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To Whom It May Concern:

I have had the great pleasure of having Sarahi Mora in my U.S. History and
Mexican American Courses for the last two academic years at NOVA Academy Early
College High School. Within the last two year I have witnessed Sarahi grow both
academically and as an individual. Sarahi has proven to be a dedicated student who
pushes herself to the best she can on every assignment. It is due to this dedicated work
ethic that she was able to receive an Honor Roll Award during her Junior year for earning
a GPA of 3.0-3.49.
Sarahi has not only been a good student in my classes but she has also proven to
be very involved in extracurricular activities. For example, Sarahi has participated in
Yearbook Club, Fashion Club, Political Club and the College Initiative for two years.
Additionally, Sarahi has volunteered at NOVA Academy and The First Song Church at
the Mix an afterschool program where she helps prepare meals for the students who
attend the program afterschool.
I am very proud to have had Sarahi as a student in my class, she is the type of
student that gives a great deal of effort on every assignment in my class. I truly appreciate
Sarahis contribution to my classes and I greatly value and respect her points of view and
ideas. Additionally, I would like to point out that Sarahi never gives up when she realizes
that changes need to be made both in her academic and personal life.

To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Sarahi

Hernandez. If you have any further questions regarding Sarahis ability or this
recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 337-1571.


Ms. Laura Ramirez


Social Studies Teacher

NOVA Academy Early College High School

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