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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

3 hours of Schools Sport

So, 3 hours of school sport is part of the new Pupil Guarantee in the Government White paper on 21st century
schools. What does 3 hours of school sport look like? How are schools to achieve this target?

First of all, it’s important to understand what is meant by ‘School Sport’. Broadly speaking, School Sport is anything
‘delivered, organised or commissioned by the school’.

Obviously this includes curriculum time, but beyond that, what else counts? Ideas might be:

• Structured, active break and lunch times, both wet and dry
• Timetabled bursts of activity such as ‘Wake and Shake’
• School competitions, both between pupils in the same school and between school teams
• Out of school hours clubs
• School Sport Leadership training for pupils beyond the curriculum
• Pupils taking part in sports leadership activities scheduled by the school
• Physical Activity delivered in school facilities by other agencies, clubs or groups, including those
in the evenings and at weekends
• Sessions organised by the school at other sporting venues

And the maths? Assuming 2 hours curriculum PE exists, schools need to find an additional hour a week FOR
EVERY CHILD, or 40 hours per year.

In a primary school of 180 pupils that equates to provision of one hour long ‘out of hours’ sports clubs with a capacity of
20 pupils a week (targeted at different age groups!) OR timetabled activity bursts of 12 minutes a day for every child.

In a primary school of 360 pupils, 18 one hour out of hours clubs would need to be provided. In a secondary school of
1000, 50 out of school hours clubs a week would be required!

Unpicking this target, certain challenges and considerations come to mind:

• Schools with less than 2 hours on the curriculum will find reaching this target almost impossible
• On top of curriculum time, out of school hours activities will need to be carefully timetabled,
monitored and planned across the whole year, and in order to achieve the man power needed to
deliver this schedule, other deliverers such as coaches and sports leaders will also need to be
• A breadth of activities will be needed to engage all children and young people
• Activity bursts are a great way to reach the extra hour, but these would ideally need to be part of
the school day for every pupil
• Reliance solely on out of hours clubs will make the target very difficult to reach, especially for
larger schools
• Many school sport activities, such as active break sessions, school sport leadership and
competitions, affect groups of children rather than the whole cohort. Registers and other ways of
tracking involvement will be crucial in order to demonstrate achievement of the Pupil Guarantee
• Schools may need to consider how their ‘sporting facilities’ can be opened up in order to extend
further provision to their pupils and community
• The school sport offer will need to be attractive, accessible, appropriate and affordable in order to maximise
take up
Despite the challenges of this target, we at Warrington School Sport Partnership do believe it is achievable, and above all
For further reading, please download the new Guide to Delivering the 5 Hour Offer from
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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

Dates for your Diary Snippets

Please welcome Richard Murphy to our Warrington’s
growing team of sports officers. Richard is the town’s
Basketball Development Officer and will be working closely
GYM CLUB Competition
Thank you for all the entries we received
On October 31st Broomfields Lesiure Centre opened its
with schools developing the sport throughout
doors to a new Gymnastic club. Bridgewater Gymnastics capturing your school’s ‘Olympic Spirit’.
Warrington. Richard has close links with the Cheshire
Jets and invites young people to come and try out Development Club offers two different types of gymnastic We are pleased to announce that the
the sport for FREE at one of the following disciplines 'General’ and ‘Rhythmic Gymnastics'.
sessions: winner is Cinnamon Brow C.E. Primary
Great Sankey Jets Orford Jets The club, now running on a Saturday mornings from
Sankey Leisure Centre William Beamont High 9 - 11am, is currently taking on new members between School’s photograph, entitled :-
yrs 7-12 Sat 9:30 - 11:00 yrs 7-12 Sat 9:00 - 10:30 the ages of 4 - 11 years of age.
yrs 13-18 Sat 11:00 - 12:30 ysr13-18 Sat 10:30 - 12:00

Culcheth Jets Bridgewater Jets

Class times are as follows:
9-10am (4-6 years) and 10-11am (7-11years).
Culcheth High School Bridgewater High School
yrs 7-18 Fri 17:00 - 19:00 years 7-12 Tue 18:00 - 19:30 Any one interested should contact
years 13-18 Tue 19:30 - 21:00
Club Coach Bev Smith 07724270909.
For further information anyone interested should contact
With Spring on its way we are looking for you to put the ‘spring’ into your step!
Warrington Collegiate to run Easter Holidays Sports Camps!
Secure resource and virtual competition areas are about to go live on our website. PLTs and SSCos can log
Week 1:- Monday 29th • Tuesday 30th • Wednesday 31th • Thursday 1st April on using the ‘credit cards’ given out at the PE conference last year. The first set of challenges available will
Week 2:- Tuesday 6th • Wednesday 7th • Thursday 8th • Friday 9th be virtual skipping competitions. We are looking for the school with the most participants registered by the
end of the summer term. The most active ‘skipping school’ will win a class set of ropes and a skipping
Both sport camps will be held at the Roger Hunt building and will include football, basketball, rugby league and multi-sports. DVD resource.
For further information then please contact Paul Walker on 01925 494389 or Prizes will also be awarded to the individuals/teams with the highest scores in each challenge.

