Session 4 - Integrated Stratigraphy

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Session 4

Integrated stratigraphy
7th International Congress on the Jurassic System,
September 6-18, 2006, Krakw, Poland
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 143

Stratigraphic distribution of brachiopods in the Lower Jurassic Middle Jurassic

transition of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) and a proposal of biozonation

Benito ANDRADE1, Fernando GARCA JORAL2 and Maria Helena HENRIQUES3

I.E.S. Valle Incln, Gran Va Montero Ros, s/n. 36001 Pontevedera, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento y UEI de Paleontologa, Facultad de CC. Geolgicas (UCM) e Instituto de Geologa Econmica,
CSIC-UCM, C/Jos Antonio Novais 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento de Cincias da Terra e Centro de Geocincias, Universidade de Coimbra,
Largo Marqus de Pombal, 3049 Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:

Key-words: brachiopods, biostratigraphy, Toarcian, Aalenian, Bajocian, Portugal.

A detailed revision of the brachiopods of the Lower-Middle Jurassic transition in the Lusitanian
Basin (Andrade 2006) has enabled the establishment of the stratigraphical distribution of this fauna.
More than 2,000 specimens were collected at 11 sections throughout the basin, including the Bajocian GSSP
in Murtinheira (Cabo Mondego). In all, 24 species, belonging to 14 genera, have been recognized
along a stratigraphical interval that includes the Upper Toarcian, the Aalenian, and the Lower Bajocian.
The Toarcian associations are characterized by species also recorded in neighbouring basins,
such as Stroudithyris stephanoides, Sphaeroidothyris vari, Pseudogibbirhynchia bothen-
hamptonensis and Soaresirhynchia renzi; as well as species endemic to the Lusitanian Basin, such as
Choffatirhynchia alcariensis, Nannirhynchia delgadoi, N. cotteri, Praemonticlarella
conimbriguensis, Neozeilleria duartei and Pamirorhynchia(?) jorali. This mixed palaeo-
biogeographical character persists in the Aalenian, in which the associations include, together with widely
distributed species such as Neozeilleria anglica, Pseudogibbirhynchia mutans or Lophrothyris
withingtonensis, other species known in neighbouring basins, such as Sphaeroidothyris uretae
and Neozeilleria sharpei, and other species recorded only in the basin, such as Soaresirhynchia minor,
S. murtinheirensis and Sphaeroidothyris henriquesae. In the Lower Bajocian, excluding Loboidothyris
perovalis, only endemic species are present (belonging mainly to endemic genera), such as Lusitanina
bituminis, Stroudithyris choffati, Lusothyris atlantica and Mondegia limica.
The interpretation of these distributions also enables to propose a brachiopod based biozonation for
the studied interval. Three zones have been erected:
1. the Renzi Zone, for the Upper Toarcian, with two subzones: Renzi and Duartei;
2. the Anglica Zone, that ranges from the Aalensis Biochronozone of the Toarcian to the base of
the Bajocian. It has been subdivided in 3 subzones: Nuskae, Anglica and Uretae;
3. the Choffati Zone, which comprises the main part of the Discites, Laeviuscula and Sauzei
biochronozones, with two subzones: Bituminis and Limica;
4. this proposal of biozonation can be correlated with other established in neighbouring basins, such as
the Iberian Range in Spain or the French Basins.

Andrade B. 2006. Los Braquipodos del trnsito Jursico Inferior-Jursico Medio de la Cuenca Lusitnica
(Portugal). Coloquios de Paleontologa, N extraordinario. (in press)
144 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

New biostratigraphic data on the Oxfordian from Roccapalumba (Western Sicily)

Carolina DARPA1, Guillermo MELNDEZ2 and Pietro DI STEFANO1

Universit di Palermo, Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Via Archirafi 22, I-90123 Palermo, Italy;
Departamento de Geologa (Paleontologa), Universidad de Zaragoza, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain;

Key-words: Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, West Sicily, biostratigraphy, ammonites.

The small locality of Roccapalumba, in western central Sicily, is one of the most classical Jurassic
localities described by G. G. Gemmellaro in his numerous monographs on the Jurassic faunas of Sicily.
The Jurassic sequence by the village, crops out along an overturned carbonate succession overthrusting
clastic deposits of Neogene age. Within this sequence the white massive limestones of Tithonian age form
a characteristic escarpment on the landscape, which gives the name (The Rock) to the village.
The earliest deposits cropping out at this point are Middle Jurassic, Bajocian to Early Callovian in age.
Bathonian to Lower Callovian deposits are represented by light grey, micritic massive limestones.
A sharp irregular surface marks the Middle/Upper Jurassic boundary level: a centimetric
irregular limestone bed contains scarce Callovian ammonites, preserved as fragmented internal moulds
showing evidence of taphonomic reelaboration (Paralcidia, Hecticoceras, Grossouvria).
The Upper Jurassic sequence above this level comprises a first, lower succession of well defined
grey-brownish, somewhat nodular limestone intervals (c. 20 m) of Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian age,
and a second, upper succession of light grey massive micritic limestones (over 30 m) of presumably
Tithonian age.
A first lithological interval 7 to 7.5 m thick may be assigned to the Middle Oxfordian Transversarium
Chronozone, Luciaeformis Subchronozone: some 1.5 to 2 m above the Middle/Upper Jurassic boundary level,
the age of the deposits is evidenced by the presence of several specimens (fragmented shells)
of Gregoryceras close to the G. riazi (Grossouvre) group. This first recorded association is followed
by a second one including few specimens of Gregoryceras closer to G. transversarium (Quenstedt) group.
This interval is topped by a clear discontinuity surface underlined by a yellow limestone level.
The next interval, 3 m thick, may represent the middle-upper Transversarium Chronozone Schilli
Subchronozone, by the record just above this level of a well preserved, resedimented (i.e. non-reelaborated)
incomplete specimen of Sequeirosia (M) cf. brochwiczi (Sequeiros) and several fragmentary specimens
of Passendorferia (m) erycensis Melndez. Phylloceratina (Holcophylloceras, Sowerbyceras)
are also common, whilst Lytoceratina are slightly scarcer.
Above a new discontinuity marked by a second yellow limestone level, the next interval
(about 3 m thick) has yielded few incomplete specimens of early Ataxioceratinae (Orthosphinctes) and
Epipeltoceras gr. bimammatum (Quenstedt) that indicate Late Oxfordian, Bimammatum Chronozone age.
Above a sharp, irregular truncational discontinuity surface, the sequence forms a 10-12 m thick interval
of grey-brownish bioclastic, slightly nodular, well bedded limestones stratified in massive banks 40 to 50 cm
thick. The Early Kimmeridgian age of this interval is evidenced by the frequent record of Ataxioceratinae
(Lithacosphinctes spp.), Aspidoceras and a well preserved specimen of Nebrodites (M) close

to the N. peltoideus (Quenstedt) group.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 145

Passing from the Upper Jurassic to the Lower Cretaceous

in the Caucasus (Azerbaijan)

Rustam G. BABAYEV and Ilaha G. FARIDI

Institute of Geology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, H. Javid Ave. 29A, Baku, AZ0143, Azerbaijan

Key-words: Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Upper Jurassic Lower Cretaceous boundary, Cimmerian movements.

Problem of the transition from the Upper Jurassic to the Lower Cretaceous, and the character
of subdivision of this stratigraphical interval in the Caucasus, have been often the subjects of studies
of Mesozoic deposits in this area. To unequivocally solve the problem, it is necessary to analyze thoroughly
the data from large geological regions, especially of the Azerbaijan part of the Caucasus.
At the boundary of the Jurassic and Cretaceous there occurred the Cimmerian tectonic movements
that resulted often in breaks in sedimentation. Their duration was different in particular areas
of this Mediterranean Fold Belt. For these reasons we present the detailed data on the geological sections
in the Caucasus in Azerbaijan, including the lithological character of the deposits and their faunal content.
The Azerbaijan sections are representative of large parts of the Caucasus: the South East Caucasus
(north slopes of the Greater Caucasus, and north-west of the south slopes of Greater Caucasus these latter
include also adjacent regions of Georgia), and the Lesser Caucasus in particular. The character of fauna,
especially of ammonites, is very similar in all the regions studied. From the paleogeographical point of view
the character of deposits shows that the large reconstruction of the basins took place at the turn
of Tithonian and Berriasian. The Tithonian represents the regressive tendencies, whereas the Berriasian
is transgressive. These features mark well the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems.

The Aalenian/Bajocian and Bajocian/Bathonian boundaries in La Baume section

near Castellane (Alpes de Haute Provence, SE France)

Kenneth De BAETS1, Fabrizio CECCA2, Myette GUYOMAR3 and Jacques VERNIERS1

University of Gent, Research Unit Palaeontology, Krijgslaan 281 S8, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
CNRS-UMR 5143 Palobiodiversit et Paloenvironnements, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI,
case 104-4, place Jussieu F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Reserve Gologique des Alpes de Haute Provence, Parc Saint Benot, BP 156, F-04500 Digne-Les-Bains, France

Key-words: ammonites, Middle Jurassic, biostratigraphy, South East France.


Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous formations are naturally exposed around the hamlet called La Baume,
near Castellane (Alpes de Haute Provence, SE France). We have realized both a detailed log and

a bed-by-bed sampling for ammonite biostratigraphy in a 68 metres-thick succession of pelagic marls

and limestones that spans the uppermost Aalenian to lowermost Bathonian interval. This succession
paraconformably overlies Lower-Middle Jurassic shallow-water limestones, whose topmost surface

is marked by pseudostromatolitic crusts, and is overlain by the Terres noires Formation.

The log has been subdivided in 122 beds; 400 ammonites have been collected. Benthic forams have been

sought in the marly intervals that, however, are almost devoid of such microfossils. The pelagic succession
146 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

studied can be roughly subdivided in a marl-dominated member 1, followed by a limestone-dominated

member 2 that is overlain by a marl-dominated member 3. Zoophycos traces begins around meter 21 and
disappear above metre 59.
At the base of the pelagic succession Haplopleuroceras gr. mundum, Graphoceras limitatum,
G. cf. decorum, indicate the Late Aalenian Concavum Zone. Representatives of Euhoploceras,
Phylloceras and Lytoceras also occur. At metre 10 (bed 14) we have found Hyperlioceras cf. mundum,
which allows us to draw the base of the Bajocian. This is reinforced by the occurrence of Hyperlioceras cf.
aspera, H. cf. curvum, Euhoploceras gr. modestum around metre 13.5 (bed 17) and of H. cf. desori
in the bed 22 (meter 21).
The Laeviuscula Zone begins at metre 12.5 (bed 24) with the occurrence of representatives of the family
Sonniniidae, which characterizes the ammonite fauna up to metre 45 (bed 75).
A major gap of both Subfurcatum and Garantiana zones has been recognized at metre 59 (top of bed
109), at the boundary between members 2 and 3. The marl-dominated member 3, which contains ammonites
of the Parkinsoni Zone (Parkinsonia cf. rarecostata, bed 114 and Parkinsonia cf. parkinsoni, bed 118a),
overlies the top of member 2, ascribed to the top of the Humphriesianum Zone on the basis of the occurrence
of Teloceras blagdeni. The Bajocian/Bathonian boundary has been drawn within bed 121 on the basis
of the occurrence of Procerites cf. costulatosus.
The main palaeontological interest of the ammonite fauna from La Baume is the richness and
the diversity of the family Sonniniidae, with new forms that deserve an accurate palaeontological study.
From the stratigraphical point of view our section could complementary to the candidate section
for the Bathonian GSSP.

Lower Jurassic radiolarians from the Mt. Camicia Gran Sasso

(Central Apennines, Italy)


Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Piazza dellUniversit 1, 06123 Perugia, Italy; e-mail:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy; e-mail:

Key-words: radiolarians, ammonites, Hettangian, Gran Sasso, Italy.

Mt. Camicia area belongs to the Gran Sasso Range (Central Apennines, Italy). Well-preserved Middle
and Late Hettangian radiolarians have been discovered S-E of Mt. Camicia, in limestone beds that contain
also Hetangian ammonites (Bertinelli et al. 2004).
These beds are part of a carbonate succession, Late Triassic to Early Liassic in age, which crops out
in the eastern part of the Gran Sasso Range. This succession includes euxinic deposits

(bituminous dolostones) and other deposits with pelagic characteristics (mudstones and calcarenites).
All these deposits developed in a shelf basin bounded by a carbonate platform in which, in the same time

interval, were originated the well-known formations of Dolomia Principale and Calcare Massiccio.
We describe here the radiolarian assemblages collected together with ammonites in three levels
in the ammonite bearing beds, belonging to a section on the eastern side of the Vallone di Vradda

at Mt. Camicia.
The ammonites in the lowest level indicate a Middle Hettangian age, those from the two upper levels

indicate Late Hettangian.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 147

In this paper we define six new radiolarian species [(?)Anaticapitula parvireticulata,

(?)Bipedis venturii, Farcus leonseveroi, Parahsuum vraddense, Squinabolella multispinata,
(?)Trexus sphaericus], and describe twenty-seven other species, which we do not establish formally.
In the Western Tethys successions the Hettangian radiolarians are rare and have been found together
with ammonites only in the Mt. Camicia section (Bertinelli et al. 2004).
The ammonite-radiolarian association from the Mt. Camicia area permits to correlate radiolarians with
ammonite zonation.

Bertinelli A., Nannarone C., Passeri L. and Venturi F. 2004. Hettangian ammonites and radiolarians
in the Mt. Camicia succession (Gran Sasso, Central Apennines). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia
e Stratigrafia, 110, 1: 87-95.

Sinemurian ammonite succession from the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico)

Joachim BLAU1, Christian MEISTER2, Jean-Louis DOMMERGUES3, Rudolf SCHLATTER4

and Reinhard SCHMIDT-EFFING5
Feldbergstrasse 5, D-61191 Rosbach-Rodheim, Germany; e-mail:
Musum dHistoire Naturelle, Dpartement de Gologie et Palontologie, 1 Rte de Malagnou, CP. 6434,
CH-1211 Genve 6, Switzerland; e-mail:
UMR CNRS 5561, Biogosciences Dijon, Centre des Sciences de la Terre de lUniversit de Bourgogne,
6 Boulevard Gabriel, F-21000 Dijon, France; e-mail: jean-louis
Naturkundemuseum, Lortzingstrasse 3, D-04105 Leipzig, Germany
Institut fr Geologie und Palontologie, Hans-Meerwein-Strasse 11a, D-35032 Marburg, Germany;

Key-words: ammonites, Early Jurassic, Sinemurian, biostratigraphy, palaeogeography, Mexico,

Sierra Madre Oriental.

In a series of studies (Blau et al. 2001, 2002, 2003; Meister et al. 2002, 2005) dedicated to Liassic
(Sinemurian) ammonites of the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico), we have described 42 taxa, amongst them
one new genus and five new species. After a critical analysis of Erbens collection and with our own
collections, we propose a synthetic succession of 13 correlable units biohorizons. Even though
the Sinemurian sediments of the Huayacocotla Basin are very thick only two periods are well represented:
the Bucklandi and Semicostatum zones for the Lower Sinemurian and the upper Obtusum and Raricostatum
zones for the Upper Sinemurian. These two time intervals can be well correlated with South and North
American biostratigraphic schemes. The Lower Sinemurian is characterized by the acme of Arnioceras
a genus well distributed on the eastern Panthalassian rim. The Upper Sinemurian allows a much more

refined biostratigraphic subdivision and more acute correlations. In the upper Obtusum Zone Euerbenites
is an index fossil and can be correlated from Sonora to Peru. In the Raricostatum Zone several horizons

allow acute correlation with South America (O. incaguasiense and P. tardecrescens horizons) and with
North America (P. harbledownense and P. rothpletzi horizons). Mainly in the Upper Sinemurian there

is quite strong endemism of the ammonite fauna in the Huayacocotla Basin (nearly 40%) which may be due
to a quite isolated palaeogeographical position of the basin. On the other hand the affinities to Tethyan
faunas are obvious. There is little palaeontologic evidence for a Sinemurian connection between Eastern

Pacific (Panthalassa) and Western Tethys through the Hispanic Corridor. First palaeontological evidence
148 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

indicates a possible connection not before the Pliensbachian. If this connection was not established
in the Sinemurian, we must imagine other migration ways to explain the Tethyan affinities. There are at
least four possibilities or combinations of migration routes: southern peri-Pangean, peri-Asiatic,
latudinal trans-Panthalassian, and Boreal (Viking Corridor, Arctic seas). All these migration routes remain
hypothetical and the establishment of the Hispanic Corridor already in the Sinemurian cannot be ruled out

Blau J., Meister C., Schlatter R. and Schmidt-Effing R. 2001. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic
(Sinemurian) of Tenango de Doria (Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico) Part I: Erbenites n. g.,
a new Asteroceratinae. Neues Jahrbuch fr Geologie und Palontologie, Monatshefte, 3: 175-183.
Blau J., Meister C., Schlatter R. and Schmidt-Effing R. 2002. Nomenclatural and taxonomical remarks on an
Asteroceratinae (Ammonoidea): Euerbenites nom. nov. for Erbenites Blau, Meister, Schlatter &
Schmidt-Effing, 2001. Revue de Palobiologie, 21, 1: 411-412.
Blau J., Meister C., Schlatter R. and Schmidt-Effing R. 2003. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic
(Sinemurian) of Tenango de Doria (Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico). Part III: Echioceratidae.
Revue de Palobiologie, 22, 1: 421-437.
Meister C., Blau J., Schlatter R. and Schmidt-Effing R. 2002. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic
(Sinemurian) of Tenango de Doria (Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico). Part II: Phylloceratoidea,
Lytoceratoidea, Schlotheimiidae, Arietitinae, Oxynoticeratidae, and Eoderoceratidae.
Revue de Palobiologie, 21, 1: 391-409.
Meister C., Blau J., Dommergues J.-L., Schlatter R., Schmidt-Effing R. and Burk K. 2005. Ammonites from
the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) of Tenango de Doria (Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico). Part IV:
Biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and taxonomic addendum. Revue de Palobiologie, 24, 1: 365-384.

Malm-Berriasian formations of northern Tunisia: updated biostratigraphy,

regional correlations and western Tethys geodynamic context

Mabrouk BOUGHDIRI1, Houada SALLOUHI1, Fabrice CORDEY2, Kamel MAALAOUI1

and Mohamed SOUSSI3
Dpartement des Sciences de la Terre, Facult des Sciences de Bizerte, Jarzouna, 7021 Tunisie;
Paloenvironnements et palobiosphre, CNRS UMR 5125, UFR des Sciences de la Terre, Universit Claude
Bernard-Lyon-1, 2, rue Dubois, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France; e-mail:
Dpartement de Gologie, UR/99/10-04 Environnements sdimentaires et structuraux et sysmes ptroliers,
Facult des Sciences de Tunis, Universit El-Manar-II, Campus Universitaire, CP 2092, Tunis, Tunisie;

Key-words: Upper Jurassic, lowermost Cretaceous, northern Tunisia, lithology, regional correlations,

Upper Jurassic lowermost Cretaceous formations in northern Tunisia include the Zaress Fm.

of the Tunisian Dorsale (Ammonitico Rosso facies: Middle Callovian-Oxfordian) and the corresponding
beds from Fahs and Jdidi fms (radiolarian-bearing series: Upper Bajocian-Oxfordian) of the nearby

surrounding exposures and the Tunisian Trough, respectively. These heteropic facies are overlain
by the marl/limestone alternations of the Beni Kleb Fm. (Kimmeridgian Middle Berriasian).
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 149

Recent integrated biostratigraphic investigations (ammonites, radiolarians, calpionellids) undertaken

in different palaeogeographical domains of northern Tunisia allowed a precise dating of the Malm
-Berriasian fms. Revised lithostratigraphy and regional correlations lead to the recognition of an updated
facies repartition in central and northern Tunisia.
Within the North Maghrebian Range, main palaeogeographical segments can be outlined considering
facies affinities: the North-South Axis successions of Central Tunisia show close affinities with those
described from the Middle and Central Aurs Range (eastern Algeria). The Tunisian Dorsale series are to
be compared with corresponding beds of northern Aurs, Hodna Mounts and the South Tellian
Border (Tiaret area), in Algeria, and with the Prrif and Msorif Upper Jurassic facies, in Morocco.
Deeper facies of the Tunisian Dorsale surrounding outcrops and the Tunisian Trough are closer
to successions described in ancient literature from the Babors and the West Numidian Range of Algeria.
All these equivalent successions from the external segments of the Maghrebian Range are quite distinctive
from the Internal Rif and Kabylias Dorsales calcaires series. Both facies types have evolved in clearly
different palaeogeographical realms related with the tectonic evolution of north- and south-western Tethys
margins since the Triassic Early Jurassic times.

High-resolution cyclostratigraphic analysis of magnetic susceptibility record

from a Kimmeridgian alternating marl-limestone succession
(La Mouge, Vocontian Basin, France)

Slah BOULILA1, Bruno GALBRUN1, Pierres-Yves COLLIN2 and Johann SCHNYDER2

Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire CEPAGE FR CNRS 32, case 117, 4 place Jussieu,
75252 Paris, cedex 05, France; e-mail:
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR CNRS 5143 Palobiodiversit et paloenvironnements,
case 117, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris cedex 05, France

Key-words: cyclostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, Kimmeridgian, Vocontian Basin, France.

The Kimmeridgian deep-water sediments of La Mouge section (South East Basin of France) show
alternating marl-limestone successions. The limestone beds are mudstones or wackstones with benthic
foraminifera, radiolarians and filaments which are characteristic of the pelagic realm (Colombi & Strasser
2003). We studied a 43 m thick well exposed interval of mainly Early Kimmeridgian (De Raflis 2000).
Cyclostratigraphic studies of marl-limestone alternations are commonly based on measuring
the thickness of beds and bundles and counting their number to extract sedimentary cyclicities.
By using high resolutions magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements, we developed a methodology for
detecting and quantifing sedimentary cyclicities recorded in this kind of facies.
To perform high-resolution MS measurements, the sampling interval was fixed at nearly 7 cm.
All the samples were measured with a Kappabridge KLY-2 susceptometer.

The MS variations follow a net cyclic pattern (high and low frequencies). Spectral analysis of
MS data show evidence of about all range of Milankovitch cyclicities (precession, obliquity, 100 ky and

400 ky-eccentricity) as demonstrated by the frequencies ratios methodology and tuning technique.
For this latter, we tuned MS data to 405 ky-eccentricity of astronomical solutions (Laskar et al. 2004).

Moreover, we found highly significant periods of climatic precession not only in the original MS record but
also in the tuned MS.

Evolutive harmonic analysis (Maurer et al. 2004) was performed to examine the persistence of
the Milankovitch properties throughout the whole section and the possible variations of sedimentation rate.
150 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Specifically, the two high peaks, seen in power spectra domain representing the short and the long
precession, are characterized in amplitude spectrogram domain by obvious continuous lines, particularly
the latter. This means that the precession cycles have much larger amplitudes than the other recognized
cycles and are persistent too throughout the entire section. Furthermore, we noted that the long precession
cycles show a sudden change in sedimentation rate occurring in the lower part of Lothari ammonite
Subzone where the sedimentation rate shifted roughly from 2 to 3 cm/ky.
This study proved that MS is a very useful tool for cyclostratigraphic analysis of Mesozoic sections,
particularly in alternating marl-limestone successions, and it is also a powerful proxy to detect and estimate
possible variations in sedimentation rate.

Colombi C. and Strasser A. 2003. Depositional sequences in the Kimmeridgian of the Vocontian Basin
(France) controlled by carbonate export from shallow water platforms. Geobios, 36: 675-683.
De Raflis Saint-Sauveur M. 2000. Apport de ltude de la spcification du manganse dans les carbonates
plagiques la comprhension du contrle des squences eustatiques de 3me ordre. PhD. Thesis,
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 214 pp.
Laskar J., Robutel P., Joutel F., Gastineau M., Correia A. C. M. and Levrard B. 2004. A long-term numerical
solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 428: 261-285.
Maurer F., Hinnov L. A. and Schlager W. 2004. Statistical time-series analysis and sedimentological tuning
of bedding rhythms in a Triassic basinal succession (Southern Alps, Italy). Cyclostratigraphy:
Approaches and Case Histories. SEPM Special Publicatio, 8: 83-99.

Oxfordian carbon-isotope stratigraphy in the Subbetic, Southern Spain


Institut de Gologie et Palontologie, BFSH-2, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; e-mail:
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y del Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Alicante,
03080, San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra; CASEM, 11510, Puerto Real, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento de Estratigrafa y Paleontologa, Universidad de Granada, 18002 Granada, Spain;

Key-words: Oxfordian, Betic Cordillera, carbon isotope, ammonites, radiolarians biostratigraphy.

We present a detailed carbon-isotope stratigraphy for two well ammonite-dated sections of Sierra de
Lugar, (Province of Murcia) and Cortijo Cardador, (Sierra Gorda, Province of Granada). Both are located
in the Subbetic palaeogeographic domain, and they represent the more characteristic and complete
Oxfordian sections for two epioceanic swells of the southern Iberia palaeomargin (the External and Internal

Subbetic, respectively). The sections analyzed are two of the better outcrops showing Oxfordian deposits
with ammonites in epioceanic rosso ammonitico facies of the Betic Cordillera. As usually recognized

in nodular limestone facies, condensations and hiatuses are common, but the well outcropping and record
in these sections allow an accurate ammonite biochronostratigraphy (Caracuel et al. 2000).

The Oxfordian in the Lugar section is 9.65 meters thick, mainly marly rosso ammonitico facies.
The following ammonite zones were identified: Renggeri Zone (Lower Oxfodian), upper Plicatilis

(Antecedens Subzone) and Riazi (or Transversarium) zones (Middle Oxfordian), and Bifurcatus,
Bimammatum and Planula zones (Upper Oxfordian). The Cortijo Cardador section is more condensed
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 151

(2.50 m thick), calcareous wackestones dominate over marly levels. The Oxfordian succession begins with
well bedded and nodular limestone of the Transversarium Zone which overlies Middle Callovian condensed
limestones. The same ammonite zones recognized in the Lugar section are well identified in the Cortijo
Cardador with the exception of the Lower Oxfordian, allowing a detailed biostratigraphic correlation.
The 13C curve is very detailed and representative for the Lower Oxfordian (Renggeri Zone) to Lower
Kimmeridgian (Platynota Zone) interval. The curve shows a marked trend towards positive values
(inherited since the Callovian, especially from the Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone) throughout the Lower
Oxfordian, and displays a relative maximum (around 3.4-3.7) in the lowermost part of the Riazi Zone
(approximately at the Plicatilis-Riazi zones boundary). The values decrease through the rest of the Middle
Oxfordian (upper part of the Riazi Zone). Some fluctuations are recorded in the Bifurcatus and
Bimammatum zones, but the general trend is towards lighter isoptopic values, to reach a relative minimum
(around 2.4-2.5) at the Bimammatum-Planula zones boundary.
Analysis of faunal turnover reveals a casual link between the global carbon cycle and the ammonite
evolution. We found a good correlation of extinctions with 13C minima, and radiations with 13C increases.
Such correlation supports the idea that perturbations-variations in the global carbon-cycle reflect rapid
palaeoenvironmental changes. Hence, our study reveals how major faunal turnover in the marine realm,
as shown by ammonite evolution, can be used as a proxy to identify major palaeoenvironmental crises of
their ecosystems.
An increase in radiolarian content occurs at the Plicatilis-Riazi zones, recording at some place
of the Internal Subbetic red siliceous limestones and radiolarites within the rosso ammonitico facies.
The discrete occurrence of siliceous facies within the condensed ammonitico rosso facies is probably
related to strength pelagic productivity at this time, allowing the deposition of siliceous sediments even
in epioceanic swells of the Tethys (Subbetic, Trento Plateau, etc.). The correlations with previous isotopic
curves in other Tethyan areas are also analysed and discussed.

Caracuel J. E., Olriz F. and Rodrguez-Tovar F. J. 2000. Oxfordian biostratigraphy from the Lugar Section
(External Subbetic, Southern Spain). GeoResarch Forum, 6: 55-64.

Pliensbachian to Aalenian radiolarian biochronology and global correlation

Elizabeth S. CARTER1, Spela GORICAN2, Jean GUEX3, Patrick DE WEVER4, Paulian DUMITRICA3,
Rie S. HORI5, Atsushi MATSUOKA6, Luis ODOGHERTY7 and Patricia A. WHALEN8
Department of Geology, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751, USA; e-mail:
Institute of Paleontology, ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail:
Institute of Geology and Paleontology, University of Lausanne, BFSH 2, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland;
Dpartement Histoire de la Terre, MNHN, 43 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France; e-mail:

Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Ehime University, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan;

Department of Geology, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan; e-mail:
Departamento de Geologa, Universidad de Cdiz, 11510 Puerto Real, Cdiz, Spain; e-mail:
Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA; e-mail:

Key-words: Jurassic, Pliensbachian to Aalenian, radiolarian biochronology, Unitary Associations,

global correlation.
152 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

A new UA radiolarian zonation for the Pliensbachian to Aalenian interval is established using
145 distinctive, widely-distributed species. The data are from biostratigraphic sections in: Queen Charlotte
Islands, NE British Columbia, Baja California Sur, Japan, Oman, Turkey, Slovenia and Austria.
A catalogue of 280 species (with revised taxonomy) is completed. For the zonation, about half
these species were eliminated from the total dataset, because they are either rare (e.g. Danubea,
Farcus, Pseudopoulpus, Rolumbus), long-ranging (e.g. Pseudocrucella, Orbiculiformella, Paronaella)
or non-diagnostic with wide limits of variability (e.g. some species of Bagotum, Droltus, Parahsuum).
Rich well-preserved radiolarians from thick continuous stratigraphic sections in Queen Charlotte
Islands provide the most detailed record for this stratigraphic interval, and all collections are tied with
North American ammonite zones or assemblages. An initial sequence of 25 UAs (including ammonite data)
was determined from this material only. Subsequently, data from other areas were added and a global
sequence of nine radiolarian zones was obtained. These zones can be correlated worldwide and link
previously established UA zonations for the Hettangian-Sinemurian (Carter et al. 1998) and the Middle
to Upper Jurassic (Baumgartner et al. 1995).

