Spoof Bing 2

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Once, there was a father and his son named Absuri and Simin.

They were very

close because they always together wherever and whenever they are. They often
did something absurd or weird as if it was part of their everyday situations.

One day, Absuri and Simin went for a walk at the park nearby. As soon as they
reach the park, they started do something absurd by step into the fence. Simin,
Follow what i do! said Absuri Now, spread your arm and walk slowly. Hearing
what his father said, Simin just nod his head and did what his father said. Now,
Move your body up and down said Absuri After that, bend your body.

A police nearby, who saw what they did, immediately aprroached Absuri and
shouted Absuri, stop joking around and stop do something absurd on the fence!
Cant you just walk normally?. The police thought they will walk normally and
left them. But, when the police turned his head to check the situation, he saw
Absuri and Simin walk normally .. on the fence.

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