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The writ of habeas corpus may be granted by the

Supreme Court or any judge thereof enforcible anywhere in the
[G.R. No. 14639. March 25, 1919.] Philippine Islands.

ZACARIAS VILLAVICENCIO ET AL., petitioners, vs. 9. ID.; ID. Whether the writ shall be made returnable before
JUSTO LUKBAN, ET AL., respondents. the Supreme Court or before an inferior court rests in the
discretion of the Supreme Court and is dependent on the
Alfonso Mendoza for petitioners. particular circumstances.

City Fiscal Diaz for respondents. 10. ID.; RESTRAINT OF LIBERTY. A prime specification of an
application for a writ of habeas corpus is restraint of liberty. The
essential objects and purpose of the writ of habeas corpus is to
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; RIGHT OF DOMICILE; LIBERTY; inquire into all manner of involuntary restraint as distinguished
HABEAS CORPUS; CONTEMPT. One hundred and seventy from voluntary, and to relieve a person therefrom if such restraint
women, who had lived in the segregated district for women of ill is illegal. Any restraint which will preclude freedom of action is
repute in the city of Manila, were by orders of the Mayor of the sufficient.
city of Manila and the chief of police of that city isolated from
11. ID.; ID. The forcible taking of these women from Manila by
society and then at night, without their consent and without any
officials of that city, who handed them over to other parties, who
opportunity to consult with friends or to defend their rights, were
deposited them in a distant region, deprived these women of
forcibly hustled on board steamers for transportation to regions
freedom of locomotion just as effectively as if they had been
unknown. No law, order, or regulation authorized the Mayor of
imprisoned. The restraint of liberty which began in Manila
the city of Manila or the chief of the police of that city to force
continued until the aggrieved parties were returned to Manila
citizens of the Philippine Islands to change their domicile from
and released or until they freely and truly waived this right.
Manila to another locality. Held: That the writ of habeas corpus
was properly granted, and that the Mayor of the city of Manila 12. ID.; ID. The true principle should be that if the respondent
who was primarily responsible for the deportation, is in contempt is within the jurisdiction of the court and has it in his power to
of court for his failure to comply with the order of the court. obey the order of the court, and thus to undo the wrong that he
has inflicted, he should be compelled to do so.
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. The remedies of the unhappy victims of
official oppression are three: (1) Civil action; (2) criminal action, 13. ID.; ID. Even if the party to whom the writ is addressed
and (3) habeas corpus. A civil action was never intended has illegally parted with the custody of a person before the
effectively and promptly to meet a situation in which there is application for the writ, is no reason why the writ should not
restraint of liberty. That the act may be a crime and that the issue.
person may be proceeded against is also no bar to the institution
of habeas corpus proceedings. Habeas corpus is the proper 14. ID.; ID. The place of confinement is not important to the
remedy. relief if the guilty party is within the reach of process so that by
the power of the court he can be compelled to release his grasp.
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. These women, despite their being in a
sense lepers of society, are nevertheless not chattles, but 15. ID.; COMPLIANCE WITH WRIT. For respondents to fulfill
Philippine citizens protected by the same constitutional the order of the court granting the writ of habeas corpus, three
guaranties as are other citizens. courses were open: (1) They could have produced the bodies of
the persons according to the command of the writ; (2) they could
4. ID.; ID. The privilege of domicile is a principle often have shown by affidavit that on account of sickness or infirmity
protected by constitutions and deeply imbedded in American these persons could not safely be brought before the Court; or
jurisprudence. (3) they could have presented affidavits to show that the parties
in question or their attorney waived the right to be present.
5. HABEAS CORPUS; NATURE. The writ of habeas corpus
(Code of Criminal Procedure, Sec. 87.)
was devised and exists as a speedy and effectual remedy to
relieve persons from unlawful restraint, and as the best and only 16. CONTEMPT OF COURT. The power to punish for
sufficient defense of personal freedom. contempt of court should be exercised on the preservative and
not on the vindictive principle. Only occasionally should a court
6. ID.; PARTIES. Where it is impossible for a party to sign an
invoke its inherent power in order to retain that respect without
application for the writ of habeas corpus, it is proper for the writ
which the administration of justice must falter or fail.
to be submitted by some person in his behalf.
17. ID. When one is commanded to produce a certain person
7. ID.; JURISDICTION. It is a general rule of good practice
and does not do so, and does not offer a valid excuse, a court
that, to avoid unnecessary expense and inconvenience, petitions
must, to vindicate its authority, adjudge the respondent to be
for habeas corpus should be presented to the nearest judge of
guilty of contempt, and must order him either imprisoned or
the Court of First Instance.
18. ID. An officer's failure to produce the body of a person in The vessels reached their destination at Davao on October 29.
obedience to a writ of habeas corpus, when he has power to do The women were landed and receipted for as laborers by
so, is contempt committed in the face of the court. Francisco Sales, provincial governor of Davao, and by Feliciano
Yigo and Rafael Castillo. The governor and
19. GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS; A the hacendero Yigo, who appear as parties in the case, had no
GOVERNMENT OF LAWS. The Government of the Philippine previous notification that the women were prostitutes who had
Islands is a government of laws. The court will assist in retaining been expelled from the city of Manila. The further happenings to
it as a government of laws and not of men. these women and the serious charges growing out of alleged ill-
treatment are of public interest, but are not essential to the
20. ID.; ID. No official, however high, is above the law. disposition of this case. Suffice it to say, generally, that some of
the women married, others assumed more or less clandestine
21. ID.; ID. The courts are the forum which functionate to
relations with men, others went to work in different capacities,
safeguard individual liberty and to punish official transgressors.
others assumed a life unknown and disappeared, and a goodly
DECISION portion found means to return to Manila.