So dust off those skipping ropes and get JUMPING!

Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week 28th June – 2nd July 2010
This unique event uses the power of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games to
inspire more young people to take part in more sport.
It provides an excellent opportunity to embed the Olympic and Paralympic Values in your
school’s sporting activity.
Read all about it..!
Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week is integral to the delivery of the Government’s PE and in this issue...
Sport Strategy for Young People and contributing towards the target of offering young people
five hours of high quality PE and sport a week by 2012

Don’t leave it to the last minute! Log on for further information:

Sport Relief – one the UK's biggest fundraising events – is back from Friday 19th to
Sunday 21st March 2010. So get ready to rise to the challenge!
Leadership Academy events p7 Volleyball Dives in p11 Parkour has arrived p17
Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise cash and change
lives. By doing sport, having fun and raising money, everyone can do good and
Our newsletter is distributed 3 times a year so if you have any articles you wish to send in, the deadline for the next
feel good.
issue is 31.3.10 All contributions should be emailed to:
To find out more log on to
Please note we do try to publish as many articles as possible, but in the circumstance we cannot guarantee that your
news will be included. We will of course put ALL articles on our website.

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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

High Quality PE Snapshots

Warrington received fantastic news recently when it was accepted for early entry into the
Building Schools for the Future programme, in which PE and School Sport has a vital and Parkour arrives in Warrington
exciting part to play. PE staff are starting to include ‘free running’ in lessons to stop and children in detention centres.
pupils practising the daredevil pursuit in public places. Pupils at Grappenhall Hall School in Warrington, a specialist centre
Teachers are including potentially dangerous ìfree runningî in PE for those with emotional and behavioural difficulties, now have
Consultation events and documents will be coming out in the coming months and your lessons to keep pupils safe after communities their own 70sq ft parkour unit, with split levels and cushioned
views and opinions are important as we move forward. complained they flooring thanks to a funding of £14,000 from the local School
Sports Partnership, the Big Lottery Fund and the Shepherd Street
Trust. It is thought to be one of the first units of its kind in the
Below is an extract of the letter from Kath O’Dwyer, Executive Director of Warrington country.
Children and Young Peoples’ Services:- Graham Chatterley, PE teacher, started free running sessions in
the school gym, with the help of experts, after reports his pupils
were trying out the sport locally.
“They were getting in trouble for climbing on roofs and we thought
“It is my pleasure to officially confirm that we have received confirmation that we have been accepted onto those skills could be focused. There’s lots of similarities with
gymnastics, we can teach it without children getting into trouble.”
the Building Schools for the Future programme (BSF) which will result in a multi million pound cash injection The school’s foray into free running has made Mr Chatterley
to regenerate and rejuvenate four more high schools in the borough and transform learning for our young interested in providing other urban sports for pupils. As well as the
people: parkour unit, the school will soon make use of skateboarding
were being ramps and a football cage. The pupils go climbing every week
terrorised by untrained children attempting the and Olympic boxing champion Courtney Fry is a school mentor,
William Beamont High School, Orford (rebuild) underground urban sport. working with boys in danger of antisocial behaviour through the
Penketh High School, Penketh (rebuild) The boom in popularity of parkour has left children desperate to Respect Athlete Mentoring Programme (RAMP). A launch event to
emulate the discipline – but they are putting themselves and introduce pupils to urban sports was held
Lysander High School, Padgate (modernise) buildings at risk by experimenting in on 4th November at the school.
Sir Thomas Boteler CE High School, Latchford (modernise) public places. “Mainstream PE lessons often start with
PE staff in both secondary theory, but in special schools we just get
and special schools say pupils started and keep them active,î Mr
The next stage is to submit more detailed plans as part of our £80million bid for consideration before a they have been left with little Chatterley said. ìIt’s much better to teach
decision is made on the final amount of funding, which we expect in the new year. option but to include the them how to do this sport safely.”
Work will start at the following schools from summer 2011 onwards. daredevil sport – which sees
participants using buildings, WHAT IS PARKOUR??
I am sure you will agree the children and young people of Warrington deserve modern schools and the roofs and street furniture as • The aim of parkour is to go from A to B
very best facilities. Thanks to this successful BSF bid, within the next three or four years 10's of 1000's of an urban obstacle course – using only the human body to overcome
on the curriculum so they can obstacles. Those who practise the sport
current and future pupils of the borough will enjoy the opportunity to reach their potential in a thoroughly
give pupils training. are called a traceur (male) or traceuse
modern learning environment. But they also believe parkour (female).
could be a valuable addition to • To move around the urban architecture
the timetable, particularly for children with social and emotional free runners need strength, speed and balance. Fans say it helps
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have contributed to this success and look them to develop mental clarity, confidence and self-discipline.
problems who lack confidence. Increasing numbers of
forward to seeing our plans turn into a reality!” educational programmes are being set up. • Free running can be seen at the beginning of the James Bond
Free running has elements of gymnastics and martial arts. Schools film Casino Royale.
are building dedicated parkour areas with soft flooring to make it • Senior physical instructors from the Royal Marines have been
safer for pupils. using elements of parkour to train new cadets.
The new investment into these facilities can only help us to provide the best PE, School and
Jean-Paul Jesstiece, who runs educational programmes for a firm
Community Sport offer possible. run by urban performers, says schools now realise the huge
popularity of the sport.
“The problem we have at the moment is that councils regularly
complain to organisations like us that children are causing
damage by running over cars and buildings. What they need is a
safe haven to train in and that doesn’t exist – leisure centres ban
children practising unless they are supervised,î he said.
ìWhat we teach pupils is that with the great power of learning
parkour comes great responsibility. We educate them not to
Building schools for the future damage buildings.”
Consultation on a new approach to capital investment Mr Jesstiece said the discipline of the sport helps children to learn
respect. He is increasingly being asked to teach young offenders
with thanks to Guardian Newspapers

