluctance of have a three-times increased risk of hypoglycaemia, and
health-care professionals to initiate and titrate therapy this risk increases even further in patients with low
appropriately to reach glycaemic targets and is associated HbA1c and high BMI at baseline.88 Hypoglycaemia can be
with lack of knowledge, fear of adverse eects such as asymptomatic, symptomatic and mild, or severe.
hypoglycaemia, and a perception that patients will not Severe hypoglycaemia is dened as requiring another
accept treatment intensication.125127 However, clinical persons assistance to administer carbohydrate, glucagon,
inertia increases a patients risk of developing or other supportive action to aid recovery. Although
complications and needs to be addressed with appropriate patients with type 1 diabetes are more likely to have
strategies such as health-care professional and patient severe hypoglycaemia, the results of an observational
education, electronic reminders, and adherence to uncontrolled study13 showed that mortality was higher in
guidelines as well as regular monitoring of HbA1c and patients with type 2 diabetes 12 months after a severe
blood glucose concentration, as appropriate, to achieve hypoglycaemic episode (445% vs 221%), with age
targets. Treatment non-adherence places considerable and type of diabetes being predictive factors and
nancial burden on health-care economies with billions hypoglycaemia possibly a marker of underlying
of US$ wasted on medication that is prescribed but not morbidity. Appropriate choice and dosage of therapeutic
consumed.128 Patients can get help to adhere to treatment agents can minimise hypoglycaemia risk. Recurrent
through structured education and self-management episodes cause hypoglycaemia unawareness by blunting
programmes, which have been shown to improve counter-regulatory responses. Incidence of hypo-
personal responsibility48 and should be emphasised for glycaemia, which occurs more frequently in the real

Ultra-long-acting analogues

Long-acting analogues
Size of insulin molecule


Glargine U300

Asport, Dihexamer
FIAasp Detemir


0 10 20 30 40
Duration of action (hours)

Figure 3: Insulin analogue formulations with duration of action

Reproduced from Gururaj Setty and colleagues (2016), 120 by permission of BMJ Publishing.

8 Published online February 9, 2017


world than is reported during clinical trials,131 is harm and are dicult to implement on a wide scale.
minimised by individualising glycaemic goals and Stem-cell research could pave the way to increasing -cell
providing structured education and self-management mass, thereby delaying type 2 diabetes progression and
training on early recognition and treatment of symptoms the need for additional glucose-lowering therapy.143 Other
(capillary glucose 39 mmol/L), considering risk delivery methods for insulin, including the bionic
factors, and appropriate home blood glucose monitoring pancreas, might also contribute to type 2 diabetes
with, if necessary, continuous glucose monitoring for management strategies in future years.144
short periods.132 Severe hypoglycaemia is associated with As the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes becomes
a four-times increase in risk of motor vehicle accidents,133 increasingly understood, targeted therapeutic approaches
and patients need to learn to check glucose levels before will be tailored to the individual (precision medicine).
driving and always carry rapid-acting glucose.134 Key organs of therapeutic potential include the brain and
Hypoglycaemia is a particular challenge for achieving gut. The eects of stimulating hormones that suppress
treatment targets in elderly people (age >65 years) appetite (neuropeptide Y-Y, leptin, GLP-1) or inhibitors of
because of under-recognition, risk of falls, polypharmacy, appetite stimulators (ghrelin) are being explored.77 Triple
diminished autonomic symptoms, impaired counter- agonism of GLP-1, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, and
regulatory responses, and cognitive impairment.135 glucagon receptors improves glucose control and inhibits
Hypoglycaemia is the cause of up to a fth of hospital caloric intake in rodent models.145 However, the eect on
admissions of patients with diabetes who are older than the genotype of epigenetic factors including ageing,
80 years.136 Patients with type 2 diabetes that is environment, and lifestyle must be identied and
tightly controlled (HbA1c <42 mmol/mol [60%]), poorly understood before personalised drug formulations can
controlled (HbA1c >75 mmol/mol [90%]),137 or associated be developed successfully.29 Improved stratication of
with renal or cognitive impairment136 are more likely to cardiovascular risk optimises patient outcomes and can
be at risk of severe hypoglycaemia. Key strategies include be achieved by adding cardiac biomarkers such as high-
assessment for frailty and cognitive impairment, a choice sensitivity troponin T and N-terminal prohormone brain
of therapeutic agents that are not associated with natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) to existing risk scores,146
hypoglycaemia titrated to a minimal eective dose, although no data exist to show that addition of expensive
relaxing glycaemic goals as necessary, and aiming biomarkers will improve diabetes outcomes.
for glucose concentration above 7 mmol/L. Because Continuous glucose monitoring systems provide
microvascular and macrovascular complications are detailed and valuable information about the eects
increased in elderly people, hypoglycaemia should not be of glucose-lowering therapy by providing 24-h monitoring
used as a justication for suboptimal glycaemic control.138 of glycaemic excursions and hypoglycaemia for 7 days.
Young patients (age <25 years) with type 2 diabetes often Accessibility and availability of continuous glucose
present with a constellation of other dysmetabolic monitoring systems is limited by cost, resources, and
features, including hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, fatty training. Flash glucose monitoring is cheaper and easier
liver, and microalbuminuria, and are at increased risk of to use and does not require calibration.147
macrovascular and microvascular complications and The CSII (insulin pump) is an established insulin
mortality.26 Diagnosis and dierentation from type 2 delivery device for patients with type 1 diabetes but is not
diabetes is based on identifying markers of insulin yet advocated for widespread use by patients with type 2
resistance, such as acanthosis nigricans, and results of diabetes. Findings from early trials148 suggest that insulin
biochemical tests, including high C-peptide concentrations pumps can improve glucose stabilisation and control and
and absence of autoantibodies. Young patients are often can be enhanced by continuous glucose monitoring
women, from ethnic minorities, or from disadvantaged systems especially to target postprandial glucose levels.149
social groups and need intensive multifactorial Insulin delivery methods in development include patch
management, education, and psychological support from devices and inhalers, but the assessment of bioavailability,
diagnosis.139 Metformin and insulin are the only drugs ecacy, and safety is still pending.
available for treatment of patients who are 18 years or Glucagon receptor antagonists (eg, PF-06291874) are a
younger. New drugs such as DPP-IV inhibitors are being new class of drugs that show good therapeutic potential
tested in young patients, but recruitment of children to and are being assessed in long-duration trials. This class
these studies is challenging.140 of drugs reduces fasting plasma glucose and mean daily
glucose concentrations at 14 days with low risk of
New technology and therapeutic options for hypoglycaemia.150 Other glucose-lowering therapies
patients with type 2 diabetes being developed include broblast growth factor
A number of outstanding research questions remain, 21 analogues, adiponectin receptor agonists, cellular
chief of which is whether a cure for type 2 diabetes is on glucocorticoid inhibitors, selective PPAR modulators,
the horizon. In the short term, diabetes remission is imeglimin, and glucokinase activators.151
achievable with very low calorie diet141 or bariatric A further challenge is translating favourable trial
surgery.142 Both interventions could potentially cause outcomes to a real world setting and ensuring that Published online February 9, 2017 9


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