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Assessment: Ab-Initio Candidate Profile: IC4c

Organisation Profile: DP2d Candidate Ref: 10033074

Expert Profile: TP/C4a/d Test Completed Date: 29/05/2012

Suitability Index: Below Average 2

T+D Cmm

NFTI - Expert NFTI -

10033074 10033074 NFTI - Culture 10033074
Profile Transition

Candidate Silhouette: IC4c Silhouette Fit: Average 3

Attributes: Influence: Attributes: Influence:

Personality: Attitude 3 Team-work 3

Below Average Anxiety 2 Reliability 2
Efficacy 2 Professionalism 3
Interaction 3 Maturity 2
Integrity 3 Work ethic 2
Openness 2 Social Desirability 1

Cognitive: Physical:
Modality: Visual Verbal Auditory Control 3
Accuracy 4 Accuracy 1
Skills: Academic Ability 2 Disruption 1
Low Situational Awareness 1 Recovery 2
Learning 2 Learning 1
Information Processing 1 Vectoring/Assistance 2

Multi-tasking (Concurrent thinking and doing) 1


Locus of Control: Low 2 0

Attributes: Influence:
Motivation Style: Intrinsic Extrinsic 5
Motivation: Understanding of Company 2
Average Understanding of Role 4
Adherence 3
Preparation 2
Self-Confidence / Robustness 2
Candidate Summary

Locus of Control
Currently Low External 2
The candidate has not yet developed effective coping strategies for managing pressure and the novel environment.
She can quickly lose confidence under workload and pressure, allowing mistakes to impact on performance.
She is not always comfortable discussing her weaknesses with others and can be quick to look for for excuses.
She can become over reliant on others when feeling out of her depth, seeking their opinion and reassurance.

Self-Efficacy Can quickly lose confidence and self-belief, becoming disheartened.

Adherence Can be weak and show a tendency to give up as soon as she feels events turn against her.
Motivation Appears to have a genuine passion for aviation but can be more negative when confidence is low.
Influence The candidate can be quick to give away control and look to others, impacting on confidence.

The candidate demonstrated a genuine interest and passion in aviation; she has had an interest from an early age and
has some gliding experience along with an awareness of some of the potential difficulties of the role.
The candidate showed some ability to communicate with her crew, although she did admit she can take time to warm
up to others.
She did display an ability to self criticise in the debrief.

The candidate had not prepared particularly well for the assessment, lacking any research into the organisation.
She had to be really pushed during the interview to discuss any failures or weaknesses; she is not likely to be
comfortable discussing these with others and can be quick to look for excuses to explain away poor performance.
She struggled to extract and utilise visual and verbal information effectively, fixating and struggling to listen to
instructions or advice from Examiners, showing a tendency to try to do everything alone despite offers of assistance.
She can allow mistakes and workload to impact on performance and can show a tendency to give up when things get
difficult, showing a propensity to fall apart under pressure, losing situational awareness.
She was overly critical and negative initiallyi n the debrief, but was quick to adjust her scores up.

Training Organisation & Syllabus 1
The candidate has the potential to struggle with the demands of the course; anxiety has the potential to significantly
impair her ability to process and respond to information and events in a timely fashion.
Her communication is disrupted by workload, displaying a tendency to shut down and struggle to manage reporting
requirements; she is likely to take time to open up and trust others in the crew and team environment.
She may not take constructive feedback from instructors well and may need additional support to maintain confidence.
She will need to significantly improve her physical dexterity and mental agility to manage the sensitive Airbus controls
and lack of physical feedback; she may lack the determination to keep going when things get difficult.

Airline/Employer 3
The candidate displayed good motivation to become a Pilot but appears lacking in knowledge about IndiGo or NFTI.
She can become very anxious in high workload situations and therefore may take some time to become suitable for
short haul routes; some of the more routine and mundane elements may quickly cause her to lose interest however.
She may need additional suipport and feedback to prevent confidence levels degrading and impacting on commitment.

