Three Methods Are Important For A Healthy Life

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Healthy lifestyle, the dimensions of wellness, therapeutic food, a

balanced diet and nutritional problems

A healthy lifestyle provide an opportunity to improve health conditions
and reduce the risk of disease. Explain the characteristics of a healthy

What means a healthier lifestyle? It is a way of life that allows us to enjoy more
aspects of life in a more meaningful way. It is not just an attempt to avoid a
disease ,. It is about feeling good and enjoying life physically, mentally and
socially. It is about making certain choices that give us the opportunity to feel the
best for as long as possible. Healthy life is when we can say 'to life. According to
the study, adults who actually meet the criteria of a healthy lifestyle are very few
in number.

Three methods are important for a healthy life


Exercising is the main thing to come first. It is inevitable in living this lifestyle.
Physical activity is a must and must be implemented. The body is designed to
move and when not, make it into the soil and decrease its quality. Physical
activity stimulates antibodies and immune system to work. It also increases the
activity of the heart and lungs kita.Selain, all muscles and joints' that are in our
bodies are always ready for our use because it has been trained or stimulated
with either. Hormone release 'endorphines' during physical activity is also very
good to the body and also the mind.

Brisk walking, cycling, dancing, swimming and so on are examples of activities

that we can do. In addition to exercise, it also allows us to appreciate the
environment and get along with others and help us to live this life better. Local
exercise such as yoga or aerobics are also good for muscle strain and there are
studies that say that yoga can help calm the mind.

Eat Healthy
There is an English proverb that says we are what we eat. To some extent, this
maxim true as anything we input into our body will affect the physical, feeling,
thinking and even our entire body will react to those foods. A healthy diet does
not mean that food is food that is expensive and scarce. In fact, there are a
variety of recipes on the internet or magazines on the preparation of healthy
eating using a variety of materials Cheap and very easily found. Basically, we
need to find a diet low in salt, fat and processed foods also need to find a diet
based on fruits, vegetables, cereals and rich in Omega 3 fatty acid intake of
multivitamins is to ensure we meet the needs of nutrients needed by our body

Lose Pressure

We need to remove the pressure. Stress happens when our lives become
unbalanced between the physical, mental or emotional. This imbalance can occur
by two methods, namely internal and external. Concerns over the matter is an
internal pressure that must be faced. Can also occur due to excessive work,
family problems and various other external reasons.
Our bodies react by showing fatigue, pain and makes us unable to think wisely. If
we want a better life, we have to manage this stress wisely and do not allow
ourselves to be immersed in the pressure.

Complete health depends on the perfection in the eight dimensions of a

Discuss how each dimension contribute to the improvement of the
quality of a person's well-being.

Wellness is a state of grace when physically healthy and stable state of mind.
Physical and mental health are closely related and something had happened to
one of either mind or physically interfere with the function of each. Maintaining
physical health will provide great benefits to the mind and vice versa. Keep in
mind also that, welfare does not mean the absence of pressure or pain, but the
way we menghadapainya and how we act to address them.

There are 8 dimensions that encompass the whole of our lives that need to be
maintained for a healthy and prosperous life. Each of these dimensions are
closely related to each other and very often when a catastrophe or a test of one
dimension affect other dimensions.
Each dimension has its own role and each one needs to be maintained so that it
can contribute to a healthy and prosperous life. These dimensions are:
Physical Dimensions

We need to be disciplined in physical activity and maintaining a diet. A balanced

diet will help us with both physical activity and thus allows us to get enough
sleep at least 6 hours in the evening. In addition, a healthy sexual relationship
should also be practiced, such as prostitutes, and an inverse relationship vigilant
during sexual activity.
Dimensional intelligence (intellectual)
Wellness in intelligence is when we will be able to contribute ideas, and critical
thinking well and ready for the challenge ahead. Besides the ability to absorb
information and process it and then make a decision also specified under this
dimension. Someone who wants prosperity in this dimension, need to think
positively and to evaluate any information received. In assessing such
information requires a good level of intelligence before we make any decision. As
an example when there is a lack of good news about someone, we must first
evaluate and find the source of authentic before we believe it or pass it on to
someone else.

Dimensions beliefs (spiritual)

The spiritual dimension is not limited to the religious. If we look at the origin of
the word, spiritual comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning breath or spirit. So
spiritual meaning spiritual or psychological. As humans, we can not see or touch
the spirit or soul because it is not in the physical dimension, but we know and can
feel its presence. Religious activities can have a positive effect on the way we
live. As examples of Muslims are encouraged to pray in congregation in the
mosque, in addition to devote himself to God, it also allows us to mingle with the
other guests and to create a close relationship among people.