Baumgartner P. O., Bartolini A., Carter E. S., Conti M., Cortese G., Danelian T., De Wever P., Dumitrica P.,
Dumitrica-Jud R., Gorican S., Guex J., Hull D. M., Kito N., Marcucci M., Matsuoka A., Murchey B.,
ODogherty L., Savary J., Vishnevskaya V., Widz D. and Yao A. 1995. Middle Jurassic to Early
Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of Tethys based on Unitary Associations. In: Baumgartner P. O,
ODogherty L., Gorican S., Urquhart E., Pillevuit A. and De Wever P., (Eds), Middle Jurassic to Lower
Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: occurrences, systematics, biochronology. Mmoires de Gologie,
23: 1013-1048.
Carter E. S., Whalen P. A. and Guex J. 1998. Biochronology and paleontology of Lower Jurassic (Hettangian
and Sinemurian) radiolarians, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Geological Survey of
Canada, Bulletin, 496: 1-162.

Integrated stratigraphy (radiolarians and calcareous nannofossils)

of the Middle to Upper Jurassic Alpine radiolarites (Lombardian Basin, Italy):
constraints to a genetic interpretation

Marco CHIARI1, Miriam COBIANCHI2 and Vincenzo PICOTTI3

CNR Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy; e-mail:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit di Pavia, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy; e-mail:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico Ambientali and Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le
Scienze Ambientali, Alma Mater Studiorum Universit di Bologna, Via Zamboni 67, 40127 Bologna, Italy;

Key-words: radiolarians, calcareous nannofossils, radiolarite, Jurassic, integrated biostratigraphy.

New biostratigraphic data obtained by integrating radiolarian and calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy

document a depositional history for the Middle to Upper Jurassic radiolarites of the Southern Alps
characterized by strong fluctuations in the sedimentation rates, associated with shifts from turbiditic

to hemipelagic sedimentary processes.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 153

The radiolarites were studied in four sections located in different settings of the Lombardian Basin,
a rifted basin of the northern Adriatic Plate, where this interval is known as Selcifero Lombardo Formation.
The latter consists of two members, the Radiolarite and the Rosso ad Aptici, respectively, and passes,
gradually, upwards to the Maiolica Formation. The sections studied were sampled in detail to obtain data on
their lithology (using facies and microfacies analyses and calcimetry) and their nanno- and microfossils
content (especially radiolarians, and calpionellids). An almost complete record of radiolarians was detected
throughout the Selcifero Lombardo Formation, so that the Radiolarian Zonation (UAZones) for the Middle
to Upper Jurassic interval, partially integrated with calcareous nannofossils and calpionellid biostrati-
graphic data, was successfully applied.
Accordingly, the Radiolarite unit correlates with the Lower Bathonian (UAZ. 5) to the Kimmeridgian
(UAZ. 11) interval, and the Rosso ad Aptici member displays an age spanning from Kimmeridgian
to the base of Upper Tithonian (from the UAZ. 10-11 to nannofossil NJK zone). The base of the Maiolica
Formation is assigned to Upper Tithonian, in agreement with the previous authors.
We interpret the radiolarites as pelagic sediments relatively enriched in radiolarian during a long time
span of basin starvation, due to the near absence of periplatform exportation. Because the very low
sedimentation rates equally imply low radiolarian productivity, it is not necessary to claim for high water
fertility during Middle to Late Jurassic, even if this latter condition likely played a role in development
of the carbonate platforms.

The Jurassic biosiliceous sediments from the Sicanian basin in Western Sicily:
new data

Marco CHIARI1, Pietro DI STEFANO2 and Guido PARISI3

CNR, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy; e-mail:
Universit di Palermo, Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Corso Tukory 131, Palermo, Italy;
Universit di Perugia, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Piazza dellUniversit 1, 06123 Perugia, Italy;

Key-words: radiolarians, Sicanian Basin, Western Sicily.

Detailed stratigraphic analyses on Jurassic radiolarites from centralwestern Sicily provide new data on
the onset of the biosiliceous sedimentation in the Sicanian Basin. Studies were performed in two structural
units of the Maghrebian chain that crop out south of Corleone, i.e. the Monte Barrac and the Campofiorito
The radiolaritic unit at Monte Barrac consists of radiolarian-bearing cherty calcilutites alternating
with cherts and levels of siliceous marls. The lower zone is green-grey coloured, while the upper one is red.
This unit covers uppermost Triassic Lower Jurassic cherty calcilutites through a large-scale stepped

unconformity of submarine origin. The upper boundary (affected, in places, by synsedimentary

deformations) is transitional to a thin unit of red wackestones with Saccocoma grading upwards to pink
to whitish calpionellid cherty wackestones.

The radiolarians from samples collected in the radiolaritic unit (lower zone) indicate a Late Bajocian
to latest Bajocian Early Bathonian age (UAZ. 4-5) for the presence of Ares cylindricus flexuosus

(Takemura) and Parahsuum(?) magnum Takemura.

The transitional zone between green and red radiolarites contains a radiolarian assemblage

which indicates a Middle-Late Oxfordian age (UAZ. 9) for the presence of Emiluvia pentaporata Steiger
& Steiger and Saitoum levium De Wever.
154 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Samples collected in the uppermost zone yielded Podocapsa amphitreptera Foreman

and Hexasaturnalis minor (Baumgartner) that indicate a Middle-Late Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian
Early Tithonian age (UAZ. 9-11).
In the Campofiorito section the radiolaritic unit covers a 20 m thick unit of basaltic pillow lavas
and hyaloclastites, resting in turn on Lower Jurassic cherty calcilutites and marls. The lithologies
of the radiolaritic unit are well comparable to the Monte Barrac ones. In this section samples from
the basal zone could be dated as Early-Middle Bajocian to Middle Bathonian (UAZ. 3-6) for the coexistence
of Paronaella kotura Baumgartner with Unuma echinatus Ichikawa and Yao. In the upper part
of the section a poor preservation of radiolarians in the studied samples prevents further biostratigraphic
The new data fit well the biostratigraphic evaluations already available from the adjacent structural
units of Monte Genuardo and Giuliana. They indicate that the onset of the biosiliceous sedimentation,
in a large sector of the Sicanian Basin, can be bracketed between Late Bajocian and Early-Mid Bathonian

Micropalaeontologic, geochemical and cyclostratigraphic approach for the timing

of the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Paris Basin
(GPF-Sancerre borehole)

Marie-Emilie CLMENCE1, Emilia HURET1, Annachiara BARTOLINI1, Bruno GALBRUN1,

Silvia GARDIN1, Linda HINNOV2 and Valrie BEAUMONT3
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, Case104, UMR CNRS 5143, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France;
The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA
Dpartement de Gochemie, Institut Franais du Ptrole, 92852 Rueil Malmaison cedex, France

Key-words: Toarcian, OAE, cyclostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, benthic foraminifers, hiatuses,

calcareous nannoplankton, Paris Basin.

The marine sedimentary record of the Toarcian exhibits evidence for a perturbation of the global
carbon cycle associated with high burial of organic matter, known as the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic
Event (OAE). It is accompanied by climate warming, elevated rates of marine faunal extinction
and short-lived, strong negative isotope excursion in both oceanic and terrestrial reservoirs. The timing and
the pattern of the negative shift in 13C are critical for understanding the possible mechanism of this isotopic
event, and the nature and the origin of the Early Toarcian OAE.
To improve our understanding of the palaeoenvironmental background of the Early Toarcian OAE,
we have investigated the sedimentary record of the GPF-Sancerre borehole from the southern Paris Basin

(Cher, France) by integrating geochemical analyses (13Corg, TOC and CaCO3) with synecological analyses of
benthic foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils; and assessing the duration of the 13C excursion

by cyclostratigraphic analysis using magnetic susceptibility (MS) and CaCO3 data.

Our results indicate progressive environmental deterioration from Domerian/Toarcian to a paroxysm
coincident with the Early Toarcian OAE (highest TOC values and negative excursion of 13Corg).

This deterioration is marked by a high fertility period that precedes anoxic conditions. The OAE coincides
with a major crisis in the benthos and with a decrease of calcareous nannofossils. Following this major

dysoxic episode, the water column is characterized by a succession of alternating suboxic and stagnation
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 155

phases that correlates well with positive values of 13Corg. These results attest of a highly perturbed
environment, characterized by the presence of opportunist species both in the benthos and nannoplankton
To quantify the timing of these events, high resolution cyclostratigraphic analysis is applied to MS and
CaCO3 data (sampling interval 2 cm). Cycles of ca. 0.5, 1 and 2.5 m are observed. The calculation of cycle
frequency ratios matches that of the Milankovitch orbital cycles. The duration of the negative isotope
excursion can be estimated by counting cycles to 120,00040,000 yrs. The diminution of cycle thicknesses
at the Domerian/Toarcian boundary (353-358 m interval) reflects a decrease of sedimentation rate.
We interpreted this result as an evidence for a potentially condensed level.
This multi proxies approach is innovative and promising to better understand the water column
dynamic during the OAE (nannofossil and foraminifer association), shows that the OAE is a multiphase
event (beginnings, acme and recovery) and estimates brief events (<200,000 yrs), follows the sedimentation
rate evolution and highlights potential hiatuses (condensed zones).

The Early Toarcian environmental event

Angela L. COE, Anthony S. COHEN, David B. KEMP, Christopher R. PEARCE,

Bryony A. CASWELL and Peter R. SKELTON
Department of Earth Sciences, Centre for Earth, Planetary and Space Research, The Open University, Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK; e-mail:

Key-words: Toarcian, Oceanic Anoxic Event, methane hydrate, astronomical cycles, anoxia.

A pronounced negative carbon-isotope excursion in marine organic matter, marine carbonate

and terrestrial plant material during the Early Toarcian indicates a major and sudden perturbation to
the global carbon cycle, which has been previously ascribed to the release of a large volume of methane
from marine methane hydrates (Hesselbo et al. 2000, Cohen et al. 2004). Associated features of this event
include evidence for a 400-800% increase in global chemical weathering rate (Cohen et al. 2004),
a major increase in seawater temperatures, increased global organic carbon burial, a crisis
in the primary producers and mass extinctions. We have characterized the precise structure
of the carbon-isotope excursion at high resolution using analyses of bulk organic carbon from
organic-rich mudrocks from Yorkshire, UK (Kemp et al. 2005). Our data record 3 separate,
abrupt negative shifts of up to 3 per mil each. We interpret this stepwise excursion pattern as unambiguous
evidence for 3 separate pulses of methane release from methane hydrates. Evidence from other
recently published papers on this event in which the above interpretation has been questioned will be
We have also obtained high-resolution calcium carbonate, sulphur and total organic carbon

concentration data from the same section. These data have been analysed using spectral analysis
and reveal cycles that we ascribe to astronomical precession. The stratigraphic phase relationship between

the cyclostratigraphy and the 3 pulses of methane release also permits a direct causal link to be made
between methane hydrate dissociation and astronomical climate forcing (Kemp et al. 2005).
Our new cyclostratigraphy allows us to constrain accurately the duration of different parts of the environ-

mental perturbation, including the onset and recovery periods.

New Mo-isotope data that we have produced suggest that rapid changes in the redox state of the oceans

occurred on very short (thousand year) timescales during the Early Toarcian. These changes in redox are
156 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

directly linked in time to the three abrupt carbon isotope shifts. We are currently completing high-resolution
palaeontological studies through this interval in order to better characterize the associated mass extinction
event and to understand the life habits of the marine fauna that characterize the crisis interval.

Cohen A. S., Coe A. L., Harding S. M. and Schwark L. 2004. Osmium isotope evidence for the regulation of
atmospheric CO2 by continental weathering. Geology, 32: 157-160.
Hesselbo S. P., Grocke D. R., Jenkyns H. C., Bjerrum H. C., Farrimond P., Morgans-Bell H. S. and Green O. R.
2000. Massive dissociation of gas hydrate during a Jurassic oceanic anoxic event. Nature, 406: 392-395.
Kemp D. B., Coe A. L., Cohen A. S. and Schwark L. 2005. Astronomical pacing of methane release in
the Early Jurassic. Nature, 437: 396-399.

Jurassic cyclostratigraphy: recent advances, implications and problems

Angela L. COE1 and Graham P. WEEDON2

Department of Earth Sciences, Centre for Earth, Planetary and Space Research, The Open University, Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK; e-mail:
Climate and Land-Surface Systems Interaction Centre, Department of Geography, University of Wales Swansea,
Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK; e-mail:

Key-words: timescale, astronomical, Milankovitch, magnetostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy.

About 70% of the Jurassic is now covered by floating astronomical timescales based on the recognition
of Milankovitch cycles. Astronomical timescales provide the highest resolution robust timescales over
the tens of thousands to millions and even tens of millions of year timescales. This presentation will provide
a summary of the status of the Jurassic astronomical timescale, including the outstanding problems and
possible solutions. The oldest sea-floor magnetic anomaly pattern is Callovian. For earlier stages the scaling
for the Geological Timescale 2004 (Gradstein et al. 2004), other than minimum estimates from direct counts
of stratigraphic cycles, relied on a combination of c. 20 radiometric dates, the number of ammonite subzones
and an assumption that the rate of change of seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio for the Early Jurassic was linear over
intervals of millions of years. However, this assumption has recently been questioned and thus there is
an additional need to improve the cyclostratigraphic and radiometric databases. Cyclostratigraphy for much
of the Early Jurassic has been completed using sections in England and the Alps. There is no cyclo-
stratigraphy for the Bajocian and Bathonian.
For the Late Jurassic, the existence of a sea-floor magnetic anomaly pattern together with recent and
ongoing cyclostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic studies on the same sections in the UK provide
the potential to produce a high-resolution integrated timescale for the Callovian to Tithonian

(c. 15 Ma duration). However, construction of the Late Jurassic timescale is complex because of the high
number of magnetic reversals, the provincialism of the ammonites used for biostratigraphy and lack
of agreement on the stages.

Weedon et al. (2004) identified regular cycles in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in England and used
these to construct a floating 7.5 Ma astronomical timescale for the latest Oxfordian (as defined in

the Tethyan province), Kimmeridgian and most of the Early Tithonian. Comparison of this astronomical
timescale with the GTS2004 reveals that the Early Tithonian is c. 1 Ma (25%) longer according to

the cyclostratigraphy. This mismatch may be resolved via better correlation of the magnetozones that were
defined in France (Tethyan Province) and the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Boreal Province).
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 157

For the Oxfordian and Callovian a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy based on sections in the UK has
recently been compiled. Work is currently being conducted to produce a floating astronomical timescale
using exactly the same exposures.

Gradstein F., Ogg J. G. and Smith A. 2004. A geological timescale 2004, Cambridge University Press.
Weedon G. P., Coe A. L. and Gallois R. 2004. Cyclostratigraphy, orbital tuning and inferred productivity for
the type Kimmeridge Clay (Late Jurassic), Southern England. Journal of the Geological Society,
161: 655-666.

Sequence stratigraphy and depositional setting of the Pliensbachian and Toarcian

marly limestones in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal

Departamento de Cincias da Terra and Centro de Geocincias, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia
da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:

Key-words: sequence stratigraphy, marl-limestone alternations, Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Portugal,

Lusitanian Basin.

The Pliensbachian and Toarcian series in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) are generally dominated by
hemipelagic deposits, represented by marl/limestone alternations that are very rich in nektonic and benthic
fauna. These sediments are included in the following four formations: Vale das Fontes, Lemede, S. Gio and,
partially, Pvoa da Lomba. The weak lateral facies variation, generally observed at the basin scale, suggests
that these sediments were deposited in an epicontinental extensional basin on a homoclinal carbonate ramp
controlled by eustatic fluctuations and regional tectonics. Considering the Late Triassic Late Callovian
large cycle, the sediments correspond to the maximum transgressive facies which can be widely observed
throughout the succession. A detailed studied of several stratigraphic sections in terms of sedimentological,
geochemical and paleontological analysis shows that the Pliensbachian-Toarcian series is subdivided into
two second-order sequences (SP and ST).
The Pliensbachian succession shows a typical second-order transgressive/regressive sequence,
with a dominant marly deposition at the base and a calcareous dominant facies at the top.
The basal discontinuity of the SP is particularly well observed in the western part of the basin,
dating roughly from the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian boundary. The series shows a large transgressive phase,
ending in the middle-upper part of the Margaritatus Zone (around Subnodosus/Gibbosus subzones
boundary) associated with an organic-rich deposition verified at the basin scale. During the Spinatum Zone
the sedimentation returned to a calcareous regime very rich in benthic macrofauna. The upper discontinuity

of the SP observed in the whole basin dates from the lowermost Polymorphum Zone (intra-Mirable

The base of ST (Polymorphum Zone) corresponds to an abrupt flooding event, through a generalised
marly accumulation in the whole basin. However, around the Polymorphum-Levisoni interval, an important
tectonic activity occurred, responsible for a great sedimentary change with special facies features in some

positions of the basin. The dominance of marl observed at the top of the Levisoni Zone marks the maximum
peak transgression of the Toarcian second-order sequence, showing some evidence of pelagic deposition,

with thin-shelled bivalve-rich (Bositra sp.) horizons. The Upper Toarcian Lower Aalenian succession
158 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

shows a regressive trend, ending ST with an upward increase of calcareous and bioclastic content, including
ahermatipic corals in the eastern sectors. The upper discontinuity dates from the Opalinum Zone and
shows different sedimentary records across the basin. ST it is subdivided into four third-order
depositional sequences (St1 to St4), each bounded by regional discontinuities, recognized over most parts
of the Lusitanian Basin.

Importance of the Mellala section (Traras Mountains, NW Algeria)

for the correlations of the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary

Serge ELMI1, Abbas MAROK2, Abbs SEBANE3 and Yves ALMRAS1

UMR-CNRS 5521, UFR Sciences de la Terre, Universit Lyon 1, 27-43, Bd du 11 novembre, F-69622 Villeurbanne
Cedex, France; e-mail:,
Universit de Tlemcen, B.P. 119, Tlemcen, Algeria; e-mail:
Universit dOran, BP 1524, Campus II, 31000, Oran El Mnaouer, Algeria; e-mail:

Key-words: Upper Pliensbachian, Lower Toarcian, biostratigraphy, ammonites, brachiopods, Algeria,


The Mellala profile has a great importance as international reference section because it exposes
a continuous and very fossiliferous record through the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary (Fig. 1).
This boundary is situated within the hemipelagic Bayada Formation (alternating marls and marly
limestones) yielding Zoophycos and Steinmannia bronni (shells and filaments). It has been deposited in
a small subbasin (umbilicus) that was strongly subsiding and deepening during the Late Pliensbachian
and the Early Toarcian. The sequence evolution is globally stratodecreasing and deepening upward until
the middle part of the Early Toarcian (early Levisoni Zone).
The Bayada Fm. begins in the Upper Domerian. The Emaciatum Zone is divided in two parts.
The lower (Solare Subzone, thickness 8 m) is documented by several Pleuroceras solare (Phillips)
occurring alone in the lower part of the subzone, but associated with Emaciaticeras upwards. Brachiopods
include Phymatothyris kerkyrae (Renz) and Quadratirhynchia quadrata Buckman. The upper
part (Elisa Subzone) is characterized by Tauromeniceras elisa (Fucini), Canavaria finitima (Fucini),
Paltarpites bettonii (Fucini) associated with numerous P. kerkyreae (Renz) and rare Lobothyris
punctata (Sowerby). The main part of the brachiopod assemblage consists of small sized species:
Nannirhynchia pygmoea (Davidson), Koninckella liasina (Davidson) and Cadomella cf. moorei
(Davidson). This is the Koninckella fauna (previously named Leptaena fauna). Leioceratoides gr.
serotinus (Bettoni) has been found in the upper part of the Elisa Subzone.
The base of the lowermost Toarcian (Mirabile Subzone) is marked by a decimetric bed (n 38)

with Paltarpites paltus (Buckman) but without Eodactylites at the present state of the research.
The following calcareous bed (n 40) has yielded several Dactylioceras (Eodactylites) polymorphum

(Fucini) and D. (E.) pseudocommune (Fucini). The brachiopods are represented by Liospiri-
ferina subquadrata (Seguenza), Lobothyris sp. and the Koninckella fauna: C. moorei, N. pygmoea
and K. liasina. Upwards, the Eodactylites becomes abundant at 10 to 12 m, especially in the bed n 44.

At 3.50 m under the top of the subzone, a marker-bed (48) corresponding to a lenticular level
of bioclastic quartziferous limestones occurs. The overlying 15 m are attributed to the Semicelatum Subzone

(Tethyan nomenclature). At the base, there occurs a level with D. (Orthodactylites) crosbeyi (Simpson)
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 159

Levisoni 47.35

72 Eleganticeras

40 Lenticulina obonensis

63-64 Dactylioceras (Orthodactylites) sp.


61 Dactylioceras (Orthodactylites) semicelatum

Upper Member



52 Dactylioceras (O.) crosbeyi, Lobothyris arcta

51 Lobothyris arcta

49 Dactylioceras (Eodactylites) gr. polymorphum,

48 Dactylioceras (E.) pseudocommune

20 47 Phymatothyris kerkyrae
45 Dactylioceras (Eodactylites) polymorphum
44 principal bed with Eodactylites

16 40+
40 first Eodactylites, Lobothyris sp.
38-39 Paltarpites paltus

Koninckella fauna

32-34 Paltarpites, Tauromeniceras, Leioceratoides



23 T. elisa, Canavaria finitima, Emaciaticeras sp.

Lower Member

19 Emaciaticeras sp.

8 17 Pleuroceras sp.
14 Pleuroceras sp.
12 Pleuroceras, Emaciaticeras
9 Pleuroceras solare, Phym. kerkyrae


6 main level with Pleuroceras solare


4 Pleuroceras solare

m0 1 Pleuroceras sp.

Fig. 1. Mellala section (Traras Mountains, Algeria), succession of the main faunas.
160 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

associated with Lobothyris arcta (Dubar) which allows a good correlation with the Clevelandicum Subzone
(or Horizon) of northwestern Europe. The topmost 5 m of the deposits are dated to the Levisoni Zone with
Eleganticeras sp. The anoxic event at the beginning of this Zone is only indicated by an abnormal
variability of the foraminifera. The presence of Lenticulina obonensis (Cubaynes) mg Planularia
indicates stressing conditions.

Algeria-France Programme 02 MDU 555.

The Lower Toarcian of the High-Atlas, Morocco (Todrha-Dades area):

stratigraphy and sedimentation

Mohammed ETTAKI and El Hassane CHELLA

Cadi Ayyad-Marrakech University, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Departement of Geology, P.O. Box 2390,
Marrakech, Morocco; e-mail:,

Key-words: Lower Toarcian, lithostratigraphy, sedimentology, paleoenvironment, High-Atlas, Morocco.

The Toarcian represents an important stage in the evolution of the Atlasic domain develped during
the rifting on the West Tethyan margin during the Early Jurassic.
In the Todrha-Dades area, the ammonites are apparently absent in deposits of the Tagoudite Formation,
but a rich fauna of foraminifera and ostracods is meet in the marls and marly sandstones particularly in
the lower member of the formation. The micropaleontological study indicates the Early Toarcian age
(Polymorphum-Levisoni zones) for the Tagoudite Formation.
In the Todrha-Dades area, the Lower Toarcian deposits increase in thickness from SW to NE.
Towards SW, the sedimentation is characterized by large terrigenous sediment supply. In the NE direction
the marly-sandstone succession of the Tagoudite Formation was deposited in a deep basin (umbilicus)
created by a block tilting unfavourable for development of the microfauna. The impact of the tectonics
during the Early Toarcian (Polymorphum Zone) is recorded by normal faults and plastic
distortions.Tectonic structure analysis shows that the sedimentation took place in a transtensional tectonic
In general, the Todrha-Dades area is characterized during the Early Toarcian by the lateral passage
between the different domains of sedimentation. The change in the sedimentation conditions took place
after the Synpolymorphum Crisis. This change, accentuated by distensive tectonic, begins in the Early
Toarcian and it is shown by sedimentary hiatus occurring in the platform and the seamounts ridges
(individualized already during Pliensbachian). The neptunian dykes in Jbel Akenzoud and Tarhia nDades
are associated with this level. Afterwards the detritical sedimentation occurred before the Middle Toarcian.

Sedimentologic and paleontologic analysis prove that the Tagoudite Formation has been deposited
in a relatively deep marine area. It marks a radical sedimentary change in the whole of the central

High-Atlas domain after the Polymorphum Crisis during the Early Toarcian. The distensive tectonic
was responsible for isolation of the basin and led to the development of anoxic conditions that controled
the replacements of the fauna.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 161

Ammonite horizons at the basal Bathonian zone (Parvum Subzone)

in Cabo Mondego, Portugal

Sixto R. FERNNDEZ-LPEZ1, Maria Helena HENRIQUES2 and Charles MANGOLD3

Departamento y UEI de Paleontologa, Facultad de Ciencias Geolgicas (UCM) e Instituto de Geologa Econmica
(CSIC-UCM), 28040 Madrid, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento de Cincias da Terra e Centro de Geocincias, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:
Universit Claude-Bernard, Lyon-1,UFR des Sciences de la Terre et CNRS, UMR 5125, 27-43,
bd du 11-Novembre-1918, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France

Key-words: Middle Jurassic, biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography, Lusitanian Basin,


The ammonite succession at the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary in the Cabo Mondego region
provides one of the most complete biostratigraphical records so far recognized in the Iberian Plate.
Lower Bathonian ammonite fossil assemblages are composed of Submediterranean taxa.
Parkinsonids characterizing the Northwest European Province, as well as phylloceratids and lytoceratids
characterizing the Mediterranean Province, are very scarce. The basal Bathonian zone (Zigzag Zone)
established for NW Europe areas, belonging to the Northwest European Province, can be identified
in the Lusitanian Basin. The Lower Bathonian boundary may be established by the lowest occurrence
of the dimorphic group Morphoceras (M) + Ebrayiceras (m), although morphoceratids are scarce.
The Zigzag Zone can be characterized as composed of two subunits (Parvum and Macrescens subzones)
represented in diverse European basins of the Submediterranean Province. The revision of previous
collections from the classical section and new field samplings of two other separate sections
on Cabo Mondego allow to distinguish the lowest subzone of Bathonian (Parvum Subzone, Zigzag Zone).
Along up to ten metres of thickness, over forty successive assemblages have been recognized in the Parvum
The lowermost subzone of the Bathonian yields common perisphinctids (40%), oppeliids (25%)
and hecticoceratids (20%), being the most abundant genera: Planisphinctes (m) + Lobosphictes (M),
Oxycerites (M) + Paroecotraustes (m) and Nodiferites (m) + Zeissoceras (M). Ammonite fossil
assemblages of the Parvum Subzone may be grouped into two successive biohorizons. The lower biohorizon,
beginning with the lowest occurrence of Morphoceras (M) + Ebrayiceras (m), has been characterized
by perisphinctids of the dimorphic couple Bigotites gr. diniensis Sturani (M) + Bigotites acurvatus
(Wetzel) in Torrens (m), although they are scarce. The upper biohorizon, through 1.5-2 m of thickening
upwards beds, has been identified in the stratigraphic interval beginning with the lowest occurrence
of Zigzagiceras (m) + Procerozigzag (M) and underlying the lowest occurrence of Morphoceras
macrescens (Buckman). These two successive ammonite horizons are biochronostratigraphically
equivalent to the subdivisions of the Convergens Subzone distinguished on the Digne-Barrme area
The occurrence of Bigotites gr. diniensis (M+m) in Cabo Mondego in the Parvum Subzone represents
a new criterion for chronostratigraphical subdivision and chronocorrelation with the Digne-Barrme area,

useful in understanding the evolution of the West Tethyan Perisphinctidae during earliest Bathonian.
162 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Bathonian ammonites from the Polish Tatras

Andrs GALCZ1 and Bronisaw A. MATYJA2

Department of Paleontology, Etvs L. University H-1117 Budapest, Pzmny Pter stny 1/c, Hungary;
Institute of Geology, Warsaw Univerisity, Al. wirki i Wigury 93, PL-02089 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail:

Key-words: Bathonian, ammonites, High Tatras, Poland, biostratigraphy, palaeogeography.

In the sedimentary sequence of the Polish High Tatras, thin limestone beds with Middle Jurassic,
mainly Bathonian fossils have been reported. The best known of these occurrences is that of Wielka
wistwka Cirques in the Mitusia Valley with extremely rich ammonite fauna which became famous for
the classic monographs of Passendorfer in 1935 and 1938. The fauna occurs in a condensed bed overlying
with considerable hiatus the Middle Triassic shallow-water carbonates, and is covered by Upper Jurassic
pelagic limestone. The 8-12 cm thick bed yielded nautiloids, belemnites, ammonites and brachiopods in
great profusion, and less commonly other molluscs (bivalves and gastropods).
The revision of the ammonite fauna in the collections of Passendorfer indicated that most of the forms
is typical of the higher Middle Bathonian Bremeri Zone, with the rich representation of the zonal index
and other diagnostic forms, e.g. Prohecticoceras ochraceum, Bullatimorphites eszterensis.
Within the perisphinctids, Procerites is dominant and Wagnericeras is rarer which could indicate the lower
part of the Bremeri Zone. As interesting rarities, Phlycticeras, Oecoptychius, Thraxites, etc. also appear.
However, the collections contain some macrocephalitids and rare Hecticoceras suggesting
the presence of the Lower Callovian. While preservational differences cannot be seen between the Bathonian
and Callovian fossils, and the recent state of the Wielka wistwka exposure did not show this, the best
explanation is to suppose an occurrence of a thin, intermittent Callovian layer in between the Bathonian and
Upper Jurassic beds as the source of these stratigraphically younger ammonites in the collections.
The ammonite fauna is dominated by suborder Ammonitina (66.6%) of which nearly half belongs to
the Perisphinctidae, and phylloceratids are represented 32%. This is a faunal composition very close
to those from other Bathonian condensed ammonite beds occurring in the Carpathian-Pannon region
(e.g. Swinitza in the Southern Carpathians, Villny in South Hungary).

