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R.W. Gallois and S.M.





Gallois, R.W. and Etches, S.M. 2010. The distribution of the ammonite Gravesia (Salfeld, 1913) in the Kimmeridge Clay
Formation (late Jurassic) in Britain. Geoscience in South-West England, 12, 240-249.

Species of the ammonite Gravesia (Salfeld, 1913) have a widespread distribution in Europe over a relatively narrow stratigraphical
range in the late Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian stages. The genus is a warm-water form that reaches its maximum
stratigraphical range in the Submediterranean faunal province in central France and south Germany where six species have been
recognised. Four of these, G. gigas (Zieten, 1830), G. gravesiana (dOrbigny, 1850), G. irius (dOrbigny, 1850) and G. lafauriana
Hantzpergue, 1987 have been recorded in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. A few examples have been found in cored boreholes,
but most have come from the cliff and foreshore outcrops at Brandy Bay and Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset. The distribution of
Gravesia in Britain is mostly restricted to the more calcareous parts of the succession where they represent migrations of a warmer
water fauna into a region in which the ammonite assemblages were dominated by Subboreal forms of Aulacostephanus and
Pectinatites. The palaeogeography of the late Jurassic in central and North West Europe comprised relatively small land areas
separated by seaways that became progressively more restricted with time. In late Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian/Volgian
times, migrations of warmer- and cooler-water ammonites through these seaways gave rise to mixed assemblages that enable
correlations to be made between the local zonal schemes in the Submediterranean and Subboreal faunal provinces. Gravesia is
one of the few ammonites that has a stratigraphical range that crosses the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian and Kimmeridgian-Volgian
boundaries, and which has a large geographical distribution which includes much of North West and Central Europe and as far
east as the Subarctic Urals. The known distribution of the genus in Britain is summarised herein, along with the first detailed
account of its occurrence in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in the Dorset type section.

1 92 Stoke Valley Road, Exeter, Devon, EX4 5ER, U.K.

2Ashfield, Kimmeridge, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5PE, U.K.

Keywords: Ammonites, Kimmeridge Clay Formation, Kimmeridgian, Tithonian, Volgian, Gravesia, Dorset.

Species of the ammonite Gravesia were first recorded in at that time, G. gigas (Zieten, 1830), G. gravesiana and G. irius,
Britain by Salfeld (1913) who collected G. gravesiana should be assumed to be contemporaneous. They confirmed
(dOrbigny, 1850) and G. irius (dOrbigny, 1850) from the Salfelds (1913) observation that the genus ranged from the
Kimmeridge Clay Formation at and adjacent to Kimmeridge Maple Ledge Stone Band to the Yellow Ledge Stone Band,
Bay, Dorset. He used these species to define two zones, and noted that a few specimens had subsequently been
G. gravesiana below and G. irius above, which he correlated recorded outside this range. This equates with a range from the
with the G. gravesiana Zone and an overlying G. gigas-G. irius middle part of the Aulacostephanus (Aulacostephanoceras)
Zone in the Gigas Schichten in NW Germany (Salfeld, 1914), but autissiodorensis Zone to a level high in the Pectinatites
did not define the limits of either zone in Dorset. Arkell (1933), (Virgatosphinctoides) scitulus Zone. More recent collecting
notwithstanding Salfelds (1913) statement that he had found from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation at and adjacent to
numerous examples, stated that Gravesia was rare over much Kimmeridge Bay has shown Gravesia to be relatively common
of its stratigraphical range in Dorset and that G. gravesiana and at some levels in the middle part of the formation. It is one of
G. irius were not represented in any British museum collection. the few ammonite genera which has a widespread distribution
Subsequently, Arkell (1947) combined Salfelds (1913) zones in Europe over a relatively narrow stratigraphical range that
into a single Gravesia Zone with a lower boundary which was crosses the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian and Kimmeridgian-Volgian
stratigraphically significantly higher in the succession than boundaries. Its presence in England, northern France, Poland
Salfelds original boundary. Cope (1967) described the genus as and the Urals in association with Subboreal species of
too rare in the Kimmeridge area sections for its stratigraphical
range to be determined, and included Arkells (1947) Gravesia
Zone in a newly proposed Pectinatites (Virgatosphinctoides) 1
Many of the ammonite-based zones in the Jurassic have been stated to be
chronostratigraphical and referred to in publications by their species name alone
elegans1 Zone.
(e.g. Planorbis Zone, Simms et al., 2004). Those in the Kimmeridgian and
In a review of the published records of Gravesia in Britain Tithonian/Volgian in the UK are range biozones. The first reference here gives
Cox and Gallois (1981) concluded, on the basis of the limited the full name (e.g. Pectinatites (Virgatosphinctoides) elegans Zone): for
evidence available, that the three species that had been recorded convenience, subsequent references are abbreviated (e.g. elegans Zone).

