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Spending Time in Mpu Rancak Beach

ORIENTATIO A few days ago, Icha, Syifa and I went to Dianas home in
N Tahunan, Jepara. We left at 9 am by motorcycle.
Once its there, we were straight to Dianas room and
turned on the laptop. Certainly, using the internet. Diana just
shook her head to see our behavior. Hey guys, have not
apologize to me, make mistake again.. said Diana. Icha, Syifa and
I apologize to her and she forgave us.
At 10 am, we went to Mpu Rancak beach in Mlonggo,
Jepara. From Tahunan until Mpu Rancak Beach so far, that we
were a little tired. But its not a big problem for us. Once up
there, we were fascinated by beauty of the beach. White sand
and a little reefs add beauty of the beach. At there we played
sand and water, sang together, ran track, took pictures and also
made a video about us. Before went to home, we held hands and
screamed out loudly Amchadifa Forever!!. We hugged and
laughed together.
After spent time in Mpu Rancak beach, we got lunch at
Chicken Noodle Pak To, was located in front of Junior High
School 1 Jepara. There are so crowded, so we cant seat. By
forced, we sat on the floor. But we have no problem about that,
we were happy because its first time we do it.
After lunch, Syifa and Icha straight went to home
because Icha will go to Semarang. And because I havent picked
up by my brother, Diana told me to wait in her home. I agreed
with her.
In Dianas home, just like that Diana and I used the
internet. Diana into Twitter, while I went to YouTube to see a
music video of 4minute, Love Tension. After an hour in Dianas
home, my brother came to pick me up. I hurried goodbye to
Diana and her family.
RE- I was tired, but I was very happy because I can reunited
ORIENTATIO with my friends. I wished, someday we could together like this
N day.

1. What type of text is used by the writer?

a. Report d. Narrative
b. Recount e. Spoof
c. Discussion

2. Where is location of Mpu Rancak beach?

a. Tahunan d. Batealit
b. Pecangaan e. Mlonggo
c. Bandengan
3. The communicative purpose of the text is
a. To persuade the readers visit Mpu Rancak beach.
b. To describe what Mpu Rancak beach is.
c. To entertain the readers with the old story.
d. To retell the writers experience.
e. To explain how to go to the beach.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. They are ruthful with the beauty of the beach.
b. They played water, sand and reef.
c. The writer waiting her brother picked her up with watching television.
d. The location of Chicken Noodle Pak To is in front of Junior High School 1

e. The writer hopes the day will never come again.
5. There are so crowded, so we cant seat (Paragraph 4)
6.......................................................................The underline word refers to
a. Chicken Noodle Pak To
b. Mpu Rancak beach
c. Dianas home
d. Dianas room
e. Junior High School 1 Jepara


9. The Vain Little Mouse

10. OR 11.....................Once upon time, little mouse lived in a beautiful

IENTATI little house.
13......................One day, when she was sweeping the floor, she
found a coin. She said, With this coin, Im going to buy a
nice red bow for my hair. Ill look beautiful!
14...........................She was really beautiful with the red bow in
her hair. She sat next to the window so that everybody
could see her.
15.............................Little mouse, you do look pretty, said the
donkey. Will you marry me?
16...............................And she said, What will you do at night?
17........................I will bray like this, said the donkey. And he
12. CO 18...........................Oh, no, Ill get frightened, said the mouse.
MPLICAT 19.....................Then the dog asked her, Little mouse, you look
ION so beautiful. Why dont you marry me?
20.......................What will you do at night? asked the mouse.
21...................................Ill bark like this, said the dog. And he
22..........................Oh, no, Ill get frightened, said the mouse.
23..............................Finally, the cat asked her, Beautiful little
mouse, will you marry me?
24.................................And what will you do at night? said the
25.......................Ill sing like this, said the cat. And he sang a
beautiful song.
26.........................................Yes, Ill marry you, said the mouse.
27. RE 28..............................So they get married, but on their wedding
SOLUTIO night, guess what! The cat didnt sing a beautiful song.
N He ate the vain little mouse.


1. Who is the main character of the story?

a. Little mouse. d. Dog.

b. Donkey. e. Cat.
c. Horse.

2. What did the cat do at night after they married?

a. He wore the red bow. d. He barked loudly.

b. He sang beautifully. e. He brayed loudly.
c. He ate the mouse.

