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NOVELLO'S ORIGINAL OCTAVO}l! 7) CO PDD EMCO A. SULLIVAN. ee ee Fe Pe I SE KING ARTHUR ROUEN EEE A AZ AE San SPW GD) A BY “BEETHOVEN ONE SHILLING & SIXPENCE. UATAM 3 NHOSSTACNANS AH Od MOZART x ee NS — ——Ee OOO (Gf Ses eR ees C)|3 ae 4 ‘CHARLES GOUNOD. THE REDEMPTION A SACRED TRILOGY. Enouisn Worps sy ti ee Full Score os, ae 8 Voge Sterne angi wot cloth it $2 fe ishworsony Soy pepes covers Bet a ee ‘coil Bit 5 0 Dito Tonic Solfa Edition He Bits Bel : Doss Bio Parts it. and 11 Seach 8 vocal Part © I svopeach 1 8 Youal Score (rene wordy fv papersover Vocal Parts diteo : 2M RNogeach 8 Vocal Score (German words). By J. Weve. Tr paper over 19 9 Veal bars Gao TU PRS‘endk 8 Violin, st ° Viehing ana Wind Pats é Bool ef kary by th ° ook af Words with Conimtstany by tae AUrHon (pe ix) 33.8 Witt Parts ty If, and fil, separately ee Bite Sts’ Anaiyical each words) 1 fane man Words) $0 ik ‘ihe kedemidg by Josepn Goooaio Arrangement for Flanok 3) BFours Sclectfom arranged for Military Band by Daw Gooey, June. SEPARATE CHORUSES. “The earth ia My possession Tord Jesus, Thod toal bringestfigne } (Soha, 13d) ‘The Heproiches (chorus or quartet oe shetide he Cross semeining “Por us the Christ is made & viet availing From Thy love asa Father. (Socin id.) | Da ye porta oveiatlngs Sal th) <5 pea (solo and eborus. (Sola, tid) ia ech become. (Soi-A, $4) == "Saviour of hen : sWhile ng watch Tam oping veri, a Sol, 1343) Maybe had seperately with French words. Rey, J. TROUTBECK, D.D. A Seusction or Movements, arranged for the organ by GeonceC. MARTIN. owe ‘i Or, singly — The Creation—The Darkness ‘The March to Calvary Betide the Cross temaining From Thy love as a Father.- Unfold, ye portals everlasting Lovely appear over the mountains Hymn of the Apostles F While my watch T am keeping, arranged for the Orgen &: F.C, Woops (sce Village Organist, Book 10) : Nive Taaxscniptions, by BesrHoup ‘Tours, for Violin and Pianoforte s,s. Ditto, for Violoncello and Pianoforte March to Calvary. Mary af the foot of the Cross, 1G) Besiethe Grose remaining {5} While my watch I'am keepin ‘the holy womex arthe Sepulchre. From Thy love asa Father. Lovely appear overthe mountains, ‘The Apoates in page Manext ro Catvany, arranged for Pianoforte and Hi by J. W. Eto? Ditto arranged for Pinoforte by B. Tov, Ditto Duet «Fall Score, 78. 62.; Orchestral Parts 12 (Chorus Part, to suit the severatarrangements ofthe above March 0 2 See No. 3 of Six Sacred Pieves arranged for Solo, 28. Power vo Lov Military Band by Daw Goprrey, Junt. MORS ET VITA A SACRED 3. de i Full Score Sto, paper cover “2 ‘paper boards 30 ‘loth 5 Sonfa‘idition 7 Vooal Bart ‘each Vocal Score, English Wards by'the Rev, J. TRobreEck, D.D. vo, paper cover ‘paper boards re cloth, Ditto Ditto Ditto Vocal Parts : Yiotin, a, Wind Farts | ‘The Accompaniments, arranged for Pianoforte and Harmonium Viol o Violoncello 6 6 6 6 6 6) ed 16 +6 (instead of Orchestre), by Kino Hann == 0 6 Book of Wards, with Preface by the AUTHOR (Latin and English ‘words) (per'100) oS net 25 9 Ditto. Part I per 200) 78 Ditto Parte ii jaa enchivor LL. Gferio0) 12 6 Ditto with Analytical Notes by J! Beawerr "(pen ton) net 300 Ditto (Freach words), with Preface by the Aurwor (Gee 100) Fr, 200 TRILOGY. Spranare CHonuses—continued, Faintand worn... Tam Alpha and Omega Lard, for anguish hear us moaning Wile the wicked ae confounded oieed fot frist Fo God hes enthroned ‘Rertghteusshallenter oo oy, O Lord God omnipotent “> ‘And I heard a great voice ‘Xna God Almighty then will wipe aay {ro allthings f mate Fein Cape ieee eden tone (tsi 2a)” Vor Magna in Calo". Sougius A eilber oF Movant, staged fori ronan ¢. Mantis Bie Joss | Bees: Bice, jusrene me, sedis’ fassus. | Eneryie, dolor, mors. Egowun Agha'e Orices Hosanna in excelsis Deo! Organ by jer oves locum prasta, Laceymosa dies lla, Sed sigaifer Sanctus Michael Jerusalera Caress, arranged for the Organ by F. C, Woops (Gee Village Organist, Book 5) ei Arrangement for Pianoforte Solo, by B. Tours... ° SaceiSerartanged for Military Baza by Das Godeney, June.” 15 Pans, Lou Reguieny sparately, Full spre ° Votat Score eee ‘vo, paper cover “TS Dito paperboards 29 Dito Parts ti. and fir wJuupercover i Dito ParteIf. and IU (Bingish words) Paper cover 5 SEPARATE CHORUSES. ‘A tearful thing to fall into the hands of God. 3 Rest and peace cteral 3 From fhemorsing ath : Day of enger day of mouraing H ‘An sate ile then be pleading 3 Mopyarewe = 2 3 ashe faitanged forthe Orgu by jon B Wess aged forthe Organ UF NG. Woops ee Vilage ok ‘Organi 65 e@itim 65 eentimes 65 ceatimes. 3 Dios arranged or Miltary and by Das Gooriey,Junr. Sceover. Ditto, Full Score, 33.64; Orchestral Patts Ditto, Violin and Pianoforte Bio, Flanotorte Salo. io} arranged for Military Band (Harmonic) by E.Ssiamen Bitte, arranged for Brase Band (anfara by £2 Su anon > Ten Thansenteti0ns,.by BReTHoLD TOURS, for Violin and Pianoforte for Ditto, fer Violoncello and Planoforte Lonnon: NOVELLO AND, COMPANY, Limitep. $3335 NOVELLO'S ORIGINAL OCTAVO EDITION. THE INCIDENTAL MUSIC TO THE DRAMA KING ARTHUR WRITTEN BY J. COMYNS CARR COMPOSED BY ARTHUR SULLIVAN. ARRANGED FOR CONCERT PERFORMANCE BY WILFRED BENDALL. Price One Suittinc axp SixreNce. Lonpon:; NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Liwrtep. AND NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., New York. Copyright, 1903, by Novello and Company, Limited The Right of Public Representation and Performance is ressrved MADE IN ENGLAND 2s Bet 19 PREFACE. se In 1894 the late Sir Arthur Sullivan accepted a commission from Sir Honry Irving to compose incidental musie to Mr. Comyns Carr's drama of “King Arthur.” ‘The work was produced at the Lyceum Theatre, on January 12th, 1895, and proved a great artistic success. After the with- drawal of the drama it was suggested to the composer that it would be a pity to allow such beautiful music to remain unpublished and become forgotten, and that a selection from it might be arranged in the form of a short concert-cantata. From quite early days, however, Sir Arthur had been fascinated by the story of Arthur and Guinevere and had always desired to write a grand opera on the subject—and indeed at his request the late Mr. Lionel Lewin onee sketched out a libretto. Sir Arthur, remaining faithful to tho idea of his youth, decided to have no arrangement made of the music in question, because he still hoped some day to compose a grand opera on the subject in which some of this music wouid of course be incorporated. He so far carried out his scheme as to enter into treaty with Mr, Comyns Carr for the production of a libretto founded on his drama. After the composer's death it was decided to revert to the original proposition regarding the music, and the present concert-arrangement is the result. CONTENTS, —-— Bo. 1. Cnonvs or Laxe Semis... Dawn and daytime tum to night” ... 2. Cuonvs or Unszen Spurs... ... “ Pairest form of all the earth!” 8. Tue Cuausr or tim Gram... —... ‘Look not to thy sword” 4, Tue May Song vss ese Bre upon its snowy bed”... “Sleep! oh, sleep!” 