The Middle Oxfordian Platysphinctes event-horizon an integrated tool

in the correlations around the boundary
of the Plicatilis and Transversarium zones in Europe



Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. wirki i Wigury 93, PL-02089 Warszawa, Poland;

Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Science, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL-00818 Warszawa, Poland;

Key-words: Upper Jurassic, Middle Oxfordian, Central & NW Europe, ammonites, carbon isotopes,
event stratigraphy, correlations.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 163

Palaeobiogeographic differentiation of the Late Jurassic faunas of the northern hemisphere

was connected with temporal excursions and mixing of the Boreal-Subboreal and Mediterranean ammonites
in the area of the Submediterranean epicratonic seas of the northern Tethyan shelf. These excursions
are well recognized from the Late Oxfordian onwards (e.g. Atrops et al. 1993) but are less well-known
in the Middle Oxfordian. However, the lower Mid-Oxfordian Platysphinctes event-horizon first recognized
in central Poland (Gowniak 2000), has been recently evidenced also in southern Poland and NW Germany.
According to the new study (Gowniak 2006b, in press) it appears in central Europe within
the Arkelli Horizon of the Arkelli Subzone (Mid-Oxfordian Plicatilis Zone in the usage of the Sub-
mediterranean zonal scheme based on perisphinctid lineage, Gowniak 2002, 2006a) and was
a proxy for a biogeographical phenomenon referred to as the Mediterranean Spread. At that time,
geographical barriers did not hinder communication between the Submediterranean
and Tethys basins, which may point to the occurrence of the Mediterranean Spread in conditions
of a sea-level rise. In accordance with the previous opinion remain geochemical isotope data
based on stratigraphically well-dated belemnite rostra derived from the Mid-Oxfordian sections
of central Poland (Wierzbowski 2002). A gradual positive shift in 13C values, which starts at
the Lower/Middle Oxfordian boundary, reaches its maximum in the Platysphinctes event-horizon.
According to Wierzbowski (2002) the early Middle Oxfordian carbon isotope excursion may have been
linked to transgression, which occurred during a longer period of the crisis in oceanic carbonate
sedimentation. The early Middle Oxfordian positive carbon isotope shift was subsequently recognized
in the sections of Scotland (Wierzbowski 2004, Pearce et al. 2005). The geochemical events from Poland
and Scotland are simultaneous and should be correlated with the Platysphinctes event-horizon
(cf. Wierzbowski 2002, 2004). As a consequence, the latter becomes a precise marker for the stratigraphic
correlations of the Mid-Oxfordian zonal schemes in the upper Plicatilis Zone between the Submediterranean
and Boreal-Subboreal Europe.

Atrops F., Gygi R. A., Matyja B. A. and Wierzbowski A. 1993. The Amoeboceras faunas in the Middle
Oxfordian lowermost Kimmeridgian, Submediterranean succession, and their correlation value.
Acta Geologica Polonica, 43: 213-227.
Gowniak E. 2000. The Platysphinctes immigration event in the Middle Oxfordian of the Polish Jura Chain
(Central Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 50: 143-160.
Gowniak E. 2002. The ammonites of the family Perisphinctidae from the Plicatilis Zone (lower Middle
Oxfordian) of the Polish Jura Chain (Central Poland); their taxonomy, phylogeny and biostratigraphy.
Acta Geologica Polonica, 52: 307-364.
Gowniak E. 2006a. The correlation of the zonal schemes at the Middle-Upper Oxfordian boundary
(Jurassic) in the Submediterranean Province: Poland and Switzerland. Acta Geologica Polonica,
56: 33-50.
Gowniak E. 2006b. The Platysphinctes immigration event: biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic
implications for the Middle Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) seas of central Europe (NW Germany and
Poland). Neues Jahrbuch fr Palontologie Abhandlungen. (in press)
Pearce C. R., Hesselbo S. P. and Coe A. L. 2005. The mid-Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) positive carbon-isotope
excursion recognised from fossil wood in the British Isles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 221: 343-357.

Wierzbowski H. 2002. Detailed oxygen and isotope stratigraphy of the Oxfordian in Central Poland.
Geologische Rundschau, 91: 304-314.

Wierzbowski H. 2004. Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of Oxfordian-Early Kimmeridgian belemnite
rostra: palaeoenvironmental implications for Late Jurassic seas. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 203: 153-168.
164 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

The Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in the Almonacid de la Cuba section

(Iberian Range, Spain)

Antonio GOY1, Maria J. COMAS-RENGIFO1, Carmen ARIAS1, Juan J. GMEZ2, Jos A. GONZLEZ3,
Concha HERRERO1, Alicia PALENCIA4, Nicola PERILLI5 and Ana RODRIGO6
Departamento de Paleontologa, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain;
Departamento de Estratigrafa, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento de Geologa, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento de Geofsica. Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain; e-mail:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via S. Maria, 53. 56100 Pisa, Italy; e-mail:
Museo Geominero, Ros Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid, Spain; e-mail:

Key-words: Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary, magnetostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, ammonites,

brachiopods, ostracods, Foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils.

The Almonacid de la Cuba section, representative of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition

in the Iberian Range (Fig. 1), is reviewed. It is an expanded section where no important discontinuities
have been detected. Four successive assemblages of ammonites, which are characterized
by the presence of Pleuroceras (BH14-CU14), Canavaria (CU16-CU32), Dactylioceras (E.) (CU35.2-CU44)
and Dactylioceras (O.) (CU44-CU87), are distinguished. The Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary is located
at the base of level CU35.2 with the first record of Dactylioceras (Fig. 2). These assemblages are
mainly constituted by taxa typical of the NW European Province, such as Pleuroceras,
Dactylioceras (O.) and P. paltum. However, frequent Mediterranean Province taxa such as Emaciaticeras,
Canavaria, Lioceratoides, Neolioceratoides, Dactylioceras (E.) and P. madagascariense,
are also recorded. In the Tenuicostatum Zone, dactylioceratidae are dominating with respect to harpo-
ceratinae. In the Mirabile Subzone, species of Dactylioceras (E.) are coexisting with P. paltum.
Brachiopods show two successive assemblages. The lower one is composed generally
of the Pliensbachian taxa and the upper assemblage includes more endemic taxa. Coinciding with the Early
Toarcian OAE, almost all these species disappeared at the end of the Tenuicostatum Chron.
Foraminiferal assemblages are rich and diversified. Calcareous hyaline taxa are dominated
by suborder Lagenina, agglutinated foraminifera are scarce, the suborders Spirillinina and
Miliolina are represented by few specimens and taxa, and specimens of Robertinina have been recovered
throughout the whole stratigraphic interval. The main biostratigraphical foraminiferal events
can be recognized and com-
Outcrops of
pared with other sections of
Santander Jurassic deposites the Iberian Range and with
San Sebastian another ones of selected NW
Oviedo 40 80 120 150 200 km
BASIN Ostracod assemblages of
Almonicad de la Pampalona P Y R E
NEES the Spinatum Zone are domi-
Cuba section EB
CE nated by healdiids and cythera-
ceans, which decrease at

Zaragoza IBE AG S IN Lleida the base of the Tenuicostatum
RIA ON Zaragoza
N L Zone, where the cypridaceans

Madrid RA SE STA
NG BR COA are better represented.

NC TA Tarragona In the Semicelatum Subzone,

H CA S coinciding with the disap-

ANG pearance of the healdiids,
Madrid R

the cytheraceans become domi-

Fig. 1. Map showing the location of the Almonacid de la Cuba section, situated in the central
sector of the Iberian Range, in estern Spain. nants.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 165


Bed No.



Magnetostratygraphy 18O 13C
Declination Inclination

Early Toarcian

Turmiel Formation



Late Pliensbachian


Barahona Formation



Fig. 2. Stratigraphic succession at the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition in the studied section. Magnetic analysis carried out in the Laboratory
of the ETH in Zrich and in the Palaeomagnetic Laboratory of the UCM in Madrid. Stable isotopes analysis were performed on belemmnites

and carried out in the Salamanca and Michigan universities.


Calcareous nannofossils assemblages are rich and well preserved. This allowed locating precisely
the biochronostratigraphical position of the main markers and events and comparing them with these
recorded in other basins of Western Tethys.
166 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

A magnetic polarity column for the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary has been constructed on the basis
of the polarities of the 2C Component (Fig. 2). The lower boundary of the Toarcian is located within the R2
magnetozone. A relatively large magnetozone N3 of normal polarity is located within the Tenuicostatum

MEC Spain, Project CGL2005-01765.

Ammonoidea Toarcian biohorizons in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (N Spain):

a correlation between the Iberian Range
and the Mediterranean Province standard scale

Antonio GOY, Gemma MARTNEZ and Soledad URETA

Departamento y UEI de Paleontologa, Facultad de Ciencias Geolgicas (U.C.M.), Instituto de Geologa Econmica
(CSCI-UCM), Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain;

Key-words: Ammonoidea, biohorizons, correlation, Toarcian, Cantabrian Range, Spain.

In the Basque-Cantabrian Basin several detailed biostratigraphical studies in Toarcian sediments have
been carried out, and all the zones and the most subzones from the NW European Province standard scale
have been characterized. Recent investigations allow us to complete the reference scale and define
35 successive ammonoidea biohorizons that can be identified in the whole basin with rare exceptions.
Biohorizons have been established with similar criteria to those suggested by Page (1995),
and when possible, the evolution of a particular taxonomic group has been taken into account.
The use of taxa with an important record overlap in the basin has been avoided.
Tenuicostatum Zone (1 simplex, 2 mirabile, 3 crosbeyi, 4 tenuicostatum, 5 semicelatum).
Successive species of Dactylioceras with reference sections in Camino (1, 2, 3, 5) and San Miguel
de Aguayo (4).
Serpentinus Zone (6 elegantulum, 7 exaratum, 8 elegans, 9 pseudoserpentinus,
10 douvillei). Species of Harpoceratinae (Eleganticeras, Cleviceras, Harpoceras) and
Hildoceratinae (Orthildaites) with reference sections in Tudanca (6, 7, 8, 9) and San Andrs (10).
Bifrons Zone (11 sublevisoni, 12 tethysi, 13 lusitanicum, 14 apertum, 15 bifrons,
16 semipolitum). Successive species of Hildoceras with reference section in San Andrs.
Variabilis Zone (17 variabilis, 18 illustris, 19 phillipsi, 20 vitiosa). Species of Haugia
with reference section in San Andrs.
Thouarsense Zone (21 Grammoceras, 22 Essericeras, 23 fallaciosum). The presence
of discontinuities in numerous sections and the poor and casual record of Grammoceras and
Essericeras, challenging the establishment of the lowers biohorizons in this Zone. Their reference

sections are Cillamayor (21, 22) and Castillo Pedroso (23).

Dispansum Zone (24 cappuccinum, 25 pachu, 26 gruneri). The firsts two are successive species

of Hammatoceras and the third one is a Gruneria species with a extensive record in the basin.
All of them have the reference section in Cillamayor.

Pseudoradiosa Zone (27 levesquei, 28 munieri, 29 pseudoradiosa, 30 tectiforme).

Successive species of Dumortieria and Paradumortieria with reference section in Cillamayor.

Aalensis Zone (31 mactra, 32 subcompta, 33 aalensis/fluitans, 34 falcifer, 35 buckmani).

Successive species of Pleydellia with reference section in San Andrs.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 167

This succession of biohorizons has numerous similarities with the one for the Iberian Range
and considerable differences with sucessions from regions further south in the Iberian Peninsula.
Moreover, the presence of the same taxa as other W. Tethys regions, where detailed biozonations have been
made, enable the establishment of a precise correlation between the Basque-Cantabrian Basin and
the Mediterranean Province, for some particular intervals and specifically for the base of Tenui-
costatum/Polymorphum Serpentinus/Levisoni, Bifrons, Dispansum/Speciosum and Aalensis zones.
The discontinuous records of Collina gemma and Dumortieria meneghinii provide difficulties
in correlation between Variabilis/Gradata, and Pseudoradiosa/Meneghinii zones, respectively.
The present knowledge on the Basque-Cantabrian Basin doesnt allow the precise correlation of the base
of Thouarense/Bonarelli Zones.

MEC, Spain. CGL 2005-04574; CGL2005-01765).

Page K. N. 1995. Biohorizons and zonules: intra-subzonal units in Jurassic ammonite stratigraphy.
Palaeontology, 38, 4: 801-814.

Geologic Time Scale 2004 Why, How, and Where Next!

Felix M. GRADSTEIN1 and James G. OGG2

University of Oslo, Museum for Geology and Paleontology, Sars gate 1, N-0562 Oslo, Norway;
Departament of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purude University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA;

Key-words: Geological Time Scale 2004, stratigraphy, ICS, geochronology.

This lecture reviews Geologic Time Scale 2004 (Gradstein et al. 2004), constructed and detailed
by 40 geoscience specialists, and indicates how it will be further refined.
Since Geologic Time Scale 1989 by Harland et al. many developments have taken place:
1. Stratigraphic standardization through the work of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS)
has greatly refined the international chronostratigraphic scale. In some cases, traditional
European-based stages have been replaced with new subdivisions that allow global correlation.
2. New or enhanced methods of extracting high-precision age assignments with more realistic
uncertainties from the rock record. These have led to improved age assignments of key geologic
stage boundaries and other global correlation horizons.
3. Orbital tuning has greatly refined the Neogene, and improved parts of Palaeogene and Mesozoic.

4. Statistical techniques of compiling integrated global stratigraphic scales within geologic periods.
Anticipated advances to the Geologic Time Scale during the next 8 years include:

a geologically realistic Precambrian scale, and stages subdivision of the Ediacaran;

formal definition of all Phanerozoic stage boundaries;

orbital tuning of polarity chrons and biostratigraphic events for entire Cenozoic and Cretaceous;
a detailed database of high-resolution radiometric ages that includes best practice procedures,

full error analysis, monitor ages and conversion;

168 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

resolving age dating controversies (e.g., zircon statistics and possible reworking)
across Devonian/Carboniferous, Permian/Triassic, and Anisian/Ladinian boundaries;
improved and standardized dating of several neglected intervals
(e.g., Upper Jurassic Lower Cretaceous, and Carboniferous through Triassic);
detailed integrated stratigraphy for Upper Palaeozoic through Lower Mesozoic.
The geochronological science community and ICS are focusing on these issues. A modified version
of the time scale to accompany the standardization (boundary definitions and stratotypes) of all stages is
planned for 2008 (to be presented at the 33th International Geologic Congress in Oslo), with a totally revised
version of GTS available in 2012. At the same time ICS is closely working with the Commission for
the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) to standardize stratigraphic nomenclature and the colour scheme
for its units.

Gradstein F .M., Ogg J. G., Smith A. G., Agterberg F. P., Bleeker W., Cooper R. A., Davydov V., Gibbard P.,
Hinnov L., House M. R., Lourens L., Luterbacher H-P., McArthur J., Melchin M. J., Robb L. J.,
Shergold J., Villeneuve M., Wardlaw B. R., Ali J., Brinkhuis H., Hilgen F. J., Hooker J., Howarth R. J.,
Knoll A. H., Laskar J., Monechi S., Powell J., Plumb K. A., Raffi I., Rhl U., Sanfilippo A., Schmitz B.,
Shackleton N. J., Shields G. A., Strauss H., Van Dam J., Veizer J., van Kolfschoten Th. and Wilson D.
2004. A geologic time scale 2004. 500 pp. Cambridge University Press. UK.
Harland W. B., Armstrong R. L., Cox A. V., Craig L. E., Smith A. G. and Smith D. G. 1990. A geologic time scale
1989. 263 pp. Cambridge University Press. UK.

Facies and carbon isotope studies in southern Tibet suggest

that the Toarcian extinction was diachronous

Anthony HALLAM
School of Geography, Earth and Environment Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK;

Key-words: carbon isotopes, Tibet, Toarcian benthic extinctions.

A record of the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) mass extinction is reported from eastern Tethyan (Tibetan)
locations for the first time, using both nannopalaeontological and carbon isotope evidence. These show
a similar succession of events to those seen in western Tethys and Boreal northern Europe but with
a considerable delay in their timing. Thus, transgression and spread of oxygen-poor bottom waters is seen,
but the onset of the dysaerobic deposition occurs late in the stage in Tibet whilst in western Tethyan and
Boreal locations they develop near the base of the stage. The benthic extinctions were similarly delayed,

with the result that the two principal victims of the crisis in the western Tethyan Realm, the lithiotid bivalves
and the lituolid Foraminifera, persisted until high in the Toarcian in eastern Tethys. The Toarcian extinction

event was therefore a protracted crisis associated with the diachronous onset of oxygen-poor deposition in
marine settings.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 169

Toarcian-Aalenian ammonite faunas from the western Middle Atlas (Morocco):

controls of their distribution

Fatima EL HAMMICHI1, Khadija BENSHILI2 and Serge ELMI3

FEM Facult des Sciences, B.P. 1014, Agdal, Rabat, Maroc; e-mail:
KB ENIM, B.P. 753 Agdal, Rabat, Maroc; e-mail:
S.E. UMR-CNRS 5521, UFR Sciences de la Terre, Universit Lyon 1 27-43, Bd du 11 novembre,
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France; e-mail:

Key-words: Toarcian, Aalenian, biostratigraphy, palaeogeographic distribution, Middle Atlas.

The SW part of the Moroccan Middle Atlas represents an area where the ammonite faunas are often
abundant either in outer bioclastic and ferruginous beds or in outer distal platform marly limestones
(Mibladne Fm. and Al Yabs Fm.). Sedimentary discontinuities are frequently marked by condensed
(bioclastic, ferruginous and encrusted limestones). The biostratigraphy is based on the distribution of
120 species, 46 genera and 7 families.
The ammonite succession fits well with the West Tethyan standards. However, there are noticeable
differences between the faunal communities of the diverse sectors (subbasins) of the studied region.
This differentiation is largely due to a palaeostructural partitioning provoked by extensional tectonic
movements that strengthen or lessen the eustatic variations.
The faunas are largely cosmopolitan at the exception of those of the Gradata and Bonarellii zones
having a strong South-Tethyan character with Collina, Collinites, Telodactylites and Furloceras
to the lack of Haugia, Brodieia, Grammoceras, Esericeras and Hudlestonia. The main qualitative
turnover occurs at the beginning of the Gradata Zone and it is followed by a near complete segregation of
faunal assemblages. This well known scenario is complicated by local to regional conditions linked both
to environments, tectonics and, perhaps, climates. For example, Phylloceratina are rare, but Lytoceratina
can be abundant, although these two groups present great variations in proportion of their occurrence
to the entire fauna (37% in the condensed sections; 22% in the expanded successions). These data must
be compared with the percentages of Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina in other Tethyan localities:
20% on the neritic seamounts of Sicily and of the Southern Alps; 30% on their borders; 70% in small and
strongly subsiding subbasins (umbilicus) as well as at some levels of the Djebel Nador ammonitico rosso
(Western Algeria)
Hammatoceratids of the Aalensis and Opalinum zones are strongly similar to those of Sicily
and Southern Alps. Presence of involute and acute Pseudaptetoceras klimakomphalum (Vacek) and
P. christianae (Elmi & Mouterde) documents the seaways between the Alpine Tethys and the peri-Atlantic
basins (Portugal).

Ammonite biostratigraphy of Central High Atlas. a reference section

for Tethyan Domain

Khadija EL HARIRI1, Jean-Louis DOMMERGUES2, Driss CHAFIKI1 and Christian MEISTER3


Universit Cadi-Ayyad, Facult des Sciences and Techniques, Dpartement des Sciences de la Terre,
Laboratoire de Gosciences and Environnement, Marrakech, Maroc;


170 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Centre des Sciences de la Terre de lUniversit de Bourgogne, 6 Bd Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France;
Musum dhistoire naturelle, Dpartement de Gologie et Palontologie, 1 Rte de Malagnou, CP. 6434,
CH-1211 Genve 6, Switzerland; e-mail:

Key-words: chronology, biostratigraphy, taxonomy, Sinemurian, Morocco (High Atlas).

The Sinemurian times of the Moroccan Central High Atlas saw important palaeogeographic changes
which were of primary importance in the geodynamic evolution of the Atlas Basin. Sedimentation in
the subsiding basin was dominated by the hemipelagic, thin bedded sediments of the Aberdouz and Ouchbis
formations. The ammonite fauna gives the basis for precise dating of the deposits and recognition of
changes of facies along a proximal/distal direction which corresponded to the main breakup of the platform
at the turn of Early and Late Sinemurian.
This study is concentrated on Sinemurian ammonites of Central High Atlas (Morocco). It refers to four
sections namely Bou-Hamid, nZala, Tillicht, Foum Zaabel in the High-Atlas of Midelt-Rich and two sections
namely Tamadoute, Taguendouf in the High-Atlas of Beni-Mellal.
A careful systematic description of 70 taxa belonging to the Phylloceratidae, Juraphyllitidae,
Lytoceratidae, Schlotheimiidae, Arietitidae, Echioceratidae, Acanthopleuroceratidae, Oxynoticeratidae,
Eoderoceratidae, led to the construction of a detailed biostratigraphical framework for the Sinemurian.
Ten horizons were recognized in the Lower Sinemurian (Obtusum Zone) Upper Sinemurian
(Raricostatum Zone) interval up to Lower Carixien (Jamesoni Zone). The bulk of the species show Tethyan
paleogeographical affinities and can be correlated with those of the northwestern European standard

This study has been carried out under a grant from the AI: MA/03/74 Dijon-Marrakech.

Ammonites from Lias-Dogger of nZala (Central High Atlas, Morocco)

Khadija EL HARIRI1, Maria Helena HENRIQUES2, Driss CHAFIKI1, Luis V. DUARTE2 and Hassan IBOUH1
Universit Cadi-Ayyad, Facult des Sciences and Techniques, Dpartement des Sciences de la Terre,
Laboratoire de Gosciences and Environnement, Marrakech, Maroc;
Departamento de Cincias da Terra, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Centro de Geocincias,
Universidade de Coimbra, Largo Marqus de Pombal, 3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:

Key-words: ammonites, biostratigraphy, taxonomy, Lias-Dogger, High Atlas, Morocco.


This work aims at presenting the nZala section as a reference section characterizing the Lias/Dogger
interval in the Moroccan Central High Atlas, both from the biostratigraphic point of view and the knowledge
of some Ammonitina associations (recorded there). The nZala section is situated on the northern side

of Jbel Aouja, near nZala Village, about thirty kilometers north of the village at the main road n 21.
The marly-limestone succession partly corresponds to the lower part of the Agoudim Formation.

The studied interval covers about 60 metres and its major part consists of decimetric to metric thick
alternation of micritic limestones and fissile marls.

A study of 250 specimens belonging to over 30 taxa of Ammonitina, Lytoceratina and Phylloceratina
makes it possible to recognize biostratigraphic units characterizing the Lias-Dogger interval at nZala,
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 171

particularly the Meneghini Biozone (top), the Aalensis Biozone, the Opalinum Biozone (Opalinum and
Comptum subzones) and the base of Murchisonae Biozone (Haugi Subzone).
The Meneghini Biozone (about 15 m thick) at the base of the section is characterized by abundance
of Catulloceras sp. associated with some Vacekia sp. and some Cotteswoldia sp. One can also notice
the presence of Hammatoceratinae (particularly notable Hammatoceras aff insigne) associated
with Lytoceratina and Phylloceratina.
At the base of the Aalensis Biozone (about 12 m thick), we did not record Pleydellia mactra,
the species index of the Mactra Biozone, but an abundance of Tmetoceras scissum, associated with
Vacekia sp. along with Lytoceratina and P. aalensis, which appear in the lowest levels of the zone.
Below, we found representatives of the species index of the Aalensis Subzone, Pleydellia aalensis,
associated with Tmetoceras scissum and Vacekia sp. but without P. mactra. Note that Lytoceratina and
Phylloceratina are also present there.
The base of the Opalinum Biozone is characterized by the first appearance of forms belonging to
the Cypholioceras Leioceras dimorphic couple.
The Opalinum Subzone (about 10 m thick) is defined by striated forms of Cypholioceras sp. along with
Leioceras sp., Vacekia sp., Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina.
The base of the Comptum Subzone (about 8 m thick) is marked by the presence of the costated
representatives of Leioceras (Leioceras cf. comptum, Leioceras costusum), which are associated
with Tmetoceras (Tmetoceras scissum and Tmetoceras sp.) along with Planammatoceras,
Hammatoceras and Lytoceratina.
The base of Murchisonae Biozone is defined by the first appearance of Graphoceratidae (Ancolioceras
opalinoides, Ludwigia aff. haugi) characterizing the Haugi Subzone (about 30 m thick). The Tmetoceras
sp. and Vacekia sp. persist in the biozone along with the Hammatoceratidae, the Phylloceratina and
In the nZala section, the ammonite associations of the Lias-Dogger interval show marked
biostratigraphic and paleogeographic changes.
In the Aalensis Biozone, the ammonite associations show a clear Tethyan affinities as indicated by
common occurrence of taxa belonging to Hammatocerataceae, Lytoceratina and Phylloceratina.
The Opalinum and Murchisonae biozones show rather NW European influences, with a predominance
of representatives of Leioceratinae and Graphoceratina consequently allowing the recognition of
biostratigraphic units at the level of the subzones.

Travail dvelopp dans le cadre du projet Les sries jurassiques du Maroc et du Portugal.
Palogographie et cartographie du CNCPRST(Maroc)/GRICES (Portugal)
de lAI: MA/03/74 et du Protars D15-20.

Apparent sea-level change at times of extraordinary sediment supply:

integrated facies analysis and chemostratigraphy
of Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, Peniche, Portugal


Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK;

Departamento de Cincias da Terra, Centro de Geocincias, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal

Petrobras/Cenpes, Cidade Universitaria, Ilho da Fudao, 21941-598, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
172 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Key-words: Toarcian OAE, chemostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, carbon isotopes.

The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Early Jurassic was a time of major environmental change
characterized by widespread deposition of organic-rich black shales in both deep- and shallow-marine
settings. Facies evidence, mainly from the European area, has been used to argue for a major sea-level
rise in concert with oceanic anoxia, extinction of certain groups, and perturbation of the carbon cycle.
However, in a number of locations, such as in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, it has also been argued
previously that the start of the event was characterized by sea-level fall rather than rise, as evidenced by
the initiation of gravity-flow deposition. In this study we combine new marine and terrestrial carbon-isotope
and lithological data to suggest an alternative model for development of facies patterns in this basin,
whereby an abrupt increase in sediment flux from the hinterland led to slope instability and gravity-flow
deposition that lasted as long as the carbon-cycle perturbation. This interpretation is supported by existing
osmium and strontium isotope data, which have been interpreted to indicate a significant continental
transient increase in continental weathering fluxes. In effect this event provides a good example from
the rock record where the assumption of constant sediment supply is demonstrably false, but in which
the facies patterns may still be predictable on a variety of scales.

Cyclostratigraphy and chronology of the Domerian in the Paris Basin

(GPF-Sancerre borehole, Cher, France)

Emilia HURET1, Bruno GALBRUN1, Marie-Emilie CLMENCE2, Silvia GARDIN2, Pierre-Yves COLLIN2,
Isabelle ROUGET2, Slah BOULILA1 and Priulla TROUILLEFOU1
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, CEPAGE FR-CNRS 32, 4 place Jussieu, Case 117, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France;
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR CNRS 5143, 4 place Jussieu, Case 104, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France

Key-words: Domerian, Lower Jurassic, cyclostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, ammonites,

benthic foraminifers, calcareous nannoplankton, Paris Basin.

Marine sedimentary successions recording Milankovitch orbital forcing of paleoclimate variations

allowed the orbital tuning of Neogene Time scale (Lourens et al. 2004). For Mesozoic times the most recently
calculated astronomical solution is not reliable (Laskar et al. 2004) and the only possibility is to provide
floating chronologies to estimate the durations of geological processes.
Detection of orbitally forced cyclicity patterns from Mesozoic sedimentary sections needs analysis
of the right palaeoclimatic proxy which has to be easy in use. Most often in marine sediments magnetic
susceptibility (MS), which integrates the concentration of magnetic grains, reflect changes in detrital influx
and then it can be used as a palaeoclimatic proxy (Mayer & Appel 1999). Thus MS variations analysis

of thick Mesozoic sedimentary successions is probably the easiest paleoclimatic proxy to use,
fast and allowing high stratigraphic resolution that would be difficult to obtain with conventional methods.

Such methodology was already successfully used for analysis of Jurassic successions (Weedon et al. 1999).
We report a cyclostratigraphic analysis of MS record from the Domerian (Upper Pliensbachian,
Lower Jurassic) recovered in the GPF-Sancerre borehole (southern Paris Basin, France).

The Domerian formation is composed of marly-limestones and marls, and is 50 meters thick.
The recovery is almost 100%. The Spinatum and Margaritatus ammonite zones are well recognized,

as well as nannofossils and benthic foraminifers datums.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 173

High resolution (2 cm spacing) MS measurements were realized with a Bartington MS2-E1 sensor.
MS variations are in accordance with lithology: very weak values in marly-limestones, higher values when
the clays percentage increase. Long term evolution of MS allow to establish a sequential interpretation.
The high frequency variations of MS were the subject of a cyclostratigraphic study by spectral analysis
and the realization of amplitude spectrum. Cycles of 0.4, 1, 2 and 6.5 m thick were recognized.
Using the methodology of frequency ratios, these cycles are interpreted to record orbital precession,
obliquity and eccentricity (100 and 400 ky), respectively. Thus, the duration of the Domerian and
the different ammonite zones can be estimated.
Moreover, the realization of amplitude spectrum allows to estimate the sedimentation rate
evolution and to interpret the cycle evolution breaks as hiatuses. As a matter of facts we observed in
the Upper Domerian a significant decrease of cycles thickness that we interpreted as a drop of
sedimentation rate and probably as a condensed level (Clemence et al. this volume).