3. What is the moral teaching of the story?

a. Dont trust everyone.
b. Dont lie to other people.
c. Dont believe everybody you see.
d. Dont believe what everybody says.
e. Dont value people from their performance only.
4. He ate the vain little mouse. (Last Paragraph)
32. The underlined word has similar meaning with

a. Kind. d. Helpful.
b. Arrogant. e. Selfish.
c. Calm.

5. The genre of the text above is

a. Narrative. e. Procedure.
b. Recount.
c. Spoof. f.
d. Repot.


i. GOAL j. How To Make An Egg Float

1. Egg
k. MATERI 2. 4 tablespoon of Salt
AL 3. Water
4. 3 of Glass
1. First, pour water into the glass until it is about half full.
2. Second, fill glass with 4 tablespoon of salt, and stir the
water to help the salt dissolve.
3. After that, choose a raw, uncooked egg with no visible
cracks in the shell. Place the egg gently into the water.
4. Next, carefully pour in plain water until the glass is nearly
full (be careful to not disturb or mix the salty water with
the plain water).
5. 5. Finally, watch as the egg what happens. (egg floats in
the center of glass!!)



1. The purpose of the text is

a. To describe what float egg is.

b. To amuse the readers with an egg.
c. To announce the readers that an egg can float.
d. To explain how to make an egg float.
e. To inform how to make an egg drown.

2. What materials are not included in the text?

a. Salt. d. Glass.
b. Teaspoon. e. Water.
c. Egg.

3. pour water into the glass until it is about half full (Step 1)
4. The underlined word refers to

a. Glass. d. Egg.
b. Salt. e. Teaspoon.
c. Water.

5. What are the characteristics of the egg can float?

a. Egg have cooked. d. Egg is from crocodile.

b. The shell egg is hollow. e. The color of egg is white.
c. Egg isnt fractured shell.

6. Place the egg gently into the water (Paragraph 4)

7. The underline word is losest meaning to

a. Softly. d. Nicely.
b. Smoothly. e. Hardly.
c. Carefully.

10. Jokowi Wins Indonesian Election

12. Jakarta Joko Widodo, who won the hearts

11. N
of Indonesians with his common-man image, garnered 53
percent of the vote in Indonesias presidential election,
final results from the Election Commission showed
14. The numbers were released shortly after
his opponent, former Gen. Prabowo Subianto, declared he
was withdrawing from the contest, saying there was fraud
during the election and that it was unfair and
15. Widodo, a former furniture maker known
widely as Jokowi maintained a slim lead of about 4
percentage points in unofficial quick counts by polling
agencies released after the July 9 election.
16. But Subianto, who has declared assets of
$140 million and was on his third bid for the presidency,
repeatedly claimed that polling firms with links to his
campaign showed he was ahead. We reject the 2014
presidential election, which is unlawful, and therefore we
13. B
withdraw from the ongoing process, he said.
17. There were no immediate reports of
violence. About 100 Subianto supporters held a peaceful
protest some 300 yards from the Election Commission
building in downtown Jakarta, chanting Prabowo is the
real president and holding banners demanding that the
commission stop cheating.
18. The building was surrounded by thousands
of policemen to maintain security after a particularly
nasty presidential campaign. It was the first election that
pitted two candidates directly against each other since
the Muslim majority country of 240 million emerged from
the long and brutal Suharto dictatorship 16 years ago.
19. Supporters of both men used social media
for personal attacks, and Subiantos supporters led a
smear campaign against Widodo, spreading rumors he is
not a Muslim.
20. S 21. The commission was to formally declare the
winner later Tuesday evening. Final results showed that
Widodo won 70,997,859 votes, or 53.15 percent of the
nearly 133 million valid ballots cast, while Subianto won
62,576,444 votes, or 46.85 percent.

23...................................Penguin in the Park

24. O 25. Once a man was walking in a park when he

RIENTA across a penguin.
27. He took it to a policeman and said, I have
26. E
just found this penguin, what should I do? The policeman
replied, Take it to the zoo!
29......................The next day the policeman saw the same park
and the man still carrying the penguin with him. The
28. E policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man
VENT 2 and asked, Why are you still carrying that penguin about?
Didnt you take it to the zoo? I certainly did, replied
the man.
30. T 31. And it was a great idea because he really
WIST enjoyed it, so today Im taking him to the movies!


1. What type of text is used by the writer?

a. Report d. Narrative
b. Recount e. Spoof
c. Discussion

2. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To tell a short story or event with a humorous twist.

b. To persuade the readers to do something.
c. To describe penguin in the park.
d. To retell the writers experience.
e. To tell the reader how to do or make something.

