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11 Communists Without Communism? Jacques Ronciére ‘What ave 1 sy quit simple and you wil probably find simpli But ifwe are requested tome fesh sense of the word ‘commana we in veo revtage se very simple ise and taken account some sey tipl act The at fac, 1 ink tt we ave take nt account isthe lowing? comes i ot aly the name flare movements ed nimous vate powers of the pst, kin na lelvaver or cured mane thar we chwld have he sss apr tank orev. ‘Commnist iethe mme ofthe party tat rule over the most popelow nation and ve of mnt pronpero capital powers today. Th inkage Been Communism aust ate domination and api shold ot be ee tuto te rope of ellecton on what commana may ean di ‘My owe reflection hore wl tar rom a simple armen ht 1 oand inaninerow gven by Asin Baton o Laman the newspaper the French Commas Par: “The conmmunst pothesis i the hyporess sfomarriginn’ Aa Understand mean thatthe sigieain ofthe ‘Tord communi’ iis to practice of emsnipton. Communi Ita fon of univeraliyconstrcted by those practices Letrey agree ‘ith statment Now the oie to know what ‘emancipation’ mean. In onder vo deine sh ea of communism chat tipi. oc tarpesingy {il tart rm what in my vr the mont ons ad povetlden oemancpation the ea formule bythe thinker of intelecelemancipton, Joep Jacl. Emancipation isthe way obt station f minor. A station of mingriy in situation in which ohare fo ude becaie Flowing the path wih your own sese of ‘iecn would ead you any. the ogi ofthe pagal process which the schoclauer tars from the station af ignorance hich x that fhe stent and progressively replaces ignorance by known, is knw, and progressively takes the tena fram station ‘Fiegualiy toed hi her Yow’ uation fui His also thelopeof Enlghenmen in wich thecalated ites havea gid the jevornt ad spertos lower ae in he pth af roges Thi i ‘Iota, the ways infinte reproduction of inguin the mame ‘a aromise of sqully. The proces leading the greet sence ted the lower clases to the maser Heo eplicon progres predicted inte onthe gp arparting the inteligence of th mater fr th imal gene of the gor. What sparse the rst fom the second ie sinply the knowledge of ignorance. This i the imgaltaran rece Te oppose he egalitarian maxim, can by sumed up in te pin ples: ny, equality not a goa is sating pins an opinion or = ‘Prenppenion which opens the ldo «posse verifcaton Sond Inaligence ot vided, its oe rina theftligeee of the mast the ineligece ofthe stndeny, the inligece oh eile othe imeligence of th artisan Instead te ligenc hat don ot Etany spec potion in = social oder bat belongs to anybody as the inligence of aybody, Emancipation ten tena the sporoprition ot ‘hs ingen which one, and he vercation of he pte ote ely of neligenes a “The wy’ ou of the pedagoscal presupposiion (cht thee are oso sors of neligece) ental «way ou of the vocal logic ofthe di tnton of poston as haa born formulated a Plato Repu by way cf io stents shot wy the areas ave td thi own job end thing cherry because wor doce nt wa, econ bcs he lags aggregation gorered by laws af sci gravitons tthe nw of peal preva Anybory can be anced and cnancpte er pros that Ie violet mankind be masa cance india Baa ace coa sever remand “This no only the perma conviction ofa maverick indivi. Nor is ira nee question o opposing india emancipation oelleive nancpation The queionis how cantheallecevnanel theca Fanboy cine withthe goal nganation ofa race? Hoo cxa the anarchic principle emancipation bona the pil af sca Skribron of task potions al power? Is abt tne ik “ferent this problem from se worn-out vermont on portant aad ‘rgatntin, Emancipation cetsinly mean oder, besser ‘ss soingspottaenur about Comes orantaon may oly ‘nen the omnes practnlexining arms fun acing ‘What edie emancipation may mean peared be» pee foc thou wh nthe centr of Jac, totes commun ‘elon ike Cato spl communi parts ike Mary and Engels Common common ike hela cmmunity le by Cabin the Uni ttn ld They dle fl ane pion gees nee inva coul ot obi oe common spine. One contr, they aden commani copay could net be peated. The sharing ofthe eps ayo cold ot be ned it he imu ‘ke priate common man The femjoy of emancipation -T mean the temporaliy ofthe eplraton af tlleive power could not cote ‘ide wits the tna of an rgeniand soci ing to everyone i {her fino. Other onmne rosin hem id much ber Ta ‘ison ftir ces tha hey er nt made up af communis ‘hey mite made wp of men and women obeying religous di But th eran common was mae up of omnunist Therefore he communism of this community was pli rom the outst into eo parts 2 communist organization of everyday lie ruled by the Father of the Community and an egalitarian anembly embodying the communi of the communists, er all « communist worker is « worker asserting his capacity 2 all snd to make laws about common afr intend of merely doing his own jb sa useul worker. We mn bear in mind tha this problem had been sorted out very long ago in Plato's Republi for Plate, workers, meaning the people with iro souls, cannot be em sit only the legislators who have gold in their sul can and must kt (0 of material gold and live, az communists onthe production of Communist worker. In such away the Republic canbe propedly defined te the power of communists over workers. Iran old souton, butt til works inthe case of the communist tate I mentioned erle, with the help af a sold troop of guaedia Cabet had no guardians a ll As for Marx and Engels they decided to disband the Communist Party they had created and to wait forthe cvoltion ofthe preduetve forces o produce true communist prota Jans ~ inscad of those ily ser who thought they were ther uals though they didnot catch anything of thei theory. Communitn they ssid is noc the gathering of emancipated individuals attempting to expe- Fience collective life ssa response 0 elas or ijutice Ie the Fall Jimplementation ofa form of universality already at work inthe capitals ‘xganiation of production and the bourses organization of forms of Wi. af a colatve rational power alten eating. in the Korma contrary: the pascularty of private intereata The collective forces of ‘communinm already existed. What was needed was nlythe form of thee collective and subjective reappropeaton The only problem was ofcourse the oly ital. But, az we now, the lic could be oversuened, thanks to two axioms. Firstly there is 2

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