MALCOLM, J p: To turn back in our narrative, just about the time

the Corregidor and the Negros were putting in to Davao, the
The annals of juridical history fail to reveal a case quite as attorney for the relatives and friends of a considerable number of
remarkable as the one which this application for habeas corpus the deportees presented an application for habeas corpus to a
submits for decision. While hardly to be expected to be met with member of the Supreme Court. Subsequently, the application,
in this modern epoch of triumphant democracy, yet, after all, the through stipulation of the parties, was made to include all of the
cause presents no great difficulty if there is kept in the forefront women who were sent away from Manila to Davao and, as the
of our minds the basic principles of popular government, and if same questions concerned them all, the application will be
we give expression to the paramount purpose for which the considered as including them. The application set forth the
courts, as an independent power of such a government, were salient facts, which need not be repeated, and alleged that the
constituted. The primary question is Shall the judiciary permit women were illegally re- strained of their liberty by Justo Lukban,
a government of men instead of a government of laws to be set Mayor of the city of Manila, Anton Hohmann, chief of police of
up in the Philippine Islands? the city of Manila, and by certain unknown parties. The writ was
made returnable before the full court. The city fiscal appeared for
Omitting much extraneous matter, of no moment to these the respondents, Lukban and Hohmann, admitted certain facts
proceedings, but which might prove profitable reading for other relative to sequestration and deportation, and prayed that the
departments of the government, the facts are these: The Mayor writ should not be granted because the petitioners were not
of the city of Manila, Justo Lukban, for the best of all reasons, to proper parties, because the action should have been begun in
exterminate vice, ordered the segregated district for women of ill the Court of First Instance for Davao, Department of Mindanao
repute, which had been permitted for a number of years in the and Sulu, because the respondents did not have any of the
city of Manila, closed. Between October 16 and October 25, women under their custody or control, and because their
1918, the women were kept confined to their houses in the jurisdiction did not extend beyond the boundaries of the city of
district by the police. Presumably, during this period, the city Manila. According to an exhibit attached to the answer of the
authorities quietly perfected arrangements with the Bureau of fiscal, the 170 women were destined to be laborers, at good
Labor for sending the women to Davao, Mindanao, as laborers; salaries, on the hacienda of Yigo and Governor Sales. In open
with some government office for the use of the coastguard court, the fiscal admitted, in answer to a question of a member of
cutters Corregidor and Negros, and with the Constabulary for a the court, that these women had been sent out of Manila without
guard of soldiers, At any rate, about midnight of October 25, the their consent. The court awarded the writ, in an order of
police, acting pursuant to orders from the chief of police, Anton November 4, that directed JustoLukban, Mayor of the city of
Hohmann and the Mayor of the city of Manila, Justo Lukban, Manila, Anton Hohmann, chief of police of the city of Manila,
descended upon the houses, hustled some 170 inmates into Francisco Sales, governor of the province of Davao, and
patrol wagons, and placed them aboard the steamers that Feliciano Yigo, anhacendero of Davao, to bring before the court
awaited their arrival. The women were given no opportunity to the persons therein named, alleged to be deprived of their liberty,
collect their belongings, and apparently were under the on December 2, 1918.
impression that they were being taken to a police station for an
investigation. They had no knowledge that they were destined for
a life in Mindanao. They had not been asked if they wished to
depart from that region and had neither directly nor indirectly Before the date mentioned, seven of the women had returned to
given their consent to the deportation. The involuntary guests Manila at their own expense. On motion of counsel for
were received on board the steamers by a representative of the petitioners, their testimony was taken before the clerk of the
Bureau of Labor and a detachment of Constabulary soldiers. The Supreme Court sitting as commissioner. On the day named in
two steamers with their unwilling passengers sailed for Davao the order, December 2nd, 1918, none of the persons in whose
during the night of October 25. behalf the writ was issued were produced in court by the
respondents. It has since been shown that three of those who
had been able to come back to Manila through their own efforts,
were notified by the police and the secret service to appear
before the court. The fiscal appeared, repeated the facts more In the second order, the court promised to give the reasons for
comprehensively, reiterated the stand taken by him when granting the writ of habeas corpus in the final decision. We will
pleading to the original petition copied a telegram from the now proceed to do so.
Mayor of the city of Manila to the provincial governor of Davao
and the answer thereto, and telegrams that had passed between One fact, and one fact only, need be recalled these one
the Director of Labor and the attorney for that Bureau then in hundred and seventy women were isolated from society, and
Davao, and offered certain affidavits showing that the women then at night, without their consent and without any opportunity
were contented with their life in Mindanao and did not wish to to consult with friends or to defend their rights, were forcibly
return to Manila. Respondent Sales answered alleging that it hustled on board steamers for transportation to regions
was not possible to fulfill the order of the Supreme Court unknown. Despite the feeble attempt to prove that the women
because the women had never been under his control, because left voluntarily and gladly, that such was not the case is shown by
they were at liberty in the Province of Davao, and because they the mere fact that the presence of the police and the
had married or signed contracts as laborers. Respondent Yigo constabulary was deemed necessary and that these officers of
answered alleging that he did not have any of the women under the law chose the shades of night to cloak their secret and
his control and that therefore it was impossible for him to obey stealthy acts. Indeed, this is a fact impossible to refute and
the mandate. The court, after due deliberation, on December 10, practically admitted by the respondents.
1918, promulgated a second order, which related that the
respondents had not complied with the original order to the With this situation, a court would next expect to resolve the
satisfaction of the court nor explained their failure to do so, and question By authority of what law did the Mayor and the Chief
therefore directed that those of the women not in Manila be of Police presume to act in deporting by duress these persons
brought before the court by respondents Lukban, Hohmann, from Manila to another distant locality within the Philippine
Sales, and Yigo on January 13, 1919, unless the women Islands ? We turn to the statutes and we find
should, in written statements voluntarily made before the judge
Alien prostitutes can be expelled from the Philippine Islands in
of first instance of Davao or the clerk of that court, renounce the
conformity with an Act of Congress. The Governor- General can
right, or unless the respondents should demonstrate some other
order the eviction of undesirable aliens after a hearing from the
legal motives that made compliance impossible. It was further
Islands. Act No. 519 of the Philippine Commission and Section
stated that the question of whether the respondents were in con-
733 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Manila provide for
tempt of court would later be decided and the reasons for the
the conviction and punishment by a court of justice of any person
order announced in the final decision.
who is common prostitute. Act No. 899 authorizes the return of
Before January 13, 1919, further testimony including that of a any citizen of the United States, who may have been convicted
number of the women, of certain detectives and policemen, and of vagrancy, to the homeland. New York and other States have
of the provincial governor of Davao, was taken before the clerk statutes providing for the commitment to the House of Refuge of
of the Supreme Court sitting as commissioner and the clerk of women convicted of being common prostitutes. Always a law!
the Court of First Instance of Davao acting in the same capacity. Even when the health authorities compel vaccination. or
On January 13, 1919, the respondents technically presented establish a quarantine, or place a leprous person in the Culion
before the Court the women who had returned to the city through leper colony, it is done pursuant to some law or order. But one
their own efforts and eight others who had been brought to can search in vain for any law, order, or regulation, which even
Manila by the respondents. Attorneys for the respondents, by hints at the right of the Mayor of the city of Manila or the chief of
their returns, once again recounted the facts and further police of that city to force citizens of the Philippine Islands and
endeavored to account for all of the persons involved in the these women despite their being in a sense lepers of society are
habeas corpus. In sub- stance, it was stated that the nevertheless not chattels but Philippine citizens protected by the
respondents, through their representatives and agents, had same constitutional guaranties as are other citizens to change
succeeded in bringing from Davao with their consent eight their domicile from Manila to another locality. On the contrary,
women; that eighty-one women were found in Davao who, on Philippine penal law specifically punishes any public officer who,
notice that if they desired they could return to Manila, not being expressly authorized by law or regulation, compels any
transportation free, renounced the right through sworn person to change his residence.
statements; that fifty- nine had already returned to Manila by
In other countries, as in Spain and Japan, the privilege of
other means, and that despite all efforts to find them twenty-six
domicile is deemed so important as to be found in the Bill of
could not be located. Both counsel for petitioners and the city
Rights of the Constitution. Under the American constitutional
fiscal were permitted to submit memoranda. The first formally
system, liberty of abode is a principle so deeply imbedded in
asked the court to find Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila,
jurisprudence and considered so elementary in nature as not
Anton Hohmann, chief of police of the city of Manila Jose
even to require a constitutional sanction. Even the Governor-
Rodriguez and Fernando Ordax, members of the police force of
General of the Philippine Islands even the President of the
the city of Manila, Feliciano Yigo, an hacendero of Davao,
United States, who has often been said to exercise more power
Modesto Joaquin, the attorney for the Bureau of Labor, and
than any king or potentate, has no such arbitrary prerogative,
Anacleto Diaz, fiscal of the city of Manila, in contempt of court.
either inherent or express. Much less, therefore, has the
The city fiscal requested that the replica al memorandum de los
executive of a municipality, who acts within a sphere of
recurridos, (reply to respondents' memorandum) dated January
delegated powers. If the mayor and the chief of police could, at
25, 1919, be struck from the record.
their mere behest or even for the most praiseworthy of motives,
render the liberty of the citizen so insecure, then the presidents "Any public officer not thereunto expressly authorized by law or
and chiefs of police of one thousand other municipalities of the by regulation of a general character in force in the Philippines
Philippines have the same privilege. If these officials can take to who shall compel any person to change his domicile or
themselves such power, then any other official can do the same. residence shall suffer the penalty of destierro and a fine of not
And if any official can exercise the power, then all persons would less than six hundred and twenty-five and not more than six
have just as much right to do so. And if a prostitute could be sent thousand two hundred and fifty pesetas." (Art. 211.)
against her wishes and under no law from one locality to another
within the country, then officialdom can hold the same club over We entertain no doubt but that, if, after due investigation, the
the head of any citizen. proper prosecuting officers find that any public officer has
violated this provision of law, these prosecutors will institute and
Law defines power. Centuries ago Magna Charta decreed that press a criminal prosecution just as vigorously as they have
"No freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned, or be disseized of defended the same official in this action. Nevertheless, that the
his freehold, or liberties, or free customs, or be outlawed, or act may be a crime and that the persons guilty thereof can be
exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will we pass upon him proceeded against, is no bar to the instant proceedings. To quote
nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his peers or by the the words of Judge Cooley in a case which will later be referred
law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to "It would be a monstrous anomaly in the law if to an
to any man either justice or right." (Magna Charta, 9 Hen., 111, application by one unlawfully confined, to be restored to his
1225, Cap. 29; 1 Eng. Stat. at Large, 7.) No official, no matter liberty, it could be a sufficient answer that the confinement was a
how high, is above the law. The courts are the forum which crime, and therefore might be continued indefinitely until the
functionate to safeguard individual liberty and to punish official guilty party was tried and punished therefor by the slow process
transgressors. "The law," said Justice Miller, delivering the of criminal procedure. "(In the matter of Jackson [1867], 15
opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, "is the only Mich., 416, 434.) The writ of habeas corpus was devised and
supreme power in our system of government, and every man exists as a speedy and effectual remedy to relieve persons from
who by accepting office participates in its functions is only the unlawful restraint, and as the best and only sufficient defense of
more strongly bound to submit to that supremacy, and to observe personal freedom. Any further rights of the parties are left
the limitations which it imposes upon the exercise of the untouched by decision on the writ, whose principal purpose is to
authority which it gives." (U.S. vs. Lee [1882], 106 U.S., 196, set the individual at liberty.
220.) "The very idea," said Justice Matthews of the same high
tribunal in another case, "that one man may be compelled to Granted that habeas corpus is the proper remedy, respondents
hold his life, or the means of living, or any material right essential have raised three specific objections to its issuance in this
to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be instance. The fiscal has argued (1) that there is a defect in
intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the parties petitioners, (2) that the Supreme Court should not
essence of slavery itself." (Yick Wo vs. Hopkins [1886], 118 U.S., assume jurisdiction, and (3) that the persons in question are not
356, 370.) All this explains the motive in issuing the writ of restrained of their liberty by respondents. It was finally suggested
habeas corpus, and makes clear why we said in the very that the jurisdiction of the Mayor and the chief of police of the city
beginning that the primary question was whether the courts of Manila only extends to the city limits and that perforce they
should permit a government of men or a government of laws to could not bring the women from Davao.
be established in the Philippine Islands.
The first defense was not pressed with any vigor by counsel. The
What are the remedies of the unhappy victims of official petitioners were relatives and friends of the deportees. The way
oppression? The remedies of the citizen are three: (1) Civil the expulsion was conducted by the city officials made it
action; (2) criminal action, and (3) habeas corpus. impossible for the women to sign a petition for habeas corpus. It
was consequently proper for the writ to be submitted by persons
in their behalf. (Code of Criminal Procedure, Sec. 78; Code of
Civil Procedure, Sec. 527.) The law, in its zealous regard for
The first is an optional but rather slow process by which the personal liberty, even makes it the duty of a court or judge to
aggrieved party may recoup money damages. It may still rest grant a writ of habeas corpus if there is evidence that within the
with the parties in interest to pursue such an action, but it was court's jurisdiction a person is unjustly imprisoned or restrained
never intended effectively and promptly to meet any such of his liberty, though no application be made therefor. (Code of
situation as that now before us. Criminal Procedure, Sec. 93.) Petitioners had standing in court.

As to criminal responsibility, it is true that the Penal Code in force The fiscal next contended that the writ should have been asked
in these Islands provides: for in the Court of First Instance of Davao or should have been
made returnable before that court. It is a general rule of good
"Any public officer not thereunto authorized by law or by practice that, to avoid unnecessary expense and inconvenience,
regulations of a general character in force in the Philippines who petitions for habeas corpus should be presented to the nearest
shall banish any person to a place more than two hundred judge of the court of first instance. But this is not a hard and fast
kilometers distant from his domicile, except it be by virtue of the rule. The writ of habeas corpus may be granted by the Supreme
judgment of a court, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Court or any judge thereof enforcible anywhere in the Philippine
three hundred and twenty-five and not more than three thousand Islands. (Code of Criminal Procedure, Sec. 79; Code of Civil
two hundred and fifty pesetas. Procedure, Sec. 526.) Whether the writ shall be made returnable
before the Supreme Court or before an inferior court rests in the impunity in the courts, while the person who has lost her
discretion of the Supreme Court and is dependent on the birthright of liberty has no effective recourse. The great writ of
particular circumstances. In this instance it was not shown that liberty may not thus be easily evaded.
the Court of First Instance of Davao was in session, or that the
women had any means by which to advance their plea before It must be that some such question has heretofore been
that court. On the other hand, it was shown that the petitioners presented to the courts for decision. Nevertheless, strange as it
with their attorneys, and the two original respondents with their may seem, a close examination of the authorities fails to reveal
attorney, were in Manila; it was shown that the case involved any analogous case. Certain decisions of respectable courts are
parties situated in different parts of the Islands; it was shown that however very persuasive in nature.
the women might still be imprisoned or restrained of their liberty;
and it was shown that if the writ was to accomplish its purpose, it A question came before the Supreme Court of the State of
must be taken cognizance of and decided immediately by the Michigan at an early date as to whether or not a writ of habeas
appellate court. The failure of the superior court to consider the corpus would issue from the Supreme Court to a person within
application and then to grant the writ would have amounted to a the jurisdiction of the State to bring into the State a minor child
denial of the benefits of the writ. under guardianship in the State, who has been and continues to
be detained in another State. The membership of the Michigan
The last argument of the fiscal is more plausible and more Supreme Court at this time was notable. It was composed of
difficult to meet. When the writ was prayed for, says counsel, the Martin, chief justice, and Cooley, Campbell, and Christiancy,
parties in whose behalf it was asked were under no restraint; the justices. On the question presented the court was equally
women, it is claimed, were free in Davao, and the jurisdiction of divided. Campbell, J., with whom concurred Martin, C. J., held
the mayor and the chief of police did not extend beyond the city that the writ should be quashed. Cooley, J., one of the most
limits. At first blush, this is a tenable position. On closer distinguished American judges and law-writers, with whom
examination, acceptance of such dictum is found to be concurred Christiancy, J., held that the writ should issue. Since
perversive of the first principles of the writ of habeas corpus. the opinion of Justice Campbell was predicated to a large extent
on his conception of the English decisions, and since, as will
A prime specification of an application for a writ of habeas hereafter appear, the English courts have taken a contrary view,
corpus is restraint of liberty. The essential object and purpose of only the following eloquent passages from the opinion of Justice
the writ of habeas corpus is to inquire into all manner of Cooley are quoted:
involuntary restraint as distinguished from voluntary, and to
relieve a person therefrom if such restraint is illegal. Any restraint "I have not yet seen sufficient reason to doubt the power of this
which will preclude freedom of action is sufficient. The forcible court to issue the present writ on the petition which was laid
taking of these women from Manila by officials of that city, who before us. . . .
handed them over to other parties, who deposited them in a
distant region, deprived these women of freedom of locomotion "It would be strange indeed if, at this late day, after the
just as effectively as if they had been imprisoned. Placed in eulogiums of six centuries and a half have been expended upon
Davao without either money or personal belongings, they were the Magna Charta, and rivers of blood shed for its establishment;
prevented from exercising the liberty of going when and where after its many confirmations, until Coke could declare in his
they pleased. The restraint of liberty which began in Manila speech on the petition of right that 'Magna Charta was such a
continued until the aggrieved parties were returned to Manila fellow that he will have no sovereign,' and after the extension of
and released or until they freely and truly waived this right. its benefits and securities by the petition of right, bill of rights and
habeas corpus acts, it should now be discovered that evasion of
Consider for a moment what an agreement with such a defense that great clause for the protection of personal liberty, which is
would mean. The chief executive of any municipality in the the life and soul of the whole instrument, is so easy as is claimed
Philippines could forcibly and illegally take a private citizen and here. If it is so, it is important that it be determined without delay,
place him beyond the boundaries of the municipality, and then, that the legislature may apply the proper remedy, as I can not
when called upon to defend his official action, could calmly fold doubt they would, on the subject being brought to their
his hands and claim that the person was under no restraint and notice. . . .
that he, the official, had no jurisdiction over this other
municipality. We believe the true principle should be that, if the
respondent is within the jurisdiction of the court and has it in his
"The second proposition that the statutory provisions are
power to obey the order of the court and thus to undo the wrong
confined to the case of imprisonment within the state seems
that he has inflicted, he should be compelled to do so. Even if
to me to be based upon a misconception as to the source of our
the party to whom the writ is addressed has illegally parted with
jurisdiction. It was never the case in England that the court of
the custody of a person before the application for the writ is no
king's bench derived its jurisdiction to issue and enforce this writ
reason why the writ should not issue. If the mayor and the chief
from the statute. Statutes were not passed to give the right, but
of police, acting under no authority of law, could deport these
to compel the observance of rights which existed. . . .
women from the city of Manila to Davao, these same officials
must necessarily have the same means to return them from "The important fact to be observed in regard to the mode of
Davao to Manila. The respondents, within the reach of process, procedure upon this writ is, that it is directed to and served upon,
may not be permitted to restrain a fellow citizen of her liberty by not the person confined, but his jailor. It does not reach the
forcing her to change her domicile and to avow the act with
former except through the latter. The officer or person who A decision coming from the Federal Courts is also of interest. A
serves it does not unbar the prison doors, and set the prisoner habeas corpus was directed to the defendant to have before the
free, but the court relieves him by compelling the oppressor to circuit court of the District of Columbia three colored persons,
release his constraint. The whole force of the writ is spent upon with the cause of their detention. Davis, in his return to the writ,
the respondent, and if he fails to obey it, the means to be stated on oath that he had purchased the negroes as slaves in
resorted to for the purposes of compulsion are fine and the city of Washington; that, as he believed, they were removed
imprisonment. This is the ordinary mode of affording relief, and if beyond the District of Columbia before the service of the writ of
any other means are resorted to, they are only auxiliary to those habeas corpus, and that they were then beyond his control and
which are usual. The place of confinement is, therefore, not out of his custody. The evidence tended to show that Davis had
important to. the relief, if the guilty party is within reach of removed the negroes because he suspected they would apply
process, so that by the power of the court he can be compelled for a writ of habeas corpus. The court held the return to be
to release his grasp. The difficulty of affording redress is not evasive and insufficient, and that Davis was bound to produce
increased by the confinement being beyond the limits of the the negroes, and Davis being present in court, and refusing to
state, except as greater distance may affect it. The important produce them, ordered that he be committed to the custody of
question is, where is the power of control exercised? And I am the marshall until he should produce the negroes, or be
aware of no other remedy." (In the matter of Jackson [1867], 15 otherwise discharged in due course of law. The court afterwards
Mich., 416.) ordered that Davis be released upon the production of two of the
negroes, for one of the negroes had run away and been lodged
The opinion of Judge Cooley has since been accepted as in jail in Maryland. Davis produced the two negroes on the last
authoritative by other courts. (Rivers vs. Mitchell [1881], 57 Iowa, day of the term. (United States vs. Davis [1839], 5 Cranch C. C.,
193; Breene vs. People [1911], Colo., 117 Pac. Rep., 1000; Ex 622, Fed. Cas. No. 14926. See also Robb vs. Connolly [1883],
parte Young [1892], 50 Fed., 526.) 111 U. S., 624; Church on Habeas Corpus, 2nd ed., p. 170.)