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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

Snapshots High Quality PE


The midday assistants at Woolston Community Primary school recently Please find below an outline of some of training on offer over the coming year.
received Phys Kids training to help develop fun activities into the
playground with the children during playtimes. It was a really valuable
Title of Course Target Audience Date Time Location
experience which was well received by everyone involved, and is now Bruche Community Primary
The Use of ITC in PE Primary & Secondary 2nd February 1 - 4pm
School - Infant Hall
becoming a much more high profile aspect of school life. The training
has had a big impact across the whole school. The number of children Health Related Fitness Secondary 24th February 4 - 6pm TBC

actively involved in organised activities has increased, midday assistants Bruche Community Primary
Health Related Fitness Primary 25th February 1 - 4pm
School - Infant Hall
have enjoyed organising extra games in the playground and built better
Gifted in PE, talented
relationships with the children, and the Play Buddies leadership scheme Upper KS2 & Secondary 12th Mach 9.30-3.30 TBC
in sport?
has developed with the help of mentoring provided by the midday Profound & Multiple
Elements 16th & 17th March TBC 9.30-3.30 TBC
assistants. The Play Buddies are now working alongside the midday learning difficulties

supervisors in the playground, delivering more games for the younger Bruche Community Primary
NQT PE Gymnastics Primary 18th March 1-3.30
School - Infant Hall
children to take part in during their free time.
Learning in and Bruche Community Primary
Primary 4th & 11th March 4 - 6pm
We hope to develop the good work that is taking place in the through dance School - Infant Hall

playgrounds with continued support throughout the year. Athletics KS2 15th March 1 - 4pm
Bruche Community Primary
School - Infant Hall

For further information or to register on a course online please visit or contact the Borough


Some quotes from previous delegates:

"It was delivered in an engaging, practical way" (KS1 teacher)
"All PE courses have been beneficial" (Primary NQT)
"Excellent day. I have learned a lot and think it will really improve my planning". (Secondary teacher)

Are you getting prepared for 2012?

This is a once in a lifetime
Make sure your school benefits –
register at:
Here you will find a host of resources to use in the classroom related to the 7 Olympic Values of:
Penketh High School Yr 7 girls have been learning about diet and training methods with a target of running
a mile for the Breast Cancer Charity. The photo above is of all the girsl taking part in the Sponsored Fun Run Friendship • Courage • Determination • Excellence
they did at the end of all their training around the Penketh area – they have raised over £600 so far! As you
can see it was a fun event with all of them making an effort to dress up. The target was reached by all of
Equality • Respect • Inspiration
them and the charity run inspired them to try really hard. The run was completed during their PE Lesson. Members will be automatically updated with news/events – REGISTER NOW!!

