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Life After Disaster

My life was perfect. Everyday was new and bright in the large city of Pompeii. Nothing
could make my life worse, then what actually happened. My name is Leo Valdez and I am a 12
year old boy living in Pompeii in 79ad with my family, my best friend Calypso, and my german
shepard Festus. Pompeii is a city of fun and partying, or at least it was until August 24 79 ad.
On that day Calypso and I were playing fetch with Festus on a small hill outside of the
village when we saw it happen. Mount Vesuvius had erupted! Clouds of hot black ash filled the
summer air and poured over the city. I did not know what to do, so I ran, I ran only a short ways
when I realised that Calypso was still their. Her face white as the winter snow and her body as
stiff as a statue
Come on! I screamed. We must save ourselves. She nodded her head in
understanding as her tear soaked face looked into my eyes. Then we ran, the three of us had
ran until we could see our city no more, just a dark cloud in the distance.
Once again Calypso looked into my eyes. Leo I am scared what will happen to our
families and village? She put her head on my shoulder as I pulled her into a deep hug.
I dont know Calypso. I dont know. My life had fallen apart in one swift moment like the
push of a button, it could start something new.
No please dont do this to me. I screamed, dont kill me. Standing in front of the great
god Vulcan Leo cowered in fear for his life watching the volcano erupt in the background as he
remembered the scene from the day before. What have you done to my family? he screamed
at the god finding his courage.
Leo wake, up we have to go. the giant figure replied to him in a strangely familiar
female voice. Leo, Leo come on we must move if we want to get their. Leo opened his eyes
and saw the beautiful face of Calypso staring back at him.
My family, they're still out their. What will happen to them when they see me gone.
Calypso we have to go back to Pompeii, we must find my family. Tears filled my eyes
as I recalled the faces of my mother, father, and baby sister smiling back at me.
Leo stop, we cant go back. What is the volcano erupts again? She told me shaking my
back into reality.
I am sorry Calypso I know. It's just, well, now where will we go? Pompeii was the only
home I had ever known. She looked at me with her big green eyes as Festus rested his head
on my knee.
We need to head towards Greece, for it is our only hope of survival. First we shall cross
the Adriatic sea, pass through Raska, around Bulgaria because of the war, and that will lead us
to Greece. Her pointing finger rested towards the eastern
Ok lead the way.
We marched on for days until we finally reached the Adriatic sea. The cold sea breeze
ruffled through Calypsos long brown hair.
Come on we have to build a boat so that we can cross the sea and reach Raska. She
said grabbing some small branches off of the ground. I ran to the woods and broke some
branches off the trees, it took us twelve days to make the boat and allow it to float across the
sea without sinking.
On the thirteenth day we spent collecting food and making fresh water in gourds by filtering it
through our clothes. Each night we seemed to be getting more and more lost taking turns
paddling into the everlasting sea. We ran out of food on about the tenth day but continued on,
only living on our water. We were starving and tired of paddling getting sick from the rocking
waves swaying back and forth back. It was almost impossible to sleep but I some how managed
by working so hard that when my shift was over I would just collapse in exhaustion.
Leo, were here! My eyes popped open and my body bolted up like I had just been
struck by lightning. Could it be true can we be here after all this time. Shure enough I saw a
large stretch of land pouring into the sun rise.
That sound poured into my soul, we had not made it to Raska, but to Bulgaria. When we
reached the shore we shot into the bushes only stopping to pull the ecstatic Festus along.
What happened Calypso? I whispered careful not to have any solders hear our voices.
I'm not sure but I believe that we must have gone to far south into Bulgaria. Her eyes
widened as the sound of footsteps trotted through the bushes, and they were now coming
closer. I am sorry she mouthed then she kissed my cheek and ran out of the bushes and into
the open.
Look shouted the soldiers as the footsteps slowly turned into the sound of the waves
crashing against the barnacled rocks on the shore. Festus whimpered and put his head against
my knee. My only friend, my only family left, gone, it was all gone. Too tired to think I collapsed
into the soft salty fur of Festus and drifted into a deep sleep.