Distribution of Gravesia
Aulacostephanus and Pectinatites, and its occurrence in central
France and Germany in association with Submediterranean
forms including Aspidoceras, Glochiceras and Taramelliceras
make it especially useful for correlation between the local zonal
schemes in the Tethyan and Boreal faunal realms. In this paper
the known distribution of the genus in Britain is summarised,
and the first detailed account of its occurrence in the
Kimmeridge Clay Formation in the Dorset type section is


The Kimmeridge Clay Formation crops out almost
continuously from the Dorset coast to the Yorkshire coast, and
the formation has an extensive subcrop beneath younger rocks
in eastern England and the southern North Sea (Figure 1). At
outcrop, the mudstones weather rapidly to clay with the result
that natural inland exposures are rare, and at any one time there
are few man-made sections. The full thickness of the formation
is exposed in the cliffs at and adjacent to Kimmeridge Bay and
Ringstead Bay in Dorset (Figure 2), and these form the type
sections for the Kimmeridge Clay Formation and the
Kimmeridgian Stage (Arkell, 1947). The most extensive
outcrops in the middle and upper parts of the formation are
those in the actively eroding cliffs and intertidal areas between
Brandy Bay [SY 889 795] and Chapmans Pool [SY 955 771]
(Figure 2). These expose a total of c. 400 m of strata in the
middle and upper parts of the formation out of a total of 550 m
that has been proved in boreholes in that area (Gallois, 2000).
Gravesia is confined to a relatively narrow stratigraphical
range in the middle part of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation
(Figure 3), to beds between a little below the Maple Ledge Figure 1. Geological sketch map of the English outcrop and
Stone Band and the Cattle Ledge Stone Band that crop out in subcrop of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation.
the cliffs and intertidal areas in Brandy Bay, Kimmeridge Bay

Figure 2. Geological sketch maps of the Kimmeridge Clay outcrop in the Dorset type area and the Kimmeridge Bay area showing localities
referred to in the text.

R.W. Gallois and S.M. Etches

Figure 3. Simplified vertical section for the Kimmeridge Clay succession exposed in the cliff and foreshore sections between Hobarrow Bay
and Cuddle showing the principal lithologies and ammonite ranges (after Cope, 1967, Cox and Gallois, 1981 and Van der Vyver MS, 1986),
and the revised nomenclature (in bold) for the mudstones (Gallois, in press).

