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toDevelop Your DBA
Develop Your DBACareer

We love to help database administrators improve their careers.

We want to help you on your path to ever greater awesomeness. In this
free, handy eBook weve collected some of our best writing on how to get
a DBA job, grow your skills, and slay zombies get promoted.

Why its Hard to Get a Junior DBA Job .................... 2

How to Get a Foot in the Door .................................... 5

Questions to Help You Land a DBA Job ..................7

How to Get DBA Training on the Job ........................ 10

How to Revive Your Stagnant DBA Job.................... 13

How to Get Promoted ................................................. 16

Get More Help from Us ............................................... 19

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 1

Why its So Freakin Hard to Get a
Junior DBA Job
Companies Arent Hiring Junior DBAs. Why?
Understand how companies think about Junior DBAs and nd out who
youre up against. (Hint: not zombies.)

by Brent Ozar 2 years of database administrations

experience including installation and
So youre hearing all the fun conguration
that DBAs are having on These ads make me chuckle because a
Twitter and around the DBA with two years of hands-on experience
intertubez, and youre isnt looking for his next junior DBA job
wondering how to get in on hes aiming for his rst senior DBA job.
the fun. Maybe youre a People dont aspire to make lateral moves
developer or a network they aspire to move up the ladder.
admin, and youve been learning about SQL
Its not just you, and youre not missing
Server from books and from peers, and
some gold mine of hidden junior DBA job
youre starting to look around for your rst
ads. Those positions just arent advertised.
Junior DBA job.
Search for the terms junior dba or senior
Databases are among a companys most
dba on national job sites, and the results
valuable assets. They hold sales data,
are dramatically dierent:
payroll data, information about customers
CareerBuilder 296 senior, 27 junior and competitors, and all kinds of
Dice 65 senior, 2 junior proprietary data. Companies guard this
HotJobs 170 senior, 19 junior data closely, and they dont want just
anybody stepping up to the server to handle
Monster 122 senior, 15 junior backups, restores, and security.
To make matters worse, drill into the
requirements for some of the so-called Companies may be willing to hire junior
junior positions and they ask for: developers instead for some reason, they
dont have a problem giving a fresh-out-of-
2+ years of hands-on experience college person access to all the data. But
administering customer-facing when it comes time to actually managing
databases the data, they want someone experienced.
Minimum 2 years of information As a result, even when a small company
technology experience is required
with a handful of SQL Server instances
goes shopping for a DBA, they want

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 2

someone experienced. They want to hear they might have been drinking on the job,
from the candidate, Yes, I can do what you who knows. These are your most
need Ive already done this for a much dangerous competitors, because at rst
larger shop, and Ive got experience glance, their resumes kick sand on your
handling this sort of thing. They sleep resume. (Although sometimes the
better at night knowing their DBA is not experience on these resumes are
stressed out trying to gure out how to completely fake - but those people will
automate backups for the rst time. get busted during the interviews.)
Every now and then, big companies will College or vocational school grads with
actually hire junior DBAs. This mostly no production hands-on experience.
happens when theyve already got a crew of If youre in that last category, I gotta be
senior DBAs, but heres the odd part: they honest: youre screwed. Go get a job as a
dont have anyone internally that wants to junior developer or a junior Windows admin
get promoted into the DBA team. Thats rst, and then work your way into database
very peculiar, because in companies large administration. There is no classroom
enough to have DBAs already, they often training thats going to convince a company
have people in other teams who want to to hand over the keys to their data on your
become DBAs. rst day in the oce.