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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

Volunteering & Leadership Competition

Warrington Leadership Academy is

basically a sports leadership club for
students aged between 14-19. These
students are encouraged and supported
by the Warrington School Sport
Partnership and its partners to be active
sports leaders in school or in community
environments. Sport Xtra is all about providing innovative sporty events for the young people in Warrington
High schools who do not, in general, participate in regular school competitions.
They are monitored by the SSP and their
schools/colleges through the use of the
Wii 2 Real, 24th February 2010 Halo night club, Warrington
A World exclusive event where Warrington’s young people can take part in a range of brilliant activities that include;
online ‘Step into Sport’ Passport system
and mentored in placements by Wii • Latest in dance mat technology • Splat Wall
teachers, cluster coaches, sports coaches Interactive cycling & rowing • Boxercise • Jump rope demo
and deliverers from the Arts and Sports
If the young people have got any energy left there is other Great Sport Xtra events
Engagement Team, Warrington Disability planned for Warrington which include;
Partnership and Wolves Foundation, to
• Triathlon Relays: Sunday 2nd May, Lymm High School (as part of Lymm Triathlon)
name just a few.
• Mountain Biking: 7th May, St Gregorys

Through being identified as members of • Urbanathlon Adventure Relays: Sunday 25th July, Sportcity, East Manchester
this Academy, young people can access • Girls Triathlon Relays: Sunday 29th August, Lymm High School (as part of the Pink Women’s Triathlon)
a range of training opportunities which
will help improve their sports leadership
skills, whether as a coach, official, media
lead, event volunteer or administrator.
The SSP also organises and runs
workshops to raise members’ awareness
of the kinds of future experiences
(education, careers, future event
volunteering) which they might begin to
plan for. Apart from this, members have
opportunities to come together and share
their experiences as sports volunteers, Exploring a World of sports!
Planet Sport is all about providing our Warrington Primary schools with a totally different, fun event that gets kids excited
learn from their peers, celebrate their
about sport.
successes and socialise! The astronauts are girls and boys who are not usually represented on school teams and want to try something different. At
Planet Sport there are brilliant activities such as dodgeball, volleyball, dance and martial arts.
Find out more about sports volunteering “Just wanted to say a big thank you for today, the children (and staff) had a great time. It was great to see all of the
programmes on our website – just click children participating - we have some particularly challenging children and they really got a lot out of it. They are
on the Volunteering tab and follow the now desperate to have a dodgeball afterschool club!” - Cate Baker, Stockton Heath Primary PLT

links. “Thank you so much for this afternoon. The children had a fantastic afternoon! It was lovely as a teacher to take time
out to sit back and watch them enjoying it” - Sarah Tilley (Cinnamon Brow)

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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

Competition Volunteering & Leadership


LEAGUE TABLES (after 3 rounds of fixtures) Since November girls’ 5-a-side soccer teams from throughout
P W D L +
26 13 30
Warrington have been fighting it out for the title of top team at
the monthly fixtures held at Select Soccer.
Launch Events
Students aged 16 – 19 from colleges and sixth forms across Warrington
W.BEAMONT 12 5 0 7 10 29 22 gathered at Broomfields Leisure Centre in November for one of this year’s
Linda Paget from Warrington Ladies Football Club has been
GREAT SANKEY 12 2 1 9 6 12 17 Warrington School Sports Partnership Leadership Academy Conferences.
PENKETH A 12 1 1 10 6 43 15
organising and talent spotting at the games and commented
that “the girls are playing to a really high standard and have Words of inspiration from keynote speaker Ian Roberts opened the
YEAR 8+9 P W D L + - Pts conference. Ian, who is a GB Triathlete stated, ìBuild to be a good leader,
impressed me with their commitment. Future stars”. build to be a good personî concluding, ìanything is achievableî.
LYMM 11 7 4 0 36 16 29
PENKETH B 11 8 2 1 23 10 29 Students then had the chance to attend several theoretical and practical
At it stands, with one fixture to go, Penketh High School are
GREAT SANKEY 11 7 2 2 39 19 27 workshops run by Warrington Wolves Foundation, ASET, NSPCC, Gymnastic
W.BEAMONT 11 4 3 4 31 20 22 looking favourites in year 7/8/9 leagues though Lymm will be Development and the Disability Partnership, where they gained an insight into
PENKETH A 11 2 2 7 17 35 17 giving their all to take home the silverware. In the year 10 league how to develop their leadership, create a positive environment and how to run
fun and educational coaching exercises safely.
LYSANDER 11 0 1 10 4 43 12 Lymm are threatening to break clear of the chasing pack which
is headed up by Great Sankey A number of National Governing Bodies including the Cheshire FA, England
YEAR 10+11 P W D L + - Pts
Handball, the All England Netball Association, English Volleyball Association
LYMM 8 7 1 0 44 20 23 and Rugby Football League exhibited and were on hand to openly discuss
GREAT SANKEY 8 5 1 2 29 23 19 The next fixture is on Monday 1st March at Select Leisure and the with volunteers the opportunities widely available to them . The Challenge Cup
PENKETH 8 2 0 6 18 29 11 countdown to glory has begun! put in appearance too!
W.BEAMONT 8 0 0 4 5 14 4
Further Education School Sports Co-ordinator and Conference Leader Ed Barker
WOOLSTON 8 0 0 2 1 7 2 *WIN: 3pts, DRAW: 2pts, LOSS: 1pt commented, “The Leadership Academy is a great opportunity for individuals to
get involved with sport in their community, to help develop their skills and gain

