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Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

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Oxygen uptake rate in microbial processes: An overview

Felix Garcia-Ochoa a, , Emilio Gomez a , Victoria E. Santos a , Jose C. Merchuk b
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 84105, Beer-Sheva, Israel

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In aerobic process oxygen must be continuously supplied in order to achieve acceptable productivities,
Received 28 September 2009 Since the role of oxygen in microorganism growth and its metabolism is of vital importance, both the
Received in revised form 19 January 2010 oxygen consumption by the cell and the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) into the system have to be understood.
Accepted 27 January 2010
The main function of a properly designed bioreactor is to provide a controlled environment and a
concentration of nutrients (dissolved oxygen, mainly) sufcient to achieve optimal growth and/or optimal
product formation in a particular bioprocess. Dissolved oxygen in the broths is the result of a balance of its
consumption rate in the cells, and the rate of oxygen transfer from the gas to the liquid phase. Monitoring
Oxygen uptake rate
Oxygen transfer rate
dissolved oxygen in the broth is mandatory because often oxygen becomes the factor governing the
Bioprocesses description metabolic pathways in microbial cells.
Bioreactor design In this work the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) in different fermentation broths is examined. Experimen-
Scale-up tal techniques have been compiled from the literature and their applicability to microbial processes
reviewed. The reciprocal inuence of OUR and OTR is presented and an analysis of rate-limiting variables
is carried out.
Mathematical models are a fundamental tool in bioprocess design, optimisation, scale-up, operation
and control at large-scale fermentation. Kinetic models describing aerobic bioprocesses have to include
an oxygen balance taking into account OTR and OUR. Many different specic rate expressions for
cell growth, substrate consumption, product formation and oxygen uptake have been developed and
incorporated in the models, and simulations of different bioprocess have been carried out. Some of them
are presented here.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
2. Phenomenology of aerobic bioprocesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
3. Oxygen uptake rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
3.1. Experimental determination of OUR values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.1.1. Gas balancing method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.1.2. Dynamic method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.1.3. Yield coefcient method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
3.1.4. OUR determination from oxygen concentration prole data knowing OTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
3.1.5. Comparison of OUR values determined by the dynamic method and from the oxygen prole data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
4. Kinetic modelling of our in bioprocesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5. Inuence of OTR on OUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
5.1. Oxygen transfer characteristics on microbial processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
5.2. Inuence of oxygen transport conditions on OUR and qO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
5.3. Rate-limiting step analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
6. Scale-up and modelling of dissolved oxygen concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (F. Garcia-Ochoa).

1369-703X/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

X relative to biomass
a specic interfacial area (m1 )
Cj concentration of compound j (kg m3 or mol m3 ) Superindexes
CX cell concentration (kg m3 ) c relative to the intermediate
Da Damkhler number in relative to inlet
Di oxygen diffusion coefcient in layer i (m2 s1 ) out relative to outlet
DO dissolved oxygen * relative to equilibrium value in each phase
db bubble diameter (m) o cell free medium
E biological enhancement factor
H Henry constant (mol m3 atm1 )
Ha Hatta number 1. Introduction
J ux density molar (mol O2 m2 s1 )
K consistency index in a power-law model (Pa sn ) In aerobic bioprocesses, oxygen is a key substrate employed
kL mass transfer coefcient (m s1 ) for growth, maintenance and in other metabolic routes, including
KL a volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefcient in pres- product synthesis. Due to its low solubility in broths, which are usu-
ence bio-transformation (s1 ) ally aqueous solutions, oxygen must be continuously provided by
kL a volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefcient in cell a gas phase, and thus the knowledge of oxygen transfer rate (OTR)
free medium (s1 ) is needed for bioreactor design and scale-up. The concentration of
mO2 dissolved oxygen consumption coefcient for main- dissolved oxygen in the broth, a suspension of respiring microor-
tenance (mol O2 kg1 X s1 ) ganisms, depends on the OTR from the gas to the liquid phase, and
N stirrer speed (s1 or rpm) on the rate of its consumption by the microorganism, the oxygen
n Flow index in a power-law model uptake rate (OUR).
OTR oxygen transfer rate (mol O2 m3 s1 ) Both oxygen mass transfer from the gas to the liquid phase and
OUR oxygen uptake rate (mol O2 m3 s1 ) its consumption by microorganism has a decisive importance, since
Q gas ow rate (m3 s1 ) in many processes oxygen transfer is the controlling step for the
qO2 specic oxygen uptake rate (mol O2 kg1 s1 ) microbial growth, and can affect the evolution of bioprocesses. This
t time (s or h) fact has been identied and reviewed early in the development of
te exposure time (s) biochemical engineering [13] and work in this matter has been
V volume of the liquid in the vessel (m3 ) continued till these days [411].
VS supercial gas velocity (m s1 ) Oxygen transfer rate is not a privative characteristic of biore-
XBDS percentage of desulphurization actors, but rather belongs to classical chemical engineering. For
(% 2-hydroxybifenyl) pneumatically agitated reactors one of the rst correlations can
YG macroscopic yield on the substrate (kg X kg1 S) be found in the book of Sherwood and Pigford [12] and those have
Yij macroscopic yield of compound i into compound j been improved over the years to include more detailed inuence
(kgi kg1 j) of uid properties and equipment geometry on kL a; the correlation
YXO biomass yield on oxygen (kg X mol1 O2 ) by Akita and Yoshida [13] remains as a reference. For stirred tank

YXO overall biomass yield on oxygen (kg X mol1 O2 ) reactors, the early work was directed towards expressions the ties
z lm thickness or distance from the gasliquid inter- between power input, liquid properties and geometric character-
face (m) istics [14,15]. Extensive literature on the oxygen transfer rate in
bioreactors is nowadays available and a considerable part of it has
Greek letters
been published in the last years [6,8,1626].
parameter for growth associated product formation
The OTR in a bioreactor depends on the liquid side mass trans-
parameter for non-growth associated product for-
fer coefcient, kL , the total specic surface area available for
mass transfer, a, and the driving force in terms of concentrations.
energy dissipation rate (W kg1 )
Since the two parameters, kL and a, can not be measured easily
 effectiveness factor
individually, they are usually lumped together as one single param-
 gas hold-up
eter, called volumetric mass transfer coefcient, kL a. The available
 specic culture growth rate (h1 ); viscosity (Pa s)
information on kL a in bioreactors is extensive. Many empirical cor-
 generalised degree of reduction
relations have been proposed for kL a estimation; and there are
 density (kg m3 )
several reviews on this subject [17,21,27,28]. There are also models
 interfacial tension (N m1 )
based on fundamental approaches, using concepts based on surface
renewal models, where the parameters needed for those models are
based on uid-dynamic considerations in the bioreactor [2831].
BDS referred to biodesulphurization
The oxygen uptake rate is one of the fundamental physiological
d relative to dynamic measurement
characteristics of culture growth and has been used for optimis-
G relative to gas phase
ing the fermentation process [32,33]. Usually the specic oxygen
L relative to liquid phase
uptake rate, qO2 , is calculated from OUR which is determined
m relative to cell monolayer
experimentally. OUR measurement has recently received the due
max relative to maximum value
attention in different bioprocess studies, such as in production
O2 relative to oxygen
of xanthan gum [34], toluene hydroxylation [35], bio-insecticides
p relative to process measurement
[36], xylitol production [37], benzaldehyde lyase production [7] and
S relative to substrate
also in biodesulphurization processes [3840]. The OUR monitor-
s relative to surfactant
ing is also important for assessment of the viability of the culture
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 291