5. Fonexat Manon anp Finan Corus... Pack i 15 26 35 KING ARTHUR. Nol. CHORUS OF LAKE SPIRITS. J. Comens Oarr. Andante con moto. ey J Anruur SULLIVAN. poay er ae Ped. a Ist & 2nd Sopranos. => — = and day - time tum to b= tS a and day - time turn to 5 este os oe # Copyright, 1903, by Novello and Company, Limited, 8341, All the un-count- ed hows — go eres. sallivan—King Arthur, = 2+ a= os —$ =r by, Swift as clouds a cross the sky, While we [pab—t t So f= = = = > 8 8 & ry 2 Mile zg (ie EMG z i 7 7 z a é é rn 7 E 3 out Sullivan—King Arthur. Ww H1 ist & 2nd Sopranos. Rise, and go Grail, Conrratno. 2 rise, andgo forth withus who seek the Grail, ae} ee rise, and go SF] Set rise, and go Sullivan King Arthur. Win- ning for re - tr | Ie he je Win - ning for re - >: : Py (S| G = Win- ning for re - eS Win- ning for re Rise, and go Sullivan—King Arthur. Win - ning for re - ward . . . Fame that shall not Sullivan—King Arthur, su 20 i ores. 7 CS 6 =e forth with us. . . who seek the Grail. ova So = =— who seek the Grail. ores. a - = = : — = ——— ap: = = —— SE Ere those lips be dumb 0 P = ——— 3 SSeS — r . : aa Si ee Sullivan—King Arthur. 21 —— E == E ptt fF E ‘That would bid thee stay: Ere the night be come, Rise, and ~~» * == == top et y— ie oe ‘That would bid thee stay: Ere the night be come, Rise, and Sullivan—King Arthur. D eu 22 forth he SS o Sullivan—King Arthur. 23 == SEE Ho ly Grail, _———= —— — -—— Ho - ly Grail, Win, ere night be come, Light that Des = = — oe ees —= tS = Ho - ly Grail, Win, ere night be come, Light that : = — ‘ — Sa a 7 Ho - fy Grail, Win, ere night be come, Light that, shall not fail, We, who go forth to seek the meno f _ a 3 SS SS SS Se shall not fail, We, who go forth to seek the Sullivan’ King Arthur. 24 be com, . Ho - Wy Grail, ‘Win, ere night be come, mw - yy Grail, Win, ere night be come, a night be come, that shall not fail, Win, ere night be come, & = SE =e Be Ss ———— = Fad etter et Sleep! oh, sloop! till night out - worn Wa - kensto the Hr Tide cee Sullivan—King Arthur. su Se ¥ = — ee That stall greet the King new - bor, Sepa That silall greet the King_new - born, .. a That skal) greet 4 #1 va And @ voice from shore sleep no___mare, Greet the dawn, the night ers. i = are = = E sleep no more, Greet the dawn, the night__is or; . + | { oo o 0 te ~~ ft ees ee aaa | te e——E jr SS POS SSS SS T r . . - t ~ Stes cress sees soccer ce sserectiie Beet E i ae Ped. # Ped. * Sullivan—King Arthur. F sul —— ores molta,. 2 ing - land’ssword is, crn mol eres. molto. za fee. = = 7 Eng - land's sword is exes. molto. gate Sp tee ‘Eng - land’ssword is epeeeegieaee 3 a a aaa dana eat Srccccee soves. scree rall. al fine. Sullivan—King Arthur. COMPOSITIONS BY ARTHUR SULLIVAN. CANTATAS, &c. THE GOLDEN LEGEND an we oe Vocal Parts, 48.3 Saltty"as. :" Full” Seote, Siting Paris, 228.; Wind Parts, 335.62. THE INCIDENTAL MUSIC TO THE DRAMA “KING ARTHUR" Fall Score ana Wind Pas, x8, String Parts ar 58 DE ae Vocal Pitts, 26°} Pull Scot’ and Orehéstral Barts, its, TE DEUM LAUDAMUS (FESTIVAL) Vocal Parts, 487. Soba, ge.j.” Full String Parts, 48. 6d.; Wind Parts, 113.5 Parts, $8. ‘TD DEUS LAUDAMUS (A Thankogving fr Victory), Voral Score, 18.:, Sol Score, 7s. Ga; Siting Parts, 28.6d.; Brass Pacis, 63.3 Organ Par, 1s. 6d: ORCHE! OVERTURE, “IN MEMORIAM" Fall Scare String Parts Wind Parts Arrangement OVERTURE, Full Score String Parts Wind Parts : ‘THE TEMPEST, INCIDENTAL Music:— Full Score Siting Parts ‘Wind Pans : THREE DANCES, DITTO Full Seore String Parts Wind Pacts SYMPHONY IN E:— Fall Seore tie re Scores” ass.) Miltary Band TRA. Military Band DI BALLO String Parts Wind Paris MILITARY BAND, &. Onward, Christian Soldiers "St. Gertcude") ‘De. ‘do. for Brass Band Q Gladsome Light ("Golden Legend Overture, "In Memoriam SONGS. Christmas Bells at Sea (Mezz0-Sopr Tonginig for home (Contralto) My heat is lize a silent lute (Soprano or Teor) Plelove that loves pe not Penos) a= : ‘To one in Paradise (Tenor Where Webecoucko( The Tesipest"),ia DitatasaB at each or Baritone) PIANOFORTE SOLO. Qvertre “Di Bal” on iy ‘Three Dances ("The Tetupest Banquet Danee (" The Tempest Overtiee, “In Memoriam ‘Onward,’ Christian Soldiers” (“St Gerirad ‘Marches, Book 3.) . Prpcentanal Mage. (NS Novels Pisoloréatbding) “ Allogreti om Symphony in B ‘Andante Espressivo roi do. PIANOFORTE DUET. “The Tempest Banguet Dance ("he Tempest) Banco ot Nymph and Reapers ("The Tesibst Qrertre (7 Fhe Tempest elude ("The Tempest") Overture, “Ia Memoria” Overture; “Di Ballo™ cloth 7 4 6 VIOLIN AND PIANOFORTE. ‘The River (see Junior Violinist, Rook 2) Nibe'Tesneriptons om The Golden ten Da. do. for Violonéetle and Pianoforte ‘Three Dances ("The Tempest") 6| St Kevin (iymn Tune) See Modan School for ehe Vials, | twill lay me down in perce, No. 17) ORGAN, &e. Overture, In Memoriam." (No. go, E. H. Lemare’s Recital Seles of Transcriptions) But Thy righe ands ook 4" Potthee, Cherubim, (Book Slee, ce Wipeout 8 Hag the rd WoW. Westvoe MERe Yoasé Organist © tthe Lord” (Baie 5"). Woluntaries) ‘Thom art to be pred. “ Valuntatied Prelaies (Hook 3.7. W Midas specie! com Symphony tn © Giaiseme Ligtt Village Organist”) Andante quasi Allegret (from ‘Book 5. “Tbe Vilage Organist Prelude on the Tune “ Patherissd” (“We ace ‘but siiangers hhere”). (Book 37, The Village Orgsnist) J. Hile'e Short Voluniaries) egies Short Vorunaries Elliott's” Harinoniun iliott’s "Harmonium, Sit's Harmonium Voluntaries) ‘Arranged by Ceephe ‘Book 29. is like ‘unto Thee"). ANTHEMS, &e. min salvar fas (Festival Te Deum) Hlearken unto Me, My people (Advent) 7 PP olla 1d. Dow Are. for 8a-f ° I will mention the loving Kindiesses.” (Eatter.) “Verse, 7. Lat ung oth yoann a sing of Thy power, VEE Poo tier (Weaaing) Merey and truth are met toge 0 Got," Thou art worthy to praised, ‘Solta, 249, Ohearken Thou. (lotroit) Sobfa,"3a. © Kagel, save Thy people; and, Vouchs Te Deum) © love the Lond. De. © Lord (Festivat (Welsh words) taste and aoe Bow gracious te Lord Sw Savin, ‘Thy ehilcen heen “For Bveaing Service, Adapted | othe music of "The long day closes 7 ‘Gola, 1d. Bol-fa, 34. Son of Got goes forth to war The go St. Anne's" tune) ‘Sing, O heavens. 7. Solo Seca upraise of joy and praise c Petal fay ‘Tad, Torn Thee again, O Lord“, Tito Thy ee rom ty inn ia fay. We have heard with our ears. Fu voloes Whois like unto Thee. Verse and Chorus alia, 2 SERVICES. Te Deumlaudamas, (Festiva) meen (Thank ee ae ‘Te Deum lavdamus, ‘Te Deum laudamus in D pe a Solfa,"id. Jubilate and Kyrie in D - Botta, saa. Responses, in D .., Lonpon: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Luurep, 18.0. > caceF a COMPOSITIONS BY ARTHUR SULLIVAN.—Continued. HYMNS AND CAROLS, A he ght bright Angel sige (Ciaimas Caco) Do, (Welsh words) 7 Solta"ia. sient ny geno co Steam a a eat 4 fara tanta Seng) Forward in glad accord ask! what mean those Holy voioos (Chi lta, 2a. I sing the birth was born to-night (Chiistmas Carol). ord ep us safe mis ught (wo Settings) (ith Soeafod Botta. Lord of Might, our land's Defender (Coronation) ‘ScLts,ad. Words only, as. 6d. per ica, © God, the Ruler of éur race (Corcnation). Solefa 1d. Words only, 3s. pet 10," © Lara, this last Holy Day (fora last Suoday ‘School Service) Onward, Christian Soldiers ‘Soba, Do. (Welsh words) Soma ia. Roseate hues of early dawa, The . Solfa, id. Son of God gors forth to war, Ther “Arranged to "St. Ann's ‘Fuse with Grgaa obligato ae Sol. 7k. Strain upraise of oy and praise, The Solta hd. ‘To mourn our dead wo gather here eds nly We are but strangers bere (Puneal) . Wen te walt tee We oly 56 10 e are but strangers bere (Hymna for Cinldren) (Sia! and Sol-fa Notations) " ut We bring rom garden, grove'zod cla da, 3 PART-SONGS. S.A.T.B. Beleaguered, The Stata Soba, Evening Sorta. Fair Datfoails Sonata PART-SONGS, S.A.7.B.