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“To: —_ assistant Schools Division Superintendent SGOD and CID Chiefs - Education Program Supervisors | Education Program Specialists Public Schoo! District Supervisors/Principals ~ in ~ Charge Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Unit/Section Heads of the Division All Others Concemed = oe Schools Division Superjntendent, 2 ‘Subject: Corrigendum to Division Mt randum No. 72, 5.2017 (2017 1* QUARTER SMEA, DsMEA, Clustered DsMEA, and DMEA) Date: March 23, 2017 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, the following schedules of monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment are reset due to the regional orientation of the newly enhanced data gathering template that will be used by the schools: DATE peNey Former Schedule Present Schedule 2. SMEA March 20 ~ 21, 20: March 30 — 31, 2017 'b. DSMEA__ March 23— 24, 2017 | April 1, 2017 c. Clustered DsMEA_ March 28 — 29, 2017 April 2, 2017, 2. However, available data can be gathered earlier to fasten the collection of data needed by the schools while waiting for the newly enhanced template from the region. the Newly Enhanced Data Gathering Template will be conducted Central School. It shall be participated by the school schedule is intended for those schools in the 2") district will begin at 3. An Orientation of on March 31, 2017 at Catarman It heads and school ICT coordinators. Morning first (1%) district which will start at exactly 8 a.m. while second ( one (1) o’clock in the afternoon. 6 district ICT coordinators will be conducted on April 4 - 5, 2017. consolidated data shall be brought to the 4. A pre — DMEA with the 3 extension wire, pocket Wi-Fi, and Aitendance to this significant activity is required. A Venue by the participants. They shall also bring a laptop, their respective schools and district data. 5. Service credits shall be given to those teachers and school heads who will be working on Saturday and Sunday to cope up the required report of the division. and other incidental expenses incurred by the participants during 6. Expenses for meals, travel, jocal funds/ Schools Division MOOE subject, those mentioned activities shall be charged against | to the usual accounting rules and regulations. -7. This Memorandum shall serve as Travel Order of the participants. . Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum are desired.

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