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CFP | MARCH 2017


The Literary Encyclopedia at is looking for qualified writers to enhance its
coverage of Latin American literature(s). The list below is not comprehensive or final, and new
proposals of writers/works/context essays that are not currently listed in our database are also
welcome. However, we will prioritize articles on writers and works frequently studied in university
courses, and those that are highly topical and well-known.

In addition to publishing articles on canonical and much-taught literary works, the Encyclopedia is
also interested in making available information about important writers and works that are often
neglected, and in publishing articles about discrete historical events which are relevant to literary
understanding. It also seeks to broaden its scope to include more research-oriented articles with a
pedagogic function, such as 'Critical issues in title' or 'Critical readings of author/title'. If you are
interested in contributing such an essay, please contact the relevant volume editor or the managing

All offers of contribution should come accompanied by an up-to-date CV and, in the case of doctoral
students who wish to offer a contribution, a short writing sample.

More detailed information on the Encyclopedia including its publishing model, editorial policies,
specific information for authors etc. can be found on its homepage at, under
the ABOUT tab. In order to explore the kinds of content we publish please log in using the case-
sensitive username 'SpringGuest2017' and the password 'derekwalcott'.

We hope that you will wish to join us in this enterprise. If you wish to contribute, please contact the
volume editors: Prof. Nuala Finnegan, University College Cork (; Dr Joey
Whitfield, University of Leeds (; or Alexander Beard, Oxford University
(; or the managing editor, Dr Cristina Sandru

Rodrigo Rey Rosa
Augusto Monterroso

Christina Peri Rossi
Juan Carlos Onetti
Mario Benedetti
Jos Enrique Rod
Emir RodrguezMonegal

Andrs Caicedo
Laura Restrepo
Juan Gabriel Vsquez
Piedad Bonnet
Candelario Obeso
Fernando Vallejo
Pablo Montoya
Marvel Moreno
lvaro Mutis
Jos Eustasio Rivera
CFP | MARCH 2017

Roberto Burgos Cantor

Jorge Artel
Gonzalo Mallarino Flrez
Evelio Rosero
Pedro Gmez Valderrama
Mario MendozaZambrano

Reinaldo Arenas
Severo Sarduy
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Fidel Castro
Roberto Fernndez Retamar
Nancy Morejn
Miguel Barnet
Carlos Montenegro
Gertrudis Gmez de Avellaneda
Lydia Cabrera
Abilio Estvez
Jos Mart
Eliseo Diego
Juan Francisco Manzano

Alfredo Bryce Echenique
Clorinda Matto de Turner
Jos Carlos Maritegui
Ciro Alegra
Guamn Poma

Jorge Icaza

Pedro Palou
Alvaro Unrigue
Jorge Volpi
Ignacio Padilla
Cristina Rivera Garza
Sara Sefchovich
Salvador Elizondo
Daniel Sada
Luis Spota
Sergio Pitol
Guadalupe Nettel
Ana Clavel
Nellie Campobello
Vicente Lenero
Josefina Vicens
Federico Campbell
Gustavo Sainz
Rodolfo Usigli
Jose Agustin
Xavier Villaurrutia;
Silvia Molina
CFP | MARCH 2017

Margo Glantz
Jordi Soler
Ana Garcia Bergua
Francisco Segovia
Ines Arredondo
Angeles Mastretta
Sabina Berman

Alicia Gaspar de Alba

Pedro Lemebel
Diamela Eltit
Ral Zurita
Vicente Huidobro
Antonio Skrmeta

David Vias
Alfonsina Storni
Griselda Gambaro
Adolfo BioyCasares
Esteban Echeverra
Oliverio Girondo
Macedonio Fernndez
Leopoldo Marechal
Victoria Ocampo
Luisa Valenzuela
Toms Eloy Martnez
Marta Traba
Juan Jos Saer
Alan Pauls
Oscar Masotta

Costa Rica
Jos Len Snchez

Puerto Rico
Junot Daz
Luis Rafael Snchez
Jos Luis Gonzlez

El Salvador
Horacio Castellanos Moya

Augusto Roa Bastos

Ernesto Cardenal

Dominican Republic
Josefina Bez
CFP | MARCH 2017

Mario Vargas Llosa
Any of his major works except Ta Julia

Carlos Fuentes
Any of his major works except Aura, La frontera de cristal, los das enmascarados, la regin ms

Pablo Neruda
Any of his best known and most anthologised poems

Octavio Paz
Any of his best known and most anthologised poems apart from Piedra de sol

Augusto Roa
Bastos Yo el Supremo

Miguel ngel Asturias

El seor presidente

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