and between Hen Cliff and Cuddle. The same succession is same stratigraphical interval is represented by over 75 m of
exposed in the Weymouth area at Black Head and Ringstead mudstones at Kimmeridge Bay. Furthermore, the precise
Bay, but the sections there are deeply weathered and positions from which the ammonites were obtained at
tectonically disturbed. Gravesia has not been reported there. Aylesbury is not well documented.
The only permanent natural outcrops of the Kimmeridge Elsewhere in England, Gravesia has been reported from a
Clay Formation outside Dorset are at Reighton [TA 126 779] on small number of cored research boreholes. Callomon and Cope
the Yorkshire coast, and on the Sutherland coast on extensive (1971) recorded two specifically indeterminate juvenile
wave-cut platforms at and southwards from Helmsdale [ND 027 Gravesia in the Upper Kimmeridge Clay (elegans Zone) in the
152]. At Reighton, the outcrops are disturbed by faulting and Warlingham Borehole, Surrey [TQ 3476 5719], and single
largely obscured by glacial deposits. Callomon and Cope specimens were recorded in boreholes at Donington on Bain,
(1971) recorded ammonites indicative of the autissiodorensis Lincolnshire [TF 2399 8188], and at Portesham, Dorset [SY 6214
and elegans zones, and in Sutherland Kitchin (in Macgregor 8554] and Kimmeridge Bay [SY 9097 7899] in Dorset (Gallois,
et al., 1930) recorded specimens of a Perisphinctes, 1979). These last three occurred at a similar stratigraphical level
comparable with forms characteristic of the Gravesia Zone. to one another in association with Aulacostephanus spp.
Gravesia has not been recorded at either locality. There are indicative of the middle part of the autissiodorensis Zone. The
two published records of Gravesia collected from temporary full thickness of the middle part of the formation was
inland exposures. Arkell (1933) referred to a specimen in the continuously cored in research boreholes at Reighton and in the
Hudleston Collection (BGS Y815) from the Upper Kimmeridge adjacent Vale of Pickering (Gallois, 1979; Herbin et al., 1995).
Clay at Swindon, Wiltshire, but this is a pectinatitid. Oates Geyssant (1990) recorded poorly preserved Gravesia sp. indet.
(1983) figured G. gigas from the autissiodorensis and elegans in the elegans Zone in one of these boreholes at Ebberston
Zones, and G. irius from the elegans Zone in excavations at [SE 893 816]. This is the most northerly recorded occurrence of
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. This last is the only published the genus in Britain.
record of G. irius in the elegans zone in Britain. However, the The Kimmeridge Clay Formation of most of the English
succession at Aylesbury is highly condensed with major onshore outcrop is made up of mudstone-dominated, small-
sedimentary breaks marked by erosion surfaces overlain by scale (mostly 0.5 to 1.5 m thick) rhythms that fall into one of
phosphatic pebble beds. For example, Oates (1983) recorded four types, many of which can be correlated over distances of
Sutneria 1 m below the elegans Zone at Aylesbury, but the tens of kilometres. Those in the middle part of the Kimmeridge

Distribution of Gravesia
Clay comprise alternations of organic-rich and calcium-
carbonate-rich mudstones (Figure 4) which have been
interpreted as indicative of changes in water depth (Gallois,
2000) in response to global climate changes associated with
orbital cycles (Weedon et al., 2004). This type of rhythm is well
displayed at and adjacent to Kimmeridge Bay where the
organic-rich mudstones weather out as prominent ribs in the
cliffs and form ledges in the intertidal area. The rhythms have
been used to divide the succession into numbered beds that
can be recognised in the cliff and foreshore exposures (Gallois,
in press). The ammonites in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation
are almost all fragile and crushed, and are difficult to study in
the cliff sections where they are mostly damaged by
weathering. Crushed, but otherwise relatively unweathered
specimens are common at some stratigraphical levels on the
wave-cut platforms with the result that most museum and
figured specimens come from this source.

Figure 4. Generalised small-scale (fourth order) Kimmeridge Clay

Type B (organic-rich) rhythm (after Cox and Gallois, 1981).

Distribution of Gravesia in the Kimmeridge

The stratigraphical distribution of Gravesia in the exposures
in Brandy Bay, Kimmeridge Bay and between there and Cuddle
is summarised in Figures 3, 5 and 6. All of the published
records refer to specimens which have come from strata that
range in age from the middle part of the autissiodorensis Zone
to low in the scitulus Zone (beds W20 to Y3 in Figures 5 and
6). Additional specimens were found at stratigraphically lower
(W13) and higher (Y10) levels in the same zones in the present Figure 5. Distribution of Gravesia in the upper part of the
study. The genus is not as rare as that implied by some Washing Ledge Mudstone (W18 to W21) and in the Maple Ledge
published accounts, but the inflated, weakly ribbed nature of Mudstone (M1 to M15). Kimmeridge Bay section showing the
the shell make it markedly more susceptible to damage stratigraphical positions of specimens there and in the correlative
and subsequent erosion when crushed than the shells of beds in Brandy Bay.