The very few available junior DBA positions certication
attract these candidates:
programs alone wont get
Developers with a year or more of SQL
Server programming experience whove you that rst job not when
decided they want to focus on SQL
Server instead of development. Theyve your competition has
written code that stores data in SQL experience.
Server, so they know the basics of T-SQL
or LINQ or Entity Framework, understand
You may see ads for certication programs
the basics of data models, and maybe
that promise to make you DBA-ready within
theyve even done a little SQL Server
a week for a few thousand dollars. It wont
administration on their dev boxes.
get you the job at least, not when you
Windows administrators with a year or compare yourself to the competition. After
more of Windows experience who also youve gotten started in a development or
want to switch their focus. These people sysadmin position working around SQL
know hardware, know the basics of Server, come back here and continue
performance tuning, have backup/restore reading about how to take it to the next level.
experience, and maybe theyve even built
a cluster or two. They might have even GETTING PROMOTED TO DBA IS
built SQL Servers, but they havent been EASIER THAN GETTING HIRED AS ONE
working on SQL Server full time. If youre a developer or Windows admin, try
SQL Server DBAs whove been let go, to get promoted internally rather than
and theyre desperate. They might have switching companies. Youve already built
worked for a company in nancial trouble,

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 3

up a level of trust with your coworkers. credibility in the eyes of the DBA team. Not
Youve already put your hands on the a lot but some.
database server, and no data has been
harmed. (Well, there was that one time, but YOURE PROBABLY LOOKING
well pretend people forgot about that.) FOR THE WRONG JOB TITLE.
Make yourself the natural candidate by Get your foot in the door as a developer or
actively going after the position before the sysadmin, but if youve already got that
position even exists: volunteer to spend time experience, maybe youre not aiming for
with the DBAs, help them during scheduled junior DBA. Maybe you should aim higher -
outages, or just ask if you can sit around and and well discuss that next.
watch during the weekend maintenance
windows. Bring coee, donuts and bacon,
and be the most pleasant (but not over-the-
top) person in the room.
Youd love to
If youve already got a job in close proximity know how SQL
to SQL Server, this is one of the times where
getting certied in SQL Server without
Server thinks.
getting the job rst does make sense. Ive Find out:
blogged about how certication is the icing
on the cake: dont get certied without at
least some vague experience in SQL.
Developers and Windows admins will gain
knowledge from the certication training
process, and itll buy them a little bit of

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 4

How to Get a Foot in the Door
Companies may not be hiring Junior DBAs in droves, but you can still get
yourself that job!

by Brent Ozar experience, but at the same time, dont sell

yourself short.
You like buying stu on I got my start as a developer and as a
sale, right? Companies do network admin (heres the story). When I
too. Companies want to went to look for my rst pure SQL Server
pay less and get more. job, I didnt have much on my resume and I
They want to hire an experienced senior
database administrator for junior DBA Training and mentoring
wages. They think theyve got something turns Junior DBAs into
special a great work environment, exible
working hours, nice plants in the lobby and Senior DBAs.
that it osets the lower wages. It doesnt:
good senior DBAs get good money, and
have their pick of companies. didnt really think I was all that qualied. If
anything, I underestimated the bejeezus out
Whenever you see a job ad for a senior DBA of what I put on the resume.
(or just DBA), I bet the company has been
hiring for that position for a while, and When I started hiring other DBAs, though, I
theyve been unable to nd the right remembered my own experience. As a
candidate at the price they want to pay. result, when I interviewed DBA candidates, I
Theyre getting frustrated because they had a checklist of skills that Id ask them:
wrote a big, long job description with all Have you ever had to restore a single
kinds of dreamy requirements, and now tables contents?
theyre bummed out because Mr. Right isnt
Have you set up log shipping, or done
showing up on a white horse to save the day.
troubleshooting on it?
Thats why I wouldnt hold back - throw your Have you ever built a server connected to
hat in the ring for local Senior DBA jobs. Its a SAN?
not career suicide: its a case of the
Go pick up a SQL Server administration
company asking for something unrealistic.
book, look at the table of contents, and
They may not get the candidates they want
check o everything that youve actually
for the price they want to pay, and thats
done. Even if youve only done it a few
your chance to get your foot in the door.
times, put it on your resume and explain that
Dont exaggerate your reputation, of course
youve dabbled in it, because itll give you a
be honest about your skill level and your
big edge over the other candidates. Dont