Dimensions jobs
In this dimension, stability and prosperity can be achieved when we are able to
present a value in themselves and acquire self-satisfaction through the activities
she is involved. It covers attitudes towards work and the ability to balance
multiple roles in the work / activities they undertake and how we use our skills
and ability to contribute to society. The success of future planning should also be
made to achieve the highest point in this dimension. What will we do a year from
now or 10 years or until retirement? Plans must be made to help us be prepared
if there is an accident that will happen, and whether we have enough inventory.

Dimensional environment

It m erupakan balance between an individual's life and relationship with the

environment and resources in the community. Respect our environment and also
keeping will make us more empathy toward nature. Why do we not want to keep
it, while we sit and live in it. Applying the method of recycling is one of the best
methods to help keep our environment. We should also strive to ensure the
stability of the ecosystem and ensure it remains up to our children and
Financial dimension

To achieve success in this dimension, we must try to avoid or at least ready when
the financial crisis on us or our family going. We must learn to save and create a
budget for the use of excess income kita.Perbelanjaan not an option for us. These
supplies to guarantee our position after retirement or when we make a disaster
that we are no longer able to work.

Emotional dimension

In this dimension, prosperity can be achieved when we are able to manage their
own emotions and the emotions and feelings of concern for others who are in
touch with us. Always socialize and even learn the correct method can help us
achieve this emotional wellbeing. We also need to learn to be independent
without expecting others to strengthen identity but knows when the right time to
ask pertolongan.Sentiasa ready to help a friend or family with a significant
The social dimension

To achieve this dimension, we then dare to try to interact with other individuals
yan different from us as different ages, different state or a different race. Humans
are social creatures behave and interact with other people who can help create a
positive atmosphere and contribute to social kesejatahreaan. The exchange of
opinions will make it more open communication and it also makes us more

A balanced diet is important for maintaining a healthy body.

Describe the essential nutrients that make up a balanced diet.

Intake of a balanced diet is a good recommendation for the welfare of mankind.
Intake of certain nutrients in the proper amount reserved takers determine health
such as food pyramid recommendations by WHO.
There are several important nutrients that make up a balanced diet and intake in
quantities corresponding to the individual in accordance with gender, age,
physical activity daily schedule and so on.
A balanced diet should contain substances that include:
1. carbohydrate
2. protein
3. vitamin
4. mineral
5. fat
6. fiber
7. water

Carbohydrates are needed by the body, because this substance which has an
important role as a major energy source for everyday activity of the human body.
The carbohydrates found in many foods and is important to always take one of
the food sources of carbohydrates every time we eat. For example: rice,
potatoes, noodles, potatoes, and more. When the body experiences the
inadequacy of the carbohydrates, the earliest symptoms of the most readily
available is the body feels tired due to lack of energy than usual.
Many do not know, that fat is also a source of energy. Fat is a substance that is as
secondary to the energy needs of the body. There are two types of fat linoleic
acid and alpha acid linoleic.Secara overall fat intake in small quantities is good
for the body, but when taking in large quantities especially bad fats such as
processed foods and so will make the body store and make us fat and flabby.
There are a lot of fat in oils, margarine, milk, chicken skin, and other animal fats.

Protein function to the growth of the body and replacing damaged tissue in our
bodies .. Protein also serves as a regulator of hormones that are present in the
human digestive organs. Not only that protein also functions as a regulator of pH
levels in the body. Examples of foods that have high protein are chicken, fish,
eggs and a variety of food grains such as soybean origin.

Vitamins are needed by our body to regulate metabolic body to stay healthy and
help in the growth process. Our bodies can not produce vitamin own, therefore
we need to get vitamins from food and various supplements to maintain our
health. Basically our body just needs vitamins in the amount or rate a little, but if
the number or rate required is not enough, then your metabolism will be
disturbed, causing disease. Health disorders or diseases caused by vitamin
deficiency called Avitaminosis.
There are various types of vitamins needed by our body and which is vitamin A,
vitamin B2, B3, B5, vitamin D and so on. Each one of these has its own role in
helping us take care of the body.

Fiber has many functions for the body, among other things:
1. Helps lower blood glucose
2. Help lower blood fats
3. Smooth bowel movement
4. Make the stomach feel fuller

Fiber is found in foods:

1. Whole wheat bread, fruit and fresh vegetables
2. Beans, tofu, tempeh.


Mineral needed by the body to turn on hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the

body. There are 17 essential minerals that need to be taken and required by the
body. Because of that, the importance of minerals is just as important as
vitamins. Among the minerals that are essential to the body is like:

1. Calcium
Helpful for building bones and teeth, muscle contraction, nerve, heart, and blood

2. Magnesium
Keeping the bone structure, the liver, the body's alkaline balance.

3. Sodium
Maintain electrolyte balance, total body water, and nerves.

4. Potassium
Maximizing the cell membrane, important for heart rhythm.

5. Zinc
Protein synthesis, transportation of carbon dioxide, affect sexual function,
metabolism of carbohydrates, heal wounds.