WARRINGTON - Year 5/6 FOOTBALL FINALS qualifications through a range of development opportunities. Today was very
positive and I am sure the WaSSP Leadership Academy will prove to be very
successful and beneficial to all those who get involved”.
FINAL LEAGUE TABLES Congratulations to all the football teams who competed so
brilliantly in the Year 5/6 Warrington Schools finals held at
GIRLS P W D L + Pts William Beamont Community High School this week. Closing the conference, John Bastian, Director of Youth Performance from
OUGHTRINGTON 6 4 2 0 18 16 Warrington Wolves Foundation spoke to the students with words of
BROOMFIELDS 6 3 2 1 20 14 Over twenty school teams from across Warrington encouragement and inspiration.
competed with great spirit in all three finals with the
CULCHETH 6 3 1 2 12 13
winners progressing to the Cheshire County finals. If
PENKETH SOUTH 6 2 3 1 11 13 successful there is then a chance of them progressing to Following on from this event a second conference was held at The Sport For All
ALDERMAN BOLTON 6 2 2 2 12 12 Wembley in the later stages of the competition. Go Centre for 14 – 16 years old students, who rotated around a number of
LOCKING STUMPS 6 1 1 4 8 9 practical activities throughout the day, all of which were run by 16-19 year old
OLD HALL 6 0 1 5 5 7 Many thanks to Select Leisure for the use of their excellent Leadership Academy members, who were excellent role models and gave the
facilities and the William Beamont CHS and Warrington younger students a flavour of what they could aspire to.
BOYS P W D L + Pts
Collegiate Sports Leaders for their expert support. Stars!
ST WILFRID’S 6 6 0 0 29 18 The Young Leaders were asked to identify their volunteering goals;
HOOPS MANIA ‘Get an interest in less know sports ie. Volleyball, handball’
Basketball goes from strength to strength in Warrington with
LOCKING STUMPS 6 2 1 3 7 11
the support of the Cheshire Jets. In the Year 7 Warrington
‘Coaching girls football under 8’s making sure young girls are getting more
WINWICK 6 0 3 3 7 9
schools league Birchwood continues to head off the opportunities to play football’
CALLANDS 6 1 1 4 2 6
challengers that includes Great Sankey and Culcheth.
ALDERMAN BOLTON 6 1 0 5 4 5 ‘Help disabled children get into sports’
LEAGUE TABLE (after 1 round of fixtures)
P W D L + - Pts ‘Help the community with coaching young children’
BIRCHWOOD 5 3 2 0 12 6 13
GLAZEBURY 5 5 0 0 47 15 ‘Increase participation in Basketball’
GREAT SANKEY 5 3 1 1 24 10 12
LATCHFORD 5 4 0 1 20 13
CULCHETH 5 2 1 2 14 14 10 Leadership Academy members will be contacted in the spring term with
HIGH LEGH 5 3 0 2 22 11
ST GREGS 5 2 1 2 12 14 10 information about forthcoming development opportunities. Meantime, school
BRADSHAW 5 2 0 3 9 9
LYSANDER 5 2 0 3 14 20 9 and college staff will be helping the students to identify leadership placements.
BROOKACRE 5 1 0 4 3 6
LYMM 5 0 1 4 12 20 6
SANKEY VALLEY 5 0 0 5 2 5

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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