—(continued). God sent jy menengr, she rain (Choral Epilogue) ("Golden Megend ) en ee eee cool Botta Hymn ofthe homeland, A . ° ; Sota". Joy tothe vitorb. : ~e hm Last night ofthe year, The me en ou, th Soba, ita. Long day loses, The : oem on ota Night calm and clones, The "Golden Legend"). 0 O ladsome Light. (* Golden Legend ° Sota. ‘bush thee, my baby. mm < Sci, Hi Pasting gleams : ° Rainy days The Lo ° pee Sota. When love and beanty (Madrigal) "SSa7.0. ou 06 Soa 5d ‘Wreaths for our graves. Choral Soi. 's.8.A.r.2.2, Sola, 32. Words only, 2. 6. per 100. PART-SONGS. MALE VOICES. Beleagured, The. A.t-0.0. . Sola, ‘ia. Do. (German words) ° | Brening. “wr . ° Sorta, ia. Joyto the vietors. x18, ao) Soraya. Long day closes, The. 7.0.8, 5 50 "Solas 3d, Ditto. (German word ree: ° © hush thee, my baby. A ° SCHOOL MUSIC, &e. Honour, riches, marriage, blessing ("The Tempest"). Duet ‘Hymn of tie homeland, A. S3.a, 1 O bush thee, my baby. "s.5.A, ‘Sola, 8.” ‘River, The, Junior unison tong) we ‘Sola only, xd. ‘We've ploughed our and, "(Unison song) ‘Where the bee sucks“Oalgon song) * Staff and Sola Notation combined NOVELLO’S ORIGINAL OCTAVO EDITIONS OF Oratorios, Cantatas, Operas, Masses FRANZ ABT. RAYS" FROLIC (Female voices) (Sou-r4, 06) GOLDEN CITY (altto) (SoL-ra, 06) MINSTER BELLS (aine) (Sora, 0/6) LVER CLOUD (ato) (Sou-rn, 06) SPRINGTIME (aitto) —(Sou-ra, 06) SUMMER, fatto) (Sousa, 0/6) WATER FAIRIES, (ditto) (Sora, 06) WISHING STONE (airy Sou-ws, O16) H. ADAMS. DAY IN SUMMER (Chen's Vole) Sor-ra 96 KING CONOR (Sora, 10) THOMAS ADAMS, CROSS OF CHRIST (Soir, 0/6) GOLDEN HARVEST (Sores, 08) HOLY CHILD Chrismas) Soicra, 1) NATIVITY, THE (Chestnas) (Sov-va, 0 RAINBOW’ OF PLAC STORY OF CALVARY (Harvest) A. H. ALLEN, NEWFOUNDLAND (Ode) |. a THOMAS ANDERTON. J.S. BACH (ontined. EH = |o praise THE LORD FOR ALL HISMERCIES 10 — = L/S TEACH ME LORD, Hy DAGS TO NUMBER fo — = =) Pagston’ Se. Jom0, E 20 a6 = =| PASSION [S, Murricaw, 20 a6 = X|PMDtero Taito)” (Abriged, séused'at sePaut's) 16 210 Dirso ditto) Cnongers (Sonera, 10) Disre {ditt} (ew Edison) (Guonuses on, Sores, ti PHGBUS AND PAN PAAISE QUR GOD WHO REIGNS ‘Ave! — —|PRAISE THoo THe LORD. /ERUSALEM yo = 3 40| SAGES OF SHEBA, THE io = SING YE,TO THE LORD (oicn (Sai-ra io) <8 = SLEEPERS, WAKE (Sou-ra, 010) ao = -| SPIRIT ALSO HELPETH US, THE (Moet) 10 STRIKE, THOU HOUR SO LONG EXPECTED 19 — STRONGHOLD SURE (Chonvsrsonty, Sot-r4, 016) 1/0 — THERE 1S NOUGHT OF SOUNDNESS THOU GUIDE OF ISRAEL. WAILING, CRYING, MOURNING WATCH YE, PRAY YE WHEN WILL GOD RECALL iiy sitar GRANVILLE BANTOCK. FIRE-WORSHIPPERS on. ~ 4 WHECR OF Tie ritspEkus oat pe J. BARNBY. Ck OF S(sou a 7 r ani andl 20 3/0| KING ALL GLORIOUS (Sot-ra, 013) 96 ae 70 ESI TING (oth Pein) (Sota 1) Ve 20 J. H. A so REBEKAH (Sot-Pa, 0/9) YO 1/6 SONG OF THANKSGIVING we We \. F. BARNETT. W. I. ARGENT, J ANCIENT MARINE (Soi-r4,2/0) a 40 ' PARADISE aND THR Eat 2 ED ~ 3/6 — —) WISHING BELL (Female voices) (Sora, 1/6), 2/8 — HEZEKIAH oe a MARMADUKE BARTON. Sr BARNABAS Don ZZ] mass an a MaJOR (For Advent aad Lent)... 40 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST = =s poeeatipera A. D. ARNOTT. ‘THE WAKE OF O'CONNOR... ee BALLAD OF CARMILHAN (Soir, 18). a 3/8 — = INV: JOL-FA, -- BEETHOVEN. eek pee a ‘CALM SEA AND A PROSPEROUS: Ro ace - E. ASPA. CHORAL FANTASIA Sotra, 01) = ENDY3MON (with Recitation) . 46 — —|CHORAL StmPhony = GIPSIES Be aioe “VOCAL PORTION Sours 06) = AsToRGA. COMMONION SERVICIy INC is = ENGHDD Ok Davib IN THE Wilpeitvess 18 ie STABAT MATER w= YO U6 —| FIDELIO peta) E = wor ATKIN. ‘Dieta. (Chonvses oxx)” 7 Dizro (Finale, Act Il) s HYMN OF FAITH Me =| MARS ay CSel-2e ip AUBER. BASS! IND g ERA DIAVOLO (Opera) — 549) MOUNT OF olavES cudius y MASANIELES Sper OB = 3B) a AEoe oer 2 J, c. BACH RUINS OF ATHENS (S017, 016) < 1 WRESTLE AND PRAY (Motet) (Sou-ra, 0/2) ww A. H, BEHREND. S, BACH, SINGERS FROM THE SEA (Female Voices)... 8 — Bide Witt Os soe 2 = X]ruRouGH THE yEAR'Peinale Volcom 20 = BLESSING, GLORY. AND wigboai == (Diryo, Sou-ra, 0,9) ARIST 1 'H'S DARK PRISON — — INL. CHRISTMAS ORATORIO 28 48| sone (opera BELLINI. a Gantis Si} (Soires 048) 3 =|EPURFTANT Opera” 2 Dirre aad a) come, yest) Come. otter Sous: Lepeewae OYGUR tack FROM’ DEPTHS OF Woe f Catt ON tHE: Give THE HUNGHY SAN UAT BRAD Sob conti UP Wir SuourING 0b $o-Loven tHE WORD NS GODS Tite 1s re BUST (Sov-es" 06) ow oRicntiy tune ncnsrette a0 Ie THOU BUT SUFFEKEST COD TO GOIbe U PRICELESS TREASURE (Sox-ta.08) ms ESUS, NOW WILL WE PRAISE THR BSUS SLEEPS, Wir Hobe ResALNETH ET SONGS OF REJOICING © LORD 1g 4 SUN AND SINELD, 1 LORD 18 MY SHBYRERD THE (Dirto, Cronvass ony, Sous, 07)” Lonp, REBUKE ME Nor MAGRIRIcaT DD MASS. IN'B MINOR (Chovises daly, Sours, MISSA BREVIS, IN A s ee eas IT WAS INHEAVINESS Gouri of NOW Shalt Aa oangy MaSS (Qa? 09 OLIGHT EVERLASTING (socrn 3g) Mos af these Cantatas, 6c, can besuppled in Roan, rounded corners ed under gil edger, Tay, 2933, SONNAMBULA Opera) WILFRED BENDALL. = = /LADY OF SHALOTT (Female ose) uw — = = ]HeouND or peeceNs Pegulewieg) «wae — == frm, Sours, 08) = I )/SONG DANCES. Vous! Suite, (Female Voices) .. 10 — == (birz0, Soren 8) = KAREL BENDL, = L]waTeR-spRite’s REVENGE (Female voices) .. 10 — == JULIUS BENEDICT =| LEGEND OF st. CECILIA (Sox-ra 18) 28 990 EASSION MUSIC (dom St. Ponsa) =i = STPETER H 6 GEORGE J. BENNETT. = = EASTER nyMN acs io = ap 4 W. STERNDALE BENNETT. = ‘T/ivreRNaTIGNAL EXHIBITION ODE (862. yo — = =| MAY QUEEN or-re 06) Yo ire == Ditro — (Cuorusis OnLy) .. o8 12 = =| woman or Sastaktia Soins) Yo Ye ged corners ed unde Price 38. in excess of the marked price of Pers. oa wrneduiel y % 1818881188811 01 HECTOR BERLIOZ, CHILDHOOD OF CHRIST (Crosuses, Sora, 0 FAUST. (Chonuses, Sores, 10). TE DEUM LAUDAMUS (Latin) (Sout, 16) G, R. BETJEMANN. SONG OF THE WESTERN MEN HUGH BLAIR. BLESSED ARE, THEY WHO WATCH (Avast) HARVEST-TIDE . SONG OF DEBORA AND BARAK” TRAFALGAR (S0L-P4, 08) oe ow JOSIAH BOOTH. DAY OF REST (Female voices) (Sora, 0/9) RUTLAND BOUGHTON. INVINCIBLE ARMADA .. MIDNIGHT SKELETON IN ARiOUR < KATE BOUNDY, RIVAL FLOWERS (Operetta, Childven’s voices) (Drrro, Sora, 0/8) E, M, BOYCE, LAY OF THE BROWN ROSARY |... SANDS OF CORRIBMIE (Female voiees)(Soi-r, 0) YOUNG LOCHINVAR J. BRAHMS. REQUIEM (Sou-rA, 1/0) ne RHAPSODY (Sor-F4, 0) “ SONG OF DESTINY C. BRAUN. COUNTRY MOUSE AND THE TOWN MOUSE (Children’s voices) (So1ra, 04) 7 QUEEN MAB AND THE KOBOLDS (Opereti Chileren's voles) (601-78, 09) ow SIGUED SNOW QUEEN (Operetta, Chil (Drrr0, Sor-r4, 016), A. HERBERT BREWER EMMAUS (Sor-4, 09) HOLY INNOCENTS” 12S © PRAISE THE LORD - © SING UNTO THE LORD Gith Palm) Sie PATRICK SPENS (Sours, 0} SONG OF EDEN SUMMER SPORTS BRIDG! DANIEL 7 RESURGAM RUDEL wie J. F. BRIDGE. BALLAD OF THE CLAMPHERDOWN (Ditto, Sot-ra, 0/8) BOADICEA.. cu fabat"iater Specidsa ELAG OF ENGLAND (Sor-ra,0)9) FORGING THE ANCHOR (Soca, 1/0) FROGS AND THE OX\Chldren' voices} So1ra 08) HYMN 70 THE CREATOR. INCHCAPE. ROCK (Sor-r4, 019. LOBSTER'S GARDEN PARTY (Children's voices) (Brrzo, Sota) LORD'S PRAYER (Soi MOUNT MORIAH... =| arawar |e — | NOBLE NUMBER NOVELLO'’S OCTAVO EDITION OF ORATORIOS, &c.