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1 Hello.

1A Grammar: to be
1 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.


A: Hi! What 1 your name?

B: Hi! I 2 Leo. Whats your name?
A: My name 3 Suzy.
B: And what 4 your name?
C: I 5 Ken.
B: Hello, Ken. My name 6 Leo.

1B Grammar: to be; Who's ...? 1B Grammar: his/her

2 Choose the correct words. 3 Read the dialogue. Mark the correct words.
1 Hi, Max. he in the photo? A: Hello, Tim! Whos he?
a Whos bHes
B: 1 Hes / His my cousin.
2 my brother Jake, and here's Sally.
a Shes bHes A: Whats 2 hes / his name?
3 she? B: Paul. Suzanne is 3 hes / his sister.
a Shes bWhos
A: And whos she?
4 my sister.
aHes bShes B: 4 Shes / Her my mum.
5 And he? A: Whats 5 shes / her name?
a Hes bWhos
B: Judy. And shes my aunt. 6 Shes / Her names
6 my cousin, Tom.
aHes b Shes

1C Grammar: It's ... ; Is it ? 1C Grammar: to be; How old ...?

4 Complete the dialogue with it or is it. 5 Complete the dialogue with the correct
forms of the verb to be.
A: What day 1 today?
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A: Ally, how old 1 you?

B: 2 Wednesday.
B: I 2 twelve.
A: Really? Not Tuesday? A: And your sister? How old 3 she?
B: No. 3 Wednesday. 4 my B: Kelly 4
ten. And you?

birthday today. A: Guess! How old 5 I?

B: Hmm You 6 thirteen.
A: Happy birthday!
A: No. I 7 fourteen!
B: Cool!
2 Favourite things
2A Grammar: a/an 2A Grammar: What colour is it? Its
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the answers 2 Look at the table. Complete the dialogues
with the correct noun and article a or an. with the right words.

1 A: Whats that? Kerry Peter

B: Its .
umbrella/pink bike/green
skateboard/yellow camera/black

2 A: Whats that?
B: Its . 1 A: Kerry, whats that?
B: Its a 1 .
A: What colour is it?
3 A: Whats that? B: Its yellow.
B: Its . A: And whats that?
B: Its an umbrella.
A: What colour is it?
4 A: Whats that? B: Its 2 .
B: Its .
2 A: Peter, whats that?
B: Its a bike.
A: What colour is it?
5 A: Whats that?
B: Its 3 .
B: Its .
A: And whats that?
B: Its a 4 .
A: What colour is it?
6 A: Whats that?
B: Its black.
B: Its .

2B Grammar: to be
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3 Complete the dialogue. Choose the correct answers: a or b.

Jack: Tom, heres your present! 1 a Is it bIs

Tom: Thanks Jack! 1
a dictionary? 2 ais bisnt
Jack: No, it 2 . 3 aIsnt b Is it
4 a Is it bIts
Tom: 3
a notebook?
5 a Is it bIs
Jack: No. 4 your favourite thing.
6 aits b it is
Tom: Wow! 5 a comic?
Jack: Yes, 6
3 Wild world
3A Grammar: t o be
1 Complete the mini dialogues with he/she is or he/she isnt.
1 A: Is Ted happy? 4 A: Is Mary thirsty?
B: Yes, . B: Yes, .

2 A: Is Mary cold? 5 A: Is Ted sad?

B: No, . B: No, .

3 A: Is Ted hungry? 6 A: Is Mary hot?

B: Yes, . B: No, .

3B Grammar: t o be 3B Grammar: to be
2 Complete the dialogue with the words from 3 Complete the dialogues with are or arent.
the box. Use the short form re where it is possible.

AreareIamI'mI'm not 1 A: Suzy, 1 Kelly and you sisters?
B: Yes, we 2
A: Hello. My names Mark. 1 you Phil? A: 3
you from the USA?
B: Yes, 2 . B: No, we 4
. We 5 from the UK.

A: 3 you from Argentina? 2 A: Whos in your photo?

B: No, 4
. B: They 1 Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.
A: Where 5 you from? A: 2
they from the UK?
B: No, they 3
. They 4 from the USA.
B: 6 from Australia.

3C Grammar: plurals 3C Grammar: our/their

4 Complete the sentences with the plural 5 Complete the text with our or their.
forms of the nouns in brackets.
1 Marmosets are from South
America.(monkey) My names Dave. Andrew is my brother.
2 Macaw are cool! Theyre
mum is from Poland but
yellow, red, blue and green. (parrot)
dad is from the UK. This
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week mum and dad are on holiday in Italy,

3 M
 y favourite animals are .
(ostrich) in 3 favourite city, Florence.
Andrew and I are happy because we are
4  are black and white animals
from Africa. (zebra) at the London zoo with 4
grandma. 5 favourite animals
5 Polar are big and white.
are zebras. Theyre so cool! 6
fur is black and white and 7
6 L ook at the . They are very
eyes are so big.
4 In my room
4A Grammar: possessive s 4A Grammar: W
 hats this?; This is .../
These are ...
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogue.
Use the possessive forms of the names. 2 Look at the pictures. Mark the correct words.

1 This is / These are Annas T-shirt.

Kate Andy

Paul 2 This is / These are Andys trainers.

A: Jenny, these clothes are cool! Is it your skirt?

