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Name:___Preston Saelee______________________________________

1. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a
unique and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name:Preston

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

He is able to run very fast.

How does your characters ability work?

He will run very fast if he needs to(emergency).

Under what circumstances can it be activated?

Under any circumstances

2. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a
unique and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Lil Cam

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

He is able to camouflage with the things surrounding him.
How does your characters ability work?
He will camouflage if he doesnt want to be seen.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Only during the day because at night he doesnt need to be afraid.

3. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a
unique and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name:DAB

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

His ability is being able to dance and entertain people.
How does your characters ability work?
He will entertain people if hes in a bad situation.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Mostly during the day when his performance is able to be seen.

4. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name:Tory

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

He is able to fly
How does your characters ability work?
He spread his wings and fly
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Anytime when he feels like killing.

5. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.

Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name:Jessica
Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:
Very smart and can defend herself.
How does your characters ability work?
Knows how to outsmart someone or something
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Any circumstances whenever she needs too.

Prestons home for a peculiar family

I remember as I was sitting at home watching barney and eating my favorite
snack popcorn. I was 17 years old and stressing in school, but I knew I
would pass these classes if I keep with the flow. I remember my sister Jessica
calling my name I turned and looked and saw her, I havent seen her since god
knows when. She just came back home from an Exotic country. I believe she
had to go there and get a job or something I really dont remember. She told
me stories of her visit to thailand. She told me who she met and where she
worked. She said she met some friends their names were Matthew, Jack, and
Tom. She told me she worked at this clothing factory I thought it was
interesting at first but kind of got bored of it. I had to make an excuse to use
the restroom just to get away from her. After that she left the house to some
place called El Capitan, I didnt know what they do there I thought it was just
another job she had or something. So I asked my dad his name is Dab he was
in his early forties. He told me it was some magical place, but I didnt believe
in magic or witch stuff. I think all that was just a Mythologize. That is what
hes been telling me ever since I was young, but he never really told me the
truth. So I just left it as is. The next day I had school so I had to sleep early so
I dont fall asleep in class like always. So I decided to sleep a little early
around 9:00 pm but my usual time is 11:00 pm. I still had that place my sister
said about I thought about what it could be. I made my own prediction and
thought zombies and aliens. I thought about it for a while and fell asleep. So I
decided that I ask some of my friends at school the next day. I ask one of my
best friend Jorge, hes a friend of mine that loves to wear lurid clothing.
People thought he was a freak but he was just a really cool dude that loves
color. Then told me that it had a history of special people. He said that it was
for the Saelee family. I said what do you mean by special. Jorge said thing we
cannot do only they can do. I thought to myself what could it be. Then within
a sec I heard a someone call out Preston I look and there it was my teacher
telling me and Jorge to keep it down because at that moment our class was
doing homework. I wasnt satisfied so I asked a couple of other people but
they were so clueless like a dog waiting for a treat. I decided to stop because
people might think I was going insane like Charles Manson because I was
getting close to people like I was going to kill them, I did that so I can gather
every information I can get about this place. When school was over it was
about 3:16 when I started feeling sick and didn't feel like disgusting even tho I
was hungry. I decided to stay home the next day and not go to school. Dab was
pretty Serene about it. He is usually gets mad if I didnt go to school. I bet if I
broke my leg he was still make me go. I thought it was kinda weird but I
thought the older he got the less he cares so I didnt care much about it.
During the day I got bored and sat besides my dog named Lil cam she is a cute
