The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur 1st/A-12

Examination: BA/BSc.(Comp.) Maximum Marks:40

Paper:ACS-IV (Introduction to Web Programming) Time Allowed:2 Hrs.

Q.No.1 Create the following result sheet through HTML code.

Marks Obtained Total Result

Roll No Name Marks (Pass/Fail)
Ms Word Ms Excel

Q.No.2 Create page that includes the following elements.

Within the head section creates a web page title (displayed in title bar of browser
window): My Favorite Things.
Use color for the background for the body.
A centered heading (use the largest heading size) of My Favorite Things (remember to
turn off centering!)
Include horizontal rule underneath the heading that is colored, Centered, 75% of the
screens width and has a size of 8.

Q.No.3 create a drop-down list on the form called cmbProducts. Add three items to the list: NEC
Multisync E1100 , NEC MultiSync P1150, NEC MultiSync E750. Name the text areas
txtQuantity, txtUnitCost, txtSubtotalBefore, txtDiscount, txtSubtotalAfter, txtTaxes,

Q.No.4 Write CSS code that defines capital roman number for first level of list, capital
Alphabets for second level nested list and numbers for third level nested list?

Q.No.5 Write a VBScript code block, which take the name of user in lowercase in textbox and
convert it into uppercase.

Q.No.6 Write a HTML form having rollno, name, and address textboxes and when user click on
submit then use the functionality of ASP the data is inserted into tbl_std of

Q.No.7: Write an Html code to display two texboxes and one button(Submit). As Click on
Submit button if the username is admin and password is 123 then display a message box
authenticated and otherwise show not authenticate.

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