It has been three years since I lost my best friend in Bulgaria, and now i live in Athens
Greece. I found out about my city that is now completely destroyed and how I am one of the
very few survivors. These have been the hardest years of my life, scrounging for food looking
for Calypso and any trace of my family. I now live as the dishwasher in a pub for the hope that
some traveler would come and spread some news about them. One day a strange cloaked
figure came into the pub.
And who might you be. said my boss Aragog, the owner of the pub
A stranger the figure said in a very odd voice like it was being muffled by some object.
Yeah I know that, Aragog said but whats your name and where are you from? at that
moment the stranger picked up Aragog and threw him to the ground.
No one asks me those questions do you hear me. DO you all hear me? The strangers
hood fell of his head and revealed something strange about him. He was a girl! Her long brown
hair curled effortlessly and her green eyes shined with the pleasure of attacking Aragog, but still
showed kindness as she spotted me staring at her she paused, then ran into my arms.
Leo? Is it really you? After all this time. She stepped back to examine me and then
went back to the hug.
Wow Calypso what happened to you after all this time? I had thought they killed you.
Well they were going to but I had managed to escape the night before my
assassination, and have been running town to town to find you ever since. She paused. Where
is festus? After asking the question her eyes told me she regretted it for she knew what had
happened. What was it?
Worms. I killed him when I found out, for I did not want him to suffer a painful death. I
could do nothing but end his pain. Tears filled my eyes as the memory of playing in the park
when a newborn puppy crawled blindly towards the pond, and so small for an easy kill. He
almost died that day when a hawk swooped him up in his sharp talons, but a lucky shot with my
bow managed to save his life. Calypso embraced me once more and lead me out of the pub.
Come you must see this. Puzzled I followed her into the woods as we traveled on. She
lead me to a small tent with food and water and a tiny little kitten crawled out of the tent. I gazed
at the tiny body for what seamed like forever. I had never liked cats but something about him
made me feel like Festus was still around me. The kitten had the same markings as any german
shepard but still I knew it was like Festus more than any, for the tiny star on the kitten's chest
was the marking that my Festus had bore. Festus had returned! The gods had sent Festus back
to earth in the form of a tiny kitten.
Hope you like him, for he will be coming with us. Calypso smiled at my puzzled face.
Coming with us? What do you mean by that? Her smile faded into a frown.
Why to Pompeii of course, for we must find our family. Determination flowed through
her voice with so much power that I could not argue.
When do we leave.
We got to Pompeii in two days only stopping for supplies once along the way. Stone, all
that I could see was stone, fresh hard tan stone burying my beautiful city. Calypso and I
searched for days in the rubble for any sign of our familys survival. It was no use but we still
had no idea what happened to them and left hoping to find out more.
It's been ten years since we were last in Pompeii. Calypso and I now live in a house in
the village of Athens with our children Nina and Carl, who are of the ages 3 and 8. Of course we
can not forget about Festus jr. Who recently saved Ninas life by killing the poisonous snake that
Nina was so interested in. We still have not found out any information about our families and
have made the assumption of their death. One night I was working in my pub, that I had bought
to make some money, when the most beautiful young girl walked in about twelve years old and
sat down at the bar.
What can I get you mam I wondered what a girl so young could be doing in a pub.
Nothing please I am just looking for a job. she said smiling. Please I am a very hard
worker and I will work for food.
Oh alright where do you come from. I asked wanting to know the background of my
newest employe.
I am from the city of Pompeii. she said looking towards the floor. My eyes widened as
the mention of my old city flowed through my mind. What if she knows something about my
No way so am I! What Is your name. My voice filled with excitement.
My name is Ariana Valdez, daughter of Coiana and Miguel Valdez, who were
slaughtered during the eruption of the great volcano mt. vesuvius. Do you know them? I was
shocked could it be after all of this time.
Hello Ariana I am Leo your older brother.

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