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Fullname Ammar
Student ID 2515100072

Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has huge amount of
people in a country. It is about 255 million of people lives in Indonesia and
Indonesia right now is on the fourth place of the most crowded country in the
world (Indonesia-Investments, 2016). This fact caused Indonesia to have more
unemployment people rather than the other country, because the job vacancy
available in Indonesia is way too low for the amount of people that live in this
country. Moreover the low quality of the human resources development in this
country makes some people in Indonesia have low education. This fact can be
reduced its effect by introducing about small medium enterprises (SME) more to
the people in this country. Giving seminar and training about small medium
enterprises is needed to introduce more to the people about small medium
enterprises. Although, human resources development quality is low in Indonesia,
but still Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest small medium
enterprises performer rather than the other country, it is stated from the year of
2014. It is increasing more and more, so the government predicted that in 2016
the small medium enterprises performer will keep increasing. Below is the table
of the development of small to medium enterprises in Indonesia for the period of
1997 to 2012 (once in five years).
Table 1.1 Development of SME for 1997 to 2012
Indicator Unit 1997 2002 2007 2012
1 SME Amount Un 39 765 41 944 50 145 56 534
it 110 494 800 592
2 SME Amount Growth (from the Pe 4.96 2.29 2.41
last year) rcent
3 SME labor Or 65 601 77 807 90 491 107
ang 591 897 930 657 509
4 SME Labor Growth Pe 4.18 2.94 5.83
5 PDB UMKM Donation (Constant Rp 363 829 1 099 1 504
Price) . Billion 200 .440 616 .40 301.10 928.20
6 PDB UMKM Donation Growth Pe 4.80 6.46 9.90
7 SME Export Rp 39 87 290 140 208
. Billion 277 .070 .030 363.84 067.00
8 SME Export Growth Pe 7.97 13.41 11.00
Based on the table above, it can be seen that Indonesian Small to medium
enterprises amount keep increasing in five years period, starting from 39.765.110
unit in 1997 until 56.534.592 unit in 2012. The growth of the small to medium is
also increasing because the unit amount of small to medium enterprises increase.
The labor needed for the small to medium enterprises is also increasing in each
year for five years period. As it can be seen from the year of 1997, the labor
needed for small to medium enterprises is 65.601.591 labors, while in 2012 the
amount of labor needed for small to medium enterprises increase to 107.657.509
labors needed. The export rate is also increasing in each year for five years

Ammar | 1 | Industrial Automation

period. As it can be seen from the year of 1997, the export is touching 39.277
billion rupiahs and it keeps increasing until in 2012 the export touch 208.067
billion rupiahs. This table concludes that the increasing amount of small to
medium enterprises in Indonesia will lead into a more productive country.
Right now, the amount of people with productive age is higher than the
availability of the job vacancy in Indonesia. This is pushing the youth generation
to be more creative to create their opportunity of opening a business. Although
some of them only open small to medium business. Small to medium enterprises
have been the backbone of economy in Indonesia and ASEAN this recent years.
By that fact, the support from bank to develop the small medium enterprises is
also helping the development of small medium enterprises. Usually the youth
generation tends to perform small to medium enterprises business because they
think that making money in earlier age will increase the chance of being success.
Although the small to medium enterprises in Indonesia is in huge amount
right now, but most of them still use manual machine and also quite non update
technology. This can cause more cost of production needed to produce the
product of each small to medium enterprises. Also it is wasting time; producing
one product need a bit longer time. The energy of the labor spent to create a
product is also huge. Thats why the small to medium enterprises needs machine
that can save cost of production, save labors energy and also didnt waste many
times to produce the product. An automatic machine is needed to minimize the
entire concerned factor above. The automated machine will reduce the cost of
production and also time waste, because using automated machine, the machine
can produce many unit within a certain time. Also the labors energy didnt
wasted too much because the labor only supervise and control the machine, so
they didnt have to lay hands in the production process if theres no error
happened in the machine. More and more small to medium enterprises is created
than more automated will be needed to supply small to medium enterprises. This
fact will lead to the development of automated machine production. Because
some of the small to medium enterprises will need variations of the automated
machine facilities, this fact makes automated field developed more and more
with the increasing of small to medium enterprises in Indonesia.
Although it looked like using an automated machine will ease people that
run small to medium enterprises, but there are also some disadvantages of using
automated machine for small to medium enterprises in Indonesia, such as:
1. The unemployment tends to increase because using automated
machine means that, a small to medium enterprises didnt have to
hire too many labors because their task is only to supervise.
2. The usage of automated machine is not environmentally friendly.
This is because automated machine needs energy that maybe from
the source of electricity or fuel to run the machine, while the manual
machine needs humans strength to make it work. Too many
automated machine will result a bad environment for Indonesia
3. Automated machine is less versatility compared to manual machine.
A small to medium enterprises can only produce a small variety of a
product because automated machine have flexibility limits, different
from the manual machine that can perform variety of product
because the labors hand can produce more variety of a product.