Laskar J., Robutel P., Joutel F., Gastineau M., Correia A. C. M. and Levrard B. 2004. A long-term numerical
solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 428: 261-285.
Lourens L. J., Hilgen F., Shackleton N. J., Laskar J. and Wilson D. 2004. The Neogene Period.
In: Gradstein F. et al. (Eds). A geologic time scale 2004: 409-440. Cambridge University Press.
Mayer H. and Appel E. 1999. Milankovitch cyclicity and rock magnetic signatures of palaeoclimatic change
in the early Cretaceous Biancone Formation of the southern Alps, Italy. Cretaceous Research,
20: 189-214.
Weedon G. P., Jenkyns H. C., Coe A. L. and Hesselbo S. P. 1999. Astronomical calibration of the Jurassic
time-scale from cyclostratigraphy in British mudrock formations. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society of London Series A, 357: 1787-1814.

Cyclostratigraphic analysis of Upper Jurassic marly formations

(Bure, eastern Paris Basin): comparison of different tools,
record of sedimentary gaps and implications for regional correlations

Emilia HURET1, Bruno GALBRUN1, Pierre-Yves COLLIN1, Slah BOULILA1, Linda HINNOV2,
Pascal ELION3 and Christian RAVENNE3
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, FR CNRS 32 CEPAGE, Gologie Sdimentaire, 4 place Jussieu,
75252, Paris Cedex 5, France; e-mail:
The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA
ANDRA, Parc de la Croix Blanche, 1/7 rue Jean Monnet, 92298 Chtenay-Malabry Cedex, France

Key-words: cyclostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, Callovian-Oxfordian, hiatuses, Paris Basin,

well logging.

This study integrates research conducted by ANDRA at the Underground Research Laboratory of Bure

(Meuse, France) to investigate the feasibility of a deep geological waste repository in clay for high-level and
long-lived intermediate-level radioactive waste. The aim of this study is to detect possible sedimentary gaps,

by comparison of different tools (well logging/laboratory measurements) in the Upper Callovian

Lower Oxfordian homogeneous marly formation where the laboratory is located, and to estimate

the duration of stages and biostratigraphic zonation by comparison with a basin sequence from
the southeast of France that is presumed to have accumulated continuously.
174 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

The search for hiatuses was made using a high resolution cyclostratigraphic approach based on
the study of magnetic susceptibility (MS) and gamma ray (GR) fluctuations. Four ANDRA boreholes
(EST 342, EST 322, EST 103 and EST 312) oriented on a SW-NE transect (40 km) were analyzed.
Magnetic susceptibility measurements were made on core samples with a Bartington Instruments MS2E1
sensor every 4 cm. Gamma Ray Measurements are realised by well logging (measurement interval: 15.2 cm).
Sedimentological data suggest that variations of the clay content influence the long term evolution of
MS and GR.
The high frequency variations in MS and GR were subjected to spectral analysis. Composite cycles of
0.5, 1 and 2.5 m thickness were recognized on the basis of frequency ratio and correspond to the frequency
ratio of orbital Milankovitch cycles. The duration of the Mariae ammonite Zone in the Paris Basin was
estimated by counting the cycles, to be between 2.4 and 2.6 My 0.3 ky (borehole EST 322 and EST 103).
The amplitude spectrum shows sedimentation rate variations in particular in the Lower Oxfordian and
interruptions in cycle evolution correlated to sequential limits. We interpret these zones as short condensed
The same methods were applied to sections from the southeast of France (Aspres-sur-Buch, Thuoux),
and the Mariae ammonite Zone estimated to be between 2.3 and 2.8 My of age. By comparison of
this biostratigraphic zone between the two studied regions, sedimentary hiatuses of a few hundreds
of thousands of years appear to affect the Oxfordian marly formation of the Paris Basin.
MS and GR records as laboratory measurements and well logging provide an excellent means for
regional stratigraphic correlations, and are especially promising in high resolution cyclostratigraphic
studies. Hiatus detection and estimation of their durations can also be considered by this approach.

Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental development

of the Callovian-Valanginian carbonate platform
from the Lyubash unit (SW Bulgaria)


Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;
Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University, ul. Oleandry 2a, PL-30063 Krakw, Poland;
Institute of Palaeobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL-00818 Warszawa, Poland;

Key-words: Callovian, Valanginian, carbonate platform, biostratigraphy, Lyubash unit, SW Bulgaria,

palaeoenvironmental development.

This study deals with the successions located in the Lyubash unit (SW Bulgaria), which represents

a part of the Moesian Carbonate Platform in Middle Jurassic Early Cretaceous time interval.
According to the recent tectonic scheme of Bulgaria (Dabovski et al. 2002) the Lyubash unit belongs
to Srednogorie tectonic zone of the Balkan orogenic system.

Three sections have been sampled and studied Rebro, Lyalintsi and Velinovo, which are built up
by thick-bedded to massive light grey to whitish organogenic and micritic limestones of the Javorets,

Gintsi and Slivnitsa formations. Detailed studies on foraminifera and calcareous dinocyst, provided new
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 175

biostratigraphic data, and confirmed the Middle Callovian-Valanginian age of the examined sediments as
assumed previously by Sapunov et al. (1985). Foraminifera are particularly abundant in the lagoon facies,
and represented by genera: Globuligerina, Ophthalmidium, Cornuspira, Ammobaculites,
Mesoendothyra, Labyrinthina, Kurnubia, Pseudocyclammina, Dobrogelina, Rumanoloculina,
Hechtina, Meandrospira, Valvulina, Trocholina, and Neotrocholina.
The sedimentological analysis allowed recognizing microfacies groups assigned to three facies zones:
platform slope facies, reef and peri-reef facies and lagoon-tidal flat facies. The development of the platform
is characterized by complex vertical and lateral alternation of the studied microfacies. Platform slope facies
are prevalent at the section Rebro; the Lyalintsi section is dominated by reef and peri-reef facies,
and the section Velinovo is mainly dominated by lagoon facies. Sea-level fluctuations are observed,
however generally, a shallowing-upward trend in the platform evolution is observed in all three sections.
Coral-microbial reefs are developed as biostromes, and contain numerous and highly differentiated
scleractinian corals: 70 species (6 new) from 50 genera (4 new). Among them following corals are the most
common: phacelloid Latomeandra, Stylosmilia, Thecosmilia, Cladophyllia, ramose Solenocoenia,
Meandrophyllia, lameller Synastraea and Microsolena. Reef development has been disturbed by sea level
rise, evidenced by limestones with Saccocoma, intercalated with coral biostromes.

Acknowledgments: This work is a contribution to the project PAS-BAS: Integrated

palaeontological, stratigraphical and sedimentological study of the Upper Jurassic Lower
Cretaceous carbonate platforms from Western Bulgaria and Southern Poland and project NZ
1516/2005 funded by the Bulgarian FSR.

Dabovski C., Boyanov I., Khrischev Kh., Nikolov T., Sapunov I., Yanev Y. and Zagorchev I. 2002. Structure and
Alpine evolution of Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica, 32, 2-4: 9-15.
Sapunov I., Tchoumatchenco P., Dodekova L. and Bakalova D. 1985. Stratigraphy of the Callovian and Upper
Jurassic rocks in Southwestern Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica, 15, 2: 3-61.

Callovian to Berriasian pelagic carbonates in the Western Fore-Balkan, Bulgaria:

microfacies, ammonite and microfossil zonations


Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;

Key-words: Callovian, Berriasian, pelagic carbonates, ammonite, microfossils, zonation, Bulgaria,

Western Fore-Balkan.

The Callovian to Berriasian pelagic carbonates in the Western Fore-Balkan crop out as a part

of the Middle Jurassic Lower Cretaceous peri-platform marine sediments deposited on the northern
Tethyan continental margin. This pelagic record consists of marl-limestone alternation (Bov Formation),
grey micritic limestones with reddish nodular limestones (Javorets Formation), Ammonitico Rosso type red

nodular limestones (Gintsi Formation) and Biancone-type grey micritic regularly bedded limestones
(Glozhene Formation) (Sapunov 1976). The total thickness of this succession exceeds 400 m. Rich ammonite

faunas recorded from the Bov, Javorets and Gintsi Formations enabled ammonite zonation and age
176 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Fig. 1. Lithostratigraphy, microfacies and biostratigraphy of the Callovian-Berriasian pelagic succession at section Gorno Belotintsi (Western
Fore-Balkan, Bulgaria).
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 177

assignment: Macrocephalites spp., Hecticoceras spp. and Kosmoceras spp. zones (Callovian),
P. athletoides, C. renggeri, P. (D.) episcopallis, P. (D.) antecedens and G. riazi zones (Oxfordian),
H. beckeri zone (Upper Kimmeridgian) and H. hybonotum, S. schwertschlageri and V. rothpletzi zones
The stratigraphic distribution and relative abundance of pelagic microplankton organisms (thin-shelled
bivalves, planktonic foraminifers, radiolarians, calcareous dinocysts, pelagic echinoderms and calpionel-
lids) have been used for biostratigraphy and/or recognition of microbiofacies. Within the Oxfordian-
Berriasian interval the calcareous dinocyst zones: C. fibrata, C. borzai, C. tithonica, P. malmica,
C. tenuis, C. fortis, St. proxima and St. wanneri are recorded. The Middle Tithonian to Berriasian interval
is characterized by the successive calpionellid zones: Chitinoidella, Praetintinnopsella, Crassicollaria,
Calpionella and Calpionellopsis (Lakova et al. 1999). Five microbiofacies within the pelagic carbonates
are superposed: mudstone and wackestone with filaments of pelagic bivalves (Callovian), Globuligerina
wackestone and radiolarian wackestone [Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian(?)], Saccocoma wackestones
(Kimmeridgian Lower Tithonian) Globochaete mudstone (Middle Tithonian) and calpionellid mudstone
(Upper Tithonian and Berriasian) (Fig. 1).
The estimated average rate of sedimentation within the Callovian-Berriasian pelagic succession
in the Western Fore-Balkan varying from 9 to 26 mm/10 3 years is characteristic for the transition from
relatively condensed to stratigraphically expanded sections in the Upper Jurassic of the Tethyan region.
This rate is lower during the Callovian to Kimmeridgian and increased significantly in the Tithonian and
Berriasian. Probable explanations are partial carbonate dissolution of the red nodular limestones
in the Late Jurassic and the increased bioproductivity of nannoplankton in the Berriasian.

This work is a contribution to the project NZ-1516/05.

Lakova I., Stoykova K. and Ivanova D. 1999. Calpionellid, nannofossil and calcareous dinocyst bioevents and
integrated biochronology of the Tithonian to Valanginian in the Western Balkanides, Bulgaria.
Geologica Carpathica, 50, 2: 151-168.
Sapunov I. 1976. Ammonite stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic in Bulgaria. I. Rocks and ammonite
successions. Geologica Balcanica, 6, 3: 17-40.

Dubki (Saratov region, Russia), the reference section

for the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary

Dmitry KISELEV1, Mikhail ROGOV2, Andrej GUZHIKOV3, Maxim PIMENOV3,

Ekaterina TESAKOVA4 and Oksana DZYUBA5
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Kotoroslnaya nab. 46, Yaroslavl 150000, Russia; e-mail:
Geological Institute of RAS, Pyzhevskii Lane 7, Moscow 109017, Russia; e-mail:

Saratov State University, Geological Faculty, Astrakhanskaya Str. 83, Saratov 410012, Russia;

Moscow State University, Geological Faculty, Vorobiovy Gory, Moscow 119899, Russia;
Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of RAS, Academician Koptyug Avenue 3,

Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; e-mail:


Key-words: Callovian/Oxfordian boundary, reference section, integrated stratigraphy.

178 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Fig. 1. Stratigraphical interpretation of the Dubki section.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 179

Efforts in the choosing of GSSP for the Cl/Ox boundary have led to distinction of some available sections
with good succession of the ammonite faunal horizons in the vicinities of Saratov. One of the primary criteria
for GSSP proposal is the good traceability across the world, and hence, the study of reference section
(especially in the region with mixed faunas) in the terms of integral stratigraphy. Additional importance
of the investigation of the reference sections for the Cl/Ox boundary is connected with wide distribution
of the condensed facies and gaps perhaps due to the suggested sharp changes in climate
of the Northern Hemisphere. Few variants of the infrasubzonal units for the Cl/Ox transitional beds of
the Russian Platform were suggested recently. Here we are using the scheme of Kiselev and Rogov (2005).
The Dubki section is located few kilometers north from Saratov and originally was a temporary quarry for
the nearby road-building. Recently this section and/or ammonites from this section were briefly
described by Mitta (Keupp & Mitta 2004) and by the present authors (Rogov & Egorov 2003). In addition,
this section has recently been proposed as possible candidate for the Cl/Ox GSSP (Kiselev & Rogov 2004).
Precise ammonite sampling permits establishing a succession of faunal horizons close to that
of Northwest Europe (Fig. 1). Inclined boundaries between some horizons in the figure mean short
transitional span, where index species (or both morphologies in lineage) co-occur. Only ranges of the few,
most important taxa are shown. Strong Tethyan influence is fixed in the mojarowskii and baccatum
horizons, while Boreal cardioceratids dominate in the other intervals. Among the Belemnitida two main
groups are recorded. Belemnotheutids are generally scarce; they range from Henrici to Praecordatum
subzones. Belemnitids are typically of Tethyan origin (Hibolithes). Boreal forms are common only in two
restricted levels.
Ostracods are numerous and diverse. However, they show wide oscillations in these two
characters through the section, possibly reflecting sea-level changes. Remarkably, Infacythere dulcis
is replaced by Nophrecythere oxfordiana at the Cl/Ox boundary as determined by ammonite
Quite exceptionally, some levels in the studied section provided good samples for magnetostratigraphic
studies across the Cl/Ox boundary. Lamberti Zone is chiefly characterized by normal polarity,
whereas Mariae and Cordatum zones show dominant reverse polarity, corresponding to polarity structure
of the M-35-M37 Chrons (Ogg 2004).

This study has been supported by RFBR grant no.06-05-64284.

Keupp H. and Mitta V. V. 2004. Septenbildung bei Quenstedtoceras (Ammonoidea) von Saratov (Russland)
unter anomalen Kammerdruckbedingungen. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Palontologischen
Institut de Universitt Hamburg, 88: 51-62.
Kiselev D. N. and Rogov M. A. 2004. Preliminary report on the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary in the Central
Russia. In: 32nd International Geological Congress, electronic version posted on-line on July 20,
2004, Abstract Volume, pt. 1, abs. 177-19, 824.
Kiselev D. N. and Rogov M. A. 2005. Zones, subzones and biohorizons of the Upper Callovian and Lower
Oxfordian of the European part of Russia. In: Zakharov V. A., Rogov M. A. and Dzyuba O. S. (Eds),
Materials of the First All-Russian Conference Jurassic System of Russia: problems of
stratigraphy and paleogeography, Moscow, 128-134.
Ogg J. G. 2004. The Jurassic Period. In: Gradstein F. M., Ogg J. G. and Smith A. (Eds). A geologic time scale
2004, 307-343. Cambridge, University Press. UK.

Rogov M. A. and Egorov E. Yu. 2003. Polymorphism in the some Early Oxfordian oppeliids (Ammonoidea) of
the Russian Platform. In: Bogdanov N. A., Vasileva T. I., Verzbitsky V. E. et al. (Eds.). Modern questions

of geology. Materials of the 3rd Lectures in Memory of Yanshine, March 26-28, 2003, 245-248.
180 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Influence of regional extensional tectonics on the Jurassic ammonoid lineages

as exampled on the Tethyan margins

Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India; e-mail:

Key-words: tectonics, ammonoid lineages, Gondwanian, European, Tethys, extinction, origin.

In another research (Krishna 2006) demonstrated the governance of the 1st and 2nd order sequence
stratigraphic frameworks by regional extensional tectonics contrary to the global applicability
of the eustatically driven 3rd order framework. In an effort to test the crucial role of extensional tectonics
on the 1st to 2nd order sequence framework is investigated the influence of such tectonics on the Jurassic
ammonoid lineages in the Tethys. The well resolved 1st to 2nd SBs and MFSs of the recently developed
sequence framework in the Tethys are analysed vis-a-vis FADs and LADs of respective Tethyan ammonoid
lineages. The lineages selected for the exercise belong to Stephanoceratacea and Perisphinctacea:
Macrocephalitinae Chrysoolithicus lineage (late Late Bathonian Triangularis Zone to mid Early Callovian
Diadematus Subzone), Mayatinae (Early Oxfordian Obliqueplicatus Zone to Middle Oxfordian Orientalis
Zone) of the Gondwanian Tethyan margin, and the broadly corresponding Kosmoceratidae and
Cardioceratinae lineage of Stephanoceratacea, and Torquatisphinctinae (late Late Oxfordian
Wagurensis Zone to Early Tithonian Virgatosphinctoides Zone) Virgatosphinctinae (late Late
Kimmeridgian Infundibulum Subzone to Late Tithonian Densiplicatus Zone) of the Gondwanian Tethyan
margin and the broadly corresponding Perisphinctinae (late Late Callovian Lamberti Zone to early Late
Oxfordian Bifurcatus Zone), Ataxioceratinae (mid Late Oxfordian Bimammatum Zone to Early
Kimmeridgian Hypselocyclum Zone), Lithacoceratinae (Late Kimmeridgian Beckeri Zone to Late
Tithonian Durangites Zone) of Perisphinctacea.
The investigations reveal that the lineages either originate or become extinct or drastically reduced in
density with marked change in evolutionary framework either at or near the 1st or 2nd order MFSs or SBs.
For example, there is extinction of the Gondwanian Chrysoolithicus lineage at a 2nd order MFS,
of the corresponding European Kosmoceratinae also at a 2nd order MFS, of the Gondwanian Mayaitinae
at the 1st order MFS and of the corresponding European Cardioceratinae also at the 1st order MFS,
drastic reduction in the density of the Gondwanian Torquatisphinctinae at a 2nd order MFS and origination
of the corresponding European Ataxioceratinae at a 2nd order SB, of the Gondwanian Virgatosphinctinae at
the 1st order MFS and of the European Lithacoceratinae near the 1st order MFS.
The investigations as above explicitly demonstrate that the ranges of ammonoids lineages are
controlled by the 1st and 2nd order sequence stratigraphic framework which in turn are exclusively
governed by relatively low frequency high magnitude regional extensional tectonics. The regional
extensional tectonics lacks globality on account of widely differing stress buildup and timing of the resultant
extensional tectonic event. On the contrary the high frequency low magnitude 3rd order framework
is guided by eustatic fluctuations without any interference by the low frequency high magnitude extensional


Krishna J. 2006. Exclusive governance of the 1st and 2nd order seqence framework by regional extensional
tectonics as demonstraded on the Gondwana Tethyan margin. Volumina Jurassica, 4, 7th

International Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstracts volume: this issue.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 181

Ammonoid zonation in the Oxfordian of the Gondwanian Tethyan margin

developed in Kachchh, India

Jai KRISHNA, Bindhyachal PANDEY and Jai R. OJHA

Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India; e-mail:

Key-words: India, Kachchh, Oxfordian, ammonoid, zonation, Perisphinctidae, correlation.

The Kachchh Basin in the extreme west of India has been considered the most prospective region
of the Gondwanian Tethyan margin for the development of an independent Jurassic ammonoid zonal
framework. In furtherance of our earlier realizations of independent ammonoid zonal schemes
in the Kachchh of Callovian, Kimmeridgian and Tithonian stages, we here present the ammonoid
zonal formulation in the Kachchh Oxfordian into a succession of 7 zones that is exclusively developed
in Perisphinctidae. The older 3 zones (Bernensis Zone, Obliqueplicatum Zone, and Indogermanus Zone)
are developed in the Lakhapur section in the distal exposed part of the basin with good density, diversity
and frequency of ammonoids. The 4th zone the Orientalis Zone which includes the 1st order MFS
(maximum flooding surface) is the richest in ammonoids of the entire Kachchh Jurassic in
the proximal most exposed part of the basin at Kantkote. The younger 3 zones (Subevolutum Zone,
Kantkotensis Zone, and Wagurensis Zone) also developed in the Kantkote-Bharodia section in
the proximal exposed part are ammonoid scarce in view of their location on the margin along
with stratigraphic position above the 1st order MFS. All the Kachchh Oxfordian 7 zones are
precisely correlated with the European Tethyan standard on the basis of common or similar
Peltoceratinae (Peltoceratoides in Early and Gregoryceras in the Middle Oxfordian),
Perisphinchinae (Properisphinctes and Alligaticeras in Early, Perisphinctes and Larcheria in Middle,
Dichotomoceras in early Late, and Pseudorthosphinctes, Orthosphinctes and Idoceras in late Late
The geologically interesting and eventful Kachchh Oxfordian includes the 1st order MFS
of the Toarcian-Albian sequence in the younger part of the late Middle Oxfordian Orientalis Zone
(equivalent of the European Transversarium Zone, Schilli Subzone, Subschilli Horizon), which subdivides
the Kachchh Oxfordian into two altogether contrasting sedimentation regimes with markedly revealing
litho-biofacies and environmental frameworks. The Early and Middle Oxfordian until the close
of Schilli Subzone time is in extremely slow sedimented, condensed to starved, fining, thinning
and deepening upward in irregularly based, lensoidal, pebbly/nodular/conglomeratic, hard grounded,
mixed carbonate-siliclastic ammonoid rich facies with increase in the share of carbonates and also
in the reworking of pebbles/nodules. There is decrease in clastics, also in presence and size
of physical structures and energy framework from margin to basin as also upward. Paleontologically,
there is increase in the ammonoid density, diversity and frequency, share of European Tethyan elements,
also of relatively deeper water sphaeroceratids, phylloceratids, lytoceratids upward and also from margin
to the basin. In contrast, from the start of Rotoides Subzone time to near the close of Oxfordian,
the ca 280 m thick sedimentary succession present only in the margin in relatively rapidly sedimented,
coarsening, thickening and shallowing upward, is scarce to nearly devoid of ammonoids and other
182 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

The Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in Canada:

ammonite succession and correlations

Francesco MACCHIONI1, Jzsef PLFY2 and Paul L. SMITH1

Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, 6339 Stores Rd.,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada; e-mail:,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Research Group for Paleontology,
P.O. Box 137 Budapest, H-1431, Hungary; e-mail:

Key-words: Pliensbachian, Toarcian, ammonites, Canada.

The Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition in North America is best typified by the Queen Charlotte Island
ammonite succession where 3 assemblages are recognized, all of which include representatives of Liocera-
toides, Protogrammoceras and Tiltoniceras. The lower assemblage also includes Fanninoceras,
Amaltheus and Arieticeras, and is placed in the Pliensbachian (Carlottense Zone). The upper assemblage
also includes the first occurrences of Dactylioceras and is placed in the Toarcian (Kanense Zone).
The correlation of the intermediate assemblage is uncertain and it was initially placed in the Pliensbachian
because it occurred beneath Dactylioceras and above Amaltheus. However, Pleuroceras
that characterizes the northwest European uppermost Pliensbachian does not occur in British Columbia
and it is also questionable whether the incoming of the genus Dactylioceras can be used as a means
of correlation with the basal Toarcian (Tenuicostatum Zone) of northwest Europe.
Consequently, it has been difficult to confidently correlate the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition
as defined in North America with the boundary as defined in northwest Europe. Light is being shed on
this problem by recent work on faunas from the Laberge Group in the Yukon Territory and the Spatsizi
Formation (Hazelton Group) in northcentral British Columbia. As has often been noted, Canadian sequences
show stronger affinities with Mediterranean successions rather than the Boreal successions of northwest
Europe. In addition to representatives of Fontanelliceras, Neolioceratoides, Canavaria, Bouleiceras
and Tauromeniceras, there are several new occurrences of Dactylioceras. The Tethyan Dactylioceras cf.
simplex occurs low in the Kanense Zone and suggests a correlation with the D. simplex horizon of the basal
Polymorphum Zone in the Mediterranean area, which predates the basal Tenuicostatum Zone of NW

Biostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Jurassic of northeastern Iran


Geological Survey of Iran, P.O. Box 13185-1494, Teheran, Iran; e-mail:

Key-words: northeastern Iran, Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, biostratigraphy, ammonites.


The Middle and Upper Jurassic sedimentary successions of Alborz in northern Iran and Koppeh Dagh

in northeastern Iran comprise five formations: Dalichai, Lar (Alborz), Kashaf Rud, Chaman Bid,
and Mozduran (Koppeh Dagh). They constitute a more or less continuous sequence, being confined by two

tectonic events, one at the base, in the uppermost part of the Shemshak Formation (Bajocian), the so-called
Mid-Cimmerian Event, the other one at the top (Early Cretaceous), the so-called Late-Cimmerian Event.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 183

Altogether, 84 species of ammonites from the Dalichai and Chaman Bid formations belonging
to 30 genera and 16 families are described. Among the taxa Phylloceratidae are most abundant,
followed by Ataxioceratidae, Perisphinctidae, and Cardioceratidae. Pachyceratidae are the least common.
The ammonite fauna is of low diversity and is concentrated in several levels. Some of the ammonite genera
and species are recorded from Iran for the first time. These include Pachyceras lalandei, Cardioceras
praecordatum, Microbajocisphinctes sp., Geyssantia geyssanti, Larcheria schilli, Passendorferia sp.,
Sequeirosia sp., Phanerostephanus subsenex, Nothostephanus sp., Nannostephanus cf. subcomutus,
Parawedekindia callomoni, Physodoceras sp., Extrenodites sp. Biostratigraphically, thirty ammonite
zones have been recognized for the Middle and Upper Jurassic successions at the study area.
Based on ammonites, the Dalichai and Chaman Bid formations range from the Upper Bajocian to Lower
Tithonian, and based on microfossil the Lar Formation ranges from the Tithonian to (?)Neocomian,
and the Mozduran Formation from the Kimmeridgian to (?)Neocomian.

Revised radiolarian zonation for the entire Jurassic

in the western Pacific and Japan

Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan;

Key-words: Jurassic, radiolaria, zonation, revision, western Pacific, Japan.

A radiolarian zonal scheme for the entire Jurassic in Japan was proposed by Matsuoka and Yao (1986)
on the basis of radiolarian biostratigraphic research on several continuous sections in the Japanese Islands.
The zonal scheme was partly modified by applying the results from deep sea cores obtained in the ODP Leg
129 cruise (Matsuoka 1992). The Jurassic zones composed of the Parahsuum simplum Zone (JR1),
Trillus elkhornensis Zone (JR2), Laxtorum(?) jurassicum Zone (JR3), Tricolocapsa plicarum Zone (JR4),
Tricolocapsa conexa Zone (JR5), Stylocapsa(?) spiralis Zone (JR6), Hsuum maxwelli Zone (JR7),
Loopus primitivus Zone (JR8), and Pseudodictyomitra carpatica Zone (KR1), in ascending order, have been
established by combining the results from land sections and ODP materials (Matsuoka 1995).
The zonation is widely utilized for the dating of marine sequences in Japan and Asian countries.
The accumulation of new data in the last decade requires a further revision of the zonation and age assignment.
The major modifications are as follows: The Bipedis horiae Zone (JR0) is newly proposed below
the Parahsuum simplum Zone (JR1). The base of the Bipedis horiae Zone (JR0) is defined by the first
appearance of Bipedis horiae Sugiyama and corresponds roughly to the Triassic (Rhaetian)/Jurassic
(Hettangian) boundary. The base of the Parahsuum simplum Zone is dated as Middle Sinemurian.
The Tricolocapsa plicarum Zone (JR4), Tricolocapsa conexa Zone (JR5), and Stylocapsa(?) spiralis
Zone (JR6) are replaced by Striatojaponicapsa plicarum Zone (JR4), Striatojaponicapsa conexa Zone

(JR5), and Kilinora spiralis Zone (JR6), respectively, in accordance to the change of generic assignment of
zone-diagnostic species. The base of the Pseudodictyomitra carpatica Zone (KR1) is dated as Early

Tithonian based on the occurrence of the zone-diagnostic species from the Lower Tithonian of the Solnhofen
area, Germany (Zgel 1995).


Matsuoka A. 1992. Jurassic and Early Cretaceous radiolaria from the western Pacific: Leg 129 of the Ocean
Drilling Program. In: Larson R. et al. (Eds), Proceedings of ODP, Scientific Results, 129: 203-220.
184 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Matsuoka A. 1995. Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous radiolarian zonation in Japan and in the western Pacific.
The Island Arc, 4, 2: 140-153.
Matsuoka A. and Yao A. 1986. A newly proposed radiolarian zonation for the Jurassic of Japan.
Marine Micropaleontology, 11: 91-106.
Zgel P. 1997. Discovery of a radiolarian fauna from the Tithonian of the Solnhofen area (Southern
Franconian Alb, southern Germany). Palaeontologishe Zeitschrift, 71: 197-209.

Sinemurian to lowermost Toarcian ammonites of the Brescian Alps

(Southern Alps, Italy): biostratigraphical framework and correlations

Christian MEISTER1, Paolo SCHIROLLI2 and Jean-Louis DOMMERGUES3

Musum dHistoire Naturelle, Dpartement de Gologie et Palontologie, 1 Rte de Malagnou,
CP. 6434, CH-1211 Genve 6, Switzerland; e-mail:
Museo di Scienze Naturali, Sezione di Scienze della Terra, Via Ozanam 4, I-25128 Brescia, Italy;
UMR CNRS 5561, Biogosciences Dijon, Centre des Sciences de la Terre de lUniversit de Bourgogne,
6 Boulevard Gabriel, F-21000 Dijon, France; e-mail: jean-louis

Key-words: ammonites, Early Jurassic, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian, lowermost Toarcian, biostratigraphy,

Brescian Alps, Italy.