R.W. Gallois and S.M. Etches
the contemporaneous aulacostephanids and pectinatitids.
Specifically indeterminate specimens of Gravesia are relatively
common at some levels in the wave-cut-platform outcrops of
the middle part of the autissiodorensis Zone (beds W20 to basal
M9) in Brandy Bay and Kimmeridge Bay, and in the elegans and
scitulus zones between Hen Cliff and Cuddle (beds HC1 to Y8).
Fewer specimens have been recorded in the highest part of the
autissiodorensis Zone (the beds above Bed M9), but this partly
reflects the relatively small extent of the foreshore exposures at
this stratigraphical level (see Gallois, in press for details).
The preservation varies from water-worn impressions
(Figure 7a) that have retained just enough of their ribbing to
enable them to be distinguished from contemporaneous large
Aulacostephanus and Pectinatites, to crushed shells in which
the ornament, including in some cases colour, is preserved
(Figure 7c). Most of the well-preserved specimens are coated
with a thin (<1 mm thick) layer of secondary calcite that is
difficult to remove without damaging the shell (Figures 7 d, e, f;
Figure 8). Over 100 examples of Gravesia were noted in the
present study. Most of these were too poorly preserved to
collect or identify: only their stratigraphical positions were
recorded. Almost all the better preserved specimens collected
by one of the authors (SME) for the present study have a
maximum diameter in the range 100 to 150 mm or 250 to 300
mm. Examples up to 400 mm diameter are present in the
foreshore outcrops, but these commonly have a smooth body
chamber, are more damaged when crushed, and are
consequently more prone to erosion. Mature macroconchs
described in the literature are mostly 150 to 400 mm in diameter
with exceptional examples up to 500 mm.
A few specimens from the Dorset coast have been referred
to as specifically determinable in published accounts, notably
those by Arkell (1933, 1947), Cox and Gallois (1981), Cope
(1967) and Salfeld (1913). Additional specimens were recorded
by Van der Vyver (MS, 1986). The stratigraphical positions of
these examples together with more recent records made by
the present authors are included in Figures 5 and 6. The
stratigraphical levels from which the specimens referred to by
Arkell (1933) and Salfeld (1913) were obtained are insufficiently
well known for them to be plotted. The positions of those
recorded by Cope (1967), who described their stratigraphical
levels as distances above or below the nearest stone band, are
approximate. Van der Vyvers (MS, 1986) records are based on
lithological logs that can be closely matched with those used in
the present account.
The attribution of crushed specimens of Gravesia such as
those in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation to species is difficult
for a number of reasons. Hahn (1963) recognised five species
based on a study of specimens housed in museums in France,
Germany and Switzerland that had been collected over a period
of more than 100 years. Almost all are in 3-D limestone
preservation which enabled him to study their shapes, growth
patterns, ornamentation and sutures. He used combinations of
these characters to refine the descriptions of G. gigas,
G. gravesiana and G. irius, and to define two new species,
G. hypselostoma and G. polypleura. He identified two size
ranges in G. gravesiana which he interpreted as normal mature
and macrogerontic mature specimens, but did not describe any
morphological difference between the two groups.
Hantzpergue (1989) attributed similar size groupings in this and
other species of Gravesia to sexual dimorphism.
Hantzpergue (1987, 1989) redescribed Hahns (1963) species,
and added a new species, G. lafauriana and several sub-
species. He drew attention to the need to recognise the
morphological differences between sexually dimorphic pairs
and between immature and mature specimens within the same
species or subspecies. He noted, for example, that
microconchs of G. gigas intermedia Hantzpergue, 1989 and
G. gravesiana were difficult to distinguish because the shape
Figure 6. Distribution of Gravesia in the Hen Cliff Mudstone (HC1 and ornamentation of the former was similar to that of the
to HC15) and the Yellow Ledge Mudstone (Y1 to Y12). Hen Cliff to young stages of the latter. Scherzinger et al. (2006) agreed with
Cuddle section showing the stratigraphical positions of specimens this interpretation and concluded that specimens identified as
there and in the correlative beds in Brandy Bay. G. g. intermedia by several authors (e.g. Zeiss et al., 1996) fell

