What Are The Best Drinks

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a drink?
At some point today the answer will be yes. The average
adult drinks about 1.7 litres of fluids a day: water, tea, coffee,
soda, milk, fruit juice and more. But our ideas of what we
should be drinking are clouded by urban myths, wishful
thinking and dubious health claims. Time to mix in some fact

32 | NewScientist | 11 March 2017


For some, tap water is too clean, laced with
chlorine-containing compounds used to sterilise it.
For others its not clean enough, teeming with nasty
pathogens and traces of chemicals. Then theres the
fluoride often added to it for dental health: decried
as a Communist plot in 1950s America, it remains
controversial in some quarters today.
Whether for those reasons or simple taste, many

WA T E R people prefer to buy bottled water. Either way, that

could be a waste of money, in most parts of the West
at least. Around 25 per cent of bottled water sold in
the US is simply tap water from municipal sources.
A large proportion of bottled water is chlorinated just
like tap water for good reason. Water chlorination
is impressively effective at preventing serious
ts not called Adams ale for nothing. drinks. But the overall influence of diseases such as dysentery, cholera and typhus.

I Water was presumably what our early

ancestors drank, to the exclusion of
everything else. If you stopped drinking
water on weight is far from clear.
There is a sliver of evidence that
being well hydrated can protect against
Evidence that chlorination can produce carcinogenic
byproducts or compounds that reduce male fertility
is inadequate, according to the World Health
it now you would be dead within a health problems including colorectal Organization, and the risk is extremely small
week. It is the only nutrient whose and bladder cancer, heart disease, compared with that from poorly sterilised water.
absence is lethal in so short a time. hypertension, urinary tract infections Tap water does contain traces of pharmaceuticals,
But how much you should drink is and kidney stones. Good hydration toiletries and cosmetics, but the US Environmental
surprisingly contentious. It is common makes it easier for the kidneys to Protection Agency says There are no known human
to hear eight glasses a day about extract waste, reducing wear and tear health effects from such low-level exposures in
2 litres even if you dont feel thirsty. on them. Dehydration headaches do drinking water. As for fluoridation, there is no
In 2002, physiologist Heinz Valtin of exist and water can cure them (although evidence that this causes any health problems
Dartmouth Medical School in New there are hundreds of other reasons except where accidents lead to over-fluoridation,
Hampshire tried to track down the why your head might ache), and which can cause vomiting and diarrhoea.
source of this advice. The closest he drinking lots when you have a cold may There is stronger evidence that the minerals
came was a 1974 book that casually loosen mucus, easing the symptoms. in some bottled waters, especially sodium, can
advised six to eight drinks a day not Water may not be a cure-all, but the be harmful. And while the health benefits of
just water but also soft drinks, coffee, downsides of overdoing it are mild. mineral-rich waters have long been touted, the
tea, milk and even beer. Besides rare deaths through over- enormous variation between brands makes this
As for its scientific validity, hydration among marathon runners impossible to test.
Valtin found none. As the Food and and ecstasy users, the worst of it is that As for taste, that is also impossible to test
Nutrition Board of the US National many people who regularly push the objectively. But if it is an issue, just chill your tap
Academies of Science, Engineering fluids too hard appear to be mildly water: it makes bad flavours much less noticeable.
and Medicine advises: The vast hyponatremic they have too little
majority of healthy people adequately sodium in their blood. This is not a
meet their daily hydration needs major problem, but has been associated
by letting thirst be their guide. with mild cognitive impairment and an
The only exception is some elderly increased risk of falling in older people.
people whose feedback mechanisms Overall, though, there are few
go awry, meaning they can become negative effects of water intake and
dehydrated without thirst. the evidence of positive effects is quite
Generally, there is little to gain by clear, according to a recent review.
doing more than just quenching your Perhaps the most implausible claim
thirst. Water doesnt remove toxins of all has the strongest support: water
from the skin, visibly improve your can improve focus, at least among
complexion or cure constipation. children. Several studies have found
There is some support for the idea that having children aged 7 to 9 drink
that drinking cold water makes you water improves their attention and, in
burn calories, and water with a meal some cases, recall. Perhaps children of


does reduce overall calorie intake, this age are more prone to dehydration,
perhaps because it helps fill you up which can cause a decline in alertness,
or displaces calories from sugary concentration and working memory.