—Coutinued. WILLIAM CARTER. PLAGIDA (Cnorvsts oxty, 10) «. : CHERUBINI. FIRST REQUIEM MASS, CMMINOK(Lat.and Gag) 19 UG 316 SECOND MASS, IN D MINOR. 20 26 30 THIRD MASS, IN A (Cononatiow) fe ae FOURTH MASS, INC 6 36 E. T. CHIPP, NAOMI ... HAMILTON CLARKE. DAISY CHAIN(Operetta,Childzen’svoices)(So.-#s,09) DRUMS AND VOICES ditto) (Sov-ra.) HORNPIPE HARRY (ditto) (Sor-ra,0:) MISSING DUKE, (ito) (Sour) PEPIN THE PIPPIN (ditto) (So1-a/09) FREDERIC CLIEFE. NORTH-EAST WIND (S0L-P4, 0/9) 20 236 — GERARD F. COBB. MY SOUL TRULY WAITETH a SONG OF TRAFALGAR (Men's voices) Ses 8. COLERIDGE-TAYLOR. A TALE OF OLD JAPAN (Sou-r4, 48) c 30 ATONEMENT. BLIND GIRL GF CAST#ECUILLE (Sou'¥a, U0! HIAWATHA’S WEDDI (Dirzo, German words) [A'S DEPARTURE (Sor-ra, 10) KUBLA KHAN (A Rhapsody) (Sou-ra, 10) MEG BLANE (Sot-ra, 0 SCENES FROM THE SONG OF HIAWATHA ‘(Dirr0, Sou-r4, 20) brite rss FREDERICK CORDER. BRIDAL OF TRIERMAIN (Soa, 1) 6 MICHAEL COSTA. DREAM ww yoo - Hi. COWARD. GARETH AND LINET (So1-ra, Choruses only, 10) 3/6 = — STORY OF BETHANY (Sov-rs, 1/6). 368 30 F. H. COWEN. CHRISTMAS SCENES (Female voices) (SoU, 0/9) GORONATION ODE cr wees DAUGHTER OF THE SEA (Pemalewi.}(Sot-ra,1/0) HEGIVETH Hs BELOVED SLEEP Sot-ra, 0:8) JOHN GILHIN Gees 10) DE TO THE PASSIONS (Serra, 1/0) ROSE) OF LIFE (Female valrs) (Sot-ra, 00) RUTH (Oratorio) (Sorr4y 1.6) SLEEPING BEAUTY (SoL-04, 16) SONG. OF THANKSGIVING 6 30 ST, JOHN'S EVE (Sota, 1) « ai MERON THE RIVER (erie wij (Goi'ta08) 20 THORGRIM (Opera) VEIL Oratory 30 96 50 MILLAGE SCs emai voit (ices “Sg WATER LILY 38 W. COWIE. VIA CRUCIS ($0174, 10) mom we WB ‘A. L. COWLEY. HARVEST COVENANT (Sgicra, Uh. ao - = THE EVANGEL (ours, 08) cw 7 > MAUDE CRAMENT. LWILE MAGNIFY THEE, 0 GOD (easth Psalm)... 98 ~~ LIPTLe RED RIDING-HOOD (Female voices) =. 20 = = W. CROTCH. PALESTINE = om 80-36 8 W. H, CUMMING FAIRY RING = mee ae — = W. G. CUSINS. TE DEUM, IN B FLAT we - = B, J. DALE. BEFORE THE PALING OF THE STARS. 1 ~~ FELICIEN DAVID. DESERT (Male voices} (SOL-#A, 08) 16 29 30 W, T. DAVID. BLIND MAN OF JUDAH (Sov-va, 10) a0 26 - 1H WALEORD, DAVIE avenrans coi 5 ODE ON TIME, PLE (Oratorio) NINEVEH 30 40 ROCK OF AGES (Lili asd Rodis (So es SONG OF THE ENGLISH (Sourn 0 == SPIDER AND: ThE, FLY (ehidre's vez) =o (brtro, Sov 08) EDWARD BROOME HYMN OF TRUST. = wo ~ ‘DUDLEY BUCK, LIGHT OF ASIA. . 3)0 38 80 EDWARD BUNNETT. ovr OF THE DERP (uh Palm) ve ew IO T, A, BURTON. CAPTAIN REECE Boys voice) (Sout O1) 10 SAIMINET loys oils Soca ogie Oe TRAGEDY GF COEK RON Shon Reso Pic 3 YARN OF THE NANCE BELL (Boys! voices)... UD — — iDerrorsov #486) W. BYRD. MASS FOR FOUR VOICES ~~ CARISSIMI. JEPHTHAH we oe Mm A. von AHN CARS! LAV OF THE BROWN ROSARY ye TE THREE JOVIAL HUNTSMEN (Foto) NOVELLO'’S OCTAVO EDITION DONIZETTI. He LAFIGLIA DEL REGGIMENTO (Opera) = 50 LOEIN Br vasNiekMOUK (Operas =B IVEREZIA BORGIA (Opera =r F. G. DOSSERT. COMMUNION SERVICE, IN E MINOK. DUNHILL. FROLICSOME HOURS\Chidren's Votes Son. "09 18 TUBAL CAIN (So:-¥4, 08) 'k. DUNSTAN. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM a forte ose ool THE TEMDESE (atk for the use of Schools)” ANTONIN DVORAK. AT THE FOOT OF THE, CROSS (Stabat Mater) (Socs¥a, LO) COMMUNION SERVICE, IND Mass, INDY PATRIONC iM REQUIEM Mass | SPHCTRE'S BRIDE (SoucFa, U5) ‘irra (Gera and Boni ST. LUDMILA Dire STADAT MATER (Latin oni} (GowrrA, 18) ‘AE. DYER ELECTRA OF SOPHOCLES (Male voice). SALVATOR MUNDI H. J. EDWARDS. ASCENSION EPIPHANY PRAISE TO tik HOLIEST RISEN LORD. EDWARD ELGAR. APOSTLES 50 60 (Drrro, Choruees and Words af Solos only, Soira, 3/6) (Dirro! German Words, 8 Mark) BANNER OF ST, GEORGE (So1-r4, 1/0) . 16 BLACK KNIGHT (Sou-ra,10) 2/0, CARACTACUS (Sora, Choruses oniy, 1/6) 36 DREAM OF GERONTIUS . 56 (Dirro, Sora. Choruses osiy, 2/6) {Dirro, Frese Words, Prix (7.0 net) {Derro, German Words, 6 Mark) GREAT 18 THE LORD Gsih Pealm) (Sours, 01)... 8 — — MUSIC MAKERS, THE (otra, 1/6 a8 90 40 KINGDOM ZL 80 80 ae (Deero, Choruse? and Words of Saiosoniy, Sot ra’ 2/6) (Dire: German Words, 6 Mark) KING OLAF Govrrs, Cheruses only, 1/6)... 990 96 50 LIGHT OF LIFE (bax Christ)iSob-ra, uO). eS 4E DEUM AND BENEDICTUS Sie = = ROSALIND F. ELLICOTT. BIRTH OF SONG an we = ELYSIUM a GUSTAV ERNEST. ALL THE YEAR ROUND (Female vw) (S0-ra,0/9) 18 — — HARRY EVANS. VICTORY OF ST. GARMON (Soi-Fa, 0 = M6 = A. J. EYRE. COMMUNION SERVICE IN'E FLAT ~ Me = T. FACER. MERRY CHRISTMAS (Children's yoices\(Sot-ra,0/6) 1/0 — — RED RIDING-HOOD'S RECEPTION (Opereita, Childrea’s voices) (So:=r4, 09). 8 SONS OF THE EMPIRE (Childres’e voizea)(Sot-va,6f@) 1/8 E. FANING. BUTTERCUPS AND DAISIES (Femile voice (Drrro, Sora, 09) HENRY FARMER. MASS, IN B FLAT (Latin and English) (Soi-ra,1/0) 2/0 PERCY E, FLETCHER, DEACON'S MASTERPIECE (Humorous): Sot-ra, 1/0) 1/6 ENCHANTED ISLAND (Operetta, Children’s voices) 2/0 (Dirto, Sot-r, Of) OLD YEAR'S VISION (Qperetia,CHigren's voles) YB — — TOY REVIEW (vere fo o WALRUS AND "THE CARPENTER (lien voices) (SoL-¥A, 0 yo — “pLotiow. MARTHA (Opera) 36 NDAR (Chile 30 MYLES B. FOSTER ANGELS OF THE BELLS (Female voices is — = irro, Soran, 08) RONNIE FISHWIYES (Femalew') TSoreeA,0}) we LB — = COMING OF THE KING CPenaie gues" Se SX Dirro, Souse4 08 MERRY GAMES FOR CHIEDREN Oy Action Cantata ter Chileren}, os SNOW FAIRIES (Female vicesi(Sot'v, 06)“. Me Continued. OF ORATORIOS, &c. ROBERT FRANZ. PRAISE YE THE LORD «117th Peal) AM. FRIEDLANDER, music RETURN'r0 Zion’ NIELS W. GADE, CHRISTMAS EVE (Sot-ra, 08) COMALA CRUSADERS (Sou-ra, 1/0) ERL-KING'S DAUGHTER (Sova, oft) PSYCHE (Sou-ra, 1/6) SERING'S MESSAGE (Soi‘ra, i ZION an) HENRY GaDsBy. ALCESTIS (Male voices) COLUMBOS (Male voices) LORD OF THE ISLIS (Sou-ra, 1) F. W. GALPIN. OLDE ENGLYSHE PASTYMES (Children's voices) 6 — —~ H. BALFOUR GARDINER, NEWS PROM WHYDAH (S0L-P4,08) ww me 18 — = G. GARRETT. HARVEST CANTATA (Sota, 0/6) SHUNAMMITE TWO ADVENTS A. R. GAUL, AROUND THE WINTER FIRE (Female voices)... {Dirro, SomFA, 0) RLFIN HILL, (Female voices) HARE AND THE TORTOISE. (Dirro, Sor-ra, 0/6) HOLY CITY (Sou-ra JOAN OF AKC (Sor-ra. 10) LEGEND OF THE WOOD (Childe (Dirt, Sours, 08) PASSION SERVICE PRINCE OF PEACE (Soir, 16) RUTH (Sou-va,0/) (Ctonusts oxt, 1) SONG OF Lite (Sor-ra, 0/6) - TEN VIRGINS (Sov-ra, 1/0)“ FOILERS OF THE DEEP (Female voice). UNA Sot-ra, 1/0) FR. GERNSHEIM. A TRIUMPH SONG (Male voices) E, OUSELEY GILBERT. SANTA CLAUS AND HIS COMRADES (Operetta, ‘Children’s voiees) (Sot-ra, 0/8) ... F, E, GLADSTONE. SALAMIS, PHILIPPI ' It GLUCK. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS (Opera) IPHIGENTA IN TAURIS (Opera OKPHEUS (CHonuses ony, Somes, 1/5) Ditto. (Aer Il- ost) Dirro (Act II, CHonuses oniy, Soi-ra, 6) PERCY GODFREY. SONG OF THE AMAL HERMANN GOETZ. BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON (137th Pealm) NGNIA (Sota, 0/8) WATER-LILY (Male voices) (Soir, 8) A. M, GOODHART, ARETHUSA EARL HALbaw’s DAUGHTER FOUNDER'S DAY SIR ANDREW BARTON SPANISH ARMADA CH. GOUNOD. COMMUNION SERVICE (Messe Solennelle) ‘Dirro (Tralee Messe Solenneic) DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM (Latin, 10) DE PROFUNDIS (English or Latin Words)» FAUST (Selection) {Sot-ra, 019) GALLIASo1-ra, 0) MESSE SOLENNELLE (Ss, Cecinsa). MESSE SOLENNELLE (Troisieme) MORS ET VITA (Latin or English Words? (Sor-rajiLatin andEnglish Words) Parts Ul, and IIT. Part Hand itt (sglih Words) Dizto | REQUIEM MASS 9 COME REAR To THE CROSS (Sabet Matej” OUT OF DARKNE REDEMPTION (2ugish Words) Sou-F4, 1 Dirro (Erench Words) « Dito (German Words) Dirro Dirro Weer 111gs hau peed $ hive al S Wigs 3 0 Pact T. e Parte if. and 1 cack NOVELLO’S OCTAVO EDIT. ION OF ORATORIOS, &c.