Pirt [44] found that the actual substrate consumption rate can the microorganism occurs at a rate which is considerably faster
be expressed as the sum of two terms: one representing the the- than the rate of the biochemical reactions inside. However, if the
oretical rate of substrate consumption for biomass synthesis and biochemical reaction phenomenon is faster than the mass transfer,
one showing the rate of substrate consumption for maintenance of the concentration prole of the absorbed gas may be affected by
the culture [45,46]. This implies the denition of two parameters: the biochemical reaction, and the absorption rate into the pseudo-
the theoretical yield, and the maintenance rate. Some of the works homogeneous liquid be enhanced because oxygen is consumed
previously quoted model the OUR using these pioneer concepts while it diffuses into the liquid. The extent of this enhancement
[5,7,36,39,40,4751], but only a few works present a model of the can be derived from different theories for mass transfer; the lm
evolution of DO concentration along the bioprocess [3840,50,52]. model is the most used because its simplicity [31,5355].
OUR is consecutive to OTR, and the slower step is that controlling This interaction of OTR and OUR should be included in the
the overall rate. However, the consumption of oxygen can affect modelling of aerobic microbial processes, which implies a math-
OTR. In biological systems, where gas (oxygen) absorption is fol- ematical description based on physicalchemical principles. The
lowed by a biochemical reaction, two steps can control the overall model allows making predictions and gaining insights into the
rate: the mass transfer of gas to liquid phase and the biochemical underlying phenomenon. The oxygen available in the broth is fun-
reaction in the cells. Sometimes, the transport of substrates into damental in the microbial process if the biocatalyst used is a strict

Fig. 1. (a) Steps of oxygen transfer from gas bubble to cell (adapted from Blanch and Clark [57]). (b) Oxygen concentration prole from gas bubble to cell.
292 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

aerobic microorganism. Therefore, the kinetic model that describes (iv) transport through the bulk liquid;
the growth of the microorganism, the nutrients consumption and (v) diffusion through the relatively stagnant liquid lm surround-
the product formation has to consider the inuence of the DO con- ing the cells;
centration on the bioprocess [5,39,40,56]. (vi) movement across the liquidcell interface; if the cells are in a
The aim of this work is to examine the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) ock, clump or solid particle, diffusion through the solid to the
in several systems taking into account different experimental tech- individual cell;
niques and to model those systems involving oxygen consumption (vii) transport through the cytoplasm till the site where the reac-
for maintenance, cell growth and product formation, presenting tions take place;
an adequate description of the actual oxygen concentration pro- (viii) biochemical reactions involving oxygen consumption and pro-
les. The information collected in the present work will be useful duction of CO2 or other gases;
for a better understanding of the importance of DO concentration (ix) transfer of the produced gases in the reverse direction.
in aerobic microbial processes and of the inuence of biochemical
reactions on oxygen transfer phenomena (and vice versa), as well
Steps (i)(vii) and (ix) correspond to physical phenomena, in
as for nding better operation conditions for oxygen transfer and
principle better known and easier to describe than the biochemical
for scale-up in bioreactors.
Vigorous agitation is required to insure homogeneous distri-
2. Phenomenology of aerobic bioprocesses bution of the nutrients. In shake asks scale, oxygen transport by
aeration and agitation are accomplished by the rotary or recipro-
Bioreactors are heterogeneous, gasliquidsolid systems and cating action of the shaker apparatus. In laboratory and pilot scale,
oxygen is one of the most important substrates in aerobic bio- oxygen is generally supplied as compressed air and distributed by a
processes. It is essential to study the inuence of the gasliquid gas distributor, and mechanical devices are used to improve mixing
transport in bioreactors, and this is true not only in aerobic systems, of the broth, for better distribution of gas bubbles and to rupture
where oxygen transport is obviously focussed, but also in the case large bubbles into small ones obtaining a larger interfacial area.
of anaerobic systems, where usually the transport of other gases The oxygen is transferred from a suspended gas bubble into a liq-
such as methane or carbon dioxide takes place. Transfer of oxygen uid phase, where it is taken up by the microorganism and nally
from a gas bubble to a cell can be represented by the following steps transported to the site of reaction inside the cell. The power input,
(as schematised in Fig. 1a and b) [57]: which generates the mixing, is however restricted by physical, bio-
logical and mechanical constrains, which become more severe as
(i) transfer from the interior of the bubble to the gasliquid inter- the scale increases. The cells may be damaged by hydrodynamic
face; stress when agitation and/or aeration are too vigorous. Typical aer-
(ii) movement across the gasliquid interface; obic large-scale cultures, 10,000 L or greater, are oxygen limited. In
(iii) diffusion through the relatively stagnant liquid lm surround- this case gasliquid interfacial area and bubble residence time are
ing the bubble; the limiting steps in the process of oxygen delivery to the microor-

Fig. 2. (a) Pathway of chain respiratory aerobic bacteria. (b) A schematic of the biological reactions expected to occur in an aerobic culture.
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 293

Fig. 3. Simulation of microbial growth curve for Xanthomonas campestris culture in batch operation for two constant values of dissolved oxygen concentration (10 and 20%
saturation) (adapted from Garcia-Ochoa et al. [5]).

ganisms. The classic example of large-scale aerobic bioprocess is rate and of the oxygen consumption rate by the microorganisms,
the production of penicillin by a specic mould, where commercial expressed as the volumetric mass transfer coefcient (kL a) and the
vessel sizes from 40 to 200 m3 are used. The operation is semibatch, specic oxygen consumption (qO2 ).
that is, the nutrient, lactose or glucose, is fed at controlled rates to
an initial batch of liquid nutrients and cell mass. Reaction time is 3. Oxygen uptake rate
56 days. Since oxygen is essential for growth, DO concentration
must be kept at a high level for the organism to survive, and this Given the low solubility of oxygen in aqueous solutions, DO
is accomplished by continuous aeration of culture. Aeration also in the broth can be the limiting nutrient. Pinches and Pallent
serves to agitate the mixture and to sweep out the CO2 and any [47] described the fall of DO concentration in broths due to
noxious volatile by-products that are formed. Air supply is in the the high demand during fast growth, until the microorganism
range of 0.51.5 vvm. Mechanical agitation is needed to break up reaches the stationary phase and the DO concentration increases,
the gas bubbles but must avoid rupturing the cells. Power input by because demand becomes smaller. This evolution ts the behaviour
agitation and air sparging is 14 W L1 . An increase of the power of most microorganisms cultures available in literature, such as
input could substantially improve the OTR, but would be detrimen- Xanthomonas campestris [34], Escherichia coli [59], Rhodococcus ery-
tal for the process as a whole because the higher uid-dynamic thropolis IGTS8 [60].
forces generated could damage the microorganisms. These effects However, in some cultures, oxygen demand is so high that the
on lamentous microorganisms have been indicated early on [58]. DO concentration decreases until it approaches zero, and does not
In aerobic processes the energy is generated by substrate oxida- increase even when the culture reaches the stationary phase, in
tion. A simple scheme is presented in Fig. 2a; the energy is used for spite of improvement in oxygen transfer rate (by increasing gas
the generation of ATP, which is employed in production of new ow rate, stirrer speed or the oxygen concentration in gas phase).
biomass, product formation and in other functions that are not Pseudomonas putida for example has a very high OUR and the DO
directly related to growth, commonly referred to as maintenance concentration in the broth drops to 5% of the oxygen saturation
activities. This includes re-synthesis of damaged cellular material, value before 2 h of growth [39]. X. campestris has a slower OUR and
provision of the necessary concentration gradients across the cell reaches a 5% of oxygen saturation only after 10 h of growth [5]. In
membrane, cell motility and other non-growth related processes the rst case, on P. putida growth, DO concentration is practically
(Fig. 2b). equal to zero till the end of the production of biodesulphurization
Simulations of typical batch microbial culture carried out with enzymes [39]. In the second case, X. campestris cultures for the pro-
a metabolic kinetic model [5] and varying DO concentrations are duction of xanthan gum, it is necessary to increase oxygen transfer
shown in Fig. 3. Biomass growth, substrate (carbon and nitrogen rate, and to achieve this stirrer speed and/or gas ow are increased
sources) consumption and product (xanthan) formation patterns during the bioprocess [5].
are shown. The growth patterns show a slow initial phase (lag The specic oxygen uptake rate (qO2 ) is characteristic for each
phase) followed by a fast exponential phase (log phase), and then microorganism and is usually considered constant during the
a stationary phase where no growth occurs due to nutrient lim- microbial growth, although experimental results are not in agree-
itations. A shortened lag phase is desirable for more economical ment with this assumption [5]. A typical evolution of both OUR
large-scale cultures. and qO2 as well as a typical oxygen concentration prole during
A kinetic model that describes the growth of the microorganism fermentation is shown in Fig. 4. OUR increases in the exponential
has to consider the inuence of the dissolved oxygen in the broth growth phase, because in this step a high substrate consumption
in the set of differential equations representing the kinetic model rate takes place; after that OUR decreases because of the decreas-
of the process. This requires knowledge of the oxygen transport ing in metabolic activity of cells. On the other hand, a decrease of
294 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

bioreactor. This technique is the most reliable and accurate, but also
requires very accurate instruments. The OTR can be determined
from gas oxygen mass balance on the bioreactor as follows:
Q  in 
OTR = CO COout (2)
V 2 2

where Q is the oxygen gas ow, V the volume of bioreactor, and

Cin and Cout the oxygen concentration measured at bioreactor inlet
and outlet, and well-mixing of the gas phase has been assumed. The
OUR is then calculated from:

OUR = OTR Accumulation (3)

OUR = (COin COout ) (4)
V 2 2 t
where it is assumed that OUR, and therefore the metabolic state of
the culture, remains constant along the t considered. A sample
is withdrawn from the vessel to determine biomass concentration
Fig. 4. Typical evolution of oxygen uptake rate (OUR), specic oxygen uptake rate (this is common to all methods). Therefore, this method requires
(qO2 ) and DO concentration (CO2 ) in time course of fermentation. a gaseous oxygen analyzer to measure the oxygen content of the
inlet and outlet gas streams and a probe for measuring the DO con-
the DO concentration is often observed in the rst moments of the centration in the liquid. This method may not be the best choice
bioprocess due to the high specic oxygen demand by the cells at in case of small bioreactors, where the difference between and Cin
the beginning, in the lag phase [3840]; after reaching a minimum, and Cout may be very small because of the short contact time.
oxygen concentration prole gradually increases until the end of
the growth and/or the production process. 3.1.2. Dynamic method
OUR can be easily measured, giving important information The dynamic method is based on the respiratory activity of
about the metabolic activity of the cells in the culture. It has been organisms which are actively growing inside the bioreactor: the
employed for on-line estimation of viable cell concentration and airow inlet to the fermentation broth is interrupted for a few min-
growth phase of insect and mammalian cell cultures [32,61], for utes (few, in order to avoid inuences on process evolution), and a
characterization of the organic composition in waste treatments decrease of DO concentration is observed, which can be recorded
[41,43] or its activity [6264]; and it can be used as an indica- by an oxygen probe. Afterwards, air is reintroduced under the same
tor to adjust the amino acids feeding in animal cell culture [65]. previous operational conditions, thus ensuring the same oxygen
Recently OUR has been proposed as a factor indicating the possible transfer rate [68]. The OUR is determined from the depletion in
hydrodynamic stress, cell damage and cell death [66,67]. the DO concentration after stopping the air ow, and the proce-
dure can be repeated several times during the production process.
3.1. Experimental determination of OUR values Under these conditions, the Eq. (1) can be simplied to:
The transport of oxygen and its consumption have usually not = qO2 CX = OURd (5)
dt d
been described together, and have been often measured by dif-
ferent methods in the past. Nowadays it is usual to obtain both obtaining OURd from the slope of the plot of DO concentration
experimental values using the same technique, i.e. simultaneous versus time after stopping air ow. Biomass concentration must
determination of both OUR and OTR (or KL a) in the same experi- be known in this point in order to relate the OURd calculated to
ment. biomass concentration. The underlying assumption is that no inter-
A number of methods have been developed to calculate OUR in change of oxygen between gas and liquid occurs during the test
cultures. The main experimental techniques employed to measure period, and that the change in uid dynamics associated to stop-
oxygen uptake rate are: ping the gas circulation does not affect the OUR. When the aeration
is turned on again, the DO concentration increase until it reaches
(i) Mass balance by inlet and outlet gas phase oxygen concentra- a steady-state concentration. In this conditions both the oxygen
tion measurement. transfer and oxygen uptake rate terms apply. The slope of the
(ii) The dynamic technique. response curve at a given point is measured to get dC/dt, and Eq. (1)
(iii) Techniques based on the yield coefcient method. can be solved for KL a because all the other values are known [5].
(iv) From the oxygen concentration prole data, knowing OTR. For the application of this method the response time of the oxygen
electrode must be considerably lower than the characteristic time
The mass balance for the dissolved oxygen in the assumed well- for the mass transfer process. If the response time of the electrode
mixed liquid phase can be written as is not negligible, it can be taken into account in the modelling and
in the elaboration of the experimental data. A prole of dissolved
= KL a (C C) qO2 CX (1) oxygen concentration from Eq. (1) during a cycle of turning aeration
dt off and on is shown in Fig. 5.
where dC/dt is the accumulation of oxygen in the liquid phase, the A rapid review of the recent literature shows that, the dynamic
rst term on the right hand side is the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) method is still the most commonly used in the determination of
and the second term is the oxygen uptake rate (OUR). This last term OUR, due to its simplicity and reproducibility [5,7,9,10,36,43,65].
can be expresed by the product qO2 CX . However, this method can be difcult to apply to certain situations
in which OUR can not be determined correctly when the gas supply
3.1.1. Gas balancing method is turned off, because when the DO concentration is very low, the
This method uses a gaseous oxygen analyzer to measure the changes are difcult to evaluate. In this case a modied dynamic
oxygen concentration of the gas streams entering and leaving the method can be used [39,69]. The modication consists in using a
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 295

This method for oxygen uptake rate determination is very sim-

ple; however, Eq. (8) is based on the assumption that substrate is
completely converted into carbon dioxide, water and biomass, and
this can be in doubt in many cases.
Initially the overall yield was introduced as a constant. How-
ever, cultivations of microorganism under growth rates much lower
than max showed that it was dependent on the specic growth
rate. This is explained in terms of the endogenous respiration, or
maintenance, concept [72,73]. In this concept it is assumed that
maintenance of cellular function requires the availability of a ow
of Gibbs energy for restoring leaky gradients, preservation of the
optimal intracellular pH, the replacement of denatured proteins,
ATP consumption in futile cycles, cellular mobility, etc.
The relationship between Y XO and  can be established as

1 1 1
 = mO2 + (9)

