Prepositions of Place 1

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in on under above

behind in front of between next to

1. Fill in the gaps with in, on, under, above, next

to, in front of, between

2. The doll in ______ the chair. 2.

3. The chair is __________ the bed.
4. The cupboard is ________ the bed.
5. The big mouse is ______ the cupboard.
6. The little mouse is _______ the chair.
7. The balls are _________ the bed
8. The bed is ____________ the window.
9. The pencils are _______ the floor.
10. The globe is __________ the pens.
11. The ruler is _______ the books.

Positive Negative Questions

Singular There is a There isnt Is there a cat? - Yes,
cat. a cat there is. - No, there
Theres a isnt
Plural There are There Are there cats? - Yes,
cats arent cats. there are.
- No, there arent.

2. Fill in the gaps with theres or there are.

1. __________ a table in the room.

2. __________ a globe on the table.

3. __________ two pens next to the globe.

4. __________ a cat on the pillow.

5. __________ a cupboard above the bed.

6. __________ a big mouse in the cupboard.

7. __________ a little mouse under the chair.

8. __________ two books on the bed.

9. __________ two balls under the bed.

10.__________ three pencils on the floor.

3. Fill in the gaps with theres, there isnt, there

are or there arent.
1. _________ a ruler between the books.

2. _________ a cat on the chair.

3. _________ pencils on the table.

4. _________ two mice in the room.

5. _________ two balls under the bed.

6. _________ a clock above the bed.

7. _________ curtains on the window.

8. _________ a globe next to the pens.

9. _________ books under the chair.

4. Answer the questions

1. Is there a doll on the chair? ____________
2. Is there a mouse in the cupboard? __________
3. Is there a dog under the bed? _____________
4. Is there a vase on the table? ______________
5. Are there pencils on the floor? _____________
1. Are there books on the table? _____________
2. Are there balls under the chair? ____________
3. Is there a cat on the bed? _______________

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