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 5

say that youre an expert on the topic, by any the keys to the enterprise on Day 1 and start
means, but the fact that youve done it is a some kind of master clock. Experience
plus. happens gradually, almost imperceptibly.
Theres no knighting ceremony where the
More often than not, Id hear candidates
CIO taps you on both shoulders with a laser
answer, Well, yeah, but hasnt everybody
done that? Actually, no some candidates
havent. Every single skill that you This is why so many junior-level DBA
performed in production not in theory is positions ask for a year or two of experience:
another reason why you might get the job. theyre expecting to hear from developers
Even if youve only done it once a quarter for and sysadmins whove been dabbling with
a year, that means something. database tasks over time, getting their feet
wet. I dont want to hire somebody whos
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING IT? never seen SQL Server Management Studio:
Did your boss ask you to start backing up a I want to hire a developer who installed
SQL Server a year ago? Last year, did you SSMS a year ago and has been dabbling
start restoring the production database onto with it ever since. He may not like going in
your desktop for development testing? Did there it may scare the pants o him but
you start working on making stored as long as hes been going in there
procedures a year ago? grudgingly and tapping his terried ngers
on the keyboard to get his job done, then
You have a year of experience.
thats a plus in my book, because Ill train
I can almost hear the angry emails coming in him the rest of the way. DBA training never
now from really senior DBAs who do this ends.
stu full time, nonstop, for a living, but
Training and mentoring is the way junior
theyve forgotten how junior-level
DBAs become senior DBAs.
experience works. People dont get handed

Need to practice
interviewing for
DBA jobs?

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 6

Questions to Help You Land a
Dream DBA Job
Seven questions you MUST ask. (Bonus: they prove youre human.)

by Kendra Little inspired by the interview process to start

Looking back over all my Dont pretend to be an expert in elds you
years of interviewing and dont know about. Do be honest about your
being interviewed, I realize interests and show you have initiative. Ask
that there are simple secrets questions about challenges theyve hit and
to getting a great job oer. what informed their design and
The big secret is just this: implementation decisions.
ask great questions. Before your interview, make notes on times
when you faced a dicult task, learned
something new, and were able to improve
Asking thoughtful questions in your something. Youll likely be asked questions
interview process, from screening to salary
negotiations, makes you more powerful. It
shows youre engaged, informed, and in Interviewing is like
control of your career.
swimming. At rst
A candidate who asks good questions
automatically demonstrates that theyre you have no idea how to do it,
selective, and they have choices. but you get thrown in the water
But what do you ask? Heres a checklist to and you learn to survive. If you
go through before each interview to develop
questions and remind yourself what to never practice, youll splash
emphasize by your questions. By all means,
write down your questions and bring them.
around helplessly.
1. BE THE CANDIDATE about your experiences when you can tell
WHO LOVES TO LEARN your stories.
Ask at least one question about technology 2. ASK AT LEAST TWO SMART
youre unfamiliar with. Find out what TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS
technologies are in place at your potential
Most candidates just ask basic questions
job before an in-person interview and do an
about what versions of software are running.
hour of research on those you dont
This is a great chance to set yourself apart.
specialize in. When it comes up in the
interview make it clear that you were What are their pain points? This is
something we care a lot about at Brent Ozar