where mO2 is the oxygen consumption coefcient for maintenance

Fig. 5. Simulation of response of DO for dynamic measurement of OUR and KL a and YXO the yield of oxygen consumed for cell growth. If both, mO2
during fermentation. and YXO , are practically constant, a plot of 1/Y XO versus 1/ is
linear; from the slope, mO2 and from the intercept, YXO could be
step change of air to pure oxygen in the inlet gas stream or vice determined. Note that for an assumed constant value of mO2 , Eq.
versa. The evolution of DO concentration in the transition between (9) predicts that any variation in  will affect observed values of
two pseudo-steady states allows the OUR and KL a calculations. the overall growth yield.
The integration of Eq. (1) in oxygen absorption process with On the other hand, Y XO can be estimated from experimental
the boundary conditions: t = 0 C = C0 and C = CL0 ; t = t1 C = CL , data of growth and volumetric oxygen mass transfer. Assuming that
yields the following equation: Y XO is constant for a short time interval between time t1 to t2 ,
    by integrating and rearranging Eq. (1) and inserting in Eq. (8), the
OUR OUR following relationship is obtained [49]:
CL = C0 C0 CL0 eKL at (6)
KL a KL a  
 CX2 CX1
while, if the desorption mode is applied, the integration of Eq. (1), 
YXO =  t2 (10)
now with the boundary conditions: t = t1 C = C1 and C = CL1 ; t1
KL a (C C) dt + (C1 C2 )
t = t2 C = CL , results in:
 If the specic growth rate, , and the volumetric mass transfer
CL = C1 + CL1 C1 + e KL at
(7) coefcient, KL a, are known, Eq. (10) can be numerically solved for
KL a KL a each time interval, calculating Y XO values.
Eqs. (6) and (7) describe the evolution in time of the DO con- Heijnen and Roels [74] showed that a macroscopic analysis
centration in the liquid phase from a starting concentration, CL0 or based on elemental and enthalpy balances successfully describes
CL1 , after changing from air to pure oxygen or from oxygen pure to the relationship between biomass yield on oxygen, according to:
air. According to the above procedure, OUR and KL a values can be 1 S 1 S Sc X S
determined during the bioprocess, at several cellular ages, by tting = c c + c mO2 = c mcO S > Sc (11)
of the above equations to the experimental data using non-linear
regression techniques. 1 1
Several modications of the dynamic method have been pro- = c mO2 = mcO S Sc (12)
posed, some of which stand out because their ingenuity. Thus, Linek
et al. [70] proposed a dynamic pressure method for kL a measure- where S and X are generalised degrees of reduction of substrate
ment, where the step in oxygen concentration is replaced by a and of biomass, respectively, Sc is the degree of reduction of an
intermediate which is coupled to ATP generation, and YXO c and mc
step in the total pressure. Mignone [71] proposed to make rather O2
an agitation-step for kL a measurement. In both cases the oxygen are the yield of biomass and maintenance on oxygen which are used
concentration is the variable followed and analysed, in a manner in oxidations reactions coupled to energy generation.
similar to that given above. The model agrees with data available in literature and the most
probable parameters values Sc and YXOc are 4.0 and 2, respectively.

3.1.3. Yield coefcient method The yield coefcients of biomass on oxygen (YXO ) (and its corre-
This technique was found to be a reliable and quite satisfactory sponding storage products, YPO ), which is a stoichiometric constant,
method for estimating the oxygen uptake rate by microorganisms is not temperature dependent, assuming that the molecular com-
during bioprocesses. It is based on the oxygen uptake rate of the position does not change with temperature. This is in contrast
organism rather than the rate of depletion of oxygen in the gas or with the maintenance coefcient; Heijnen and Roels [74] esti-
liquid phase. By using a stoichiometric balance of oxygen in the mated a value for the activation energy of 9000 kcal mol1 from
biomass together with the kinetic model for the growth rate, the the available data on maintenance requirements of a great variety
following relationship during growth can be obtained: of microorganisms.

OUR =  (8) 3.1.4. OUR determination from oxygen concentration prole data
knowing OTR
where  is the specic growth rate of the organism, and Y XO When oxygen transfer rate is known, either from an empirical
presents the overall yield of cell on oxygen. equation or using a predictive model and the oxygen concentration
296 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

prole in the liquid phase measured during the course of fermen-

tation, oxygen uptake rate during the process can be obtained from
Eq. (1), as
OURp = KL a (CO CO2 ) (13)
2 dt

Therefore, experimental OURp values can be calculated from

OTR (determined from volumetric mass transfer coefcient val-
ues and the oxygen concentration prole) and the values of the
derivative of oxygen concentration versus time curve [40,43,75].

3.1.5. Comparison of OUR values determined by the dynamic

method and from the oxygen prole data
Oxygen uptake rate is commonly measured by the dynamic
method; however, in some cases the use of a non-aerated period
may interfere on microbial growth and lead to underestima-
tion of the OUR value. When OUR is measured by the dynamic
method and modelled as above indicated, some differences in
results have been observed, because YOX values determined by
the classical dynamic method are different from those obtained
by tting a metabolic kinetic model to experimental values of
oxygen concentration versus time. Santos et al. [40] have demon-
strated in a biodesulphurization microbiological system, that when
the dynamic technique is employed to measure OUR the oxy-
gen consumption decreases, which can explain the differences
observed. Fig. 6 compares experimental OUR values obtained from
the oxygen concentration prole data and those obtained using
the dynamic technique for two bioprocess, Xanthomonas campestris
and Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8 cultures. As it can be seen,
experimental OUR values obtained from the DO concentration pro-
le are higher than those obtained by the dynamic method. This
discrepancy could be explained using the cellular economy princi-
ple: during the time that oxygen is not transferred, microorganism
cells consume oxygen at a lower rate [76,77].

4. Kinetic modelling of our in bioprocesses

Fig. 6. Differences between oxygen uptake rate experimental values obtained from
The concept of a maintenance energy coefcient for substrate dynamic technique (OURd ) and from oxygen prole data (OURp ) for different stirrer
consumption was rst proposed by Pirt [72] in the study of the cul- speed (a) in Xanthomonas campestris culture (b) in Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8
culture (adapted from Santos et al. [40]).
ture of Aerobacter cloacae grown in chemostat. Pirt model [44] is
considered valid for maintenance description; it applies to almost
any substrate involved in cellular energy metabolism and is sup- being YOX = 1/YXO ; and therefore:
ported by experimental data and energetic considerations.
According to that, OUR has been usually related both to biomass qO2 = mO2 + YOX  CX (17)
concentration in the broth oxygen necessary for biomass main- CXmax
tenance and to biomass production rate oxygen necessary for From the slope and the intercept of the plot of qO2 versus CX
growth [5,7,36,39,40,4751], as follows: both oxygen consumption for maintenance and yield of oxygen
1 dCX consumed for cell growth can be obtained. Both relations have
OUR = qO2 CX = mO2 CX + (14) been used for determination of the characteristic parameters of
YXO dt
consumption [3840].
where CX is the biomass concentration, mO2 is the oxygen con- Experiments show that OUR values present an increase during
sumption coefcient for maintenance and YXO the yield of oxygen the lag stage and especially during the exponential growth stage;
consumed for cell growth. afterwards the values of OUR decrease slowly till reaching a practi-
Assuming that the growth rate of microbial cells can be modelled cally constant value during the stationary stage. On the other hand,
according to a logistic equation: the specic oxygen uptake, qO2 , increases dramatically in the lag
  and rst exponential stages of growth, until a maximum value is
dCX CX reached. At the beginning of the process qO2 increases mainly due
=  CX 1 (15)
dt CXmax to the increasing of biomass production and substrate consumption
rates. At longer fermentation times, when the substrate consump-
in an aerobic process where oxygen is only consumed for cell main- tion and biomass production rates decrease qO2 decreases as well.
tenance and cell growth, the above equations lead to: It has been shown that the maximum OUR value in Xanthomonas
campestris culture was obtained in the middle of the exponential
OUR = mO2 + YOX  1 CX (16) phase with values ranging from 1.15 to 1.84 103 mol O2 m3 s1 ,
depending on the biomass concentration during the experi-
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 297

altered, as it occurs in the case of using the dynamic method [5,40].

