Pisa Sotefin Parking Pvt. LTD: 1A, Periwinkle Block, Deeshari Estate Kolkata 700107 Land: +91-33-2426 2046

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1A, Periwinkle Block, Deeshari Estate
Kolkata 700107
Land: +91-33- 2426 2046

SMS Parking Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Dated: 18-02-2015

SPARK Mall, Mandelle Chowk


New Delhi 110007

Subject: Annual Maintenance Oer of Automated Parking System.

Kind Attention of : Mr. Shirish Mulmuley.

Dear Sir

In reference to various discussion we had, please find below our oer for the subject work.

Scope Of Work

Checking of all components, alignments, Lubrication , etc.

Keeping the components clean, moisture and dust free

Periodically checking healthiness of dierent devices

Repair or replace faulty devices.

Repairing components in case of damage.

Visit of Senior Personnel once in a month and immediately if necessary

Coordination with Parent technology Provider regularly

Once a year Visit of an expert from abroad for Yearly maintenance.

Daily , weekly, monthly report to the concerned person.

On Site Human Resources

One Technical Manager

Two Mechanical Technician

Two Electrical Technician

One Mechanical Helper

One Electrical Helper

Joint venture of
Sotefin Patents S.A, Switzerland & Pisa International, India Page 1 of 2
1A, Periwinkle Block, Deeshari Estate
Kolkata 700107
Land: +91-33- 2426 2046


Rupees Two Lakh Forty-Thousand per month ( Rs 2,40,000.00 ) excluding all taxes and duties. Our
price does not include following:

1. Cost of any spares and parts, Lubricants which need replacement but inclusive of all consumables

2. Cost of Yearly visit of Mechanical Technician from Technology provider.

Thank you for the opportunity. We will be happy to be associated with you. We look forward for a
favourable response from your end.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully



Pisa Sotefin Parking Pvt. Ltd.

Joint venture of
Sotefin Patents S.A, Switzerland & Pisa International, India Page 2 of 2

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