Amc 10 2016 P & S

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1. What is the value of when ?

Jawab : Factorizing the numerator, then becomes which is equal

to which is

2. If , what is ?

Jawab : which is .

3. Let . What is the value of ?

Jawab : Substituting carefully,

becomes which is .

4. Zoey read books, one at a time. The first book took her day to read, the second
book took her days to read, the third book took her days to read, and so on, with
each book taking her more day to read than the previous book. Zoey finished the 02129336036 / 0816950875


first book on a Monday, and the second on a Wednesday. On what day the week did
she finish her th book?

Jawab : The process took days, so the

last day was days after the first day. Since is divisible by , both must have
been the same day of the week, so the answer is .

5. The mean age of Amanda's cousins is , and their median age is . What is the sum
of the ages of Amanda's youngest and oldest cousins?

Jawab : The sum of the ages of the cousins is times the mean, or . There are
an even number of cousins, so there is no single median, so must be the median
of the two in the middle. Therefore the sum of the ages of the two in the middle is .
Subtracting from produces .

6. Laura added two three-digit positive integers. All six digits in these numbers are
different. Laura's sum is a three-digit number . What is the smallest possible value
for the sum of the digits of ?

Jawab : Let the two three-digit numbers she added

be and with and . The hundreds digits of these numbers must
be at least and , so and .
Say and ; then we just
need with and having different digits which aren't or .There are
many solutions, but and give which proves

that is attainable.

7. The ratio of the measures of two acute angles is , and the complement of one of
these two angles is twice as large as the complement of the other. What is the sum of
the degree measures of the two angles? 02129336036 / 0816950875


Jawab : We can set up a system of equations where and are the two acute
angles. WLOG, assume that in order for the complement of to be greater
than the complement of . Therefore, and . Solving
for in the first equation and substituting into the second equation yields

Substituting this value back into the first equation yields ,

leaving equal to .

8. What is the tens digit of

Jawab : Notice that, for , is congruent

to when is even and when is odd. (Check for
yourself). Since is
even, and
So the answer is .

9. All three vertices of are lying on the parabola defined by , with at

the origin and parallel to the -axis. The area of the triangle is . What is the
length of ?

Jawab : The area of the triangle is ,

so , giving a total distance across the top of , which is
answer . 02129336036 / 0816950875


10. A thin piece of wood of uniform density in the shape of an equilateral triangle with side
length inches weighs ounces. A second piece of the same type of wood, with the
same thickness, also in the shape of an equilateral triangle, has side length
of inches. Which of the following is closest to the weight, in ounces, of the second

Jawab : We can solve this problem by using similar triangles, since two equilateral
triangles are always similar. We can then use

We can then solve the equation to get which is closest to

11. Carl decided to fence in his rectangular garden. He bought fence posts, placed one
on each of the four corners, and spaced out the rest evenly along the edges of the
garden, leaving exactly yards between neighboring posts. The longer side of his
garden, including the corners, has twice as many posts as the shorter side, including
the corners. What is the area, in square yards, of Carls garden?

Jawab : To do this problem, we have to draw a rectangle. We also have to keep track
of the fence posts. Putting a post on each corner leaves us with only posts. Now
there are twice as many posts on the longer side then the shorter side. From this we
can see that we can put posts on the longer side and posts on the shorter side.
On the shorter side, we have spaces between the posts. On the longer side, we
have 7 spaces between the 8 fence posts. There are yards between each post.
Therefore, the answer is

12. Two different numbers are selected at random from and multiplied
together. What is the probability that the product is even? 02129336036 / 0816950875


Jawab : The product will be even if at least one selected number is even, and odd if
none are. Using complementary counting, the chance that both numbers are odd

is , so the answer is which is .

13. At Megapolis Hospital one year, multiple-birth statistics were as follows: Sets of twins,
triplets, and quadruplets accounted for of the babies born. There were four times
as many sets of triplets as sets of quadruplets, and there was three times as many
sets of twins as sets of triplets. How many of these babies were in sets of

Jawab : We can set up a system of equations where is the sets of twins, is the

sets of triplets, and is the sets of quadruplets.

Solving for and in the second and third equations and substituting into the first

equation yields
Since we are trying to find the number of babies and NOT the number of sets of, the
solution is not , but rather . Therefore, we strategically use the second initial
equation to realize that , leaving us with the number of babies born as

quadruplets equal to .

14. How many squares whose sides are parallel to the axes and whose vertices have
coordinates that are integers lie entirely within the region bounded by the line
, the line and the line

Jawab : The vertical line is just to the right of , the horizontal line is just ,
and the sloped line will always be above the value of . This means they will
always miss being on a coordinate with integer coordinates so you just have to count
the number of squares to the left, above, and under these lines. After counting the
number of 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, squares and getting 30, 15, and 5 respectively, and we end
up with 02129336036 / 0816950875


15. All the numbers are written in a array of squares, one

number in each square, in such a way that if two numbers are consecutive then they
occupy squares that share an edge. The numbers in the four corners add up to .
What is the number in the center?

Jawab : Consecutive numbers share an edge. That means that it is possible to walk
from to by single steps north, south, east, or west. Consequently, the squares in

the diagram with different shades have different parity:

But there are only four even numbers in the set, so the five darker squares must
contain the odd numbers, which sum to . Therefore if the
sum of the numbers in the corners is , the number in the centre must be , which is
answer .