In this table results obtained by macroscopic model proposed by
Heijnen and Roels [74] for mO2 and YOX estimation are also shown.
Although uctuations are considerable in both parameters, it is
clear that in general available data in literature agree well with
predicted values.
The modelling of OUR using several metabolic functions has
been considered in different ways depending on the characteristic
of bioprocess. Koutinas et al. [52] considered the OUR for growth,
maintenance and glucoamylase production (YOG ) by fungal cells
in submerged cultures of Aspergillus awamori. Giordano et al. [42]
assumed that in aerobic biodegradation of contaminated sediments
OUR was the sum of two terms, related, respectively, to exogenous
and endogenous respiring, modelling the OUR prole according to
this assumption. Calik et al. [59] studying the effects of pH on ben-
zaldehyde lyase production by Escherichia coli and Kocabas et al.
[9] for the l-tryptophan production by thermoacidophilic Bacil-
lus acidocaldarius, established that oxygen is consumed for three
purposes: cell growth, by-product formation and maintenance.
Indeed, in cases of product synthesis a new term must be intro-
duced in Eq. (14), yielding the following expression:
1 dCX 1 dCP
OUR = mO2 CX + + (18)
YXO dt YPO dt
The last term corresponding to oxygen consumption for product
formation can be expressed according to the following equation
= + CX (19)
dt dt
where is the term for growth associated product formation and
is the term for non-growth associated product formation. This
model was derived on the basis of an analysis of lactic acid fermen-
tation, but it is in principle valid only for metabolic products that are
Fig. 7. Variation of experimental values (symbols) and prediction model (lines), formed as a direct consequence of the growth process, as shown by
of qO2 ( ) and OUR (), using Eqs. (16) and (17), with biomass concentration
Yamani and Shiotani [79]. However, the model may in some cases
and the time course of fermentation of Pseudomonas putida (a genetically modi-
ed bacteria able to carry out the DBT biodesulphurization process) (N = 200 rpm; be applied to other products. Heijnen et al. [80] described a formal
VS = 2.5 103 m s1 ) (adapted from Gomez et al. [39]). approach to modelling of secondary metabolite formation in the
penicillin fermentation, which is not growth related.
As indicated above, Santos et al. [40] observed differences
ment; the maximum value of specic OUR, qO2 max , was around
between OUR values determined by the classic dynamic technique
4.2 103 mol O2 kg1 s1 , which would be taken as the end of the
and from oxygen concentration prole. The tting of the exper-
lag phase [5]. In the case of Rhodococcus erythropolis cultures, OUR
imental values obtained from the rst technique using Equation
seems to depend on culture growth phase: rstly increasing dur-
(14) provides the values of the oxygen consumption parameters
ing lag stage and especially during the rst exponential growth
related to maintenance (mO2 ) and growth (YOX ). However, when
stage, taking a maximum value (from 5 to 7 104 mol O2 m3 s1 )
the experimental the oxygen concentration prole obtained dur-
for a biomass concentration of 1 kg m3 ; afterwards the values of
ing batch growth is employed to determine OUR (process method),
OUR decrease slowly at the stationary stage [40]. In Pseudomonas
higher oxygen consumption rates were observed and consequently
putida culture [39] the maximum OUR value was also obtained in
the authors described OUR using three parameters (YOX , mO2 and
the middle of the exponential phase, with values ranging from 3.0
YOBDS ), according to:
to 3.5 103 mol O2 m3 s1 , depending on the biomass concentra-
tion; the maximum value of the specic OUR, qO2 max , was around dCX dXBDS
OURp = mO2 CX + YOX + YOBDS (20)
5 103 mol O2 kg1 s1 , and was observed at the end of the lag dt dt
stage. where YOBDS is the yield of oxygen to biodesulphurization capability
Fig. 7 show the evolution of OUR and qO2 with the biomass con- development and XBDS desulphurization capability of whole cell
centration and time course of P. putida fermentation, for a stirrer that can be expressed by a simplied LuedekingPiret equation:
speed of 200 rpm and supercial gas velocity of 2.5 103 m s1
(gas ow of 2 L min1 ) [39]. In this gure values predicted by Eqs. dXBDS dCX
= (21)
(16) and (17) are also presented. It can be seen that the equations dt dt
describe satisfactorily experimental data of OUR and qO2 . Considering that the growth rate of the microbial culture can
There are not many experimental values of these oxygen con- be modelled according to a logistic equation and that only the
sumption parameters in the literature; some values for yeasts and rst term involving growth due to synthesis of desulphurization
bacteria are shown in Table 1. The parameter mO2 presents a con- enzymes must be considered to inuence oxygen uptake rate, Eq.
stant value independently of the conditions of oxygen transport (20) can be rearranged into:
that prevail in the broth, whereas parameter YXO can be inu-  
enced by oxygen transport. For this reason different values can OURp = mO2 CX + (YOX + YOBDS )  CX 1 (22)
be obtained for this last parameter if the transport conditions are
298 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

Table 1
Parameter consumption values for some microorganism.

Microorganism qO2 (mol O2 kg X1 h1 ) mO2 (mol O2 kg X1 h1 ) YOX (mol O2 kg X1 ) Substrate (carbon source) Reference

Xanthomomas campestris 215 1.0 0.6 Sucrose Garcia-Ochoa et al. [5]

NRRL 1775
Escherichia coli K 12a 0.923 2.46.4 12.5520 b
Glucose Calik et al. [7]
Bacillus acidocaldarius 3.131.2 2.216.6 0.343.8 Fructose Kocabas et al. [9]
NRRC-207 F
Phafa rhodozyma ENMS 1.9 Glucose Liu et al. [10]
Bacillus thuringiensis 215.5 0.9 17.2 Glucose Rowe et al. [36]
subspecies kurstaki
Rhodococcus erythropolis 0.24.3 0.8 16.420 Glucose, glutamic acid and citrate Gomez et al. [38]
Pseudomonas putida 218 1.9 52.6 Glucose, glutamic acid and citrate Gomez et al. [39]
CECT 5279
Trigonopsis variabilis CBS 23 0.03 1316 Glucose Montes et al. [49]
Escherichia coli K 12c 0.917.2 0.47.2 0.0113.6 *
Glucose Calik et al. [59]
Candida bombicola NRRL 0.31 0.01 4.4 Glucose Casas [104]
Hansenula anmala 0.8 Glucose Djelal et al. [105]
Biomass molecular 1.0 20.3 Glucose Heijnen and Roels [74].
formula Estimated from Eqs.
CH1.79 O0.5 N0.20 (11) and (12)
Changing oxygen transport conditions.
Overall biomass yield on oxygen (mol O2 kg X1 ).
Changing pH of the fermentation medium.

This equation has been employed to obtain the parameters of developing mathematical models able to predict this parameter in
oxygen consumption in this bioprocess, and it was found that the bubble columns of different types [28,29,8183], and in stirred tank
values mO2 and YOX were similar to those obtained by the dynamic bioreactors [28,30,31,84]. These methods aim at predicting trans-
method [40]. port coefcient for bioreactors of different sizes and under different
In summary, a complete description of a bioprocess includes operation conditions.
the dynamic behavior of the oxygen, and therefore both OTR and Recently, prediction techniques based on theoretical models of
OUR. OTR can nowadays be predicted, as shown in recent works gasliquid contact and on turbulence description, have been pro-
[21]. On the other hand, OUR values can also be affected by OTR, or posed. For the prediction of kL , theoretical models based on Higbies
uid-dynamic conditions: the following section is devoted to this penetration theory, which is widely accepted for description of
possible inuence. gasliquid transfer, were applied by several authors for Newtonian
and non-Newtonian uids [29,30,82,85]. According to this model,
5. Inuence of OTR on OUR the mass transfer coefcient can be calculated as

Independently the mode of the aerobic process (batch, semi- kL = 2 (23)

batch, or continuous), oxygen must be continuously supplied if
acceptable productivities are the objective. Sufcient aeration and The evaluation of contact time, te , can be done according to Kol-
agitation of the culture are important in promoting effective mass mogoroffs theory of isotropic turbulence, from two characteristic
transfer to the liquid medium and good mixing in the bioreactor parameters of eddies, namely the eddy length and the uctuation
which are required for achieving optimal growth and/or product velocity. Both parameters depend on the rate of energy dissipa-
formation in the particular bioprocess focused. tion per mass unit, , and on the cinematic viscosity. The exposure
The study of oxygen mass transfer characteristics, traditionally, time is usually calculated as the time spent by the bubble to travel
has been separated into the parameters related to transport (study- a length equal to its diameter, and it is estimated using the ratio
ing the volumetric mass transfer coefcient, kL a, mainly) and the between the eddy length and the uctuation velocity of Kolmogo-
oxygen consumption by microorganism (determining OUR). How- roff.
ever, adequate description of bioprocess must be made taking into If the rheological model of Ostwaldde Waele is adopted for
account the relationship between both of them. description of non-Newtonian ow behaviour of uids, the follow-
ing equation for te and kL are obtained [31,81]:
5.1. Oxygen transfer characteristics on microbial processes  K 1/(1+n)
te = (24)
Taking into account that the maximum value of oxygen concen- 
tration is limited due to the low solubility, most efforts has been
focussed on the volumetric mass transfer coefcient. The inuences kL = DL (25)

of hydrodynamic parameters (physical properties of gas and liq-
uid, operation conditions, geometric parameters of the bioreactor) For Newtonian media (n = 1; k = L ), Eq. (25) is reduced to:
on KL a have been widely investigated (see for references Garcia-
Ochoa and Gomez [21]). There are many empirical equations to kL = DL (26)
determine kL a, and recently great efforts have been made toward
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 299