B: No, its not. Its 1 skirt.
A: And the trainers? 3 This is / These are Pauls jeans.
B: Theyre 2
A: Theyre big! Is it your T-shirt?
B: No, its 3 T-shirt.
A: And the nice jeans?
B: Theyre 4 jeans. 4 This is / These are Kates skirt.

4B Grammar: in/on/under
3 Complete the dialogue. Choose the correct answers: a or b.
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A: Mum, wheres my camera? 1 a in bunder

B: Maybe its 1 your bedroom. 2 a under bon
A: But where? Its not 2
the table and its not under the table. 3 a under bon
B: What about your bed? 4 a in bon
A: Its not 3 my bed and its not on my bed. 5 a in bon
B: Sam, I know! Its 4
the kitchen!
A: Really?
B: Yes. It's 5 the fridge!
A: Thanks, mum!
5 People and pets
5A Grammar: have got
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verb have got. Use the symbols to help you.
Use short forms where possible.
1 I a watch. 5 A:  you an MP3
2 Jo, you a TV!
B: Yes, I .
3 You cool sunglasses!
6 A:  you a sleeping bag?
4 T
 hese are my torch and CD player, B: N o, I . Its my dads sleeping
but I a tent. bag.

5B Grammar: have got

2 Complete the dialogue. Choose the correct answers: a or b.
A: So how about Patty, the new student?
What kind of hair 1 she got?
1 ahas bs
B: She 2
short brown hair. 2 as b s got
3 a Has she got b Has she
A: 3 brown eyes, too?
4 a hasnt got bhasnt
B: No, she 4 . Her eyes are blue. 5 a s got bgot
6 ahas bgot
A: Has she 5 a black dog?

B: Yes, she 6 .

5C Grammar: h
 ave got
3 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

have havent ve got havent got Have they got (2x)

A: What are your favourite animals?

B: Guess! Theyre small but colourful. They 1 red or yellow heads and bodies.

A: 2 long legs?
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B: No, they 3 .

A: 4 they got wings?

B: Yes, they 5 , but they 6 tails.

A: I know! Your favourite animals are birds!

B: No, theyre butterflies!

6 Action!
6A Grammar: imperatives
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

OpenStopCloseDont eatDont laughDont run

1 the door. 4 the window.

2 ! 5 !

3 in class. 6 !

6B Grammar: can/cant
2 Complete the table. Fill the gaps in the sentences with can or cant. Choose Yes or No in the answers.

dance cook


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Tim 1 dance, but he 2 cook.

Nelly 3
cook, but she 4
Can you dance?
Yes / No, I 5 .
Can you cook?
Yes / No, I 6 .
7 My routine
7A Grammar: p
 resent simple 7B Grammar: present simple; by
1 Put the words in the correct order. 2 Complete the dialogue. Choose the correct
answers: a or b.
1 athletics / like / dont / I
. A: 1 you and your brother walk to school?

2 basketball / I / like B: No, we 2 walk to school. We go to school

. 3
car, with dad.
A: And your friends?
3 you / do / like / football
? B: They 4 go by car. They 5 by bus or
they 6
bikes to school.
4 no, / dont / I
. 1 aDo bRide
2 adont bgo
5 you / like / volleyball / do
3 aby bgo
4 ago bdont
6 do / I / yes, 5 aride bgo
. 6 aride bdo

7C Grammar: W
 hat time is it?; 7C Grammar: at/on/every day
It's ...
4 Look at the table. Read Davids statements. Complete
3 Look at the clocks. Match the answers the sentences with the names of activities.
with the questions. There are two
extra words. go tobed go to listen to ride
school music abike

1 A: What time is it? David 9.30 p.m. 7.45 a.m. 7.15 p.m. 7 p.m.
B: every day from Monday Saturdays every
to Friday Thursday
Suzy 7.45 a.m. 5 p.m.
2 A: What time is it?
from Mondays every Saturday
to Friday and Sunday
Jake 7.15 p.m. 5 p.m.
3 A: What time is it?
Saturdays every Saturday
B: and Sunday
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4 A: What time is it? 1 I at seven on Thursdays.

B: 2 We (Suzy and I) at quarter to eight
every day.
a Its quarter to five.
b Its half past three. 3 I at half past nine every day.
c Its quarter past four. 4 They (Suzy and Jake) together at five
d Its five oclock. every Saturday and Sunday.
e Its half past two. 5 We (Jake and I) at quarter past seven
f Its three oclock. on Saturdays.
8 Work and play
8A Grammar: present simple 8B Grammar: asking for permission
1 Complete the dialogue with the words from 2 Complete the mini dialogues with Yes, you
the box. can or No, you cant.

wakes starts have

1 A: Can I have a burger now?
has start goes
B: . Dinner is ready.
A: Shh my mums in bed.
2 A: Can we go to football practice?
B: Its ten a.m.! B:  . But be back at five,
A: I know but on Thursdays and Fridays she OK?
to bed late at night and she 3 A: Can we listen to music?
up at half past eleven a.m. B:  . Its late and you go to
B: Does she 3 breakfast? school tomorrow.

A: Yes, she does but she 4 lunch very 4 A: Can I open the window?
late. B: . Its very hot in here.

B: What time does she 5 work on 5 A: Can I ride a bike with Sally?
Thursdays and Fridays? B:  but first do your
A: She 6 work at four p.m. homework.

B: Lets make some breakfast for your mum, then. 6 A: Can we have crisps for breakfast?

A: OK! B:  . Cornflakes with

yoghurt are for breakfast.

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