A set of 28 ammonite biohorizons or faunal assemblages can be proposed for the Sinemurian,
the Pliensbachian and the lowermost Toarcian in the Brescian Alps, in part based on the data from
Dommergues et al. (1997) and partly on new results, deriving both from recent field investigations and from
the study of the historical collection of the Lower Jurassic ammonites preserved in the Museum of Natural
Sciences of Brescia (Northern Italy), placed into their stratigraphical framework (Fig. 1). The biohorizons
are referred to the Liassic carbonate succession of the Brescian Alps, outcropping between the eastern
surroundings of Brescia (Botticino), to the East, and the Lake Iseo, to the West. Since the Hettangian
the region was subjected to the paroxismal phase of the Jurassic rifting and the area of study was located
in the eastern border of the wide Lombardian Basin, a part of the southern continental passive margin of
the Tethys.
At the beginning of Jurassic, an articulated fault-system, composed of N-S master faults (W-dipping)
and W-E transfer faults, located from Brescia to the North, separated a western growing basinal area
from the eastern Botticino structural high. Since Hettangian to the onset of Toarcian, almost 1000 m
of well-stratified cherty marly limestones of the Medolo Group (Gardone Val Trompia Limestone and
Domaro Limestone formations) represent the synrift deposition of the Sebino Basin, following the drowning
of the Raethian-Hettangian Corna Platform. In contrast, after the Early Sinemurian a coeval reduced

sequence (50 m thick), composed by the Rezzato Encrinite (Lower Sinemurian to Upper Carixian)
and the overlying thinly-bedded and nodular ammonitic marly limestones of the Botticino Corso Rosso
(Upper Carixian and Domerian), covered the Corna Platform in the Botticino High.

The recognized ammonite biohorizons and assemblages are quite well integrated and correlable
with either the NW European standard zonation or the different zonations given for the Tethyan realm

(Appennines, Subbeticas and Austrian and Hungarian Upper Austroalpine). Most of these stratigraphical
units are based on Tethyan taxa. Only two horizons (U. cf. jamesoni horizon and P. solare horizon) show

NW European affinites. Moreover the E. quenstedti horizon is only known from the northern margin
of the Tethys, mainly from the Upper Austroalpine units.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 185

Dommergues J.-L., Meister C. and Schirolli P. 1997. Les successions des ammonites du Sinmurien suprieur
au Toarcien basal dans les Pralpes de Brescia (Italie). Memorie di Scienze Geologiche, 49: 1-26.

The ammonite faunas of the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary interval in Europe

and their relevance to the establishment of an Oxfordian GSSP

Guillermo MELNDEZ1, Kevin N. PAGE2, John K. WRIGHT3 and Francois ATROPS4

Paleontologa, Departamento de Geologa, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50009, Spain;
School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Science, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK;
Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK;
Centre des Sciences de la Terre, Universit Claude-Bernard, Lyon, France; e-mail:

Key-words: ammonites, stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography, Jurassic, Callovian, Oxfordian, GSSP, Europe,

Cardioceratidae, Perisphinctina.

The latest Callovian and Early Oxfordian represent one of the most dynamic intervals in the history of
Jurassic Ammonoidea and is characterized by one of the highest levels of mixing of Boreal,
Submediterranean and even Mediterranean faunas. In particular the massive expansion of Boreal
Cardioceratidae from their original home in Arctic areas as far south as South East France, brings them
into contact with Mediterranean-style faunas rich in Phylloceratidae. This so-called Boreal Spread
(after J. H. Callomon) provides the framework within which high-resolution inter-bioprovincial correlations
are possible and hence the context for a sucessful GSSP designation for the base of the Oxfordian Stage
within Europe (and hence the beginning of the Upper Jurassic).
Associated with the Cardioceratidae, however, is a great variety of Perisphinctina, including
Aspidoceratidae, Periphinctidae, Grossouvridae and rarer Pachyceratidae as well as frequent
Hecticoceratidae and rarer Phylloceratidae. The latter groups are much more abundant in southern areas
(Tethyan Realm), but the Aspidoceratidae do persist well into the Boreal Realm. Crucially, several groups of
the Perisphinctina persist beyond Europe and therefore provide tantalising indications that a truly global
correlation of any GSSP established in Europe will ultimately be possible.
The current paper will review the stratigraphical, taxonomic and palaeobiogeographical context
and significance of the trans Callovian/Oxfordian boundary faunas within Europe, building on recent results
from the UK and France. Conclusions will be drawn concerning the appropriate or convenient level at
which the place the Callovian-Oxfordian in Europe and its potential interpretation elsewhere.
Such conclusions are highly relevant to the eventual establishment of an Oxfordian GSSP.
186 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Towards an ammonite subzonation of the Toarcian in Bulgaria

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;

Key-words: Toarcian, ammonite zones, subzones, Bulgaria.

A scheme of 9 ammonite zones and 16 subzones for the Toarcian of the Balkan Mts. is given.
It is an amplification of the standard put forward by Sapunov (1968) for the Toarcian in Bulgaria.
The subzones and some zones are newly proposed. They are still in working phase and need refinement.
This zonal (subzonal) set is enhanced by range chart of the ammonite genera found in Bulgaria and
juxtaposed to the scheme of Elmi et al. (1997) (Fig. 1).
Tenuicostatum Zone (Crosbeyi and Semicelatum subzones). The zone corresponds to the range
of Dactylioceras (Orthodactylites). Protogrammoceras and Tiltoniceras are also available.
The subzones are defined by the ranges of D. (O.) clevelandicum and D. (O.) crosbeyi as well as
D. (O.) tenuicostatum and D. (O.) semicelatum.
Falciferum Zone (Serpentinum and Falciferum subzones). The zone embraces the ranges
of Harpoceras and Hildaites. The former were recently found to come out upwards outside the zone.
The ranges of H. serpentinum and Hildaites define the Serpentinum Subzone. The advent of the zonal
index and the mass-incoming of Hildoceras fix the Falciferum Subzone.
Bifrons Zone (Lusitanicum, Bifrons and Semipolitum subzones). The subzones accepted herein are
based on the successive ranges of the species of Hildoceras. Associates of Dactylioceratidae are also
present, though too sporadically. Haugia and Phymatoceras arise at the top of the zone, which ends at the
last occurrence of Hildoceras.
Variabilis Zone. The zone was formerly placed in the Lower Toarcian, while here it is laid in the Upper
Toarcian. The zone comprises the latest Dactylioceratidae, Chartronia and Denckmannia. It is limited at
the top by the advent of Pseudogrammoceras and Podagrosites. Haugia ammonites are rare and of less
biostratigraphical value than in NW Europe. Two subzones could be used: Collina spp. and Chartronia-
Denckmannia spp.
Thouarsense Zone (Bingmanni, Thouarsense and Fascigerum subzones). The zone as here understood
is narrower than in the older scheme. It is defined in terms of its subzones, being composed of species of
Pseudogrammoceras, Grammoceras and Esericeras. The top is taken at the extinction of Grammoceras
and Esericeras.
Fallaciosum Zone. Owing to the particular abundance of its index, it is used as separate zone.
The extinction of Pseudogrammoceras and Podagrosites and the advent of Phlyseogrammoceras and
Pseudolillia trace the upper limit.
Dispansum Zone. No authentic record caused it wasnt be into the standard. It is now clearly
discernible by species of Phlyseogrammoceras, Hammatoceras, Hudlestonia and Pseudolillia.
Pseudoradiosa Zone (Levesquei and Pseudoradiosa subzones). It is instead of the older Levesquei and
Moorei zones as being framed throughout by finely ribbed Dumortieria. These are ruling in
the Pseudoradiosa Subzone. Coarsely ribbed species are dominant in the Levesquei Subzone.

Aalensis Zone (Mactra and Aalensis subzones). A succession of finely ribbed and more evolute
Pleydellia and P. (Cotteswoldia) (Mactra Subzone) followed by P. (Walkericeras) and finely ribbed but less

evolute Pleydellia (Aalensis Subzone) defines the zone. First Pseudammatoceras, Bredyia and
Czernyeiceras appear at the top.

Elmi S., Rulleau L., Gabilly J. and Mouterde R. 1997. Toarcien. In: Cariou E. and Hantzpergue P. (Eds),

Groupe Franais dtude du Jurassique. Biostratigraphie du Jurassique ouest-europen

- - - - -

et al.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy

- modifications of the Bulgarian ammonite zonal set for the Toarcian Relative distribution of the ammonite genera: - single, - rare, - frequent, - common, - abundant.

Fig. 1. Correlative table showing the Toarcian ammonite zonal (subzonal) succession of the Balkan Mts. (left), compared with the scheme for the NW European Province (right) and enhanced with

the chart of stratigraphical and relative frequency distribution of the Toarcian ammonite genera in Bulgaria (middle).
188 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

et mditerranen: zonations parallles et distribution des invertbrs et microfossiles. Bulletin

Centre Rechearches Elf Exploration et Productions, 17: 25-36.
Sapunov I. 1968. The ammonite zones of the Toarcian in Bulgaria. Bulletin of the Geological Institute,
BAS, Series Paleontology, 17: 133-165, in Bulgarian with English summary.

Carbon and oxygen isotope record of Lower-Middle Jurassic belemnites

and rocks from the Western Balkan Mts. (Bulgaria)


Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;

Key-words: carbon, oxygen, isotopes, TOC, Lower-Middle Jurassic, Bulgaria.

This work is based on the study of 76 belemnites and bulk samples, collected from section
Dobravitsa-1, located at 60 km to the north of Sofia. Elemental measurements were performed with
an ICP-OES instrument (Perkin Elmer, Optima 3000), following microwave digestion (MLS Ethos 1600).
Stable isotope data from belemnites (13Ccarb and 18Ocarb) and rocks (13Corg) were collected by Finnigan
Mat 251/252 and Finnigan Mat Delta E mass spectrometers. TC and TOC measurements were realized with
a CS-200 Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer.
Overview of results (Fig. 1)
We have documented a negative 13Corg excursion from a background of c. -25.74 of the Upper
Pliensbachian to -28.63 in the base of the Lower Toarcian Tenuicostatum Zone. The 13Corg record
displayed upwards a shift to -25.43 in the Falciferum Zone, a fall to -27.41 in the Dispansum Zone and
rise to -25.83 in the Pseudoradiosa Zone. Two smaller rises of 13Corg were detected in the Aalenian.
The 13Ccarb and 18Ocarb signatures provided coeval positive C isotope excursions and negative O isotope shifts
localized in the Lower Toarcian. The samples produced the following values: Upper Pliensbachian (18O from
-0.47 to -2.16, 13C from +0.74 to +2.73); Toarcian (18O from -1.01 to -3.94, 13C from -0.03
to +3.21); Aalenian and Lower Bajocian (18O from -1.0 to -2.86, 13C from +0.02 to +1.47).
The extreme values came from the base of the Tenuicostatum Zone, as well as from the Falciferum and
Bifrons zones.
The TOC contents is low, mostly <0.5 wt%, with maximum of 1.25 wt% in the Pseudoradiosa Zone.
The S values range from 0.05 to 2.24 wt%. Both TOC and S show fluctuations that correlate with the isotope
curves. The Mn values compose a flat temporal trend (range from 224 to 568 ppm) with an apparent rise to

1263 ppm in the Bifrons Zone. The TC values (varying from 2.72 to 9.97 wt%) are inferring short-term
depositional changes.

Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data (13Corg, 13Ccarb and 18Ocarb) are used to appraise the pattern
of their stratigraphic variations in an Upper Pliensbachian Lower Bajocian succession of the Western

Balkan Mts. (Bulgaria). A section, which is composed of alternating offshore ferruginous marls,
shales and limestones, and divided into 15 ammonite zones (from the Spinatum Zone to the Discites Zone),

has been sampled. Several coeval excursions were found to be superimposed on the O and C
- - - - -

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy

Fig. 1. Stratigraphic distribution of the total-carbon (TC) and organic-carbon (TOC) data, 13Corg, 13Ccarb and 18Ocarb signatures, S and Mn values from the Upper Pliensbachian Lower Bajocian

of section Dobravitsa-1 (Western Balkan Mts., Bulgaria), plotted against the lithological column and ammonite zonal subdivision of the studied sequence.
190 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

isotope trends that are pursued by concomitant variations of the organic-carbon (TOC), total-carbon (TC),
S and Mn contents.
The observed variations seem to be of both global and local significance. Some of them show
a synchronicity with other similar events widely recorded in coeval strata in Europe (Jenkyns et al. 2002).

This work has been carried out within the EU-Project Paleostudies
(Contract No. HPRI-CT-2001-00124) at the University of Bremen (Germany).

Jenkyns H. C., Jones C. E., Grcke D. R., Hesselbo S. P. and Parkinson D. N. 2002. Chemostratigraphy of
the Jurassic System: applications, limitations and implications for palaeooceanography. Journal
Geological Society, 159: 351-378.

Biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, C and O isotope distribution around

the J/K boundary, the Brodno section (Kysuca Unit of the Pieniny Klippen Belt)

Jozef MICHALK1, Daniela REHKOV2, Eva HALSOV3 and Otlia LINTNEROV4

Geological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dbravsk cesta 9, P.O. Box 106, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovakia;
Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Sciences, Comenius University,
Mlynsk Dolina G-1, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail:
Faculty of Sciences, Mlynsk Dolina G-1, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail:
Department of Economic Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Mlynsk Dolina G-1, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia;

Key-words: J/K boundary, biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, isotope stratigraphy, Western


Detailed litho- and biostratigraphy of the Brodno section in contact zone of the Outer and the Central
Western Carpathians was given by Michalk et al. (1990), Vaek et al. (1992). Kimmeridgian and Tithonian
condensed sequence of red nodular limestones (the Ammonitico Rosso facies) is referred to as
the Czorsztyn Limestone Fm. Calcareous dinoflagellates Carpistomiosphaera borzai and Stomiosphaera
moluccana indicate its Kimmeridgian age; Parastomiosphaera malmica, Carpistomiosphaera
tithonica and Colomisphaera pulla indicate Early Tithonian age; calpionellids Chitinoidella boneti,
Praetintinnopsella andrusovi, Crassicollaria intermedia, Crassicollaria brevis, Crassicollaria
parvula, Crassicollaria colomi, confirm Middle to Late Tithonian age of this formation.
Lower Berriasian part of this succession is represented by pale biomicritic wackestone (Pieniny

Limestone Fm) with abundant Calpionella alpina. Strong subsidence and acceleration of planktic rain
of nannofossils started on the Early/Middle Tithonian boundary where Polycostella beckmannii appeared.

Helenea chiastia together with first small nannoconids are typical of the Middle and Late Tithonian.
The Late Tithonian interval was specified by the FO of Rotelapillus laffitei and Litraphidites
carniolensis. The Tithonian/Berriasian boundary was characterized by the FO of Nannoconus wintereri

together with small nannoconids and by the FO of Nannoconus steinmanni minor.

There is good correlation between the calcareous nannofossils distribution and the magneto-

stratigraphic zonation (Houa et al. 1996). In the M 20-M 19 interval, two distinct nannoevents were
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 191

recognized: the dominance of Polycostella beckmannii (Chitinoidella Zone) and the appearance
of calcareous nannofossil association with Helenea chiastia (Crassicolaria Zone).
Carbon isotope curve from bulk carbonates of the J/K boundary sequence shows smooth trends resulted
from equilibrated measure of bio-productivity and organic matter burial. The 13C value ranges from
1.3 to 1.5 (PDB). The authentic character of the limestone record is underlined by relative high and
conservative 18O values (-2.27 to -0.88) of the same beds. These signals can be useful in global stratigraphic
correlation in deep water carbonates.

Houa V., Krs M., Krsov M. and Pruner P. 1996. Magnetostratigraphic and micropaleontological

investigations along the Jurassic Cretaceous boundary strata, Brodno near Zilina (Western Slovakia).
Geologica Carpathica, 47, 3: 135-151.
Michalik J., Rehkov D. and Peterckov M. 1990. To stratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary
beds in the Kysuca Succession of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the Brodno section near Zilina.
Knihovna zemniho plynu a nafty, 9b: 57-71, in Slovak.
Vaek Z., Rehkov D., Michalk J., Peterkov M. and Halsov E. 1992. Ammonites, aptychi, nanno-and
microplankton from the Lower Cretaceous Pieniny Formation in the Kysuca gate near Zilina
(Western Carpathian Klippen Belt, Kysuca Unit). Zpad. Karpaty, Paleontolgia, 16: 43-57.

New data on ammonites and stratigraphy of the uppermost Kimmeridgian

lowermost Volgian of the Middle Volga region (Russia)

Vasily MITTA1 and Armin SCHERZINGER2

Paleontological Institute Russian Academy of Science, Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow, 117997 Russia;
Hewenstrae 9, 78194 Immendingen-Hattingen, Germany; e-mail:

Key-words: ammonites, stratigraphy, Upper Kimmeridgian, Lower Volgian, Volga Region, Russia.

New collections at the boundary of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian from the Volgian Stage
lectostratotype section nearby Gorodishche (central Russia) make it possible to give a general view on
the stratigraphic distribution of some of the important ammonite taxa. For the first time Sutneria eumela
(dOrbigny) and Sutneria subeumela Schneid from the Upper Kimmeridgian are illustrated,
and Aulacostephanus volongensis Khudyaev is recognized. The latter is the macroconch
of Aulacostephanus undorae (Pavlow). These discoveries indicate the chronostratigraphic correlation
between the Eudoxus and Fallax zones of the Russian Platform and the Pseudomutabilis and Beckeri zones
of the Submediterranean region. Discosphinctoides subborealis Kutek & Zeiss is placed in the genus

Sarmatisphinctes Kutek & Zeiss and Glochiceras (Paralingulaticeras) efimovi Rogov belongs
to a new ammonite genus.

In the beginning of the Volgian a strong faunal provincialism has been perceptible which makes
correlations with areas outside the Russian Plate and Central Poland more difficult. The lowermost part
of the Lower Volgian (Klimovi Zone) seems to be time equivalent at least in part, if not wholly, of the Upper

Because of different interpretation of the Autissiodorensis Zone Ziegler 1962 in the localities

of West Europe and the Russian Platform we give the priority to the term Fallax Zone Ilovaisky 1941.
192 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

The name Autissiodorensis Subzone does not

seem the best choice for the lowermost Subzone
of the Fallax Zone of the Russian Kimmeridgian.
Up to now no figured specimen of A. autissio-
dorensis from the Russian Platform has been
indicated. According to our opinion the best
index fossil for the base of the Fallax Zone in
the area of study seems to be Amoeboceras
volgae (Pavlow), and we recommend using
the term Volgae Subzone in future. More infor-
mation about results of our study are given
in Scherzinger and Mitta (in press).

Thanks for financial support the presidium

of the Russian Academy of Science,
which gave willing help in context with
the program Origin and Evolution
of the Biosphere.

Scherzinger A. and Mitta V. In press. New data Fig. 1. Distribution of the genus Sutneria Zittel and Physodoceras Hyatt
to ammonites and stratigraphy of in the section of Gorodishche in the Upper Kimmeridgian and lowest
Volgian and possible correlation with the Submediterranean Upper
the Upper Kimmeridgian and Lower Kimmeridgian.
Volgian (Upper Jurassic) of the middle
Volga Region (Russia). Neues Jahrbuch
fr Geologie und Palontologie

The Jurassic of Germany

Eckhard MNNIG1 and German Subcommission of Jurassic Stratigraphy

Naturkunde-Museum Coburg, Park 6, D-96450 Coburg; e-mail:

Key-words: Jurassic, Germany, map, chart, lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, sea level changes.

A geological map of Germany showing the distribution of Jurassic rocks is presented together with an
updated and revised lithostratigrahic scheme for the Jurassic succession of this area.
Geological map and important outcrops

The Jurassic of Northern Germany crops out as a narrow band between the town of Osnabrck and
the Harz Mountains. This visible part is only one percent, the other 99 percent lie in the subsurface and have
an extension of over 100,000 km2. The Jurassic of Southern Germany is nearly half as large but much better

exposed in the Swabian and Franconian Albs with very important fossil localities (Holzmaden, Solnhofen).
Other areas are near Trier and in the Rhine Valley between Mannheim and Basel. The main subsurface data

came from over 100,000 boreholes or shafts, which have sunk for the extensive exploitation of oil, gas, salt,
iron ore, caverns/disposal sites, radioactive waste disposal or water. Borehole measurements, cores and

drill cuttings provided an immense quantity of data as well as on about 500,000 km of reflection seismic lines
of different quality.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 193

Stratigraphic Table
The Jurassic lithostratigraphic scheme is based on the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2002 (Mnning
et. al. 2002). Here the Jurassic is represented by two abstracted and schematised cross sections from west
to east. In contrast to this several troughs are considered in more detail.
The Jurassic of Northern Germany is situated within the North German Depression representing
the central part of the Middle European Depression. It is an area of long-term subsidence and sediment
accumulation. From the Late Triassic the basin was subdivided into NW to WSW-ESE striking troughs and
swells as a result of halokinetic movements. Where salt accumulated, it pushed upwards as diapirs,
leading in the Middle Jurassic to widespread erosion. In southern Germany Jurassic deposits are less thick
but more constant in facies development.
The lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Jurassic deposits of southern Germany into Schwarzer Jura,
Brauner Jura and Weier Jura is undoubtedly fixed since Quenstedt (1843). The Norddeutscher Jura
(Northern German Jurassic Super Group) does not exactly correspond to the Jurassic System and extends
from the Hettangian to the Lower Berriasian. (Mnnig et al. 2002). Here the terms Lias, Dogger and
Malm has been used since a long time as lithostratigrapic units leading to some confusion. For example
the Malm-Gruppe (Gramann et al. 1997) does not correspond exactly with the Upper Jurassic Subsystem
(Malm). It excludes the upper Ornaten-Ton Fm. (Lower Oxfordian) and includes the upper Mnder
Fm (Lower Berriasian). It is proposed to enclose the word Norddeutsche to the terms Lias-, Dogger- and
Malm-Gruppe to emphasise the lithostratigraphic character.
In connection with the revision of the existing lithostratigraphic nomenclature, sequence stratigraphic
analysis is seen as valuable additional tool for a better understanding of the complex geological
settings. Even though no detailed investigation has been done till today, it is clear that the marine
Jurassic is represented by cyclically arranged mudstones, sandstones, limestones and ironstones
and that sedimentation was strongly influenced by sea-level changes in combination with tectonic activities
and salt movements. It was possible to subdivide the German Jurassic into 22 regressive-transgressive

Gramann F., Heunisch C., Klassen H., Kockel F., Katschorek T., Dulce G., Harms F.-J., Mnnig E., Schudack
M., Schudack U., Thies D. and Wei M. 1997. Das Niederschsische Oberjura-Becken Ergebnisse
interdisziplinrer Zusammenarbeit. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,
148, 2: 165-236.
Mnnig E. (Coord.) and Subcommission. 2002. Jura. In: Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission, (Ed.),
Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutschland 2002.
Quenstedt F. A. 1843. Das Flzgebirge Wrttembergs. Mit besonderer Rcksicht auf den Jura. 58 pp.
Tbingen, Laupp.

Lower Toarcian ammonite biostratigraphy and sedimentary evolution

of the Causses Basin (S France)


Institut de Geologie et Paleontologie, Humense, UNIL-Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland;


Key-words: Causses Basin, South France, Domerian/Toarcian boundary, Lower-Middle Toarcian,

ammonites, biostratigraphy, palaeogeography.
194 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Detailed palaeontological sampling of numerous sections in the Schistes Carton Formation

from the Causses Basin (S France) revealed several important aspects for the biostratigraphy
and palaeogeography of the Lower Toarcian in this epicontinental setting.
First of all, a major hiatus is documented at the Domerian (Upper Pliensbachian) Toarcian transition,
spanning most of the NW European Hawskerense Subzone and Tenuicostatum Zone. A regressive trend is
clearly documented in the Upper Domerian, capped by a red pyritic layer, interpreted as a hard-ground
(Guex et al. 2001). Sedimentation resumes under transgressive dysoxic conditions at the very end
of the Semicelatum Subzone.
Further upward the ammonite succession is very similar to that of other NW European basins
(e.g. Yorkshire), with the following recognizable faunal horizons: Semicelatum, Elegantulum, Exaratum,
Elegans, Pseudoserpentinum, Falciferum and Douvillei. A stage of relatively low sea-level is still recorded
up to the so-called Fish-Bed (Exaratum Horizon), which we interpret as an episode of episodic water
column stirring due to tempests.
The dysoxic conditions progressively disappear at the base of the Middle Toarcian, with the couches en
chellons (Sublevisoni Subzone) where oxic/dysoxic conditions alternate. It should be noted here that the
Lower-Middle Toarcian transition occurs within the Schistes Carton Formation. This boundary,
as defined by the first occurence of the genus Hildoceras, does not exactly correspond to the Falciferum-
Commune zone boundary as used in the British Isles (Howarth 1992). In our view, the top of the Bituminous
Shales and the Ovatum Band already belong to the Sublevisoni Subzone, and hence to the Middle Toarcian.
At the basin scale, the Lower Toarcian deposits are characterized by a wide and almost uniform spread
of the Schistes Carton Formation, with thicknesses ranging from 50 cm to more than 32 m. This uniformity
is due to the rapid and large trangression. Other sedimentary facies are only present in the most proximal
areas, mainly as sands and ferrugineous oolites, with intercalated bituminous limestones. Very interesting
faunas are in course of study from these localities, as they may represent records of uppermost Domerian
and/or lowermost Toarcian limited to some few lenses.

Guex J., Morard A., Bartolini A. and Morettini E. 2001. Dcouverte dune importante lacune stratigraphique
la limite Domrien-Toarcien: implications palo-ocanographiques. Bulletin de la Socit Vaudoise
des Sciences Naturelles, 87: 277-284.
Howarth M. K. 1992. The ammonite family Hildoceratidae in the Lower Jurassic of Britain. Monograph of
the Paleontographical Society, 586-590: 1-200.

Variability changes in the ammonite family Dactylioceratidae

during the Lower Toarcian

Alain MORARD and Jean GUEX

Institut de Geologie et Paleontologie, Humense, UNIL-Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland;



Key-words: W Tethys, Lower Toarcian, ammonites, covariation, variability changes, evolution.


The comparison of successive dactylioceratid samples collected in the Moroccan Middle-Atlas,

the Spanish Betic Cordillera, the Lusitanian Basin and the Causses Basin, allowed us to better characterize

the range of variability of these forms from the very base of the Toarcian to the Lower-Middle Toarcian
transition. From a biostratigraphic point of view, the Tethyan subgenus Eodactylites (Schmidt-Effing 1972)
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 195

clearly precedes the NW European subgenus Orthodactylites as recorded in the Lusitanian Basin
succession for example, the latter then giving rise to the Dactylioceras s.s. Both early subgenera can
be distinguished morphologically, and separated in a number of species, although isolated specimens may
be difficult to identify. The main point is that Eodactylites, as well as early Orthodactylites form complete
series of continuous covariation, the latter progressively branching into two main lineages
in the Semicelatum Subzone.
Following the occurence of some rare forerunners, known from the Middle-Upper Domerian,
the evolution of the macroconch representatives of this ammonite family can be summarised in three main
1. A sudden mass apparition of Eodactylites defines the base of the Toarcian. Their variability
spectrum is immediately quite large, with a covariation series between a densely ornamented,
somewhat involute and compressed pole (E. mirabile) and a more robust very evolute form
with distant primary ribs and possible tuberculation (E. pseudocommune).
2. Ornamental variability tends to disappear in the outer whorls of Orthodactylites, whereas their inner
whorls still display a wide covariation series (from slightly compressed forms with dense simple ribs
to stout pantuberculate ones), as already noted by Howarth (1962). Intermediate forms seem to
disappear in the Semicelatum Subzone.
3. Two lineages are then clearly distinct, one leading from isocostate to variocostate non tuberculate
serpenticones (Dactylioceras s.s.), the second developing depressed whorls prone to tuberculation,
particularly in inner whorls (Nodicoeloceras).
A further diversification occurs at the Lower-Middle Toarcian transition (Guex 1971).
In this new evolutionary frame, divergent views on the taxonomy of the Toarcian Dactylioceratidae can
eventually be reconciled, as different authors in the past based their classification schemes only on a limited
portion of the succession presented here.

Guex J. 1971. Sur la classification des Dactylioceratidae (Ammonoidea) du Toarcien. Eclogae Geologicae
Helvetiae, 64, 2: 225-243.
Howarth M. K. 1962. The Jet Rock Series and the Alum Shale Series of the Yorkshire coast. Proceedings of
the Yorkshire Geological Society, 33, 18: 381-422. 1972. Die Dactylioceratidae, eine Ammoniten-Familie
des unteren Jura. Mnsterschen Forschungen zur Geologie und Palontologie, 25-26: 255.

GSSPs approved by ICS and IUGS since Mondello (2002)

Le Chardon, Quartier Brugire, F-07200 Vog, France; e-mail:

Key-words: GSSPs, Stages, System, proposals.


The priority activity at present for the International Commission on Stratigraphy and its System-
related Subcommissions, including the Jurassic Subcommission, is completion of the programme

of selection and ratification of Global Stratotype Sections and Points for all the Stages of the International
Chronostratigraphic Scale. The deadline for completion set by IUGS is the next International Geological

Congress in 2008.
196 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

The current state of progress for the Subcommissions is highly variable from having completed this
process some years ago (and now having to consider revisions!) to being far away from completion.
Hopefully there will be a flood of proposals over the next two years. The situation for the various
Subcommissions will be summarised with illustration and comment on some examples of GSSP proposals
that have been approved since I reviewed this subject in the last Jurassic Symposium in Mondello (2002).
The situation for completion of the Stage GSSPs in the Jurassic is reasonably promising.
Four of the eleven have been ratified, though only one since Mondello. Several others should be decided
during the Krakw Congress, leading to postal/email votes within the Working Groups and submission
of proposals to the Jurassic Subcommission. The 23 Voting Members of the Subcommission must study
a proposal, make comments if appropriate and vote (usually by email) YES/NO/ABSTAIN. If a proposal
is approved by a significant majority, the Working Groups have the opportunity to modify the proposal
in the light of comments received before it is submitted to ICS. The same procedure follows before
the proposal is submitted by ICS to IUGS for ratification.
For the Jurassic the greatest problems concern the lower and upper boundaries of the Jurassic.
Great progress has been made with the Triassic/Jurassic boundary and a GSSP proposal may be possible
in the near future. However, there has been little progress with the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary,
technically the responsibility of the Cretaceous Subcommission.

