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4 Hours 49 Minutes 19 Seconds

Note: Time for deeper level!

I am so FUCKING bad and rude, that I even didn't made it at least title 5 Hours.
From very long time you know the scenario 1 hour 2 hours 3 4 .

But why now this?

(4 Hours and even minutes and to don't forget about the seconds.)
Why not 5 Hours?
(P.S. Come on .! Be patient!)

As first A new chapter is on the way and yeah now I just answered the question b
ecause I am ain't predictable.
(Now tell me did you saw that comin?)

Here is the time and the place when we will talk about what's happening?

- If it's around my works!

The Life Of One Kid = It's my own experience story with which I began everything
This was the first book ever written by me!
(On the record 8-9 Volumes)

Facts Which Will Blow Your Mind - Facts, I like them a lot of but I had the chan
ce just write few books.

(On the record 3 Volumes - The Book is)

- I am hopping soon to make more books on topic facts.

Deeper Level Collection

- Stories from deeper level A level which some people deny that it exist but here
with few exploits you can see it . You can feel it .
Deeper Level is a place where crazy and mad people come from and all are damn go
od no justice they are on the Killing Spree!
- Complex and difficult to be stopped. This here IS a true story, that's life not
all villains get caught.
Dead Man Notes
- Another place from side Deeper Level + The Life Of One Kid both are in one It do
esn't mean that I am going stop Deeper Level, there is one very very long journe
y it could take years = who knows!?
(We won't stay here forever )

The Life One Kid - Yeah I stop it but Dead Man Notes + Reddit Collection are her
e to compromise the lost!

(I am very sorry for your lost!)

Chapter 1
If you read this I am Female 18 years old blonde hair and very shy girl. I alway
s loved my father more than my mother,
.with my mother we lost connection with each year we were talking less and less an
d less and less For few years she was from relative went into status stranger.

It begins as it follows
I really don't know how we reached here We always have been one happy family. You
get the image!
A family which cares and loves each other.
My mother the last few years in which I was 8,9 and max to 10 years old started
getting some troubles first job problems then money problems
For 3 years as well as I know her she was changed drastically, I little paid att
ention the first year the second year it went as bad as it follows.
- Agression
- Rage
- Fights
- Shouting
- Little Offensive as a character

But this was just the second year

(Note: I would describe it as the world was turn down with it's both legs.)
(P.S. - I breathe I live with this = "P.S" and "Notes")
(P.S. - Without plot it's ain't book I hate somebody to watch me what I type abou
t So very very awful + I am 17 Years old now in = Real World)
VE A VALUE IN ABOUT 0.01???) .
If in second year happens that so in the third Small problems become bigger and b
igger and more bigger. The problem was that my mother was making from nothing so
mething from few small problems she makes chaos!
My father couldn't take more of it and he put an end to this The truth it was dif
ficult to be done by him, but you know if he can't himself nobody can help him

It was slowly killing him inside and effecting me also more likely little sociall
The thought that that's his half and he is going to leave her like this alone the
promise was that in salty and sweet days people in marriage gonna go throw this
and this is thing which is going to make the relationship more and more stronger
But here it was slightly told by a lot of people and few had the chance to reall
y . Really to experience this which now you are reading. Probably my father is one
of these few people to experience it.

As the story tells and follows

If something is bad and too much makes your well being endangered . You should mak
e a move to protect yourself from that danger.
(Note: Stop Stop and think about this!)
IN 1966 year in which my family got divorced at that time I wasn't very familiar
with the word divorce and please to don't talk about the action = divorce.

I was bound into limited info, as you probably don't know staring at a smartphon
e as first I didn't saw as something very productive, - hanging with friends out
side, family, cousins and other relatives and people near me has always been my
The side in which I am good!

And again to be next to the computer and gazing and staring into the blue light
is nothing more than the beginning of your zombie career. Books for me have been
world's created for people with stress to get safety journey into slightly diff
erent world and little bit relief.

Which you know

Which I know

It was something rare the divorce few people out 50 students had a family which
was divorced. Nowadays is like disease and syndrome and everyone knows the meani
ng of this word and everyone or almost everyone has experienced this.

(As for before I thought nothing out of it about everything around the divorced.)
Just to be clear

On the record I am born in 1955 and we were a happily family since 1955 up to 19
66 Until one day 1966 it happen as you call it "divorce".
(P.S. - It's a fun fact play with it In one day you were born in one day it happe
n )

I thought that this was kinda official break in which people spent time = separ
ated just to re-think more about the future In other words break One big Break!
(Note: 11 and half years old In the period of 1955-1966. - I have been!)
1970, At age 15 Years old I understand that the divorce hasn't been something ad
ult thing,

(Note: To be honest here my father wanted me to get few years older and somewher
e there he did promised spend time with me to explain to me what's the real mean
ing of this word = "Divorce")

It came the time

It has been something which happens when people don't have choices what to do n
ext and how to do it!
So they to get some choices . they go few steps backward by removing the choices
they have made
Of course they can't remove me - So this move has been skipped and they just do
like that
Boom Marriage gone
Divorce just solve the "choice" problem. - Now my words!
(Note: Here is a tip if you have a problem in which somebody comes here because
somebody try the "somebody" the person who invites the other human being! Kill him
or make people just to get one big disappointment and then make them sad.)