—Continued. eee Sita rox. narrersiey, HH is onvses 1/0) HOW ZuEy pROUGHT THE GOOD News ae — TEDEUM KING ROBERT OF SICILY ae =a ALAN GRAY. HAYDN ARETHUSA ys — —|CREATION(Sou-r4,10) 20 26 40 LEGEND OF tite Rock’buoy adit I = =| CREATION, Pociet Ealtiod : ie te tp SONG UF REDEMPTION Ye = TS Burro (Croncses ones ge 12 WibOW OF ZaREPH OTH 20 =X faysaNae ex'Vawa CORR (Catin oe Engl) “Od = > MASS, IN'B FLAT, No. (Latin) S10 af 26 _J- 0. GRIMM. Dirzo (Citin'and agli) Sp Ue ale ‘SOUL'S ASPIRATION”. aww YO = =| MASS, IN Gy No. 2 (Latin) Yo 16 26 ee eon. MASSIIN DY Rs eek iag in al ip 1s 96 PARACLETE Tee ro — Lungs, 3 FEA - 19 16 26 E, V. HALL. ASSION 08, SEU Is IT NOTHING TO YOU Wonte 08) os = —|SEASONS complet W. A. HALL nese owey)! PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE wee = fhand Latin) HANDEL, BATTISON HAYNES, ACIS.AND GALATEA 10 1 aye | FAIRIES" ISLE (Kemale voices 1s Daze, New tition, cited by J Baraby Soice, 019 19 ALCESTE, F SEA DREAM (Female voices) (Sol-ra, dj SEA FAIRIES (Female voices) (Sou-ra, C, SWINNERTON HEAP, ALEXANDER Sats 50 ALEXANDER'S FEAST 40 | FAIR ROSAMOND (Sot-ra, 2/0) (Cronusts 16). 38 4/0 5/0 AYHALIAH a 510 : Bepeaheaen My EDWARD HECHT. CHANDOS TE Devi” CORONATION AND FUNERaI Or, sing LET THY MAND BH STRENGTHE! MY HEART 18 INDITING... THE KING SHALL REJOICE (Soins, THE WAYS OF ZION ZADOK THE PRIEST (Sort, oft ERIC THE DANE . 33 | OMaY Tote the cudie iivisibee FRIEDRICH HEGAR. THE WANDERING JEW. GEORG HENSCHEL. | O02, 98 DARENESS (oth Fann) |Stdpar MAW rit DEBORA oe uae {| TE DEOMTEACB aus, iso” Darrin 2 BIXIE BOMINUS fom Pant = H.W. HEWLETT BSiHeR FS fg |JAPPY CHAPPY (A Mosel Play) folie i HERCULES (Clionuts oviy,18) 80 He M. HiGGs, ISRAEL IN KGVET, edited by Mendelssohn 40 |eRt KING z wo — ISRAEL IN EGY Tet v Novel ap ae CRUSADERS .. a SSHON. Cuoiiene Suzy isou'tn, fp ]Gop'is ck tervée ae = UDAS MACCAL U8 Sotcra,10) io FERDINAND HILLER. JUDAS MACCAB US, Pocket Edition Bal Rteernee Seiaisioe nN nee - v1 Denso (Cuonuars OMY) =) NALA AND DAMAYANTIO so Dinzo, || New Edition. Haited by Jahn E: west 20 = =) 2 ae noe 2 ae San NRIOICE (rant ae ee, GG ge — = [SONG OF ICTORY Sova, oi) os EALLEGRO (cratoass on, 10) a0 HE, HODSON. MESSIAH, edled by V-NovellolGo:-e4) 10) coupe! S HO MESSIAH, edited by V-Novello, Pocket Beition ee : MESSIAH, edited by B Prout (Soi-ra, 1/0) HEINRICH HOFMANN. MESSIAH, edited by W. T. Bewt (Sour 1/0) CHAMPAGNERLIED (Mate vole : =: Dirro '~(Gonuses ont) CINDERELLA - = nist DoMINUS SORLUSINA a 9 SICOME, LET US SiNG ig Chansci ane) SONG OF THI NORNS (Femaie voices) = Ove o: © PRAISE THE LORD (6th Chandos} (Sou-ra, 0/4) 10 - Sey a HOGG. O PRAISE THE LORD, YE ANGELS (Feta) | NORMAN Bacon .M = - PASSION (Abridged Edition, 1/0) JOSEPH HOLBROOK. Sa ero (euonvtes osx) 88 | ayRON (Poem -- SAUL TEondaes ont, 1B) al c. HOLLAND. SOLOMON (entnuar on i2052 GB] APTER THE SKIRMISH... <. we — - SUSANNA 50 T. §. HOLLAND. THEODORA I 57 | xin EMAR (Opercts, Children's voices) -- TRIUMPH OF TIME AND TRUTH 30 MENS eo oecen Oi) J UTRECHT JUBILATE = | PASTORAL MEDLEY (Children’s voices)(Sot-ra, 0:9) 30 — — ALFRED HARBOROUGH. GUSTAV VON HOLST, CROSSING THE BAR. 26 — —\ DEA (operetta for Childten) (Sor-ra, 016) -- SYDNEY HARDGASTLE. KING ESTMERE wow — SING ASONG OF SIXPENCE (Operettafer Children) 06 — —| HOMMEL. T. M. HARDY. ALMA, VIRGO (Latin and Engle =x RIP VAN WINKLE (Operetta for Children)... 1,6 — — | COMMUNION SERVICE, IN B PPAT = 8 (DrrT0, Sota, 08) Ditto, IND — 40 ©. A. E. HARRISS. sig 28 CROWNING OF THE KING (Soir Oi. OB — . ys fe ‘hore Fayb (Sons, thn ae ER Spee” « BS S/GRD RGAE tama is be H. HUNT. JULIUS HARRISON. HARVEST CANTATA (S01-r4, 08) . Yo — —|STABAT MATER yous — CHRISTMAS CANTATA. i = = G. FHUNTLEY.” CHARLES HART-DAVI PUSS-IN-BOOTS (Dperstafor Children} (Sot-r4,08) 89 — — COURT CARD (Operera for Children) (Sor-r4, 08) YB — =| VICTORIA (Sora tO wi — eter C PRUNE TERE de uo eave) MARIA Female vices) Gowrs, O9) = = BASIL HARWOOD. ee . ILIFFE, aoe AS BY THE STREAMS OF BABYLON = . om INCLINA, DOMINE (86th Psalm) F = JOHN w. IvIMEy. ESUS! THY BOUNDLESS Love To Mit = <|weren oF THE WOOD (Operetta for Children)... 0 — XONG ON MAY MORNING J. W. G. HATHAWAY. JACK HORNER'S RIDE (ie Chdeen)(S01-1, =} {Divro, Sot-rs 03) W, JACKSON, YEAR THE ew NOVELLO'S OCTAVO | EDITIO! «s. JACOBI. BH BABES 18 THE WOOD (Operator Cire). 99 — CINDERELLA (Opacity Coren) (Sours, 10) 40 — . JENKINS. DAVID AND SAUL (Sourk, 20) = a0 38 A. JENSEN, FEAST OF ADONIS (Sot’v4 08) 10 38 W. JOHNSON. Ecce Homo 10 - H. FESTING JONES. KING BULBOUS (Operetta for Chiléfen) (Sot-4, 0/6) 200 — WARWICK JORDAN. BLOW YE THE TRUMPET IN ZION. 10 — N. KILBURN. BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON. LORD Es MA SHUETERD (asd Pain) SILVER STAR (Female voices) OLIVER KING. RY THD WATERS OF BABYLON RAIADS (Vemale voices) = RoMtaNcr OF Wi Roses ODE (Sours, 02) TAREE FISHERS (Worree, 03). tie tout |. KINROSS. SONGS IN A VINEYARD (Femaleve,) (Sou-ra, 0/6) 436 — H. LAHEE, SLEEPING BEAUTY (Female vv, ($014,018)... 1)6 ~ HENRY LAWES MASQUE OF COMUS ~ 30 — MAX LAISTNER. FRIAR'S MERE (Male Voices) oe 16 — G. F. LE JBUNE, COMMUNION SERVICE INC FIRST MASS INC EDWIN H. LEMARE, COMMUNION SERVICE IN ‘TIS THE SPRING OF SOULS TO-DAY” LEONARDO LEO. DIXIT DOMINUS F. LEONI. GATE OF LIFE (Sor-r4, 130) 20 — H. LESLIE, FIRST CHRISTMAS MORN 26 — F, LISZT. LEGEND OF ST. ELIZABETH 30 THIRTEENTH PSALM c. A, ALCESTIS (Male voices) ANDROMEDAS GLEANERS' HARVEST (Bemaie voices) HERO AND LEANDER (Sores, 0) LLOYD. HYMN OF THANKSGIVING LONGBEARDS" SAGA (Male voices) ie © GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD 19 RIGHTEOUS LIVE FOR EVERMORE 18 EOSSALL Sie OGiE AND THE Labrie ELsti SONG OF BALDER.. SONG OF JUDGMENT CLEMENT. LOCKNANE, BLPIN QUEEN (Female voices). 16 HARVEY LOHR QUEEN OF SHEBA (Cioneses ONLY, 1). a 5.0 — W. H. LONGHURST, VILLAGE FAIR (Female voices). ELVA LORENCE ann G. KE? TERRA FLORA (Operetta for Children) C, EGERTON LOWE. LITTLE BO-PEEP (Operetta for Children) 10 — (Dirro, Sours, 0/8) M.L.C.L SPORTS (Operetta for Childen} 20 — HAMISH MacCUNN, LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL (Sova. 16) .. 218 36 EORD ULLIN'S DAUGHTER (Sours, 0 40 — WRECK OF THE HESPERUS (Sours, 06) io = &e Conti nued. OF ORAT TORIOS, G. A, MACFARREN. [AJAX (Greek Play) (Male voices) EADY OF RHE LAKE (Chores! only, Sua, 40) | MAY-DAY (Sor-va, 06) Diszo (Cuonvsis oni) louTWARD BOUND. SONGS IN A CORNFIELD orsiale Voie ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST ( 8) SOL-FA, 10) - A, C, MACKENZIE. BETHLEHEM (act it, seperately 20) . 