Evolution of Graphoceratidae and the Aalenian/Bajocian boundary at Bearreraig,

Isle of Skye, NW Scotland

Le Chardon, Quartier Brugire, F-07200 Vog, France; e-mail:

Key-words: Aalenian, Bajocian, ammonite evolution, Graphoceras, Hyperlioceras.

The GSSP for the base of the Bajocian Stage, and therefore the Aalenian/Bajocian boundary,
has been defined at Cabo Mondego, western Portugal and ratified by IUGS. It was the first of the Jurassic
Stages to be so defined. At the same time an Auxiliary Stratotype Point (ASP) at Bearreraig, Isle of Skye,
NW Scotland was ratified by IUGS.
The key marker event for the Aalenian/Bajocian boundary is evolution within the ammonite family
Graphoceratidae. The original intention was to use as marker the first appearance of the genus
Hyperlioceras (s.l. to include Toxolioceras and other mainly microconch genera) which evolved from
the genus Graphoceras. However, in the light of detailed study of successions in various areas of western
Europe and North Africa, this was modified. The earliest horizon of Hyperlioceras (H. incisum) proved
to be too limited in distribution to be useful for correlation, so that the second Hyperlioceras horizon
(H. mundum) was selected as the key marker for definition and correlation of the base of the Bajocian.
The details of the evolution of Hyperlioceras from Graphoceras are best preserved and documented

at Bearreraig, which is why this section was accepted as ASP. The succession is relatively thick (c. 24 m for
the topmost Aalenian and lowermost Bajocian) and the ammonites are preserved mainly in a sequence of
nodules. Each nodule contains an assemblage, dominated by juveniles, which approximates to a biological

population. The dimorphic Graphoceras limitatum/carbatinum species remains virtually unchanged

morphologically through some 15 m of strata (evolutionary equilibrium?) and overlap with the first two

Hyperlioceras species. The main morphological change into the first Hyperlioceras species (dimorphic
H. incisum/rotabilis) is in the shape of the venter (a punctuation event?). This is followed over 13 m

of strata by gradational increases in size and involution through H. mundum/aspera and continuing into
H. walkeri/contorta.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 197

The Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in the Lower Jurassic Toyora Group

in southwest Japan

Kentaro NAKADA1 and Atsushi MATSUOKA2

Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan;

Key-words: ammonite, Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary, Toyora Group, southwest Japan,

Ocean Anoxic Event.

The Toyora Group is the continental shelf sediment exposed in the western part of Yamaguchi
Prefecture, southwest Japan. It is mainly composed of sandstone and mudstone, and divided into
three formations, that is, the Higashinagano, the Nishinakayama, and the Utano formations in ascending
order. The Sakuraguchidani Mudstone Member, the lower part of the Nishinakayama Formation,
is rich in ammonoids. Almost all ammonite specimens examined are classified into Hildocerataceae,
and indicate successive ages from Upper Pliensbachian to Lower Toarcian. Hirano (1973) established
three ammonite zones, in ascending order, the Fontanellense Zone, the Nipponicum Zone,
and the Helianthoides Zone, and defined the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary within the P. nipponicum
Zone. Furthermore, the black shale, a main component of the member, is known as a layer representing
global Early Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event (Tanabe 1991). The purpose of this study is to revise
the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in the Lower Jurassic Toyora Group by adopting the recently
established global standard.
Along the Sakuraguchidani route, the type locality of the Sakuraguchidani Mudstone Member,
99 ammonite specimens including 11 genera and 16 species were collected. The ammonite fauna
is characterized by the abundance of Dactylioceras helianthoides (Yokoyama), Protogrammoceras
nipponicum (Matsumoto), and Cleviceras chrysanthemum (Yokoyama). Paltarpites paltus (Buckman)
and Fontanelliceras fontanellense (Gemmellaro) were obtained from this member.
The Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary is determined by adopting the definition which is used
in Europe (e.g. Macchioni 2002). Among the various indexes, the first appearance of the genus
Dactylioceras and P. paltus, mainly used in the Mediterranean area, is the most suitable for the Toyora
Group. The boundary is drawn within the Fontanellense Zone, 23 m lower than that in the previous studies
(Hirano 1973; Tanbe 1991). The Toyora Group has high potential for elucidating the timing of the Toarcian
Ocean Anoxic Event off eastern Asia.

Hirano H. 1973. Biostratigraphic study of the Jurassic Toyora Group, Pt. 3. Transactions and Proceedings
of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, 90: 45-71.
Macchioni F. 2002. Mythes and legends in the correlation between the Boreal and Tethys Realms.
Implications on the dating of the Early Toarcian mass extinctions and Oceanic Anoxic Event.
Geobios, 35, Mmoire Special, 24: 150-164.
Tanabe K. 1991. Early Jurassic macrofauna of the oxygen-depleted epicontinental marine basin in the

Toyora area, West Japan. Proceedings of Shallow Tethys, Saito Ho-on Kai Special Publication,
3: 147-157.
198 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

A Callovian-Kimmeridgian stable isotope record from Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, UK:
implications for the ocean-atmosphere system

Elizabeth V. NUNN1, Gregory D. PRICE1, Malcolm B. HART1, Kevin N. PAGE1 and Melanie J. LENG2
School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus,
Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK; e-mail:
NERC Isotope Geoscience Laboratory, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, UK

Key-words: Oxfordian, Scotland, stable isotopes, fossil wood, belemnites.

The Staffin Bay section in the Isle of Skye, UK is one of the most stratigraphically complete Oxfordian
sections in Europe. This contribution presents the first high-resolution stable isotope record of this Middle
Callovian to Early Kimmeridgian succession. The isotope record includes both terrestrial and marine data
that were obtained from microscopic wood debris and belemnites respectively.
The organic carbon-isotope record was derived from organic rich sediment samples taken almost
entirely from the Staffin Shale Formation. This formation is largely represented by a series of isolated
foreshore exposures dominated by mudrocks that were deposited in a predominantly offshore marine
environment. Over 200 sediment samples were analysed from the 150 m section. The concurrent 13C
marine carbonate curve was produced using belemnites collected from the same formation.
Approximately 200 belemnite horizons were sampled.
The organic carbon-isotope data show a broad Lower to Middle Oxfordian positive carbon isotope
excursion from the Mariae to Tenuiserratum Zone, with maximum values occurring in the Cordatum Zone.
This is followed by a return to pre-excursion values continuing into the Early Kimmeridgian Cymodoce
Zone. A brief negative excursion (of ~2) is also identified near the Densiplicatum-Tenuiserratum zones
boundary. Rock-eval analysis confirms that the organic matter is predominantly terrestrial in origin.
The concurrent 13C marine carbonate curve derived from belemnites shows a broadly similar trend.
This suggests that the positive carbon-isotope excursion recorded here may have affected the global carbon
reservoir (i.e. the whole ocean-atmosphere system).
The carbon-isotope record derived from this section appears to be generally consistent with
Oxfordian Tethyan records (e.g. Wierzbowski 2002, 2004) and a preliminary study of the Staffin Bay area
by Pearce et al. (2005).

Pearce C. R., Hesselbo S. P. and Coe A. L. 2005. The mid-Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) positive carbon-isotope
excursion recognised from fossil wood in the British Isles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 221: 343-357.
Wierzbowski H. 2002. Detailed oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Oxfordian in Central Poland.
International Journal of Earth Science, 91: 304-314.
Wierzbowski H. 2004. Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of Oxfordian-Early Kimmeridgian belemnite
rostra: Palaeoenvironmental implications for Late Jurassic seas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimato-
logy, Palaeoecology, 203: 153-168.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 199

Jurassic Chronostratigraphic Charts and a Display Interface

1. Hettangian through Aalenian

James OGG and Piotr PRZYBYLSKI

2. Bajocian through Tithonian

Piotr PRZYBYLSKI and James OGG

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Dr, W. Lafayette,
IN 47907 USA; e-mail:,

Key-words: Jurassic, integrated, stratigraphy, timescale, zones, datums, sequences, chart.

A joint project of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and CHRONOS database program
is to provide detailed global and regional reference scales of Earth history. Such scales integrate
biostratigraphy (zones, datums for marine and terrestrial realms), sea-level (curves, sequences),
geochemistry (trends, events), magnetic polarity chrons and astronomical cycles. These summarize our
current consensus on the inter-calibration of events, their relationships to international divisions of geologic
time and their estimated numerical ages. An initial Phanerozoic database (about 9000 events and zones in
April 2006) includes definitions of geologic stages, major zonations and markers of all significant fossil
groups, primary and secondary magnetic polarity scales, and other stratigraphic information.
Annotations on each entry include source, reliability, selected taxonomic notes, inter-calibrations,
and methods of interpolating numerical age. This database will be enhanced through the efforts of the sub-
commissions of the ICS and other stratigraphic and regional experts.
A primary source for the Jurassic was the extensive Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence
Chronostratigraphic Framework of European Basins chart series of inter-calibrated bio-, magneto-, chemo-
and sequence stratigraphy (Hardenbol et al. 1998) which had been calibrated to the geologic time scales
of 1995. We recalibrated all these chronostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphy events to Geologic Time
Scale 2004 (Gradstein et al. 2004) and included selected post-1995 biostratigraphic schemes, marker events
and geochemistry correlated to Tethyan and Boreal ammonite zones.
On-screen display and production of user-tailored time-scale charts is provided by the Time-Scale
Creator, a JAVA package available from the ICS/CHRONOS websites (
or After specifying the time interval and vertical scale, a user selects a subset
of stratigraphic columns and trends. In addition to screen views and a scalable-vector graphics (SVG) file
for importation into popular graphics programs (e.g., Adobe Illustrator), the on-screen display has
hot-curser-points to open windows providing additional information on events, zones and boundaries.
The database and visualization package are envisioned as a convenient reference tool, chart-production
assistant, and a window into the geologic history of our planet.
We present sample output for the Jurassic portion as a pair of large-format charts: Hettangian-Aalenian
by Ogg and Przybylski, and an accompanying poster for Bajocian-Tithonian by Przybylski and Ogg.


Gradstein F. M., Ogg J. G. and Smith A. G. (coordinators), with 36 contributors. 2004. Geologic time scale
2004. Cambridge University Press, 1-598.

Hardenbol J., Thierry J., Farley M. B., Jacquin Th., de Graciansky P.-C. and Vail P. R. (with numerous
contributors). 1998. Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequence chronostratigraphic framework of European

basins. In: de Graciansky P.-C., Hardenbol J., Jacquin Th. and Vail P. R. (Eds), Mesozoic-Cenozoic
sequence stratigraphy of European basins. SEPM Special Publication, Tulsa, 60: 3-13, 763-781,
and chart supplements.
200 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

High resolution ammonite stratigraphy of the Charmouth Mudstone Formation

(Lower Jurassic: Sinemurian Lower Pliensbachian) in South West England (UK)

Kevin N. PAGE
School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Science, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK;

Key-words: ammonites, high-resolution stratigraphy, correlation, Jurassic, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian,

Somerset, Dorset, Devon.

The Lower Lias mudrocks of the Charmouth Mudstone Formation in West Dorset coast are world
famous for their ammonite faunas, which range from mid Early Sinemurian (Semicostatum Chronozone)
to Early Pliensbachian (topmost Davoei Chronozone) in age. The succession includes significant
non-sequences, however, and as certain other intervals yield only crushed and relatively poorly preserved
material, much of the sequence of ammonite faunas of this interval in South West England has remained
poorly understood.
Inland, however, although it has been realized for many years that some of the missing horizons
reappear, the Formation is very poorly exposed and as a consequence little has been known about
its detailed stratigraphy and palaeontology. The systematic recording over 40 years by Mr H. C. Prudden
(Somerset Geology Group) of temporary excavations in East Somerset (around 20 km north of the Dorset
coast) has now, however, revealed a virtually complete sequence of ammonite faunas through the interval
represented by the Formation. In particular, many levels have now been identified which are missing
in the major non-sequences on the Dorset coast, thereby revealing a much more complete stratigraphical
sequence in the region than previously realized. In particular, only one subchronozone remains
to be conclusively proven the Aplanatum Subchronozone of the Raricostatum Chronozone although
this could still be due to collection failure as nodular facies do not appear to be present at this level
and near-surface clay exposures are often too degraded to yield determinable specimens.
This faunal succession is correlated with that on the coast to provide a detailed synthesis
of the sequence of ammonite biohorizons in the region, which is correlated with a contemporary Standard
Zonation and high-resolution biohorizonal/zonule scheme for interval in North West Europe.
The significance for regional and international correlations of the Lower Lias is also discussed.

Integrated stratigraphical study of the candidate Oxfordian Global Stratotype

Section and Point (GSSP) at Redcliff Point, Weymouth, Dorset, UK

Kevin N. PAGE1, Guillermo MELNDEZ2, Malcolm B. HART1, Gregory PRICE1, John K. WRIGHT3,

Paul BOWN4 and Jula BELLO2

SEOES, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK;


Paleontologa, Departamento Geologa, Universidad de Zaragoza, c/Pedro Cerbuna, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain;

Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, TW20 0EX, UK;

Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK;
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 201

Key-words: stratigraphy, Jurassic, Callovian, Oxfordian, GSSP, Dorset, UK, ammonites, geochemistry,

Redcliff Point near Weymouth, Dorset (SW England) exposes one of Europes most complete
Callovian-Oxfordian boundary sequences and has been the subject of a rigorous multidisciplinary
assessment. The boundary sequence lies entirely within the clay facies of the Oxford Clay Formation,
the relatively high carbonate content of which facilitates the excellent preservation of both macro- and
microfaunas (and floras) as well as geochemical information.
Ammonites, in particular, are conspicuous, and partly retain an aragonitic shell. By convention,
the stage boundary is drawn at the first occurrence of the genus Cardioceras, which has been
interpreted as corresponding to the transition between Quenstedtoceras paucicostatum (Lang) and
Cardioceras ex gr. scarburgense (Young and Bird), specifically at the first occurrence of C. woodhamense
Arkell sensu Callomon (non Marchand). This transition is well seen at Redcliff and provides the primary
means through which the boundary can be correlated. Associated Perisphinctina (including Peltoceras,
Alligaticeras, Properisphinctes and Euaspidoceras) provide additional biostratigraphical information.
Other macrofossil groups show less discernible changes, although the end of the Callovian in England marks
the local, virtual disappearance of Boreal cylindroteuthid belemnites with the persistence of Tethyan
hibolithids into the Early Oxfordian. Isotopic studies of recovered belemnites record important information
on carbon and strontium isotopes and provide new, high resolution data for the refinement of the global
curves. The isotope data are also consistent with continuous sedimentation across the boundary.
Foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by poorly preserved epistominids. Planktonic Foraminifera
are recorded, mainly as pyrite steinkerns. This makes identification difficult although a flood close
to the boundary appears to be Globuligerina oxfordiana. Other planktonic taxa are present, including one
species that may be new. Nannofloras are well preserved, common to abundant and dominated
by Watznaueria britannica with conspicuous Zeugrhabdotus erectus, podorhabdids and Stephano-
lithion bigotii. The presence of Stephanolithion bigotii maximum throughout, places the samples within
the NJ14 biozone. Ostrocoda and holothurian spicules are also recorded.
These results are synthesised to provide a multidisciplinary, integrated review of the suitability
of Redcliff Point for the definition of an Oxfordian GSSP. Correlations with the French candidate
site in Savournon, Haute-Provence are discussed and proposals made for formally establishing a GSSP
for the base of the Oxfordian Stage in Europe.

Relative biostratigraphy in condensed succession:

a case history from the Bajocian of Normandy

Giulio PAVIA and Luca MARTIRE

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via Valperga Caluso 35, 10123 Torino, Italy;

Key-words: taphonomy, condensed succession, ammonites, Middle Jurassic, Normandy.


The classic dm-thick sections of the Bajocian of Normandy, NW France, such as those of St. Honorine-

des-Pertes (formerly dOrbignys stratotype), Sully and St. Vigor in the surroundings of Bayeux are affected
by taphonomic and stratigraphic condensations (Pavia 1994). The use of their fossils for biostratigraphic

purpose to date the embedding sediments must be avoided because of the taphonomically reworked state of
most of them. Such beautiful fossils, ammonites in particular, would become useful again as taxonomic
202 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

reference if their relative position is recognized. This goal is what Gauthier et al. (1996) tried to achieve in
the more than 2 m thick section of Feuguerolles, south of Caen; but the fossil preservation is poor and
the Quaternary weathering altered the Fe-oolitic limestone so that beds are not clearly discernible
and taphonomic analysis is difficult.
A succession similar to that of Feuguerolles was exposed more than ten years ago during a highway
construction at Bretteville, SW Caen (Martire & Torta 2000). The succession of the Oolite Ferrugineuse de
Bayeux Formation consists of evenly bedded limestones which total the thickness of 140 cm. Even more
important beds are lenticular so that, correlating two separated sections, 20 metres far one to the other,
we numbered 13 interfingered layers each one with a distinct fossil assemblage. Beds are rich in fossils and
a large collection of them is stored in the Museo di Scienze Naturali di Torino. Most ammonites, if not all,
are reelaborated and the taphonomic reworking could have been repeated many times; consequently beds
contain fossils belonging to different taphorecords, each one characterized by a definite state of fossil
preservation discernible from that of other mixed fossils. The taphonomic condensation (sensu Gomez &
Fernandez-Lopez 1994) does not allow any reliable biostratigraphy. Nevertheless, the detection of bed
interfingering and the careful collection of fossils, bed by bed, led us to consider the 13 successive fossil
assemblages as the product of spatially restricted sedimentary events whose age could be outlined
by the biochronologic relationships of ammonites contained in superposed beds. Each bed gets in this way
a minimal relative age. This provided a relative biostratigraphic succession even if all fossils
are reelaborated, which helps in using fossils at least for taxonomic purposes. It is worth noting that such
a practice does not constitute any reference either for standardizing biozonation nor for correlation purpose
except at regional extent.
An example from the Bretteville section could put into practice this procedure. Bed 9 delivered more
than 35 identified ammonites; all specimens are reelaborated and biochronologically span
the Humpriesianum and Niortense zones; no taxa of the above Garantiana Zone are present. The overlying
bed 10 is equally rich in reelaborated ammonites with taxa again referable to the Humpriesianum and
Niortense Zones, but also taxa such as Pseudogarantiana and Prorsisphinctes stompus which point
to the Garantiana Zone. In conclusion, we are confident to assign the bed 9 to the passage between
Niortense and Garantiana zones.

Gauthier H., Rioult M. and Trevisan M. 1996. Rpartition biostratigraphique des ammonites dans lOolithe
ferrugineuse de Bayeux (Bajocien) Feuguerolles-sur-Orne (Calvados). Geologie de France,2: 27-67.
Gomez J. J. and Fernandez-Lopez S. 1994. Condensation processes in shallow platforms. Sedimentary
Geology, 92: 147-159.
Martire L. and Torta S. 2000. Pseudoborings in ammonite moulds: the combined result of predation and
taphonomic reworking (Bajocian, Normandy, N France). Palaios, 15: 356-362.
Pavia G. 1994. Taphonomic remarks on dOrbignys type-Bajocian (Bayeux, west France). Miscellanea del
Servizio Geologico Nazionale, 5: 93-111.

Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossil zones vs ammonite zones


along the western and northern margins of the Iberian Massif

and biostratigraphical potential of nannobiohorizons



and Luis Vitor DUARTE4


Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit degli Studi di Pisa, Via S. Maria, 53, 56100 Pisa, Italy;
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 203

Petrobras/Cenpes, Cid. Universitria, Ilha do Fundo, 21941-598, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil;
Departamento de Paleontologa, Facultad de Ciencias Geolgicas, UCM, Ciudad Universitaria,
28040 Madrid, Spain; e-mail:
Departamento Cincias da Terra, Centro Geocincias, F.C.T. Universidade de Coimbra,
3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:

Key-words: calcareous nannofossils, biostratigraphy, Pliensbachian, Spain, Portugal.

Calcareous nannofossils, one of the main components of Lower Jurassic marly/limestone alternations,
were studied along the western and northern margins of the Iberian Massif. Consequently, they were used
to date the lithological successions as well abiotic signals (e.g. isotope or TOC profiles).
Our work focuses on the main changes of calcareous nannofossil record and the biohorizons recognized
in some reference Pliensbachian sections from Basque-Cantabrian area (Spain) and Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). The remarkable changes in composition are the appearances and abundance increases
of the Biscutaceae (Similiscutum) and of Watznaueriaceae (Lotharingius). The appearances of large
Biscutum (B. grande and B. finchii) and of medium-sized Lotharingius species (L. sigillatus) are also
clearly detectable though their occurrence is discontinuous. The other events include the appearances
of Biscutum dubium, Bussonius prinsii, Biscutum novum and Crepidolithus impontus and
the disappearance of Parhabdolithus robustus.
The reconstructed distribution pattern of the age-significant species supports the identification and
description of the nannofossil zones and subzones proposed for NW Europe. The NJ3/NJ4, NJ4/NJ5 zone
boundaries are easily identified by the FO of Similiscutum cruciulus (Lower Pliensbachian) and the FO of
Lotharingius hauffii (Upper Pliensbachian), respectively. The subzone boundaries should be carefully
checked because the zonal markers are rare and occur discontinuously. However, the other events are
helpful to correlate the biostratigraphic frames outlined for the investigated areas and to calibrate
the NJ4a/NJ4b, NJ5a/NJ5b zone boundaries with respect to the ammonite zones.
Based on the achieved data, the main differences between the two schemes are related to the very low
abundance and discontinuous occurrence of the some species in their initial (e.g., B. grande, B. finchii)
or final (e.g., P. robustus) ranges. Since for the Basque-Cantabrian area ammonite zone and subzones are
well constrained, some discrepancies should be related with a discontinuous or incomplete ammonite record
from the Lusitanian Basin. Nevertheless, the biostratigraphic frames proposed for both areas could improve
biochronocorrelation between the Pliensbachian successions cropping out along the western and northern
margin of the Iberian Massif.

MEC, Spain, Project CGL2005-01765/BTE; HP2004-0038.

Lower Toarcian organic-rich sediments from the Tuscan Succession

(Northern Apennines, Italy)


Dipartimento Scienze della Terra, Universit degli Studi di Pisa, Via S. Maria, 53, 56100 Pisa, Italy; e-mail:
Petrobras/Cenpes, Cid. Universitria, Ilha do Fundo, 21941-598, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil;

Departamento de Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Facultate de Geologia, Universidade Estato Rio de Janeiro,

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; e-mail:

I.G.G. Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse C.N.R., Via S. Maria 53 56100 Pisa, Italy; e-mail:
204 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Key-words: Tuscan Nappe, organic-rich sediments, biostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils, Tuscany,

Lower Toarcian, Italy.

This work is aimed to improve lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy, based on calcareous nannofossils,
of the deep-marine Lower Toarcian sediments belonging to Tuscan Nappe (Northern Apennines).
The sampled lower part of the Calcari e marne a Posidonia (Posidonia Marls) correlates with
the Marne del Monte Serrone of the Umbria-Marche Basin, which is characterized by the presence
of the Lower Toarcian black shales.
The Calcari e marne a Posidonia consists of grey to greenish hemipelagic to pelagic bivalves-bearing
marlstones and limestones with interbedded grey to grey dark, sometimes reddish, clayey marlstones and
marly claystones. In some localities, in the lower portion of this formation is recognized a thin to medium
thick organic-rich interval of black marlstones and marly claystones.
The recovered calcareous nannofossil assemblages allow to assigne the basal portion of the Marne
a Posidonia to the Lower Toarcian with the thin organic-rich interval comprised between the appearances
of the genera Carinolithus and Discorhabdus.

Recent data on the ostracod fauna from the Lower and Middle Toarcian
of Peniche, Portugal

Susana PINTO1, Maria C. CABRAL1 and Luis Vitor DUARTE2

Departamento de Geologia e Centro de Geologia, Faculdade de Cincias, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande,
C6, 4, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal; e-mail:,
Departamento de Cincias da Terra e Centro de Geocincias, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:

Key-words: ostracods, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, Toarcian, Peniche, Portugal.

At Peniche region, western Portugal, a rather continuous marly limestone succession ranging in age
from the Sinemurian to the earliest Aalenian crops out. The ostracod fauna from a 74 m thick packet within
this succession has been studied, encompassing deposits that range from the topmost Pliensbachian
(topmost Spinatum Biozone) to the Middle Toarcian (Polymorphum, Levisoni, Bifrons and basal Gradata
biozones). The studied levels belong to Lemede (2 m) and Cabo Carvoeiro Formations.
From the 47 samples collected in the marly layers, a single one is azoic. Sample numbers and
bed subdivision are according to biozonation in Duarte (1995), which considers 5 packets:
topmost Spinatum, Polymorphum, Levisoni, Levisoni+Bifrons, Bifrons+basal Gradata. The systematic
study of the ostracods has been undertaken, and some palaeoecological aspects have also been addressed,
namely hydrodynamics (carapace/valve ratio), bathymetry and oxygenation, based on marker

genera/groups. Around 8000 individuals were obtained (1 individual =1 carapace or 1 valve),

which are commonly badly preserved. At least 58 species belonging to 22 genera have been identified until

The top of Spinatum Biozone displays both high diversity (8-15 species/sample) and abundance
(222-402 individuals/sample) of ostracods. The dominant species are from the genus Ogmoconcha,

Ogmoconchella and Liasina, associated with Polycope, Paracypris, Ledahia, among others.
The Polymorphum Biozone shows high diversity (3-22 species/sample) and variable abundance

(1-150 individuals/sample). The genera Ogmoconcha, Ogmoconchella and Liasina still dominate and,
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 205

from the first levels of the biozone, heavily ornamented species of Kinkelinella are present;
the genus Isobythocypris occurs for the first time.
In Levisoni Biozone, the ostracod diversity (1-4 species/sample) and abundance (1-150 individu-
als/sample) are low, in contrast with previous biozones. Ogmoconcha and Ogmoconchella disappear,
and the genus Cytherella appears for the first time, becoming dominant together with Liasina
in the first levels of the biozone. In the upper part, Kinkelinella dominates and at the top Bairdiacypris
and Cytheroptheron occur for the first time.
Levisoni+Bifrons shows that ostracod diversity is moderate (5-11 species/sample) and abundance is
high (60-310 individuals/sample). Species from the genera Bairdiacypris and Kinkelinella dominate,
Cytherella and Patellacythere are common.
Bifrons+basal Gradata shows higher diversity (3-18 species/sample) than previous unit and variable
abundance (16-468 individuals/sample). Bairdiacypris, Cytherella and Kinkelinella dominate,
and Macrocypris and Trachycythere(?) occur for the first time.
All of the recognized species have been found in formations of a similar age in Western Europe,
and are benthic marine species, except the genus Polycope (pelagic). Most of the species indicates a deep
marine setting, with variable oxygenation levels, from normal to low (predominance of Metacopina and
Cytherella), for the all section. The water energy was also variable, being stronger at the topmost Spinatum
and Polymorphum biozones, within which ostracod valves are dominant, and lower at the Levisoni and
Levisoni+Bifrons biozones, within which ostracod carapaces clearly dominate.

Duarte L. V. 1995. O Toarciano da Bacia Lusitaniana: estratigrafia e evoluo sedimentogentica.
Unpublished PhD thesis, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

The problem of establishing the Tithonian Stage in Western Siberia


Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin ave., Tomsk 634050, Russia; e-mail:

Key-words: Foraminifera, biostratigraphy, zones, beds, Volgian, Tithonian, Western Siberia.

In 1996 the Volgian Stage was withdrawn from the General Stratigraphic Scale and replaced with
the Tithonian Stage by the Resolution of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphical Committee of Russia.
However, this did not solve the problem of correlation between the Volgian and Tithonian stages.
The problem of identifying and mapping the Tithonian Stage within the Boreal deposits becomes unresolved.
On this basis the Volgian Stage was retained in the West Siberian Stratigraphical Scale as the terminal

Jurassic Stage, owing to the impossibility of the application of the new standard directly to the Boreal
sections. The difficulties in comparison between the Regional Scale and the Standard one arise not only for

the ammonite zones, but also in correlating the West Siberian foraminiferal zones.
Numerous boreholes penetrating Western Siberia and combined studies on core samples enable tracing
the continuous sequence of the Volgian foraminiferal zones and beds. The foraminiferal sequence traced

through the Nyarginskian type section in the southeast of Western Siberia may serve as an example.
There, in the Upper Kimmeridgian Lower Volgian deposits, the f-beds with the Pseudolamarkina sp.