ONE year later!

My father always liked to share old stories when I became 16 which was in 1971.
He was telling me about the old school also famous as the old days.
Like for example at the time which he has been at my age the teachers could fix
grade, from F to A, by
(Mhm how to say It?. Off I am going to go straight..) FUCKING. If you are excellen
t fucker you get a excellent grade, if you are good one you get a good grade. So
unds simple!?

He even told me that at my age he had sex, it was his first time and it didn't w
ent well but the 3-4 he became better in this by having sex with his teachers. H
e had a lot of friends, he was the most famous boy in school he was even invited
into a lot of parties.
Some of the stuff at first he rejected to tell me At age 16 he wanted me to grow
1-2 years more. But I told him that I can't hold one more year He re-think on th
at few minutes and then he just throw the ball.
(Note: It's strange how fast his opinion got changed )
He started with the scale of fucking
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. F
- Stuff like A+ or A++ didn't existed at that time. To be more accurate they did
n't exist in sex.
For "F", you should be the worst fucker to get this, at least the teachers were
good ones and gave few more chances to their students... To students with bad gr

For "D", just the normal type sex you choose pussy and you fuck no other extra st
uff. If you do that you can at least pass school, but still it should be applied
knowledge = "FUCK YOU".
( father started laughing)
For "C", now we are talking for something interesting. Something which I could p
ut it as the beginning of the fun.
- Just to remind! This was for the Males and Shemales scale for grades. If you
one them you are damn lucky!
So let me continue in "C" As first you should be a good fucker as second pussy +
For "B", oho oho my favourite Here you can do pussy + ass + extra - choosen from y
ou. It could be facial or it could be cumshot and of course good fucker.

For "A", here we are talking about sex in the time period of 1-2 weeks + few tim
es in row. Good fucker and pussy + ass + few times facial. Without footjob and f
eetjob you ain't gettin "A". - Just to Remind ya!

It has always been fun listening to his stories more and more and more, he was o
ne damn good story teller. He changed my way of seeing life!
He was the guy who was guiding me in my life Right forward backward left way

Few Years Later

(Note: Good guys get fucked in the real world)
I have some kinda strange memories I really can't define it.. Some strange images
.. In which I do very strange stuff.. I take some kinda pills or I really don't
know what is it and I am around my father friends. The strange thing is that I a
m naked My whole body is naked

First all we are with clothes having fun dancing laughing. Then after a minute a bl
ackout and after one moment I see one my father friends putting his finger few t
imes in my pussy then in my ass I am laughing and making sounds of moan.
I just can't believe how everything is happening then Again we come back and star
t dancing then I wake up see to be surrounded by dicks which are around my bed ther
e are a lot of and all are jerking off on my naked body.


I am in a bar nothing sure neither for time the room is flashy with rainbow colours
spinning around, it's little bit disturbing.


(P.S. - Memory Lost I know some stuff little cuts.. or even more than little, can'
t Explain what's the horrible feeling.)

Second blackout .

IF I don't remember it should be a blackout, right? No clue for time or how did e
verything happen. I think it's going to be more clear by putting it as black out.

It's second time this time not so much drugged still memory lost and missing tim
e lines, but still I remember this my father is with his buddies they are naked,
or are almost naked only dick can be saw and few inches above and below naked, w
hich is ain't much.

I can't control my body movements and even on the top of this cake
there is a female next to me and says in my ears .
GO GOOO Deep throat another deep now lick the balls kiss the dick make edge licking
k the semen go go FOR IT COME ON NOW KISS IT.
(Very silent, sluty way - She says this words)

Come on Come on Show your father what's sucking dick . SHOW HIM SHOW HIM REMEMBER THE
Squeeze the balls one time with your left hand then with your right hand.

Go with the tongue first around the balls then suck gently the dick wait to cum if

I just can't stop I feel like somebody is pushing me

I am on autopilot mod and I can't do any damn thing. I lost control of my body
in my mouth I have cock which touches my throat
OUT .IN .OUT IN OUT IN OUT .IN .OUT - That's what happens with dick goes inside then out i
I even don't do anything this FUCKING guy is FUCKING me inside in my mouth and he
Oh it was one damn bad dream my pornography on my TV has been left ON + and I hav
e been masturbating.

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