The English courts have given careful consideration to the We find, therefore, both on reason and authority, that no one of
subject. Thus, a child had been taken out of England by the the defenses offered by the respondents constituted a legitimate
respondent. A writ of habeas corpus was issued by the Queen's bar to the granting of the writ of habeas corpus.
Bench Division upon the application of the mother and her
husband directing the defendant to produce the child. The judge There remains to be considered whether the respondents
at chambers gave defendant until a certain date to produce the complied with the two orders of the Supreme Court awarding the
child, but he did not do so. His return stated that the child before writ of habeas corpus, and if it be found that they did not,
the issuance of the writ had been handed over by him to whether the contempt should be punished or be taken as
another; that it was no longer in his custody or control, and that it purged.
was impossible for him to obey the writ. He was found in
contempt of court. On appeal, the court, through Lord Esher, M. The first order, it will be recalled, directed Justo Lukban, Anton
R., said: Hohmann, Francisco Sales, and Feliciano Yigo to present the
persons named in the writ before the court on December 2,
"A writ of habeas corpus was ordered to issue, and was issued 1918. The order was dated November 4, 1918. The respondents
on January 22. That writ commanded the defendant to have the were thus given ample time, practically one month, to comply
body of the child before a judge in chambers at the Royal Courts with the writ. As far as the record discloses, the Mayor of the city
of Justice immediately after the receipt of the writ, together with of Manila waited until the 21st of November before sending a
the cause of her being taken and detained. That is a command telegram to the provincial governor of Davao. According to the
to bring the child before the judge and must be obeyed, unless response of the attorney for the Bureau of Labor to the telegram
some lawful reason can be shown to excuse the nonproduction of his chief, there were then in Davao women who desired to
of the child. If it could be shown that by reason of his having return to Manila, but who should not be permitted to do so
lawfully parted with the possession of the child before the issuing because of having contracted debts. The half-hearted effort
of the writ, the defendant had no longer power to produce the naturally resulted in none of the parties in question being brought
child, that might be an answer; but in the absence of any lawful before the court on the day named.
reason he is bound to produce the child, and, if he does not, he
is in contempt of the Court for not obeying the writ without lawful For the respondents to have fulfilled the court's order, three
excuse. Many efforts have been made in argument to shift the optional courses were open: (1) They could have produced the
question of contempt to some anterior period for the purpose of bodies of the persons according to the command of the writ; or
showing that what was done at some time prior to the writ cannot (2) they could have shown by affidavit that on account of
be a contempt. But the question is not as to what was done sickness or infirmity those persons could not safely be brought
before the issue of the writ. The question is whether there has before the court; or (3) they could have presented affidavits to
been a contempt in disobeying the writ after it was issued by not show ,that the parties in question or their attorney waived the
producing the child in obedience to its commands." (The right to be present. (Code of Criminal Procedure, Sec. 87.) They
Queen vs. Barnardo [1889], 23 Q. B. D., 305. See also to the did not produce the bodies of the persons in whose behalf the
same effect the Irish case of In re Matthews, 12 Ir. Com. Law writ was granted; they did not show impossibility of performance;
Rep. [N.S.], 233; The Queen vs. Barnardo, Gossage's Case and they did not present writings that waived the right to be
[1890], 24 Q. B. D., 283.) present by those interested. Instead a few stereotyped affidavits
purporting to show that the women were contented with their life
in Davao, some of which have since been repudiated by the Feliciano Yigo, an hacendero of Davao, and Anacleto Diaz,
signers, were appended to the return. That through ordinary Fiscal of the city of Manila.
diligence a considerable number of the women, at least sixty,
could have been brought back to Manila is demonstrated by the The power to punish for contempt of court should be exercised
fact that during this time they were easily to be found in the on the preservative and not on the vindictive principle. Only
municipality of Davao, and that about this number either returned occasionally should the court invoke its inherent power in order
at their own expense or were produced at the second hearing by to retain that respect without which the administration of justice
the respondents. must falter or fail. Nevertheless when one is commanded to
produce a certain person and does not do so, and does not offer
The court, at the time the return to its first order was made, a valid excuse, a court must, to vindicate its authority, adjudge
would have been warranted summarily in finding the the respondent to be guilty of contempt, and must order him
respondents guilty of contempt of court, and in sending them to either imprisoned or fined. An officer's failure to produce the
jail until they obeyed the order. Their excuses for the non- body of a person in obedience to a writ of habeas corpus when
production of the persons were far from sufficient. The he has power to do so, is a contempt committed in the face of
authorities cited herein pertaining to somewhat similar facts all the court. (Ex parte Sterns [1888], 77 Cal., 156; In re Patterson
tend to indicate with what exactitude a habeas corpus writ must [1888], 99 N. C., 407.)
be fulfilled. For example, in Gossage's case, supra, the
Magistrate in referring to an earlier decision of the Court, said: With all the facts and circumstances in mind, and with judicial
"We thought that, having brought about that state of things by his regard for human imperfections, we cannot say that any of the
own illegal act, he must take the consequences; and we said respondents, with the possible exception of the first named, has
that he was bound to use every effort to get the child back; that flatly disobeyed the court by acting in opposition to its authority.
he must do much more than write letters for the purpose; that he Respondents Hohmann, Rodriguez, Ordax, and Joaquin only
must advertise in America, and even if necessary himself go followed the orders of their chiefs, and while, under the law of
after the child, and do everything that mortal man could do in the public officers, this does not exonerate them entirely, it is
matter; and that the court would only accept clear proof of an nevertheless a powerful mitigating circumstance. The hacendero
absolute impossibility by way of excuse." In other words, the Yigo appears to have been drawn into the case through a
return did not show that every possible effort to produce the misconstruction by counsel of telegraphic communications. The
women was made by the respondents. That the court forebore at city fiscal, Anacleto Diaz, would seem to have done no more
this time to take drastic action was because it did not wish to see than to fulfill his duty as the legal representative of the city
presented to the public gaze the spectacle of a clash between government. Finding him innocent of any disrespect to the court,
executive officials and the judiciary, and because it desired to his counter-motion to strike from the record the memorandum of
give the respondents another chance to demonstrate their good attorney for the petitioners, which brings him into this
faith and to mitigate their wrong. undesirable position, must be granted. When all is said and
done, as far as this record discloses, the official who was
In response to the second order of the court, the respondents primarily responsible for the unlawful deportation, who ordered
appear to have become more zealous and to have shown a the police to accomplish the same, who made arrangements for
better spirit. Agents were dispatched to Mindanao, placards were the steamers and the constabulary, who conducted the
posted, the constabulary and the municipal police joined in negotiations with the Bureau of Labor, and who later, as the
rounding up the women, and a steamer with free transportation head of the city government, had it within his power to facilitate
to Manila was provided. While charges and counter-charges in the return of the unfortunate women to Manila, was
such a bitterly contested case are to be expected, and while a Justo Lukban, the Mayor of the city of Manila. His intention to
critical reading of the record might reveal a failure of literal suppress the social evil was commendable. His methods were
fulfillment with our mandate, we come to conclude that there is a unlawful. His regard for the writ of habeas corpus issued by the
substantial compliance with it. Our finding to this effect may be court was only tardily and reluctantly acknowledged.
influenced somewhat by our sincere desire to see this unhappy
incident finally closed. If any wrong is now being perpetrated in It would be possible to turn to the provisions of Section 546 of
Davao, it should receive an executive investigation. If any the Code of Civil Procedure, which relates to the penalty for
particular individual is still restrained of her liberty, it can be disobeying the writ, and in pursuance thereof to require
made the object of separate habeas corpus proceedings. respondent Lukban to forfeit to the parties aggrieved as much as
P400 each, which would reach to many thousands of pesos, and
in addition to deal with him as for a contempt. Some members of
the court are inclined to this stern view. It would also be possible
Since the writ has already been granted, and since we find a to find that since respondentLukban did comply substantially with
substantial compliance with it, nothing further in this connection the second order of the court, he has purged his contempt of the
remains to be done. first order. Some members of the court are inclined to this
merciful view. Between the two extremes appears to lie the
The attorney for the petitioners asks that we find in contempt of correct finding. The failure of respondent Lukban to obey the first
court Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila, Anton Hohmann, mandate of the court tended to belittle and embarrass the
chief of police of the city of Manila, Jose Rodriguez, and administration of justice to such an extent that his later activity
Fernando Ordax, members of the police force of the city of may be considered only as extenuating his conduct. A nominal
Manila, Modesto Joaquin, the attorney for the Bureau of Labor,
fine will at once command such respect without being unduly Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch 14, and
oppressive such an amount is P100. docketed as Criminal Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M-
93. 5 Both accused posted their respective cash bail bonds and
In resume as before stated, no further action on the writ of were subsequently released from detention. LexLib
habeas corpus is necessary. The respondents Hohmann,
Rodriguez, Ordax, Joaquin, Yigo, and Diaz are found not to be On November 15, 1993, Bulacan Provincial Prosecutor Liberato
in contempt of court. Respondent Lukban is found in contempt of L. Reyes filed a Motion to Defer Arraignment and Subsequent
court and shall pay into the office of the clerk of the Supreme Proceedings to enable him "to review the evidence on record
Court within five days the sum of one hundred pesos (P100). and determine once more the proper crimes chargeable against
The motion of the fiscal of the city of Manila to strike from the the accused," 6 which was granted by Judge Villajuan in an order
record the Replica al Memorandum de los Recurridosof January dated November 16, 1993. 7 Thereafter, pursuant to Department
25, 1919, is granted. Costs shall be taxed against respondents. Order No, 369 of the Department of Justice, respondent
So ordered. Prosecutor Dennis M. Villa-Ignacio was designated Acting
Provincial Prosecutor of Bulacan and was instructed to conduct a
In concluding this tedious and disagreeable task, may we not be re-investigation of the aforesaid criminal cases filed against
permitted to express the hope that this decision may serve to herein petitioners. 8
bulwark the fortifications of an orderly government of laws and to
protect individual liberty from illegal encroachment. By virtue of a Manifestation with Ex-parte Motion dated
November 23, 1993 9 filed by respondent prosecutor, the
Arellano, C. J., Avancea and Moir, JJ., concur. proceedings were again ordered suspended by Judge Villajuan
until after the prosecution's request for change of venue shall
Johnson and Street, JJ., concur in the result. have been resolved by the Supreme Court, and the preliminary
investigation being conducted by the former shall have been
||| (Villavicencio v. Lukban, G.R. No. 14639, [March 25, 1919], 39
terminated. 10 It appears that on December 2, 1993, private
PHIL 777-812)
complainants, through their counsel, Atty. Silvestre R. Bello III,
had filed with the Supreme Court a Petition for
Change of Venue of Criminal Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M-
SECOND DIVISION 93, purportedly to safeguard the lives of the victims and their
witnesses, and to prevent a miscarriage of justice. 11
[G.R. No. 114046. October 24, 1994.]
On December 15, 1993, before petitioners could be arraigned in
HONORATO GALVEZ and GODOFREDO Criminal Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M-93, respondent
DIEGO, petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS (17TH prosecutor filed an Ex Parte Motion to Withdraw Informations in
DIVISION), First Asst. Provincial Prosecutor. DENNIS M. said cases. 12 This motion was granted by Judge Villajuan also
VILLA-IGNACIO of Pasig, Rizal; THE PEOPLE OF THE on December 15, 1993 and the cases were considered
PHILIPPINES; and PNP P/SR. SUPT. RICARDO F. DE LEON, withdrawn from the docket of the court. 13 On the same day,
Camp Commander and Head of the PNP Custodial Group, Prosecutor Villa-Ignacio filed four new informations against
Camp Crame, Cubao, Quezon City, respondents. herein petitioners for murder, two counts of frustrated murder,
and violation of Presidential Decree No. 1866 for illegal
DECISION possession of firearms 14 which were subsequently raffled to the
sala ofJudge Victoria Pornillos of Branch 10, Regional
REGALADO, J p: Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan and were docketed therein as
Criminal Cases Nos. 4004-M-93 to 4007-M-93. No bail having
Submitted for resolution in the present special civil action are: (1)
been recommended for the crime of murder, Judge Pornillos
the basic petition for certiorari and mandamus with a petition for
ordered the arrest of herein petitioners. 15 On December 23,
habeas corpus, to review the resolution issued by
1993, said presiding judge issued an order setting the
respondent Court of Appeals, dated February 18, 1994, in CA-
arraignment of the accused for December 27, 1993. 16
G.R. SP No. 33261; 1 (2) the Urgent Motion 2 and Supplemental
Urgent Motion 3 for Immediate Action on Petition for Habeas On December 27, 1993, the scheduled arraignment before
Corpus; and (3) the Urgent Petition to Declare Judge Jaime N. Judge Pornillos was reset due to the absence of respondent
Salazar, Jr. and First Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Dennis M. prosecutor. On even date, petitioners filed before Judge Villajuan
Villa-Ignacio for Contempt and to Annul Proceedings (with a Motion for Reconsideration of his order of December 15, 1993
Immediate Prayer for another Cease and Desist Order). 4 which granted the motion to withdraw the original
informations. 17
On November 12, 1993, petitioners Honorato Galvez, the
incumbent Mayor of San Ildefonso, Bulacan, and one Godofredo Thereafter, a Motion to Quash the new informations for
Diego were charged in three separate informations with lack of jurisdiction was filed by petitioners before Judge Pornillos
homicide and two counts of frustrated homicide for allegedly on January 3, 1994. 18 At thecourt session set for the
shooting to death Alvin Calma Vinculado and seriously wounding arraignment of petitioners on January 24, 1994, Judge Pornillos
Levi Calma Vinculado and Miguel Reyes Vinculado, Jr. The issued an order denying the motion to quash and, at the same
cases were raffled to the sala of Judge Felipe N. Villajuan of the
time, directed that a plea of not guilty be entered for petitioners Villajuan had no authority to act on it. Ergo, the order granting
when the latter refused to enter their plea. 19 the same is null and void.