6. Iron
It is important for the formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen-wide Transport

Modification of the nutritional content of a regular diet is essential to

meet the therapeutic needs of a particular group. Discuss therapeutic
diet for someone with diabetes.
Therapeutic diet is a diet that is given to patients on the instructions of your
doctor or dietitian as diabetes. It aims to control the intake of certain foods or
particular nutrients that the disease is under control. Therapeutic nutrition is
about eating a variety of foods that are rich in nutrients but low in fat and sugar.
Time is kept to a diet that is supposed to meet the needs of the body.

Discipline is very desirable for patients suffering from this disease. Many patients
become worse because not keep food or the term of confinement and finally in a
situation that is very difficult to be treated again. By adopting this diet, the level
of sugar in the blood in a controlled manner and so insulin can act better. In
addition to this diet, mild exercise should be undertaken. To achieve the ideal
body weight, like it or not, regular exercise should be made. With exercise, you
eat sweet or fatty collected will be used by the body to produce energy to the

For patients with type 2 diabetes, the lifestyle changes are steadfastly. Lthough
there is no medicine that can cure diabetes identified, but patients still have
other methods, which manages the diet properly. There are many important
foods that should be included in the diet of diabetics, which can help maintain
the patient's body remains healthy and blood sugar level can be adjusted by
natural means. With this diet, it helps to keep the body gets enough sugar for
energy, but not in so weight can be controlled.

When food is taken care of, exercise made and taking regular insulin or
medication, the problem of complications due to diabetes is reduced or delayed
and the patient can resume normal life.

Weight management suite is an important aspect of well-being.

Discuss common nutritional problems that affect the well-being of a

Nutritional problems can be defined as a serious condition associated with

negative eating habits that adversely affect the health, emotional and behavioral.
A person suffering from an eating disorder can begin when eating a small meal or
a larger meal, and at one stage, their desire to eat smaller meals or large out of

There are three major problems in the eating habits of a person who belongs to
nutritional problems.

1. Anorexia Nervosa (Anorexia Nervosa)

Individuals who suffer from anorexia are often due to a fear of weight gain. They
will always think about food and limiting the food you eat, even if they are too
thin. It is a way of using reason food or starve yourself to control the lives of so
relieve stress, anger, and anxiety. Most of these diseases suffered by women,
especially young people or celebrities.
Among the characteristics of people who have symptoms of this disease are:
Has low weight
Do not want to maintain a normal body weight
Has excessive fear of weight
Thinking he was obese despite the fact that they are too skinny
Do not suffer from menstrual period for three consecutive months

2. Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is a problem situation where a person eats excessively then
attempt to remove the back of what they eat. Bulimia is also a nutritional
problems in women. This issue is a form of torture against yourself because
people with bulimia nervosa will make herself vomit after taking makanan.Selain
from overeating, bulimia sufferers are also prone to a very strict diet and also
exercise excessively. Among the celebrities who have this problem is Jane Fonda.

Special features of bulimia are:

Food eaten reproduce so quickly that the food was not being absorbed by the
body. They regurgitate the food to reduce hatred or guilt for taking food.
People with bulimia nervosa are usually very concerned about diet or weight
loss. They will pay much attention to weight, and always feel a lack of trust by its
own weight so that one tends to follow a diet. They are quite different from
Anorexia patients because they usually have a more stable weight until the
disease is little known to the general public.
6. Discuss the importance of prevention in order to promote health and
well-being of a person.

Prevention of disease is a matter of great importance to all individuals. This is

because through prevention, disease can be avoided. If it is unavoidable due to
factors such as hereditary, at kuraangnya it may be more manageable.
Therefore, health promotion and disease prevention should be prioritized so that
the matter can be communicated to all levels of society. Health promotion has
been described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the process of
enabling people to increase control over their health. The concept of optimal
health includes not only absence of disease, but also to maintain the fitness level
of pleasure and satisfaction with life.
1. Can lead a healthy lifestyle.
Health is something valuable that can not be bought with the money. It can help
save the life and soul of a person. Practice a healthy lifestyle can reduce our risk
of exposure to diseases that attack us all the more easily these days and can be
a major killer of men. A healthy lifestyle includes a healthy diet, ensure living
environment is clean, do regular health screenings, recreation, overcoming
stress, not smoking and getting enough rest off.
2. Reducing the cost of living in terms of medicine.
Good health is important as it helps maximize profits when there is no
commitment to medical costs. Critical illness treatment usually takes a long time
and involve a high recovery costs which can cause loss of eye cancer
pencarian.Contohnya medical costs could reach 300,000, while kidney disease
could reach 150,000.

