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Human error is the action that either produces a wrong outcome or is done in
the manner that was not intended. For a wrong outcome to occur the
procedure or set of steps that were to be follow must have been erroneous or
not accurate enough. This will lead to a different outcome. While not
following a set of steps can lead in the same outcome. Human error as the
name itself mentions is an error due by a human that could had been
prevented by the same, or by a procedure set by another human to

12 Human Error Detection Methods and/or Prevention


1. iPhone screen:

Problem & Detection:

The durability of iPhone screens has been something that many consumers
have wish to be improve with each and every new iPhone that has been
released. This need or wish for improvement is either due to poor, or
improper usage that will in turn lead to crack and shredded screens. Being
careless and not maintaining a proper usage can end on a broken screen


In order to prevent the fragile screen from breaking the user has multiple
options, as well as the company itself. The user can start by adding
protection to the device, this can be done by using a case to protect the
phone, the application of a screen protector to improve durability. While the
organization has the ability to build iPhones with screens made of materials
with higher durability in the event that the iPhone falls.

Image of cracked iPhone screen which I recently replace for a relative.

2. Seatbelts

Problem & Detection:

The problem is derivate from the lack of using a seatbelt while driving either
by the driver or passenger. This problem can be detected by the dashboard
signal and sound alarm that is produce by the vehicle in order to remind and
alert the driver and passengers of the need to wear the seatbelt. This error
can be detected as well by any individual inside the vehicle as well as by
police officers with a good visual location.


To prevent this error, car companies can implement new safety features.
That will reinforce drivers and passengers to wear seatbelts. Some of this
new safety features can be installing sensors on the seatbelts that wont
allow the vehicle to be put on motion until the driver and passengers have
their seatbelt on. The sensor can also transmit a signal alerting nearby
officer that the vehicle is in motion with the driver not wearing a seatbelt this
will help reduce the number of individuals that dont and as result reduce the
number of fatalities due to car accidents.

This first image is of my car, indicating the need for the seatbelt to be use.
The second image is of the proper usage of a seatbelt

3. Bank tellers distributing money:

Problem & Detection:

From previous experience in the banking industry I have seen many cases
where tellers show a difference in their cash boxes. Ninety five percent of the
time these errors are cause by careless actions as well as by deviating from
set methods of ensuring that the funds given to customers are correct, as
well as ensuring that the funds in ones draw are correct. This error is
detected either at the end of day or at the moment of an audit on the teller.
At the end of the day tellers must count their cash in order to determine that
the money they have matches the amount in the system. It can be detected
at random moments when an audit is done; this action is set to determine
and prevent tellers from having undisclosed differences as well as to prevent
losses for the bank.


In order to reduce the probability of a differences the bank has set a

particular process in order to prevent and help resolve differences. Tellers
must keep record of every transaction done, either money coming in or
money leaving, this is done to number one determine the end of day cash,
and second to determine the amount of funds the teller has in each
denomination. In order to keep track tellers are ask to input the transaction
in a tape run, and each transaction must be break down into denomination
and total per denomination. This gives the teller a way to verify the
transactions and totals as they provide the funds to the customers. The
second method is by recounting the funds in front of the customer before
they are disbursed. The first method possesses a second utility, in the event
that a difference does occurred by keeping proper record the difference can
be trace back to the transaction where the difference happen.

Images by Reed Kaestner of teller providing money to costumer. (due to

securities reason, I wasnt not able to take pictures inside bank)

4. Lose or missing tire bolts

Problem & Detection:

A vehicle tires must be install properly for an error can lead to fatal
consequences. If a tire has its bolts lose or if is missing one or a few can lead
to the tire(s) to come lose and eventfully detach from its axes. If this
happens the driver will be caught by surprise and can lead to a lethal ending.
This error can be detected by the driver, the person installing the tired or any
individual close enough to the vehicle. The driver will detect this error while
driving, the steering wheel will start to shake alerting the driver of something
not being quite right. The person installing the tired will have many
opportunities to detect the error; it can be detected when replacing the tired,
on the final inspection before giving the car back to the costumer as well as
the moment when the customer picks it up. As for any individual nearby will
be able to see the tire wobbly and can alert the driver of the situation.

In order to prevent this error a better check system must be implemented at
facilities where tires are change, as well as by drivers being more attentive
to their vehicles. A better check system at these facilities can include a
process where the workers have to ensure that each tired has the correct
number of bolts and this must be done as well as recorded in the system.
The check system should have a way to ensure that the bolts are properly
tighten this can be done by having a second individual verify that all bolts
are tighten. The customer can prevent this from occurring by paying close
attention to his/her vehicle and ensuring that all bolts are present and as
soon as the vehicle shows instability the car must be brought back in order
to be check.

Image found on google of tire missing lug nut.

5. Replacing a MacBook battery

Problem & Detection:

The problem is wrong installation, and possible damage to key components

of a MacBook such as connectors, and static frying circuits within the
MacBook. The detection will be seen in different phases; First the battery life
will be affected which will cause the need to replace the old battery for a new
one. The next phase will be while replacing the battery and not being able to
installed it properly either by forcing connections or living parts unplug. The
final phase to determine that the installation was not done correctly is when
testing the MacBook after the installation and either seeing that it wont turn
on or that the device overheats too quick.