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 7

Unlimited, but we dont mind sharing our takes the initiative to nd out how to improve
mojo with you for your interview. This is the an environment.
most interesting question you can ask: tell
me where it hurts in your technology. Youll 3. ASK A QUESTION ABOUT PROCESS
want to get lots of detail on this. Make notes You want to know what processes are in
and follow up on dierent points they cover. place at a prospective employer. You also
Ask this question of dierent people want to show that youre responsible.
throughout a day of interviews and compare
As a candidate for DBA positions I made it a
the responses. I promise itll be interesting.
habit to ask during phone screens, Can you
Are they leveraging their strengths? When tell me a bit about your change management
youre familiar with the products theyre processes? More often than not, IT hiring
using, think about the strengths of that managers were thrilled that Id asked. When
product. Ask a question in a way that shows I asked follow up questions it was clearly
your knowledge. If you know that the hard for them to sit still.
JurgenPlufen can provide high availability
Focus on exploratory questions dont be
when clustered, then ask if theyre doing
critical. For a later interview, you should
that. If they arent, ask why the reason will
think about scenarios you might be in and
let you know a lot about their business. Keep
create a hypothetical question.
your tone curious, not judgmental.
What if we decided to change the Yak so
What major changes have they made? Over
that it had air conditioning? Can you walk
the history of the company, are there any
me through what the process of making
revolutions in technology they can tell you
that change would be like here?
about? How did they handle that change,
and what would they do dierently now? Be ready in case the question is turned back
Are they open to other technologies? This around to ask what YOU would recommend
matters more to some people than others, that should be a home run.
but its an important thing to know. Is this a
company that looks for the right tool to solve
an individual problem, or do they prefer to Before you ever talk to the company look for
standardize to narrow the scope of support? technical blogs, or any blogs written by
There are pros and cons to both ways, but employees. These are a great source for
you need to know which way they go in order information about how things work at the
to see how you t in. company, and also a great source for
Have they tried the New Hotness? If they
describe a problem and you think theres a Always check out recent news articles for
fairly obvious newer product they could by or the company as well. Care about the
upgrade they could make to support that, industry. Make sure you have a few good
ask about it. You want to nd out why they questions about that market and where the
havent gone there are they slow to adopt? company is going if you make it to higher
Short on people? Short on budget for new level interviews with executives, these will
technologies? be particularly useful. If you dont have much
Good questions show youre not only a experience in that industry, its perfectly ne
skilled technician. Youre an engineer who to ask questions like,

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 8

I havent worked for a dairy but Ive read production environment. Is this a place
there are three major players. As a where thats encouraged? What are the
smaller company, how do you position barriers to large changes? What support
yourselves in the milking industry? is available? Big changes work much
better in some companies than others,
Your overall goal is to show youre not just a
and you want to know if youll always be
technologist, youre a potential invested
holding your horses, or if you can make
things happen. (If you ask this question,
5. ASK A QUESTION THAT have two stories of how youve done this
SHOWS YOU LISTEN in the past ready.)
On a full day of interviews, you will be able to I really enjoy specializing in certain
take information you get in one interview and areas of NERDERY and diving deep. This
use it to ask questions of other people. This means I like to take four hours a week to
is one of the great reasons to take notes in do research. I can document what I learn
your interviews. and present it to the team. Would people
be interested in that?
Be careful that your questions dont seem to
pit people against each other, or slight the I am a generalist and I really enjoy
previous person you talked to. You want to reaching out to other teams and working
ask questions more like, out how components integrate. For
example, would I have access to the
Harriet described the asynchronous
conguration of the Gigabiggers and is
processing she designed for the
their team open to having me sit with
Femisphere system. Can you tell me how
them once a week to learn what they do?
that works from an operational
perspective? A question like this shows self-awareness,
and it will tell you a lot about whether youre
This shows you listened to Harriet and
going to sink, swim, or run for shore.
absorbed some of the concepts she
discussed. Not everyone can do that! If you PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE
have follow up questions ready because you
Interviewing is like swimming. At rst you
understand some of the operational
have no idea how to do it, but you get thrown
challenges in the area, youre in the catbird
in the water and you learn it to survive. If you
never practice then you splash around.
6. ASK A QUESTION THAT If you havent interviewed in a while or if you
SHOWS YOUR STRENGTHS are changing industries and are not sure how
Sometimes people ask what your greatest youll do, ask for help. Get connected with
strengths are, sometimes they dont. Figure bloggers or people in the industry on Twitter.
out your greatest strengths for that position, Go to a user group. Ask people if they would
but do it so you can ask the right questions. be willing to do a 45 minute practice
interview with you as the candidate. Listen
Let me get one thing straight: this isnt BS.
to their feedback. When you practice, make
You want to pick a few real things that set
sure youre asking them questions as well as
you apart and make you satised at work.
responding to questions.
Heres some example questions:
Dont be afraid to go on multiple job
I like to identify big changes and drive interviews. The downside is that interviewing
them to completion in an active is hard work, and its unpaid. The upside is

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 9

How to Get SQL Server DBA
Training on the Job
What you should and shouldnt expect in the way of training from a new
employer, and how that aects your asking price.