Assemblage were established. The Middle Volgian Spiroplectammina vicinalis-Dorothia tortuosa F-zone
206 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

was divided into two subzones: the lower Spiroplectammina vicinalis-Saracenaria pravoslavlevi
subzone and the upper Dorothia tortuosa subzone The Upper Volgian deposits enclose the Ammodiscus
veteranus-Evolutinella volossatovi F-zone. At the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, the taxonomy of benthic
Foraminifera is essentially different. The phylogenetic succession of numerous foraminiferal genera during
the Volgian Age indicates the integrity of the Volgian Stage. A number of genera are characteristic only for
the Volgian.
Benthic Foraminifera forming the basis for establishing the Upper Jurassic assemblages,
and the Volgian ones in particular, showed a wide distribution in the Late Jurassic marine basins of
the Boreal belt: Northern Europe (Russia and Poland), Northeast Asia, Northern America (Northern and
Northwest Canada, Northern Alaska), islands of the Arctic Region and shelves of northern seas.
This wide distribution of the Volgian Foraminifera resulted from the Late Jurassic transgression.
The Boreal and Tethyan foraminiferal assemblages differ essentially each other in their taxonomy,
which result in significant difficulties in correlation between the Volgian and Tithonian deposits of Boreal
and Tethyan belts, respectively. Besides, the distinctive feature of all provinces of the Boreal belt
is the absence of planktonic foraminifers or their insignificant development. The direct correlation
of the Volgian assemblages is possible only within the Boreal belt, basing on the taxonomical analysis
of foraminiferal assemblages and the presence of the species of correlation value. The correlation
of the Volgian-Tithonian deposits of the Boreal and Tethyan belts is feasible only at the level of Lower-Middle
Volgian substages and the Tithonian. We suppose that at present it is impossible to find direct counterparts
of the Upper Volgian Substage.

Problems on the Middle Oxfordian biostratigraphy of Western Siberia


Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin ave., Tomsk 634050, Russia; e-mail:

Key-words: biostratigraphy, Middle Oxfordian, Western Siberia, ammonites, Foraminifera, zones, beds.

The knowledge of biostratigraphy of the Middle Oxfordian part of the section of the Verkhne-
vasyuganskiy Subhorizon although quite good is insufficient for solving all the problems of dating, detailed
correlation, and identification of sandy beds of the substantial oil-and-gas bearing deposits complex in
the new borehole sections.
Another cluster of problems includes the detailed subdivision of two Middle Oxfordian ammonite zones
(a-zones) of Western Siberia and their correlation with the coeval Plicatilis Zone of the Submediterranean
zonal scheme. At present, two a-zones are distinguished in the Middle Oxfordian of Western Siberia:
the lower zone with the Cardioceras densiplicatum and the upper zone with Cardioceras tenuiserratum.
Two parts are distinguished in the Cardioceras densiplicatum Zone corresponding to the Cardioceras

vertebrale and Cardioceras maltonense subzones. The upper zone is not subdivided, and it is based on
the appearance of ammonites of the subgenus Cawtoniceras.

Foraminifera are of exceptional biostratigraphical importance when the material from cores
is considered where ammonoid finds are generally rare. The Middle Oxfordian sedimentary complex of
Western Siberia contains foraminiferal assemblages of two f-zones: Ammodiscus thomsi-Tolypammina

svetlanae and Trochammina oxfordiana. The former includes several isochronous beds recognized
in different areas of the region. In the circum-polar Urals, L. G. Dain distinguished beds with Ammo-

discus thomsi, Tolypammina svetlanae. In western areas, V. I. Levina distinguished beds with
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 207

Ammodiscus cheradospira (=Ammodiscus aff. pseudoinfimus (=Ammodiscus thomsi) and

Eomarssonella paraconica. In the southern area, V. F. Kozyreva recognized beds with Ammodiscus ex gr.
pseudoinfimus (=Ammodiscus thomsi) and Trochammina oxfordiana. In the central and southern
districts, beds with Trochammina oxfordiana and with Glomospirella galinae were established by G. M.
Tatyanin. The geographical range of the Ammodiscus thomsi-Tolypammina svetlanae Zone covers:
Western Siberia, the Preuralian, Yamal-Tyumen, Kazym-Konda, Froly-Tambey, Pur-Vasyugan facies districts
(the Danilovskoye, Abalak, Vasyugan, Maurynya formations).
In the Yenisey-Khatanga depression N. V. Sharovskaya distinguished beds with Trochammina
oxfordiana, Lenticulina memorabilissima, now this is the Trochammina oxfordiana Zone
(its top correspond to the Ammodiscus thomsi Tolypammina svetlanae Zone). The range of the
Trochammina oxfordiana Zone covers: Western Siberia, the Khatanga and Taz-Kheta facies districts,
Central Siberia, the Paksa facies district (Sigovoe Formation).
The analysis on the available findings of the Middle Oxfordian ammonites in the south-east of Western
Siberia may offer a key to reconciling the combined macro- and microfauna finds with the ammonite scale,
and refining the lower and upper boundaries of the Middle Oxfordian foraminiferal associations.
This could make possible tracing and comparing the changes in the systematic composition
of the foraminiferal assemblages within two Middle Oxfordian ammonite zones which include the sections
of the oil-and-gas bearing horizons.

Biostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic lowermost Cretaceous succession

at Veliky Kamenets (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, SW Ukraine)

Daniela REHKOV1, Micha KROBICKI2, Bronisaw A. MATYJA3 and Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI3

Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University,
Mlynsk Dolina G1, 84-215 Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail:
Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology,
Al. Mickiewicza 30, PL-30059 Krakw, Poland; e-mail:
Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. wirki i Wigury 93, PL-02089 Warszawa, Poland;

Key-words: Pieniny Klippen Belt, SW Ukraine, Upper Jurassic, Berriasian, biostratigraphy, calpionellids,
calcareous dinocysts, microfacies.

The Veliky Kamenets quarry is an essential locality in stratigraphical and palaeomagnetical studies
of the Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous in eastern part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt.
The carbonate succession, about 40 m thick, has been subdivided into 6 major lithostratigraphical units
(A, B, C, D, DE and E) which biostratigraphy was based mainly on the ammonite fauna (Lewandowski et al.

2005); these deposits are overlain by about 13 m thick complex unit of carbonates (fossiliferous limestones
and calcareous sedimentary breccias composed mainly of micritic limestone clasts) alternating
with volcanogenic rocks (basalt lava flows, and pyroclastic deposits). The studied succession yielded

abundant and well preserved microfossils which enable detailed stratigraphical interpretation of
the deposits in question.

The lowest part of the Upper Jurassic succession (upper part of unit B) is represented by lower
Ammonitico Rosso limestones rich in planktonic foraminifers Globuligerina. The ammonites are

indicative of the Plicatilis Zone and Transversarium/or Bifurcatus Zone of Middle, and possibly lowermost
Upper Oxfordian, whereas calcareous dinoflagellates found at the top of the unit indicate the Parvula Zone
208 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

of the Upper Oxfordian. The overlying cherty limestones (unit C) yielded the Kimmeridgian ammonites
found in their uppermost part; the deposits of the unit are rich in rests of planktonic crinoids Saccocoma.
The younger ammonite assemblage coming from the lower part of the upper Ammonitico Rosso unit
(unit D) is indicative of the Acanthicum Zone of the Upper Kimmeridgian. These deposits are characterized
by Saccocoma-Globochaete microfacies, and yielded calcareous dinocysts indicative of the Moluccana Zone
of the Kimmeridgian.
The Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary runs in the middle of the discussed Ammonitico Rosso unit
(unit D) as evidenced by occurrence of calcareous dinocyst Carpistomiosphaera tithonica. The upper part
of the unit yielded calpionellids and calcareous dinocysts indicative of the Praetintinnopsella Zone located
at the turn of the Middle and Upper Tithonian. The topmost part of the unit, as well as the lower part
of overlying partly nodular micritic limestones (unit E/D) yielded already calpionellids and calcareous
dinocysts indicative of the Crassicolaria Zone of the Upper Tithonian. The deposits are dominated
by the Crassicolaria-Globochaete microfacies.
The Jurassic/Cretacous boundary runs in the middle of the partly nodular micritic limestone unit (D/E).
Here appears assemblage dominated by spherical forms of Calpionella alpina indicating the lowermost
part of the Calpionella Zone of the Lower Berriasian. This zone ranges up at least to the upper part
of massive micritic limestones (unit E) where the calpionellids of the Ferasini Subzone have been
recognized. The microfacies of the Globochaete-Calpionella type, locally enriched in radiolarians prevail.
The carbonates of the topmost part of the succession covering the basalt lava flows,
as well as limestones alternating with pyroclastic layers yielded calpionellids of the Calpionellopsis Zone
of the Upper Berriasian indicating both the Simplex Subzone, and the Oblonga Subzone. The breccias
contain i.a. the clasts of the Upper Tithonian micritic limestones with calpionellids of the Crassicolaria Zone
and of volcanic rocks. The carbonates correspond to the ysa Limestone Fm., including the Walentowa
Breccia Member of this formation (see Birkenmajer 1977).

Birkenmajer K. 1977. Jurassic and Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units of the Pieniny Klippen Belt,
Carpathians, Poland. Studia Geologica Polonica, 45: 1-158.
Lewandowski M., Krobicki M., Matyja B. A. and Wierzbowski A. 2005. Palaeogeographic evolution
of the Pieniny Klippen Basin using stratigraphic and palaeomagnetic data from the Veliky Kamenets
section (Carpathians, Ukraine). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology, 216: 53-72.

A multi-proxy study of the Kimmeridgian/Volgian boundary beds

in the Gorodischi section (Middle Volga area, Russia),
the lectostratotype of the Volgian Stage

Mikhail ROGOV1, Elene SCHEPETOVA1, Maria USTINOVA1, Gregory D. PRICE2,

Andrej GUZHIKOV3, Maxim PIMENOV3 and Oksana DZYUBA4

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii Lane 7, Moscow 109017, Russia;

School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL48AA, UK;
Saratov State University, Geological Faculty, Astrakhanskaya Street 83, Saratov 410026, Russia;

Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Academician Koptyug Avenue 3,

Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; e-mail:




Autissiodorensis Klimovi Sokolovi Pseudoscythcia Zone

Subborealis Fallax Tenuicostatum Subzone

N. praecursor

sp. nov.
sp. nov.

I. pavida
I. sokolovi

I. pseudoscythica


Faunal horizon

I. klimovi P. efimovi
Pseudovirgatites pushi

Anaspidoceras neoburgense

I. klimovi L. solenoides




Boreal ones are underlined.

Ammonites and belemnites with




Bed N









Subtethyan affinities marked by bold,

Anaspidoceras cf. fluegeli (=Physodoceras cricumspinosum in Callomon and Cope 1971, pl. 10, fig. 7)
Aulacostephanus spp. Pavlovia pavlovi
Nannocardioceras volgae Pseudovirgatites puschi
(?)Discosphinctoides magistri Sutneria asema
Neochetoceras cf. acallopistum Pseudovirgatites tenuicostatum
Discosphinctoides subborealis Anaspidoceras neoburgense
Neochetoceras ex gr. subnudatum Ilowaiskya pseudoscythica
Discosphinctoides subborealis Franconites cf. vimineus
Sarmatisphinctes fallax Ilowaiskya pavida
Sarmatisphinctes sp. nov. Ilowaiskya sokolovi
Neochetoceras rebouletianum Sphinctoceras spp.
Neochetoceras praecursor
Ilowaiskya klimovi
Neochetoceras steraspis
Eosphonctoceras sp.
Fontannesiella sp.
(?)Lingulaticers efimovi
Cylindroteuthis (Cylindroteuthis) obeliscoides
Pachyteuthis (Pachyteuthis) cf. panderiana
C. (?Arctoteuthis) sp. juv.
Hibolithes semisulcatus
C. (C.) ex gr. puzosiana

Fig. 1. Kimmeridgian-Volgian transition in the Gordodischi section, lectostratotype of Volgian Stage.

Ammonite and belemnite ranges

Lagonibelus (Lagonibelus) parvulus

Simobelus (Simobelus) insignis meridionalis
Nannofossils zones NJ16a NJ16b NJ17



2% 0

CaCO 3



90 120 150 0
Petromagnetic properties


400 -2


Stable isotopes
209 7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy
210 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Key-words: Kimmeridgian/Volgian boundary, integrated stratigraphy, Boreal-Tethyan correlation,

Volgian SSSP.

The Gorodischi section is one of the most famous and well-studied sections among the Russian
Jurassic. This section was chosen as lectostratotype of the Volgian Stage by Gerasimov & Mikhailov (1966).
Following by the proposals of Cope (1996) regarding the acceptance of secondary standards,
Zakharov (2003) suggested Gorodischi as Secondary Stratotype Section and Point for the Volgian Stage.
In spite of the small thickness of Volgian rocks, recent studies show an absence of biostratigraphically
significant gaps within the whole Volgian Stage (Kiselev & Rogov 2005).
The ammonite succession consists of a mixture of Subboreal, Boreal and Submediterranean taxa,
with an alternation of the dominant groups through the section, providing a highly accurate correlation
of the Lower Volgian with the Tithonian Stage and Arctic Volgian. The succession of Neochetoceras has
particular significance for the correlation of the Kimmeridgian/Volgian and Kimmeridgian/Tithonian
boundaries, which is also marked by disappearance of aulacostephanids. Among the belemnites Boreal and
Subboreal taxa are predominate with exception of the neoburgense horizon, rich in small Hibolithes.
Nannofossil samples were collected from only part of the section, but changes in calcareous nannofossils
permit the identification of the Boreal Zones N16-N17 (Fig. 1).
Both sedimentologic, isotopic and petromagnetic data reflect rapid sea level fluctuation during
the Kimmeridgian-Volgian transition. The character of the oscillations of the saturation remanent
magnetization (Jrs) and growth of magnetic susceptibility after heating the rocks up to 500C in air (dk)
allows the recognition of three successive zones (I-III). The alternation of the light and dark clays reflects
irregularities in the nannofossil versus organic matter abundance. Numerous features of the short gaps
could be traced by the ammonite accumulations, sometimes associated with zonal phosphate nodules
and in few cases by numerous belemnites. The frequency of condensed levels increases significantly
from Kimmeridgian into the Volgian, simultaneously with a gradual coarsening of the terrigenous matter.
The character of sedimentation as a whole reflects slow input of terrigenous rocks and oscillations
in productivity of calcareous nannoplankton, controlled by climate change and eustasy. The changes in
lithology testify to progressive shallowing of the sea basin and increasing of the sensitivity of sedimentation
against sea level changes.

This study has been supported by RFBR grant 06-05-64284, 06-05-64439, 06-05-64282 and Russian
Science Support Foundation.

Cope J. C. W. 1996. The role of the Secondary Standard in stratigraphy. Geological Magazine, 133: 107-110.
Gerasimov P. A. and Mikhailov N. P. 1966. Volgian Stage and International Stratigraphical Scale of the Upper
Jurassic Series. Proceedings of the Academy of Science of USSR, Geology, 2: 118-138.
Kiselev D. N. and Rogov M. A. 2005. Infrazonal stratigraphy and ammonoids of the Middle-Upper Jurassic
boundary beds of the European part of Russia. In: Zakharov V. A., Rogov M. A. and Dzyuba O. S. (Eds),
Materials of First All-Russian Conference Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy
and paleogeography, 35-139. Moscow, Geological Institute of RAS.
Zakharov V. A. 2003. In defence of the Volgian Stage. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,
11, 6: 585-593.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 211

Upper Oxfordian Lower Kimmeridgian ammonite succession

(Amoeboceras, Suboxydiscites) in the Nordvik section (northern Siberia)

Mikhail ROGOV1 and Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI2

Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii Lane 7, Moscow 109017, Russia;
Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, wirki i Wigury Str. 93, PL-02089 Warszawa, Poland;

Key-words: ammonites, Jurassic, Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian, biostratigraphy, Boreal Province, correlation,


Nordvik Peninsula situated at the Laptiev Sea, east of Taimyr Peninsula provides one of the most
fossiliferous Jurassic Lower Cretaceous successions of northern Siberia. The succession consists of clays
and mudstones with numerous levels of phosphatic and calcareous concretions. The Mesozoic deposits
of the area were discovered at the beginning of XX century, but more detailed studies were undertaken
by Russian geologists from sixties to eighties of the century: see Zakharov et al. (1983) and earlier papers
cited therein. The present study is based on the collection of ammonites gathered during joint field-trip of
the Russian (Zakharov V., Rogov M.) and Czech geologists (Kostak M., Chadima M., Slechta S., Mazuch M.)
in August 2003.
The collection of Upper Oxfordian Kimmeridgian ammonites consists of about 60 specimens carefully
located in the 20 meters thick section. The most abundantly represented and zonally diagnostic
are representatives of the genus Amoeboceras, whereas rarely encountered but palaeogeographically
important are representatives of the genus Suboxydiscites. The Amoeboceras ammonites enable
recognition of the standard Boreal ammonite zones of the Upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian.
These of the Upper Oxfordian (cf. Sykes & Callomon 1979) include: the Glosense Zone with ammonites
Amoeboceras transitorium Spath, A. glosense (Bigot et Brasil); the Serratum Zone with
A. serratum (Sowerby), A. koldeweyense Sykes et Callomon, A. nunningtonense Wright; the Regulare
Zone with A. freboldi Spath, A. regulare Spath; the Rosenkrantzi Zone with A. rosenkrantzi Spath.
The Kimmeridgian ammonite zones (cf. Wierzbowski & Smelror 1993) include: the Bauhini Zone with
A. lineatum (Quenstedt); the Kitchini Zone with A. subkitchini Spath below (Subkitchini Subzone),
and A. kitchini Salfeld and A. modestum Mesezhnikov et Romm above (Modestum Subzone);
the Elegans Zone with A. elegans Spath and A. decipiens Spath. The Kochi Zone is the only standard zone
not recognized in the succession, but the interval possibly corresponding to this zone in the Kimmeridgian
unfortunately has not yielded recognizable ammonites. The recognition of the standard Amoeboceras zones
in the northern Siberia well known in NW Europe and the Barents Sea area indicates the uniform character
of the Late Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian ammonite faunas in the Boreal Province.
The ammonites of the genus Suboxydiscites appear for the first time in the studied succession
in the upper part of the Kitchini Zone of the Kimmeridgian, and do occur in the younger interval
of the Kimmeridgian. The ammonites represent the group of oppeliids of the Submediterranean roots
(Ochetoceras(?), see Rogov 2001) that colonized the Boreal Province during Late Kimmeridgian.
In the studied section Suboxydiscites are represented by both microconchs and macroconchs,

belonging to the new species.

This study has been supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (grant no. 06-05-64284).


Rogov M. A. 2001. Phylogenetic relations within Jurassic Ochetoceratinae (Ammonoidea, Oppeliidae).

Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Ser. eol., 76, 5: 38-42.

Sykes R. M. and Callomon J. H. 1979. The Amoeboceras zonation of the Boreal Upper Oxfordian.
Palaeontology, 22, 4: 839-903.
212 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Wierzbowski A. and Smelror M. 1993. Ammonite succession in the Kimmeridgian of southwestern Barents
Sea, and the Amoeboceras zonation of the Boreal Kimmeridgian. Acta Geologica Polonica, 43, 3-4: 29-249.
Zakharov V. A., Nalnyaeva T. I. and Shulgina N. I. 1983. New data on the biostratigraphy of the Upper
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits on Paksa peninsula, Anabar embayment (north of the Middle
Siberia). Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR, 528: 56-99.

Aalenian carbon-isotope stratigraphy: a tool for the ammonite,

radiolarian and nannofossil zonation calibrations in the Western Tethys

Jos SANDOVAL1, Roque AGUADO2, Annachiara BARTOLINI3, Markus BILL4, Sbastien BRUCHEZ5
Departamento de Estratigrafa y Paleontologa, Universidad de Granada, 18002 Granada, Spain;
Departamento de Geologa, Universidad de Jan, Alfonso X EL Sabio 28, 23700 Linares, Spain;
CNRS UMR 5143, Universit Paris VI, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252, Paris, France; e-mail:
Division of Biology, 132 Ackert Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA; e-mail:
Institut de Gologie et Palontologie, BFSH-2, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; e-mail:
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, CASEM, 11510, Puerto Real, Spain; e-mail:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra. Universita de Pisa, Via Buonarroti, 56127 Pisa, Italia; e-mail:

Key-words: Aalenian, Betic Cordillera, Spain, ammonites, biostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils,

radiolarians, carbon-isotope stratigraphy.

Here we report a detailed carbon-isotope stratigraphy for the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic) pelagic
carbonates in the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), which represents an ideal region to directly
tie the stable carbon-isotope curves to ammonite zones and subzones, and thereby for the first time achieve
an accurate chronostratigraphic calibration. For this purpose we have selected two sections (Agua Larga in
the province of Granada and Cerro de Mahoma in the province of Murcia) which represent basinal deposits
of the southern Iberian palaeomargin. In these sections ammonite are common and relatively well-
preserved. Biostratigraphic analyses enable the recognition of the uppermost Toarcian (Aalensis Zone),
the complete Aalenian (Opalinum, Murchisonae, Bradfordensis and Concavum zones) and the lowermost
Bajocian (Discites Zone). Calcareous nannofossils and radiolarians (at discrete beds of the Upper Aalenian
Lower Bajocian) are also common in these Median Subbetic hemipelagic sections. The Subbetic Aalenian
is characterized by a monotonous and rhythmical alternance of marlstones and marls in continuous
sedimentation throughout the analysed interval. We present a 13C curve very detailed (bed by bed) for
the uppermost Toarcian lowermost Bajocian interval. The curve shows a relative minimum (around 1)
in the Upper Toarcian, a weak positive shift (around 2) in Lower Aalenian (Comptum Subzone),

a decreasing values (newly around 1) in the Middle Aalenian (Bradfordensis Zone), a positive peak
of 2.7 in the Upper Aalenian (Concavum Zone and Subzone) and a new relative minimum (1.5-1.7)

at Aalenian/Bajocian boundary.
A good correlation among the isotope curve and the different biostratigraphic zonations is accurately

presented. We explore the powerfulness of this well-calibrated 13C curve as a tool for stratigraphic
correlation. In this sense, the biochronostratigraphic position of the radiolarian UAzones 1-2 (mainly based

on Italian sections with scarce record of ammonites, Baumgartner et al. 1995) are here redefined by means
of the isotope reference curve of the Subbetic.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 213

We present the results of a biostratigraphic study of nannofossils assemblages throughout

the studied interval. In addition, on the base of a semiquantitative study, we have selected the most
abundant taxa (>10%) from the whole assemblage to perform a multivariate analysis (principal
components): Biscutum dubium, B. intermedium, Crepidolithus crassus, Carinolithus superbus,
Discorhabdus striatus, Schizosphaerella spp., Watznaueria contracta and the genus Lotharingius.
This multivariate analysis reveals a strong correlation between the abundances of oligotrophic (C. crassus
and Schizosphaerella spp.) and eutrophic (B. dubium and B. intermedium) taxa and the fluctuation
of the 13C curve.

Baumgartner O. P., O'Dogherty L., Gorican S., Urquhart E., Pillevuit A. and De Wever P. 1995. Middle Jurassic
to lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: occurences, systematics, biochronology. Mmoires de
Gologie, 23: 1162 pp.

The base of the Tithonian Stage historical review and state of the art

Gnter SCHWEIGERT1 and Franois ATROPS2

Staatliches Museum fr Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart;
Universit Claude Bernard-Lyon I, Centre des Sciences de la Terre, 27-43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622
Villeurbanne Cedex, France; e-mail:

Key-words: Kimmeridgian, Tithonian, stage boundary, history of science, GSSP proposals,

When introducing the Tithonian Stage in a preliminary way, Oppel in 1865 listed several localities,
which, according to him, yielded typical faunas of this age. The original list of Oppel comprises 117 taxa,
mostly ammonites. The main localities which proliferated these taxa are: Rogonik, Radzichov
(Polish Carpathians), Ignaziberg, Koniakow, Willamowice, Tein (Silesia), Stramberk (Moravia), Trento,
Rovereto (Southern Alps), Ruhpolding (Eastern Alps), Solnhofen, Eichsttt, Neuburg a. d. Donau (Bavaria),
Nusplingen (Swabia), Grenoble, Val dOrmonds (Switzerland), Chambry (Savoie), Boulogne-sur-Mer
(Normandy), and Portland (Dorset). However, no type locality was ever selected. One of the localities in
Oppels list, Nusplingen, is not a time equivalent of the Solnhofen Limestones in Franconia, as suggested by
Oppel in disregard of the completely different ammonite faunas. In the original definition of the Tithonian
no zonal subdivision was presented. The first ammonite zone of the Tithonian, the Hybonotum Zone,
was informally proposed by Benecke (1866, Schichten des Ammonites hybonotus and lithographicus),
who focussed on the correlation between the Tithonian in the Tethyan Late Jurassic
mainly the Ammonitico Rosso Superiore of the Southern Alps and its supposed coeval deposits in
SW Germany. This Hybonotum Zone was an assemblage range zone, which included the taxa from

the Diphyakalk of the Southern Alps, intercalated between the beds containing Aspidoceras acanthicum
and the Early Cretaceaous Biancone, thus being approximately synonymous with the Tithonian Stage
of Oppel. Neumayr introduced the Beckeri Zone in 1873 by subdividing the Acanthicum Zone.

An increase of provincialism in the Late Jurassic forced the establishment of several independent zonal
schemes and stages. Today, the Tithonian Stage starting with the Hybonotum Zone is regarded as standard

for chronostratigraphy in the Jurassic. More recently several attempts for a definition
of the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary, the base of the Hybonotum Zone, were made. Sections in SW

Germany were studied in detail but it was not possible to find suitable sites for the proposal of a GSSP.
The only published suggestion is from Contrada Fornazzo near Castellammare in W Sicily, but the latter
214 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

section is rather poor in respect of its ammonite faunas and hence of little correlation value, especially in
contrast to sections in SE France (Canjuers, Mt. Crussol). The latter provide rich, well-preserved faunas
with a succession of chronospecies of Hybonoticeras (in ascending order): Hybonoticeras kamicense
(Schopen) H. n. sp. H. pseudohybonotum Vigh H. n. sp. (=autharis sensu Berckhemer & Hlder)
H. hybonotum (Oppel) H. n. sp. They are accompanied by numerous perisphinctids, oppeliids and
The final decision of a GSSP for the base of the Tithonian Stage is a formal convention, in which these
valuable data should be taken into account, and we warn of a premature decision.

Benecke E. W. 1865. ber Trias und Jura in den Sdalpen. Geognostisch-Palontologische Beitrge,
1: 1-202.
Oppel A. 1865. Die tithonische Etage. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 535-558.

Biostratigraphy (ammonites) of the Shemshak Formation (Norian Lower

Bajocian) in eastern Alborz (North Iran)

School of Mininig Engineering, University College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Iran. P.O. Box 11365-4563; e-mail:

Key-words: biostratigraphy, Shemshak Formation, Jurassic, Alborz, Iran, ammonites.

The Shemshak Formation is a thick, siliciclastic and carbonaceous sequence, being widely distributed
along Central and North Iran. It is bounded at the base and on the top, by two major orogenic events in early
Late Triassic (Early Cimmerian) and early Middle Jurassic (Mid-Cimmerian). The molassic composition
of these strata, with thicknesses up to 4000 m and lateral and vertical facies changes,
indicate sedimentation in several foreland basins, in front of tectonically active and uplifted areas,
created by Late Triassic movements. The sedimentary environment changes from continental foreland
basins to deltaic, swampy and paralic environments to shallow marine and even deeper shelf environments.
Three undisturbed and well-exposed sections in southeastern Alborz (Jajarm, Tazareh and
Shahmirzad) have been studied in detail [Seyed-Emami et al. 2005; Frsich et al. 2005; Seyed-Emami et al.
(in press) and Seyed-Emami et al. (in preparation)].
Apart from several short-term marine transgressions in Norian, Late Sinemurian, Late Pliensbachian,
the most extensive and long-lasting transgression within the Shemshak Formation occurred during
Toarcian and Aalenian stages, being well-documented by ammonites. Hitherto more than 70 ammonite taxa
have been described, belonging to the following families: Phylloceratidae, Cymbitidae, Echioceratidae,
Amaltheidae, Dactylioceratidae, Hildoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae, Erycitidae and

Stephanoceratidae. The fauna is closely related to northwest and central Europe, allowing a similar
biozonation. On the contrary, the relations to the Mediterranean Realm are minimal. Of great interest is

the nearly total absence of Lytoceratidae and very few Phylloceratidae (<1%).


Seyed-Emami K., Frsich F. T., Wilmsen M., Schairer G. and Majidifard M. R. 2005. Toarcian and Aalenian
(Jurassic) ammonites from the Shemshak Formation of the Jajarm area (eastern Alborz, Iran).

Palontologische Zeitschrift, 79, 3: 349-369.

7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 215

Frsich F. T., Wimsen M., Seyed-Emami K., Cecca F. and Majidifard M. R. 2005. The upper Shemshak
Formation (Toarcian-Aalenian) of the eastern Alborz (Iran): Biota and palaeoenvironments during
a transgressive-regressive cycle. Facies, 51: 379-398.
Seyed-Emami K., Frsich F. T., Wilmsen M., Majidifard M. R., Cecca F. and Shekarifard A. In press.
Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the upper Shemshak Formation (Toarcian-Aalenian) at Tazareh,
east of Shahrud. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.
Seyed-Emami K., Frsich F. T., Wimsen M., Majidifard M. R. and Shekarifard A. (in preparation).
Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Shemshak Formation east and southeast of Shahmirzad, north
of Semnan (eastern Alborz, Iran).

Jurassic stage definitions: the value of global sequence stratigraphy

Michael D. SIMMONS, Peter R. SHARLAND, David M. CASEY, Roger B. DAVIES, Sorrel B. HOLMES,
Melissa OXFORD, Frauke SCHULZE and Owen E. SUTCLIFFE
Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd, 80A Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RY, UK; e-mail:

Key-words: chronostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, maximum flooding surfaces, sequence boundaries,

stages, correlative conformities.