In the meantime, and prior to the arraignment of herein Petitioners advance the theory that respondent prosecutor
petitioners before Judge Pornillos, an order was issued on should have amended the original informations
January 20, 1994 by Judge Villajuan granting the motion for instead of withdrawing the same and filing new ones. They
reconsideration filed by petitioners, ordering the postulate that the principle of nolle prosequi does not apply in
reinstatement of Criminal Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M-93, this case since the withdrawal or dismissal of an information is
and setting the arraignment of the accused therein for February addressed solely to the sound and judicious
8, 1994. 20 On said date, however, the arraignment was discretion of the court which has the option to grant or deny it
suspended and, in the meanwhile, petitioners filed a petition for and the prosecution cannot impose its opinion on the court. It is
certiorari, prohibition and mandamus with further stressed that in case there is a need to change the
respondent Court of Appeals, assailing the order dated January nature of the offense charged, that is, from homicide to murder,
24, 1994 issued by Judge Pornillos which denied petitioners' by adding the qualifying circumstance of treachery, the only legal
motion to quash filed in Criminal Cases Nos. 4004-M-93 to 4007- and proper remedy is through the filing of the corresponding
M-93. As earlier stated, respondent court dismissed the petition amended information; and that the withdrawal of an information
in its questioned resolution of February 18, 1994, hence this is allowed only where the new information involves a different
petition. offense which does not include or is not included in the offense
originally charged.
I. On the Main Petition
Normally, an accused would not object to the dismissal of an
The main issue in this case involves a determination of the information against him because it is to his best interest not to
set of informations under which herein petitioners should be oppose the same. Contrarily, if the accused should deem such
tried, that is, (a) the first set ofinformations for homicide and conditional or provisional dismissal to be unjust and prejudicial to
frustrated homicide in Criminal Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644- him, he could object to such dismissal and insist that the case be
M-93, or (b) the subsequent informations for murder, frustrated heard and decided on the merits. 21 However, considering that
murder, and illegal possession of firearms in Criminal Cases in the original cases before Branch 14 of the
Nos. 4004-M-93 to 4007-M-93. Several corollary but equally trial court petitioners had not yet been placed in jeopardy, and
important issues have likewise been addressed to us for the ex parte motion to withdraw was filed and granted before
resolution, to wit: they could be arraigned, there would be no imperative need for
notice and hearing thereof. In actuality, the real
1. Whether the ex parte motion to withdraw the original grievance of herein accused is not the dismissal of the original
informations is null and void on the ground that (a) there was no three informations but the filing of four new informations,
notice and hearing as required by Sections 4, 5 and 6, Rule three of which charge graver offenses and the fourth, an
15 of the Rules of Court; and (b) the appropriate remedy which additional offense. Had these new informations not been filed,
should have been adopted by the prosecution was to amend the there would obviously have been no cause for the instant
informations by charging the proper offenses pursuant to Section petition. Accordingly, their complaint about the supposed
14 of Rule 110; procedural lapses involved in the motion to dismiss filed and
granted in Criminal Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M-93 does
2. Whether the order granting the withdrawal of the original
not impress us as a candid presentation of their real position.
informations was immediately final and executory;
Petitioners' contention that the dismissal of the original
3. Whether Judge Pornillos was correct in denying the motion to
informations and the consequent filing of the new ones
quash and thereby acquired jurisdiction over the new
substantially affected their right to bail is too strained and
informations considering that (a) the designated public
tenuous an argument. They would want to ignore the fact that
prosecutor allegedly had no authority to file the second
had the original informations been amended so as to charge the
set of informations; and (b) the filing thereof constituted forum
capital offenseof murder, they still stood to likewise be
shopping; and
deprived of their right to bail once it was shown that the
4. Whether the arraignment proceeding held on January 24, evidence of guilt is strong. Petitioners could not be better off with
1994 in Criminal Cases Nos. 4004-M-93 to 4007-M-93 was valid. amended informations than with the subsequent ones. It really
made no difference considering that where a capital offense is
We shall discuss these issues seriatim. charged and the evidence ofguilt is strong, bail becomes a
matter of discretion under either an amended or a new
1. It is petitioners' submission that the prosecution's failure to information.
serve them a copy of the motion to withdraw the original
informations and to set said motion for hearing constitutes a
violation of their right to be informed of the proceedings against
them, as well as a violation of Sections 4, 5 and 6, Rule 15 ofthe Contrary to petitioners' submission, the absence of notice and
Rules of Court. Hence, so they contend, the ex parte motion hearing does not divest a trial court of authority to pass on the
should be considered as a worthless scrap of paper and Judge merits of the motion. It has been held that
"The order of the court granting the motion to dismiss despite In such an instance, before a re-investigation of the case may be
absence of a notice of hearing, or proof of service thereof, is conducted by the public prosecutor, the permission or
merely an irregularity in the proceedings. It cannot deprive a consent of the court must be secured. And, if after such re-
competent court of jurisdiction over the case. The court still investigation the prosecution finds a cogent basis to withdraw
retains its authority to pass on the merits of the motion. The the information or otherwise cause the dismissal of the case,
remedyof the aggrieved party in such cases is either to have the such proposed course of action may be taken but shall likewise
order set aside or the irregularity otherwise cured by be addressed to the sound discretion of the court. 25
the court which dismissed the complaint, or to appeal from the
dismissal and not certiorari." 22 It is not denied that in the present case, the court granted the
motion of respondent prosecutor for the suspension of the
Besides, when petitioners were given by Judge Villajuan the proceedings until the re-investigation thereof shall have been
opportunity to file a motion for reconsideration, even assuming terminated. Thereafter, the prosecutor arrived at a finding that
the alleged procedural infirmity in his issuance of the petitioners should have been charged with murder, frustrated
order of dismissal, the same was thereby deemed cured. This is murder, and illegal possession of firearms. This prompted him to
especially so in this case since, on his order, the original file an ex parte motion to withdraw the original informations for
informations were reinstated in Branch 14 of the trial court. homicide and frustrated homicide. Although the motion did not
state the reasons for the withdrawal of the informations,
The rule is now well settled that once a complaint or information nevertheless the court in the exercise of its discretion granted
is filed in court any disposition of the case, whether as to its the same, as a consequence of which a new set of informations
dismissal or the conviction or the acquittal of the accused, rests was thereafter filed and raffled to another branch of the court.
in the sound discretion of the court. Although the prosecutor Petitioners now question the propriety of the procedure adopted
retains the direction and control of the prosecution of criminal by the prosecution, insisting that an amendment, not a new
cases even when the case is already in court, he cannot impose information, was required under the circumstances.
his opinion upon the tribunal. For while it is true that the
prosecutor has the quasi-judicial discretion to determine whether It must here be emphasized that respondent prosecutor sought,
or not a criminal case should be filed in court, once the case had and was subsequently granted, permission by the court to
already been brought therein any disposition the prosecutor may dismiss the original informations. It cannot therefore be validly
deep proper thereafter should be addressed to the court for its claimed that the prosecutor exceeded his authority in
consideration and approval. 23 The only qualification is that the withdrawing those informations because the same bore the
action of the court must not impair the substantial rights of the imprimatur of the court. The issue is thus focused on whether or
accused or the right of the People to due process of law. not under the given situation the court acted correctly in
dismissing the original informations rather than ordering the
We reiterate once again the doctrine we enunciated and amendment thereof.
explained in Crespo vs. Mogul, etc., et al.: 24
It has been observed that while the Rules of Court gives the
"Whether the accused had been arraigned or not and whether it accused the right to move for the quashal of the information, it is
was due to a reinvestigation by the fiscal or a review by the silent with respect to the right of the prosecutor to ask for a
Secretary of Justice whereby a motion to dismiss was submitted dismissal or withdrawal thereof. 26 A perusal of the 1985 Rules
to the Court, the Court in the exercise of its discretion may grant on Criminal Procedure will show that there are only two
the motion or deny it and require that the trial on the merits provisions concerning the dismissal of an information other than
proceed for the proper determination of the case. on motion of the accused, namely, Section 14 of Rule 110 and
Section 11 of Rule 119. But then, it may be contended that these
xxx xxx xxx rules speak of a dismissal by the court when there is a mistake in
charging the proper offense, but make no mention of a dismissal
"The rule therefore in this jurisdiction is that once a complaint or
made upon application of the prosecution. That is not necessarily
information is filed in Court any disposition of the case as to its
dismissal or the conviction or acquittal of the accused rests in
the sound discretion of the Court. Although the fiscal retains the It is true that Section 11, Rule 119 is virtually a
direction and control of the prosecution of criminal cases even restatement of Section 14, Rule 110, providing as it does that:
while the case is already in Court he cannot impose his opinion
on the trial court. The Court is the best and sole judge on what to "Sec. 11. When mistake has been made in charging the proper
do with the case before it. The determination of the case is within offense. When it becomes manifest at any time before
its exclusive jurisdiction and competence. A motion to dismiss judgment, that a mistake has been made in charging the proper
the case filed by the fiscal should be addressed to the Court who offense, and the accused cannot be convicted of the offense
has the option to grant or deny the same. It does not matter if charged, or of any other offense necessarily included therein, the
this is done before or after the arraignment of the accused or accused shall not be discharged, if there appears to be good
that the motion was filed after a reinvestigation or upon cause to detain him. In such case, the court shall commit the
instructions of the Secretary of Justice who reviewed the accused to answer for the proper offense and dismiss the
records of the investigation." original case upon the filing of the proper information."
(Emphasis supplied.)
Rule 119 is the rule specifically governing the trial stage where in charging the proper offense, in order that new informations
evidence is necessarily being presented, hence the trial court is can be filed. The problem that may be posited, and should now
now in a better position to conclude that manifestly the accused be resolved, is when the fiscal may be allowed to move to
cannot be convicted of the offense charged or of one that it dismiss an information and when he should merely move to
necessarily includes. It would primarily be the amend it.
function of thecourt to motu proprio order the dismissal of the
case and direct the filing of the appropriate information. We do Section 14 of Rule 110, which is invoked by petitioners, reads as
not discount the possibility of either the prosecution or the follows:
defense initiating such dismissal and substitution at that stage,
although, from a realistic point of view, that would be a rare "Sec. 14. Amendment. The information or complaint may be
situation. This provision, therefore, is more directly and amended, in substance or form, without leave of court, at any
principally directed to the trial court to invest it with the requisite time before the accused pleads; and thereafter and during the
authority to direct by itself the dismissal and refilingof the trial as to all matters of form, by leave and at the
informations therein contemplated. discretion of the court, when the same can be done without
prejudice to the rights of the accused.
Rule 110, on the other hand, provides the procedural
governance for the prosecution of offenses. Section 14 thereof, If it appears at any time before judgment that a mistake has
quoted infra, provides in its second paragraph the procedure and been made in charging the proper offense, the court shall
requisites for the substitution of a defective information by the dismiss the original complaint or information upon the filing of a
correct one. Although, just like Section 11 of Rule 119 the new one charging the proper offense in accordance with Rule
permissible stage for effecting that substitution is "at any time 119, Section 11, provided the accused would not be placed
before judgment," unlike the latter situation it is sufficient that "it thereby in double jeopardy, and may also require the Witnesses
appears . . . that a mistake has been made in charging the to give bail for their appearance at the trial."
proper offense, . . ." The situation under said Section 14
The first paragraph provides the rule for amendment of the
contemplates a longer time span, inclusive of the period from the
information or complaint, while the second paragraph refers to
filing ofthe information up to and before trial. Since no evidence
the substitution of the information or complaint. Under the
has been presented at that stage, the error would appear or be
second paragraph, the court can order the filing of another
discoverable from a review of the records of the preliminary
information to charge the proper offense, provided the accused
investigation. Of course, that fact may be perceived by the trial
would not be placed thereby in double jeopardy and that could
judge himself but, again, realistically it will be the prosecutor who
only be true if the offense proved does not necessarily include or
can initially determine the same. That is why such error need not
is not necessarily included in the offense charged in the original
be manifest or evident, nor is it required that such nuances as
offenses includible in the offense charged be taken into account.
It necessarily follows, therefore, that the prosecutor can and It has been the rule that under the first paragraph of Section 14,
should institute remedial measures for the dismissal of the Rule 110, the amendment of the information may also be made
original information and the refiling of the correct one, otherwise even if it may result in altering the nature of the charge so long
he would be recreant to his duties. as it can be done without prejudice to the rights of the accused.
Hence, in the case of Dimalibot vs. Salcedo, 30 the accused
It is interesting to note that in the American jurisdiction, such
therein were originally charged with homicide and were released
right is specifically recognized under Rule 48 (a) of the Federal
on bail. However, the then provincial fiscal, after a review of the
Rules of Criminal Procedure which provides that the
affidavits of the witnesses for the prosecution, discovered that
entry of a nolle prosequi by the Government is a permissible
the killing complained of was perpetrated with the qualifying
right, although requiring in all cases the approval of the court in
circumstances of treachery, taking advantage ofsuperior
the exercise of its judicial discretion. 27 As a matter of fact, the
strength, and employing means to weaken the defense of the
prosecuting attorney is given the broad power, sole authority and
victim. Consequently, an amended information for murder was
discretion to enter a nolle prosequiprovided he does not act
filed against the accused who were ordered re-arrested without
arbitrarily 28 and subject to the discretion of the court.
the amount of bail being fixed, the new charge being a capital
In several cases, we have also impliedly recognized the offense.
propriety of such a procedure particularly in those instances
The Court ruled therein that the amendment was proper,
where the prosecution is allowed to dismiss or withdraw an
pursuant to Section 13, Rule 106 of the 1940
information on the ground of insufficiency of evidence. We have
Rules of Court (now Section 14, Rule 110 of the 1985 Rules on
even gone further by imposing upon the fiscal, as he was then
Criminal Procedure), thus:
called, the duty to move for the dismissal of the information if he
is convinced that the evidence is insufficient to establish, at "Here these rules properly apply, since it is undisputed that the
least prima facie, the guilt of the accused.29 herein accused were not yet arraigned before the
competent court when the complaint for homicide was amended
so as to charge the crime of murder. Upon the authority of said
In this case now before us, what is involved is a dismissal rules, the amendment could therefore be made even as to
effected at the instance of the prosecutor by reason of a mistake substance in order that the proper charge may be made. The
claim that such amendment can only refer to a substitution of information under the second paragraph thereof,
matters of specification affecting the elements constituting the the rule is that where the second information involves the same
crime is not correct, for there is nothing in the rule to show that offense, or an offense which necessarily includes or is
the nature of the amendment should only be limited to necessarily included in the first information, an
matters of specification. The change may also be made even if it amendment of the information is sufficient; otherwise, where the
may result in altering the nature of the charge so long as it can new information charges an offense which is distinct and
be done without prejudice to the rights of the defendant." different from that initially charged, a substitution is in order."