50 —|BRIDE Bor-ra, 018). i COLOMBA (Lytical Drama)” 50 Dirro(Germen Words) 80 —[correR’s SATURDAY NIGHT (Soi"rs, ii) “20 DREAM OF JUBAL (Chorusscny,Sourh 19) Bg rASON 26 —[JeBite ope 8 SEW COVENANT 18 PROCESSION OF THE ARK Sou-wA om. Cl Ts ROSE OF SHARON. New Edition Soicra tity“. a8 STORY OF SAYID | TROUBADOUR (Lycical Déama) VENI, CREATOR SPIRITUS. WITCH'S DAUGHTER... = . M. MACLEAN. SJANNUNCIATION aw . 26 = C. MACPHTERSON. BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON (137th Psalm)... 20 2 L, MANCINELLI. ERO E LEANDRO (Opera) 7 _ 0 | F, W. MARKULL. ROLAND'S HORN (Mule voices) ay F. E. MARSHALL. PRINCE SPRITE (Female voices) (Citonat Dances from Ditto GEORGE C. MARTIN, COMMUNION SERVICE, IN A AND C ... each 110 FESTIVAL TE DEUM IN A Gou-ra, 0 a = J. MASSENET, =| MANON (Opera) : on OO 2 J. T. MASSER. HARVEST CANTATA ae 10 J. H. MAUNDER, HEM (Sor-74, 1/0) [OLIVET To CALVARY (Sovrk, om PENITENCE, PARDON, AND PEACE (Soi SONG OF THANKSGI T. R. MAYOR. |LovE oF cririst W. McNAUGHT. MICE IN COUNCIL (Cantata forChildren)(Sor-14 018 U0 . H, MEE, tigi DELPHI A LEGEND OF HELLAS (Male voices) 0 HORATLUS (Male voices). a 10 MISSA SOLENNIS, in B FLAT : 20 MENDELSSOHN, ANTIGONE (Male voices) (Sora, 10). AS THE HART PANTS. (q20d ATHALIE (Sou-rn, 018) AVE, MARIA (Saviour of Sianers) (Double Chit) SHRISTUS (Sor, 08) Some TC US GING oth web San Ha (Pocket Eorrion) t ELIAH (Sot, 10) mo eta Cuomeses oun TT resteBsancifimasifand) Garé 83 (Sot a, 0 Dare (Mele voices) Gre FREAK MiP PRAYER (Golo a chraiSo."08) SVM OF PRAISE (Lobgeang (Gots, 0 Dir, (cuosvsns omer LAUBA SIGN Uae Jehovah) (S00 PPO Goro (Drrr9, Serr of) 40)MY Gop, WHY BAST THOU Box-rs, 0/8) 06 NOT UNTO US, O LORD (115th Pealm) 10 = |G:DIPUS AT COLONOS (Male voices) 30 (ial tg Ey IBISLLigsrresii MENDELSSOHN (continned), ST. PAUL (SoL-rA1/0) ‘Derro “(Convers ont) 8T, FAUL, Packet BING TO THE LORD (98th Pesizn) SON AND STRANGER THREE MOTETS FOR Fiat voices’ (Dirro, Sor-ra, 071g, 07, and 0/2 each TO THE SONS OF ART (Male voices) (SOU-FA, 0/8) WALPURGIS NIGHT (Soirra, 10) WHEN ISRAEL OUT OF (Drrr9, Sours, 091 WHY RAGE FIERCELY THE HEATHEN (Drr70, So.-r4, 0/3) R, D, METCALFE anv A. KENNEDY. PRINCE FERDINAND (Operetta for children). (Ditto, Sora, 09) MEYERBEER. LETOILE Dy NORD (Opera) .. NINBTY-FINST PSALM (Lat) (Enelish) A, MOFFAT, BEE QUEEN (Onera for children) (Sota CHRISTMAS DREAM (Gor children) (SoL-ra, 0/4). B, MOLIQUE. ABRAHAM J. A. MOONIE. KILLIECRANKtE (So1-ra, 01) WOODLAND DREAM children Voiced) (Sout, 018) HAROLD MOORE. DARKEST HOUR (Sours, 0) 3 MOZART. COMMUNION SERVICE, IN B FLAT, No.7 GOSIFAN TUTTE (Opera). DIE, ZAUBERFLGETE (Opera) DON GIOVANNI (Opera) GLORY, HONOUR, PRAISE (Sora 0) Thitd Motet HAVE MERCY, O'LORD... sa Second Motet IL SERAGEIO (Opera) a KING THA EE NoZZ DI vichRo fopeni LETANIA DE VENERABILT ALTARIS (& ELTANIA DE VENERABILT SACRAMENTO (H3) MASS, IN B FLAT, No, 7 ne MASS! IN G, Nov (Latin and Bagtish)” MASS. IN DB MINOR, No. 15 : Dirre (hatin and English) (Sor-r’, 10) MASS, IN G, No, 32 (Latin) Dirro “tatia and ae es os Divto (Guonuses ov2) 9,500, WHEN THOU "Soir, On Fist Motel SPLENDENTE TE, DEUS “First Motet E, MUNDELLA. VICTORY OF SONG (Female voices). o» B. W. NAYLOR. PAX DEI (A Song of Rest) S Joun NAYLOR, JEREMIAH 5 JOSE NESVERA. DE PROFUNDIS |... STAFFORD NORTH. IN THE MORNING (So1-r4, 0/8) . A. NUNN MASS, INC CUTHBERT NUNN FAIRY SLIPPER (Children's Operetta) (Sot-ra, 0/8) VIA DOLOROSA A. O'LEARY. MASS OF ST. JOHN REV. SIR FREDK. OUSELEY. MARTYRDOM OF ST, POLYCARP PALESTRINA, COMMUNION SERVICE (Missa Pape Marcelli) COMMUNION SERVICE (Assumpta est Maria) MISSA ASSUMPTA EST MARIA. ne sw MISSA BREVIS MISSA #0 ADMURADILE coniteR crust MISSA Pav MARCELLT STABAT MATE SURGE ILLUMINARE H.W. PARKER, HORA NOVISSIMA.. LEGEND OF 87. Ci WANDERER'S PSALM ISFOPHER | SSSSSSSSEESS or BR NOVELLO’S OCTAVO EDITION OF ORATORIOS, &.— a5 io “| BEYOND THESE VOICES THERE. 20 218 =| GOD Is OUR HOPE AND STRENGTH 30 baat cu Continued, C, H. H. PARRY. AGAMEMNON (Greek Play) (Male voices) ax is Brack BIRDS OW ARISTOPHANES (Greek Play (Male) BLEST PAIK OF SIRENS (Sot-ra, 0/8) "| (Dirzo, English and German Words, # mark 60)” DE PROFUNDIS (130th Pealis) 2s ETON ETON MEMORIAL "Op! GLORIES OF OUR BLOOD AND $' te 1 INVOCATION ‘To MUSIC JOB (Cronuses oxLy, Sores, YO)" UDITH (Convene oxi, SoA, 2/0) ING SAUL (Cuonuses ONLY, SoL-rA, 1/6) VALLEGRO (Sot-ra, U8) LOTOS-BATERS (The Chovic Song) COVE THAT CASTETH OUT FEAR MAGNIFICAT (Latin) ~ OD8 ON ST. CRCILIA'S DAY Bow-¥A, 11) ODE ON THE NATIVITY ODE TO MUSIC (Sour, 0/8) PLED PIPER OF HAMELIN (So1-ra, 10) PROMETHBUS. UNBOUND SONG OF DARKNESS AND LIGHT SOUL'S RANSOM (A Praim ofthe Poor) TE DEUM LAUDAMUS (Ls TE DEUM LAUDAMUS (Coronatlony”” TE DEUM EAUDAMUS (English Werds) VISION OF LIFE (Sos, 10) VOCES CLAMANTIUM (The WAR AND PEACE (cHonuss T. M. PATTISON. ANCIENT MARINER CAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL LONDON CRIES itniga vitae bias May DAY MIRACLES OF CHitisT (Sori, 01) A, L. PEACE, ST, JOHN THE BAPTIST (SoL-rA,1/0) aw 216 — PERGOLESI. STABAT MATER (Female voices) (SOL-¥4, 0/6). M0 — CIRO PINSUTI. PHANTOMS—FANTASMI NELU OMBRA WD — PERCY PITT, HOHENLINDEN (Male voices) =. ee IS JOHN POINTER. SONG OF HAROLD HARPAGER (Bfale voices) (S0r-66, 08) oe is 1 — V. W. POPHAM, BARLY SPRING ao MO J. B. POWELL. PANGE LINGUA (Sisg, my tongue) ee A. H, D, PRENDERGAST. SECOND ADVENT. e ys — F, W. PRIEST. CENTURION'S SERVANT 08 = . E, PRITCHARD. KUNACEPA es me AO E, PROUT. PAMON AND PHINTIAS (Bale voices) a» FREEDOM... 5 HEREWARD HUNDREDTH PSALM (Sou-74,0}4) so QUEEN AIMEE (Female voices) RED CROSS KNIGHT (Sou-ra, 2) “ PURCELL. DIDO AND 2NEAS KING ARTHUR MASQUE IN “DIOCLESIAN ODEON ST. CECILIA'S DAY (Choruses, S ‘TE DRUM AND JUBILATE, IND . TE DEUM (Edited by J. F. Bridge) (Sci-va, 6/0) Ditto. (Latin arrangement by R.R, Terry) wise G, RATHBONE, ORPHEUS (Power of Music) (Chitdcea’s voices} - {Divro, Sou-r4, 018) SINGING LEAVES (Children's Voices] (Sot-ra, 0/8) 1/0 — VOORLWEID THE MINNESINGEIC (Children's voiees) (SOL-FA, G8) oe a ~ F, J. READ. ODE, ' 2 : 16 ~ SONG oF Hatinart Say |}. F. H. READ. DEATH OF YOUNG KoMILLY eB Srl b ba treaerias NOVELLO'S OCTAVO DOUGLAS REDMAN, COR UNUM VIA UNA (Female voices) ©, ‘T. REYNOLDS. CHILDHOOD OF SAMUEL (Sou-r4, 110) = ARTHUR RICHARDS. H AND JUDY (Operetta forchildren)(Sox-¥, ‘WORK CARNIVAL (Operetta for children) (Dire, Sou-ra, 08) i ROBERTS. JONAH PASSION) R, WALKER ROBSO CHRISTUS TRIUMPHATOR J. L. ROECKEL. HOURS (Operetts for shildren) (Sores, 0/9) ECTTLE SNOW-WHITE (Operctia ior chides (Dirzo, Sours, 0/0) SILVER PENNY (Optretta for children) (Sou-r4, 09) EDMUND ROGERS. FOREST FLOWER (Female voices) ROLAND ROGER: FLORAPEL, (Female voices) (Sol-a, 1/0) PRAYER AND PRAISE... fe F. ROLLASON. STOOD THE MOURNFUL MOTHER WEEPING ROMBERG, HARMONY OF THE SPHERES: LAY OF THE BELL (Soi-ra, 08) Te DEUM : TRANSIENT AND THE ZTERNAL” (Sours, off) Cc. B, ROOTHAM. ANDROMEDA So ROSSINI. IL BARBIGRE (Opera) GUILLAUME TELL (Opera) MOSES IN EGYPT. 5 STABAT MATER (Sor-r4y1/0) irr” (CHoRuse ONLY). CHARLES B, RUTENBER. DIVINE LOVE JOSEPH RYELANDT. DE KOMST DES HEEKEN (The coming ot the Lord) ED, SACHS. KING-cUPS. es : WATER LILtes C. SAINTON-DOLBY. FLORIMEL (Female voices) CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS. HEAVENS DECLAKE—CQ@:LI ENARRANT. THE PROMISED LAND W. H. SANGSTER. ELYSIUM, H.W. SCHARTAU.. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS (Children’s voices) SCHUBERT. COMMUNION SERVICE, IN A FLAT Dirro, IN & FLAT. Dirro, INC Dirzo, IN E FLAT Divro! NFO ING LAZARUS (Easter) MASS, IN A FLAT Do. IN B FLAT Don INC Do. IN £ FLAT ING! 5 SONG OF SinniAM Bout, 06) (Dirr0, Welsh Words, Sox: 016) SoxG OF THE Srikits GVER THE WATERS (Male voices) (Sot-rs, 018) SCHUMAN? ADVENT HYMN, “In Lowey Gus FAUST (Drrto, Part 3 only, 3) - GENOVEVA (pera). KING'S SO ‘Sova, 1/0) MIGNON'S REQUIEM MINSTREL'S CURSE NEW YEAR'S SONG (Soc-rs, 00) PARADISE AND THE PERI Sot-r4, 1/6) PILGRIMAGE OF THE ROSE, REQUIEM SONG OF THE NIGHT 9 18 80 10 1 Il 1 EDITION | BRIDE OF DUNKERRON (Sot-ra, 10) OF ORATORIOS, &c.—Continued. H. SCHUTZ. PASSION OF OUR LORD we awa BERTRAM LUARD-SELBY. DYING SWAN IN TROAS" SUMMER BY THE SEA (Femaie) (Soi-ra, 56) WAITS OF BREMEN (Children) (Sou-ra, 0/6) H.R. SHELLEY. VEXILLA REGIS (The Royal Banners forward go) 2/8 E, SILAS. COMMUNION SERVICE, INC 16 TASS, INC yo HENRY SMART. KING KENE'S DAUGHTER (Female voices, (Dirso, Sours, 0 SING TO THE LORD J. M. SMIETON. = | ARIADNE (Sor-rs, 08) . 30 coxa oie [RING ARTHUR soizrati) 28 7 ALICE MARY SMITH. — |QB8 TO THE NOWTH.RAST WIND 16 25 | OBE 19 THE PASSIONS FH 18 | RED RING {evs vores) 10 = |SONGOW THE LITELE WaLtUNG ite otces) 0 | ibrrte Borsa 8) E, M. SMYTH, MASS IND we ee aw BE A. SOMERVELL. CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE (Sot-rs,04) 08 stbey : re te ENCHANiED FaLaGe pert chien voices) 10 Cisse, Sou — | FORSAKEN MERMAN (Sot-ra, 0/8) ” U6 KING THRUSHBEAAD (peti chien soit) 3 (bieto, Sot-7A, 0) =| RNAvE OF HEARTS (Ope, Children's voices) 0 S51 Saini u |Gob is OUR HOPE (ita Past tro, Sola 08 MASS, IN C minor y OBEN MHL ING HaTIONs Ge isiitonTaLtiy 9 ODE TO THE SEA (Sol-rA iO) POWER OF SOUND (Sours, 4)0) an PRINCESS ZARA (Operetta, children's, voices) "2/0 (Dirro, Sovses, 0/9) SEVEN LAST WORDS = 5 10 R. SOMERVILLE. PRENTICE PILLAR (Opera) mw awe eos 40 W. H. SPEER. |ACKDAW OF RHEIMS ... AY OF ST, CUTHBERT SPOHR. CALVARY CHRISTIAN's PRA’ FALL OF BABYLON FROM THE DEEP I caiLep” * GOD Is MY SHEPHERD’, GOb, THOU ART GREAT (Soi"ra,0j8) HOW LOVELY ARE. TAY DWELLINGS FAIR. HYMN TO ST. CECILIA, JBHOVAB, LORD OF HOSTS" AST JUDGMENT (Sou-ra, 10)” Dire (Cuonosus OnLy) MASS (for 5 solo voices and double choir) JOHN STAINER. CRUCIFIXION (Sor, 09) wo DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS (Sot-ra, 0) ST, MARY MAGDALEN (Sou-r4, 10) VILLIERS STANFORD, BATTLE OF THE BALTIC CARMEN SECULAR COMMUNION SERVICE, iN G EAST TO WEST... EDEN (Dramatic Oratorio). EUMENIDES (Male voices) MASS, IN G MAJOR REVENGE (Sot-rA, 0/9) (Dirr0, German Words, 2 Mack)” VOYAGE OF MAELDUNE’ hii hut Wit thins ISS LSSs B85 piesa s Sr S8s stiil rid NOVELLO'S OCTAVO EDITION OF ORATORIOS, &c.—Continued. D. STEPHEN. LAIRD 0! COCKPEN (So1-¥4, 016) STEFAN STOCKER. SONG OF THE FATES SIGISMOND STOJOWSKI. SPRINGTIME om J. STORER. MASS OF OUR LADY OF RANSOM TOURNAMENT ee ww E. C. SUCH. GOD 1s OUR REFUGE (oth Psalm). NARCISSUS AND ECHO (Cuonuszs io) ARTHUR SULLIVAN, EXHIBITION ODE TE DEUM FESTIVAL (Sou-ra, 1/0) « TE DRUM (A Thankagiving for Victory) (Sou4, 095) .W. SURETTE, EVE OF ST. AGNES ws ww : w. TAYLOR ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST A. GORING THOMA SUN-WORSHIPPERS (Sou-r4, 0/9) D; THOMAS. LLYN Y FAN (VAN LAKE) (Sox-ra, 1/6) E, H, THORNE, Be eae ree uae ae . TORRANCE. REVELATION BERTHOLD TOURS. FESTIVAL ODE, HOME OF TITAN) FERRIS TOZER. BALAAM AND BALAK IN'FHE DESERT AND INTHE CARDEN (Dirro, Soma, 1 KING NEPTUNE’S DAUGHTER (Female voices) (Dirto, Sou-ra, 0/6) P. TSCHAIKOWSKY. NATURE AND LOVE (Female voices) (Sot-Fa, Oj) 1/0 CHRISTOFERO TYE. MISSA EUGE BONE. VAN BREE. ST. CRCILIA'S DAY (So: ERN cede RIGOLETO Gpera) EX TRAVIATA (Opera) TL TROVATORE (Oper Divo ‘Choruses only" {So1-#a) CHARLES VINCENT LITTLE MERMAID (Female voices). VILLAGE QUEEN (Female voices)(Soi-r4,0/6) ‘A. L. VINGOE. MAGICIAN (Operetta for children) (Sor-, 0/9) W, S. VINNING. SONG OF THE PASSION (according to St. John) . L. VITTORIA. MISSA 0 QUAM GLORIOSUM (Bnglieh words only) S. P, WADDINGTON. {OHN, GHLRIN gsouera 0 HIMLAND (Opereitaforebidrca) (Soi R. WAGNER. erate Bure geri Hoty SUPPER on rH APOStLES UOHENGRIN (Opera 8) FLYING DUTCHMAN Divo Acti. Dizto. _ Choruses only ($0.70) TANNHAUSER (Opera) ‘bitro Brrro ty Sours) ‘TRISTAN AND ISOLDE (Opers) 50 49 6 26 46 us uw W. M, WAIT. Gop WITH Us. 7 GOOD SAMARITAN” ST. ANDREW... ERNEST WALKER. HYMN TO DIONYSUS. yw - — ODE TOA NIGHTINGALE yo = R. H. WALTHEW. PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN 20 - = H. W. WAREING. COURT OF QUEEN SUMMERGOLD (Operetta for childeen) (501-74, 0/8) yo — HOHO Gk THE “GOLDEN” Beit Eanuii Tor Children} (Sor-rA, 0/8) és - uo — = PRINCESS SNOWFLAKE (Opttta ip = = (Dirro, Sou-ra, 0/6) WRECK OF THE HESPERUS 16 ~ HENRY WATSON. IN PRAISE OF THE. DIVINE (ifale voice) 20 — = PSALM OF THANKSGIVING .. Py ss 3 WEBER, COMMUNION SERVICE, IN E FLAT DER FREISCHUTZ (Opera) Divo Choruses oily“ EBURYANTHE (Opera) IN CONSTANT ORDER JUBILER CANTATA MASS INE FLAT (Latie Sad Bush) Diero, IN G (Latin and Lngiish) OBERON (Opera) PRECIOSA. (Choruses only, 0/6) THREE SEASONS ns S, WESLEY. DIXIT DOMINUS |. EXULTATE DEO (Sig aloud with gladness” IN EXITU ISRAEL (English of Latin Words) S. S. WESLEY. O LORD, THOU ART MY GOD wow FLORENCE E. WEST. MIDSUMMER'S DAY (Operon fr hilten) = JOHN E. WEST. LORD, I HAVE LOVED THE HABITATION OF THY HOUSE, : a MAY-DAY REVELS (Children's voices) (Sov-ra, 0} SEED-TIME AND HARVEST (Sora, 1). SONG OF ZION, STORY OF BETHLEHEM (Soi', 6) C, LEE WILLIAMS. trait FESTIVAL HYMN (Sot-r4, 0/9) Kos GETHSEMANE 20 8 HARVEST SONG an, LAST NIGHT AT BETHANY (Sot-rs, 10) 20 ys = A. E. WILSHIRE. GOD IS OUR HOPE (Psalm uo oo THOMAS WINGHAM. MASS, IND (Regina Cali) . 30 = 2s TE DEUM (Latin) CHAS. WooD. ObE TO THE WEST WIND . w- F.C, WOODS. GREYFORT LEGEND (797) ae igs) ww - = SEIMIASGER (Stacie ew Zovaiia@” fe = = E, M. WOOLLEY. CAPTIVE SOUL (Female voicenand Tesor Solo) «. L8 — — D. YOUNG. lpLesseD DAMOZEL ww mw om ME Lonpox: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Liwirep. CHARLES GOUNOD. FAUST. Aw Omura. ish Words adapted from the Translation by HENRY ‘A selection for concert performance. foun ornate Full Score, MS. Vocal Seore . Ditto “Tonic Sol-fa Orchestral Parts, e Words only per 205) GLORY AND LOVE TO THE MEN OF OLD (in A fat) Eg So, paper covert Vocal Score, 7.7: Ditto” Self Ditto Atianged for sa Ditto | Sota Orchestral Parts KERMESSE SCENE. Full Score, Vocal Score « a" Orchestral Parts wuttaco MESSE SOLENDELLE. YBito: Sua, paper, 1; paper boards, v6. 6d Disto. Communion Service (ered parte alls wont ce eer Violin, 2 Violin, and Wind parts © oy cloth Viola x Cello and Double Dass |) 2 4 19 19 Cutonuses seranateey:— 5 (English of Latia words.) Kyrie Elelson Gloria in Excelsis Credo Sancte svsiae gnus Det. (Sol-fa, English words, 14d.) Domine Salvum fac, (Latin, 24.) SECONDE MESSE DES ORPHEONISTES For. oe (zm, Vocal sore, Lat oF Engish Fall score Vocal score | Bist, "Communion Ser Vocal parts| Viotin, 1st Violin, and Wind Parts Gloria in Excesis, tom above (Latin) DE PROFUNDIS (Out of Darkness), Fall scove. Latin and English words Yoealscore, English or atin words v0, paper cover 1 String parts .. s.6067 Wind parts 7 GALLIA, Morer ror Sopraxo Soo ano CxoRvs. Roll core, French, Latn,and Enatish words Vocal scare ». 