Example: If He Hadn't Talked To His Friends, They Wouldn't Have Heard About Alicia's Birthday Party

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Name: __________________ Teacher:

Date: _____/ _____ / ______

Grammar Structure.

If + past perfect, + modal (would, could, should, might) + have + past participle

Example: If he hadnt talked to his friends, they wouldnt have heard about Alicias birthday party.


Unreal / Imaginary situations.

A) Complete the sentences.

1. If she _______________ (arrive) on time, she wouldnt have missed the English lesson.
2. If you _______________(be) more careful, you might not have broken your glasses.
3. If he hadnt watched TV until midnight, he _______________ (not be) late for work.
4. You _______________ (not get) the job if you hadnt applied for it.
5. If I had invited you to my wedding party, you probably _____________________ (not go)
6. She _______________ (have) better grades in her exams if she had worked harder.

B) Rewrite the following sentences. Use the third conditional.

1. He didnt get the job because he forgot to come to the interview.

If _____________________________________________________________________
2. I didnt do any part-time jobs while I was at school, so I gained no work experience.
If _____________________________________________________________________
3. William broke into a house and went to prison.
If ______________________________________________________________________
4. It was more expensive because you didnt come on the bus.
___________________________if ___________________________________________
5. She didnt get better because she refused to go to the doctor.
If ______________________________________________________________________
6. We didnt pass because we didnt study.
___________________________if ___________________________________________
7. He didnt go out with us because he broke his leg.
If ______________________________________________________________________
8. He broke his leg because he fell.
___________________________if ___________________________________________

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