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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Central Focus:

Reading Main Idea, Comprehension
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as
Date submitted: Date taught:
well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance- Students will be able to read and analyze the text to determine the main idea of the entire story and the main
focus of the different paragraphs.
Conditions- Students will work independently and with a partner to demonstrate their ability of finding the main idea of
the sample text and the focus of each paragraph.
o Criteria- Students will work independently and earn up to a total of 10 points by reading about the deep ocean, 2
points can be earned for each main idea found, and 4 points for the supporting details. To show proficiency
students must earn 8 out of 10 points.

21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Content knowledge, critical thinking, Vocabulary):
comprehension, communication, and collaboration Analyze
Prior Knowledge: Main idea, character, plot, setting, area of focus in each sub paragraph, find a paragraph, determine
important details, determine unimportant details

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Good morning class, I hope you all have had a great start to the day so far!
Today we are going to continue working on determining the main idea of a
text and what the focus of each page is in the story we will be reading. Lets
start this off by reviewing what the main idea of a story is? Can anyone
answer that for me?
o Allow students time to process the question and also answer it.
Correct, the main idea of a story is the important information that tells the
reader more about the book. Without the main idea the story would not make
1. Focus and Review
any sense. Along with the main idea of the entire story each part of the story
may have a main idea. If one part of the story is talking about what kind of
monkeys are at the zoo but the story is about the zoo, the main idea of that
paragraph is the monkeys of the zoo. The main idea of each paragraph can be
supporting details to the story, but without the main idea the story would not
be the same. During todays lesson we will be reading about the deep ocean
and we will be determining the main ideas and supporting details of the story!
Get excited to learn!
Today we are going to discuss the main idea of a story is that ahs a lot of
information. The book we are going to be reading does have a lot of
information about the ocean, but dont forget we are going to be focusing on
2. Statement of Objective the main idea of the story, without the main idea the story would not make
for Student sense. We will also be analyzing the main idea of key parts of the text. You
will be working with a partner and individually to answer questions and
analyze the main idea of the story! At the end of the lesson, you will all be
professionals at this!
3. Teacher Input
Okay class we are going to watch this short video about what the main idea
is and how to find the main idea.
o The video discusses how to find the main idea in a story and how to
determine the main idea from a text.
Did you all like that video? Does anyone have any other questions? In order
to determine the main idea of a story you first must read the entire story. By
reading the entire story you will have a complete understanding of the main
idea and supporting details. When I am reading a text and want to determine
the main idea I will often underline parts of the story that I think are
important. Does anyone else do that? When it comes to actually determining
the main idea of a story you must be an active reader and locate the sentence
that states the main point. This sentence is not always the first sentence in the
text; it can be in the middle or the end of the paragraph. Without this main
idea the rest of the text would not make any sense. It can be hard to determine
the difference between main idea or supporting detail, but think of it like this
if you took out the main idea would the supporting detail make sense? We are
going to practice finding the main detail and the supporting paragraph as a
class and then you will work with your elbow partner.
o The above text will be displayed on the board and the class will read
the first two paragraphs out loud. We will work as a class to determine
the main idea of the first two paragraphs and then what the supporting
details are. The main detail of the first paragraph is that green sea
turtles are the worlds largest species of hard-shelled turtles. A
supporting detail would be that some of them could be as heavy as
440 pounds. The main idea of the second paragraph is that the turtles
nest along the coastline. A supporting detail would be that the largest
nesting populations are in Costa Rica and Australia.
Okay class during the next part of this activity you will be working with your
elbow partner to determine the main idea and supporting details of three
paragraphs out of this story. We are going to practice the first two as a class. I
would like you to make a chart in your notebook that looks similar to the one I
have in my notebook. In one side of the chart you will write the main idea and
the other the supporting details. Lets read the first paragraph together. (Have
a student read). Okay, so lets think about it like this: while reading the first
4. Guided Practice
paragraph what do you think the main idea is? We have two points the author
is trying to make that the turtle is the largest species and that the turtles can
weight up to 440 pounds. What sounds like a detail and the main idea? Let
the students talk to see their answer. Yes, correct if we were to take out the
main idea the text would just be stating that green sea turtles could be 440
pounds. For the net paragraph would a student like to volunteer to read it out
loud and explain their thought process on what the main idea and what the
supporting details are.
o Let the student talk about their thought process and how they came up
with their answer on what the main idea is and the supporting detail.
You all did such a good job and I am so proud of you! I want you and a
partner to fill in 3 boxes of your chart. You will use one paragraph for one part
of the chart. You and your partner will continue to read the text and talk about
the main idea and supporting details. We will come back together as a class to
hear a few examples. After hearing some examples from students we will the
read individually and fill out a worksheet.