11 March 2017 | NewScientist | 33

Water, water everywhere
Some 20 to 30 per cent of an average persons
fluid intake comes from food. But how much do
individual foods contain?


Fat-free milk, cantaloupe,
strawberries, watermelon,
lettuce, cabbage, celery,
spinach, pickles, squashes

Fruit juice, yogurt, apples,
grapes, oranges, carrots,
pears, pineapple, broccoli

Bananas, avocados, cottage
cheese, ricotta cheese, potato
(baked), corn (cooked), shrimp

Pasta, legumes, salmon,
ice cream, chicken breast

Ground beef, hot dogs, feta
cheese, tenderloin steak





Cheddar cheese, bagels,
ugary drinks rot your teeth, and likely to be overweight, regardless of

S the more you drink, the more they

will rot. Fizzy pop is generally
income or ethnicity, and consuming a
can of sweetened fizz or the equivalent

Pepperoni sausage, cake,
biscuits assumed to be the worst. That is not a day increases the risk of type 2
because of dissolved CO2 it is a myth diabetes by a quarter. Overall, this
that sparkling mineral water is any form of liquid sustenance has little
worse for your teeth than the plain to recommend it.

Butter, margarine, raisins
variety but because of the
combination of sugar and common
flavourings such as phosphoric acid.
Their high sugar content means So, if the main problem with sugary

Walnuts, peanuts (dry squashes and sodas deliver a huge drinks is sugar, eliminate that and
roasted), crackers, cereals, calorie hit without filling you up: you eliminate the problem, right?
pretzels, peanut butter one standard can of a drink like cola Not so fast. Some studies indicate
provides more than the recommended that diet sodas help with weight loss,

Oils, sugar daily amount of free or added sugar. but others find a seemingly paradoxical
That piles in excess energy that we association with weight gain. Mice
store as fat. Those who regularly consuming artificial sweeteners can
imbibe sugary drinks are more even develop glucose intolerance,