Candidate 10033074 2
Performance in Training Pipeline

Learning Style Description

This profile is often a quiet but likeable, self deprecating individual who creates frustration in others through self
doubt and apparent low self esteem. However, the consistency and reliability of these solutions will vary
considerably and whilst success will bring enthusiasm, failure will bring a rapid onset of loss of interest and
abandonment of the activity and because there is no mechanism for promoting positive learning, this profile tends
to try and work in private to acquire the skills to a level where public performances are more reliable. May find the
development of physical skills challenging, particularly in the early phases of development when tasks are broken
down into discrete sections but as the tasks become more complex and require more automaticity, they will be
able to perform better as the thinking side gets busier. However, this is only true if they are prepared to dump the
incessant self talk and focus externally. They may never spend sufficient time perfecting a skill if it proves tougher
than expected, so skill fade may be a problem if long periods of time are allowed between physical task
development. However, once a cognitive skill or coping strategy has been acquired, it will always be present and
may be hard to change if it has been successful for the individual; under pressure they are often likely to revert
back to the first learned approach. Creating change and positivity in this profile can be hard to achieve as they
really believe that expecting failure is beneficial and that they perform better this way. This approach can be
sustained for cognitive skills but is potentially dangerous for dynamic physical skills that have safety implications.

These candidates are difficult to train as part of a group and in a formal setting as they excel in one to one
environments or where they are autonomous and learning on the job. Once they learn to mitigate the self-
defeating elements they can become entrepreneurs and highly successful individuals who never look back and are
extremely mentally robust. They may be prone to inflexibility if never challenged and may use their highbrow
intellectualism to reject and put down ideas that do not fit with their mental models.

Syllabus Fit - Detail

Code Attribute Fit
3 Conceptual Understanding of The candidate should have the skills required for this element
Laws however she can quickly lose concentration and interest in the
formal classroom environment, lacking patience. This could impact
on performance here.

2 Practical Application of Rules The candidate may take time to develop the skills required for
practical application; although the more applied subject matter
may better suit her style of learning and she should have a good
understanding of rules, she may struggle to implement this in the
practical environment.

2 Understanding Principles of The candidate may not enjoy some aspects of these topics and is
Natural Science not likely to enjoy the formal learning environment. If she is able
to apply herself and commit to her studies she should have the
potential to complete however.

2 Performance The candidate is not very confident in her ability and this could
have an impact on her performance, which is likely to be
significantly impacted by anxiety. Her under-confidence could be
fuelled by a potential to under-prepare.

2 Basic Flying The candidate does have some gliding experience but she is likely
to struggle initially to demonstrate the level of dexterity and
coordination required to successfully control flight parameters.
She could take time to reach the required standard here.

Candidate 10033074 3
1 Solo Flying The candidate can be severely affected by anxiety under pressure
and if confidence levels are low she is unlikely to be able to
perform here, becoming very uncomfortable with losing the safety
net of the instructor. She is likely to allow mistakes to impact
detrimentally on confidence and motivational levels.

2 PPL Check Flight The candidate may struggle to demonstrate the required level of
thinking and doing. Her lack of preparation has the potential to
impact on her ability to meet formal test requirements here. Her
performance could be compromised by her anxiety and fear of
failure tendencies.

2 Communications The candidate demonstrated some ability to communicate and

meet reporting requirements. However this was disrupted by
workload, with a tendency to drop reporting tasks and struggling
to listen effectively to instructors. She could take time to adjust to
the formal protocols.

1 Airmanship The candidate was not able to process and respond to information
effectively; she struggled to maintain accuracy and control in her
physical performance, getting behind the aircraft. She was not
able to recover when mistakes were made, allowing them to
impact further on performance. Cognitive anxiety also impaired
her ability to extract information quickly.

3 Standard Operating The candidate is likely to appreciate rules and processes but may
Procedures not be the most structured, which could impact on her application.
She will prefer operating within defined boundaries but will
struggle to respond to information decisively when under pressure
and interpretation is required.

2 CPL Check Flight The candidate is still likely to struggle with maintaining all aspects
of her performance under demands. Even with practice anxiety is
likely to impact on her performance and result in reverting to type,
particularly in terms of physical skill disrupting and difficulties
responding to information in a timely fashion.