5. Independent Practice
o Students will fill out the worksheet at the bottom of this document as
You all did such a good job with determine the main idea and supporting
details with your partner I would like you to read this article about the deep
ocean independently. You may go to your own area of the room to work on it
and I will be walking around the room to help when necessary. While reading
the text you will be determining three main points from three paragraphs. For
each paragraph you will then write two supporting details from that
o The teacher will check for understanding through observations and
questioning. If students are struggling a small group may work with
the teacher at the back of the room to ensure understanding.
o The students can receive a possible of ten points 2 for each main idea
found and 4 points for the supporting details.

o For the assessment portion the students will be based upon what they turn in for
independent practice and through observations and questioning. The students will
be reading multiple paragraphs on the deep ocean, they should write about three
paragraphs specifically. They must determine the main idea of each paragraph they
6. Assessment Methods of
have chosen. They then must write two supporting details for each paragraph. The
all objectives/skills:
students can receive a possible of ten points 2 for each main idea found and 4
points for the supporting details. The students can earn a total of 10 possible
points; students must earn 8 points to prove proficiency.

Once the assessment and lesson are over the teacher will ask the students what
they thought about todays lesson and what they have learned about main
7. Closure
ideas/details. The class will resolve any unanswered questions and review
what was learned.

o Because of time restrictions the students werent able to finish all three
paragraphs. Instead I asked the students to simply fill out the main idea of a
paragraph of their choice and two supporting details. When I collected the students
work a majority of them had correctly pinpointing the main idea and two
8. Assessment Results of
supporting details. During the closure portion I ensured that the students were able
all objectives/skills:
to correctly tell me what the main idea of a story is and what supporting details

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

o Students who are hard of hearing and/or o Students who appear to be having a hard time during
visually impaired will be front and center of the the guided practice will be pulled in the back for a small
classroom. This will ensure that they are close group lesson instead of working with their elbow
to the teacher while reading out loud. This will partner. This will allow for more individualized
also ensure that students are close enough to instruction led by the teacher. Students who are
the front of the room to view the chart. English struggling during independent practice will be given
Language Learners will be permitted to use a more time and help through guided questions if
thesaurus or dictionary as need me. Gifted needed.
students will asked to use more challenging
words and also provide more than two
examples during independent/guided practice.
To ensure fair groups throughout the class the
students elbow partners will be planned to
coincide with their abilities.
Reflection on lesson:
I taught this lesson around 2:00 p.m. on March 29, 2017. The students were taught during their intervention block, and I
was given roughly about 25 minutes to teach this lesson. I quickly had to adapt my lesson plan and change the
expectations that I had for an exit ticket, because there was not enough time for the students to complete the entire exit
ticket I modified it so they were still doing a portion. This lesson was honestly extremely stressful when it came to teach,
everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. When I was preparing the lesson the links that I had prepared for the
students to read and complete were unavailable through the schools website. Therefore, the activities I had planned were
suddenly unavailable for me to teach. I had to quick improvise and try to find away around the school websites, which
took about 5 minutes. During these five minutes I had the students read independently. I finally got the website to work
and I had a student get a nosebleed which needed to be taken care of. So, my full lesson was cut down to about 20
minutes of instruction. To begin I had the students participate in a whole group discussion of what the main idea of a story
is and how the supporting details effect the text. Then we watched a short portion of the brainpop video instead of the
entire thing. We then participated in a teacher led discussion of actively reading the article and trying to determine the
main idea. The students were shown the entire thought process on how to find the main idea and use the supporting detail
to infer more about the text. Once this was modeled for the students they were worked with a partner to fill out a small
chart of main idea and supporting details of two paragraphs in their notebook. As a class we talked about what the main
idea of each paragraph was and what methods the students used to determine this information. The students were then
given the worksheet that is pictured below, originally they were asked to fill out all areas. But, due to time they only had
to find one main idea and two supporting details. At the end the students were given a review of what was learned today
and if they had any remaining questions. Although things did not go as planned I was happy to gain the experience from

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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