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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur 1st/A-08

Examination: BA/BSc.(Comp.) Maximum Marks:40

Paper: ACS-IV (Introduction to Web Programming) Time Allowed:2 Hrs.

Note: Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.No.1: Write a program in VB script that outputs HTML text that keeps displaying in the browser
window. The user input a number and its table should display.

Q.No.2: Write a script that calculate the product of the odd integers from 1 to 15 and then outputs html that
displays the result.

Q.No.3: Define the following terms

a) Td
b) Select
c) URL
d) Type
e) tr

Q.No.4: Write a script that takes value from user and save into 10 element array and also print it on browser
by using 1 dimension array.

Q.No.5: Create a function CircleArea in VB script that prompt the user for the radius of a circle and to
calculate and print the area of the circle.

Q.No.6: Design a form with two text boxes and one select control. As any option is selected the relevant
record should show in text boxes. (For example: if user select roll number 1 from select control. All the
record of roll number 1 should show in text boxes.). for this use select query.

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