3. What is the last paragraph usually called?

a. Orientation. d. Twist.
b. Event. e. Abstrack.
c. Resolution.

4. Take it to the zoo! (Paragraph 2)

5.......................................................................The underline word refers to

a. Policeman. d. Zoo keeper.

b. The man. e. The writer.
c. Penguin.

6. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up (Paragraph 3)

7...........................................The underline word has similar meaning with

a. Scorn. d. Not honor.

b. Astonish. e. Despicable.
c. Derision.


h. Doctor

i. GENERAL j. Doctor is a popular job. It takes a great

CLASSIFIC responsibility to work as a doctor. Minor mistakes made by a
ATION doctor can bring the lost of a patient.
l. There are a lot of jobs that doctors must do.
They are expected to evaluate symptoms and run a test to
determine what is wrong with a patient. If a doctor does not
know off handedly what the diagnosis should be, it is his or
her responsibility to do the necessary research.
m. Notes are kept on each patient to ensure that
any medical professional can walk into a room and know what
k. DESCRIPTI has been done in the past. It is also a way to track the
ON patients progress during recovery.
n. Writing prescriptions is a major part of
doctors jobs. They must know how much medicine to
prescribe based on the patient's history, they also need to
know how two drugs can interact with one another.
o. A doctor needs to know not only how to treat
the current conditions, but also how to advise the patient on
how to prevent another occurrence.


1. The purpose of the text is

a. To describe a doctor's jobs and responsibilities.

b. To amuse the readers with doctors job.
c. To practice the doctors job.
d. To explain the doctors profession.
e. To educate the doctors in their job.

2. Why does the doctor keep a note on their patients?

a. To know how to prescribe certain drugs to the patients.

b. To ensure the health of the patients.
c. To treat current condition.
d. To cure the patients certain illnesses.
e. To track the patients' improvements and complaints.

3. it is also a way to track patients (Paragraph 3)

4........................................................The synonym of the underlined word is

a. To follow. d. To apprehend.
b. To pursue. e. To prevent.
c. To capture.

5. What is mainly discussed in the text above?

a. Getting a job as a doctor.

b. Vacancy for a doctor position.
c. The duties of a doctor.
d. The success of being a doctor.
e. The risk of being a doctor.

6. how to treat the current conditions, (Paragraph 4)

7..................................................The underline word is closest meaning to

a. Past. d. Latter.
b. Last. e. Recent.
c. Final.


h. How does Tornado Form?

j. Tornado is the most damaging storm. The word tornado

come from Spanish Tronada that mean thunder storm. Also come
from Latin language Tonare which mean rumbling. According to the
story, the word tornado was taken from combination between ronada
and Tornar in Spanish. Tornado is air column which rotate very fast
and form relation between cumulonimbus cloud. Usually tornado has
wind velocity between 177 km/hours or more with reach average 75
meters and attack several kilometers before disappearing. Several
tornado which reach wind velocity more than 300-480 km/hours have
wide more than one mile and can survive in the surface more than 100
k. SEQUEN l. Tornado generally happens in the afternoon to evening.
CED In America, tornado happens between 15.00-21.00. Although tornado
EXPLAN has been research by the scientist, in every continent, most of
ATION tornado happens in America. In America, most of tornado happen in
tornado alley in middle-west America. Other area which generally
happen tornado are South Canada, South Africa, East and south Asia,
Middle Europe, Italy, West Australia, New South Wales, and
Indonesia. In Indonesia, usually happen in Sumatra and Java.
m. Tornado has some types. They are weak, strong and
violence tornado. Weak tornado include 88% of all tornado. The wind
velocity is less than 112 mph. Weak tornado happen about 1-10
minutes. Death because of this tornado are about 5% of the total
death because of tornado. Strong tornado include 11% of all tornado.
The wind velocity is between113-206 mph. This tornado happens in 20
minutes or more. The death because of strong tornado is about 30%
of the total death because of tornado. Violent tornado is rarely
happen. This include 1% of all tornado. The wind velocity is more than
205 mph or more. This tornado happens in one hours or more.
Although rarely happen, this tornado can cause death about 70% of
the total death because of tornado.
n. Before tornado happens, it has several signal. First, the
sky seems dark. Then happen ice rain around the area, usually 20-25
minutes. After that, the situation will calm, but the sky become
darker. Fourth, cloud moving around the area. Fifth, the sound of
tornado heard. At the beginning, the sound like water fall, but in the
process of time it will change until like jet plane which is very loud. A
tornado usually move from southwest to north east.
o. The change of air layer is the cause of tornado. In this
case, if the cold air layer is above the hot air layer, the hot air layer
go up with velocity about 300 km/hour. The air which infiltrating from
this side, cause wind rotate and form Tornado.