Distribution of Gravesia

Figure 7. Examples of Gravesia preservation, and well-preserved examples from the autissiodorensis Zone in the Kimmeridge area.
(a) Solution worn and eroded macroconch cf. G. gigas or G. gravesiana, Bed M 14, foreshore below Hen Cliff. (b) Inner whorls close to
G. polypleura (Hantzpergue and Lafaurie, 1986), Kimmeridge Bay Borehole at 23.30 m depth; BGS- GSM 118161, Bed W 20,
autissiodorensis Zone. (c) Crushed and fractured G. cf gravesiana, Bed Y2, scitulus Zone, foreshore below Cuddle. (d) Possible
microconch of an early, undescribed form of Gravesia; K1581, Bed W13, autissiodorensis Zone, foreshore in Brandy Bay; more evolute
than macrochonchiate forms of Gravesia. (e) Microconch of possible early form of Gravesia with well developed lappet, K1757, Bed W20,
foreshore in Kimmeridge Bay, autissiodorensis Zone at a similar stratigraphical level to (b). (f) G. cf. gravesiana (M), K1078, Bed M10,
autissiodorensis Zone, foreshore in Brandy Bay.

within the variability of G. gravesiana. They also concluded limestone casts. In addition, in contrast to many of the
from a study of the final diameters, ontogenetic stages, whorl specimens housed in museum collections, the stratigraphical
heights and widths, and umbilical widths that macroconchs of succession of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation specimens is
Gravesia are highly variable. They suggested that all the known in detail.
specimens figured by Hantzpergue (1989) as microconchs are One of the oldest recorded Gravesia in the Kimmeridge area
likely to represent small macroconchs. As an example of what is a specimen (BGS GSM 118161) from 2.97 m below the Maple
they interpreted as the first unequivocal example of a Gravesia Ledge Stone Band in the Kimmeridge Bay Borehole (Figure 7b).
microconch, Scherzinger et al. (2006, figure 3) figured a This was referred by Cox and Gallois (1981) to G. cf. gigas and
specimen G. gravesiana in which the ventral part of the subsequently described by Hantzpergue and Lafaurie (1983) as
aperture has a lip-like extension. They interpreted this as the close to G. cf. polypleura (Hahn, 1963 amended to
beginning of a ventral horn. G. lafauriana, Hantzpergue, 1987). A similar specimen, from
It follows from the above that even the best preserved of the 3 m below the same stone band in Kimmeridge Bay, was found
crushed specimens collected from the Kimmeridge Clay by Van der Vyver (MS, 1986) and identified by him as
Formation cannot be specifically identified with confidence G. cf. polypleura. Cox and Gallois (1981) suggested that the
using the criteria that were used to define the type material. borehole specimen and those from the Donington on Bain and
None have retained their original shape, or anything even Portesham boreholes referred to above came from
approximating to the whorl shapes described by Hantzpergue stratigraphically similar levels. It is tempting to think that they
(1989) as characteristic of particular species (Figure 9). No might form a widespread faunal marker bed that is the
suture has been recorded from any of the Kimmeridge Clay correlative of the [Gravesia] Lafauriana Horizon of Acquitaine
Formation material. However, many of the Kimmeridge Clay (Hantzpergue, 1989). However, more detailed measurements at
specimens comprise original shells that preserve details of the Kimmeridge Bay confirm that although all three specimens and
ornamentation that is absent from or poorly preserved in 3-D the Van der Vyver specimen are from Chronostratigraphical Bed