Gifted & Talented Inclusion

Friday the 13th proved to be a lucky night for Warrington at the

annual Cheshire and Warrington Sports Partnership Awards
CRICKET IN THE COMMUNITY In partnership with Warrington School Sports Partnership, the WDP,
evening. Despite having being eligible for only one nomination
for each of the 7 categories, compared to the 2 allowed to the Sensory Support Team and the North Visually Impaired Cricket
Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester boroughs, Board (NVICB) are currently piloting a innovative project with pupils
Warrington sports people managed to scoop a number of gongs! from Warrington schools. The initiative, aimed at primary and
secondary pupils, has involved consultation with both
Jamie Hopwood, member of Phoenix Boxing Club and pupil at parents and participants to identify and overcome any
William Beamont CHS, was awarded Young Sports Achiever of the
barriers which may be preventing youngsters from
Year. Richard Sinnott, of Warrington Rowing Club, won Coach of the Year, and the Warriors of
Warrington were awarded Club of the Year. playing sport in the local community.
The project aims to improve youngster’s
Those in attendance were delighted to have Marc Woods as key note guest, who talked of his physical skill levels through fun and
personal journey - one that took him from cancer patient to multiple Gold medalist - in a self challenging sessions in order to give children
deprecating, humorous and moving manner. (and the parents/ carers) the confidence to
become more involved in sport and physical
Compere for the evening was Mitch Fenner, BBC Television Gymnastics Commentator, who has activity whilst encouraging increased social
covered 8 Olympic games, 5 Commonwealth Games and every World & European Championships interaction.
since 1980.
For further details, please call James Howes
Photos can be found : . on 07947890235 or alternatively by email

TALENT Well Done Jamie!
Not many young people can claim to have won the title “Young
During October half term, Positive Futures in
Sports Achiever of the Year” but Jamie Hopwood, of William
partnership with Warrington Collegiate and
Beamont SCC was the proud recipient of this accolade at the
Lymm High School participated in a Street
Cheshire and Warrington Sport Partnership Awards last
Football Competition in Bolton. Following a
coaching session led by coaches from the Arts,
Sports & Engagement Team, 4 teams were selected to
Jamie trains with Phoenix Boxing, one of the out of school
represent Warrington against teams from across the North
hours clubs that runs at William Beamont. Damien Ridpath
West region
of Phoenix Boxing said; “ If Jamie continues to keep boxing
at this level he will undoubtedly go far and will be a great Street Football is a fast paced and exciting new way to play the
role model to other up and coming amateur boxers. We’re game which allows players to show off their skills on a small pitch. The teams were
really proud of him!” made up of 3 players each and the games were only 3 minutes long which meant that lots
of games were played over the course of the day. Points were awarded for every goal scored or
Jamie said that he was happy to have won the award and looks ‘panna’ (nutmeg) move which encouraged players to take risks and try new tricks.
forward to returning to the Schools Boys Championship in
January. A huge congratulations goes out to him from all at Following the success of the tournament, it is hoped that a Street Football competition will soon take place in
Warrington School Sport Partnership. Warrington so watch this space!

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Inclusion Gifted & Talented

MEND is a successful health programme aimed at helping overweight children in

Gifted &
Warrington manage their weight, which has seen over 25 children successfully graduate
with first class honours. The MEND Programme (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition Do it!) is part of
a national initiative offering free lifestyle courses for overweight 7 to 13 year olds and
their families.

The programmes currently being run at Total Fitness, Great Sankey Leisure
Centre and Lymm Leisure Centre, involve families taking part in fun 2-hour
sessions (in the evenings), twice a week for 10 weeks. The programme helped
them improve their eating and exercise habits, thereby enhancing children’s
fitness, physical activity levels, nutrition and self-esteem.
The MEND Programme is the UK’s largest healthy lifestyle programme for
overweight children and their parents. It helps to inspire families to adopt a healthier lifestyle and enjoy preparing
and eating healthy foods as well as reading food labels and healthy shopping on a budget. There are also simple
but exciting sessions which focus on making exercise fun again – especially for children who are not fans of
traditional school sports.

If you have any queries or would like to book a place on Warrington MEND please call Bev Brinksman on 01925
755458 (Ext 176) or visit the MEND website (