7 Ditto. ‘Tonic Sofa : String parts 48, Wind paris ‘The Aciompanimenis, arranged for Panofrie and Harmonium, by T. Ee AYEWARD ei Paraphiease on" Gatcts,by C. Sain? Sass SEVEN WORDS (ills Jerasalem) MARCHE SOLENNELLE. Full score ‘Orchestral parts Ditto. "Arranged for Organ by B, Prout. Ditto. Arranged for Pianoforte Solo a Ditto. Arranged for Harmoniam and Pianoforve Ditto! Arranged for Military Band Are for To Hats, or Harp and Plano, by Jou Twos xr Two Harps (each part, 25).- For Harp and Pianoorte (cach part 38) SALTARELLO. Full teore Orchestral part : Ditto,” Arr. for Piano, by A. Zimsi@awann. Solo, 38.3 Duet WEDDING MARCH, No. %- Full score. Original edition for Organ and Three Trombones Ditto, “Arranged, for Full, Orchestra by Colossi. Ful score, MS. Orchestral parte Ditto.” "Arranged for Organ. Ditto. Arranged for Pianotorie Soi WEDDING MARCH, No.2, Full score, M'S. Orchest Ditto, Arranged for Piaaoforte Solo a5 Ditto. Arranged for Organ Solo ac ANTHEMS, &c. All yewho weep. garb, (Soba, 148) ‘As the hart pants (Sieut ecrvus) Ditto, for 4.9.0. each E Viola : Cello and Double Bass“. 5 sagt Psaua. 28.) Dust 2s)oix0 Comey: "Edited and arranced by 8 4. 9 6 vo} ANTHEMS, e.—continwed, | easenem eat. (Sots, 149 ito ite ac rid) 23H 3} (Gilson Sonny (Easter (Sol, 1 ere ots x8) ‘ Orchestral parts ECG, Phiaphce, aan for Favors astonitn yr tenaeo a Gomme te Hin “a. a x8) a Daughters of Jeroen en) Jen blssed Ward of Gos ta Slit Welsh words i Sei ior of ain rate Ate ver) Dito. "Welsh words, oka te a Bute, Areangefoe Mitary Baad by Bix Gorn, Jane Dike, Arrageed fr the Gréanby FC. Woove re Vilage Organist, Bask a0) a0 " : Ocominewtio we Gross. sz, © wilt score 15 Site oichetal Farts 48 Oo Dayrof penitence (Lit Hour aid Six Voices. Weel teste Bite eee © Saving Vixim,”“Quaiiet and Chovis Bite” Load Bute Ost Gea ce, Mend) Ditto Z O sing to Goa aoe. Satie. (Soba, 28d.) Sing praises unto the Lord (Scife, Send out Thy hight. (Sola, rd.) Word of God incarnate (Aveverum- Hymn Tune— Gounod... Concluding Ament Vocal score Orchestral parts ferse;'s. and a., with Treble Chorus Orchestra parts, heeiged 4». Sid th Chorus day SONGS, PART-SONGS, 8c. Beware Evening Song (Viola Otibtigato) | Queenstove eet baby, sles | SivSongeof France ay-day | 4 Antimn “SF E Omy proud one 2. Hunting song 3. Dawa mesic, ‘The Daisy. Saar v Angel hosts descending (iors ¢4 Vita) Power and love (edemption) Ditto (Latin words), ""Christuefactus est” < - Bite, "Arranged fr Miltary Banc by Dax Cobre Jur ‘There is a green bill: Keye D, E, and B.(Orchestr in E flat, 98.7 Dy Band F) 2 Ditto. German Words. ““Golgotha” <2 1) LIL Ditto. Arranged for Organ by @. Gavia Ditto, ‘Arranged for Organ by G.W. 1 isto. Arranged for Bitnotrte by 8. Tours: iKk0, Arranged for Military Band by Dax Gopracy, Junt. Ditto, Arranged for Harmonium by Kive Hath 2 ‘here io a green hal. The Song eranged as 2 Scio with Chorus iy J. Mt. Baxruny. (Sol-fa, 20), ‘The Holy Vision. For Sopranoor Tenor.” J) 1). Full score and Orchestral parte, MS. sy Band by Dan Goorany, Junr. Jerusalem (6: Dittor Arranged for Mi La fauwette Ka Marguerite Sivvous n ouvrez Votre fenétre Perche piangi ean ma Sal O Salata ‘Duet (Spanish words) Bells scross the snow. Pact song Part-song (Sola, 133) (English Words, 26.) Nj ‘Hill score and Orchestral part, a The Chase (znp.n) ‘There isa tinkling treatin Glory andiove othe mer of id Faia). Arrant for Vaiss ‘Nazareth (Sacred ‘Uniags Song) (Sol-fa, 1d.) ‘Dito. “Anthem,” (Sesiays4d) sa But S00 Bate CE! oy Ranocons) the faint OI omy ong Seem ‘Tender Woodie (Unison) Tellme, fair Maiden (Unisems. | ‘The Chldren's Angels. (Unison) | Ditto. "French wores only, MILITARY BAND. Marcus Souenxacx an Mons ex Vira (Selection) -DEMPTION (Selection) Six Suceeo'Prscks b'cu. Gauxod. Band by Dax Gonrany, Janno iadex (Mors ef Vita) | Aitanged for Siteaiy TN prem i fr ae 5: Power and fave (Redemption) Jeratalem (Gaia) cote ‘he Holy Vision ) Ave verum Lonpon : NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Limirep. NOVELLO’S EDITION OF BACH'S ey CANTATAS. *A STRONGHOLD SURE- - - - - - Ein’ feste Burg. *BIDE WITH US”) - - — Bleib bei uns. CHRIST LAY IN DEATH'S DARK PRISON. - Christ lag in Todesbanden. COME, REDEEMER OF OUR RACE - - - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, FROM DEPTHS OF WOE I CALI.ON THEE - = dus tiefer Noth schre? ich su Dir. GIVE THE HUNGRY MAN THY BREAD - - Brich dem Hungrigen Dein Brod. GOD GOETH UP WITH SHOUTING - - - Gott fihret auf mit Jauchzen, GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD - - - - Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt. *GODS TIME IS THE BEST - - - - - Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit. HOW BRIGHTLY SHINES - - Wie schin leuchtet, IF THOU BUT SUFFEREST GOD TO GUIDE THEE Wer nur den lieben Gott lisst walten. JESUS, NOW WILL WE PRAISE THEE - - —_ Jesu, nun sei gepreiset. JESUS SLEEPS, WHAT HOPE REMAINETH? - Jesus schléft, was soll ich hoffen ? *MY SPIRIT WAS IN HEAVINESS- - - - = deh hatte viel Bekiimmerniss. ¥0 LIGHT EVERLASTING = - O ewiges Feuer. O TEACH ME, LORD, MY DAYS TO NUMBER Wer weiss wie nake mir mein Endet PRAISE OUR GOD WHO REIGNS IN HEAVEN Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen. PRAISE THOU THE LORD, JERUSALEM. - - + Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn, *SLEEPERS, WAKE! - . - Wachet auf. THE LORD IS A SUN AND SHIELD. - Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn’ und Schild, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD - : : Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt. THERE IS NOUGHT OF SOUNDNESS IN ALL MY BODY- - - - Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe, THE SAGES OF SHEBA - - : - - Sie werden aus Saba Alle kommen. THOU GUIDE OF ISRAEL - - + a - Du Hirte Israel, hore. WAILING, CRYING, MOURNING, SIGHING - — Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen. WATCH YE, PRAY YE -—- - + Wachet, betet. WHEN WILL GOD RECALL MY SPIRIT? - - —Liebster Gott, wann werd ich sterben? ONE SE SHILLING EACH. The wonderful individuality of these Church Cantatas. . . . An undreamt-of wealth of new phenomena meets our gaze on all sides ; grand tone-pictures in new, strange, and diversified forms, single ideas of stalwart growth, and of free and noble birth poetic inspirations of such unspeakable depth, that we are impressed with an unearthly awe.—Spitta’s Life of Bach, BACH’S MOTETS *BE NOT AFRAID = - - - - - — Flirchte dich nicht. 6d. Ditto. (Edited by G. R. Suncare) Ditto. 8d. *BLESSING, GLORY AND WISDOM - - — Lobund Ehre und Weisheit und Dank. 60. COME, JESU, COME - - = Komm, Jesu, komm. 1s. *JESU, PRICELESS TREASURE (Sou & ‘Caos Jesu, meine Freude, 15. *NOW SHALL THE GRACE - - - Nun ist das Heil, 6d. *SING YE TO THE LORD - + + Singet dem Herrn, 15. THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPETH US = Der Geist hilft unserer Schwachheit auf. 15. *| WRESTLE AND PRAY (J.C. Bach) - - deh lasse Dich nicht. 4d. * May be had in Tonic Sol-fa. A descriptive catalogue of the above will be sent post-free on application. aig/z2. Loypon: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Limitep.

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