16. The sum of an infinite geometric series is a positive number , and the second term
in the series is . What is the smallest possible value of

Jawab : After observation we realize that in order to minimize our

sum with being the reciprocal of r. The common ratio has to be in the form
of with being an integer as anything more than divided by would give a
larger sum than a ratio in the form of .

The first term has to be , so then in order to minimize the sum, we have minimize
. 02129336036 / 0816950875


The smallest possible value for such that it is an integer that's greater than is .

So our first term is and our common ratio is . Thus the sum is or .
Solution 2 by No_One
17. All the numbers are assigned to the six faces of a cube, one number to
each face. For each of the eight vertices of the cube, a product of three numbers is
computed, where the three numbers are the numbers assigned to the three faces that
include that vertex. What is the greatest possible value of the sum of these eight

Jawab : We first find the factorization using the method in

Solution1.By using AM-GM, we

get, . To maximize, the

factorization, we get the answer is

18. In how many ways can be written as the sum of an increasing sequence of two or
more consecutive positive integers?

Jawab : Factor . Suppose we take an odd number of consecutive

integers, centered on . Then with . Looking at the factors

of , the possible values of are centred
on respectively.

Suppose instead we take an even number of consecutive integers, centred

on and . Then with . Looking again at the
factors of , the possible values of are centred
on respectively.

Thus the answer is . 02129336036 / 0816950875


19. Rectangle has and . Point lies on so

that , point lies on so that . and point lies on so
that . Segments and intersect at and , respectively. What

is the value of ?

Jawab :Since the opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel

and due to vertical angles, . Furthermore, the

ratio between the side lengths of the two triangles is .

Labeling and , we see that turns out to be equal to .

Since the denominator of must now be a multiple of 7, the only possible solution

in the answer choices is .

20. A dilation of the planethat is, a size transformation with a positive scale factor
sends the circle of radius centered at to the circle of radius centered
at . What distance does the origin , move under this transformation? 02129336036 / 0816950875


Jawab : The center of dilation must lie on the line , which can be

expressed . Also, the ratio of dilation must be equal to , which is the

ratio of the radii of the circles. Thus, we are looking for a point such

that (for the -coordinates), and . Solving

these, we get and . This means that any point on the plane

will dilate to the point , which means that the

point dilates to . Thus, the origin

moves units.
21. What is the area of the region enclosed by the graph of the


Jawab : WLOG note that if a point in the first quadrant satisfies the equation, so do
its corresponding points in the other three quadrants. Therefore, we can assume
that , which implies that and , and multiply by at the end.
We can rearrange the equation to
get , which describes a
circle with center and radius It's clear we now want to find the union of
four circles with overlap.

There are several ways to find the area, but

note that if you connect to its other three respective points in the other three 02129336036 / 0816950875


quadrants, you get a square of area , along with four half-circles of diameter ,

for a total area of which is .

22. A set of teams held a round-robin tournament in which every team played every other
team exactly once. Every team won games and lost games; there were no ties.
How many sets of three teams were there in which beat , beat ,
and beat

Jawab : There are teams. Any of the sets of three teams must
either be a fork (in which one team beat both the others) or a cycle:

But we know that every team beat

exactly other teams, so for each possible at the head of a fork, there are
always exactly choices for and . Therefore there are forks,
and all the rest must be cycles.

Thus the answer is which is .

23. In regular hexagon , points , , , and are chosen on sides
, , , and respectively, so lines , , , and are parallel and
equally spaced. What is the ratio of the area of hexagon to the area of
hexagon ?

Jawab : 02129336036 / 0816950875


First, like in the first solution, split the large hexagon into 6 equilateral triangles. Each
equilateral triangle can be split into three rows of smaller equilateral triangles. The first
row will have one triangle, the second three, the third five. Once you have drawn these
lines, it's just a matter of counting triangles. There are small triangles in
hexagon , and small triangles in the whole hexagon.

Thus, the answer is .

24. How many four-digit integers , with , have the property that the three two-
digit integers form an increasing arithmetic sequence? One such
number is , where , , , and .

Jawab : The numbers are and . Note that only can be

zero, and that .
To form the sequence, we need
This can be rearranged as . Notice that since the left-
hand side is a multiple of , the right-hand side can only be or . (A value
of would contradict .) Therefore we have two
cases: and .
Case 1
If , then , so . This gives .
If , then , so . This gives .
If , then , so , giving . There is no solution
for . Added together, this gives us answers for Case 1.
Case 2
This means that the digits themselves are in arithmetic sequence. This gives
us answers, .Adding the

two cases together, we find the answer to be .

25. Let , where denotes the greatest integer less than or

equal to . How many distinct values does assume for ? 02129336036 / 0816950875


Jawab : Since , we have

The function can then be simplified into

which becomes

We can see that for each value of k, can equal integers from 0 to k-1.

Clearly, the value of changes only when x is equal to any of the

fractions .

So we want to count how many distinct fractions have the form where .

We can find this easily by computing where is the Euler Totient

Function. Basically counts the number of fractions with as its denominator
(after simplification). This comes out to be .
Because the value of is at least 0 and can increase 31 times, there are a total

of different possible values of . 02129336036 / 0816950875

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