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Body paragraph structure:

1. The topic sentence should introduce or summarize the authors

purpose regarding a specific aspect of your thesis statement.
2. Tell the reader where in the text you see this purpose. (Specific
plot summary)
3. Embed short pieces of text (short quotes) with paraphrase and
4. Explain how these short pieces of text support your topic
5. Explain how this topic supports your thesis.

Thesis statement: Through the course of Macbeth, Shakespeare plays on
gender stereotypes common in his day in order to reveal the complexity of
human fallibility.
Shakespeare implements emasculating language from Lady

Macbeth, directed at her husband, drawing upon old stereotypes to

set up the ambiguous nature of gender roles. In a discussion at

nighttime, while the vulnerable King Duncan sleeps as a guest under

their roof, Lady Macbeth commands her husband to harness his

ambition and act. She cuts him down, calling him green and pale,

equating Macbeth to a lovesick, nervous, virgin boy. A few lines later,

she asks him what beast it was that caused Macbeth to tell her

about the prophesies in the first place, and suggesting that only

when he accomplishes this new task will Macbeth be so much more

the man, effectively linking violent ambition to manliness. Lady

Macbeths aggressive, even hostile, tone purposes to abuse Macbeth

into murdering King Duncan, against his loyal inclinations, and even

his doubt that he would actually become king. Macbeths own

complexity of emotion, and his hesitance to make a decision for or

against the prophesies, implies that he is not simply a product of his

supposedly aggressive gender; indeed Macbeth and Lady Macbeths

misunderstanding of gender expectations will ultimately bring about

their demise.

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