Cbs Poll 7am Toplines

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Republicans Blame Unpopular Bill - Not Trump - for Health Care Defeat
March 25-28, 2017

Q1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Approve 40 84 12 34
Disapprove 52 12 81 56
Don't know/No answer 7 4 7 10

Q8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Paul Ryan is handling his job as Speaker of the House of Representatives?

Approve 33 60 18 28
Disapprove 52 28 70 54
Don't know/No answer 15 12 12 18

Q17a. As you may know, Congress did not pass repeal and replace legislation. What do you think is the main reason the
Republican health care plan did not pass?

Donald Trump didn't compromise enough 14 4 18 16

Congressional Republicans didn't compromise enough 14 16 14 13
Congressional Democrats didn't compromise enough 14 30 5 12
The bill just wasn't popular 49 41 56 49
Don't know/No answer 9 9 7 10

Q25. Do you think it is necessary or not necessary for the F.B.I. to be investigating possible links between associates of
the Trump campaign and the Russian government?

Necessary 63 35 82 65
Not necessary 33 59 14 30
Don't know/No answer 5 5 4 5

Q25a. Do you believe Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election, or not? IF YES: Do you think Russia interfered in
order to help elect Donald Trump, or do you think they interfered, but not to help elect Donald Trump?

Yes, Russia interfered to help Trump 40 13 67 37

Yes, Russia interfered but NOT to help Trump 10 13 7 10
No, Russia did not try to interfere in the election 37 64 16 36
Don't know/No answer 13 9 10 17
Q26. How likely do you think it is that Donald Trumps offices were wiretapped, or under government surveillance during
the 2016 presidential campaign? Very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Very likely 22 35 6 25
Somewhat likely 25 39 15 24
Not very likely 20 12 25 21
Not at all likely 30 12 49 28
Don't know/No answer 3 3 4 3

Q26a. How likely do you think it is that associates of Donald Trumps campaign had improper communications with
agents of the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election? Very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or
not at all likely?

Very likely 34 7 58 32
Somewhat likely 25 16 27 30
Not very likely 22 43 8 18
Not at all likely 15 32 5 12
Don't know/No answer 4 2 3 7

Unweighted Weighted
Total respondents: 1,088

Republicans 270 284

Democrats 364 335
Independents 454 469

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