R.W. Gallois and S.M. Etches

Figure 8. Examples of Gravesia from the elegans and scitulus zones in the Kimmeridge area. (a) Microconch or juvenile of Gravesia cf.
gigas, K1324, Bed HC11, elegans Zone, foreshore below Hen Cliff. (b) G. cf. gigas (M), K508, Bed HC8, elegans Zone, foreshore below Hen
Cliff; nodes weaker than those of G. gigas and more pronounced than the bullae of G. gravesiana. (c) G. cf. gravesiana (M), K1122, Bed
HC15, elegans Zone, foreshore below Hen Cliff. (d) Gravesia sp.(M), K1332, Bed HC17, foreshore below Hen Cliff; fine ribbing and absence
of bullae or nodes on the phragmocone distinguishes this example from the type specimens of G. gigas and G. gravesiana. (e) G. cf.
gravesiana (M), K1647 Bed HC17, foreshore in Brandy Bay, bullae and ribbing similar to G. gravesiana, but shell details better preserved
than in the type material. (f) Gravesia sp. (M) K1180, Bed Y10, scitulus Zone, foreshore below Cuddle, possible new species or subspecies
as (d); youngest Gravesia recorded to date in Britain.

KC 35, the Kimmeridge Bay specimens are probably older than exposed in the wave-cut platform below Hen Cliff. Poorly
the other two (Figure 10). preserved impressions of indeterminate Gravesia were
Cox and Gallois (1981) and Van der Vyver (MS, 1986) recorded there in the present study (e.g. Figure 7a). Specimens
recorded several specimens that they attributed to G. irius in of Gravesia that range from water-worn impressions to crushed
the upper part of the autissiodorensis Zone in the beds between shells are relatively common at several levels in the elegans and
the Maple Ledge Stone Band and the top of Stink Corner Rib scitulus zones on the wave-cut platform between Hen Cliff and
(beds W21 to basal M9) in Brandy Bay and Kimmeridge Bay. Cuddle. The correlative beds are poorly exposed in Brandy
Salfelds (1913) specimens from the autissiodorensis Zone Bay where, to date, few Gravesia have been recorded at this
presumably came from the same beds. There is no published stratigraphical level.
record of Gravesia higher in the autissiodorensis Zone, almost A selection of specimens that cover the full stratigraphical
certainly due to collection failure. Bed M9 above Stink Corner range of Gravesia recorded in the Kimmeridge area sections is
Rib to Bed M15 crop out in a poorly exposed weathered cliff in shown in Figures 7 and 8. With the exception of one example
Kimmeridge Bay. The same beds are poorly exposed in Brandy from the British Geological Survey (BGS) collection, all the
Bay where they are disturbed by faulting, and the foreshore specimens are temporarily housed in the Etches Collection at
outcrops are largely sand covered (Gallois, in press). The Kimmeridge prior to their transfer to the new Museum of
upper part of Bed M9 and beds M10 to M15 are partially Jurassic Marine Life at Kimmeridge. The two oldest examples

Distribution of Gravesia
(K1581 and K1757), from 10 m and 3 m below the Maple Ledge
Stone Band respectively, are interpreted here as early forms of
Gravesia. Both are readily distinguishable from the
Aulacostephanus with which they occur and from
Subdichotomoceras in the lower part of the autissiodorensis
Zone. They differ in whorl shape and ribbing style from figured
examples of contemporaneous and near-contemporaneous
Tolvericeras (T.) murogense (Hantzpergue), the suggested
precursor of the gravesiids (Hantzpergue, 1989). They are
morphologically similar to some examples of Crussoliceras from
the early Aulacostephanus (Aulacostephanoceras) eudoxus
Zone, and they have a similar whorl shape but a different
ribbing style from Tolvericeras (Pseudogravesia) from the early
Tithonian. If they are gravesiids, K1757 is the first published
example of a microconch with a fully formed lappet, and K1581
is the first record of a Gravesia from the autissiodorensis
Subzone in Britain.
Most of the specimens figured from the elegans and scitulus
Zones fall within the ribbing styles of macroconchs of species
and subspecies in the G. gigas-G. gravesiana group. In several
examples (K508, K1078, K1180, K1647) the ribs adjacent to the
peristome bend forward to form a lip at the aperture, a feature
indicative of maturity in some macroconchs. Two specimens,
Figure 9. Changes in the cross section shape of the final whorl of K1332 and K1180, have a distinctly different ribbing style from
species of mature Gravesia showing an increase in the width-height G. gigas and G. gravesiana and may be examples of a new
ratio with time (after Hantzpergue, 1989, figure 57). species or subspecies.