The specic interfacial area, a, is a function of the hydrodynamics The different layer resistances are taken into account by the
and of the vessel geometry. Assuming spherical bubbles the specic diffusion coefcient (Di ) in each layer and its thickness (zi ). If a lin-
interfacial area can be calculated from the average bubble size, db , ear relationship for the cell concentration in stagnant liquid layer
and the gas hold-up, , by the following equation: is assumed [53] as a rst approximation, the following equation
is obtained for the biomass concentration prole (for details see
a= (27) Garcia-Ochoa and Gomez [31]):
Both hydrodynamic parameters, db and , can be estimated for CX (z) = CXL (z zT ) zs + zm z zs + zm + zL (31)
stirred tank bioreactors using the followings equations [30]:

N 2/5 T 4/15
  1/5  L
   1/15 where CXL is the biomass concentration in the bulk, CXm is the
L L biomass concentration adsorbed in the monolayer, z is the distance
= 0.819 s
1 g 1/3  L G G from the gasliquid interface and zT is the total thickness lm.
(28) According to this approach, the oxygen transfer ux can be eval-

  0.1 uated at the boundary between the surfactant lm and the cell
L monolayer, considering the uptake rate as zero order respect to
db = 0.7  0.4 (29)
P/V L0.2 G the oxygen concentration [54,55], obtaining:

Oxygen absorption into a culture broth can be considered as the JO2 = Dm
dz z=zs
absorption of a gas into a liquid where it reacts, the suspended
microorganisms being the consumer of the oxygen, and there-    
Dm qO2 Cxm zm zL zl2 qO2 2CXm + CXL 2q C
O2 Xm +2(C CL )
fore an enhancement of oxygen mass transfer rate can take place. + +
Indeed, Tsao [86] founded that the absorption rate of oxygen in DL 6 2
a surface-aerated stirred vessel was higher than expected from

physical absorption. The accumulation of microorganism near the 1

gasliquid interface was proposed by Tsao [86] as explanation of z /Di
i i
such as phenomenon. On the other hand, Yagi and Yoshida [87]
working in a sparged stirred fermenter reported experimental evi- The absorption ux in absence of biochemical reaction (qO2 = 0)
dence that the activity of microorganism does not affect the oxygen at the same hydrodynamic conditions and driving force for mass
transfer rate. Both of these observations were reconciled by a math- transfer is then given by
ematical model proposed by Merchuk [53] taking into account the
inuence of the different hydrodynamics conditions in the biore- dC (C CL )
JO0 = Dm

dz z=zs
zL /DL
actor operation. More recently, Calik et al. [88] studying the oxygen
transport effects in growth of P. dacunhae for l-alanine production By combining Eqs. (30), (32) and (33), the following expression
found an enhancement on transport due to presence of microor- is obtained:
ganism. Similar results have been reported by Calik et al. [7,59], in  

an investigation of the effects of oxygen transport on the synthe-

qO2 Cxm zm z Dm 2zL2 1 qO2 CXL zL2
E = 1+ 1+2 l + 2 +
sis of the enzyme benzaldehyde lyase in recombinant E. coli, and 2Dm (C CL ) zm DL 3zm 3 2DL (C CL )
by Kocabas et al. [9] in culture of the thermoacidophilic bacteria

B. acidocaldarius in l-tryptophan. On the other hand, other effects, L

z /DL
such as blocking effects of cells on gasliquid interface have been z /Di
i i
reported by Galaction et al. [17] for bacteria, yeasts and fungi broths.
To take into account the possibility of mass transfer rate The rst bracket in Eq. (34) is always 1 and can be written as
enhancement in a biological system, a biological enhancement fac- a function of the Hatta number, which takes into account the
tor, E, is dened as the ratio of the absorption ux of oxygen due biological enhancement factor due to the oxygen uptake by the
to the oxygen consumption by the cells to the absorption ux in microorganisms in the different layers, according to:
its absence under the same hydrodynamic conditions and driving  

zL Dm 2z 2 1
force, according to: f (Ha) = Ham 1+2 + 2L + HaL (35)
zm Dl 3zm 3
E= (30) where Ham and HaL represent the dimensionless Hatta number
in the cell monolayer and in the liquid layer, respectively, being
Some works in the literature have discussed the biologi- dened as
cal enhancement factor for oxygen absorption into fermentation
broths, and several models with different cell concentration distri- qO2 CX,i zi2
Hai = (i = L, m) (36)
bution have been proposed [53,54,86]. Garcia-Ochoa and Gomez 2Di (C CL )
[31] have proposed a model for estimation of the potential bio-
The second bracket of Eq. (34) is always 1, representing the
logical enhancement factor in bioreactors taking into account the
resistance to diffusion exerted by each of the three lms dened
substances usually added to the broths, such as surfactants, elec-
previously. Since the resistances are in series:
trolytes, sugars, etc. Because oxygen has a very low solubility in

water, it can often be assumed that no mass transfer limitation is zL /DL

observed within the gas phase and only the liquid phase mass trans- g = (37)
D zs /Ds + zm /Dm + zL /DL
port resistance needs be considered. This model considers three
layers in series. Therefore, three mass transfer resistances are con- Depending on the relative values of both terms in Eq. (34) the
sidered to describe the oxygen transport: (i) the resistance at an enhancement factor E, can take values below, equal or above unity.
interfacial surfactant lm, (ii) the resistance of layers of microor- This fact has been previously described in the literature; the nal
ganism adsorbed at the interface, next to the surfactant monolayer value of E depends on the presence of surfactants, the kind of
lm and (iii) the liquid lm resistance. microorganisms and the biomass concentration [17,54,87].
300 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

The oxygen mass transfer rate can be expressed as

OTR = a J = a E J 0 = kG a (pG pi ) = E kL a (Ci CL ) (38)

where J is the absorption ux of oxygen in presence of microorgan-

ism, a is the interfacial area, kG and kL are mass transfer coefcient,
pG is the oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase, and CL the oxy-
gen dissolved concentration in the liquid phase; index i refers to
the magnitude values at the gasliquid interface.
Considering Henrys law, an overall volumetric mass transfer
coefcient can be used, being it related to the individual phases
coefcients according to:

OTR = KG a (pG p ) = KL a (C CL ) (39)

1 1 1
= + (40)
KL a H kG a E kL a
where H is the Henry constant.
It can be observed that the overall volumetric mass transfer coef-
cient in the presence of a biochemical reaction, KL a, is a lumped
parameter comprising the resistances to mass transport of oxy-
gen due to several lms around the gasliquid interface, and to the
oxygen consumption, whose effect can be expressed by a biological
enhancement factor, E. Taking into account that the gas phase resis-
tance can usually be neglected, the overall resistance to transport
can be written as

KL a = E kL a (41)

Thus, the biological enhancement factor is the ratio between the

volumetric mass transfer coefcient in the presence of biochemical
reactions (consumption) and that under inert conditions, being fre-
quently assumed to be equal to 1. When biochemical reactions do
not take place, E = 1 and the overall mass transfer will be denoted
kL a and the ux Jo .