34 | NewScientist | 11 March 2017

West Lafayette, Indiana, leading to
weight gain. SPORTS DRINKS
The latest review concluded last year
that choosing diet drinks over normal Sports drinks main claim is that they
ugary drinks can contribute to weight improve athletic performance and
loss. But the uncertainty should give recovery by replacing fluid, energy and
us pause for thought, says Swithers. electrolytes sodium, potassium and
The reality is that no one should be chloride lost during exercise. A review
drinking a sweetened beverage every published in 2000 concluded that
day, whether its regular soda or diet sports drinks probably do improve
soda, she says. Its like candy in a can performance compared with drinking
either way. water. In 2006 the European Food
Safety Authority agreed.
FRUIT JUICES But most sports drinks also come
with a stonking sugar content, and
Pure fruit juice feels like a healthy more recent studies have questioned
alternative. Its 100 per cent fruit, earlier conclusions. An analysis
after all, and contains good stuff that published in the BMJ in 2012 found
fizzy drinks dont, such as vitamins, One standard a striking lack of evidence for any
(330ml) can of
minerals and antioxidants. The UK Coca-Cola gives you claim related to sports drinks. They
National Health Service says one small may help elite athletes, but are unlikely
150 millilitre glass of pure fruit juice
counts towards your five-a-day.
But only one. Fruit juice is missing a
of a daily 25g limit
to do anything for ordinary people.
In the meantime, theres another
competitor: low-fat chocolate milk.
lot that fruit has: the juice of one orange Its 4:1 mixture of carbohydrates and
contains 0.4 grams of fibre, compared protein appears to be ideal for muscle
with 1.7 grams in an actual orange. recovery after a workout, and it is
And it is as sickly sweet as sweetened cheaper than most alternatives, too.
drinks. The World Health Organization The research has been positive most
recommends that the natural sugar in studies have found it to be just as
Two pints (1136ml)
fruit juice should be lumped together of lager gives you effective or superior to an over-the-
a precursor to type 2 diabetes. with that added to food and sweetened counter recovery beverage, says
It is tricky to pin down cause and
effect in human studies, says Vasanti
Malik, a nutrition scientist at Harvard
drinks as free sugar, and advises
strict limits on how much we should
consume. Orange juice and Coca-Cola
of a daily 25g limit
nutrition and exercise scientist Kelly
Pritchett of Central Washington
University in Ellensburg.
University: people who are already contain roughly the same amount, and
overweight may be consuming diet some juices even more (see Sugar to
drinks in an effort to lose weight, go, below). That suggests pure fruit
skewing the stats. And the animal
studies have been criticised as
juices should carry the same health
warnings as added-sugar drinks. Sugar to go
unrealistic, with mice or rats in some In truth, we dont know whether fruit The World Health Organization strongly recommends limiting
experiments consuming quantities of juices are better or worse for you than consumption of free sugars to 50 grams a day, while advising
sweeteners equivalent to us gobbling soda, says epidemiologist Nita Forouhi a further reduction to 25 grams. Just a few drinks can take you
close to the limit
a few hundred tablets a day. of the University of Cambridge: other
But there are plenty of reasons why lifestyle factors such as income, diet, Pure red grape juice 41
low-calorie sweeteners might not smoking and exercise that may differ
always have their intended effect. One between habitual juice drinkers and Coca-Cola 26.5
is psychology: you had a diet cola this habitual soda drinkers make it hard
Freshly squeezed orange juice 24
afternoon, so you can have an ice cream to draw watertight conclusions.
this evening. Alternatively it could be A review by Forouhis group and Milk 12.5
that the intenseness of the artificial others in 2015 did conclude that
stuff, which can be 200 times as sweet as added-sugar drinks, artificially Double gin & regular tonic 10
sugar, drives us to prefer sweet things, sweetened drinks and fruit juices Tea with two sugars 8
says Malik. Or perhaps sweeteners were all potentially associated with
disrupt our gut bacteria, or our normal type 2 diabetes, but differing study Lager 7
hormonal response to sugar intake. As designs mean the evidence for Dry chardonnay 1
a result, the body doesnt respond as artificially sweetened drinks and
well when real sugar is consumed, says fruit juices might be subject to bias. Grams of sugar
Based on a 250ml serving size
Susan Swithers at Purdue University in In other words, the jurys still out. (gin and tonic 50ml gin, 200ml tonic)

11 March 2017 | NewScientist | 35


ilk is a richly nutritious mixture And we should perhaps be careful

M of water, proteins, minerals,

vitamins, sugars, saturated fat
and cholesterol. All mammals make it,
not to overdo the white stuff. A Swedish
study published in 2014 found that
drinking three glasses of milk a day
but humans are the only ones to drink over an average of 20 years increased
it beyond their early years. Should we? overall mortality compared with
Breast milk or synthetic versions drinking just one while showing that
of it provides the perfect balance of consuming fermented milk products
nutrients for babies in their first year, such as yogurt and cheese reduced both
says Andy Bernstein, a paediatrician at fracture risk and overall mortality.
Northwestern University in Evanston, The authors of that study recommend
Illinois. After that, full-fat cows milk is caution in interpreting the results,
recommended as a good source of fat though, as there were a number of
for brain development, dropping to potentially confounding factors they
1 or 2 per cent fat milk from age 2. couldnt control for. The fermentation
But although programmes in the finding is not fully understood either,
US and UK that gave milk to children says Amy Lanou of the University of
in schools were associated with huge North Carolina at Asheville, although
health benefits, it is not clear why. it might have something to do with a
We dont know if there is something reduction in the milk sugar lactose
specific or special about milk, or if during fermentation. If some of these
it is just the fact that these children effects are mediated by milk sugar,
are getting more calories, protein, that may be a reason, says Lanou.
nutrients in general, says Andrea
Wiley of the University of Indiana
at Bloomington. A recent study S O YA M I L K