Gravesia has a widespread distribution in western Europe
and eastwards as far as the Subarctic Urals, a region in which
the interdigitation of the Subboreal and Submediterranean
faunal provinces varied with time (Enay, 1972). The genus
reached its acme, in terms of variety of species, in the Franco-
German Biome, an area that stretched from the Atlantic coast of
France eastwards via the Jura Mountains to south central
Germany and Switzerland (Hantzpergue, 1989). The detailed
stratigraphy of the Gravesia-bearing beds is of particular
interest with respect to correlation of the beds adjacent to the
Kimmeridgian-Tethyan and Kimmeridgian-Volgian stage
boundaries. The Kimmeridge Clay succession exposed on the
Dorset coast is the only one recorded to date in Europe that
comprises an unbroken marine succession across these stage
boundaries. In Britain, the Last Appearance Datum (LAD) of
Aulacostephanus spp. is one of the most sudden and
widespread biological events in the Mesozoic, and has been
used as a chronostratigraphical marker to define the top of the
Kimmeridgian Stage (Cox and Gallois, 1981). Prior to this, the
same event had been used by Arkell (1933) to divide the
Kimmeridgian Stage (sensu anglico) into a lower and upper
substage, and the Kimmeridge Clay Formation into lower and
upper parts. At present, the base of the Tithonian Stage is taken
at the First Apperance Datum (FAD) of the ammonite
Hybonoticeras hybonotum (Neumayr). However, in the
absence of an agreed Global Boundary Stratotype Section and
Point (GSSP), correlations within the Tethyan province and with
sections in the Boreal Province remain uncertain. In the
meantime, the LAD of Aulacostephanus spp. is the most useful
marker at or close to the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian and
Kimmeridgian-Volgian boundaries in central and northern Europe.

In northern France, the sections geographically closest to the
Dorset exposures, marine Kimmeridgian and Tithonian
sediments are well exposed in cliffs and foreshores over a
distance of 20 km on the Boulonnais coast between Cap Gris
Nez and Equihen (Pruvost and Pringle, 1924). The succession
comprises alternations of open-marine mudstones that are
Figure 10. Comparison of the stratigraphical positions of the lithologically similar to parts of the early Kimmeridge Clay in
Gravesia recorded in the Donington on Bain (Lincolnshire), Dorset, and shallow-water sandstones that are absent from the
Portesham (Dorset) and Kimmeridge Bay (Dorset) boreholes. Dorset succession (Ager and Wallace, 1966). Salfeld (1914)