1 Multi-Engine Check Flight The candidate is not likely to enjoy the pressure of the dynamic ME
environment and if she is not able to improve confidence levels
and overcome the impact of anxiety she is unlikely to be able to
manage workload and crew requirements. She has the potential to
give up altogether if feeling too far outside her comfort zone.

2 Instrument Rating The candidate was not able to demonstrate effective control and
co-ordination in IMC. As an external referencer she is likely to be
more comfortable with visual cues available and it may take time
for her to develop the skills required.

3 Multi-Crew Co-operation The candidate may not always respond well to MCC environments
and may be more comfortable operating on her own at times. She
did show some ability to communicate but this degrades under
workload and she can become dependent on others for feedback
and reassurance or support.

Candidate 10033074 4
Performance in Operational Pipeline

Operational Line Fit - Detail

Code Attribute Fit
1 Physical The candidate was unable to demonstrate the required level of
Hand eye co-ordination physical control and dexterity; she was not able to manage her
parameters and quickly disrupted getting behind the aircraft
under workload. She was not able to demonstrate any real
learning and is likely to take time and a lot of hard work to
transition successfully to the fly-by-wire nature of the Airbus.

1 Cognitive The candidate was not able to demonstrate an ability to work

Be able to calculate and process with cognitive information under workload; her ability to
information quickly and accurately process information slowed dramatically as workload and
pressure increased and she struggled to respond to the majority
of questions, particularly in the spatial reasoning and working
memory elements. Anxiety has the potential to disrupt her
ability to effectively manage the glass cockpit.

1 Task Management The candidate was not able to manage concurrent workload
The ability to Plan and Prioritise effectively, degrading significantly in both elements. She is not
likely to take a structured approach to planning and could
display the tendency to be reactive rather than proactive.
However her ability to react quickly is impeded by anxiety and
her preference to handle single task activity.

2 Communication The candidate displayed average communication skills on the

Crew (team) environment. day but she can struggle to maintain reporting elements under
Communicate at the correct time with high workload. Her ability to successfully extract and utilise
the appropriate information information in the auditory channel also degraded under
To listen and understand other pressure, struggling to listen to or follow instructions. She can
opinions and information; Be aware of find interacting with people difficult in the initial stages.

2 Decision Making The candidate is likely to lack the confidence to make decisions
To make clear decisions and problem under pressure; anxiety has the potential to degrade her ability
solve when required in all situations to analyse and respond to demand effectively and she can
show a potential to rely on others when things get difficult.

1 Situation Awareness The candidate was not able to maintain effective visual scans,
To process, compute and use showing signs of fixating and becoming visually recessive. She
information correctly. failed to notice the active button and will need to overcome the
effects of anxiety in order to be able to process and utilise
visual information more effectively.

1 Thinking and Doing The candidate did not demonstrate an ability to manage
To be able to process this in context thinking and doing tasks concurrently; she is not likely to enjoy
of dynamic and often complex, multi- the dynamic environment and being made to operate outside of
faceted situations; her comfort zone. She can allow performance to fall apart
under pressure, compounding previous mistakes and errors.

Candidate 10033074 5
3 Ethos The candidate has a clear motivation for developing a career as
To be a good employee a pilot and could have the potential to commit to the IndiGo
understanding the values, ethos and organisation. She is likely to require additional support
priorities of their organisation; however and could display a tendency to give up when things
get difficult, lacking the discipline and determination to
overcome challenges positively.

2 Safe hands The candidate is likely to prefer working with defined

To understand and adhere to rules, boundaries and will be uncomfortable operating outside of
processes and procedures; but to guidelines and regulations. Her unstructured nature and
know how to interpret them under tendency to lack preparation can impact on this however and
different circumstances; she is likely to show high anxiety when required to interpret
information under pressure and respond decisively but
accurately to changing events.

1 Workload Shift The candidate has the potential to lose focus in very low
To be able to manage the mundane arousal and mundane environments; she can struggle to
and routine for long periods maintain concentration for long periods of time and allows
But also respond effectively in high lapses in concentration to introduce errors. She is unable to
workload unexpected situations manage high workload environments effectively however and
could struggle to respond to dynamic workload shifts, quickly
allowing anxiety to impact.