by Brent Ozar PASS Chapter meeting, then their lack of

interest in the community might predict a
ASK ABOUT MENTORING lack of interest in training you, too.
AND TRAINING Whats that, you say? You havent been to a
During the interview, ask local PASS meeting yet? Then maybe YOU
how many other database arent too interested in your own training,
administrators are on the team and what either. This is why the PASS chapter
their seniority levels are. These are the question is one of my Top 10 Interview
people youll be learning from your future Questions to Ask Senior DBAs. Plus, the
mentors. more often you go to PASS meetings, the
If youre joining a team of three people more the other database administrators will
whove been DBAs since SQL Server 7.0, see you there, and if they recognize you
youre in good hands. If theres one other during your interview meeting, thats bonus
person who was a developer until about a points. Imagine the post-interview
year ago, things are going to be tougher conversation after you leave: I remember
because hell have less time to mentor you seeing that guy at the SQL Server user
and less skills to pass on. group chapter. I dont remember the other
candidates, come to think of it. Cha-ching!
If theres no other DBAs at all, youre
screwed youre going to learn things the
hard way. NO, I dont mean by breaking The rst year or two of a
things - thats the stupid way.
DBA job is very challenging.
You should be willing to take a lower salary if want help.
you nd a company with a strong, friendly
group of DBAs and a management team
thats committed to ongoing training. Asking about the companys training budget
Consider it an investment in your career. during the interview is a tougher one: its
Finding out how committed they are is hard to ask this question without making it
simple: have you seen their DBAs at the sound greedy. This one is a judgement call.
local user group meeting? If so, then theyre Theres only one case where the training
interested in furthering their career and costs are considered a built-in part of your
helping out with the careers of others. If hiring, and thats if you go to work for a
youve never seen their DBAs at a local consulting company.

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 10

GOING TO WORK AS A DBA-IN-TRAINING companies have non-compete
Some consulting companies will take you on agreements saying you cant work for any
at a lower pay rate in exchange for teaching of their customers for X years after you
you DBA skills while youre on the job. They quit. Even worse, some say you cant work
have a large talent pool to draw from for any PROSPECTIVE customer which
(compared to individual companies) and basically means any company in their
they can put you onsite with a senior person. market. As part of the interview process,
The consulting company makes money o ask for a copy of any agreements that
you, because theyre paying you a far lower youll need to sign. Otherwise, if you only
rate than theyre billing the client. You get to get a copy of this agreement after youve
learn from the senior person, and you take already quit your current job, youre
over as many tasks from them as possible. screwed.
The consulting company may require you to Work hourly, not salary the consulting
company is making money o you by the
sign a contract stating youll work for them
hour, and they will work you as long and
for a certain amount of time, and if you leave
as hard as possible. Your salary needs to
any earlier, youll be responsible for paying
be a win/win for both you and the
training costs. I have really, really bad vibes
about this setup, because youre basically
becoming an indentured servant. The The last thing you
consulting company can treat you like dirt,
and heres the funniest part to me: they dont want is to get six
really care whether you get trained or not. months into your new junior
Theyre making money o you every single
day that you show up for work. DBA position, nd out that
If you take this approach, heres a few things all your coworkers are
to keep in mind:
making twice as much as
Dont sign an agreement frankly, every
job involves learning on the job, and the you are, and feel like you got
company is making money o you every screwed.
day anyway. I would love to get the
chance to ask one of these interviewers,
So, did you learn anything on the job this consulting company.
month? Did you have to pay anybody for
Get the training costs prorated if you No matter who you work for, salary
have to sign a two-year agreement and negotiations suck, and I dont have any good
you quit after one year, then you should tips for how to pick your rate. However, I do
only be responsible for 50% of the have advice about what to do after youve
training costs. If they tell you that the bulk picked your rate: write it down somewhere
of the training occurs in the rst year, and tell yourself, I am going to be happy if I
then get the agreement to only span one get a junior DBA job for $X/year. Put that
year. piece of paper somewhere safe. Later, when
you nd out how much your coworkers or
Be very wary of non-compete
agreements some consulting your friends are making, dont get mad: get

