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OrangeHRM Windows Installation OrangeHRM Installation Guide OrangeHRM is very easy to install. Whether you use Windows or Linux, simply watch the video tutorial on the web-based installer, and you will have OrangeHRM running within minutes, Prerequisites ‘The pre-requirements are: + Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22 or later + MySQL 55 or lator + PHP 5.4 orlater Ityou already have Apache HTTP Webserver (and PHP loaded as an Apache Module) and MySQL. ‘unning, then you have everything you need, In case you do not have the requisites setup, you have two options: 4. Use an AMP stack which has Apache, MySQL and PHP pre-configured to work together. 2 3.Ifyou want you can configure Apache, MySQL. and PHP on your own manually. You can refer to the OrangoHRM FAQ on how to instal/contigure them. Recommended AMP stack for Windows is XAMPP Windows.Dounload Notice: Make sure you download the Installer from the Basic Package and not ‘he upgrades, developer packs, etc. ‘After downloading, sta instaling XAMPP for Windows. + You can choose the deat stalin locaton and lek Next + Wen asked to hata KAMPP Servers (Apache, MySQL et) as sence”, © When asked “stall Apache 2a sence select Yes «When asked “stl MySQL as service select Yes . You may ‘skip the other services by selecting No since they are not required for OrangeHRM- + Soloct Yos to start the XAMPP control panel to. + In case you use any frawal software (Le.: Windows Firewall) and ft prompls please make sure that XAMPP services (Apache Web Server, MySQL) are exempted from the blocked lt. i Rr Orage ten a6 eyo wee ttn + Ifyou use Skype, this may result a port confit with Apache web-server included in XAMPP when instal, Therefore make sure you re-start Windows to make sure that XAMPP ‘services start before Skype (then Skype wil go for an aerate port). AMP Stack for Linux Recommended AMP stack for Linuxis XAMPP Linux Download Notice: Make sure you download complete stack (usually the biggest download out ofthe lot) and not the upgrades, developer packs, oc ‘After cownoading, stall XAMPP Linux. Follow ie istiuctions thet comes with XAMPP Linux oF iven on the XAMPP site, Note: You always have to manually start the stack, every time you reboot Notes Yu wil have to change the ownership of OrangeHRM flles to nobody.nabady Type the following in the shell isthe path whore the OrangeHRM fles are located. Ex. /optxamppritdocslorangehrm2/ $ chown -R nobody:nabody or chown -R nobody ‘Web Installation Note: XAMPP users, the Linux stack needs to be started manually Refer tothe stack documentation Using a JavaScript enabled browser goto hitp:Ihostnamelorangehemn2/ Above hostname is “localhost itis installed inthe machine you are currently working on or IP ‘address iit is remotely hosted (2, extemal to the machine you are using). + Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or later, + Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. \Web installation willbe briefly described bellow. Welcome Sereen ‘til state which version of OrangeHRM will be installed Click [Next] button in the Welcome sereen to proceed with the instalation License Acceptance Here you wil be provided with a copy ofthe GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE and to continue the installation you will have to accept the license, Ifyou decline simply discontinue the installation and delete all OrangeHRM fles you posses. Click [1 Accepa button Ifyou accept the terms and consitions of the license. Then you willbe taken to the next page of the Web Installer. eho rete Ona en Systom Check Here the Web Installer wll check whether the pre-requirements are available Ifall responses are green you can safely continue. You have installed the correct versions ofthe pre-requisites and configured them to work ‘See below for ll the color codes in @ sample situation oot me Click [Next] button in the System Beane cxqmunm Check screen to continue. emer ‘cw Maximum Sessien Idle Time before Sonate cat ‘ocgnunus Timeout Maximum Session idle Time before Timeut is checked to ensure that users den't get logged out within a short period such as less than 15 minutes. As precaution its nat possible to continue installing OrangeHRM ifthe session times out in less than 2 minutes. Maximum Session idle Time before Timeout is checked to ensure that users don't get logged out within a short period such as less than 15 minutes. As precaution its not possible to continue instaling OrengeHRM ifthe session times out in less than 2 minutes, How to Fix You wil have to change session.gc_maxifetime inthe pip in fle, (Default sesson.g ¢_maxlftime = 1440) Important Iti stil possible that some other php application running inthe same server overriding session.ge_maxifetme valve in tne php inl fle at runtime. This will be the case f you are running (OrangeHRIM in a shared host. Workaround is available but beyond the scope o' this document How to enable InnoDB support in MySQL. To enable “InnoDB please open "my" (or "my.cnt) fle ina text editor and search for “skip-innodb* and add the leading "#" and restart the MySQL database server to enable InnoDB. ‘&c..skip-innodb.. should read as..fskp-nnodb, Database Creation Enter he relevant information about your MySQL. database server and database users. Click (Next in Database Creation screen to continue Privileged Database Users and OrangeHRM Database Users Database Server users could be assigned diferent rights. For the web installer create the ‘OrangeHRM Database, you need to give a Database user account details (usernamelpassword) with permissions CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INSERT under the led Privloged Database User/Password. teh agin cannes sin

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