Be that as it may, it is quite plausible under Section 14 of Rule In any event, we are inclined to uphold the propriety of the
110 that, instead of an amendment, an information for homicide withdrawal of the original informations, there having been no
may also be dismissed before the accused pleads, to give way grave abuse of discretion on the part of the court in granting the
to the filing of a new information for murder. This may be motion and, more importantly, in consideration of the fact that the
deduced from the pronouncement of the Court in the aforecited motion to withdraw was filed and granted before herein
case of Dimalibot, to wit: petitioners were arraigned, hence before they were placed in
jeopardy. Thus, even if a substitution was made at such stage,
"This clearly appears from the second part of Section 13 of Rule petitioners cannot validly claim double jeopardy, which is
106 which says that, if it appears before judgment that a mistake precisely the evil sought to be prevented under the rule on
has been made in charging the proper offense, the court may substitution, for the simple reason that no first jeopardy had as
dismiss the original information and order the filing of a new one yet attached. Consequently, we hold that although the offenses
provided the defendant may not be placed in double jeopardy. If charged under the three new informations necessarily include
a new information may be ordered at any time before judgment those charged under the original informations, the
no reason is seen why the court may not order the substitution of informations was not a fatal error. A contrary
amendment of the information if its purpose is to make it ruling, to paraphrase from our former pronouncements, would
conformable to the true nature of the crime committed. . . ." sacrifice substantial justice for formal nuances on the
altar of procedural technicalities. Furthermore, petitioners' right
In the subsequent case of Teehankee, Jr. vs Madayag, et to speedy trial was never violated since the new informations
al., 31 however, Section 14 of Rule 110 was clarified to mean as were filed immediately after the motion to withdraw the original
follows: informations was granted.

"It may accordingly be posited that both amendment and 2. The controversy over the jurisdiction of Judge Pornillos to
substitution of the information may be made before or after the entertain and act upon the new informations for murder,
defendant pleads, but they differ in the following respects: frustrated murder and illegal possession of firearms, is grounded
on three points of disagreement.
1. Amendment may involve either formal or substantial changes,
while substitution necessarily involves a substantial change from Firstly, it is argued that the new informations were prematurely
the original charge; filed considering that the order granting the withdrawal of the
original informations had not yet become final and executory and
2. Amendment before plea has been entered can be effected
that, as a matter of fact, the same was subsequently
without leave of court, but substitution of information must be
reconsidered and the case reinstated by Judge Villajuan.
with leave of court as the original information has to be
Therefore, so petitioners postulate, Judge Pornillos could not
acquire jurisdiction over the same offense involving the same
3. Where the amendment is only as to form, there is no need for incident and the same accused.
another preliminary investigation and the retaking of the
Secondly, petitioners contend that the dismissal of the original
plea of the accuse; in substitution of information, another
informations and the filing of new ones which were raffled to
preliminary investigation is entailed and the accused has to
another branch of the courtconstituted forum shopping, and was
plead anew to the new information; and
tainted with malice considering the indecent haste with which the
4. An amended information refers to the same offense charged motion to withdraw the informations was filed, the order granting
in the original information or to an offense which necessarily the same was issued, and the new informations were filed,
includes or is necessarily included in the original charge, hence all of which took place on the same day. Pursuant to the doctrinal
substantial amendments to the information after the plea has ruling that the courtfirst acquiring jurisdiction excludes the other
been taken cannot be made over the objection of the accused, courts, it is theorized that the cognizance of the case taken by
for if the original information would be withdrawn, the accused Judge Villajuan barred Judge Pornillos from assuming
could invoke double jeopardy. On the other hand, substitution jurisdiction thereover.
requires or presupposes that the new information involves a
Finally, the designation of respondent Prosecutor Dennis Villa-
different offense which does not include or is not necessarily
Ignacio (who was then First Assistant Provincial
included in the original charge, hence the accused cannot claim
Prosecutor of Pasig, Rizal) as Acting Provincial
double jeopardy.
Prosecutor of Bulacan was arbitrary and without any justifiable
"In determining, therefore, whether there should be an reason. It follows, therefore, so petitioners vigorously argue, that
amendment under the first paragraph of Section 14, Rule 110, or in the absence ofsuch authority, the informations should be
considered null and void by reason of which Judge Pornillos did disposition of the case already rests in the sound
not acquire jurisdiction over the same. discretion of the court.