In order to prevent this error one must first obtain a reliable product, either
an original brand replacement or a replacement from a reliable source with a
good reputation. The next step to prevent any mistakes is to obtain proper
instruction on how to replace the battery, preferable instructions with either
pictures or videos to illustrate the process. The next step is to before
proceeding to replacing the battery to study the instructions at least once,
this will provide enough knowledge to follow the instructions to a better
degree. The next step is to ensure that everything is well connected and all
items that were remove are correctly put back into place. Finally, a proper
calibration can ensure that the battery performs up to standards and prevent
any overheating. The only other way to prevent this issue is to bring the
MacBook to an Apple store to get professionally service.

This image was taken from it

shows the interior of the MacBook as
well as the battery that needs to be
replace, I used this particular website
when doing the replacement.

6. Cooking & Baking

Problem & Detection:

Cooking can be a very challenging thing for many, food cant come up as
plan and tastes can be miss and even destroy by improper cooking and
baking. There are three ways to determine when cooking or baking have
gone wrong, this are either by taste, appearance, and smell. The easiest and
most common way to do so is by trying the food, if the food is overcook or
undercook one spoon can tell you all this. Other ways to determine whether
something has been cook properly or not is by appearance if the dish looks
burn or undercook most likely than not it will be. Finally, the smell can tell
you whether the food has been burn or if the end product will be to ones


In order to prevent this, we can follow proper instructions. We can get the
instruction either from an online source, a cook book, and finally from
someone who we know knows how to make the certain dish and we are
aware that their version is the outcome that we are seeking. When we get
the proper instructions, we must follow step by step the instructions as well

as ensure that the measurements are done correctly. If all these steps are
follow properly the end result should be more or less the desire outcome.

This is the receipt for Tiramisu that my family follows however it has taken
many tries in order to getting right.

7. Internet Rewiring and addition of an AP (assess point).

Problem & Detection:

When setting a new AP (assess point) or rewiring a router one can encounter
different errors that will bring quality down, the error that Im focusing on is
the loss of internet connectivity as well as the quality deterioration of the
same. One can detect such issues and errors by testing he internet speed
using third partys services such as google internet speed test. The other
method to detect this issue is the lack of internet connectivity.


In order to prevent this whoever seeks to install an AP or rewire internet

connections must do research with regard to the requirements for these
actions. A good amount of research should be done in regards to how to
properly format and set up an additional AP. In addition to the adequate
research one must determine that the device that we are seeking to install is
adequate for what we seek to accomplish. This procedure should also be
done at low usage times to reduce the amount of interference with the other
users of this service. This last step is done in order to keep the quality
perspective at a high level the least amount of people who are bother by the
process the better.

Here you can see my two routers, Im still in the process of setting one of
them as an AP to better serve my house.

8. GPS directions and drivers decisions.

Problem & Detection:

The problem Im seeking to describe is when drivers decide to follow a

different path based on personal preferences or believes that end up leading
to longer travel times as well as unforeseen complications. Detection can be
done by passengers and the driver, the GPS will present and try to keep the
driver on the faster route available at all times and it will provide a very
accurate estimate of the time needed. Passengers and the driver can detect
the error by observing the time change as the driver deviates from the
presented route. It can also be seen by the constant request of the GPS to
proceeded to the route stablish.


The main way to prevent this error is to follow the GPS instructions, is
recommended to do such for the way it calculates routes and times is based
on the best trajectory, taking in account distance, speed, road constructions
and traffic. All these constrains and a well-set algorithm provides the device
with the best set of directions to arrive to the destination in the shortest
possible way. If the driver is to follow the given instructions it will lead to
quicker and more accurate times, the benefit of doing so is that with newer
GPS models have the ability to in real time provide updates and
improvement son the route that can lead to even better times. However, the
driver experience and expertise can be considering when following the GPS if
the GPS hasnt updated and the current information on the screen is not as
seen on the road the drivers decision can be taken as an improvement.
Following these instructions will result in a higher quality journey.

I took this screenshot of my GPS to illustrate the options a GPS provides with
regard to options.

9. Medication Breakdown & Scheduling

Problem & Detection:

As many individuals who are required to take medicine in a regular basics

have adapted to breaking down each day week or month in a pill
compartments to keep them organize and prepared. The issue is when an
individual has to do this every week or no very often at all. These
circumstances can create the risk for them to either place the wrong pills or
the wrong dosages on each compartment. This mistake can be potentially
deadly or at least cause decay on their health. The problem is detected by
medical professionals who see the patient worsen, or present complications
and side effects. It can also be detected by the number of pills consume on a
certain period of time. If a set of pill sis supposed to last 1 month and only
lasts the individual 2 weeks there is clearly a problem.