5.2. Inuence of oxygen transport conditions on OUR and qO2

In bioprocesses, OTR as well as the OUR values change not

only with the presence of biomass but also with oxygen trans-
port conditions (determined by hydrodynamics conditions in the
bioreactors). Thus, OUR also can depend on oxygen mass transfer
Typical time proles of specic oxygen uptake rate and the
enhancement factor predicted values obtained in different cultures
are shown in Fig. 8. For E calculation, the liquid lm thickness, zl ,
can be calculated from the contact time Eq. (24) considering
the inuence of viscosity on the mass transfer coefcient through
the rheological parameters k and n The lm thickness of adsorbed Fig. 8. Typical time course proles of specic oxygen uptake rate ( ) and enhance-
ment factor predicted () by Eq. (34) in different cultures. (a) Production of xanthan
cell monolayer, zm , has been considered to be the average size of gum by Xanthomonas campestris. (b) Growth culture of Candida bombicola. (c) Pro-
the microorganism used (bacteria or yeast); and for the lm thick- duction of surfactant by Candida bombicola (adapted from Garcia-Ochoa and Gomez
ness of surfactant, a value of 1 107 m has been assumed; oxygen [31]).
diffusion coefcient in bulk liquid, DL , has been estimated from
WilkeChange correlation [89], while in the layer of microorgan- qO2 , is due to the inuence of the viscosity of broth, which dramati-
ism adsorbed is calculated as Dm = 0.3DL [90], and in the surfactant cally increasing and produces an increase of the resistance to mass
monolayer, Ds is assumed to be 4.2 109 m2 s1 [31]. transport (a decrease on the volumetric mass transfer coefcient).
Fig. 8a shows experimental values of specic oxygen uptake Since E is the ratio of the actual OTR to the hypothetical OTR that
rate, qO2 , and the variation of the biological enhancement factor, would be observed in a system of the same physical characteristics,
E, during the biomass evolution in time for a typical growth of the but without biochemical activity, E continues to increase in spite
bacteria Xanthomonas campestris in the production of xanthan gum. of the decrease in qO2 . This decrease is partially compensated in
Specic oxygen uptake rate seems to be inuenced by the microor- practice by increasing of the agitation speed from 250 to 500 rpm.
ganism growth phase: there is an increase during the lag phase Fig. 8b shows experimental values of the specic oxygen uptake
and the beginning of the exponential phase, and afterwards qO2 rate, qO2 , and the variation of the biological enhancement factor,
decreases during the stationary growth phase. The enhancement E, with biomass evolution in the course of a typical fermenta-
factor, E, increases because of the increased OUR during the rst tion of the yeast Candida bombicola, in a medium where only
stage of growth, as expected. The increase of E after this stage, in growth is relevant. It can be observed that the specic OUR, qO2 ,
spite of the lower biochemical demand as shown by the descent of in the lag phase and rst exponential phase, achieves values of
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 301

Fig. 9. Variation of oxygen uptake rate (experimental values as symbols, and predictions by Eq. (16) as lines) with biomass concentration (a) and growth time (b) for different
stirrer speed on Rhodococcus erythropolis cultures (a bacteria able to carry out the DBT biodesulphurization process) (adapted from Santos et al. [40]).

3.5 103 mol kg1 s1 and then decreases with time. The E value cells. Two dimensionless parameters, the observed effectiveness
however increases continuously due to the increasing of biomass factor and the modied Damkhler number, which contain mea-
concentration and OUR, reaching values of 1.14. During the produc- surable parameters only, have been used to determine whether the
tion of sophorolipids by the same yeast shown in Fig. 8c, qO2 values overall reaction was limited by oxygen diffusion or by the biochem-
show the same tendency, but at one order of magnitude above. ical reaction [7,38,59,91,92].
The biological enhancement factor E predicted by the model rst The effectiveness factor is alternative way of looking into the
decreases due to the accumulation of the sophorolipid produced, interaction of diffusion and reaction. The effectiveness factor, , is
which is a new resistance to mass transfer (a new layer around the dened as a ratio of reaction rates of substrate with and without dif-
interface); it is considered that the surfactant layer increases from fusion limitations, while in the case of the enhancement factor the
0 to 107 m, but the increase of biomass concentration produces an reference adopted is the rate of absorption in absence of chemical
increase in the OUR, and the enhancement factor fall into the range reaction.
of higher than unity. Thus, in aerobic microbial processes, effectiveness factor for
In Fig. 9 variations of OUR on Rhodococcus erythropolis cul- oxygen uptake rate can be expressed by the ratio of the observed
tures, under different transport conditions (changing stirrer speed biochemical reaction rate and the biochemical reaction rate with-
of 150, 250 and 400 rpm) are shown. In all runs, OUR seems to be out mass transfer resistance, according to:
inuenced by the stirrer speed employed and the microorganism
growth phase (increasing during lag stage and especially during OUR
= (42)
the rst exponential growth stage, then taking a maximum value OURmax
for a biomass concentration of 1 kg m3 . After that, the values of
OUR decrease slowly at the stationary stage because of decrease in This parameter indicates the relative utilisation of oxygen by
metabolic activity of the cells. In general, the lowest OUR values microorganisms in a bioprocess. If  is close to 1, the respiratory
are observed under oxygen transport limitations; however, higher activity is not limited by oxygen diffusion. If  < 1, it indicates that
oxygen transport conditions can produce a decrease in OUR due to the diffusion is affecting, even controlling, the overall rate.
growth inhibition by oxygen [7].
In Fig. 10 the relationship between specic oxygen uptake rate
and biomass concentration under different transport conditions is
shown. Experimental results of qO2 , according to Eq. (17), show
a linear relationship with CX and increase when stirrer speed
increases. Specic OUR has a minimum value that corresponds to
maintenance; this value will be reached when CX has a maximum
value (that is, in stationary phase).
Regarding consumption parameters in general, the coefcient of
oxygen consumption for maintenance, mO2 , and the yield of oxygen,
YXO , depend on the conditions of oxygen transport that prevail in
the broth. They may decrease dramatically when the microorgan-
ism is grown at high stirrer speed, due to metabolic changes or cell
damage produced by hydrodynamic conditions [66].

5.3. Rate-limiting step analysis

A method similar to that employed for inter- and intra-phase

transfer rate limitations in heterogeneous catalytic systems has
been applied to compare relative rates of mass transfer and bio-
chemical reaction and to determine the rate-limiting step. This
methodology has been applied to complex bioprocess involving Fig. 10. Variation of specic oxygen uptake rate with biomass concentration for
immobilised enzymes or cells, microbial agglomerates and single different stirrer speed on Rhodococcus erythropolis cultures.
302 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

Fig. 11. Evolution of Damkhler number (a) and effectiveness factor (b) with biomass
concentration for different mass transport conditions during Rhodococcus erythro-
polis growth (adapted from Gomez et al. [38]). Fig. 12. Evolution of Damkhler number (a) and effectiveness factor (b) with biomass
concentration for different mass transport conditions during Pseudomonas Putida
CECT5279 growth.

In Eq. (16), the maximum oxygen uptake rate is given by

 compared to transport rate (mass transfer resistances become
OURmax = mO2 + CX (43) dominant); on the other hand, if Da 1 the rate of mass transport
YXO is large compared to the biochemical reaction rate (biochemical
Considering the overall oxygen yield, Y XO : reaction limitations are dominant).
max In Figs. 11 and 12 the evolution of Da and  with biomass concen-
OURmax =  CX (44) tration, for different mass transport conditions during the growth
of Rhodococcus erythropolis and Pseudomonas putida are shown. In
where de maximum demand of oxygen depends on the char- Figs. 11a and 12a it can be seen that Da increases with the increase
acteristic parameters of the microbial process and on biomass of biomass concentration. It can also be observed that Da decreases
concentration. with increasing stirrer speed (Fig. 11a). In the runs performed at 150
During the growth phase the OURmax is often greater than actual and 250 rpm, when biomass concentration and oxygen uptake rate
OUR because of the inability of the aeration system to provide suf- increase, mass transfer resistance is clearly the limiting step due to
cient oxygen transfer. However, in the stationary phase, OUR is the low mass transfer rate, and Da takes values higher than 1 for
based on the maintenance requirements and is therefore consider- biomass concentration of 0.2 kg m3 (for growth time above 3 h).
ably less than maximum value. Under other operation conditions (with stirrer speed of 400 rpm),
Likewise, the maximum mass transfer rate from gas to liquid there is no transport limitation and Da takes values lower than 1.
can be determined as In Figs. 11b and 12b it can be observed that the effectiveness fac-
tor, , estimated by the ratio between the observed biochemical
OTRmax = E kL a C (45)
reaction rate and the intrinsic reaction rate without mass transfer
being C* the saturation concentration in the liquid phase and E the resistance, takes values close to 1 at the beginning of the bio-
enhancement factor due to biochemical reaction. process, indicating that the cells are consuming oxygen at such
In order to compare the potential OUR and OTR maximum values a high rate that the maximum possible oxygen utilisation values
and to nd the rate-limiting step of the bioprocess, the modied are approached. The decrease in  after that indicates that the bac-
Damkhler number can be used. The Damkhler number (Da) can teria are consuming oxygen at a rate that is below the maximum
be also expressed as [7,38,59,91]: demand.