• Help with the cleaning – giving the house a good old cleaning is a
New Year’s good way to get the family active, this works best with an incentive
attached like a trip to the cinema afterwards. Earlier in the year, 60 children were nominated
• Stuck in the mud, three legged race and sack races are really fun by their schools to attend a Gifted and Talented
resolution . . . and can also get your blood pumping.
• Indoor climbing wall; many leisure centres offer an indoor climbing
Camp run by the Warrington School Sports
Partnership. 30 of those children attended a 3
MEND your ways wall. You don’t need any experience, but make sure you contact
whoever is in charge so they can ‘show you the ropes’.
• Tobogganing; if we are lucky enough to have some snow this year,
day camp ran in Easter whilst the remaining 30
children were asked to attend the camp held in
Top tips to help children and their families get fitter and healthier in dragging your toboggan uphill is a great way to exercise and is even
the New Year has been launched today by child obesity experts at
the Summer Holidays.
more fun on the way down!
MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition...Do it!). • Cooking; switch off the TV and get the family to help you prepare a
healthy meal or make a healthy smoothie with lots of fresh fruit. The Summer Camp was held over 5 days at
Every year in Britain at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, over • Trampolining; many leisure centres and sports halls have William Beamont High School with a number of
80%* of us make a new year’s resolution, unsurprisingly the most
situations. It was also encouraging to see the
trampolines. Go along with the family and see how high you can go.
common resolution of all is to ‘get fitter’. However the shocking truth • Ice skating; perfect winter activity! Head off to your local ice rink,
different activities taking place each day. children bonding together to perform well in team
is that over half of us will have failed to keep our resolution by June get those skates on and get stuck in Participants took part in team building activities games.
and only 12% of us will manage to keep our resolutions for the whole • Don’t get bored – get board; play charades, twist yourself in knots (communication based exercises) and psychology
year. with twister workshops (the importance of setting goals) as The annual camp had yet again been a huge
James Howes who runs a MEND healthy living programmes in The list goes on... there are loads of great games to play rather than
well as participating in a number of different success with lots of positive comments coming
Warrington said; “Most of us know our lifestyles could be healthier, watch the TV or sit in front of the computer. sports and activities. Experienced National from the children involved. Many new friends
but we make the mistake of trying to change too many things at Governing Body Coaches from Badminton, were made, talent identified and most
once. It’s especially hard during the cold winter months when there With more than 1 in 3 children over the healthy weight range for their
are fewer activities for us to get involved in. To help set achievable
Gymnastics, Table-tennis and Handball to name importantly, children had enjoyed another fun
age and height, the New Year is the perfect time for families to take
goals MEND has come up with some top tips to help families get fit advantage of the accessible, friendly and encouraging support
but a few, delivered high quality coaching week.
and healthy while having fun.” offered by the MEND Programme. The course is aimed at overweight sessions that were challenging, yet enjoyable,
7-11 year old children and their families, and provides an excellent and unearthed some true talent. “There is a huge amount of talent around the
MEND Top ten tips to beat the winter blues and hit your new year’s chance to get fitter, healthier and happier.
resolution to get fit: Warrington area and it has been really good to
The MEND Programme in Warrington which starts at the end of Throughout the week, individual competitions get these children together for intensive Talent
• Indoor scavenger hunt; hide items around the house and get the January is part of a national network of over 300 courses which have were held in Tennis, Table-Tennis and Badminton Camps. Let’s hope that one day, we will see one
family to race who can find them first. already helped over 15,000 families improve their diets and activity with team competitions in Basketball and of the products of our Talent Camps representing
• Home Circuit; set up any room in the house with areas for levels. A limited number of places valued at up to £400 are available
stretches, skipping, knee ups, star jumps and any other exercise you
Handball. These proved to be very exciting and their Country in sporting events” commented
on the course at Great Sankey Leisure Centre, completely free of
can safely do indoors. If you have stairs you can climb these as part charge thanks to sponsorship from the Youth Sport Trust. identified those children with the extra tactical Andrew Roberts (Senior Community Sports
of your circuit. *stats from NICK FRANCIS, The Sun, published: 31 Dec 2007 know-how to defeat opponents in game Coach).

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Issue 6 Spring Issue 6 Spring