Ammar | 2 | Industrial Automation

4. Large Initial investment. This is one of the hard problems for small to
medium enterprises in Indonesia. Because the small to medium
enterprises sometimes didnt get any donation from the
organizations outside or government, so buying an automated
machine which have high cost is not easy for them.
The disadvantages maybe worrying for the Indonesian government, but
there are some ways to reduce the disadvantages damage. Simple example is
using solar panel or other source of energy to run the automated machine, which
will be count as environmentally friendly rather than using electricity or fuel.
Besides the disadvantages, there are also some important advantages of using
automated machine are offsetting the disadvantages, such as:
1. Increasing safety work in Indonesia. This is happened because the
worker of automated machine production is less than manual
machine production, means that having less worker will decrease
the chance of injury occurred in a production process.
2. Reduce Production Time. This is important for small to medium
enterprises because when they are using manual machine the
production time to produce a product is longer than using
automated machine. This will lead to increase in profit and also
profitable for Indonesia
3. Human error is reduced because using automated machine means
that the machine is able to do a repeatable task and less likely to
make many mistakes.
4. Increasing the volume of production. Using automated machine can
increase valuable resources for large production volume, and it
means the larger the production volume will directly proportional to
the profit gained.

In our final assignments project of industrial automation subject, our main
concern is about the processing of sugarcane. The location that we choose is on
Kota Tuban. Tuban is located in east java, about 103 kilo meters from Surabaya
and 215 kilo meters from semarang (central java). The target of this project is
the people in tuban who run small to medium enterprises using sugarcane as its
main raw material. Actually, many products are made by local citizen there, but
the one that has been our focused object is the processing of sugarcane. We
choose sugarcane as our main discussion because the processing of sugarcane in
tuban mostly still use manual machine to process the sugarcane. Thats why we
want to propose our devices prototype there to ease their work and to increase
their productivity in processing the sugarcane.
Our device has the function to squeeze the sugarcane until the sugarcane
water comes out and it is separated from the waste (sugarcane stem). Below is
the prototype or simple drawing of the device to make it easier to understand.

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(Source: Self Documentation)
This is the step of the mechanism in which the machine squeezes the
sugarcane until the sugarcane water comes out completely:
1. Sugarcane is inserted into the box on top of the device until the box
is fully filled with sugarcane
2. The sugarcane later will fall one by one into the conveyor
3. The sensor in the conveyor will detect whether theres sugarcane on
the conveyor or not. If theres a sugarcane on the conveyor then the
grinding machine will be turned on by the actuator that has been
programmed along with the sensor
4. Sugarcane is then fall to the grinder and in this grinder the
sugarcane is grinded and squeezed until all of the sugarcane water
inside the sugarcane stem is dripping completely so that theres no
sugarcane water left inside the sugarcane stem
5. Below the grinding machine we can see that theres some sort of
steel net which has the function as a filter. This net is used to
separate the sugarcane water and the sugarcane stem. The
sugarcane water will drips down to the container below the steel net
while the sugarcane stem is thrown away by the steel net, because
the steel net have slope when it is installed, so the sugarcane will
slide down.
6. If the container of sugarcane is already reaching the maximum
height level, then the sensors will be activated and stop the grinding
machine to prevent the sugarcane water to spill out of the container
This machine can ease the work of the people who run small to medium
enterprises using sugarcane as its main raw material. It is innovated from the
manual machine of sugarcane squeezer in which the sugarcane is inserted into
the machine manually by the operator, and then the operator still have to hold
the sugarcane while the sugarcane is being squeezed. Also after the sugarcane is
finished being squeezed, the operator still has to dispose the sugarcane stem.
Using the innovated machine that our group has made, the operator only need to
insert the sugarcane into the box and pick the container when it is full. Specific
parts that our group has innovated from the manual machine are the conveyor to