On the other hand, respondents question the This brings us to the question as to whether or not an
propriety of petitioners' filing of a petition for certiorari prohibition order of dismissal may be subsequently set aside and the
and mandamus in the Court of Appealsagainst the order of the information reinstated. Again, in American jurisprudence, the
lower court denying petitioners' motion to quash, claiming that authorities differ somewhat as to whether a nolle prosequi may
the proper remedy was to proceed to trial on the merits and be set aside and the cause reinstated. 42 Some cases hold that
thereafter raise on appeal, as special defenses, the grounds thenolle prosequi may be recalled and that the accused may be
invoked in the motion to quash. LLpr tried on the same information 43 , but before it can be retraced,
set aside, cancelled, or struck off, the permission or
It is a general rule that a nolle prosequi or dismissal entered assent of the court must be had and obtained, and such
before the accused is placed on trial and before he is called on cancellation or retraction must be duly entered. According to
to plead is not equivalent to an acquittal, 32 and does not bar a other authorities, however, the entry of an unconditional nolle
subsequent prosecution for the same offense. 33 It is not a final prosequi, not on the ground that the information is insufficient on
disposition of the case. 34 Rather, it partakes of the nature of a its face, is an end to the prosecution of that information, and
nonsuit or discontinuance in a civil suit and leaves the matter in such nolle prosequi cannot afterward by vacated and further
the same condition in which it was before the proceedings had in that case. 44
commencement of the prosecution. 35
Still in some cases, it has been held that a nolle prosequi may be
set aside by leave of court, so as to reinstate proceedings on the
information, or unless it was entered by mistake. 45 In our
A dismissal is different from an acquittal. An order of dismissal jurisdiction, we follow the rule which allows an order of dismissal
which is actually an acquittal is immediately final and cannot be to be set aside by leave of court. In one case, it was held that in
reconsidered. 36Furthermore, an acquittal is always based on the absence of any statutory provision to the contrary,
the merits, that is, the defendant is acquitted because the the court may, in the interest of justice, dismiss a criminal case
evidence does not show that defendant's guilt is beyond provisionally, that is, without prejudice to reinstating it before the
reasonable doubt; but a dismissal does not decide the case on order becomes final or to the subsequent filing of a new
the merits or that the defendant is not guilty. Dismissals information for the offense. 46
terminate the proceedings, either because the court is not
a court of competent jurisdiction, or the evidence does not show The rule that in cases of concurrent jurisdiction the court first
that the offense was committed within the territorial acquiring jurisdiction will retain it to the end to the
jurisdiction of thecourt, or the complaint or information is not exclusion of other tribunals, is not to be given unyielding effect in
valid or sufficient in form and substance. 37 For dismissal to be a all cases and it does not apply where the jurisdiction of the
bar under double jeopardy, it must have the effectof acquittal. first court has come to an end in any legal way, such as by nolle
prosequi. 47The rule on exclusions is intended to prevent
All these go to show, therefore, that the dismissal of Criminal confusion and conflicts in jurisdiction and to prevent a person
Cases Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M-93 did not amount to an from being twice tried for the same offense, but no accused has
acquittal of herein petitioners. Consequently, the same did not a vested right to be tried in any particular court of concurrent
immediately become final, hence petitioners could still file a jurisdiction; and when one court of concurrent jurisdiction
motion for the reconsideration thereof. Moreover, such dismissal voluntarily relinquishes it by a nolle prosequi or dismissal of the
does not constitute a proper basis for a claim of double case, there can be no legal or logical reason for preventing the
jeopardy. 38 Since jeopardy had not yet attached, herein other court from proceeding. 48 With much more reason will this
petitioners were not prejudiced by the filing ofthe new rule apply where only branches of the same court, and not
informations even though the order of dismissal in the prior case different courts, are involved in the jurisdictional conflict. LLpr
had not yet become final. Neither did it affect the
jurisdiction of the court in the subsequent case. LexLib There was no forum shopping in the lower court with respect to
the case involved. While the procedure adopted by the
In American legal practice, where a motion for an order of nolle prosecution was somewhat cumbersome, it was not in bad faith
prosequi is made, the only power to deny the motion would be and, accordingly, it did not affect the legality of the proceedings.
based on failure of the district attorney to judiciously exercise his There is no showing, and petitioners failed to prove otherwise,
discretion. 39 In most cases, the motion will be readily granted that the assignment by raffle of the new informations to another
and should not be refused unless the court has some knowledge branch of the same court was intended to prejudice herein
that it is based on an improper reason or a corrupt motive. But petitioners, or to place them under less favorable circumstances,
such a motion to dismiss will not also be approved unless or to find a court which would act favorably on the prosecution's
the court is satisfied that the administration of justice requires case.
that the prosecution be ended, or if there appears to be a clear
violation of the law. 40 Whatever may be the reason therefor, a The authority of the special prosecutor appointed by the
denial of the motion to withdraw should not be construed as a Secretary of Justice to sign and file informations has long been
denigration of the authority of the special prosecutor to control recognized in this jurisdiction and it has been held that such
and direct the prosecution of the case 41 , since the information cannot be quashed on that account. There is nothing
so sacrosanct in the signing of complaints, "Having been duly designated in accordance with law, the
holding of investigations, and conducting prosecutions that only panel of prosecutors had complete control of the investigation
an officer appointed by the President or one expressly and prosecution of the case. . . ."
empowered by law be permitted to assume these
functions. 49And any irregularity in the appointment does not 3. Petitioners similarly dispute the legality of their arraignment on
necessarily invalidate the same if he may be considered a de January 24, 1994, when Judge Pornillos entered a plea of not
facto officer. 50 guilty for them after they refused to plead, without furnishing
them copies of the information with the list of witnesses, after
Of course, where the person who signed the information was merely reading the informations against them and asking
disqualified from appointment to such position, the information is whether they understood the same, which were allegedly in
invalid and the court does not acquire jurisdiction to try the palpable violation of Section 1, Rule 116. Petitioners aver that
accused thereon. 51 Such is not, however, the situation they were requesting for the suspension of the arraignment as
obtaining in the case at bar. It will be noted that respondent they wanted to have a final copy of the order of January 24,
prosecutor was designated by the Secretary of Justice to handle 1994 which was merely read in open court, and to take the
the re-investigation and prosecution of the case against necessary steps to question the same by way of a motion for
petitioners pursuant to Department Order No. 369. Petitioners reconsideration or an appeal.
failed to show any irregularity in the issuance of said directive.
In criminal cases, it is the duty of the accused, in addition to the
At any rate, the power of supervision and control vested in the other pleas authorized by law, to plead whether he is guilty or
Secretary of Justice under Presidential Decree No. 1275 had not of the crime charged. In that way and in that way only can an
been broadened beyond the confines of the old law, that issue be created upon which the trial shall proceed. 53 Section
is, Section 1679 of the Revised Administrative Code, wherein the 1(c) of Rule 116 is quite explicit that where the accused refuses
power of the Secretary was then limited only to certain instances. to plead, a plea of not guilty shall be entered for him. Hence,
Pertinently, in Aguinaldo, et al. vs. Domagas, et al., 52 we said: under such mandatory language, if the accused refuses to plead,
the court must enter a plea of not guilty. The words are so plain
"The Court notes, however, that Department of Justice Order No. and unambiguous that no construction is necessary. It actually
85 was issued pursuant to, among others, P.D. No. 1275 issued calls for a literal application thereof. Any explanation or defense
on 11 April 1978 which provides: which petitioners would want to invoke can be properly raised
during the trial, but they cannot refuse to enter their plea.
'Section 1. Creation of the National Prosecution Service; Nonetheless, the alleged defect in their arraignment on January
Supervision and Control of the Secretary of Justice. There is 24, 1994 is deemed to have been cured when they were again
hereby created and established a National Prosecution Service arraigned on February 18, 1994 with the
under the supervision and control of the Secretary of Justice, to assistance ofcounsel de oficio, and the information was read to
be composed of the Prosecution Staff in the Office of the them in the vernacular.
Secretary of Justice and such number of Regional State
Prosecution Offices, and Provincial and City Fiscal's Offices as
are hereinafter provided, which shall be primarily responsible for
the investigation and prosecution of all cases involving In conclusion, considering that Branch 10 of the same
violations of penal laws. trial court handling Criminal Cases Nos. 4004-M-93 to 4007-M-
93 legally acquired jurisdiction over the new informations which
'The power of supervision and control vested in the we have likewise declared valid, petitioners may be prosecuted
Secretary of Justice vested in the Secretary of Justice includes thereunder.
the authority to act directly on any matter within the
jurisdiction of the Prosecution Staff, the Regional State II. On the Petition for Habeas Corpus
Prosecution Office or the Office of the Provincial or City Fiscal
and to review, modify or revoke any decision or action of the This petition is predicated mainly on petitioners' asseveration
Chief of said staff or office.' that the court which issued the warrant for their arrest had no
jurisdiction over the case, hence their detention should be
"The power of supervision and control vested in the deemed illegal.
Secretary of Justice under P.D. No. 1275 had thus been
broadened beyond the confines of the old law, i.e., Section We have earlier declared that Branch 10 of the
1679 of the Revised Administrative Code of 1917, where the trial court acquired jurisdiction over the new set of informations.
power of the Secretary of Justice to designate acting fiscals or Consequently, the warrant of arrest issued on the bases of said
prosecutors to handle a particular case was limited to instances informations filed therein and the subsequent detention of herein
'when a provincial fiscal shall be disqualified by personal interest petitioners pursuant thereto are valid. What instead has to be
to act in a particular case or when for any reason he shall be resolved is the corollary issue of whether the petition for habeas
unable, or shall fail to discharge any of the duties of his position.' corpus was properly filed together with their present petition for
Indeed, the limitation upon which petitioners rely no longer certiorari and mandamus.
subsisted under P.D. No. 1275.
The writs of habeas corpus and certiorari may be ancillary to
each other where necessary to give effect to the supervisory
powers of the higher courts. A writ of habeas corpus reaches the Honorato Galvez et al. now in the Regional
body and the jurisdictional matters, but not the record. A Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan, to the Executive Judge,
writ of certiorari reaches the record but not the body. Hence, a Regional Trial Court of Quezon City for raffle as one (a) single
writof habeas corpus may be used with the writ of certiorari for case among its branches and for the branch concerned, after
the purpose of review. 54 However, habeas corpus does not lie raffle, to proceed with all deliberate dispatch after the issues
where the petitioner has the remedyof appeal or certiorari raised in CA-G.R. SP No. 33261 have been resolved with
because it will not be permitted to perform the functions of a finality." 61
writ of error or appeal for the purpose of reviewing mere errors or
irregularities in the proceedings of a court having jurisdiction As a consequence, the seven informations which were docketed
over the person and the subject matter. 55 as Criminal Cases Nos. Q-94-55481 to Q-94-55487 were
assigned to and are now pending trial on the merits before
Neither can we grant the writ at this stage since a writ of habeas Branch 103 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, presided
corpus is not intended as a substitute for the functions of the over by Judge Jaime N. Salazar, Jr. Petitioners now assert that
trial court. In the absence ofexceptional circumstances, the Judge Salazar and Prosecutor Villa-Ignacio proceeded with the
orderly course of trial should be pursued and the usual remedies trial of the cases despite the aforestated directives in the above
exhausted before the writ may be invoked. Habeas corpus is not cited resolutions. We find no merit in the motion to cite them for
ordinarily available in advance of trial to determine jurisdictional contempt.
questions that may arise. 56 It has to be an exceptional case for
the writ of habeas corpus to be available to an accused before The records reveal that there was a manifestation dated May 31,
trial. 57 In the absence of special circumstances requiring 1994 62 filed by the Solicitor General wherein the latter
immediate action, a court will not grant the writ and discharge manifested his conformity to the agreement made between the
the prisoner in advance of a determination of his case prosecution and the defense before Judge Salazar, the pertinent
in court. 58 In the case under consideration, petitioners have part of which agreement is as follows:
dismally failed to adduse any justification or exceptional
circumstance which would warrant the grant of the writ, hence "1. During the hearing on May 26, 1994, the prosecution, through
their petition therefor has to be denied. Senior State Prosecutor Dennis Villa-Ignacio, the defense
through Justice Alfredo Lazaro, and this Honorable Court agreed
In addition, a petition for habeas corpus is not the appropriate that the trial in these cases shall proceed on condition that: (a)
vehicle for asserting a right to bail or vindicating its denial. In the the defense shall not be deemed to have waived any issue or
case of Enrile vs. Salazar, etc., et al., 59 we held that: objection it has raised before the Supreme Court in G.R. No.
114046; and (b) that the trial shall also be without prejudice to
"The criminal case before the respondent Judge was the normal whatever decision and resolution the Supreme Court may render
venue for invoking the petitioner's right to have provisional liberty in the case before it."
pending trial and judgment. The original jurisdiction to grant or
deny bail rested with said respondent. The correct course was Counsel for petitioners, retired Justice Alfredo Lazaro, takes
for petitioner to invoke that jurisdiction by filing a petition to be issue with said agreement on the pretension that the same is not
admitted to bail, claiming a right to bail per se by reason of the the true agreement of the parties, but he failed to state what they
weakness of the evidence against him. Only after that remedy actually agreed upon. Withal, the resolutions of this Court in the
was denied by the trialcourt should the review petition for change of venue, as well as the cease and desist
jurisdiction of this Court have been invoked, and even then, not order issued therein, are clearly directed against the two
without first applying to the Court of Appeals if appropriate relief aforenamed regional trial judges in Malolos, Bulacan. By no
was also available there." stretch of the imagination can we interpret the same to include
Judge Jaime N. Salazar, Jr. of Quezon City. LexLib
III. On the Motion to Cite for Contempt
For that matter, the issues involved in this petition for certiorari
The records show that on February 24, 1994, this Court issued a do not necessarily require a suspension of the proceedings
temporary restraining order, pursuant to its resolution in before the present trial courtconsidering that the main petition
Administrative Matter No. 94-1-13-RTC which is a petition for hinges only on a determination of which set of informations shall
change of venue filed by the Vinculados, requiring Judges Felipe constitute the indictments against petitioners and for which
N. Villajuan and Victoria Villalon-Pornillos to cease and desist charges they shall stand trial. Whichever set of informations
from hearing the criminal cases involving herein petitioners prevails, the evidence of the prosecution and defense will more
which were pending before them. 60 or less be the same and can be utilized for the charges therein.
Hence, no cogent reason exists for the suspension of the
Subsequently, another resolution was issued in said cases, proceedings before the court below.
dated March 1, 1994, with the following directive:
As a final word, while it may well be that both sets of information
"ACCORDINGLY, without prejudice to the final determination as validly exist for the nonce, to allow both of them to subsist will
to which of the two (2) sets of information will be upheld or only serve to confuse and complicate the proceedings in the
prevail, the Executive Judge ofthe Regional cases therein. Brushing aside procedural technicalities,
Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan is hereby directed to transfer all therefore, it becomes exigent to now consider and declare the
the aforementioned criminal cases filed against Mayor four informations for murder, frustrated murder and illegal
possession of firearms as having amended and superseded the immediately asked Lolita where they could find her son Bong.
original three informations for homicide and frustrated homicide, Before Lolita could answer, the guard saw Bong and told him
there being no substantial rights of herein petitioners which may that he and Ben should go with them to the security office of
be affected thereby. Correspondingly, the three informations for Asian Land because a complaint was lodged against them for
homicide and frustrated homicide should be ordered withdrawn theft of electric wires and lamps in the subdivision. 9
from the Quezon City trial court's docket.
Shortly thereafter, Bong, Lolita and Ben were in the office of the
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered DISMISSING the security department of Asian Land also located in Grand Royale
petition for certiorari and mandamus together with the petition for Subdivision. 10 The supervisor of the security guards, petitioner
habeas corpus; DENYING, for lack of merit, the motion to cite Edgardo Navia (Navia), also arrived thereat.
respondent judge and prosecutor for contempt and to annul
proceedings; and ORDERING the withdrawal and As to what transpired next, the parties' respective versions
invalidation ofthe three informations for homicide and frustrated diverge.
homicide against petitioners from the docket of Branch
103 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City. Version of the Petitioners