R.W. Gallois and S.M. Etches
recorded Gravesia portlandica (Loriol), which Hahn (1963) SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
identified as a junior synonym of G. gigas (Zieten), in the
Argiles de Chtillon Suprieures and the overlying Grs de la Species of the ammonite Gravesia have a widespread
Crche, and Geyssant (in Herbin et al., 1995) recorded the same distribution over a relatively narrow stratigraphical range in the
species in the same beds together with pectinatitid ammonites latest Kimmeridgian and earliest Tithonian and Volgian in north-
indicative of the elegans Zone. She also recorded G. lafauriana west, central and eastern Europe. The sections in the marine
in the Argiles de Chtillon Infrieures with Aulacostephanus Kimmeridge Clay mudstones exposed on the Dorset coast at
indicative of the autissiodorensis Zone. These assemblages are and adjacent to Kimmeridge Bay are stratigraphically more
separated by an unconformity in the middle part of the complete than any described in Europe. The use of Gravesia
formation that probably includes all or most of the Maple Ledge for correlation in Britain has been limited in the past by the
Mudstone of the present account. In SW France (Aquitaine) scarcity of published records and an incomplete knowledge of
Hantzpergue (1983) also recorded a hiatus between beds the ranges of the individual species. Detailed collecting at
with Aulacostephanus gr. autissiodorensis, G. irius and Kimmeridge has shown that Gravesia is relatively common at
G. polypleura (syn. G. lafauriana) and beds with G. gigas and some levels in the late Kimmeridgian autissiodorensis Zone and
G. gravesiana. One of the suggested candidates for the Global in the Tithonian/Volgian elegans and scitulus zones. Over 100
Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of specimens were observed during the present survey, although
the Tithonian Stage is a section at Mount Crussol in the Ardche most of them were badly crushed, poorly preserved shells. The
Department based on the FAD of Gravesia spp. (Gradstein better preserved examples show details of the shell structure
et al., 2004). and ornament that are either not present or are poorly
preserved in the type and figured specimens of Gravesia, all of
Germany which are as 3-D limestone casts. However, it is difficult to
assign many of the Kimmeridge Clay specimens to species
In a systematic study of Gravesia based on museum because many of the morphological differences used to define
specimens from southern Germany, eastern France and the type specimens are not preserved in crushed examples.
Switzerland, Hahn (1963) recorded the genus in the upper part
of Weissjura 1 to the middle part of Weissjura 1 in association
The relatively small number of museum specimens of Gravesia
available for study has also created a problem. The ranges of
with Submediterranean ammonite assemblages. In a study of a sizes and ornamentation in what are presumed to be mature,
wide range of fossil groups in the Jurassic in the Lower Saxony immature and sexually-dimorphic populations is poorly known.
Basin in north Germany, Gramann et al. (1997) noted that few Although several authors (Hantzpergue, 1989; Scherzinger et al.,
ammonites had been recorded from the latest Kimmeridgian. 2006) have figured what they described as macroconchiate and
They described G. gigas in the Gigas Schichten as highly microconchiate forms, none of these has a ventral lappet or
variable, and stated that the deposit was Tithonian in age. horn that would unequivocally indicate it to be a microconch.
However, Schweigert (1999) noted that elsewhere in the same One of the specimens figured in the present account (Figure 7e)
region beds described as Gigas Schichten contain G. irius and has a well-developed lappet and is interpreted here as the
are late Kimmeridgian (autissiodorensis Zone) in age. microconch of a possible early form of Gravesia.
In Dorset, G. cf. polypleura and G. cf. irius have been
Russia recorded by earlier authors (Cox and Gallois, 1981;
In the type area of the Volgian Substage, sections along the Hantzpergue and Lafaurie, 1983; Van der Vyver MS, 1986) from
River Volga near the villages of Gorodishche and Dubky the autissiodorensis Zone, and G. gigas and G. gravesiana from
(central Russia), Hantzpergue et al. (1998) used the LAD of the elegans and scitulus zones (Arkell, 1933; Cope, 1967). This
Aulacostephanus spp. to define the base of the Volgian. Above distribution is similar to that of the Gravesia successions
this, they recorded G. cf. gigas together with species of recorded in the latest Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian
Glochiceras, Illowaiskya and Neochetoceras, genera that have elsewhere in Europe.
not been recorded in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation.
However, Scherzinger and Mitta (2006) thought that the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Gravesia had been misidentified and was possibly an
Eosphinctoceras. They too concluded that the only practical Neither of the authors is an ammonite specialist and they are
way to define the base of the Volgian Secondary Stage on the most grateful, therefore, to Desmond Donovan, Raymond Enay
Russian Platform was the LAD of Aulacostephanus, but and Armin Scherzinger, who most certainly are, for their
noted that it was not yet clear whether or not the assumption detailed, thought provoking comments on the first draft of this
that this boundary was synchronous in Northwest Europe, paper. The authors are responsible for any misinterpretations
Poland and Russia was correct. The succession exposed in in this published version. They are also grateful to Chris Van
the Kimmeridgian-Volgian boundary beds exposed on the der Vyver for permission to make use of his detailed
east slope of the Subpolar Urals has recently been reviewed unpublished descriptions of the stratigraphy and ammonite
by Rogov and Price (2010) who noted the presence of faunas of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in Dorset.
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