3. Can carry out their duties more perfectly.

Should have good health, it can certainly enjoy what we do in this life. For those
who work with government eg retirement age for those appointed before
10.01.2001 have been granted options through the Service Circular No. 3 of 2001
to choose to retire at age 55 or 56 years. Meanwhile, after the appointment after
that there is a mandatory retirement at age 60. Therefore, good health is
essential to ensure that responsibilities as an employee can run. Everyone is
certainly likely to be a child, spouse, mother or father of the children. With good
health is the responsibility of course is not a problem to them.

Coronary heart disease is associated with lifestyle choices that are

unhealthy. Discuss general prevention strategies for coronary heart

CHD is also called coronary artery disease. The mean coronary crown. The name
is taken from the arteries surrounding the heart like a crown. A person can get
coronary heart disease when one or more of these blood vessels become narrow.
This happens because the deposition of cholesterol and plaque formation
consisting of cholesterol and scar-tissue scarring. According Consultant
Cardiologist , Puteri Specialist Hospital, Johor Bahru , Dr. Yap Sau Peng, the
formation of cholesterol in the blood vessels of the heart is a major contributor to
coronary heart disease. According to him, this process takes many years since
one is still young.
1. Keeps blood pressure and cholesterol at a healthy level.
Cholesterol reading can be made with a blood test. It is performed to determine
whether the level cholesterol in the blood you are in a safe level or high
readings are usually divided into 2 high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)
and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LHL). Normal readings for cholesterol
level is 5.2mg / dl and LDL reading should not exceed 2.6mg / dl and HDL is less
1.0mg / dl.

2. Becoming more physically active

Adopt a diet alone is good, but m merge a healthy diet with regular exercise is
the best way to maintain a healthy weight will make frequent sihat.Senaman
heart and circulatory system more efficient, lower your cholesterol levels, and
also to maintain your blood pressure at a healthy level.

3. Weight control
Weight control can be done by eating a healthy and balanced. A diet low in fat,
high in fiber are highly recommended, such as eating more fresh fruits,
vegetables and whole grains. Foods containing saturated fats should be avoided
as it will increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. However, a balanced
diet is still taking unsaturated fat to increase levels of good cholesterol and help
reduce cholesterol. Also, avoid too much sugar intake of sugar because it can
increase the chances of getting diabetes, which can prove to coronary heart
disease dramatically.

4. Stop smoking
If you are a smoker, quitting smoking will reduce your risk of coronary heart
disease. Smoking is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, which is plaque built
up in the arteries. It also causes most cases of coronary thrombosis under the
age of 50 years.


Every human being needs food to live. Intake of a balanced diet is important to
make sure a person achieve good health. Healthy diet means foods that contain
groups of nutrients needed by the body. Protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, salt,
etc. contained in the food needed by the body to allow the body to function
properly, than try to fight the disease. However, food can also be detrimental to
one's health if the dietary rules are not complied with and if taken in excess.

Foods such as meat, eggs and dairy products are an excellent source of protein,
vitamins and minerals that can provide energy to enable a person to do activities
seharian.Namun, these foods also contain a lot of fat and calories which if taken
excessively high. Fat is a major source of cholesterol that causes heart attacks
obesity and encourage and increase the risk of cancer. Excessive intake of
carbohydrates such as rice is also a major cause of obesity. This is because
excess calories are stored as fat if not used.

We recommended that taking a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables because

they contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fiber intake is important to accelerate
the process of food through the digestive tract. We are encouraged to undertake
activities that produce sweat to burn fat calories contained in the body. Humans
are not active and do not want to exercise can also cause obesity.

The balance of various types of food intake is important to guarantee perfect

health and continuing to avoid the disease. Diversify food consumed in the daily
menu is a great way to meet nutrient needs for growth. In addition, the food
intake can also increase your metabolism and energy levels. Efficacy of a food
also depend on how its preparation. Mother or maid who cooks should have
knowledge of nutrition and balanced.

Nutrition should also be taken in moderate condition and not excessive

lebih.Bukankah moderation in all things is the best for us all. Moderate intake not
only helps our body to digest properly, but whether it can avoid the waste of
natural resources and our finances.

Finally, we need to practice drinking water to more content for more than half of
the human body consists of water can help blood circulation and the functioning
of the kidneys to function properly. Balanced diet among the people should be
the main agenda of the country to produce active citizens.

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