3 Authority Gradient The candidate has the potential to respond well in a follower
Leadership and Followership role initially as she is lacking in confidence and can look to
others to provide reassurance and support. She can struggle to
listen under workload and pressure however and if feeling
challenged she may start to show more defensive and closed
behaviours, being reluctant to seek help from others.

2 Locus of Control The candidate has not yet developed effective coping strategies
To maintain control of self and the for managing the novel environment; she appears to have quite
environment to fit in to the right role fragile confidence levels that are quickly degraded by mistakes
at the right time. or errors in performance. She will need to learn how to deal
with failures more effectively and view them as an essential
part of the learning process rather than allowing them to
impact negatively.

Candidate 10033074 6
Performance in Operational Pipeline

Assessment Performance Description

Quick minded individuals who are very happy to deal with conceptual and abstract issues. They may spend time
thinking up new solutions and ways of managing things rather than accepting the status quo and working to manage
the here and now, which in a trainee can be unhelpful for other students. This is because they are unstructured,
experiential learners who may have a tendency to get bored easily and often traditional training systems do not suit
them. These individuals have often learned coping strategies that appear negative and destructive to others, i.e.
always undermining their ability and appearing highly self deprecating. However, this is usually a protective defence
mechanism that is deployed to shield them from the effects of underperforming. They will try to avoid situations
where they are able to be directly compared to others, and will want to make sure that they have covered off as
much of the risk of failure before attempting a new task. As they learn primarily by sensory input, formal tuition can
disrupt the learning process and inhibit or slow down skill acquisition in the early stages, particularly in physical task
development where tasks are broken down into logical segments and require the individual to think about actions
rather than just do. This is more pronounced in the cognitive intuitive profile as there is often a considerable
amount of self-talk and information already present inside their heads and additional auditory or visual stimulus can
easily overload and cause frustration and irritation. There is a risk that the self talk of this profile is orientated
towards the negative and this can seriously hamper learning.

Personality and Behaviour

Uncomfortable with uncertainty and unknowns, will avoid thrilling or exciting activities and will be very reluctant to
have a go. They will thrive in a consistent environment although they may get bored if not mentally challenged.
They may have trouble prioritising and may never really take the necessary time to reflect on their performances in
order to learn. They will avoid feedback whenever possible, as they will have built up their own view of the world,
which has the potential to be highly skewed if they are in an environment that is threatening and challenging. When
confidence is good they will be good reliable performers who are excellent at working on their own and will stick with
something until it is achieved.

They can appear to be very stubborn and resistant to change and they are more likely to give up on physical tasks or,
if they have scored highly on self-defeating, may be persistent at sticking to something they are clearly not suited to
and will not give up or take proffered help. Where this is the case, confidence and low self esteem increase the
stubbornness and if they are seriously a round peg in a square hole they have the potential to be a risk to themselves
and others. They can be very resilient in adversity. If also scored highly in fear of failure, the many positive features
of the profile which may be interpreted as confidence, could erode quickly and be seen as an unwillingness to take
part if the threat of failure exists, as they do not feel in control of events.

These candidates are generally very hard to train if they are not engaged and respectful of the system that they are
involved in, preferring to be dismissive of the culture, syllabus, staff etc, if views do not conform to theirs. They have
to be taught how to succeed and not be scared of success, but they do have the ability to keep trying despite
frequent knock backs. Low self esteem, self-defeating behaviours can often cause the individual to lose sight of their
strengths and become chameleon characters, taking on the attributes of others rather than developing confidence in
their own style, which contributes to the erratic behaviours.

