Academic and Research Skills

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Academic and Research skills



1.1 Assess in own academic strengths and weaknesses including academic English language

1.2 Set up targets for improvement using the self-assessment....................................................4


2.1 Outline the process for carrying out primary research from different sources......................5

2.2 Outline the process for carrying out secondary research from different sources..................6


3.1 Note key points of information from a variety of sources using active listening skills and
reading strategies.........................................................................................................................6

3.2 Paraphrasing and summering the information.......................................................................7


4.1 Creation a plan for research on a chosen topic in business...................................................8

4.2 Draft a piece of research work using appropriate reference techniques................................9


5.1 Producing academic work to a professional standard using the existing draft......................9


6.1 Reflection development of academic skills and academic English.....................................10

6.2 Developing action plan for further improvement................................................................10



Academic competencies, personal skills and qualities, personal skills for academic work (time
management, initiative, perseverance flexibility is the facts of self-assessment of academic
competency. Targeting the specific groups of people and according to the groups, questionnaires
are designed is known as focus group sources of primary research. Participation of the people
and balance of the people are the most effective and essential issues here. Time determines the
duration of the primary research (Zwick and Rapoport, 2002).


1.1 Assess in own academic strengths and weaknesses including academic

English language skills
Followings are my assessing factors that exhibit my academic strengths and weaknesses.
Strengths and weaknesses are the most common self-assessment of academic competency.

Oral and written academic English ability: For the exhibition of academic strengths and
weakness, academic English language skills are essential. They are two kinds and they are:

Oral ability
Writing ability

Competencies in academy: Showing academic strengths and weaknesses of the academic

English language skills, academic competencies are the chances of self-assessment.

Chance for personal skills through academic work: Skills are the essential issue for showing
personal development. For the personal skills for academic work, the effective issues are Time
management, initiative, perseverance flexibility, responding positively to change and feedback
(Jones-Smith, 2011).

Oral and

issues of
for English
language Competenc
ies in
through skills academy
c work

Figure1: Strengths and weaknesses' issues of academic English language skills

1.2 Set up targets for improvement using the self-assessment

For setting targets for improvement using the self-assessment, the key factors are specific of the
target issues, measurement, and achievement to the target, reality and Timing.

of the

SMAR Measureme
nt of the
T issues

to the target

Figure2: The SMART theory

Specific of the target issues: The first action of the SMART theory of the self-assessment is to
set the specific tasks for improvement (Sakthivel-Wainford, 2006).

Measurement of the target: SMART theorys second issue is to measure the specific task which
is settled.

Achievement of the target: By applying the target functions of SMART is the achievement of
the target.

Realistic of the target: Evaluation with the measurement is the realistic of target for

Timing: The right time is the ending issue or function of SMART theory which indicates the
duration of the functions of SMART.

The issues of effective plan are for improvement (revisited and updated at regular intervals), with
targets, timescales, clarity of tasks.

Regular intervals Revisited and updated: For updating of the self-assessment plan, regular
intervals revisit is the effective way for self- assessment.

The most considering issue of self- assessment is timescales and clarity of tasks.


2.1 Outline the process for carrying out primary research from different
Questionnaires, focus groups and interview are three main kinds of primary research of sources.

Questionnaires: The main issues of questionnaires are design of questionnaires, avoiding

leading questions, gathering qualitative and quantitative data, issues of bias and analysis.

Focus groups: Targeting the specific groups of people and according to the groups,
questionnaires are designed is known as focus group sources of primary research. Participation
of the people and balance of the people are the most effective and essential issues here. Time
determines the duration of the primary research.

Interview: According to the interview methods, the questionnaires are designed is known as
interview sources of primary research (Corporate library benchmarks, 2000).

2.2 Outline the process for carrying out secondary research from different
One of the most used research methods in the present world is secondary research method. Desk
and recording methods are two types of secondary research methods.

Desk method: Information is collected by noting is known as desk method. For the academic
and research skills for business, noting method is effective.

Recording method: The effective issues for the recording sources method are Collating
information, evaluation of sources, citation and reference lists. The primary step of recording
research method is collecting and evaluation. Sequential citation is the listed citation.


3.1 Note key points of information from a variety of sources using active
listening skills and reading strategies
The evidence that notes has been taken are sequential method of notes.

The essential issues for the notes are acronyms, symbols and shorthand and acronyms are the
sequential notes. Using the symbols, collecting information is known as shorthand.

The effective sources of information are active listening skills and reading strategies. The
academic and research skills for business is influenced by the active listening skills and reading

g skills

Variety of


Figure3: Information sources

Active reading: The main issues of the active reading are reading aloud, paraphrase, summary,
synthesis. Loudly reading is needed for the active reading, Paraphrase and summary.

Active listening skills: Some common issues which plays effective role for developing listening
skills are acknowledging, eye contact, body language, concentrating and understanding what is
being said (Green, Ernest and Holler, 2005).

3.2 Paraphrasing and summering the information

The main issue of Paraphrase and summaries the information is review notes and the review
notes effective issues are re-reading, checking understanding and clarifying or expanding.


