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Name: ________________________________________________ Hour: ______

8th Grade Roots List #3Week 3 Words

Look at each stem as well as the word that corresponds to it. Using a
dictionary, thesaurus, or another resource like,
find three other words that use the same stem.

1. loc-: (L) place

dislocate, ___________________, __________________, __________________

2. loqu-: (L) speak

eloquent, __________________, _________________, ________________

3. medi-: (G) middle

mediocrity, __________________, __________________, _________________

4. missi-: (L) a sending

emissary, _________________, __________________, __________________

5. mori-: (L) die

mortal, ___________________, __________________, _________________

6. neg-: (L) deny

negate, ___________________, __________________, __________________

7. nihil-: (L) nothing

annihilate, ___________________, __________________, __________________

8. -cide: (L) kill

homicide, ___________________, __________________, __________________

9. path-: (G) suffering, feeling

apathy, _________________, __________________, __________________

10. pend-: (L) weigh, hang

pendant, ___________________, __________________, __________________

Name: ________________________________________________ Hour: ______

8th Grade Roots List #3Week 3 Definitions
Look at each stem as well as the word that corresponds to it. Using a dictionary,
find the definition and part of speech of the underlined word.
1. loc-: (L) place
dislocate: ( )

2. loqu-: (L) speak

eloquent: ( )

3. medi-: (G) middle

mediocrity: ( )

4. missi-: (L) a sending

emissary: ( )

5. mori-: (L) die

mortal: ( )

6. neg-: (L) deny

negate: ( )

7. nihil-: (L) nothing

annihilate: ( )

8. -cide: (L) kill

homicide: ( )

9. path-: (G) suffering, feeling

apathy: ( )

10. pend-: (L) weigh, hang

pendant: ( )

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