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1. Azelia Puteri as Narator
2. Wendi Mustafa as Prabu Tapa Agung
3. Luthfiah M.I as Purbasari
4. Gina Aini as Purbararang
5. M. Aulia Rahman as Lutung Kasarung
6. Sandi as Raden Indrajaya
7. Joshua as Patih

1. Prabu Tapa Agung -> firmly wise, fair
2. Purbasari -> patience, kind
3. Purbararang -> selfish, grumpy, rash
4. Lutung kasurung -> good natured, humble
5. Raden Indrajaya -> arrogant, yielding
6. Patih -> obedient, trustworthy

Once upon a time in Tatar Pasundan there was a kingdom led by a wise
king named Prabu Tapa Agung. He had two beautiful daughters and he had
no son. Purbararang was his first daughter, and Purbasari was his second
daughter. The queen passed away when Purbasari was born.
As the time goes by, the king wanted to abdicate because he thought
that he was old enough to take care of the kingdom anymore, but he was
confused to choose among his daughters who will replace his position. So he
called Patih to help him to choose.

King : Soldier!
Soldier : Yes, Your Majesty.
King : Please Ask Patih to come to meet me now.
Soldier : All right, my majesty.
(The soldier went to found Patih, and then they came to meet the king)

Patih : Do you ask me to meet you, Your Majesty?

King : Yes, I do, Patih. I want to ask your help.
Patih : Sure, Your Majesty. What is it?
King : (sign) Patih... as you can see, my healthy isnt good enough
lately, Im not young anymore, I think this is my time to me to
Patih : But you still strong enough, Your Majesty
King : No, Patih. Im old enough to take care of the kingdom
anymore. Im no longer be able to lead.
Patih : If so, Your Majesty must choose between Princess Purbararang
and Princess Purbasari. But, if Your Majesty follow the rules.
Means, that your successor is Princess Purbararang.
King : Hmm. Very well. (silent)
Patih : Your majesty?
King : All right. Soldier, please bring my daughters here.
Soldier : Yes, your majesty

(Soldier went to find Purbararang and Purbasari, and then they entered the
room together.)

Soldier : Your majesty, I have brought both of them.

Purbararang : Whats the matter, father? Why did you call us?
King : I will choose who will be my successor between you two.
Purbasari : Does it mean that father want to abdicate?
King : Yes, my daughter.
Purbasari : And who will you choose, father?
King : I choose, you, Purbasari to replace my position.
Purbararang : "You cannot ask her to be the queen, Father. I'm older than
she is. It's supposed to be me, not her!"
King : Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are
many other qualities that one must posses.
Purbararang : What does Purbasari have that I dont?
King : You will find out when Purbasari has replaced me. (silent)
Purbasari : Purbararang is right father, she is the oldest. And..
King : Ive made my decision, and all of you have to accept that.
Now, you can go.
Both of them : All right, father (left the room)
Purbasari : Sist..
Purbararang : Shut up!

(Purbararang went to meet her fianc, Raden Indrajaya.)

Purbararang : (mumbling) This is so unfair! It has to be me, not her!
Indrajaya : Why are you so upset, love?
Purbararang : Father chose Purbasari to be his successor!
Indrajaya : Is that true?! How can..?!
Purbararang : I dont know. But I have to do something, I want to be the
Indrajaya : (silent) Hmmm.. I have an idea. How about. (whispering
on Purbararangs ears)
Purbararang : Its a great idea, kanda!

In the evening, Purbararang went to the witch house. Like Indrajaya

said, they asked a witch to cast a spell to Purbasari. Soon after that,
Purbasari had a strange skin disease. There were black dots on her skin. She
also had skin rash. And then Purbararang and Indrajaya went to Purbasaris
room with innocent faced.
Purbararang : (surprised) Purbasari, what happened to you?
Purbasari : I dont know, sist. Last night my whole body suddenly felt very
itchy. I scratched and this is what happened.
Purbararang : You must have done something really awful. Youve been
punished by the gods.
Purbasari : No, sist..
Indrajaya : Ill go tell the king.