Clarifying or
review Checking

Figure4: Notes of review

Re-reading: It is the first issue of the reviewing note and effective for the paraphrase and

Checking understanding: It is another effective issue for reviewing notes and understanding
makes the task of summary easy.

Clarifying or expanding: It is the last issue of reviewing notes and essential for the paraphrase
and summaries (Asselin, 2012). The sequential steps of these factors are the evidences of


4.1 Creation a plan for research on a chosen topic in business

The creating issues of research plan are check understanding of the brief and, in particular, the use
of action words, check deadline, plan research methods, schedule time, set SMART objectives,
review plan are the core issues.

The chosen topic is developing an academic skill and the thoughtful, compelling and well-
written document that outlines unique research ideas is known as a research plan.

ng the brief

Plan review

issues of
research Deadline

SMART Research
objectives methed

Figure5: Creating issues of research plan

Understand the brief: Checking the understanding of the brief is the first issue of research plan.

Action words: Some word indicates the core issues of research plan which are known as action
words and they are Time schedule, check deadline of the plan research methods.

Deadline: The ending time is known as deadline.

Objectives of SMART theory: Above these issues are the objectives of SMART theory.

Time schedule: One of the determining issues is duration of a project which is known as time

Review plan: The plan is reviewed for feedback and other issues (Final comments on the science
plan for the North Pacific Research Board, 2005).

4.2 Draft a piece of research work using appropriate reference techniques

Avoiding plagiarism, referencing, and personal organization are the effective issues for the draft
and it is helpful for the research work. For unique drafting, avoid plagiarism must be ensured and

it is essential for research work. The text citation and reference as well as broad categories
reference are the most used three types of references. Here is most important issue is to
determine the appropriate the reference. These are the information services for the users
(McCulloch, 2009).

Ensuring the professional standard is the final work of research.

5.1 Producing academic work to a professional standard using the existing

Written work that meets brief, good standard of English, demonstrates referencing skills,
reviewed and edited are the main factors for professional standards of academic work.

The written work that meets brief: For the academic work, summary of the total work must be
written and thats why it meets brief.

The good standard of English: For a professional standard of the academic work, good
standard of English is essential through drafting.

Demonstrate referencing skills and reviewed and edited: Determining the references is the
core task for professional standard of academic work (Cable, 2009).

The presenting works orally to professional standard of academic work are Planning and
preparation, use of technology, support materials/aids, use of verbal and non-verbal skills.

The discussion content of work for professional standard of academic work are peers and
supervisors/academic staff, demonstrate depth of knowledge.


6.1 Reflection development of academic skills and academic English

To develop my professional standard is my academic goal.

The effective way of self development of academic skills and academic English are evaluate
content of own work, own skills development, Academic English ability, academic
competencies, personal skills and qualities, personal skills for academic work (time management,
initiative, perseverance flexibility, responding positively, to change and feedback) ; strengths and
weaknesses are the reflecting development of academic skills and academic English. These
issues reflect development of academic skills and academic English (SZUMLAS, 2002).

6.2 Developing action plan for further improvement

Action plan is the specific goal, taking document steps which must be implemented. Action plan
issues are the future improvement issues of academic research. They are:


for edit
plan Steps


Figure6: action plan development

Plan setting: The most important issue for the action plan is plan setting. For developing
academic skills and academic English, plan is effective issue.

Steps: according to the plan steps are developed and the academic skills and academic English
weakness turns into strength.

Application: The implementation of the plan is known as the application of plan.

Feedback for edit: Feedback is given for the edit.

Research plan are check understanding of the brief and, in particular, the use of action words, check
deadline, plan research methods. The presenting works orally to professional standard of academic
work are planning and preparation, use of technology, support materials/aids, use of verbal and
non-verbal skills. The discussion content of work for professional standard of academic work are
peers and supervisors/academic staff, demonstrate depth of knowledge (Shank and Dewald,


Asselin, N. (2012). Results of narwhal (Monodon monoceros) aerial surveys in northern Hudson
Bay, August 2011 =. [Ottawa]: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science = Peches et Oceans
Canada, Sciences.

Cable, S. (2009). Studying for Continuing Professional Development in HealthStudying for

Continuing Professional Development in Health. Nursing Standard, 23(47), pp.30-30.

Corporate library benchmarks. (2000). New York: Primary Research Group.

Final comments on the science plan for the North Pacific Research Board. (2005). Washington,
D.C.: National Academies Press.

Green, S., Ernest, D. and Holler, F. (2005). Information sources of political science. Santa
Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO.

Jones-Smith, E. (2011). Spotlighting the strengths of every single student. Santa Barbara, Calif.:

McCulloch, P. (2009). Developing appropriate methodology for the study of surgical

techniques. JRSM, 102(2), pp.51-55.

Sakthivel-Wainford, K. (2006). Self assessment in limb X-ray interpretation. Keswick: M & K.

Shank, J. and Dewald, N. (2011). Academic Library Administrators' Perceptions of Four

Instructional Skills. College & Research Libraries, 73(1), pp.78-93.

SZUMLAS, G. (2002). Development of an Office-based Curriculum of Common Pediatric

Primary Care Skills for Residents. Academic Medicine, 77(7), p.749.

Zwick, R. and Rapoport, A. (2002). Experimental business research. Boston, MA: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.


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