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walk the sugarcane from the box to the grinding machine. Sensors and actuators
in the machine to make the machine works automatically with only little humans
hand influenced. Slant steel net to automatically throw the waste of sugarcane
stem away. It is important to ease the workers job because making a sugarcane
water if its done manually it can hurt the back of the operator, because
sometimes the operator have to bent downward to hold the sugarcane while it is
being squeezed.
This innovation later can be applied by government or some social
institutions to support the small to medium enterprises in Tuban. It is hoped that
the small to medium enterprises that uses sugarcane as the main raw materials
can use this automated machine designed by our group. But, the size of the
machine should be increased and also the machine production cost should have
been increased to make the machine work perfectly and boost up their
production process of sugarcane water. Not only for sugarcane, but other raw
materials also can be improved by creating the prototype of the automated
machine. If its suitable enough then, creating the machine as big as industrial
machine can be realized to boost up the production process. This automation
development is really needed by small to medium enterprises in tuban since they
still rely on manual machine to do the production process.

Indonesia is a big country and one of the most crowded countries in the
world, thats why many people that live here still unemployment and also the low
quality of human resources development, makes the economy worse. Although
the economy of Indonesia isnt good compared to other countries, but Indonesia
is one of the countries in the world with highest amount of small to medium
enterprises performer. The amount of small to medium enterprises is increasing
year by year. This fact pushes youth generation to create their own small to
medium enterprises because they think that this path can lead to a big success in
the future. An automated machine is needed for the small to medium enterprises
in Indonesia to boost their profit, reduce the production cost, reduce the time
waste to create a product, and also reduce the labors energy in creating a
product. There are some disadvantages of using automated machine, but there
are some ways to reduce the disadvantage damage. Still, people tend to use
automated machine if they have the budget because the advantages of using
automated machine is more tantalize than using manual machine.
Our final assignments project of industrial automation subject lead us to
create a device prototype that use fully automated machine to help local citizen
in Indonesia in running their small to medium enterprises. Our observed location
is Islamic boarding school of tebu ireng, because nearby it there are some small
to medium enterprises. Choosing sugarcane as the main discussion and problem
is based on the machine used to process the sugarcane there is still using manual
machine. After our prototype device is finished and working properly, later we will
provide our device to one of the small to medium enterprises there that process
sugarcane. If the device is working properly and attract investor, there are
possibilities that the prototype is redesigned that fit with big machine to boost up
the productivity and production rate.

Ammar | 5 | Industrial Automation

The main discussion or topic for this paper is dedication from industrial
engineering into society, it can be seen from the device prototype creation in
industrial automation subject and later it will be given to the society. This means
that college student is trained before finishing their college study to give service
to the society, because one of the oaths that college student makes is that in the
last point of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which is community service. It is
stated that college student have to give service to the community in the form of
spreading knowledge to the community or giving a device or tool or other real
object to be used by community. This subject of industrial automation
accomplished the last point of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi by giving the
prototype device of sugarcane squeezer to the community in Tuban which
perform small to medium enterprises using sugarcane as its main raw material.

Indonesia-Investments (2016) Populasi Indonesia - Penduduk - Demograf
& Potensi Ekonomi. Available at: http://www.indonesia- (Accessed: 22 November

Suharto, L. (2016) Perkembangan Jumlah UMKM di Indonesia Tahun 2016.

Available at:
umkm-di-indonesia.html (Accessed: 22 November 2016).

BPS (2016) Badan Pusat Statistik. Available at: (Accessed: 22
November 2016).

Blue, B. (2013) Advantages and disadvantages of automation in

manufacturing. Available at:
manufacturing/ (Accessed: 22 November 2016).

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