Appreciation Languages

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"Five Languages of Appreciation"

Directions: Read the sentences below and for each number set, circle the (X) that best describes you. A B C D E
1a. Written notes are an important way to convey affirmation for my effort X
1b. I feel accomplished when my supervisor shakes my hand in approval X
2a. I like one-on-one time with my supervisor X
2b. I feel affirmed when I am given practical assistance X
3a. I feel affirmed when I am rewarded with tangible gifts. X
3b. I feel appreciated when my supervisor takes time out of their day to listen to me X
4a. I appreciate it when my supervisor lets me know they are available to help me.. X
4b. Appropriate physical contact is the way I feel most appreciated. X
5a. I know I've done a good job when my supervisor gets excited about what I've done & gives me a high-five. X
5b. I know I have done well when my supervisor gives me thoughtful gifts X
6a. I enjoy learning more about my supervisor.. X
6b. I recognize a job well done through appropriate physical gestures. X
7a. Visible symbols of appreciation are important to me. X
7b. I know I have done a good job when my supervisor affirms me. X
8a. When my supervisor shows appreciation through appropriate gestures I feel rewarded. X
8b. I like for my supervisor to tell me I have done a great job X
9a. I feel rewarded when my supervisor takes 5-10 min. out of their week for me X
9b. The receiving of a tangible symbol of my supervisors appreciation lets me know I have done well. X
10a. My supervisor's words of acceptance are important to me X
10b. I know my supervisor appreciates me when they help me or offer their service X
11a. I welcome open, appropriate time spent with my supervisor. X
11b. I appreciate kind words of encouragement from my supervisor. X
12a. What my supervisor does affects me more than what they say. X
12b. I am proud of the job I did when my supervisor gives me a pat on the back or an appropriate hug. X
13a. I value my supervisors praise and try hard to avoid their criticism.. X
13b. Several small visible symbols of appreciation over a year mean more to me than one large gift. X
14a. I feel honored when my supervisor and I do a project together.. X
14b. I feel respected when my supervisor affirms my efforts with appropriate physical touch.. X
15a. I value my supervisors compliments about my achievements X
15b. My supervisor respects me when he/she goes above the call of duty when I need their assistance.. X
16a. I feel affirmed when my supervisor gives me an appropriate pat on the back when I do a good job.. X
16b. I like it when my supervisor listens to my ideas. X
17a. I feel appreciated when my supervisor offers his/her assistance in a project. X
17b. I feel appreciated when I receive gifts from my supervisor.... X
18a. I do a better job when my supervisor verbally compliments my efforts.. X
18b. I feel respected when my supervisor takes time to understand me. X
19a. I do my job better when my supervisor lets me know they are available for questions and assistance X
19b. I recognize the value of a gift in the context of a thoughtful symbol and as a motivation. X
20a. I recognize made gifts as a thoughtful gesture of appreciation and approval.. X
20b. My supervisor's acts of service make my day better and my job easier.. X
Total each column (All 5 columns should equal 20.)

A= Words of Affirmation C= Receiving Gifts E= Appropriate Physical Touch

B= Quality Time D= Acts of Service
How to Interpret your Profile Score:

Your highest score indicates your primary language of appreciation. Your second highest score indicates your secondary
language of appreciation. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary languages of appreciation). If
the scores of your primary language and your secondary languages are close (for example, 8 and 7 respectively), it indicates
both are important to you. Whatever your supervisor does to express their appreciation in either of these languages will get
your approval. The highest possible score for any one language is 8.

Having a clear picture of your primary and secondary languages of approval/appreciation will explain much of your past
behavior. Think back over the past and ask yourself, What type of approval have I needed from my supervisor in order to
feel fulfilled in my job? Chances are your answer will lie within the scope of your primary and secondary languages of
approval/appreciation. You have been requesting that which would meet your deepest need for approval/appreciation or
acceptance. Your requests, however, might have come across as being frustrated or disengaged. Inevitably, this will cause
a discrepancy between you and your supervisor.

In order for our work families to have the best relationship possible it is important to know how to show appreciation. Not
only within the realm of supervisor to employee, but also in the context of employee to employee. Knowing the conduit or
medium that can bridge great expectations and great results to meaningful approval and appreciation is essential for an
office to function at its best. Servant-leaders have the ability to recognize the best in themselves and in turn use it to bring
the best out of others. Within yourself and your people is where the power resides. When we combine our efforts to create
an office, department, or a group of people doing their best to be their best, servant-leadership is the medium to recognize
potential and turn the recognition into action.


Take the Five Languages of Appreciation back to your office and have your employees take the assessment. Discuss the
results with your employees and let them know you will do your best to meet their approval/appreciation needs.

As supervisors, you are only as able as your most unable. Lift your employees and provide responsibility, resources, and
Languages of Appreciation Review

How to relate to a person

with this appreciation
language Communication Actions What to Avoid
Kind words,
encouragement, Hand written notes can
affirmation, compliments change an employees day. Written or intense verbal
and verbal praise for jobs Even an approving email is criticism (especially in front
Words of Affirmation well done welcome. of their colleagues)
Remembering what 5-10
min. of sit down time can do Long periods of not
One-on-one time, active for your employee. This is "managing by walking
listening, face-to-face an action because you around" or catching up on
Quality Time conversation have to "do". issues in their work life.
Recognize your emp.
efforts & show them that
you do by giving a simple Forgetting to give symbols
Positive, Fact-oriented gift. This proves you know of thought or missing easy
information, honest their lang. & what they are opportunities to meet this
Receiving Gifts communication going through. need.
Asking what you can do to Acts of Ignoring your employees in
make your employees job approval/appreciation, their time of "work-related"
easier. Let your employee lending a hand not need. Not "being there"
know you are there for pointing a finger. Show (physically, mentally, etc.)
Acts of Service them. them that you care. for them.

Smiles, facial recognition,

and various non-verbal's Hand-shakes, appropriate Riding this off as a bad way
Appropriate Physical that show praise (nodding hugs, pats on the back, to promote appreciation
Touch head, etc.) high-fives, etc. due to the "touch" aspect.

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