Club Links Club Links

Club Links...
This has been another period of great progress from a efforts of the Cheshire Lawn Tennis Assocation, its clubs
VOLLEYBALL is set to become a popular sport in Warrington after the
appointment of a Volleyball Development Coach, Megan Hopkins.
school to club link perspective and links continue to be and coaches, particularly in the Penketh area. Megan has taken up the new role in the town as part of a team of 14
made which benefit schools, clubs and young people such coaches put in place across the country by England Volleyball
across Warrington. In particular some great relationships Club Forums are also taking shape; these forums are Association.
have been forged between Beechfield JFC and Sir designed to provide a voice for local sport. Great Sankey
Megan will have a busy schedule working in schools, clubs and
Thomas Boteler High school, Manor Road Tennis club and Club Forum (including clubs in the Great Sankey, Penketh community venues delivering programmes, coaching players,
Lymm High School, Grappenhall Tennis club and and St Greg’s High School area) are developing action encouraging event organisers and volunteers, and putting in place
Bridgewater High School and Warrington Table Tennis plans for 2010 around coach education, Lymm Club structured pathways.
Club and William Beamont High School. Forum will meet early in 2010 to set out their goals,
Woolston Club Forum (serving the area around Woolston, Despite being in post for only a few weeks, Megan organised her first
Congratulations go out to Lymm Piranhas and Beechfield Birchwood and Lysander high schools) and Bridgewater festival– a joint venture with Richard Murphy (Basketball Development
Junior Football clubs who have both been awarded their Club Forum have had their inaugural meetings with Officer) – in December at Sir Thomas Boteler High School. The event,
FA charter standard awards, and good luck to Manor Culcheth, Sir Thomas Boteler, Cardinal Newman and attended by Alderman Bolton and St Augustine’s Primary schools,
was a fun festival, supported by sports leaders from Priestley College,
Road Tennis club, Warrington Town JFC and Grappenhall William Beamont to host their own forums in 2010.
who had never done any sports volunteering wearing Santa hats and outdoors and also can be played sitting down! Did you
Tennis club who have just either started out on the road before! know volleyball is in the top 3 sports watched in the Olympics?
to achieving or are nearing the end to FA To sum up, 2009 year has been another great year with “The opportunity to take part in a range of sports needs to be
Chartermark/Clubmark Megan is currently liaising with partners across the town to develop given at a young age, which is why I’m so passionate about
new relationships popping up across the town and more
the sport, including Warrington School Sport Partnership, the Sport 4 working with primary schools now. Hopefully, like me, they’ll
The New Year continues with a concentrated effort children accessing community clubs. We’re sure 2010 will All Centre, schools and Bridgewater Diamonds Volleyball Club. want to play when they are older.”
around Tennis coaching and competition and its be no exception. Well done everyone. Megan is currently running sessions for Key stages 2 - 4 at the
development in the local primary schools, thanks to the “My overall aim in this job is to see volleyball become part of every Sport for All Centre on Wednesday evenings from 5.30pm.
school in some way, either recreationally or as part of the curriculum”. Anyone interested in trying a new activity should contact Megan
Volleyball is such a dynamic sport and can be played both indoors on 07850938280 or email

Beth Tweddle – World Champion comes to Warrington

On Thursday evening World champion Beth Tweddle officially
GB Team Help Schools
Get into Handball
launched THE WIRE GYMNASTICS CLUB. It was a great evening
where gymnasts as young as 3 were able to get tips and advice
from Beth. She was accepted with a great applause from all
children of the ‘Wire Gymnastic Club’ and was awarded with a HUNDREDS of children from schools across Warrington met the Great Britain women’s handball team
special gift from all the children and coaches. Emma Doherty, Head at a special training session at Birchwood Community High School in September.
Coach at the club said “The girls were thrilled that she had taken
GB took time out from preparing for the following day’s crucial clash with Finland to train with and
time out of her busy schedule to visit the new club”. talk to youngsters about the sport and what it takes to be a world class athlete. As well as handing
The evening started with questions from the gymnasts, asking such out tips, the GB players took part in mini games and training drills with some of the children, who are
questions as ‘what’s your favourite move?’ to ‘How many hours do just some of the thousands across the country who are discovering how much fun handball can be.
you train?’ The girls were then treated to video of Beth’s journey Alongside the handball training, the session also gave the youngsters the chance to talk to staff from
through training to winning the World Title at the O2 Arena. Beth also Warrington Wolves Rugby League Club, who are using handball alongside rugby to promote healthy
living among youngsters. The Wolves brought along the Challenge Cup, which they won last month
brought along her medal collection, which included her latest gold at after beating Huddersfield 25-16 in a thrilling final.
the World Championships. Laura Baines, the Partnership’s Gymnastic
Development officer, commented “This is a great experience for the girls to get After the training session, Birchwood pupil Carl Curran said: ìI have played handball since the
inspirational coaching from the World Champion, the girls look to her as a beginning of last year, and it’s just great to be here and see the GB women’s team train.
fantastic role model.” îBut being able to actually play with them is great, one of the best days of my life so far. Laura in the
GB goal was hard to beat but she was quite down-to-earth when you did meet her. I definitely want
The club was initially set up in the Birchwood area to act as a club link and
to go and see them at London in 2012.î
pathway for the many children from the schools that will hopefully attend within
this area, the programme offers children an opportunity to attend a club facility, The session was arranged by Mick Hegarty, the Warrington School Sports Partnership's Handball
which is fully inclusive and can also help coaches to recognise future champions. Development Officer and Director of Coach Education for England Handball. Mick commented, ìIt has
been an inspiration having the GB Women here. The kids can see the players and it gives them role
THE WIRE GYMNASTICS Club based at Birchwood high school are always models to look up to. It also gives them a better idea of what we are trying to do when we are
teaching them handball. The GB Women have been wonderful. The pupils were asking all sort of
looking for new members of any ability. Anyone interested in finding out more questions and they couldn’t wait to come on to the court and get involved, and having Holly Lam-
should contact head coach,0 Emma Doherty on 07716668613 for more details. Moores here as a local girl gives the pupils that something extra to look up to.î

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Issue 6 Spring 2010

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