Synopsis - Streamlining Technical Process For Merchandising

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Title of the project

Streamline the technical process of merchandising.


Merchandiser is the BRIDGE between the industry and the buyer. So, for a product
development, merchandiser plays a very important role from order approval,
sourcing, pre production activities to shipment of the product. It affects the lead
time to a great extent as all these activities are dependent on each other for
example if production cannot start before pre production activities.

Problem definition

Sometimes we have our Standard operating procedure but still we may face delay
in shipment or delay in sample production. Delay in sample production directly
affects the time required to produce the final garment. So, none of the delay in
merchandising activities is to be avoided. If shipment is delayed, buyer may not
show further interest towards manufacturing the products from such company.

Reason of the delay can be delay in sourcing of trims and accessories, delay in
sample production, lack of capacity and proper line balancing and many more to

Need of the Project

The goal is to manufacture a product in the minimum lead time without getting
delayed and with minimum non value added activities like reworks etc. Also it
aims towards the steps to be taken in the improvement of merchandising process
and activities.

Research Objective

The project intends to solve the problems occurring regarding time delay caused
during pre production, production and post production activities.

Intended Benefits

Improved relationship between buyer and industry by providing better

quality product at reduced lead time.
Cost effective as Time is Money.
Improved sourcing and identification of appropriate vendors.
Process automation
Defect Reduction as more focus to be given on sample rejection points
Improved communication

Review of Literature

Merchandising activities can be divided into two- Controllable and Non

Controllable. Sourcing, Material shortage, Quality problems, Lack of
standardization etc are controllable while resource unavailability, priorities etc are
uncontrollable. We can convert more activities into controllable for example:
Material shortage is uncontrollable when the sourcing is weak. It is not totally in
our hand to get the material on exact time. So, it is recommended to have a
minimum order quantity in the warehouse. Similarly, major rejection reasons are to
be noted down on which particular buyer often rejects the sample and focus to be
given on Poka yoke means doing it right the first time. Nowadays ERP and PLM
are modern developments in the era of merchandising, it can be modified as per the
industry needs.

Research Gap

Nature and Scope

Here we are customizing the product as per our own requirements and scope is
very big as all the suit wearers use to dry clean the suit so we want to provide a suit
where just shower cleaning is enough and it can be worn without even ironing.


Read articles on water repellent technology and Wool types and properties of
wool. Read fabric construction and their impacts.
Primary data is collected through literature review and it is analyzed.
Secondary data is collected through industry employees and the process is
deeply studied.
Modify the primary data with the required effects such as adding dust proof
property in wool can require blend of wool-polyester.
Check whether the buyers/manufactures are fine with the solution
requirements or not. Whether the manufacturer agrees and is capable to
adopt and implement the solution.
Mainly two types of survey can be done- Survey for demand analysis and
survey for fit analysis
Finally, step forward to implement the technology of water repellent wool
and finishing chemicals to provide stiffness to the fabric without ironing,
dust proof nature, and shower clean property. Now, evaluate the product on
the basis of quality parameters and comparing with current product.

Hypothesis/Research Question

Demand analysis for such suit that requires no dry cleaning by conveying a
survey of different groups including students, businessman, etc.
Fit analysis to be done for the group to be manufactured under Made to


We conclude that it is the demand of modern era and the manufacturing unit as
well to launch such suit that can be washed without dry-cleaning. So, such a big
need is satisfied by putting up efforts into the manufacturing and finishing part and
it is highly feasible both commercially and financially as the market is big and it
will reduce the SAM of the garment.

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