of children in Kenya found that If cows milk isnt necessarily all that
supplemental milk helped those healthy, what about its most common
with stunted growth catch up in substitute? Soya milk has a bit less fat
height, but provided no benefits over than cows milk, but often comes pre-
a non-milk nutritional supplement sweetened, counting towards your
for children developing normally.
For adults, the benefits seem even
intake of free sugar. Its reputation for
reducing harmful LDL cholesterol is
more dubious. There is no conclusive overblown, too even if you drank Organic milk contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty
evidence, for example, that getting about eight glasses per day that would acids than non-organic milk: it comes from cows
extra calcium from milk is vital for only equate to a 3 per cent drop in LDL. that eat more grass, which is high in these acids. But
Other supposed health benefits even with this boost, total levels of omega-3s are
All mammals make preventing breast and prostate
cancer, reducing risk of osteoporosis
still low in organic milk. And neither kind is allowed
to have any traces of antibiotics.
milk, but only humans and hot flushes associated with the Another common reason to go organic is fear
menopause are ascribed to soya about hormone levels in non-organic milk. All milk
drink it as adults milks high levels of compounds known naturally contains hormones, but in areas where
as phytoestrogens. These can mimic cows are treated with growth hormones as
maintaining healthy bones or avoiding the effect of the hormone oestrogen or, happens in some US states but not in the European
fractures. Other foods besides milk in some instances, block it. But none of Union, Canada, Australia and New Zealand non-
beans and greens, largely are also these effects has been convincingly organic milk may have higher levels of insulin-like
rich in calcium, and most researchers demonstrated in trials, while a few growth factor, a hormone linked to increased risk of
now argue that a generally healthy diet studies have suggested consumption of some health problems. But the US Food and Drug
and plenty of weight-bearing physical soya milk may actually increase breast Administration concluded that it poses no health
activity is what keeps bones healthy. cancer risk. risk at the levels present in mass-produced milk.

36 | NewScientist | 11 March 2017


offee is no good for you thats the either. The thing to avoid is the boiled,

C received wisdom, at least. It is full

of caffeine thats addictive and can
make you bounce off the walls, give you
unfiltered coffee popular in Turkey,
Norway and Sweden.
Studies on coffee consumption and
headaches and disrupt sleep. Excessive cancer typically find no correlation or a
consumption has been linked to heart mildly beneficial effect, except among
disease and cancer. And although coffee people who gulp down 40 or more cups
increases alertness and focus, the a day and those who drink Turkish-
effects are short-lived. Users quickly style coffee. Even where coffee drinkers
become tolerant: people who regularly
drink coffee are no more alert on
average than those who dont. For
Coffee drinkers are
regulars, the morning brew merely
reverses the fatiguing effects of caffeine
no more alert on
withdrawal, bringing them back to a average than others
baseline level of alertness.
Sounds like one to avoid, then. But appear to be at greater risk than non-
Kirsty Pourshahidi of the Northern drinkers, the studies generally fail to
Ireland Centre for Food and Health in show a proportional relationship
Coleraine, UK, thinks thats overbrewed. between the amount consumed and
Having looked into it, I dont feel so risk, suggesting some other factor is
bad having three or four cups of coffee involved perhaps that people who
a day, she says. drink coffee also drink more alcohol
Pourshahidi has just carried out a or smoke more, says Pourshahidi. Last
review of the evidence, in work partly June, the World Health Organization
funded by the Italian coffee company changed its stance on coffee from
Illycaff. For a start, she finds few possibly carcinogenic to no
grounds to suppose that imbibing conclusive evidence. The sole caveat
a moderate amount of caffeine is was that any hot drink above 70 C
harmful. For an addictive substance, increases the risk of oesophageal cancer.
caffeine is surprisingly easy to kick, So enjoy the odd coffee, but do
Charting hits too: simply getting people to gradually
cut their intake over four weeks is an
yourself a favour: let it cool.