(Indrajaya went to call the king and then they came to Purbasaris room)
King : Oh, my daughter. What happened to you? What have you
Purbasari : No, Father. I I dont know. I didnt do something wrong that
would upset the gods.
King : Then how can you explain what happened to your body?
Purbasari : Like I said, I dont know, father. I didnt do anything wrong.
Purbararang : Father, she cant be the queen with her condition right now.
Indrajaya : Yes, Your Majesty. Purbasari can embarrassed you and the

After a short discussion with Patih. Prabu Tapa Agung ordered Purbasari
to move out into the woods. Purbasari was very sad, but she couldnt do
anything to deny her Fathers order. She was sent to the woods by a soldier.
He built a simple hut for Purbasari.

Soldier : Im so sorry, my lady. This is the best thing that I can do.
Purbasari : Its okay, soldier. Thank you.

After the soldier left, suddenly a black monkey came to Purbasaris hut. He
carried a bunch of bananas.

Purbasari : Are the bananas for me?

And then they became friends. Although she was living by herself in
the woods, Purbasari never lacked of supplies. Everyday, there were always
animals brought her fruits and fish to eat.
A long time passed since Purbasari was banished to the woods, but her
body still itched. One night, on a full moon, the monkey suddenly spoke to
Pubasari. He also brought a glass of water.

Lutung : Purbasari, drink this water. It will heal your skin.

Purbasari : (surpired) You. You can talk? How can? Who are you?
Lutung : You will find out soon, Purbasari. But first you have to
drink this water.

And then Purbasari drank the water. A few moments later, she was
shocked, because the strange skin disease that she had had gone. Her face
was beautiful again, with smooth and clean skin. Purbasari observed her
entire body and she realized that there were no traces of any skin ailments.

Purbasari : (surprised) Look, Lutung. Im heal, my skin back to normal

again. Thanks to god, and thanks to you too, Lutung, you have
done so much to me.
Lutung : My pleasure, Purbasari.
Purbasari : Lutung, I have to come home. So I can fulfill the mandate that
my father gave to me. Can you go with me?
Lutung : Yes, I can, Purbasari. Lets go.

Purbasari and Lutung back to the kingdom. Then they meet Prabu Tapa
Agung and Purbararang.
King : Oh, my daughter, you come back?
Purbasari : Yes, my father. Im back, and Im heal.
Purbararang : Purbasari?
Indrajaya : But, how can, Purbasari? Its impossible.
Purbasari : Yes, my body back to normal. Now I can fulfill the mandate
that father gave to me.
King : Thank you god, my daughter comes back. Now you can be the
Purbararang : But. There is one more condition you have to fulfill to be the
queen, Purbasari.
Purbasari : What is that?
Purbararang : Do you have a future husband that more handsome than
mine, Indrajaya?

Purbasari felt miserable. She didnt have a future husband yet. Soon, without
much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.
Purbasari : He is my future husband. Right, Lutung?
Lutung : Yes, Im her future husband.
Indrajaya : (surprised) You can talk?!
Purbararang : So, your future husband is a monkey? Are you kidding me?
Purbararang and Indrajaya burst out, but their laughter didnt last long.
The monkey suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot
more handsome than Indrajaya.

Indrajaya : Oh my God!
Purbararang : Who are you?!
Lutung : Im a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a
monkey because of a mistake I committed. I could regain my
true form only if theres a girl who would be willing to be my
King : So, what do you think, Patih?
Patih : Purbasaris future husband is a lot more handsome than
Purbararangs. So, Purbasari can be the queen, Your Majesty.

Finally, Purbararang gave up. She accepted Purbasari as the queen, and
also confessed everything she had done.
Purbararang : Please forgive me, my sister.
Indrajaya : Yes, Purbasari, please forgive me too. Dont punish us.
Purbasari : Yes, I forgive you. I will never hurt you two. But dont ever do
the same thing to anyone else like you did to me.
Both : Yes, we promise, Purbasari.

After than Purbasari married with Lutung Kasarung and she became
the queen then beside her was a handsome prince, the former monkey
known as Lutung Kasarung. And they lived happily ever after.

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