Lab Fisio - Experiment 6

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1.) Does the error of localization vary with the region? How? Discuss why.
2.) Is the ability to localize in a region related to the density of sensitive spots in that region?
Why or Why not?
3.) Does learning or experience modify the accuracy of localization?
4.) Are any of the tests performed during this lab viable technique that can be used in? How and

Trial Palmofhand Fingertip Inner

error(mm) error(mm) forearmerror
1 24 1 15
2 19 2 10
3 32 4 5
mean 25 2,3 10

1. Yes, the error of localization varies with the region because the density of the touch
receptor is different within every parts of the body, hence each parts of the body has
different ability to locate the stimulus.
2. Yes, the ability to localize in a region related to the density of sensitive spots in that
region. Precision of locating the stimulus origin is associated with stimulus intensity and
receptor density at the stimulus location. Since receptors are not distributed evenly across
the dermis, different parts of the body have different capacities to locate the stimulus.
Part of the body which has high density of the receptor has better ability to locate the
stimulus. For example, based on experiment 6, the error of localization in fingertips is
smaller than the other parts of the body. This is because finger tips has high density of
touch receptor.

3. Yes, learning or experience modify the accuracy of localization.

4. Other test performed in this lab that can be used in is Two Point Discrimination test. Two-
point discrimination is a simple way to determine densities across various areas of the
body. In this experiment, people should be able to recognize two point separated in
fingertips closer than the other areas. This is because the density of touch receptor in
fingertips is higher than the other areas.

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