Your caffeine kick depends on what you drink, and how

Coffee (drip) 151

effective strategy.
Beyond caffeine, coffee contains TEA
high levels of compounds called Tea drinkers are often bathed in smug
Coffee (brewed) 141 chlorogenic acids, known to slow the satisfaction: unlike coffee drinkers,
Red Bull Energy 80 bodys absorption of glucose. How their beverage of choice full of life-
this works isnt clear, but it backs up giving, leafy goodness. Much of the buzz
5 min brew 77
Black tea

the observation that coffee drinkers centres on flavonols, with a particular

3 min brew 70 have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. focus on green tea and its most
On the other hand, two oily abundant flavonol, epigallocatechin-3-
1 min brew 47
compounds in coffee, cafestol and gallate (EGCG). It boasts antioxidant
5 min brew 52 kahweol, do seem to increase bad and anticancer effects, at least when
Green tea

3 min brew 45 cholesterol that clogs blood vessels added to cells in a dish.
but most coffee we drink, including Time to pour some cold water.
1 min brew 23 instant, doesnt contain much of either, Although some studies have found

Coca-Cola Classic 25 says Pourshahidi. Espresso machines that drinking green tea (and to a lesser
Caffeine content (mg) almost entirely get rid of them and extent, black tea) lowers the risk of
Based on a 250ml serving size French presses dont do a bad job breast, gut and lung cancers, a 2009 >

11 March 2017 | NewScientist | 37

review of 51 studies involving a total of
1.6 million people concluded that the
evidence was highly contradictory.
It is a similar equivocal story for
other supposed benefits. Extracts of
sugar levels in diabetic rats and mice, PROPERTIES. FEW OF THEM ACTUALLY DO
and boost glucose metabolism in
healthy human volunteers. Tea and its
extracts may also reduce cholesterol
and blood pressure in people at risk COCONUT WATER URINE
of cardiovascular disease, and animal Being potassium-rich, coconut water Lost in the desert, you are far from any
studies suggest that catechins, supposedly enhances your ability source of fresh water and your bottle is
compounds found in black tea, can to absorb water during prolonged empty. What do you do? You know the
inhibit enzymes that digest fat and exercise. If that were true, though, drill: unzip your pants.
starch and perhaps boost metabolism. it would also increase your risk of And not just there, if some have
Some or all of that might explain a overhydration. In fact, studies show their way. From acne to anaemia via
small correlation between tea it is no better or worse at hydrating
consumption and weight loss in
overweight or obese people. So far
than a much cheaper beverage: water.
As yet there is no scientific verdict
The myth that urine is
so good, but the bad news is that the
amount of weight lost was so small as
on more recently trending hyper-
hydrating waters including
perfectly sterile is just
to be irrelevant to health, and probably watermelon water, as endorsed by that a myth
outweighed by other lifestyle choices. singer Beyonc, and birch sap water,
Still, a nice cuppa is unlikely to do as endorsed by Nordic folklore. obesity and various cancers, many
you much harm. One woman did lose are the ills that urine has been said
all her teeth at 47 due to a fluoride
overdose from tea, but she had been BEETROOT JUICE to alleviate seeing as it contains
vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes,
brewing up 100 to 150 teabags daily for Rich in nitrates that can relax blood hormones, antibodies and amino acids
17 years. For most of us, teas fluoride vessels and improve blood circulation, your body has discarded.
content and anti-bacterial properties there is some scientific support to For Joel Topf, a nephrologist at
actually protect our gnashers. A study the idea beetroot juice is good for Oakland University in Michigan,
of teas potential as a mouthwash you. But drink it in moderation: its though, thats a clue to how useful
found that green tea killed just as many sugar content is on a par with orange the active ingredients really are. The
bacteria as a standard chlorhexidine- and other common fruit juices (see chemicals are not necessarily toxic, but
based version, and would probably Soda, squash and juice, page 34). they arent something that the body
work out cheaper. Black tea similarly Too much nitrate has also been wanted to hold on to the first time,
fights cavities and stimulates the tentatively linked with an increased he says. Not only that, but they are at
mouths own antibacterial enzymes. risk of stomach cancer. concentrations far too low to be useful.
So, urine is disgusting and unhelpful,

WHEATGRASS SMOOTHIES but harmless, right? Well, maybe not.

