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All of his victims were prostitutes who lived a deeply impoverished

existence in the slums of Victorian White-chapel. This piece of
information is very useful to me because it is of correct facts as every
victim of his were prostitutes. This piece of information is used in almost
every source I found on the Jack the Ripper case making the fact more
truthful as the victims were indeed prostitutes. This piece of information
will be very effective in my script because I can gain the audience
sympathy for the victims because in those times the women had little
piece of freedom as they were only allowed to know how to sew and cook,
be married or be a prostitute.
The Central News Agency received the Dear Boss Letter, which was dated
September 25th, on September 27, 1888. A missive addressed to Dear
Boss arrives at the Central News Agency. It is signed JACK THE RIPPER, a
name which will turn the unknown miscreant into a world famous legend.-
This piece of information is very useful for my story as it is from the point
of the view of the leading detective that is trying to solve the case. The
letter was actual evidence of Jack the Ripper ever existing as they were
sent to the Whitechapel police at the time of the ripper murders. This
piece of information is very useful as it is evidence from the actual case
and this will be effective in my piece, as this piece of information will
make the story seem more realistic
3rd April 1888, which is the day that the first Whitechapel District of East
End of London murder.- This piece of information is useful for my
production as it is the day that Im setting the whole Jack the Ripper story
as that day in history where the first string of ripper like murders
As to suspicion that she was the first victim of the string of Jack the Ripper
murders. Emma Elizabeth Smith was a prostitute and murder victim of
mysterious origins in late 19th century London. This piece of information
is useful for my script as she is an actual victim of the Whitechapel ripper
like murders that happened in 1888. This piece of information is effective
as these events are true events making the story seem more realistic,
gain sympathy from the audiences for these victims as it happened to
them, and be sympathetic towards the women in those times, as they had
limited freedom as they were only allowed to be homemakers or
In 1888, she was living in a lodging-house at 18 George Street, Spitalfields
in the East End of London. She was viciously assaulted at the junction of
Osborn Street and Brick Lane, Whitechapel, in the early hours of Tuesday
3 April 1888. After discovering her body, she was found that a blunt object
had been inserted into her vagina, rupturing her peritoneum. - This piece
of information is useful for my production in helping to aid the realistic
setting of the time even though the story is from the Rippers point of view
as the detective. This information is from a reliable source as it is from a
newspaper that was released at the time of the first Whitechapel murder
of a prostitute. This is effective as it is using actual details of what
happened to the victims giving the audience a better insight to the truth
behind the murders as we will see the state that the victims end up when
found by police.
On Bank Holiday night, Easter Monday (April 3, 1888) Emma Elizabeth
Smith left around 6:00 PM searching for trade. Margaret Hayes at next saw
her around 12:15 AM talking to a man dressed in dark clothes and a white
scarf in Fairance Street, Limehouse. The next time she was seen was
about four hours later, when she staggered into her lodgings at George
Street, her face bloodied and her ear cut, with her woollen shoulder wrap
pressed between her thighs to clog the injury which would later lead to
her death. This type of information I will be using part of as some of the
information might not be completely as it was from a witness of the first
murder victim last appearance before turning up dead. This will be useful
for me as it explains where she was found and gives an insight of what
people might of saw before the murder happened and also the fact that
she was injured before succumbing to her injuries which may be an
indication that she wasnt the Rippers first victim. This is effective for me
to use as it gives the audience another view of what might have happened
to Emma Elizabeth Smith from a witness account.
Mary Ann Nichols, known as Polly, was murdered early on the morning of
Aug. 31, 1888, on a narrow London street called Bucks Row, becoming
the first known victim of serial killer Jack the Ripper. Nichols, believed to
be 42 at the time of her death, was a prostitute, like all of the murderers
victims. Her body was discovered at about 3:40 a.m. by Charles Cross, a
cart driver, who was on his way to work. Dr. Rees Ralph Llewellyn then
observed the body and determined the cause of death. This piece of
information is useful as it is explaining what happened to the actual
supposed first victim of Jack the Ripper. This piece of information is
effective towards the audience as it is giving them another professional
standpoint of the investigation of the murder of Mary Ann Nichols as it is
from the doctors findings for the autopsy of her body.

SOURCES ANALYSIS: (2017). Emma Elizabeth Smith. [online] Available at: This source is
somewhat not reliable as it is a Wikipedia page as anyone can insert any
new false information and change a lot of the actual truth in the
information on the first murder victim of the Whitechapel murders in
1888. (2017). Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Emma Smith. [online]
Available at: This
source is quite reliable as it features a lot of detail about the murder of
Emma Elizabeth Smith but the source is slightly outdated as it was written
in 2013. On this website it has press reports that was taken from the time
that the Whitechapel murders happened. (2017). On This Day: Jack the Ripper Kills First
Victim. [online] Available at:
Ripper-s-First-Victim.html. This source is somewhat reliable as it shows
similar information about the alleged first victim of Jack the Ripper on few
websites meaning that the information is more reliable. In addition, this
website talks about other historic events that happened throughout
Ripper, U.J. the (2016) WELCOME TO JACK THE RIPPER 1888. Available at: This source is quite reliable in the sense
that it has a lot of information and has actual footage and newspaper
documents to back up what the information is saying. This means that the
source is very effective and reliable as it gives you a lot of dates and
statistics with photographic evidence taken from the time that the website
is talking about.

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