Death Penalty A Positivistic Approach: Law Is Separate From Morality "

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Death penalty is one of the most debated topic in the world many countries follow death penalty.
I personally support the death penalty with the views of H.L.A Hart law is separate from
morality. In the natural law it is said that one cannot take the life which god has given. As far as
India is concerned the crime rate is increasing. In India death penalty is given only for murder
and only in nirbhaya case death penalty was awarded for rape. My view in this project is the
main purpose of law is to stop people from doing the immoral activities. As the crimes are
increasing the punishments should be made harder in order to regulate the crimes committed by
people. As far as the current situation is considered many people are using the loopholes in the
law to escape from the serious crimes committed by them and do the same criminal activity
again. At this situation there is no use of considering the natural law and morality. So I support
the death penalty.

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