One component of urine rarely
Wheatgrass contains a smorgasbord mentioned by those who promote
of vitamins and minerals, as well as drinking it is phosphorus, a possible
chlorophyll, claimed by some to boost cardiac toxin. The myth that urine is
the production of red blood cells. But perfectly sterile is just that, too a
studies show it is unlikely to benefit myth. Drinking it could bring you
you much more than munching green down with all sorts of nasties.
veg such as broccoli and spinach. Lets seek advice from the real
survival experts. When it comes to

KEFIR preserving precious bodily fluids, the

US armys 1999 survival field manual
A fermented milk drink akin to yoghurt, puts urine firmly alongside blood,
kefir is prized for its supposed beneficial seawater and fish juices in its DO NOT
effects on microbes in our gut. Studies DRINK category. Its not a cultural
in mice suggest there might be a link thing that we dont like drinking urine,

although it is too early to say whether says Topf its evolutionary. Urine is
there is an effect in humans, or how waste, not medicine. Stop drinking
big it is. your urine.

38 | NewScientist | 11 March 2017

Wine is the most healthful and hygienic
ofbeverages. So said that master of
liquidhealth and hygiene, Louis Pasteur.
With more than 100 studies confirming
alink between moderate alcohol
consumption one or two drinks a
dayanda decreased risk of heart
attackorstroke, it is tempting to raise
aglass to him and to that.
Stay that hand, though. A confounding
factor in most such studies is that people
who drink in moderation also tend to share
characteristics that lower heart-disease
risk: they exercise more regularly, have a
healthier weight, sleep better and are more
affluent than those who drink to excess
or never drink (perhaps because they quit
due to health problems).
Overall, there is no consensus on who,
ifanyone, might benefit from moderate
alcohol consumption, and by how much.
Older people do seem to benefit more, but
that could be because their overall risk of

Theres no consensus
on who, if anyone,
benefits from alcohol
heart disease is higher. There is similarly no
undisputed evidence that red wine arrests

cognitive decline, as has been suggested.

Set these small and disputed benefits
alongside the 3.3million deaths that the
World Health Organization attributes
directly to alcohol consumption each
Acetic acid the source of vinegars year, and the fact it is classified alongside
VINEGAR characteristic mouth-puckering bite
is generally thought to be responsible,
asbestos as a class 1 carcinogen, and
things start to look that much less positive.
Cleopatra supposedly dissolved pearls although no one can pinpoint how. But lets not go overboard. Theres a
in vinegar to make Mark Antony a love Vinegar also contains a teeming lottobe said for alcohols role as a social
potion. Some 2000 years later, people collection of amino acids and lubricant, and few studies connect
are still banging on about vinegars polyphenolic compounds that might moderate consumption with any
power to cure erectile dysfunction play a part. The jury is still out on significantincreased mortality risk. One
and lower your blood pressure, whether all this actually makes you drink also makes you better at creative
cholesterol and weight to boot. lose weight although one South problem-solving. As with so much, the
On the cardiovascular front, they Korean study on the effects of drinking difficulty is knowing when to stop.
might be on to something. A small- pomegranate vinegar did show that,
scale study conducted in 2010 at regardless of whether participants lost For more of the latest research on the effects
Arizona State University showed weight, they did lose a particularly of alcohol, go to https://www.newscientist.com/
that both diabetic and non-diabetic dangerous type of body fat. article-topic/alcohol/
volunteers had more stable blood sugar Any benefits must be set against the
and insulin after a meal of complex deleterious effects of acetic acid on tooth Words by Sally Adee, Daniel Cossins,
carbohydrates if they first had a drink enamel. And would-be Mark Antonys JoshuaHowgego, Graham Lawton,
of diluted vinegar. Other studies have should note: for pearls to improve your TiffanyOCallaghan, Richard Webb and
shown similar, if small, effects. sex life, they are best served whole. Caroline Williams

11 March 2017 | NewScientist | 39

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