A way to prevent this error from happening is by creating a proper step by

step instruction on how to schedule the medicine and the breakdown. First of
all, a proper schedule needs to be stablish on what pills are to be taken each
day and the amount for each. After the schedule is stablish a proper
medicine appendix should be created with a description of each pill and if
possible including pictures of each pill. When a schedule and medical
description has been set the time to organize the medicine needs to be
determine. This process needs to be done in a quiet environment where
nothing can distract or cause a wrong distribution of pills. After the pills have
been distribute a review process should be implemented to determined that
the process was successful. Taking the correct medicine and in correct
measurements can lead to having the desire outcome of the medicine, and
prevent any side effects due to wrong pill intake.

This illustrates a weekly pill organizer. The image was taken from

10. Subaru 2017 legacy windshield sprinkler.

Problem and Detection:

The problem with the sprinklers is due to its location. In this Subaru model
the sprinkles are located at the bottom of the windshield cover by the hood
of the car. The problem is during winter as we just experience the snow will
cover the whole car, and even after cleaning the sprinklers will be cover and
most likely unclean and unable to be used. This can be dangerous due to the
dirt that will cover the windshield making it difficult to see. The detection
process for this error is by the driver as the driver operates the motor vehicle
it will become clear to him/her of the issue.


This issue can be prevented by improving the quality of the design, to start
Subaru could position the sprinklers on top of the hood as on previous
models. This in a way will improve quality not only on design but in the
customer experience as well. The error can be

This image was taken of my fiancs car where you can see the windshield
sprinkle place underneath the hood of the car.

11. Clothing defect

Problem & Detection:

In retail stores product is receive in large quantities and most often than not
employees don't realize if the product has any defect. However, as I have
experience time and time again clothing that I find in stores have defects
such as poor stitching or material that is not quite attach on the correct
order. This issue can be detected by three parties, first party the
manufacturer, during the manufacturing phase organization have quality
reviews even though manufactures produce these products in large scale
there is a probability that the mistakes will be found and the damage
products will be removed, the second party who will have the opportunity to
detect the error is the retail store who purchase this inventory in order to sell
it. At this point the mistakes can be found as when verifying delivered of the
product the retail store can verify the quality of such. The retail store can
determine if there are damage products when placing them in the sales floor
at this point employees such as sales associates will be able to detect the
problem. Lastly the customer can detect the problem the moment that try
the product on or the moment the purchase is being made.


Prevention should take place in the manufacturer as well as the retail store
level. This should be solved in order to improve the quality that the customer
perceives. The manufacturer must increase the quality control system and
procedures in order to farther sharing the percentage if not eliminated
altogether of defective garments. The Retail store should be the second line
of defense in protecting quality, is in the best interest of the retail store to
set a quality check process that ensure every product purchased from a
manufacturer is up to the quality standards set by this organization. By doing
so it ensure the consumer receives the adequate product but it also helps
increase the quality of the manufacturer by giving them a standard to base
their products off. This is done in order to ensure consumer satisfaction and
proper product life cycle.

As shown in this image by a clothing defect can be

an unsecured seam at the sleeve.
12. New paved roads without car lanes.

Problem & Detection:

The problem arises from roadwork, either being repaving or fixing potholes.
When road work takes place, roads are definitely being fix however many
times we all have experience that the work was not completed, and even
though the roads are fix there is no proper lane marks to direct traffic.
Without proper lane signaling or mixture of new and all lane marks can lead
to cars taking more than one lane or even cause them to swerve and be part
of an accident. This can be detected by Divers and by the construction crew.
Drivers will encounter this issue as they try to remain in the correct lane or
try to find the lane all together. While the construction crew will inevitably
see this error as they finish an area and continued the next.


As a prevention measurement construction companies will need to

implement proper procedures to ensure that the safety of the drivers and
anybody else in the vehicles that will be in these roads is taken into account.
Such measurements can include a rule for all construction crews that as an
area is finish the proper lines should be added. It can also be prevented by
having a particulate set of individuals review the construction at the end to
ensure that all road marking is done correctly and promptly in order to avoid
any accidents due to such.

As seen here the lines on the road are not present, this causes drivers to
guess how many lanes there are. Image from
Social Networking Discussion:

Faddy Khalla and myself have discuss the EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) involvement in Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Emotions claims, as
well as the stand its taking with regard to President Obama emission
regulation. We discuss as well P&G approach to zero waste. Faddy and I
agree that emission regulations were set with a good intention and idea
behind, and that if left alone it will prove to accomplish was it was set to do.
It will force the automobile industry to change for the best, not only the best
to them but for the best of the customers and the environment, by improving
fuel efficiency drivers will have a lest harmful impact on the environment.
Faddy and I agree as well in the importance of EPA ensuring that neither FCA
or any other entity cheats its customers and the law by using illegal software
to alter their reports and emissions outputs, specially after the Volkswagen
scandal. Lastly, we discuss the great job P&G has done regarding waste
management and how their approach is a great example of total quality, this
is seen by their philosophy of not seen waste as waste but as potential
material for someone else. P&G has shown great progress with a 56 percent
of its organization reaching zero waste, by using it recycling, total usage and
partnerships to handle the waste, and save the environment.

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