fat bulldog that lives in my house. It was weird that I see that dog once or
maybe not even once a day. I thought I read a book for the moment. I found a
book on my parents book shelf it was full of pictures thats the reason I
picked it because a book without pictures is a boring dull book. The rest were
all words and no pictures. I saw these pictures and I didnt know who they
were. So I decided to disperse the all the other books on the shelve and
thought it was weird that their was only one book on the shelf that had
pictures. I saw a smart girl reading a book. All these books made me think
that my dad loves fiction stories. I thought I would look threw a few pages
since I have no school today. When I was scanning through the pictures my
dad came in. He yelled at me to stop drop those pictures. I said why, he told
me these people are real. I didnt want to argue because even if I did it would
be worthless because I also have no proof that these people do or dont exist.
Dab told me to put the book with pictures away and told me to read this one
book. This book was about this boy that can run really fast and he tried to
escape this flying monster that was trying to eat people. The monsters name is
Tory. He is a scary flying monster that hunt children but specifically this boy
that can run really fast. I was a little frighten by this book so I decided to not
further read it because I might get paranoid. The next day I went to school, we
had to run a mile for P.E. I felt like running that day so I decided to try
getting my best mile time. I ran and I was extremely fast I got 3:00 min on the
mile. My friend Jorge who was also in my P.E class was also shocked. Jorge
told me how did I do that. I told him I just felt very light and didnt feel any
shortness of breath. When I went to my next period class which was U.S.
history. I couldnt pay attention in class because I keep thinking about that
book my dad gave me, I keep thinking I could possibly be that kid running
from that monster. I went home and went straight to my dad and asked him
who that boy was that in this book. He asked me why and I told him I felt like
him because I started running really fast. He told me my powers are activated.
He told there will be a flying monster that will be after for you, if they see you
run like how you ran in your P.E. class they will come after you said Dab. He
told me too look for my sister Jessica. Shell know where to take you. I already
warned her that if this happens take your brother to El capitan. I went to look
for my sister Jessica on my way there their was my dog Lil cam. I think he was
hungry so I fead him some dog food. As I was done I turned around my dog
was gone. I think he ran away or something. We both were on our way to El
capitan. I knew I was the kid from that book. I knew that because my dad was
panicking a little when he found out my powers came out. On our way there I
saw a shadow of a pair of wings. I got scared but realized it was just a Pigeon,
I was relieved that it wasnt that horrible creature. We were a mile from our
destination. I couldnt wait to get there. I had a feeling that it was gonna be
exciting and interesting. As we arrived there Jessica told me to wait in the car.
She came back telling me I could come in now. As I enter the house I saw
picture of my family on the wall. I saw Jessica break world record for the
smartest woman alive, with an IQ of 200. I also saw my dog on the wall and I
asked my sister, she told me it was a place for our family. Also know as our
second house. I ask her that I never knew we had a second house. She said this
one is only for us when need a place to stay. I looked around and saw the
picture me and my dad worked on a car together a year ago. It was on a car
project we worked on together. The scariest one was a big picture on the wall
next to the window. It was that flying monster I was told about. It was a
human like creature with wings that look like something from a dragon movie.
It looked like it was about to attack someone. As I was looking at the picture
there was a tap on my shoulder. It was an man, he was the one that was
looking over the house said my sister. His name was Jose he was a 44 years old
man. I asked him questions about himself. One of the question were that I
asked him what he was doing here. Jose answered me with no answer because
I think he was afraid I might learn something new or I might find out
something. He told me if the flying monster kills me it will be a Apocalyptic. I
was shock and couldnt say much about it because all I can do is run fast. I
didnt know how to fight and all that. I told her all that, she told me not too
worry because I have helpers. I said who and she told me my family members.
I kinda do agree with him because my sister Jessica is very smart. I dont
really believe what my dad does could really help save my life nor my dog lil
cam. Jose told me a little about the monster. He said it could fly very fast but
not for long. I felt a little relieved to hear that but I was still afraid of it. I also
asked him if he was even legal to stay in america, does he even have an I.D. I
wonder if he was infraction. He said no and had legal rights to stay in