Five years ago we demonstrated the occurrence across the Arabian Plate of 11 synchronous Maximum
Flooding Surfaces (MFS) during Jurassic time (Sharland et al. 2001, 2004). Ongoing work, incorporating
all the stratigraphy of North Africa and examination of other regions, can now demonstrate the occurrence
of 15 Jurassic 3rd order surfaces, and intervening sequence boundaries.
Each of our MFS is defined in a Reference Section. This is a location with good sedimentological and/or
wireline log evidence for a MFS, supported by biostratigraphy. The biostratigraphy also provides constraint
on the correlation of the MFS to its occurrence in other locations. Each of our MFS can be shown to be
occurring within the same biozone, or correlative, in different basins across the Middle East and North Africa
region. Data from differing fossil groups have been calibrated to the standard zonation for each period.
Sequence boundaries are age-calibrated and correlated in a similar manner via their correlative conformities.
The ability to recognize and correlate depositional sequences across Arabia and beyond, across basins
with differing subsidence and sedimentation rates, indicates that these sequences are driven
by synchronous eustatic sea-level change. This observation is of value in providing guidance
for the definitions of the fundamental units of chronostratigraphy stages. Each Phanerozoic stage requires
a Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), that is to say, a location and bedding plane where the base
of each stage is defined. This definition is tied to an event in the rock record useful for correlation.
Progress in defining Jurassic GSSPs has been delayed because of difficulties in choosing the most
appropriate (bio)event to relate to definition. It is recommended that stage boundaries be related
to bioevents associated with correlative conformities of sequence boundaries. This links chronostratigraphy

and sequence stratigraphy and honours the original concepts upon which many stages were first described
in the 19th Century.


Sharland P. R., Archer R., Casey D. M., Davies R. B., Hall S. H., Heward A. P., Horbury A. D. and Simmons
M. D. 2001. Arabian Plate sequence stratigraphy. GeoArabia Special Publication, 2: 1-371.

Sharland P. R., Casey D. M., Davies R. B., Simmons M. D. and Sutcliffe O. E. 2004. Arabian Plate sequence
stratigraphy revisions to SP2. GeoArabia, 9, 1: 199-214.
216 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Upper Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy

of the Shaim petroleum-bearing region (Western Siberia)


Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch RAS, ak. Koptug av. 3,
Novosibirsk 90, 630090 Russia; e-mail:

Key-words: dinoflagellate cyst, biostratigraphy, dinozones, Western Siberia, Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian,


The results of palynological analysis of the sediments of the Abalak Formation from five boreholes in
the Shaim petroleum-bearing region (northwestern part of Western Siberia) allow determining the Late
Jurassic (Oxfordian to Volgian) age of the deposites in question. The study of taxonomic composition
and stratigraphic distribution of dinoflagellate cyst as well as spores and pollen grains, acritarchs and
prasinophyts have provided the basis for a local biostratigraphic subdivision of these deposits.
The geosequence of five dinozones has been defined.
Dinozone Wf
Index species: Wanea fimbriata Sarjeant.
Characteristic assemblage: Crussolia deflandrea Wolfard et Van Erve, Cribroperidinium sp.,
Endoscrinium galeritum (Defl.) Klement, Evansia sp., Liesbergia liesbergensis Berger,
Lithodinia spp., Mendicodinium groenlandicum (Pocock et Sarjeant) Davey, Tubotuberella
dangeardii (Sarjeant) Stover et Evitt, G. jurassica subsp. adecta var. longicornis (Deflandre)
Sarjeant., Trichodinium scarburghensis (Sarjeant) Williams, Wanea accolari Dodekova,
W. fimbriata Sarjeant, W. thysanota Woolam.
Geological age: Early Oxfordian.
Dinozone Ram
Index species: Rigaudella aemula (Defl.).
Characteristic assemblage: Chitrosphaeridium sp., Crussolia deflandrea Wolfard et Erve, Paraeodinia spp.
Geological age: Middle Oxfordian.
Dinozone Rc
Index species: Rhinchodiniopsis cladophora (Defl.).
Characteristic assemblage: Systematophora areolata Klement, Impletoshaeridium spp.,
Pilosidinium echinatum Gitmez et Sarjeant, Gonyaulacysta dualis (Brid et Fisch.) Stover et Evitt,
G. jurassica subsp. adecta var. longicornis (Deflandre) Sarjeant., Prolixoshaeridium granulosum
(Defl.) Davey et al., Rhinchodiniopsis cladophora (Defl.), Tubotuberella apatela (Cooks. et Eisen)
Sarjeant., Sirmiodiniopsis orbis Drugg, Simiodinium grossii (Alberti) Warren,
Paraeodinia ceratophora (Defl.) Gocht, Impletosphaeridium polytrichum (Valensi) Islam,
Nannoceratopsis pellucida Defl., Pareodinia ceratophora (Defl.) Gocht.
Geological age: Kimmeridgian.
Dinozone Op
Index species: Oligosphaeridium patulum Riding et Tomas.

Characteristic assemblage: Muderongia cf. simplex Alberti, Dichadogonyaulax culmula (Norris)

Loeblich et Loeblich, Cassiculasphaeridia magna Davey, Gochteodinia mutabilis (Riley) Davey,

Barbatacysta sp., Chlamydophorella sp., Cribroperidinium sp., Dichadogonyaulax sp.,

Escharisphaeridia sp., Impletosphaeridium spericum (Horovitz) Islam., Leptodinium spp.

Geological age: Middle Volgian.

Dinozone Pb/Rt

Index species: Paragonyaulacysta borealis (Brideaux et Fisher) Stover et Evitt, Tubotuberella

rhombiformis Vozzh.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 217

Characteristic assemblage: Prolixosphaeridium granulosum (Defl.) Davey, Perisseisphaeridium

pannosum Davey et Williams.
Geological age: Late Volgian.

Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian chemostratigraphy (elemental and TOC)

of the Peniche section (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)

Petrobras/Cenpes, Cidade Universitria, Ilha Fundo, 21941-598, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil;
Departamento de Cincias da Terra, Centro Geocincias da Universidade de Coimbra,
3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal; e-mail:
Departamento de Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Faculdade Geologia, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil;

Key-words: chemostratigraphy, Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Lusitanian Basin, Peniche, Portugal.

In Portugal, the Peniche section constitutes one of the most continuous series of Lower Jurassic.
This study is based on a detailed chemostratigraphic analysis of the Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian
marly limestones, belonging to the Vale das Fontes, Lemede and Cabo Carvoeiro formations. 196 samples of
limestones and marls were analyzed in terms of minor and major elements (Fig. 1). Total organic carbon
(TOC) was determined in 233 samples. Besides the stratigraphic distribution of these geochemical
parameters, the aim of this work is to perform a discussion about biogenic influx and aluminosilicate
The Al concentrations are a good indicator of detrital flux and good correlations between them signify
aluminosilicate affiliation. In Peniche, K (0.98), Si (0.96) and Ti (0.98) show, in all section,
excellent correlation with Al2O3. Mg (0.82), Ba (0.80), Cr (0.78), Li (0.80), Na (0.74), Sc (0.80),
V (0.81) and Zr (0.86) correlate well with Al2O3 but other secondary factors, beyond the detrital flux,
affect the resultant concentrations. The Pearsons coefficients between Al2O3 and CaO is strongly negative
(-0.98), suggesting divergent behaviours for this elements. Al2O3 and Fe2O3 correlate moderately (0.61).
However, the correlation coefficients calculated for each stratigraphic unit show variable
values. Lemede Formation and the Members Marls and Limestones with Uptonia and Pentacrinus (MLUP),
Lumpy Marls and Limestones (LML), to the Vale das Fontes Formation, and CC1, to the Cabo Carvoeiro
Formation, show high correlation coefficients between Al2O3 and Fe2O3 (0.87, 0.91, 0.88 and 0.97,
respectively). On the other hand, the Member CC2 has moderate correlation (0.67) and the Member
Marls and Limestones with Bituminous Shales (MLBF) has weak correlation (0.20). These variations

suggest that the elemental inputs change during the Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian, in the Peniche
Ba enrichment is considered an indicator of high flux of biogenic material and high surface-water

productivity. But, in the studied section, correlation between Al2O3 and Ba is high (0.80) and Ba lacks any
correlation with TOC (0.17). Thus, in the Peniche region, the distribution of Ba is dominated by the original

detrital flux and transported to the basin, mainly, as a constituent of clays.

The mainly TOC values in the Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian of the Peniche section are below 2.

But the MLBF (Ibex to Margaritatus zones) represents a high TOC interval with concentrations up to 15%,
correlated with the 2nd order flooding interval, well know in the Lusitanian Basin.
Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV





Lithology Meters
NJ6 CC 3
SiO (%)
2 CaO (%) V (ppm)
Cabo Carvoeiro

0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 50 100 150 200 250
NJ5b 120




av NJ4a

Vale das Fontes

0 4 8 12 16 20 0 200 400 600 800 0 5 10 15 20 25
Al 2O3 (%) Ba ppm Fe2O3 (%)
Marls Black shales
Limestones Calcarenites
Lumpy Limestones Lumpy marls
Fig. 1. Distribution of Al2O3 (wt %), SiO2, Ba (ppm), CaO (wt %), Fe2O3 (wt %) and V (ppm) in the Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian of the Peniche section.
- - - - -
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 219

In order to compare elemental abundances in the carbonate and detrital fractions, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO and
Sr were normalized to TiO2. The Pearsons coefficients between these ratios and CaO contents show lower to
medium values (0.10-0.54), suggesting, the carbonate influx isnt the principal input of this elements.

Calcareous nannofossils biostratigraphy and oxygen isotope composition

of belemnites: Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian of Peniche
(Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)

Luiz Carlos VEIGA DE OLIVEIRA1, Luis Vitor DUARTE2, Ren RODRIGUES3 and Nicola PERILLI4
Petrobras/Cenpes, Cid. Univ., I.Fundo, 21941-598, R. Janeiro, Brazil; e-mail:
Departamento de C. Terra, Centro de Geocincias, F.C.T. Univ. de Coimbra, 3000-272 Coimbra, Portugal;
Departamento de Estr. e Paleont., Fac. Geologia, UERJ, R. Janeiro, Brazil; e-mail:
Dipartamento di Sc. Terra, Univ. degli Studi Pisa, Via S. Maria, 53, 56100 Pisa, Italy; e-mail:

Key-words: calcareous nannofossils, oxygen isotopes, Pliensbachian, Lusitanian Basin, Peniche, Portugal,

The Lusitanian Basin is located in the western Iberian margin, opened during the Triassic.
The Lower Jurassic is particularly well represented at Peniche, which exhibits a continuous series
of carbonate sediments, more than 450 m thick and aged between Sinemurian and Toarcian.
In lithostratigraphic terms it corresponds to the gua de Madeiros, Vale das Fontes, Lemede and Cabo
Carvoeiro formations. In this study, 145 m thick section (from the Jamesoni to the Levisoni ammonite zones),
was analyzed in terms of calcareous nannofossils biostratigraphy and oxygen isotopes of belemnite rostra.
The nannofossil biozones NJ4a, NJ4b, NJ5a (Pliensbachian; upper part of Jamesoni to Spinatum
ammonite zones), NJ5b (uppermost Pliensbachian lowermost Toarcian; upper part of Spinatum
to Levisoni ammonite zones) and NJ6 (lowermost Toarcian; upper part of Levisoni ammonite Zone) were
identified based on proposed NW European schema and correlated with ammonite zones. Additionally,
the secondary biostratigraphic events were registered which will be useful to refine the nannofossils
biozonation: the first occurrences (FO) of Biscutum grande and B. finchii were found in the upper part of
the NJ4a biozone (lower part of Margaritatus ammonite Zone); the FO of Lotharingius frodoi was
identified at the same stratigraphical level as L. hauffii; the FO of L. sigillatus was found in the upper part
of the NJ5a biozone (Spinatum Zone); the first common occurrence (FCO) of Calyculus spp. was recognized
in the NJ5b base, near the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary; the FO of Carinolithus spp. was identified
within NJ5b biozone, correlated with the lower part of the Levisoni ammonite Zone and below the extinction
levels of Calcivascularis jansae and B. grande which are other nannofossil secondary events.
The oxygen-isotope profile of the Peniche section seems to reflect primary signals and can be used
to interpret the sea water paleotemperatures variations. In the Early Pliensbachian the temperature shows

a gradual cooling trend (NJ3 and the lower part of the NJ4a; Jamesoni ammonite Zone). Afterward,
there is a warm period (NJ4a and NJ4b; Jamesoni to lower part of Spinatum ammonite Zone) correlated

with high TOC values interval (up to 15%), suggesting a relative sea level rise and concomitant high surface-
water productivity. In fact, the Margaritatus ammonite Zone corresponds, in the Lusitanian Basin,

to 2nd-order flooding interval. In the Late Pliensbachian and Early Toarcian (NJ5a and lowermost part
of NJ5b; Spinatum to Polymorphum ammonite zones), the isotopic values show slight variations.

However, they suggest a small cooling trend in the upper part of Spinatum ammonite Zone and a warm
tendency in the lower part of Polymorphum ammonite Zone.
220 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Taxonomy and stratigraphic significance of the Lower Jurassic miospores

from Poland

Department of Regional and Petroleum Geology, Polish Geological Institute, ul. Rakowiecka 4,
PL-00975 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail:

Key-words: Lower Jurassic, miospores, morphology, taxonomy, stratigraphy.

The material studied was obtained from 210 samples taken from six selected boreholes, representing
major regions of the epicontinental Lower Jurassic basin of Poland, dominated by marginal-marine
and continental sedimentation. Lower Jurassic miospore spectrum is very rich and contains 61 genera and
211 species, of which 19 genera and 40 species represent taxa of stratigraphic significance for Lower
Jurassic enlisted in the intercontinental correlation tables (such as Baculatisporites primirius (Wolf)
Thomson & Pflug, Cirratriradiotes saturni (Ibrahim) Schopf & Wilson, Concavisporites hexagonalis
(Kedves & Simoncsics, Concavisporites jurienensis Balme). Also miospore abundance in individual
samples is usually high, sometimes reaching hundreds to more than 1000 miospores in one sample.
Miospores studied were mostly produced by ferns and Coniferae. Large number of miospores
enabled studies on morphological variability of certain genera or species, like Tigrisporites Klaus,
Neoraistrickia Potonie and Lycopodium semimuris Danze-Corsin & Laveine, and better definition of such
genera as Cingulizonathes Dybova & Jachowicz and Limbosporites Nilsson. Some morphological
features (such as corrosion, colour variability, secondary morphological features produced by fungi or
algae) are clearly linked to sedimentary or early burial environments. Morphology was studied both
in transmitting light and SEM. In Pomerania (NW Poland) presence of Pliensbachian ammonites
offered opportunity of comparison between ammonite stratigraphic standard and miospore successions.
This comparison showed that some miospores have much wider stratigraphic distribution than
it was thought before. In Poland fairly rich miospore assemblage was found even in marine deposits,
while elsewhere miospores in marine sediments were poor or absent. This may explain why stratigraphic
ranges of some miospore taxa were regarded to be so narrow. Generally, miospores show narrower ranges
in Hettangian (Pinuspollenites-Trachysporites zone) and Early Sinemurian times (regular presence
of Lycopodium semimuris Danze-Corsin & Laveine), while their stratigraphic significance decreases
from the Sinemurian times on. Only miospore assemblages can be regarded as a stratigraphic tool.
Miospore stratigraphy should be linked to other stratigraphic methods based on occurrence of megaspores,
dinoflagellate cysts, and sequence stratigraphy.

The carbon and oxygen isotope records of Upper Bajocian-Bathonian

calcareous fossils from the Polish Jura Chain



Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL-00818 Warszawa, Poland;
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Erlangen, Schlossgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen, Germany;


Key-words: Bajocian, Bathonian, oxygen and carbon isotopes, belemnites, ammonites, nautiloids, oysters.
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 221

A collection of stratigraphically well-dated calcitic and aragonitic fossils (belemnites, ammonites,

nautiloids and oysters), derived from Upper Bajocian Upper Bathonian clays from the Polish Jura Chain
(central Poland), were studied for oxygen and carbon isotopes. The preservation state of the shell material
was investigated by means of cathodoluminescence microscopy, trace element geochemistry and X-ray
Palaeotemperatures calculated from the oxygen isotope composition of calcitic shells (belemnites and
oysters) are similar to each other despite the significant spread in 18O values (Fig. 1). The 18O values
of calcitic fossils generally vary from -0.1 to +1.1 VPDB for the studied interval, which corresponds
to palaeotemperatures between +7.9 and +12.4C (calculated with the equation of Anderson & Arthur
1983). The palaeotemperatures derived from the oxygen isotope composition of aragonitic ammonoid and
nautiloid shells are distinctly higher (Fig. 1) with most of the estimates ranging from 15 to 23C
(calculated with the equation of
Grossman & Ku 1986).
The observed temperature diffe-
rence may have resulted from
different depth habitats of
the organisms. The ammonites
and nautiloids might have lived
in surface waters and the tempe-
rature contrast might represent
a palaeotemperature gradient
between thermally stratified sur-
face and deep waters of the Late
Bajocian Late Bathonian sea in
the Polish Jura Chain.
The 13C values for the
Upper Bajocian Upper Batho-
nian belemnite rostra do not
indicate major secular varia-
tions (Fig. 1). However, the data
show a significant scatter
of about 1.5. Several oyster
shells show considerable higher
13C values (around +3 VPDB)
compared to coeval belemnite
rostra (between 0 and +1.5
VPDB). This may point to a meta-
bolic fractionation effect that
resulted in disequilibrium frac-
tionation of carbon isotopes
within belemnite skele-
tons (cf. Wierzbowski 2002).
The aragonitic ammonite and
nautiloid shells show a signif-

icant variation in 13C with

values ranging from -3.7 to

+2.2 VPDB. The carbon iso-

tope composition of the oysters

and the belemnites may suggest

that the 13C value of ancient
seawater bicarbonate (HCO3-)

Fig. 1. The palaeotemperatures calculated from the oxygen isotope composition of well-
averaged +3 VPDB. preserved calcitic and aragonitic fossils (diamonds belemnite rostra, triangles oyster shells,
squares ammonoids and nautiloids).
222 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Anderson T. F. and Arthur M. A. 1983. Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon and their application
to sedimentologic and paleoenvironmental problems. In: Arthur M. A, Anderson T. F., Kaplan I. R.,
Veizer J. and Land L. S. (Eds), Stable isotopes in sedimentary geology. SEPM Short Course, 10: 1-151.
Grossman E. L. and Ku T-L. 1986. Oxygen and carbon isotope fractionation in biogenic aragonite:
temperature effects, Chemical Geology, 59: 59-74.
Wierzbowski H. 2002 Detailed oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Oxfordian in Central Poland.
International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), 91, 2: 304-314.

Strontium isotope variations in Oxfordian seawater


Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL-00818 Warszawa, Poland;

Key-words: strontium isotope stratigraphy, Oxfordian, belemnites.

The Jurassic strontium isotope curve is characterized by a broad and deep minimum
at the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary. However, there are some discrepancies among its datings and
the 87Sr/86Sr values represented in various papers (cf. Jones et al. 1994; Podlaha et al. 1999).

Fig. 1. Strontium isotope variations in Oxfordian seawater. The time scale of the diagram is based on the Submediterranean ammonite zonation
of Poland (Middle Oxfordian sensu Gowniak 2002, 2005).
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy 223

We analysed well-stratigraphically dated and well-preserved (Fe <150 ppm, Mn <50 ppm) belemnite
rostra derived from the Submediterranean and Boreal Provinces (Polish Jura Chain, Swabian Alb,
Isle of Skye). Rostra were carefully separated from surrounding sediment with microdrill, ground and
dissolved in 2M acetic acid. After removal of insoluble residue, the leachates were evaporated with
an admixture of concentrated nitric acid. Strontium separation was performed at two steps: with 100% nitric
acid and cation exchange resin (Bio-Rad 50W-X8 with 2.5 M HCl as eluent). Total blank of chemical
procedures has been determined to be less than 1 ng of total Sr. The blank value was not enough to affect
the Sr isotope ratio at the average sample weight (50 mg).
Analyses of strontium isotopic ratio (87Sr/86Sr value) were performed by a VG Sector 54 mass
spectrometer (equipped with 7 faraday collectors) at the Institute of Geological Sciences PAS in Warsaw.
All isotope ratios were instrumentally corrected for fractionation effect by using the 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.1194
and normalized with NIST 987 isotopic standard (87Sr/86Sr ratio = 0.710248).
The scarcity of the data and the spread of results do not allow the exact recognition of the 87Sr/86Sr
values in the lowermost Oxfordian (Fig. 1). However, the strontium isotope curve is characterized
by a discernible minimum (87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.70679 and 0.70681) in the uppermost Lower and
the Middle Oxfordian. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio rapidly increases starting from the Middle/Upper Oxfordian
boundary and reaches about 0.70685 in the uppermost Oxfordian (Bimmamatum and Planula zones).
The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of Callovian-Oxfordian seawater, which was the lowest in the Mesozoic, might have
been linked to enhanced hydrothermal activity of the seafloor. Nevertheless, the long time-span of this
minimum is unusual. The Callovian-Oxfordian 87Sr/86Sr ratio minimum may also be correlated with a crisis
in carbonate sedimentation. In addition, the increase of seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio coincides with a new period
of acceleration of carbonate sedimentation in the oceans. The present data may be used to obtain a best
fit of the strontium isotope curve in the Oxfordian.

Gowniak E. 2002. The ammonites of the family Perisphinctidae from the Plicatilis Zone (lower Middle
Oxfordian) of the Polish Jura Chain (Central Poland): their taxonomy, phylogeny and biostratigraphy.
Acta Geologica Polonica, 52, 3: 307-364.
Gowniak E. 2005. The Wartae Subzone a proposal for the lower boundary of the unified Upper Oxfordian
Substage in the Submediterranean Province. ISJS Newsletter, 32: 34-37.
Jones C. E., Jenkyns H. C., Coe A. L. and Hesselbo S. P. 1994. Strontium isotopic variations in Jurassic and
Cretaceous seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58, 14: 3061-3074
Podlaha O. G., Chalimourda A. and Albeverio S. 1999. Nonlinear system analysis of a 87Sr/86Sr time series for
Phanerozoic seawater. Chemical Geology, 161, 1-3: 241-252.

Jurassic ammonites of the North Tibet

Jiarun YIN

China University of Geosciences, Xueyuan Lu 29, Beijing 100083; e-mail:


Key-words: North Tibet, Jurassic, ammonites, sea-level changes.


New collections from the northern Tibet allow the establishment of the Jurassic ammonite assemblages
ranging from the Toarcian to Oxfordian times; they are the Early Toarcian: Cleviceras, Dactylioceras;

Early and Middle Aalenian: Planammatoceras, Pleydellia, Erycites; Early Bajocian: Sonninia
(Euhoploceras), Haplopleuroceras, Stephanoceras; Late Bathonian: Oxycerites, Homoeoplanulites,
224 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

Choffatia, Neuqueniceras; Middle Callovian: Oxycerites, Homoeoplanulites, Indospinctes (Elatmites),

Reineckeites, and Late Oxfordian: Euaspidoceras, Peltomorphites assemblages.
Taking into consideration the faunal distribution, facies and lithology four ammonite dispersal events
are considered for being under eustatic control: the Sinemurian Angulaticeras dispersal marks the earliest
Jurassic invasion into the south margin of the domain. The Cleviceras and Dactylioceras assemblage
in association with black shales indicates a most striking Jurassic transgression during the Falciferum Zone
time. The earliest Bajocian Sonninia (Euhoploceras), Haplopleuroceras, Stephanoceras assemblage
would be more fully considered as one of the strongest candidates of the global sea-level rises.
The latest Jurassic transgression took place in the Late Oxfordian, represented by the Euaspidoceras and
Epipeltoceras assemblage; afterwards the Kimmeridgian regression sequence, indicated by brackish
and none-marine bivalves ended the marine Jurassic record in the domain.

The Volgian Stage and Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary

in the Panboreal Superrealm

Viktor ZAKHAROV1, Mikhail ROGOV1 and Dmitry KISELEV2

Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii Lane 7, Moscow 109017, Russia;
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Kotoroslnaya nab. 46, Yaroslavl 150000, Russia; e-mail:

Key-words: Volgian, Portlandian, Ryazanian, ammonites, Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, correlation.

Correlation between the Volgian and Tithonian stages has been the subject of controversy for many
decades. But comparison of the zonal succession within the single stage also encounters some problems.
Here we propose new correlation between the Volgian Stage and Portlandian Stage. The correlation chart
shows possible relations between the Volgian and basal Cretaceous zones and these of the different
provinces (Fig. 1). Important for correlation records of ammonites are as follows:
1. Paracraspedites sp. and Epivirgatites cf. variabilis Shulg.occur together with E. lahuseni (Nik.)
and E. cf. nikitini (Mich.) in Gorodoschi (Kiselev & Rogov 2005).
2. Laugeites sp. nov. aff. parvus Donovan occurs with Subcraspedites sowerbyi Spath,
S. cf. preplicomphalus Swinn. in Gorodischi (Kiselev & Rogov 2005).
3. Craspedites okensis (dOrb.) appears in Russia, Svalbard and Siberia nearly simultaneously.
4. Laugeites cf. planus Mesezhn. co-occurs with Epivirgatites variabilis Shulg. in Nordvik section.
5. Epilaugeites ranges into the upper part of Variabilis Zone of the Nordvik section.
6. Laugeites sp. nov. aff. parvus Donovan is recorded together with Praechetaites exoticus Shulg.
and P. tenuicostatus Shulg. in Nordvik.
7. Dorsoplanites maximus Spath and D. gracilis, typical for Subpolar Urals, are known from faunas
42 and 43 of East Greenland (Callomon & Birkelund 1982).

8. Epipallasiceras in the Albani Zone of England and French coast (Wimbledon 1984),
includes so-called Epivirgatites forms.

9. Crendonites spp. ranges from Glaucolithus to Kerberus zones of England (Wimbledon 1984)
and from Anguinus to Groenlandicus zones in East Greenland (Callomon & Birkelund 1982);

ammonites close to Siberian Crendonites subleslie are known from the Glaucolithes/Okusensis
boundary interval of England (Wimbledon 1984).
10. Epilaugeites vogulicus (Ilov.) was recorded in the Oppressus Zone of England; subsequent ascribing

of this ammonite to Okusensis Zone by Wimbledon (1984) seems not well proved.
- - - - -

England, N France,
Russian Platform Northern Siberia Subpolar Urals East Greenland
(Mesezhnikov et al. 1979; Casey et al. 1988;
North Sea
(Mesezhnikov 1984; (Mesezhnikov 1984; (Callomon and Birkelund 1982; Surlyk 1978), (Casey 1973; Wimbledon
Mitta 1992; Baraboshkin 2004;
Casey et al. 1988) Casey et al. 1988) corrected 1984; Casey et al. 1988;
Kiselev and Rogov 2005, with alterations)
Abbink et al. 2001)

Subzone Biohorizon Zone, Subzone Zone, Subzone Zone, Subzone Fauna Zone, Subzone


Transcaspiites Caseyiceras
transfigurabilis praeanalogus Hectoroceras
and Borealites
Borealites beds Hectoroceras
Hectoroceras kochi

constans kochi

Hectoroceras kochi

Hectoroceras Hectoroceras and

14 Shulginites beds
14 kochi 14 14
Riasanites Chetaites Chetaites
sibiricus sibiricus Praetollia
rjasanensis and Praetollia


Garniericeras Praetollia Praetollia maynci



subclypeiforme 13 13 13 13 13

maynci maynci
Volgidiscus singularis 12 Subcraspedites Chetaites aff. chetae Volgidiscus
12 Chetaites chetae 12
beds mauryniensis beds beds lamplughi
milkovensis Craspedites Craspedites ?
11 11
7thInternational Congress on the Jurassic System, Abstract Volume, Session 4: Integrated Stratigraphy

Craspedites taimyrensis taimyrensis

mosquensis Subcraspedites sp.
(=C. cf. plicom-
Craspedites phalus in Subcraspedites
Craspedites subditus Craspedites subditus Surlyk et al. 1973, preplicomphalus
pl. 3, fig. 2)

Craspedites Kachpurites

nekrassovi ?
3 3 okensis 3 fulgens
Kachpurites fulgens

Fulgens Subditus Nodiger

Laugeites sp. nov. Praechetaites
Epivirgatites 6 Praechetaites ? Subcraspedites primitivus
2 Laugeites sp.n. aff. parvus tenuicostatus
nikitini exoticus Paracraspedites

Epilaugeites Epilaugeites 10 oppressus
E. lahuseni 1 Lahuseni 5 vogulicus vogulicus Titanites
Epivirgatites anguiformis

E. bipliciformis Bipliciformis variabilis Laugeites Laugeites
4 47. L. groenlandicus 9 Kerberites kerberus
groenlandicus groenlandicus
(?)Craspedites ivanovi Taimyrosphinctes Crendonites 46. C. alguinus
Crendonites spp. 9 Galbanites okusensis
excentricus alguinus 45. P. aff. subgorei
Virgatites virgatus 44. D. intermissus 9 Glaucolithites glaucolithus
Dorsoplanites Dorsoplanites 7 Epipallasiceras 43. P. groenlandica
42. E. pseudapertum

Virgatites gerassimovi maximus maximus pseudapertum 8 Progalbanites albani


41. E. acutifurcatum

Fig. 1. Correlation chart of the Volgian, Portlandian stages and lowermost Ryazanian.
226 Volumina Jurassica, Volumen IV

11. Craspedites pseudonodiger Shulg. occurs in the Taimyrensis Zone of Siberia and in the uppermost
Nodiger Zone of Kashpir.
12. Recent records of Volgidiscus in the Yaroslavl region permit to correlate this level with uppermost
Volgian of Siberia and uppermost Portlandian. Existence of the detached zone with Subcraspedites
above Volgidiscus is in Arctic (Mesezhnikov et al. 1983) and it appears in the basal Cretaceous
of the Russian Platform (Mitta 2005) and England (Casey 1973).
13. Praetollia spp. is widely distributed in Arctic (Mesezhnikov et al. 1983) and appears in the basal
Cretaceous of the Russian Platform (Mitta 2005) and England (Casey 1973).
14. The key event was a spreading of Boreal Hectoroceras from Siberia through Central Russia
to England (Casey 1973) and East Greenland.

This study has been supported by RFBR grant no. 06-05-64284

and Russian Science Support Foundation.

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