Ceilcote Corrosion Control Products Technical Bulletin #CC30 Cold Wall Effect Background

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Ceilcote Technical Bulletin




The term cold wall effect is used frequently to refer to an important challenge to linings and coatings
used to protect steel surfaces (tanks, piping) that are exposed to aqueous solutions at elevated
temperatures, generally above 100 degrees F. The following is a brief explanation of this phenomenon
to better understand it and the implications on correct choice of a protective lining or coating for a given

In addition to being resistant to aggressive chemicals, immersion linings in aqueous solutions must also
resist the permeation of water vapor, especially important at temperatures above 100 degrees F. The
polymer components of linings and coatings are non-porous but are all measurably permeable to water
vapor. In the past, before highly permeation resistant linings became standard to protect against
elevated temperature corrosive solutions, one method included use of relative thin coatings combined
with thermal insulation on the exterior of the tank or pipe. However, experience showed that wall areas
that had metal brackets or stiffening members attached to the exterior were subject to premature failure
with loss of adhesion and blistering. Realizing that this problem was caused by the external heat transfer
lowering the steel wall temperature; it became common to simply refer to it as the cold wall effect. The
term is now used for the permeation vapor pressure differential on any elevated temperature uninsulated

Heat Transfer
We know that thermal energy (heat) can be transferred from one body to another by several methods
conduction (through materials or by direct contact), convection (air currents moving past a warmer or
colder surface), and radiation (from hot elements to cooler surrounding surfaces). Radiation is significant
at very high temperatures, but for simplicity, will be ignored in this discussion.

So, in the case of a vertical steel (or other metal) tank surface, wherein the (aqueous) content is
significantly hotter than the surrounding exterior air, the interior heat wants to transfer to the cooler
ambient air. Somewhat simplified, the heat (transfer) path is first through the interior tank lining, then
through the steel wall (both by conduction), then to the air by convective cooling.

The conduction rate and resulting temperature drop through the lining and steel wall are directly related
to the thermal conductivity factor of each material. This is very basic, just like the passage of electricity
through resistors.

Convective cooling is a bit more complex because it depends on the velocity of the air adjacent to the
tank exterior. In the absence of forced external velocity (such as wind), a natural air velocity pattern
develops due to the difference in density of hotter air adjacent to the steel wall. That mechanism carries
the heat away from the steel wall.

Protective Coatings
All products supplied and technical advice or recommendations given are subject to our standard Conditions of Sale.
Ceilcote Technical Bulletin

The Challenge
Those heat transmission mechanisms, operating in series, create the temperature profile shown in the
above figure. As can be seen, much of the temperature drop occurs through the lining because its
thermal conductivity is several orders of magnitude lower than that of the steel wall.

That temperature gradient (delta T) across the lining is the driving force (pressure differential) for
permeation because the temperature on the exposed face is higher than the temperature of the back of
the lining which is bonded to the (carbon steel) substrate. The differential driving force is the difference
in partial pressure of water vapor from the immersed side to the substrate side of the lining. That causes
a pressure for the water to be driven through the lining to the cooler back side.

Oversimplified, if permeation resistance of the lining is not high enough, the water, in time, causes
surface oxidation and/or adhesion loss to the steel substrate with subsequent blistering of the lining.

The term Cold Wall Effect is commonly used to refer to the permeation pressure differential that drives
vapor through the coating to the steel substrate. This vapor permeation that reaches the steel substrate
initiates the oxidation process and resulting lining or coating failure.

Ceilcote was one of the original pioneers in the research to use tiny glass flakes to improve permeation
resistance in coatings. Our original work began though a request with Owens Corning Glass Company.
Owens Corning is one of the many companies started by Michael Owens and includes Owens Illinois
and Libby Owens Ford. Ceilcote was requested to find a use for the tiny glass flakes produced by these
major leaders of modern American business technology. Ceilcote quickly developed glass flake
technology for use in industrial coatings. Soon after Ceilcote licensed other manufactures in Asia and
Europe and trained many of our competitors in the heavy duty coating field today.

Protective Coatings
All products supplied and technical advice or recommendations given are subject to our standard Conditions of Sale.

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