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 11

that piece of paper out and think back to common is a passionate curiosity about
what you were feeling like when you wrote databases. Theyre not doing the DBA job in
those words down. You wanted a DBA order to cash a check - theyre doing it
position so bad, and you couldnt gure out because they love learning about how data
how to get in. In order to get your foot in the works. If you dont have that passionate
door, you took a salary that made sense at curiosity, youre just going to get frustrated
the time. by the on-call rotation.
Ive done this myself in my career. Ive taken Heres how to know if youre going to be a
positions where I knew I was wildly good DBA: you get excited at the chance to
underpaid, but the free SQL Server training learn more about SQL Server in your spare
on the job more than made up for the pay time.
cut. I knew Id be making it up in the long And if thats you, then hi! Youre one of us
term, and today, Im typing these words from now. Were all strange like that too.
the comfort of my mansion overlooking the
French Riviera while Woodhouse, my
servant, feeds me grapes. (Not really.
Woodhouse is cleaning the pool.) Ready for face-to-
The last thing you want is to get six months
into your new junior DBA position, nd out
face training with
that all your coworkers are making twice as the Brent Ozar
much as you are, and feel like you got
screwed. Unlimited Team?
More than once in these posts, Ive said you
can get screwed. This emphasizes a point I
made in the rst article: its easier to get
promoted than to get hired. The moneys
usually not as good, but if youre just doing
this for money, youre in the wrong
The rst year or two of database
administration is very challenging: youre
suddenly in charge of one of the companys
most expensive and risk-prone assets.
Theres a lot of after-hours maintenance
work, and when your cell phone rings, you
gotta answer it anytime, anywhere. It can be
scary taking over this position. The less risks
you take, the easier your transition is, and
thats why getting promoted eases your
transition path.
I know a lot - a LOT - of successful database
administrators. The one thing they all have in

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 12

How to Revive Your Stagnant
Unhappy at work? Change it.

by Kendra Little When your problems have to do either with

boredom or a very high volume of reactive
Even when you love being a work, this just makes the situation worse.
DBA, working the job can Youre spending a lot of time, but youre
turn into a grind. Theres mostly spinning your wheels. Youre not
many times when youre up learning or growing, youre just doing what
all night troubleshooting just to face another you need to basically keep things together.
day at the oce handling user complaints.
You hear at the water cooler that youll need
to improve performance with less hardware Dont envy
for the next year. You get an email that you someone with
need to be ready to virtualize everything in
the next quarter, but nobodys even sure acceptance. Acceptance
which hypervisor youll use.
means that you keep
Your perfmon counters show that response
times from storage are getting slower, but disliking your job, but you've
the SAN administrator says that everything given up on improving it and
looks better than ever. One of your servers
starts blue-screening periodically. Your rising in your career.
manager announces at the weekly team
meeting that you need to stop being so
reactive and start being more pro-active.
Right after that, you get an alert for data After a while, you get cranky. Its pretty
corruption. inevitable when youre overworked in a DBA
job, because youre surrounded by unhappy
Oh, and by the way: were going to need you people. Users need data faster. Developers
to come in on Saturday. and vendors say the problem isnt their code,
Before you know it, youre on the road to its your servers and maintenance. Your
burnout. Your tour looks like this: manager isnt sure why you cant keep
problems from happening in the rst place.
PHASE 1: DENIAL The SAN Admin gets a little tired of you
Its hard to admit when you lose that loving stopping by with another stinky performance
feeling with your job. You just keep plugging issue again and again.
away at it. Also, at this point people in your personal
life start to get impacted as well. Youre