Candidate 10033074 7
Candidate Performance Data

Cognitive Performance


Subject Response Rate Accuracy Rate

Numerical Reasoning 0 42% 0 67%

Spatial Reasoning 0 42% 0 50%

Perceptual Speed & Accuracy 0 58% 0 75%

Abstract Reasoning 0 75% 0 42%

Working Memory 0 37% 0 42%

Verbal Reasoning 0 92% 0 100%


Phase Performance Change

Cog M1 M2 Cog -> M1 Cog -> M2 M1 -> M2

Response Rate (%) 81.48 67.31 38.10

Accuracy (%) 77.27 74.29 70.83

Response Time (%) -54.66 -64.78 -129.89

Physical Assessment Performance


Overall Performance

Overall Flying 1 Low

Turn Management 1 Low

Disruption 1 Low

Recovery 2 Below Average

Vectoring / Assistance 2 Below Average

Candidate 10033074 8
Speed Height

Candidate 10033074






Performance Graphs

242 242
483 1
724 278
965 555
1206 832
1447 1109
1688 1386
1929 1663
2170 1940 2170
2411 2217 2411
2652 2494 2652
2893 2771 2893
3134 3048 3134
3375 3325 3375
3616 3602 3616
3857 3879 3857

Fam2 - Speed
Fam2 - Height

4339 4433
Fam2 - Heading 4098
Candidate Performance Data Continued

4580 4580
4821 4987 4821
5062 5264 5062
5303 5303



Speed Heading Height

Candidate 10033074



1 1 1 5000
306 306 306
611 611 611
916 916 916
1221 1221 1221
1526 1526 1526
1831 1831 1831
2136 2136 2136
2441 2441 2441
2746 2746 2746
3051 3051 3051
3356 3356 3356
3661 3661 3661
3966 3966 3966
4271 4271 4271
4576 4576 4576

M1- Speed
M1 - Height

4881 4881 M1 - Heading 4881

5186 5186 5186
5491 5491 5491
5796 5796 5796
6101 6101 6101
6406 6406 6406
6711 6711 6711




Speed Heading Height

Candidate 10033074




1 1 1
517 517 517
1033 1033 1033
1549 1549 1549
2065 2065 2065
2581 2581 2581
3097 3097 3097
3613 3613 3613
4129 4129 4129
4645 4645 4645
5161 5161 5161
5677 5677 5677
6193 6193 6193
6709 6709 6709
7225 7225 7225
7741 7741 7741

M2- Speed
M2 - Height

8257 8257 8257

M2 - Heading

8773 8773 8773

9289 9289 9289
9805 9805 9805
10321 10321 10321
10837 10837 10837
11353 11353 11353




Self-Report Assessment
10 Social Desirability: 1
5 The candidate was relatively accurate during self reporting
5 The candidate has shown some positive traits although there are
Team Work
3 some areas that may need to be developed.
10 Distant 1 Empathic
4 Accommodating 1 Dominant
5 Retiring 1 Socially Minded
8 Trusting 1 Suspicious
8 Direct 1 Restrained
6 Group Orientated 1 Self-Sufficient
4 Confident 1 Self-Doubting

The candidate has shown some positive traits although there are
3 some areas that may need to be developed.
2 Low Intellectance 1 High Intellectance
7 Expedient 1 Conscientious
10 Informal 1 Self-Disciplined
5 Composed 1 Tense-Driven

The candidate has shown some positive traits although there are
3 some areas that may need to be developed.
6 Affected by Feelings #IF($B29#D$6,1,"")
Emotionally Stable
4 Sober Serious 1 Enthusiastic
10 Hard-Headed 1 Tender-Minded
6 Concrete 1 Abstract
4 Conventional 1 Radical

4 The candidate has shown concerning personality traits that may

6 impact negatively on performance under pressure.
4 Enthusiastic 1 Volatile
5 Shrewd 1 Mistrustful
5 Careful 1 Cautious
5 Independent 1 Detached
5 Focussed 1 Passive-Aggressive
7 Confident 1 Arrogant
3 Charming 1 Manipulative
3 Vivacious 1 Dramatic
5 Imaginative 1 Eccentric
8 Diligent 1 Perfectionist
8 Dutiful 1 Dependent

Learning Modality: Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic No Preference

3 3 3 3 FALSE
Locus of Control:
0 Low High
0 Low High
Leadership Style:
7 Control 1 Autonomy

Candidate 10033074 12

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