Feb 13 Addition

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Teacher Name Melissa Pratt Date Monday February 13, 2017

Subject Area Math Grade 1

Topic Addition Time 40 minutes

Learning The students will practice their addition skills using mental math
Objectives/ strategies.
Number: Develop Number Sense

SLO: 10. Describe and use mental mathematics strategies for basic
addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.
-Demonstrate an understanding of addition of numbers with answers
to 20 and their corresponding subtraction facts, concretely, pictorially
and symbolically, by:
- Creating and solving problems in context that involve addition and
Materials: -Practice sheet
-Mad minute
-Egg cartons
Assessment: I will assess the mad minute to see if students are using mental math
strategies to complete addition problems to 10. I will also formatively
assess the practice worksheets and observe students as they are
working on egg carton math.

Learning Activity 1 Practice Worksheet (10 minutes)
-We will begin class with a quick review of addition using counting on
-Find the biggest number. Highlight it and put it in the bank.
-Count upwards-using fingers.
-Remind students why we are doing practice worksheets! To be able to do addition
quickly and mentally!
-Give students time to work on some practice worksheets. I will be working with those
students who need additional help (Faith, Coen, Ryland)
-Cathy will be circulating the room helping students who need help. Those students who
will finish faster (Cache, Daniel) will be given additional practice to develop their skills

Learning Activity 2 Egg Carton Math (25 minutes)

-Students will be working in pairs to play this game
-Use your marker to put a number in the bottom of each egg cup in the carton.
Put a bowl of game tokens (pennies, marbles or beans) in the center of your table or
play area and place two pieces into the egg carton.
-Each player takes turns shaking the carton and then writing an addition problem on their
whiteboard using the two number sections the pieces landed in. Lets say, for example,
that the two pieces landed in 4 and 6. The addition problem would then be 4+6.
-The person with the highest sum after each player has had a turn would then take a
token from the bowl in the center of the table. If a wrong answer is given, a token is
returned to the bowl. In case of a tie, each child takes a token.
-Continue playing until each player has collected five tokens. Do this a few times, and be
prepared to see steady gains in your young mathematicians adding confidence!

Differentiation: Some egg cartons have lower numbers for those students who are
struggling. Some egg cartons have higher numbers for those students needing
enrichment. The pairs are created based on math ability level.

-Daniel + Cache
-Coen + Lulu
-Faith + Lakyn
-Quincee + Javen
-Trey + Dylan
-Hayes + Sophie
-Grattan + Hayden
-Jace + Kyrum
-Pippa + Kaiden
-Caleb + Ryland

Learning Activity 3 Mad Minute (5 minutes)

-We will review why we do mad minutes. Ask students if they remember why we do
them! (To practice our mental math skills, to become faster at addition, to work on our
recall skills)
-Go over expectations - Students will have 2 minutes to complete the mad minute.
When they have finished, flip it over, put down their pencil and wait quietly at their desk.
When I call Stop! all students need to put their pencils down even if they arent done.
This is okay we are practicing our skills and if we dont finish this time, we have a
chance to next time! When I say stop, remind the people at your table to put their
pencils down!

Review what we worked on today. We completed a practice sheet to work on our
addition skills and become familiar with the way different problems look. We practiced
our skills with egg carton math. We did another mad minute to increase our recall skills.

Sponge: Read addition story or play mingle!


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