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 13

starting to get less sleep and grumble more. PHASE 4: DEPRESSION
You vent about politics at work and things Once you get to the point where youve tried
you cant change. to make big changes and havent had an
You get to the point where you say things impact, you get tired. You get depressed.
that seem perfectly reasonable in your head, You get so that you dont even want to nish
but come out sounding like youre a real jerk. your
Sadly, you probably dont notice it.
PHASE 3: BARGAINING Some people reach acceptance with a job
Eventually you get tired of being angry. You theyve come to dislike, but some people
start to think that maybe the problem isnt never get here they quit rst.
your job the problem is that youre stuck in Acceptance isnt a happy place. Dont envy
your job! So you decide to go about some someone with acceptance. Acceptance
self improvement. means that you keep disliking your job, but
At this point you decide to become amazing. youve given up on improving it and growing
Youre going to learn every feature in SQL in your career. The one good thing about
Server. Youre going to know all the internals acceptance is that you gure out some
and when theres a bump in the night, youll change to make it livable: you keep your
be the one who whips out a debugger, walks hours as close to 40 a week as possible. You
the SQL Server stack, and sends a diagnosis do just a bit over than the bare minimum at
to the SQL Server product team. You make a work. You focus on other things. You
deal with yourself: Im going to read these distance yourself a bit from it all so that its
twenty books, and then Im going to x my not so much of a disappointment.
job. In many ways, acceptance is even more
Sometimes you try to make the deal with depressing than depression.
your boss. If you send me to this training
then Ill revolutionize our team. PHASE 6: ACTION
Ive got some good news. When your job
But its hard to revolutionize your job when gets bad, you do go through something like
youve been unhappy with your job for a the phases of grief. Thats no fun. But the
good news is that nobody is actually dead.
If youre in a rut, And youre not dead yet, either. There are
still SO MANY things you can do!
trust us, youre Even when youve been down a long road of
NOT the only one who trouble in a job, you can still make real
changes and make a big dierence at your
feels it. company. You just need to get a fresh way of
looking at it, and you need to make small,
good long time. You try to make big strategic changes. Your mistake earlier was
sweeping changes, but its really hard to in trying to make grand, sweeping changes.
revolutionize processes and tasks when Most of the time you just cant win the war
youve already got a full load of work. that easily.

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 14

Here are four successful strategies that I they can do with SQL Server all the time.
have used to make long-lasting changes at There are lots of jobs out there, but although
work: youve been struggling, you may already
have a great job.
Add a 20 minute brain workout to your
day. Block out 20 minutes for your If your team is stuck in a rut and you can
personal learning in your calendar and gure out what you can do to make that job
stick to it. Make this your workout period better, youve just become the most valuable
for your brain, and dont let anything employee on the market: the one who can
come between you and your learning. turn around a bad situation. The secret to
Especially if youre in the acceptance getting there is to guring out the small
zone, this one regular dose of learning changes to make it all work.
can radically change your mindset.
Smile at people. Seriously. Make your
face smile it will actually change your
mood, and in turn change your working
relationships. If youre in a rut, trust us,
youre NOT the only one who feels it. This
is harder than it sounds like, and you may
need to set a daily task or reminder to get
good at it.
Break passive-aggressive patterns.
Some of the hardest burnout problems to You need to
solve are poisonous social situations. For
hard social problems, nd a neutral gure out how to
colleague and ask them for advice on how help an ailing
you can smooth over a bad relationship
but make sure you dont gossip or blame SQL Server. Our
the other person in the process.
Bring in a technical inuencer.
Critical Care
Sometimes clients bring us into short- helps.
term gigs to help conrm where the
problem is in their system and provide
independent validation of where long
term investments should be placed. When
an environment is full of nger-pointing,
as a consultant we have an advantage: we
can elegantly point toward a solution
without getting embroiled in the political


Its a great time to be a database
administrator. Technology is growing fast
and people are pushing the limits of what

