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I have recently sat in and listened to the trial of Gordy Harris to see if he is found guilty or

proven innocent by his defense team. The bailiff announced Judge Robert & Judge
Mourinna, everybody but the jury was allowed to be seated and the bailiff sworn in the jury
and we were ready to start the trial. The prosecution team and the defense team both asked
their questions to the jury to see if they are all capable of finding a verdict fairly and they
were all suitable. Both sides came up with their opening statements and then they called up
their first witness which was Natalie, Gordys wife. She had said that they have been
married for about 20 years. They went to dinner, the movies and to a bar to celebrate
Gordys 50th birthday. They had a couple drinks at the bar but she did not. She couldnt be
the designated driver because she doesnt know how to drive, Gordy took the wheel even
though he had a couple drinks, she said he was compliant enough to drive he wasnt
intoxicated. They were driving 45 mph in a 55 mph zone which is odd because they were
driving in a residential area where the speed limit is 25 mph. She said that a kid was
running towards their car making Gordy hit him since he was blinded by another cars high
beams. The police officer took the stand and said that the drivers blood alcohol content was
0.08% which is right at the legal limit to get a DUI. There were no further questions for the
Police Officer. The ambulance driver took the stand next, he said he heard the victim say
he didnt know why he was still here making it almost seem like he was suicidal. Jessica,
the housewife was the person who allowed Gordy to come into her house to use the phone
to call the police. She said at the time of the accident she was half asleep so she couldnt see
much. Adyn took the stand next, she said that she was parked outside of her house waiting
in her car because it was raining pretty hard so she was waiting for it to led up. She said
that she was also blinded by a cars high beams that were coming from the way of where
the accident would take place. There were no further witnesses called to the stand. The jury
went into deliberation and then the verdict came out that they found the defendant guilty.
Gordy was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

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