SO ORDERED. Petitioners alleged that they invited Bong and Ben to their office
because they received a report from a certain Mrs. Emphasis, a
||| (Galvez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 114046, [October 24, resident of Grand Royale Subdivision, that she saw Bong and
1994]) Ben removing a lamp from a post in said subdivision. 11 The
reported unauthorized taking of the lamp was relayed thru radio
to petitioners Ruben Dio (Dio) and Andrew Buising (Buising),
who both work as security guards at the Asian Land security
EN BANC department. Following their department's standard operating
procedure, Dio and Buising entered the report in their logbook
[G.R. No. 184467. June 19, 2012.] and proceeded to the house of Mrs. Emphasis. It was there
where Dio and Buising were able to confirm who the suspects
were. They thus repaired to the house of Lolita where Bong and
BUISING, petitioners, vs. VIRGINIA PARDICO, for and in
Ben were staying to invite the two suspects to their office. Bong
behalf and in representation of
and Ben voluntarily went with them. TDAHCS
BENHUR V.PARDICO, respondent.
At the security office, Dio and Buising interviewed Bong and Ben.
The suspects admitted that they took the lamp but clarified that
DEL CASTILLO, J p: they were only transferring it to a post nearer to the house of
Lolita. 12 Soon, Navia arrived and Buising informed him that the
For the protective writ of amparo to issue in enforced complainant was not keen in participating in the investigation.
disappearance cases, allegation and proof that the persons Since there was no complainant, Navia ordered the release of
subject thereof are missing are not enough. It must also be Bong and Ben. Bong then signed a statement to the effect that
shown by the required quantum of proof that their disappearance the guards released him without inflicting any harm or injury to
was carried out by, "or with the authorization, support or him. 13 His mother Lolita also signed the logbook below an entry
acquiescence of, [the government] or a political organization, which states that she will never again harbor or entertain Ben in
followed by a refusal to acknowledge [the same or] give her house. Thereafter, Lolita and Bong left the security office.
information on the fate or whereabouts of [said missing]
persons." 3 Ben was left behind as Navia was still talking to him about those
who might be involved in the reported loss of electric wires and
This petition for review on certiorari 4 filed in relation to Section lamps within the subdivision. After a brief discussion
19 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC 5 challenges the July 24, 2008 though, Navia allowed Ben to leave. Ben also affixed his
Decision 6 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 20, Malolos signature on the logbook to affirm the statements entered by the
City which granted the Petition for Writ of Amparo 7 filed by guards that he was released unharmed and without any
herein respondent against the petitioners. injury. 14

Factual Antecedents Upon Navia's instructions, Dio and Buising went back to the
house of Lolita to make her sign the logbook as witness that they
On March 31, 2008, at around 8:30 p.m., a vehicle of Asian Land indeed released Ben from their custody. Lolita asked Buising to
Strategies Corporation 8 (Asian Land) arrived at the house of read aloud that entry in the logbook where she was being asked
Lolita M. Lapore (Lolita) located at 7A Lot 9, Block 54, Grand to sign, to which Buising obliged. Not contented, Lolita put on her
Royale Subdivision, Barangay Lugam, Malolos City. The arrival reading glasses and read the entry in the logbook herself before
of the vehicle awakened Lolita's son, Enrique Lapore (Bong), affixing her signature therein. After which, the guards left.
and Benhur Pardico (Ben), who were then both staying in her
house. When Lolita went out to investigate, she saw two Subsequently, petitioners received an invitation 15 from the
uniformed guards disembarking from the vehicle. One of them Malolos City Police Station requesting them to appear thereat on
April 17, 2008 relative to the complaint of She then looked for Ben, asked around, and went to
Virginia Pardico (Virginia) about her missing husband Ben. In the barangay. Since she could not still find her husband, Virginia
compliance with the invitation, all three petitioners appeared at reported the matter to the police.
the Malolos City Police Station. However, since Virginia was not
present despite having received the same invitation, the meeting In the course of the investigation on Ben's disappearance, it
was reset to April 22, 2008. 16 dawned upon Lolita that petitioners took advantage of her poor
eyesight and naivete. They made her sign the logbook as a
On April 22, 2008, Virginia attended the investigation. Petitioners witness that they already released Ben when in truth and in fact
informed her that they released Ben and that they have no she never witnessed his actual release. The last time she saw
information as to his present whereabouts.17 They assured Ben was when she left him in petitioners' custody at the security
Virginia though that they will cooperate and help in the office. 27
investigation of her missing husband. 18
Exasperated with the mysterious disappearance of her husband,
Version of the Respondent Virginia filed a Petition for Writ of Amparo 28 before the RTC of
Malolos City. Finding the petition sufficient in form and
According to respondent, Bong and Ben were not merely invited. substance, the amparo court issued an Order 29 dated June 26,
They were unlawfully arrested, shoved into the Asian Land 2008 directing, among others, the issuance of a writ
vehicle and brought to the security office for investigation. Upon of amparo and the production of the body of Ben before it on
seeing Ben at the security office, Navia lividly grumbled "Ikaw na June 30, 2008. Thus:
naman?" 19 and slapped him while he was still seated. Ben
begged for mercy, but his pleas were met with a flurry of WHEREFORE, conformably with Section 6 of the Supreme
punches coming from Navia hitting him on different parts of his Court Resolution [in] A.M. No. 07-[9]-12-SC, also known as
body. 20 Navia then took hold of his gun, looked at Bong, and "The Rule on the Writ of Amparo", let a writ of amparo be issued,
said, "Wala kang nakita at wala kang narinig, papatayin ko na si as follows:
Ben." 21
(1) ORDERING [petitioners] Edgardo Navia, Ruben Dio and
Bong admitted that he and Ben attempted to take the lamp. He Andrew Buising of the Asian Land Security Agency to produce
explained that the area where their house is located is very dark before the Court the body of aggrieved party Benhur Pardico, on
and his father had long been asking the administrator of Grand Monday, June 30, 2008, at 10:30 a.m.;
Royale Subdivision to install a lamp to illumine their area. But
since nothing happened, he took it upon himself to take a lamp (2) ORDERING the holding of a summary hearing of the petition
from one of the posts in the subdivision and transfer it to a post on the aforementioned date and time, and DIRECTING the
near their house. However, the lamp Bong got was no longer [petitioners] to personally appear thereat;
working. Thus, he reinstalled it on the post from which he took it
and no longer pursued his plan. 22 (3) COMMANDING [petitioners] Edgardo Navia, Ruben Dio and
Andrew Buising to file, within a non-extendible period of seventy-
Later on, Lolita was instructed to sign an entry in the guard's two (72) hours from service of the writ, a verified written return
logbook where she undertook not to allow Ben to stay in her with supporting affidavits which shall, among other things,
house anymore. 23 Thereafter, Navia again asked Lolita to sign contain the following:
the logbook. Upon Lolita's inquiry as to why she had to sign
again, Navia explained that they needed proof that they released a) The lawful defenses to show that the [petitioners] did not
her son Bong unharmed but that Ben had to stay as the latter's violate or threaten with violation the right to life, liberty and
case will be forwarded to the barangay. Since she has poor security of the aggrieved party, through any act or omission;
eyesight, Lolita obligingly signed the logbook without reading it
b) The steps or actions taken by the [petitioners] to determine
and then left with Bong. 24 At that juncture, Ben grabbed Bong
the fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the person or
and pleaded not to be left alone. However, since they were afraid
persons responsible for the threat, act or omission; and
of Navia, Lolita and Bong left the security office at once leaving
Ben behind. 25 EHCcIT c) All relevant information in the possession of the [petitioners]
pertaining to the threat, act or omission against the aggrieved
Moments after Lolita and Bong reached their house, Buising
arrived and asked Lolita to sign the logbook again. Lolita asked
Buising why she had to sign again when she already twice (4) GRANTING, motu proprio, a Temporary Protection Order
signed the logbook at the headquarters. Buising assured her that prohibiting the [petitioners], or any persons acting for and in their
what she was about to sign only pertains to Bong's release. behalf, under pain of contempt, from threatening, harassing or
Since it was dark and she has poor eyesight, Lolita took inflicting any harm to [respondent], his immediate family and any
Buising's word and signed the logbook without, again, reading [member] of his household.
what was written in it. 26
The Branch Sheriff is directed to immediately serve personally
The following morning, Virginia went to the Asian Land security on the [petitioners], at their address indicated in the petition,
office to visit her husband Ben, but only to be told that petitioners copies of the writ as well as this order, together with copies of the
had already released him together with Bong the night before. petition and its annexes. 30
A Writ of Amparo 31 was accordingly issued and served on the 4.1.2. WHETHER . . . RESPONDENT SUFFICIENTLY
petitioners on June 27, 2008. 32 On June 30, 2008, petitioners ESTABLISHED THE FACT OF THE DISAPPEARANCE OF
filed their Compliance 33 praying for the denial of the petition for BENHUR PARDICO. cSHATC
lack of merit. CHIaTc
A summary hearing was thereafter conducted. Petitioners ESTABLISH THAT THE ALLEGED DISAPPEARANCE OF
presented the testimony of Buising, while Virginia submitted the BENHUR PARDICO WAS AT THE INSTANCE OF HEREIN
sworn statements 34 of Lolita and Enrique which the two PETITIONERS. 39
affirmed on the witness stand.
Petitioners' Arguments
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
Petitioners essentially assail the sufficiency of
On July 24, 2008, the trial court issued the challenged the amparo petition. They contend that the writ of amparo is
Decision 35 granting the petition. It disposed as follows: available only in cases where the factual and legal bases of the
violation or threatened violation of the aggrieved party's right to
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby grants the privilege of the writ life, liberty and security are clear. Petitioners assert that in the
of amparo, and deems it proper and appropriate, as follows: case at bench, Virginia miserably failed to establish all these.
First, the petition is wanting on its face as it failed to state with
(a) To hereby direct the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to some degree of specificity the alleged unlawful act or omission
immediately conduct a deep and thorough investigation of the of the petitioners constituting a violation of or a threat to Ben's
[petitioners] Edgardo Navia, Ruben Dio and Andrew Buising in right to life, liberty and security. And second, it cannot be
connection with the circumstances surrounding the deduced from the evidence Virginia adduced that Ben is missing;
disappearance of [Benhur] Pardico, utilizing in the process, as or that petitioners had a hand in his alleged disappearance. On
part of the investigation, the documents forming part of the the other hand, the entries in the logbook which bear the
records of this case; signatures of Ben and Lolita are eloquent proof that petitioners
released Ben on March 31, 2008 at around 10:30 p.m.
(b) To hereby direct the NBI to extend to the family of
Petitioners thus posit that the trial court erred in issuing the writ
[Benhur] Pardico and the witnesses who testified in this case
and in holding them responsible for Ben's disappearance.
protection as it may deem necessary to secure their safety and
security; and Our Ruling

