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Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 24 Wednesday 22nd March 2017 Spring Term 2017
In the meantime, Mrs Forsyth
We recently entered two teams into a would like to invite all parents to an
local tournament where 8 teams fought exciting Quiz Night and Promise
over the title: the A team came 3 overall, Auction:

and the B team came 7th. 8 teams
altogether. th
On Friday 30 June, the teachers
from Sandiway Primary School will
It was a fast and furious competition and be hosting a Quiz and Auction of
both squads played brilliantly, showing Promises Evening. The evening will
great sportsmanship. Well done to all!
begin with a quiz where staff will be

setting the questions. There will be
This will be followed by an Auction of a maximum of 8 adults in a team or
Promises. People make a promise to you can turn up on the evening and
donate their time, a skill, or an item. join a team. A letter will be sent out
Bidders then bid to win the items they are soon, so start looking for those
interested in. Have a think if you can team members!

donate something. Pledges can be big or
small, ranging from a weekend or a week
in a holiday home to baking someone's This week our Spiritual, Moral, Social
cake sale contribution. The key is to have a and Cultural focus is:
variety of pledges, suiting different
budgets. Examples of promises could Sporting abilities
Thank you to the parents who have include: 4 hours of ironing, taking rubbish
to the tip, babysitting, etc. If you have a

contacted me following my information
email regarding school finance. Please be particular talent, eg. in ICT, cooking a Dates for your diary
assured that I put the childrens interests particular country's cuisine, teaching Upcoming events are highlighted in red
languages etc then these can all be very 24/3/17 Red Nose Day
at the heart of all decisions that both
28/3/17 Northwich Childrens Parliament
myself and Governors make all decisions popular pledges, so let your imagination
around future finances will ensure the run riot! More information will follow 30/3/17 Weaverham High School Music
continuing success of our school. regarding how and what you can donate in Festival (we have a choir attending)
the next week. 31/3/17 PTA Easter Egg Hunt
Many parents have offered their help in 31/3/17 Y5&Y6 led Easter Service at
fundraising thank you. We will collate Why not write the date on your calendar 2.30pm
ideas together to ensure that our school now and come along for a lively evening 31/3/17 Children break up for the Easter
building and grounds continues to be a bidding against your friends and Holiday (normal finish time)
neighbours and win yourself a bargain too! 18/4/17 Children and staff return
lovely place for children to learn and play.
27-28/4/17 Y2 children on residential visit
Other parents are very receptive to giving
to Foxhowl Centre, Delamere Forest
a fixed amount to the school as a regular This evening will be used to help raise 1/5/17 May Day Bank Holiday
donation, which would accumulate in a funds for our Early Years Outside Area, 5/5/17 Y6 Chemistry Day
fund. This is something which I will also which needs redevelopment. The plan is 8/5/17 Y6 Test Week starts
look into, which would certainly support to create a series of zones to cater for 15/5/17 Mental Health Awareness Week
the schools finances. Other parents have different styles of play. For example, wed 26/5/17 Break up for half term holiday
offered their time in school thank you. like to introduce zones for active games, 5/6/17 Children and staff return to school
quieter games, reading, constructing, and 5/6/17 Health Week
reflecting etc. The more money we raise, 6/6/17 Class photos
At this stage, I want to very carefully and
7/6/17 Northwich Schools Music Festival
strategically look at how the funding the more improvements the school will be
9/6/17 Sports Day (pm)
restructure by Government will have on able to make and the more fun our 10/6/17 Gala Day on the Village playing
the school (it is not yet confirmed and may children will have, so let your imagination fields
be subject to change) and look carefully at run riot! 12/6/17 New Starters in Reception:
where further efficiencies can be made. Parents Meeting (evening)
Then I will work with Governors and the Please save the date and if you are able to 25-27/6/17 Y6 Residential Visit to London
parents who have offered their help to donate a promise we will be setting up an 30/6/17 Quiz Night/Auction of Promises

come up with a strategic plan for online system or you can email: 8/7/17 Family Camp Over/Summer Sports
fundraising for the school. I will keep you with

updated. your pledge.

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