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One Point Lesson

RECID OPL # Folder Date

1166 OPL.BRW.BH.1166 VBL_TG\Brewing\Brewhouse General 7/25/2012

1155 OPL.BRW.FT.1155 VBL_TG\Brewing\Filter General 7/17/2012

1154 OPL.BRW.FT.1154 VBL_TG\Brewing\Filter General 7/17/2012

1106 OPL.BRW.CL1.1106 VBL_TG\Brewing\Cellar 1 1/6/2012

1105 OPL.BRW.CL1.1105 VBL_TG\Brewing\Cellar 1 1/6/2012
1104 OPL.BRW.FT.1104 VBL_TG\Brewing\Filter General 5/29/2012
1086 OPL.BRW.FT.1086 VBL_TG\Brewing\Filter General 3/5/2012

1085 OPL.BRW.FT.1085 VBL_TG\Brewing\Filter General 3/5/2012

1084 OPL.BRW.BH2.1084 VBL_TG\Brewing\Brewhouse 2 4/27/2012

1083 OPL.BRW.BH2.1083 VBL_TG\Brewing\Brewhouse 2 4/27/2012

976 OPL.BRW.FT.976 VBL_TG\Brewing\Filter General 2/15/2012

Author Machine/Area Section Type Filled by
TQChinh_PS.B Brewhouse General Brewing Problem VKNiem_LABA

NHPhuc_PO.B Filter General Brewing Improvement NHPhuc_PO.B

NHPhuc_PO.B Filter General Brewing Improvement NHPhuc_PO.B

TQChinh_PS.B Cellar 1 Brewing Basic Knowledge TQChinh_PS.B

TQChinh_PS.B Cellar 1 Brewing Basic Knowledge TQChinh_PS.B
NHPhuc_PO.B Filter General Brewing Basic Knowledge NHPhuc_PO.B
NHPhuc_PO.B Filter General Brewing Basic Knowledge NHPhuc_PO.B

NHPhuc_PO.B Filter General Brewing Basic Knowledge NHPhuc_PO.B

NHTam_PC.B Brewhouse 2 Brewing Improvement NHTam_PC.B

NHTam_PC.B Brewhouse 2 Brewing Improvement NHTam_PC.B

NHPhuc_PO.B Filter General Brewing Problem NHPhuc_PO.B

Approver Approved date TRAININGDATE
TTNLoan_PRTLB 7/30/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 7/20/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 7/20/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 1/6/2012
TTNLoan_PRTLB 1/6/2012
TTNLoan_PRTLB 1/6/2012
TTNLoan_PRTLB 11/5/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 11/5/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 11/5/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 11/5/2012

TTNLoan_PRTLB 2/21/2012
OPL File
QMS_OPL_1166~OPL Correct cylinder rice
milling (2).xls
QMS_OPL_1155~OPL. receip chemical from
QMS_OPL_1154~OPL open chemical drum.xls

QMS_OPL_1106~OPL qua can(R).xls

QMS_OPL_1105~OPL Scandibrew(R).xls
QMS_OPL_1086~VBL_TG.BRW -OPL b-417;m
m-7905; b vo hop so.xls
QMS_OPL_1085~VBL_TG.BRW -OPL nap m-
7903; b vo b-417;m.xls
QMS_OPL_1084~OPL Check leaking for air
dosing cooling wort.xls
QMS_OPL_1083~OPL Measure

Kiem tra ky nhan hieu hoa chat truoc khi

chuan bi cho su dung
Su dung day du trang bi BHLD

check leaking for air dosing during cooling

Measure OE to calculate Evaporation for
boiling by antonpar
Problem Eff. date Remark
Khe h? tr?c nghi?n g?o & khe h? xu?ng g?o khng dng d?n d?n g?o 7/30/2012
nghi?n c kch thu?c l?n

khng kiem tra ky nhan hieu hoa chat truoc khi su dung 7/20/2012

khng c BHL khi tiep xuc hoa chat 7/20/2012

Modification overpressure wrongly 1/6/2012

Hand valve at Scandibrew not opened fully 1/6/2012
Thao tac khi lay mau tu YPTs 1/6/2012
Bom chat boi tron vao hop so / bac dan thiet bi 11/5/2012

Nap mo bo vao dung cu bom phuc vu cho viec boi tron thiet bi 11/5/2012

Lack of check leaking for air dosing during cooling wort 11/5/2012

Measure OE to calculate Evaporation for boiling by sacharometer 11/5/2012

Khi lay mau tu YPTs, dich len men xa xuong san nha gay do ban 2/21/2012

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