Starting Your PC: Cold Booting:It Is The Term That Refers To The Process of Starting The Computer After It Has

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Before you turn on your computer, you must first ensure all the cables are properly

connected and the power cables are connected to the AC outlet.

When all the cables are connected, these are the steps to follow in order to start your PC:

Press the monitors power button to turn it on.

Press the system units power button to turn iton
Wait for the computer to boot up. A screen willcome up, as this is the initial "boot

up" screen.
Click on the user account
Input your password and press the enter Keyor the Arrow icon to start your PC.

Basic Terms Related to Starting Your PC

Booting is the process of starting the computer

Cold Booting:It is the term that refers to the process of starting the computer after it has

been turned off or powered off. For example, when you first turn on your computer in the

morning after been off for throughout the night

Warm Booting: It is the term that refers to the process ofrestarting the computer without

turning offthe power. You can restart your computerusing ALT+CTRL+DEL key

combinations orusing the restart command from the start upmenu.


Click on the "Start" button on the taskbar at the bottom left of your screen
Click the windows power button labeled Shut Down by default at the bottom of

the start menu to turn off your PC. A screen appears informing you Windows is

shutting down. After a short wait your computer will turn off automatically.


Click the start button

Click on the arrow headicon near the shut down
Click on Restart

Windows shuts itself down almost as though it were turning the computer off. But,

just at the moment the system would have turned off, it starts up again a restart


Hibernation is a power-saving state designed primarily for laptops. Hibernation puts your

open documents and programs on your hard disk, and then turns off your computer.

When you turn on the PC, you have access to your open documents and programs.

Click on the start button

Click on the arrow headicon near the shut down
Click on Hibernate


Sleep is a power-saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power

operation (typically within several seconds) when you want to start working again.

Click on the start button

Click on the arrow headicon near the shut down
Click on Sleep

Desktop: is the main screen area that you see after you turn on your computer and log on

to Windows. The desktop can also have its own icons, such as shortcut icons to programs,

files, or folders you often use.

Figure below shows a typical windows desktop.

Desktop Icons: Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders, programs, and other

Mouse Pointer: The mouse pointer is a symbol or graphical image on the computer

monitor or other display device that echoes movements of the pointing device, commonly

a mouse, touchpad, or stylus pen.

Windows Sidebar: The Windows Sidebar is a lockable panel on the Windows Vista

desktop, similar to the Windows Taskbar, that is able to host and manage mini-

applications known as "gadgets".

Desktop: The desktop is the area of a display screen where images, windows, icons and

other graphical items appear.

Start Button: The Start button opens the Start menu. The Start menu is the main gateway

to your computer's programs, folders, and settings. The following are the usage of the

start menu:

Start programs
Open commonly used folders
Search for files, folders, and programs
Adjust computer settings
Get help with the Windows operating system
Turn off the computer
Log off from Windows or switch to a different user account

Quick Launch Toolbar: The Quick Launch toolbar, which lets you start programs with

one click.

Taskbar: The taskbar is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of your screen.

Notification Area: The notification area, which includes a clock and icons (small

pictures) that communicate the status of certain programs and computer settings.

Word processing packages are software programs used to create, edit and view

documents on a computer. Examples include Microsoft word and Abiword.

Some functions of word processing software include:

Creating, editing, saving and printing documents.

Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document.

Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.

Creating and editing tables.

Inserting elements from other software, such as illustrations or photographs.

Correcting spelling and grammar.

Starting Microsoft Word

To start Microsoft Word (see screenshot beside):

1. Click the Start menu.

2. Select All Programs.

3. Select Microsoft Office.

4. Select Word 2007/2010/2013/2016.

Creating, Editing, Saving, and Formatting Word Document

There are several ways to create new documents, open existing documents, save and

format documents in Word:

Creating a Document

When you open Microsoft Word, a document is automatically opened as well. As you can
see in the screenshot below, the default document is named "Document1".

The arrow in the screenshot points to the location of your cursor when Word opens. To
start creating a document, simply begin typing.
H om

Font, Paragraph, Styles

On the Home Tab of the Ribbon, there are several areas controlling the
style of the document: Font, Paragraph, and Styles. A style is a format
enhancing tool that includes font typefaces, font size, effects (bold,
italics, underline, etc.), colors and more.

