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Arifatul Hasanah (04)

Disscussion Text Diyan Ricky Warisle

Icha Tirhiss Febriana
M.Agus Kurniawan (20)
TOPIC 3 : What to do after
Rizky Gilang Kurniawan (27)
graduating from

Studying at University or Getting a Job ?

Common problem that highchoolers will faced is they are confused

about what they are going to do right after graduating school. One of the
common choices is they will study at university or they will get a job. Many
highschoolers, however have some difficulties deciding whether they will
study at university or get a job. Some of them have already exactly known
what they want to be, so that they choose to study at university. But, the
others maybe still dont know exactly what they want to be, so that they
choose to get a job, or maybe they prefer get a job to study at university.

Studying at university right after graduating from school will give

highchoolers skills, knowledge and tools they will need to help them prepare
for their career. It is also said the more their learn the more they earn hence
the employers today will tend to be more open to a person with the more
education. Moreover, they who choose to study at university right after
graduating from school can extend to the chances to be employed because
many hiring officers like to recruit recent graduates of bachelor degree
programs since they possess specific skills.

On the other hand, highschoolers who prefer get a job to study at

university right after graduating from school will have more work-experience
and they can start making money without waiting to get the bachelor degree
like opening bussiness. Furthermore, this decision can overall maturing that
couldnt be garnered by study at university. They also can discover many
things like what they really want to do like traveling or doing some projects.

Well, their decision have a major impact on the course of their

professional carres as well as their personal life so that they have to think
about it carefully in order that they wont regret later.
Title : Studying at University or Getting a
Statement Issue : Paragraph 1
Common problem that highchoolers will faced is they are
confused about what they are going to do right after graduating
school. One of the common choices is they will study at
university or they will get a job. Many highschoolers, however
have some difficulties deciding whether they will study at
university or get a job. Some of them have already exactly
known what they want to be, so that they choose to study at
university. But, the others maybe still dont know exactly what
they want to be, so that they choose to get a job, or maybe they
prefer get a job to study at university.

Supporting Points : Paragraph 2

Studying at university right after graduating from school
will give highchoolers skills, knowledge and tools they will need
to help them prepare for their career. It is also said the more
their learn the more they earn hence the employers today will
tend to be more open to a person with the more education.
Moreover, they who choose to study at university right after
graduating from school can extend to the chances to be
employed because many hiring officers like to recruit recent
graduates of bachelor degree programs since they possess
specific skills.

Contrastive Points : Paragraph 3

On the other hand, highschoolers who prefer get a job to
study at university right after graduating from school will have
more work-experience and they can start making money
without waiting to get the bachelor degree like opening
bussiness. Furthermore, this decision can overall maturing that
couldnt be garnered by study at university. They also can
discover many things like what they really want to do like
traveling or doing some projects.

Reccomendation : Paragraph 4
Well, their decision have a major impact on the course of
their professional carres as well as their personal life so that
they have to think about it carefully in order that they wont
regret later.

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