america. Jose told me if anything happens run to this house and tell me what
happened. The creature cannot stand this house because of the picture of the
creature next to the window said Jose. So come here if anything happens I had
a great conversation with Jose, so I went on and further investigate the house.
I found more and more pictures and also paintings, it was like living in
Leonardo Da Vincis house. I thought they were interesting. It was lunch time
so I had to head home. My sister Jessica drove me home. When we arrived
home we ate our meals and it was time for bed. I had one long talk with Jose I
said to myself. The next day I went to school, I told Jorge about El Capitan
and all the painting and drawings. Jorge said thats a very cool place because
it has all that drawing and all those beautiful colors. You know how I love
colors said Jorge. School was over, it was time to head home, I decided to tell
my sister Jessica to stop at a liquor store. So I can buy something to drink, as I
look out the window I saw a bird/dragon looking creature looking at me. I was
shocked, it flew away as soon as the next person walked out the liquor store. I
asked my sister if she saw the creature, she said no. I was scared so we left
home I told my dad what I saw. We were all scared. My dog lil cam was
barking and spinning like crazy. She was spinning and barking at the same
time. As soon as the conversation ended a loud banging came out of nowhere.
We were thinking to head out and go to El Capitan. As my sister was heading
to get the keys. Tory the creature came and snatched the keys and now were
not going anywhere. I decided that we use our super power to defend
ourselves. Tory came back and my sister Jessica was smart so she hit Tory on
the side of his left face. He screeched very loudly. Tory then grabbed my sister
and threw here out of our sight. Then Tory the creature was screeching and
trying to wiggle his leg. I wonder what it was doing, but then realized it was
Lil Cam doing the damage. My dog was biting the creature. My dog
camouflaged with its surroundings. Tory had a hard time seeing my dog
because she was blend in. The creature stomped down and I realized Tory
stopped. My dog Lil Cam was not moving anymore, that I realized my dog
was dead because it wasnt moving anymore. I felt hopeless, it was my dad
that was the one that can save me. He started dancing, damn he was good.
Tory the creature cannot stand my dads dancing and it flew away screeching.
My dog was dead. My sister was hurt. I had to go tell Jose because I know that
creature will come back. My dad was gonna stay home and deal with my dead
dog. I had to get my sister to the hospital, since I can run fast I carried her
and ran to the hospital. When my sister was taken cared of I headed out I saw
the creature flying high above. I ran fast back to my house I told my dad. He
told me to go to El Capitan. I ran there, the creature was behind me chasing
me it was waiting for me all along. Trying to grab me and take me somewhere
I dont wanna know. When I got to El Capitan I was relieved. I told Jose to
close the door. He told me to stay here for 4 days. I decided I couldnt wait and
wanted to do something about it. It hurted my sister and killed my dog. I
wanted revenge. I asked Jose what I can do to kill this monster. He told me the
only thing I can do is run through the freeway and hope a semi truck will hit it
and kill it. I thought that was a great idea. I decided to do that, when I walked
out the creature was on a tall building across from El Capitan. It was waiting
for me. I ran as fast as I could and through the city and towards highway 99.
The creature was flying behind me I ran and stopped before running through
traffic. The creature was coming closer and closer. I waited for the right
moment when a semi-truck came and I ran fast as the speed of light with the
creature behind me. I ran across the freeway and I heard a loud bang and the
creature was dead. It was lying on the road bleeding under a truck. The traffic
stopped, I thought I just leave and let the people deal with it. I ran back to my
dad and told my dad that I killed the creature. My dad told me he have good
and bad news I said what. He told me that the good new was that you killed
Tory the creature. The bad new was he stopped for a minute. He told me to go
to El Capitan and ask Jose. I had this nervous feeling like talking to a pretty
girl for the first time. I think they were called butterflies or something like
that. Then I ran to El Capitan I went to talk to Jose. He was reading a book
when I go there. The book was called Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar
Children. I asked him what the bad new was here. He asked where I went off
to. I said I went to kill the creature Tory. He congratulated me and told me to
look at a board. There were tally marks like hundred or even thousands. He
told me 1 down 999 to go, I was confused. She told me there are still 999
creatures out there that are willing to find you and kill you. I was shocked, I
realized that it is gonna be a game and try my best to survive this game. I still
have a expedition. Jose then said I pray for you.

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