Font and

Change Font Typeface and Size

Click the arrow next to the font name and choose a font and size.
You can preview how the new font will look by highlighting the text,
and hovering over the new font typeface.

Font Styles and Effects

Font styles are predefined

formatting options that are used
to emphasize text: Bold, Italic,
and Underline.

Select the text and click the

Font Styles included on the
Font Group of the Ribbon, or
Select the text and right
click to display the font tools

Change Text Color

Select the text and click the

Colors button included on the
Font Group of the Ribbon, or
Highlight the text and
right click and choose
the colors tool.
Select the color by clicking
the down arrow next to the
font color button.

Highlight Text
Select the text
Click the Highlight Button on
the Font Group of the Ribbon,
Select the text and right click
and select the highlight tool
To change the color of the highlighter click on
down arrow next to the highlight button.

Formatting Paragraphs
Formatting paragraphs allows you to change the look of the overall document. You can
access many of the tools of paragraph formatting by clicking the Page Layout Tab of the
Ribbon or the Paragraph Group on the Home Tab of the Ribbon.

Change Paragraph Alignment

Click the Home Tab

Choose the appropriate button for alignment on the Paragraph Group.
o Align Left: the text is aligned with your left margin
o Center: The text is centered within your margins
o Align Right: Aligns text with the right margin
o Justify: Aligns text to both the left and right margins.

Indent Paragraphs

Indenting paragraphs allows you set text within a paragraph at different margins.
There are several options for indenting:

First Line: Controls the left boundary for the first line of a paragraph
Hanging: Controls the left boundary of every line in a paragraph except the first one
Left: Controls the left boundary for every line in a paragraph
Right: Controls the right boundary for every line in a paragraph

To Indent paragraphs, you can do the following

Click the indent buttons to control the indent
Click the indent button repeated times to increase the size of the indent

Click the dialog box of the Paragraph Group

Click the Indents and Spacing Tab
Select your indents

Alignment also can be changed within this Tab.

Change Spacing Between Paragraphs and Lines

Select the paragraph or paragraphs you wish to change.

On the Home Tab, Click the Paragraph Dialog
Click the Indents and Spacing Tab
In the Spacing section, adjust your spacing

Adding Tables

Create a Table:
Place the cursor on the page where you want
the new table
Click the Insert Tab of the Ribbon
Click the Tables Button on the Tables Group.
You can create a table one of four ways:
o Highlight the number of row and
o Click Insert Table and enter the number of rows and columns
o Click the Draw Table, create your table by clicking and entering the
rows and columns
o Click Quick Tables and choose a table

Enter Data in a Table:

Place the cursor in the cell where you wish to enter the information. Begin

Modify the Table Structure and Format a Table

Click the table and notice that you have two new tabs on the Ribbon: Design and
Layout. These pertain to the table design and layout.

On the Design Tab, you can choose:

Table Style Options
Choose Table Styles
Shading and Borders

To format a table, click the table and then click the Layout Tab on the Ribbon. This
Layout tab allows you to:

View Gridlines and Properties (from the Table Group)

Insert Rows and Columns (from the Rows & Columns Group)
Delete the Table, Rows and/or Columns (from the Rows & Columns Group)
Merge or Split Cells (from the Merge Group)
Increase and Decrease cell Height and Width size (Cell Size Group)
Align text within the cells and change text directions (Alignment Group)

You can insert special characters, symbols, pictures, illustrations, and watermarks.

Symbols and Special Characters: punctuation, spacing, or typographical

Place your cursor in the document where you want the symbol
Click the Insert TabPicture
on the Ribbon Symbols and special

Click the Symbol button on the Symbols Group

Choose the appropriate symbol.
Illustrations, Pictures, and SmartArt To insert illustrations:
Place your cursor in the document where you want the illustration/picture
Click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
Click the Clip Art/ Picture /Smart Art Button
The dialog box will open on the screen and you can search for clip
art/picture/smart art.
Choose the illustration you wish to include
To insert a picture:
Place your cursor in the document where you want the illustration/picture
Click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
Click the Picture Button
Browse to the picture you wish to include
Click the Picture
Click Insert

Resize Graphics

All graphics can be resized by clicking the image and clicking one corner of the image

and dragging the cursor to the size you want the picture.

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