(c) To hereby direct the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Virginia's Petition for Writ of Amparo is fatally defective and must
Bulacan to investigate the circumstances concerning the legality perforce be dismissed, but not for the reasons adverted to by the
of the arrest of [Benhur] Pardico by the [petitioners] in this case, petitioners.
utilizing in the process, as part of said investigation, the pertinent
documents and admissions forming part of the record of this A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC or The Rule on the Writ of Amparo was
case, and take whatever course/s of action as may be promulgated to arrest the rampant extralegal killings and
warranted. enforced disappearances in the country. Its purpose is to provide
an expeditious and effective relief "to any person whose right to
Furnish immediately copies of this decision to the NBI, through life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by
the Office of Director Nestor Mantaring, and to the Provincial an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of
Prosecutor of Bulacan. a private individual or entity." 40

SO ORDERED. 36 Here, Ben's right to life, liberty and security is firmly settled as
the parties do not dispute his identity as the same person
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration 37 which was
summoned and questioned at petitioners' security office on the
denied by the trial court in an Order 38 dated August 29, 2008.
night of March 31, 2008. Such uncontroverted fact ipso
Hence, this petition raising the following issues for our facto established Ben's inherent and constitutionally enshrined
consideration: right to life, liberty and security. Article 6 41 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 42 recognizes every
4.1. WHETHER . . . THE HONORABLE TRIAL COURT human being's inherent right to life, while Article 9 43 thereof
GRAVELY ERRED IN RULING THAT RESPONDENT IS ordains that everyone has the right to liberty and security. The
ENTITLED TO THE PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF AMPARO. right to life must be protected by law while the right to liberty and
security cannot be impaired except on grounds provided by and
4.1.1. WHETHER . . . RESPONDENT WAS ABLE TO in accordance with law. This overarching command against
ESTABLISH THAT PETITIONERS HAVE COMMITTED OR ARE deprivation of life, liberty and security without due process of law
COMMITTING ACTS IN VIOLATION OF HER HUSBAND'S is also embodied in our fundamental law. 44
The pivotal question now that confronts us is whether Ben's
disappearance as alleged in Virginia's petition and proved during
the summary proceedings conducted before the court a
quo, falls within the ambit of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC and relevant From the statutory definition of enforced disappearance, thus,
laws. we can derive the following elements that constitute it: HcaDIA

It does not. Section 1 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC provides: (a) that there be an arrest, detention, abduction or any form of
deprivation of liberty;
SECTION 1. Petition. The petition for a writ of amparo is a
remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and (b) that it be carried out by, or with the authorization, support or
security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act acquiescence of, the State or a political organization;
or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private
individual or entity. (c) that it be followed by the State or political organization's
refusal to acknowledge or give information on the fate or
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced whereabouts of the person subject of theamparo petition; and,
disappearances or threats thereof. (Emphasis ours.)
(d) that the intention for such refusal is to remove subject person
While Section 1 provides A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC's coverage, said from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time.
Rules does not, however, define extralegal killings and enforced
disappearances. This omission was intentional as the Committee As thus dissected, it is now clear that for the protective writ
on Revision of the Rules of Court which drafted A.M. No. 07-9- of amparo to issue, allegation and proof that the persons subject
12-SC chose to allow it to evolve through time and jurisprudence thereof are missing are not enough. It must also be shown and
and through substantive laws as may be promulgated by proved by substantial evidence that the disappearance was
Congress. 45 Then, the budding jurisprudence carried out by, or with the authorization, support or acquiescence
on amparo blossomed in Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis 46 when this Court of, the State or a political organization, followed by a refusal to
defined enforced disappearances. The Court in that case applied acknowledge the same or give information on the fate or
the generally accepted principles of international law and whereabouts of said missing persons, with the intention of
adopted the International Convention for the Protection of All removing them from the protection of the law for a prolonged
Persons from Enforced Disappearance's definition of enforced period of time. Simply put, the petitioner in an amparo case has
disappearances, as "the arrest, detention, abduction or any other the burden of proving by substantial evidence the indispensable
form of deprivation of liberty by agents of the State or by persons element of government participation.
or groups of persons acting with the authorization, support or
acquiescence of the State, followed by a refusal to acknowledge In the present case, we do not doubt Bong's testimony
the deprivation of liberty or by concealment of the fate or that Navia had a menacing attitude towards Ben and that he
whereabouts of the disappeared person, which place such a slapped and inflicted fistic blows upon him. Given the
person outside the protection of the law." 47 circumstances and the pugnacious character of Navia at that
time, his threatening statement, "Wala kang nakita at wala kang
Not long thereafter, another significant development narinig, papatayin ko na si Ben,"cannot be taken lightly. It
affecting A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC came about after Congress unambiguously showed his predisposition at that time. In
enacted Republic Act (RA) No. 9851 48 on December 11, 2009. addition, there is nothing on record which would support
Section 3 (g) thereof defines enforced or involuntary petitioners' assertion that they released Ben on the night of
disappearances as follows: March 31, 2008 unscathed from their wrath. Lolita sufficiently
explained how she was prodded into affixing her signatures in
(g) "Enforced or involuntary disappearance of persons" means the logbook without reading the entries therein. And so far, the
the arrest, detention, or abduction of persons by, or with the information petitioners volunteered are sketchy at best, like the
authorization, support or acquiescence of, a State or a political alleged complaint of Mrs. Emphasis who was never identified or
organization followed by a refusal to acknowledge that presented in court and whose complaint was never reduced in
deprivation of freedom or to give information on the fate or writing.
whereabouts of those persons, with the intention of removing
from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time. But lest it be overlooked, in an amparo petition, proof of
disappearance alone is not enough. It is likewise essential to
Then came Rubrico v. Macapagal-Arroyo 49 where Justice establish that such disappearance was carried out with the direct
Arturo D. Brion wrote in his Separate Opinion that with the or indirect authorization, support or acquiescence of the
enactment of RA No. 9851, "the Rule on the Writ ofAmparo is government. This indispensable element of State participation is
now a procedural law anchored, not only on the constitutional not present in this case. The petition does not contain any
rights to the rights to life, liberty and security, but on a concrete allegation of State complicity, and none of the evidence
statutory definition as well of what an 'enforced or involuntary presented tend to show that the government or any of its agents
disappearance' is." 50 Therefore, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC's orchestrated Ben's disappearance. In fact, none of its agents,
reference to enforced disappearances should be construed to officials, or employees were impleaded or implicated in
mean the enforced or involuntary disappearance of persons Virginia's amparo petition whether as responsible or accountable
contemplated in Section 3 (g) of RA No. 9851. Meaning, in persons. 51 Thus, in the absence of an allegation or proof that
probing enforced disappearance cases, courts should readA.M. the government or its agents had a hand in Ben's disappearance
No. 07-9-12-SC in relation to RA No. 9851. or that they failed to exercise extraordinary diligence in
investigating his case, the Court will definitely not hold the
government or its agents either as responsible or accountable ambit of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC in relation to RA No. 9851, the
persons. disappearance must be attended by some governmental
involvement. This hallmark of State participation differentiates an
We are aware that under Section 1 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC a enforced disappearance case from an ordinary case of a missing
writ of amparo may lie against a private individual or entity. But person.
even if the person sought to be held accountable or responsible
in an amparo petition is a private individual or entity, still, WHEREFORE, the July 24, 2008 Decision of the Regional Trial
government involvement in the disappearance remains an Court, Branch 20, Malolos City, is REVERSED and SET
indispensable element. Here, petitioners are mere security ASIDE. The Petition for Writ of Amparo filed by
guards at Grand Royale Subdivision in Brgy. Lugam, Malolos Virginia Pardico is hereby DISMISSED.
City and their principal, the Asian Land, is a private entity. They
do not work for the government and nothing has been presented SO ORDERED.
that would link or connect them to some covert police, military or
governmental operation. As discussed above, to fall within the ||| (Navia v. Pardico, G.R. No. 184467, [June 19, 2012], 688
PHIL 266-282)

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