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BBA N 205 Organisation Behaviour

Unit I 24. Transaction Analysis, The Johari

1. Introduction, Window,
2. Nature and scope of OB, 25. Leadership,
3. Challenges and opportunities for OB, 26. Its Theories and Prevailing
4. Organization Goals, Models of OB,
Leadership styles in Indian
5. Impact of Global and Cultural
diversity on OB.

Unit IV
Unit II
27. Group Behavior : Definition and
6. Individual Behavior Individual
classification of Groups,
28. Types of Group Structures, Group
7. Personality,
8. Personality, decision making,
9. Presentations 29. Teams Vs Groups, Contemporary
10. Perception
issues in managing teams, Inter
11. Perception and its role in individual
group problems in organizational
decision making,
12. Learning, group dynamics,
13. Learning, 30. Management of conflict.
14. Class Test 31. Presentations
15. Motivation, 32. Class Test
16. Hierarchy of needs theory,
17. Theory X and Y, Motivation- Hygine
Unit V
18. Vrooms Expectancy theory. 33. Management of Change: Change and
19. Presentations
Organisational development,
34. Resistance to change, Approaches to
Unit III managing organizational change,
35. Presentations
20. Behavior Dynamics : Interpersonal
36. Organisational effectiveness,
behavior, 37. Organisational culture,
21. Communication, 38. Power and Politics in Organisational
22. Communication, 39. Quality of work life, Recent
23. Presentations
advances in OB.
40. Revision

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