1. The purpose of the text is

a. To describe what wind is.

b. To explain how occurrence of tornado.
c. To announce the readers about tornado.
d. To entertain the readers with tornado.
e. To inform how tornados effects.

2. In Spanish, tornado come from word

a. Tronada. d. Tonare.
b. Tornada. e. Tonera.
c. El Nino.

3. What is the total deaths caused by strong tornadoes?

a. 88 %. d. 70 %.
b. 5 %. e. 11 %.
c. 30 %.

4. Before tornado happens, it has several signal (Paragraph 4)

5.........................................................................The underline word refers to

a. Signal. d. Sky.
b. Area. e. Tornado.
c. Cloud.

6. The change of air layer is the cause of tornado (Paragraph 5)

7....................................................The underline word is losest meaning to

a. Big. d. Stratum.
b. Thick. e. Thin.
c. Skin.



i. Welcome to Sydney

k. Sydney is Australias oldest, largest and

liveliest state capital with a population of over 3,000,000. It
is a colourful modern city but it has also a natural beauty
with green parkland and perhaps the worlds most beautiful
deep-water harbour.
m. As well as being famous for its modern
buildings and roads, there are many places of historical
interest in Sydney. For example, Mrs. Marquaries Chair, the
area called the rocks dating back to the early nineteenth
century, and the attractive terrace houses of Paddington, are
all close to the harbour and the city centre.
n. Sydney has many attractions which tourists can
enjoysurf beaches, a zoo, Koala Bear Park and an Opera
l. DESCRIPTI House which is situated at the waters edge. For further
ON entertainment there is a wide variety of restaurants,
theaters, nightclubs, sports and social clubs.
o. Sydney has a very pleasant, temperate climate.
The average temperature in summer is 21.7 OC, and in winter
p. There are few places in the world where a
visitor can find such a rich variety of natural and historical
beauty, entertainment and culture. Ask any Sydneysider
about his city and hell say theres no place like it.


1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To describe about Sydney city.

b. To explain how the formation of Sydney city.
c. To announce the readers about Sydney city.
d. To persuade the readers to visit Sydney city.
e. To inform climate of Sydney city.

2. What is not included further entertainment of Sydney city?

a. Social club. d. Sport.

b. Culture club. e. Theater.
c. Nightclub.

3. How the average temperature during the summer in Sydney?

a. 12.7OC. d. 12.6OC.
b. 22.7OC. e. 21.8OC
c. 21.7OC.

4. As well as being famous for its modern buildings (Paragraph 2)

5.........................................................................The underline word refers to

a. Paddington. d. Sydney.
b. Area. e. Mrs. Marquaries Chair.
c. Koala Bear Park.

6. the worlds most beautiful deep-water harbour. (Paragraph 1)

7..........................................The underline word has similiar meaning with

a. Big. d. Stratum.
b. Thick. e. Thin.
c. Skin.




i. Age of Respondsibility for Crime

k. When a person old enough to be

j. THESIS / responsible for a crime? This question needs to be
ISSUE investigated because the current law is not good
m. The law at present protects children
aged between ten years and four years from being
punished for committing crimes. It is believed that
children under fourteen years are too young to
realize the seriousness of their crimes. Mr. Stephen
Scarlett, head of the NSW Childrens Court,
describes how clever young offenders use this
defense, saying that they are too young to
understand that they have broken the law. Mr.
Scarlett, an expert on this subject, states that the
age should be dropped from fourteen to twelve
years. I agree with this.
n..............................................Teenagers these days are far mor
sophisticated than those in the past. The law should
recognize this. In a recent survey some people
suggested that the age for being responsible for a
crime should be dropped to eight years old. This, I
feel, is too young. Fourteen, however, is too old. Is
there anyone who believes that a fourteen-year-old
does not know that it is against the law to steal or
vandalize property? By the age of twelve, children
are aware of what is legal and what is not.
p.............................Public pressure creates change. It is now u
to the public to put pressure on the government to
change the age at which a person may be held
responsible for a crime from fourteen years to
twelve years. Out of date laws have no place in a
modern society, especially one that needs people to
be responsible for their actions.



1. What does the text above talk about?

a. When a person is old enough to be responsible for a crime.

b. When a person is being punished for committing crimes.
c. When children are too young to be responsible for a crime.
d. When a person is too old to be responsible for a crime.
e. When do teenagers realize the seriousness of their crimes.

