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Martin Carranza

[6998] [Snelling], [CA] [ 95369]

T: [(209)345-5467]
E: [Mcarranza500444@muhsdstudents.orgl]


Merced Police Department

Police Officer
Merced, 95341

Dear Merced Police Department:

I am applying to be a police officer for the city of Merced. The duties of a police officer, also known as a law
enforcement officer, focus on protecting people and property. They patrol the areas they are assigned, which
sometimes include entire jurisdictions, respond to calls, enforce laws, make arrests, issue citations, and occasionally
testify in court cases. They often make traffic stops, respond to domestic disturbances, and, at times, provide first aid
to someone involved in a traffic accident or injured in a domestic dispute until paramedics arrive. I am currently a
senior at El Capitan high school and will be soon attending the Merced community college. I will either be majoring in
criminology or justice system, whatever is best for me.

What i have to offer is hard work, discipline, and determination. I am a hard worker with experience in dealing with
people. I know how to face challenging and potentially dangerous situations on a regular basis from training. I
think police officers have the greatest job of all, protecting the innocent or defenseless from harms way. The
satisfaction of knowing that you are helping others and making your community a safer place.

I appreciate you for considering me for the position, i will leave my contact information. My phone number is
(209)345-5467 You can ask any further questions anytime of day.



Martin Carranza

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