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 15

How to Get Promoted
Change a few well-placed things that make a dierence

by Kendra Little LIFE IS LIKE THIS

This is how the world goes you can clean
Theres just a few things you the toilet and the oor again and again and
really need to do to set itll look OK. Those basics are needed, but
yourself apart and pave the they dont make something feel fantastic to
way to a promotion. I worked whomever uses the bathroom.
this out last week when I did some spring
Its a few well placed smart things in the
midst of a good-enough environment that
THINGS I LEARNED FROM CLEANING make a user feel like theyre using something
THE BATHROOM really special.
I noticed something when I cleaned the Lets break this down:
upstairs bathroom: Id put in a lot of work
and scrubbed almost everything. It looked CHANGE JUST A FEW...
clean enough. Then I cleaned the chrome You dont have to make everything
circle around the bathroom water faucet and awesome. You shouldnt really you should
the faucet itself. make a few things awesome for your
customers. If everything is shiny and full of
I stepped back and the bathroom no longer
complexity, your customers will be
looked clean enough. It looked awesome.
overwhelmed and confused. Worst of all,
Theres something about the shine on
youll be so irreplaceable that you can never
chrome and a large clean faucet. The oor
be promoted.
could have been a bit dirty, and that
bathroom would still have looked awesome. If youre a DBA, this means you dont oer
highly complex and detailed explanations of
all of the settings and conguration to your
Dont promise management or the help desk. You oer
everyone summary information and aggregate
performance data, and identify a few key
everything. What youre places to give rich, complex information.
looking for is just a FEW If youre a developer, this doesnt mean that
you always write perfect code. But it may
good places to focus. mean that you write a cool add-in to
automate documenting code.
If you dene the feature set for applications,
this means you dont include every feature

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 16

customers ask for. Instead, you keep the to describe your contribution that sounds
overall interface simple, and carefully select cool in your company culture.
the features that will be the most eective Depending on your workplace, this might
long term. mean coining an acronym, making a code
name, or just using industry terminology.
But you want something short and
Pick something noticeable and meaningful. memorable.
Talk to your customers and peers about
what they currently see as important. Ask Here are some examples of names you might
them questions about how their processes introduce for your features:
work. Listen carefully. The Activity Tracker: a daily report on the
Listen for what might simplify their life and total inserts, deletes, and selects on
their process, what you might be able to do critical tables.
to save them time. The Build Watcher: a utility for the nightly
build that does x (theres a myriad options
If you talk to several customers and peers,
of utilities you can do for your builds)
youll nd patterns. Dont promise everyone
everything what youre looking for is a few The Hall Monitor: a utility that tracks
good places to focus. These places are changes in permissions granted to
something where you can add a feature, databases.
develop a tool, write a report, or provide
deep information. If youre in a large IN A GOOD-ENOUGH ENVIRONMENT
organization, it might just be a way that you While youre nding a few achievements you
can bring two teams together so they can can create in your job that create a great
help each other without your assistance. experience for your customers, you dont
They key is that it needs to be noticeable: it want them to often be horried by using
needs to be something that makes a basic services.
What if youre greatly understaed? What if
Success as a DBA things beyond your control are a mess, and
today is creating constantly make your customers unhappy?
To some extent, this is always true in all our
an environment where you jobs. Theres always a few things that arent
feel like youre part of perfect which cause problems for people,
but the costs to x them are so high that
something really special they dont get tackled.
and so do your customers. What you need to do is to gure out how to
get a good-enough general experience for
your customers. When big problems surface,
SMART THINGS... talk to them with your customers. Dont
Youre looking for a place where you can contest whether there is a problem be open
shine. You need this to be a smart thing. about the situation and the costs of
This means it needs to be something people changing things. You want your customers
can easily describe. You need a quick name to understand that you listen to them. This

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 17

will help them understand when the problem BEING PART OF SOMETHING REALLY
is out of your scope. SPECIAL
If problems regularly cause critical Success as a DBA today is creating an
situations for your customers, use these environment where you feel like youre part
situations to identify just a few smart of something really special and so do your
things you can do to show your customers customers.
youre working for them. Create a tool that You dont achieve that by bringing in
supports workarounds. Scope your plans for unicorns and rainbows. You make yourself
a few things that will improve usability, and successful by being a great team member,
youll distinguish yourself as someone worth and by making yourself known for a few
promoting. special, noticeable, key things.

High denition
video training on
your desktop,
laptop, or even
your iPad.

Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 18

Get More Help from Us
Weve got more tricks than a pony

by Brent Ozar Unlimited VIDEO COURSES:

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Our classes are taught by real experts with
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Brent Ozar Unlimited 2016 Page 19

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