2. How old the children protected by the present law from being punished for

committing crimes?

a. Ten years old. d. Eight years old.

b. Fourteen years old. e. Twelve years old.
c. Ten to fourteen years old.

3. Which paragraph is the recommendation of the text above?

a. First paragraph. d. Fourth paragraph.

b. Second paragraph. e. Fifth paragraph.
c. Third paragraph.

4. The part of the text which states what ought or ought not to happen is


a. Arguments. d. Re-iteration.
b. Recommendation. e. Elaboration.
c. Thesis.

5. Teenagers these days are far more sophisticated than those in the past

(Paragraph 3)
6.......................................................................The underline word refers to

a. Days. d. Childern.
b. Laws. e. Teenagers.
c. Crimes.


x. The Importance of Reading

z. I personally think that reading is a

y. THESIS very important activity in our life. Why do I say
ad.......................................Firstly, by reading we can get a lot o
knowledge about many things in the world such as
Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc
ac. Elaboration
written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
ae.ARGUMENT 2 ah. Secondly, by reading we can get a lot
af. + of news and information about something happening
ag. Elaboration in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
al. Another reason, reading can give us
ai. ARGUMENT 3 pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books,
aj. + newspaper or magazine on the entertainment
ak. Elaboration coloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To
make us relaxed.
am. ARGU ap..............................The last, reading can also take us to othe
MENT 4 parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian
an. + Jaya we may feel were really sitting in the jungles
ao. Elaboration not at home in our rooms.
ar. From the facts above, its obvious that
aq. RE- everyone needs to read to get knowledge,
ITERATION information and also entertainment. Or in summary
we can say reading is truly important in our life.




ay. Parents choose homeschooling to educate

ax.ISSUE their kids because they believe that homeschooling can be
a personalized schedule.
ba. Homeschooling allows parents and children
to work out a schedule that will best work for the child.
Another advantage is flexibility in time and curriculum. By
homeschooling parents can set the curriculum around
vacation, illnesses and other surprise event.
bc. On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil
parents time. Homeschooling needs a lot of time in
preparation and delivery. Parents have to research topics,
prepare the lessons, set up the projects and field the
be. So, when thinking about putting children
bd.CONCLU through homeschool, we should make sure that we
SION understand all of the criteria involved in the home



bj.......................Crazy Little Thing Called Love

bl. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010) is a

Thailand romantic comedy starring Fern Pimchanok
Luevisedpaibul (as Nam) and Mario Maurer (as
Shone). Nam is a high school girl who is secretly in love
bk.ORIENTAT with her senior, Shone. Shone is a charming 10th-
ION grade-student who interested in photography and
football. He often teased by his schoolmate because
his father failed to take penalty shoot on the football
cup. Even though, many girls are still crazy for him,
including Nam.
bn. Aware as not-a-dazzling-girl in the
school, Nam, with the help of her friends, try
everything to improve herself to get Shones attention.
She start to treat her dark skin and start to study
bo. On the next next next grade, Nam has
become a beautiful girl. Then come another charming
boy at school, Top, Shones best friend. Top has
expressed his love, but Nam refused him because of
bm. INT
her love to Shone. But, Shone and Top already have
agreement that they wont love same girl. This promise
makes Nams love to Shone seems not possible.
bp. In the end of school year, Nam will go to
continue study in America and Shone will take a
football career. Before they separated for long
time, Nam expressed her feeling to Shone with all of
her courage. But sadly Shone has been dating someone.
After that meeting, it turns out that Shone also has a
feeling for Nam.
bq. Nine years later, they meet again.
And..happy ending.
br. EVALUATI bs. This movie has a simple storyline. It
ON / describe first love and its cheesy things. That
ON bt. Although the story is simple,
unfortunately the movie is told with a bit long-winded
and makes the duration is quite long, almost two hours.
But dont worry because the transformation of Nam
may not be boring and can be a refresher during this
film. Pretty good movie, nothing special but still
bu. After watching this movie, it is funny to
realize how every little thing can make us either happy
or worried. Chasing is really the best part, right?
bv. Besides that, love can make someone
change, either to fit with his/her loved one or to get
his/her attention. Its good if the change go to the
positive direction.
bx. I think, on eastern culture, it is not usual
bw. EVA
if a woman express her feeling first to a man she
loved. So, note to every man, say love if you love her
before its too late because second chances do not
always exist.


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