Da = (46) 6. Scale-up and modelling of dissolved oxygen
This ratio indicates whether the bioprocess is transport-limited,
biochemical reaction-limited, or in an intermediate operation Aeration and agitation of culture are important in promoting
regime. When Da > 1, the biochemical reaction rate is large effective mass transfer from gas phase to liquid medium and good
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 303

pilot-scale and in production-scale, oxygen is generally supplied

by compressed air, and mechanical devices are used to mix the
broth and to facilitate the gasliquid contact. OTR often can be
most important in scale-up due to effect of DO concentration
on cell growth and product formation. Furthermore, it can be
the key to scale-up the bioreactor; when the criterion of con-
stant OTR is used in scale-up, the underlying assumption is that
OUR is equal to the OTR. Zou et al. [33] have used OUR as a
scale-up parameter that was successfully applied in industrial
bioreactors (132 m3 and 372 m3 ); the nal erythromycin pro-
duction was similar to that obtained at the pilot plant scale
(0.050 m3 ).
Changes in pressure with scale-up can inuence the values
of C* , and consequently on CL . Since for most aerobic biopro-
cesses the critical dissolved oxygen concentration is very low, CL
is assumed to be zero. This fact severely affects growth rate. Alter-
natively, although OUR (and KL a) can change dramatically over
the course of the fermentation, an optimal value for CL may be
determined from laboratory studies and used for scale-up [94].
A value of CL above 3070% saturation usually assures adequate
DO concentration in less mixed regions of a viscous mycelia broth;
for a less viscous yeast fermentation broth, a value of CL as low
as 1030% saturation can be adequate [95]. A similar result was
observed during xanthan gum fermentation in stirred tank biore-
actor, where a CL over 20% saturation improves the biopolymer
production [5].
The concentration of dissolved oxygen changes depending on
the oxygen transfer rate from the air bubbles to liquid phase
and on the oxygen uptake rate for growth, on maintenance,
and also on the metabolic production by the cells. So, the
study of the different variables affecting oxygen and its rela-
tion with growth and yield is of great importance. Calik et al.
[88] have shown that variation of specic growth rate values,
, with DO concentration in the growth of Pseudomonas dacun-
hae for l-alanine production obeys a substrate inhibition model.
Koutinas et al. [52] have shown that increasing of DO con-
centration (changing aeration rate and stirrer speed) causes an
increasing in the yield of biomass on substrate and that the ef-
ciency in glucose and oxygen consumption is hampered under
oxygen limiting conditions; similar results have been obtained
by Calik et al. [7], determining that cell yield on substrate
increased with increase in oxygen transfer rate. Also, Sampaio
et al. [37] found that metabolism of yeast Debaryomices hansen-
Fig. 13. Experimental values (points) and prediction by the model (lines) dur- nii UFV-170 results to be practically inactive under strict oxygen
ing time course bioprocess of the production of xanthan gum by Xanthomonas limited conditions. Olmo et al. [60] have shown in aerobic bio-
campestris: (a) biomass concentration; (b) sucrose and xanthan concentrations; (c) process of biodesulphurization by Rhodococcus erythropolis that
dissolved oxygen concentration (adapted from Garcia-Ochoa et al. [5]). growth of the bacteria is strongly dependent on the avail-
ability of oxygen. Experimental results of Mantzouridou et al.
[96] and Liu et al. [10] have shown in shake ask cultures
mixing into the bioreactor. Therefore the scale-up of a bioreac- of Blakeslea trispora and Phafna rhodozyma, respectively, that
tor must provide a controlled environment and an appropriated growth and carotenoid production depend strongly on the oxygen
DO concentration to achieve the optimal microorganism growth supply.
and/or product formation in the particular bioprocess employed. For design and optimisation of bioprocesses, it is essential to
The problem of bioreactor scale-up has been addressed many have a mathematical model that represents the system kinetics,
times in the literature The empirical approach integrated with the including the evolution and inuence of DO concentration. There-
principle of similarity and dimensional analysis for scale-up puts fore, the kinetic models proposed to describe bioprocesses have
forward the general principles of the equalities of specic power to include as a key-compound in its set of differential equations
input (P/V), volumetric mass transfer coefcient (KL a); impeller the dissolved oxygen concentration, because very often this is the
tip speed of the agitator or shear rate of stress (ND), or mixing most important nutrient for success of the production process.
time (tm ). However, in general, it is impossible to scale-up a bio- Mathematical models incorporating oxygen uptake and dissolved
process keeping simultaneously all conditions (hydrodynamics or oxygen concentration have been developed for different cultures
mass transfer) similar at different scales [93] and it is therefore nec- [48,97100] and different specic rate expressions for cell growth,
essary to choose a variable to be considered as the most important substrate consumption, product formation and oxygen uptake have
[21]. been utilised.
In laboratory shake asks, aeration and agitation are accom- Monod type kinetic [101] has been frequently used for descrip-
plished by the rotary or reciprocating action of the shaker. In tion of the specic culture growth rate when dissolved oxygen is
304 F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307

model values for biomass concentration, consumption of sucrose,

xanthan gun production and DO concentration during time are rep-
resented in Fig. 13. In a later work [5] this kinetic model was used for
predicting the behaviour of the system in scale-up when a trans-
port parameter (KL a, air ow and DO concentration) is changed.
Results showed that increases of DO concentration produce fast
carbon source consumption and favours the production of xanthan
gum (see Fig. 3). It can be observed that, as found by other authors
[103], the increase of DO concentration favours the production of
A kinetic model for DBT desulphurization has been proposed to
describe the growth of R. erythropolis in batch operation and under
different operation conditions [38,60]. Experimental and predicted
values of biomass concentration, desulphurization capability, XBDS ,
and DO concentration during the course of the bioprocess of
biodesulphurization by R. erythropolis are shown in Fig. 14, for dif-
ferent OTR values, changing the stirrer speed. In Fig. 14a, it can be
observed that the maximum cell concentration obtained increases
when stirrer speed increases, that is when OTR increases. In Fig. 14b,

Fig. 14. Experimental values (points) and prediction by the model (lines) during
time course bioprocess of the growth of Rhodococcus erythropolis under different
mass transfer operational conditions: (a) biomass concentration; (b) desulphur-
ization capability; (c) dissolved oxygen concentration (adapted from Gomez et al.

the limiting nutrient for growth:

max CO2
= (47)
KO2 + CO2

and the same formalism has been used for specic oxygen uptake
rate [49,97,102]:
qO2 max CO2
qO2 = (48)
KO2 + CO2

The above approach has been considered in the metabolic

structured kinetic model proposed by Garcia-Ochoa et al. [99] for
xanthan gum production by X. camprestris. This model takes into
account ve key compounds: biomass, carbon source, nitrogen
source, xanthan gum and dissolved oxygen. The model is able to
consider the inuence of DO concentration on the bioprocess evo-
lution and, therefore, the results obtained are more realistic and
Fig. 15. Experimental values (points) and prediction by the model (lines) during
closer to experimental evidence. It should be noted that this model
time course bioprocess of the growth of Pseudomonas putida under different mass
is also able to predict the inuence of temperature on the evolu- transfer operational conditions: (a) biomass concentration; (b) desulphurization
tion of all the described compounds. Experimental and predicted by capability; (c) dissolved oxygen concentration (adapted from Gomez et al. [39]).
F. Garcia-Ochoa et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 49 (2010) 289307 305

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